Build Freight Units in SAPTM For All Complete Sales Orders 1700087143

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TM in SAP S/4HANA 2023: Build Freight Units always

for all complete Sales Order items

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Dear friends of TM,

When a sales order is created, it may well happen that some items are already provided completely, but for some other items
still some data is missing. The sales order therefore offers the option to save the document already in a so-called
‘incomplete’ state. This means that the document is created but error messages e.g. for missing data are persisted along with
the document. The document can then be completed at a later point in time. Thereby, it’s even possible to customize which
messages to be considered for this incompleteness check.

In logistics integration so far, we have been very strict regarding incomplete sales orders. As long as there are some
messages on header level or on any of the items, no freight units have been built for any of the items.

We learned from our customers, that this behavior is too strict in some use cases. Customers might already want to start
transport planning for those items of a sales order which are complete.

And therefore we have adjusted the behavior in logistics integration with SAP S/4HANA 2023 as shown in the following

Old behavior: As item 20 of the sales order is incomplete no freight unit is built, not even for item 10 which is complete.
Only after item 20 has been completed (means missing data has been added or errors in the data have been resolved),
freight unit(s) for both items are created.
New behavior: Already in the first case, when item 20 is incomplete, a freight unit is created for item 10. When then
item 20 is also complete, another freight unit is built or the first freight unit is extended.
For compatibility reasons, there’s a setting in the logistics integration profile to decide whether the new or still the old
behavior should be executed.

It has to be mentioned that the complete delivery indicator on header level of the sales order is still considered. With this
indicator, the customer requests all items to be transported together. And in that case it of course still holds true that freight
units for sales order items are only built as long the document is complete on header and item level.

Another remark regarding the update of items…if a complete item becomes incomplete for whatever reason, the freight unit
is not deleted to retain a possible transport planning on the freight unit.

This feature of SAP S/4HANA 2023 surely adds a useful option for transport planning for the delivery of sales order items.

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