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Geo Engineering Services SOL 7 eee ren Cote i roan ennacratey rin GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT PROJECT CONSTRUCTION OF 50 BEDDED HOSPITAL AT SUSNER, DIST-AGAR MALWA. CLIENT MP. POLICE HOUSING INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. SITE LOCATION AT SUSNER, DIST-AGAR MALWA. STRUCTURE HOSPITAL. WORK ORDER NO. LETTER DATED: - 27/05/2022 REPORT NO. : LIMITED, DIV-UJJAIN AGENCY M/S. RUPAL SANGHVI & ASSOCIATE ARCHITECTS, INDORE. GES/DHD-220528-297/22/SR-01, DATED-01/0 JOB NO.: GES/DHD-220528-29722/SR-01 cea: 6 Se esd 7, ur ai VP Rn, Wa 012 (i: : ns one roca ep Penh tn 315, Th (2) 25 AE STEN Em tamsexa a own sre Geo Engineering Services Engineering Laboratory for Geotechnical Exploration, Geo-Physial Survey, Destu otro emer caer as art TABLE OF CONTENTS RF Content pee aaiees 3 1 Objective 4 2 Scope of Work 4 3. Site Condition 4 4 Field Investigation 4 5 Laboratory Testing 5 6 Designé Analysis 6 7 Summary of Analysis 7 8 — General Notes 8 Annexure-T- Test Procedures 913 Annexure-II- Field Bore Logs 14 ‘Annexure-IIT- Summary of Test Results 15:16 . 1 1 < JOB NO.: GES/DHD-220528-297/22/SR-O1 2 4 end cme 7 Amara Near Kos Nos Ne VP ln, 90022 (ra oe (26) DS Mod, BASS. SSCA, Ea Branch: (ahd Paste Tenge, Pashpatath apt, Go ead, Ds 5. Te: (267) 25005, M:9H777961 El eahaon ca Webs: gers Geo Engineering Services Cee Sea ae Earn Coe reed er ABSTRACT We (Geo Engineering Services, Dahod) have carried out the Geotechnical Investigation, which covers the field sampling and tests, necessary laboratory tests and finally analyzing the sub soil characteristics | and behavior of the soil of the proposed site. ‘The objective of the geotechnical investigation was to explore the sub soil profile up to predetermined depth and to work out the design capacity of the soil beneath at a required foundation depth for the proposed type of foundation. Following pages represents the conceptual investigation and analysis based on the geotechnical investigation and study and presenting the same as a detailed report charge. A complete geotechnical investigation work was undertaken to obtain the required subsurface information to study the nature and. behavior of soil, under the application of loads of proposed structure. Such information was obtained through following steps: ‘* By making borehole and collecting disturbed and undisturbed soil samples. ‘© Performing required in situ tests (SPT Test). ‘© Conducting laboratory tests to classify it and to determine the engineering properties of soil. ‘An analysis was made to derive the allowable bearing capacity, taking into considerations the anticipated settlements and the present soil conditions with future possibilities. Based on such analysis of the soil properties, the conclusions are made regarding the precautions and protective measures to be taken, if found necessary. ‘This report has been prepared after a careful study of the field testing and laboratory test results | The detailed scope of work was as per the instruction of Engineer ii pertaining to the scope of work. The report covers the static vertical bearing capacity of the soil. Any future possibility resulting in the lateral in-stability or scouring of sub Soil there of is not covered under this investigation. The type and depth of foundation is recommended. The analysis and report has been i prepared as per our best experience, knowledge and information provided by the Client. The report shall ; not be produced, in full or any part of it, for any legal matter without the permission of laboratory. , > JOB NO.: GES/DHD-220528-297722/SR-01 ue Rat Var 80072. T= OB) 2592508, Ne HOS ea of 7, raga, Kota Ns New Oa ne a rach: Oaho) Pasta engl, astiptnt Na, Go oss, Da 35151 TH rach; Sata| ene: wi ge sit a Geo Engineering Services ee ene ie cena ee ee Gopinerh ait art 1.0 OBJECTIVE: -The objective of the geotechnical investigation was to explore the sub soil profile up to predetermined depth and to work out the design capacity of the soil beneath at a required foundation depth for the proposed type of foundation. The same has been achieved by performing various necessary field and laboratory testing and determining the index properties of subsoil. