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Weekly celebration project in


“Pagmahal sa Diyos”
Charlyn C. Solomon
First Week of my devotion in
February 05, 2024

Love loavses.
First Week

Father John's lessons offered deep insights upon attending the Monday Mass. Wanting to reconnect with this
spiritual practice and my dedication to the "Weekly Celebration for God" project led me to attend the 6 p.m.
Mass even though I was unable to attend the Sunday Mass. After introducing the Mass with a prayer and
hymn, Father John read two powerful passages from the Bible: 1 John 4:19, "We love because he first loved us,"
and John 15:12, "This is my commandment: love one another as I love you." The fundamental lesson was
summarized in these verses: love must be our first priority, and the time we have left should be spent loving people.
Father John emphasized that we should love everyone, especially the people who are near and dear to us, just as
God has love for us unconditionally.

Having attended the Mass, I was relieved since it became a source of knowledge that helped me get to know God
better in addition to serving as a reflection of my first-week commitment. The Mass inspired a fresh
determination to implement these lessons into everyday life in addition to achieving a sense of spiritual obligation.
Despite my doubts that everyone around me would feel the same way about me as I do about them, I was obligated
to love them all. I also knew that all I did under his guidance would be worthwhile.

The strength of the two powerful Bible messages, 1 John 4:19 and John 15:12, and my faith in God's word
promote the application of these lessons in my life. I promise to love as wholeheartedly as God loves me by keeping
loyal to these verses. Recognizing the sacrifices he made on my behalf, I think this is the least I can do to show how
grateful I am to God. This will guide my interactions and decisions, enabling me to love and mirror the divine love
of the Lord that has been kindly given to me.

Second Week of my devotion in
February 11 2024

rSeconeds Week

The priest's pronunciation errors as a foreigner made it difficult for me to understand the
message during yesterday's mass at the parish where I attended with my classmates. In spite
of this, I was grateful to be able to connect with yesterday's content because of the Bible readings'
online availability.

I discovered the importance of mercy in Christian life through the preaching. Jesus' mission
emphasizes the need for God's kindness for everyone by providing multiple instances of
compassion and healing. The leper's story showed the healing power of mercy and demonstrated
Jesus' willingness to extend mercy to the enemies in order to bring them back to wholeness.

I promise to put this lesson into action and continue forward by actively looking for chances to
show others mercy and compassion. I will make an effort to follow Jesus' lead by extending
support and empathy to others who might feel alone or left out. I'll also grow in my comprehension
of God's kindness in my own life and put my faith in His strong presence and direction as I
work toward recovery and healing.

Third Week of my devotion in
February 18 2024

"Lenat ngcivese, sS2innsd
ch ’t define us."
doe’sTnhird Week

Going to church with four classmates during my third week of celebrating our project's dedication
to God got problematic because there were no seats available, so we had to stand outside. Despite
the fact that we were unable to enter, the entire mass of the Resurrection was centered around
fasting, prayer, and donation to charities.

because of this experience, I've learned that it's important to respond to unexpected situations
and find purpose in difficulties, especially throughout Lent. The difficulty in locating seats
brought back to me the value of prayer, being mindful of our words, and helping those in need.

I want to be open and flexible while handling uncertainties in my day-to-day life from now on. I'll
use obstacles as opportunities for personal development by increasing my prayer life, watching
what I say, and showing kindness to others. I'll keep in mind to confess my sins and hold fast to
the gospel throughout Lent, knowing that God is always there to support us, even in the face of our

Fourth Week of my devotion in
February 25 2024

Fourth Week

I went to church with my classmates again for our 4th weekly church mass and the 2nd
Sunday of lent. This mass talked about a man named Abraham who faced a tough test from
God. It made me think about trust, sacrifice, and how God supports us. Another reading
from Romans 8 reminded me that God's love is always with us, especially during hard times.

The story of Abraham was a bit intense, but it made me feel amazed at how much he trusted
God. The part from Romans 8 brought comfort, making me feel like God is there for us no
matter what. It was an emotional mix of thinking about faith and feeling reassured.

Thinking about Abraham makes me want to trust him more in difficult situations.
Remembering God's love in Romans 8 gives me strength. I can use these lessons in my daily
life by being more trusting, making sacrifices when needed, and remembering that God's love
supports me through ups and downs. It's like carrying these values with me each day.


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