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1. Pak is a cty in South Asia with a population of 208 million
people, which is the 5th largest population. Pak eco is semi-
industrialized with a well-dev agriculture sector. The cty has been
suffering of eco challenges due to pol instability, terrorism and
deteriorating sit in Afg besides Ind influence against Pak. Main
challenges and reasons for eco crises are enumerated below: -
a. The hist perspective of Pak or cross section data of dev cty,
it appears that an eff eco policy framework cannot be
evolved and implemented in the absence of good
governance which impacts the eco as a whole in cty.
Foundations of good governance be created for better eco
mgmt which lacks since it’s indep till now (2023).
b. Implementation of diff policy choices, and not their
diagnosis is the real prob of eco mgmt in pak. The main
macro eco prob of Pak are well known to even ord citizens
and well-articulated by professionals. These are slow and
erratic economic growth, persistently high inflation,
extreme poverty of the bulk of the population coexisting
with prosperity of a few, deep and rising debt burden by
IMF (mainly) and huge budget deficit.
c. Pak’s involvement in US war with Afg a/w sectarian and
ethnic conflicts are the main sources of spreading terrors in
Pak by making grs for TTP/TTA to conduct so called
ideological warfare against the army. This sit became the
maj cause of slowing down eco growth in Pak.



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