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK: - The detailed scope of work was as per the instruction of Engineer in- charge. However, the overall scope included in the current project has been illustrated in following figure. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION —— el e Held Tayestieaton [B. Laboratory Testing \c. Reporting and Analysis bee Fa Physical Identification ee Slats erin iturbed Sampling Linder Properties (FDD,FMC,| _ Petvationof results. Undisturbed Sampling(UDS) | _|LL, PL, MA, Sp. Gravity) Reporting of Results Standard Penetration Tests Shear Properties (Triaxial, Analysis of SBC for shallow SPT) Direct Shear) foundation Consolidation Properties Swelling Properties (Free well Index) ‘Unconfined Compressive strength of Soil & Rock | Density, Porosity & Water IContent of Rock’ Figure 1: Overall Scope of Work of Project 3.0 SITE CONDITION: - 3.1 LOCATION: - The Malwa. 3.2 GROUND WATER TABLE: - Ground water was not observed during the soil exploration work is located at Lat: 23.9433636 Long: 76.0892844, Susner, Dist-Agar carried out in the month of May-2022. 3.3 SUB SOIL PROFILE: The field data and laboratory classification reveal, the stratum comprises of blackish clay of intermediate plasticity up to the depth of termination. Detail stratification is described in the bore log. 4.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION: - 4.1 BORE HOLES: -One borehole was conducted by manual ‘was carried out in accordance with IS: 1892 and the undis JOB NO.; GES/DHD-220528-297/22/SR-O1 4 tl: 268) 255880, Ma: od in: 7, arog, ar dar, New VP end, Vda 090022 (Gra Te (8) 25 rach On (bated Pepa Tem, Pada Naps Grl st, hed 215. To: (067) ate MT an: Goins Weoste: won. geese a Geo Engineering Services Fe eee ick ee ee crea ey eet yeaah ie walled tube as per IS: 2132 — 1986 were sealed packed and brought to our laboratory for further investigation. 4.2 SAMPLING: - During the advancement of the boring Disturbed and Undisturbed samples are collected at every 1.5 m interval or at the change of strata whichever occurs earlier. Along with the samplings, field Standard Penetration Tests is conducted to correlate the strata denseness & stiffness. Detail procedures are explained in Annexure- TABLE 1: DEPOSITIONAL STATE OF SUB SOIL oligos. | Goats 1 <10 Loose to Very Loose Soft 2 10 to 30 Medium Dense Stiff 3 30 to 50 Dense Very Stiff 4 >50 Very Dense ‘Hard 5.0 LABORATORY TESTS: and engineering properties of undisturbed and disturbed soil samples. Detail procedures are -Following laboratory tests were carried out to determine the physical explained in Annexure-L. (A) Field Dry Density & Field Moisture Content 1S. 2720 Part-2-1973 RA-2020 (B) Atterberg's Limits LS. 2720 Part-5-1985 RA-2020 (© Particle size distribution LS. 2720 Part-4-1985 RA-2020 (0) Specific Gravity LS. 2720 Part-3-1980 RA-2016 1.8. 2720 Part-13-1986 RA-2016, (2 Sean rae IS: 2720 Part-11-1993, RA-2016 (F) Free Swell Index 1S, 2720 Part-40-197 RA-2016 (G) Consolidation Parameters 1S, 2720 Part-15-1986 RA-2016 (H) Density, Porosity and Water Absorption JOB NO.: GES/DHD-220528-297/22/SR-OL 5 adr 80 022 To (C65) 252556, Ma 7 ra, tn, er VR i Ey src eae aad, Dahod- 369151. Tee: (02673) 250825, M: ‘ranch (Dod) Penta Tol, Fast Nop, Go Beane: Gora Wetste: ww ger-serves a Geo Engineering Services Ce Teer aa eee Poe teh eter ie aera (D Unconfined Compressive Strength IS: 9143-1979 RA-2021 6.0 DESIGN AND ANALYSI Calculations for both Safe Bearing Capacity (SBC) & Safe bearing Pressure (SBP) are carried out considering shear parameters & Consolidation characteristics of the sub strata. Values of SBC & SBP are mentioned below: 61 SBC BASED ON SHEAR (LS. 6403-1981, RA-2016): ~The ultimate net bearing capacity is evaluated after taking into consideration of shape factor and depth factor of the foundation in accordance with IS: 6403-1981, RA-2016. The net bearing capacity worked out using the following. equation. Q=CNSedeic + q (Nol) Sqdgig + 0.5 By N-S,d.iW? Where, C = Cohesion Y = Density q = Overburden Pressure B = Width of the Footing NoNqNr = Bearing capacity Factor SoSqSr = Shape Factor = Depth Factor igi = Inclination Factor w = Water Table Factor 6.2 SAFE BEARING PRESSURE: - (IS 8009 (P-1) 1976 RA :2018) The total settlement is computed as summation of immediate and secondary settlement. St=Si+Se Where, Si is Immediate Settlement Si=pBO-w)I E Where, = Foundation Pressure, kg/cm? Width of Footing Poisson’s Ratio Influence Factor = Modulus of Elasticity, kg/cm? mor oD Seis Secondary Settlement ‘Se = Ht Ce Logio(po + 5p) (Ite) po Where, Ht Thickness of Soil Layer, Co = Compression Index © = Initial Void Ratio JOB NO.: GES/DHD-220528-297722/SR-O1 6 tad i: 7 Amara, Nea Woda hag; Ne VP Rn, sr 39022 (Gur) ol: (85) 252596, oh; MRS ‘ranch: (Oat) ea Tenge, aunts Ng, Gs Rod Cao 3915 Te: (259) 25005, M9727 79161 Ea ea eee ges sets in Geo Engineering Services Ceo ta ne a ee ee eee i GIS Aa fee cech ear tanstton trsieicee eae er net © 2 ® Effective Pressure Increase in effective pressure 8 7.0 SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS: 7.1 Open Foundation: The allowable bearing capacity for open foundation is worked out in terms of ' net Safe bearing capacity and allowable bearing pressure by shear failure and setlement analysis : respectively. Sub stratum is in Medium dense state. Hence, shear failure will govern the design bearing capacity. Depth 5 ; Recommended Foundation sizeot | betow | Capactyas per | Capacity as pr | OMS Type | Footinginm | EGL analysis, T/m? | analysis, T/m? Besringtars inm J Capacity, Tim Roc, [15mxi5m) 25m 16.92 425 16.92 Isolated |2.0mx2.0m] Below 15.98 Footing [3.0mx3.0m | EGL GENERAL NOTE: - 1. Factor of Safety considered is 2.5. 2. Sub soil is not suitable for backfilling. 3. Ground water was not observed during the soil exploration work. 4, The deeper the new foundation and the nearer to the existing it located, the greater the damage is likely to be, The minimum horizontal spacing between existing and new footings shall be equal to the width of the wider one. 5. The report presented is representative of the bore locations and does not represent entire area of construction as a whole. 6. If in the course of excavation, if sub soil strata differ from the bore log strata the same shall be reported for necessary steps. 7. For intermediate footing sizes, values of SBC shall be interpolated. No extrapolation is allowed. 8, The comments given in this report and the opinion expressed are based on the ground conditions encountered during the site work and based on the results of tests made in field and in the laboratory. There may however, special conditions prevailing at the site which have not been disclosed by the investigation and which have not been taken in to account in the JOB NO.: GES/DHD-220528-297/22/SR-01 7 Heo mie: rag, Net Kody op New VL Ren, dsr 2900226) le (4) 25250, Mab Geo Engineering Services Ce eens ee nek eeT Pil & Plate Load Tes, ridge Load Ts Variation in stratification in any of the foundation location shall be studi executing the foundation work. ied thoroughly before For, Geo Engineering Services, Dahod. JOB NO.: GES/DHD-220528.-297/22/SR-01 7 ah Ft na Ya 2 cs: nel) Pan Te nt Rs Dams Te: (3) tao Wie oman Geo Engineering Services Ceuta el ose ect en ee ees Pecorino an ees s a ees A. SAMPLING: a. Disturbed soil samples (IS: 1892:1979, Reaffirmed: - 2016); - during the boring and also from the split spoon sampler. Disturbed samples were collected The samples recovered were logged, labeled and placed in polythene bags and sent to laboratory for testing. The samples collected at every 1.50 m depth. b. Undisturbed soil samples (IS: 1892:1979, Reaffirmed: - 2016): - Undisturbed soil samples were collected in 75 mm diameter Shelby tubes at every 1.50 m depth at the site location. ‘The sampler used for the sampling had smooth surface and appropriate area ration and cutting-edge angle there by minimizing disturbance of soil during sampling. The samples were sealed with wax, labeled and transported to our laboratory for testing. Sampler was coupled together with a sampler head to form @ sampling assembly. The sampler head provide a non-flexible connection between the sampling tube and the drill rods. Vent holes are provided in the sampler head to allow escape of water from the top of sampler tube during penetration. Coating of oil is applied on both sides to obtain the undisturbed samples in best possible manner. The sampler was then lowered inside the borehole on a string of drill rods and was driven to pre-determined level. On completion of driving the sampler was first rotated within the borehole to shear the soil sample at bottom and then pulled out. The disturbed material in the upper end of the tube, if any, is completely removed before applying wax for sealing, ‘The soil at the lower end of the tube is trimmed to about 10 to 15 mm, After trimming, both ends are sealed with wax applied in such a way that will prevent the soil from giving up from its sample. The wWAIT SIF polythene bags cover both the ends. The identification mark was then made on each sample. ¢. Standard Penetration Tests (IS: 2131-1981, Reaffirmed:-2016): - SPT is conducted in accordance with IS: 2131-1981, RA-2016 in bores holes at every change of strata or at an interval of 1.50 m FRERRSY depth in uniform strata. The test gives N-value the blow counts of last 30 em of penetration of the Fr split spoon sampler with 65 kg. Hammer falling freely from 75cm height. The rods to which the sampler is attached for driving are straight, tightly coupled and straight in alignment, There after the split spoon sampler is further driven by 30 cm, The number blows required to drive each 15cm penetration is recorded, The first 15 cm penetration is ter ting value, The last 30cm penetration termed as ‘N’ Value. Respective tables value. JOB NO.: GES/DHD-220528-297/22/SR-01 Nn /- mc; 7, Amara Neat or Ma New VL Ren, aos 30022 rt Te (265) 259 tanh: (ake) Psp ep, asta Naa, Go ox, ako 5, Te (263) 255) ane Goshen Went: we gee Io Geo Engineering Services Ceo ot ete oancotae rere eet Conc esroe aceon recast ei sta B, LABORATORY TEST PROCEDURES: a. Field Dry Density & Field Moisture Content (1S 2720 (P-2) 1973, Reaffirmed:-2020): Field dry density and Field moisture content were cé ‘out in accordance with IS 2720 (P-2) 1973, Reaffirmed:-2020. The field density is found out by following equation. The value of F.D.D. & F.M.C. is shown in summary table. Field Density (bulk) = Weight of soil mass / Volume of soil mass And Field Dry Density = Bulk Density/ (1 +w), Where w is field moisture content. b, Atterberg’s Limit (IS 2720 (P-5) 1985, Reaffirmed:-2020): Li carried out for the determination of different characteristic of soil. The test performed in accordance limit and Plastic limits are with IS 2720 (P-5) 1985, Reaffirmed:-2020 by using cone penetrometer. Liquid limit and plastic limit of soils are both depend upon the amount and type of clay in a soil and form the basis for the soil classification system for cohesive soils based on the PI ity index. The liquid limit of the soil with corresponds to the moisture content of a paste which would give 20mm penetration of the cone is determined by using following formula, WL = Wx / (0.65+0.0175*X). Where, X = Penetration of cone in the sample Wx oisture Content of the soil sample at the respective penetration For Plastic Limit, a soil sample weighing at least 20 gm of the soil sample passing 425 micron IS sieve is thoroughly mixed with water such that it can be easily molded with fingers. A ball is formed with about 8 to 10 gm of this soil and is rolled between the fingers and the glass plate with just sufficient pressure to roll the mass into a thread of uniform diameter of 3mm throughout its length. The soil is kneaded to a uniform mass and rolled again. The process is continued until the thread crumbles. The pieces of crumbled soil thread are collected for moisture content determination and reported as plastic limit. Values of LL, PL & PI are shown in summary. ¢. Particle Size Distribution (IS: 2720 (P-4) 1985, Reaffirmed:-2020): ~The sieve analysis is carried out in accordance with IS: 2720 P-4-1985, Reaffirmed:-2020. The results are shown in the summary, In order to determine 4. Specific Gravity (IS: 2720 (P-3) (Sec-1) 1980, Reaffirmed:-201 specific gravity of soil particles these tests were conducted on selected JOB NO.: GES/DHD-220528-29722/SR-01 ead Oia: 7, Arama: Na ga New VP Rs Vos 390 022 (Gy el; 26825256, Mb each. Oat FusantTenpl, Ppt ogy Ga oa, O91, Te (057) 25025 Me Beach ata ebta:w gsr in Geo Engineering Services Poca ee een ek nea ee eee eee ROTO OUC Gc tn a ont i ace ene ici aces density bottle using procedure described in 1S: 2720 (P-3) (See-1)-1980, Reaffirmed:-2016, The value of Specific Gravity is shown in summary, © Direct Shear Test - UU Test (IS: 2720 (P-13) 1986, Reaffirmed:-2016): Direct shear test is carried out using shear box with the specimens (60 mm x 60 mm). Specimen with plain grid plate at the bottom of the specimen and plain grid plate at the top of the specimen is fitted into position in the shear box housing and assembly placed on the load frame. The serrations of the grid plates are kept at the right angle to the direction of shear. Loading pad is placed on top plate. The required normal stress is applied and the rate of longitudinal displacement / shear stress application so adjusted that no drainage can occur in the sample during the test (1.25 mm/min). The upper part of the shear box is raised such that a gap of about Imm is left between the two parts of the box. Test is conducted by applying horizontal shear load to failure or to 20 percent longi whichever occurs first. Test is repeated on ider ial displacement I specimens. The shear parameters obtained from the shear stress Vs normal stress plot. Direct Shear Test is conducted on remolded samples at FDD_ & FMC. f. Triaxial Test — UU Test (IS: 2720 (P-11) 1993, Reaffirmes -2016): Triaxial test is carried out using with the specimens (36 mm diameter x 70.6 mm height). Gently slide one de-aired coarse porous stone on to the top of the pedestal and blow off any excess water from the pedestal. Place a d disc and then the coarse porous stone on top of the sample and the loading cap on top of the second. filter paper disc on the stone and then place the soil sample on the disc. Place the second de~ porous stone. Ensure that the sample, the stones, the discs, and the loading cap are all concentrically placed on the pedestal. Fill up cell with water until the cell is almost full. Fill the remaining space in the top of the cell by injecting oil through the oil inlet .When excess oil begins to spill out through the air vent close both the air vent and the oil inlet. The required normal stress is applied and the rate of longitudinal displacement / shear stress application so adjusted that no drainage can occur in the sample during the test (1.25 mm/min). Test is conducted by applying horizontal shear load to failure or to 20 percent longitudinal displacement whichever occurs first. Test is repeated on identical specimens. The shear parameters obtained from the shear stress Vs normal stress plot. Triaxial Test is conducted on remolded samples at FDD & FMC. Consolidation Test (IS: 2720 (P-15) 1986, Real undisturbed soil specimen in order to.determine the JOB NO.: GES/DHD-220528-297/22/SR-01 u 5 2, (Gao: (0) 2258 ao ome: 7, rapa Net era, a VL Ro, oar 50022 (Ge) ‘neh On: (Oaho} Pashonaiat Tem, Pashpsiat aa, God oa, Dao 36915, Te 0267) ARAB 9 raed Goss Wate: ego serve in Geo Engineering Services Sete Poet at Specimen is measured and the weight is recorded. The bottom Porous stone is then centered on the base of the consolidation cell, The specimen is placed Centrally between the bottom porous stone and the upper porous stone. A filter paper is provided in-between specimen and porous stones. The consolidometer is placed in position in the loading device and suitably adjusted. Dial gauge is clamped into position for recording the relative movement between the base of the cell and the loading cap. A seating pressure of 0.05 kg / sq. em is applied tothe specimen. The cell is kept filled with water. After 24 hrs the testis continued using a loading sequence on the soil specimen of 0. 25, 9.50, 1.00, 2.00, 4.00 & 8.00 kg / sq. om. For each loading increment after application of load, readings of the dial gauge is taken using time sequence 0, 0.25, 1.00, 2.25, 2, 625, 9, 16,25, 36, 49 ~ ¥P 10 24 hrs, From the observations of all incremental pressure, void ratio versus log (pressure) curve is obtained. The slope of the straight line portion shows compression index Ce. RE 1h. Differential Free Swell test (1S: 2720 (P-40) 1977, Reaffirmed:-2016): -In order to determine the swelling characteristics of the soil, differential free swell test is carried out. An oven dried soil sample, 10 gm passing through 425 micron is poured in two 100 ml graduated cylinder. One cylinder was filled with distilled water and i kerosene up to 100 ml mark. After the removal of entrapped air, sample was allowed sufficient time to attain equilibrium state of volume. The final volume of soil in each eylinder was recorded. Sp = Free swell Soil volume in water ~ Soil volume in kerosene Sp= Soil volume in kerosene SEL ITA i. Density of Rock (1S: 13030 — 1991, Reaffirmed:-2021): 1. A representative sample comprises at least 10 Lumps of regular or irregular geometry, each having either @ mass of at least 50 g or a minimum dimension of at least 1Otimes the maximum grain size, — whichever is the greater, is selected. The sample is washed in water to remover dust. yy 2. The sample is saturated by water immersion in a vacuum of less than 0.8 kPa for a period of at least 01 hour, with periodic agitation to remove trapped air, 3. Determine the temperature, t, of the water in the immersion bath to the nearest degree centigrade, 4. Determine the mass, M1, of the basket sub-merged in the immersion bath, Pane rsifi-s JOB NO.: GES/DHD-220528-297722/SR-01 2 Hod ie: 7, aap aKa ap Nw VP Rs Var 80 22 Te (26)2552596 Mob Branch: (abe) Psat Tee, Pashia Ng, God od Dabo 3, el (2573) 25825, Beane: Gata Webs: wm. ge 3 Geo Engineering Services Cera eee GORA COC Coton itec kh meiiiiaeitseetin oor 5. Transfer the sample under water to the basket in the immersion bath. Determine the saturated- submerged mass, M2, of the basket plus sample to an accuracy of 0.01 percent of the sample mass. 6. Determine the mass, M3, of a clean, dry sample container and lid 7. Remove the sample from the immersion bath and surface dry the sample ‘a moist cloth, care being taken to remove only surface water and to ensure that no rock fragment are lost. Transfer the sample to the sample container and replace the lid. Determine the mass, M4, of the saturated surface dry sample plus container. 8. Remove the lid and place the container with contents and lid in the oven and dry at 105 + 3° C. The sample is deemed to be dry when the difference between successive determinations of mass of the cooled sample at interval of 4 hours does not exceed 0.1 percent of the original mass of the sample. 9. Replace the lid, remove the container from the oven and place the whole ion the dedicator to cool for 30 utes, 10. Determine the dried mass, MS, of the container the oven dry sample. j. Unconfined Compressive Strength (IS: 9143 — 1979 Reaffirmed:-2021): The Uniaxial Unconfined Compressive Strength test is primarily as index test for strength classification of Rock material. The test is conducted as: The specimen for shall be right circular cylinder fulfilling the following criteria: 1. The length to diameter ratio of cylindrical specimen shall preferably 2 to 3. If ratio is less than 2, usual correction shall be applied. 2.. The diameter of the specimen shall be more than 10 times the largest mineral grain size in rock, preferably 45 mm, and inno ease shall be less than 30 mm, Specimen ends shall be flat to within 0.05 mm. ‘The ends shall be parallel to each other within 0.002D where D is specimen diameter. The ends shall be perpendicular to the axis of the specimen within 0.001 radians or 0.05 mm in 45 mm diameter specimen, ‘The cylindrical surface shall be smooth. ‘The unconfined compressive strength of the specimen shall be calculated by dividing the maximum load carried by the specimen during the test, by the original cross-section area. JOB NO.: GES/DHD-220528-297/22/SR-01 B an tie 7, Ana, Ma Koda Nga ew VP, ir: 38022 oe (ES) 2552598 Me aah: Cad Petter, usta au, Got Rod D915, Te (26 25025, rach cnn Wenste: wn gee sevens a Su SS Soe eet SORE Soest Sere rene ai erecta ea ng Lat:-23.9433636 Long:-76.0892844 [Level of Existing Ground, m Sampling Field SPT Value ™ Blackish Clay of Intermideate Plasticity 528-297. 102 Not Observed 528.297. 104 SPT Curve Type] Lab.No. |?! 4 | | c | value | Valve s BC Tiisting Ground Level 328-297 Do foo] =|- |=] = u 6.00 “DEPTH BELOW EGL, M Borehole Terminated U-Undisurbed SseT N-Corrected N Value (Applicable for Non-Pastic Sand) JOB NOGES/DHD-220828-297/22/SR-O1 i ie, vac 90022 |) ee (0285) 2525 Ho ie: 7, raga Koda apr, New VR. Va . Branh Ot (Din) Pasha Te, Phot Nop, God Ros, abe 8081 Tw (267) 25005 Aran Geta West: wenger ‘SPT: Standard Peneration Test i 198 aaa TRS; S Cre Go eee RC ary ce ze See lilslile i 2e z B/S/els g ag fei }ei | ci ve 3 os Blo} = gs 5 B ¥ |slelelal- fe zlalslals =| = Jalalsfala Ss |i € a B iil z 4 “| = lalelolgls 3 2 Ele |2|2]2 2 iz alg bla alals Pe | sie ee [il = =a Ve ess | caf hb Fede [-lalzlale ge 5 g g/3)s a/S/R1 aS Mechanical Discipline ULRNe. at fen: ana Nar Hoda, ew anh: (Datu Fata Tenpl, Pasha BH- at Susner, Dist- Agar Malwa) Geo E, ngineering Services : : PL- Plast LL- Liquid Limit ox Vado 80 02 (Gua TW (025) 259886 hag: Gn Rend, Osh HS, To (573) 200. cee 1s £GES/DHD-220528-29722/SR-01 2) Engineering Services S , Seats ie ioc i on B u z LE 5 z S i 4 2 |||? a |i eet lat | eas 2 5 3 £ i : a = i 2 eos aug 2 | TE 5 B ie : : e| ¢ Sea | s 5 : a ge g 4 a | gee ; i ; @ z ge 4 le ‘ Z| 8 laf a3 3 5 feairwarayang Ee a 4 ‘aausns 3Y) PH 220 eoe od fin: 7, Amarpur, Ne Rosa Noa He VAP Ro, $9 02, Gra Ten: (25) 2592598 Mod honcho (Dated Potato Te Passtest apt, Go Rox, Dt 3915, Te: 673) 25025, M9677 Beas: Ga Webste:wew geese ie

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