Assigment 7 - Nurul Hidayah-2103046159

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"Mahad Perform" As a Support for Speaking Skills of Santri Mahad Al

Jamiah Uin Walisongo Through YouTube Media.

Language is an indispensable tool in human life because it is utilized to communicate as

well as to improve one's speaking abilities. The message to be delivered verbally will be
conveyed effectively and efficiently by possessing this speaking talent, which improves
communication with other people, as we know that there are four abilities in English, namely
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. However, speaking is how to express the language
itself in this study focused on speaking abilities, according to claiming that speaking is an oral
communication in a two-way process between speaker and listener that requires productive
speaking skills and receptive comprehension skills. English is difficult to learn. There are various
variables that contribute to challenges in speaking English, such as being bored with the media
used in the teaching and learning process; students require media that can capture their attention
and provide comfort while learning to speak (Wahyuni & Utami, 2021).

Speaking is one of four important language basic skills. The successfulness of English
learners is seen from their ability in using English to communicate effectively. According to
Byrne, speaking is oral communication in a two way process between the speaker and listener(s)
which involves both productive skill of speaking and the receptive skill of understanding
(listening with understanding). Align with that definition, Burns and Joyce stated that speaking is
an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and
processing information. So, it can be said that speaking is an important language skill which
involves both productive and receptive skill that enables people (the students) to communicate
with others effectively (Gunada, 2018).

YouTube is considered by the researchers as an alternative strategy to enhance students

‘speaking skill. After watching YouTube-based videos, it is expected that students can get the
ideas to speak from the real environment of the speaker in order that students will have an
opportunity to do imitative, intensive, responsive, intensive, interactive and extensive speaking
performance. Students can also get new vocabulary and the examples of pronunciation that give
them the opportunity to do the improvement. Speaking skill will be better if it is supported by the
real environment or authentic material as the students' schemata. The implementation of this
strategy includes the pre-task based phase, the task cycle, and language focus phase. This
strategy is expected to help the students solve the problems and improve the students ‘speaking
achievement. The objective of the study is, first, to describe to what extent the use of
YouTubebased videos can improve the students’ speaking skill and second, to describe the
teaching and learning process when YouTube-based videos are implemented in the class
(Riswandi, 2016).

YouTube also offers a learning experience with new technologies, which will be useful
when they graduate. The network can help create, analyze, and produce information and ideas
more quickly and efficiently. Furthermore, it also provides many exciting and creative features to
be used as a source of teaching and learning. By implementing learning based on the YouTube
application, it can encourage students to become independent in learning, and the students will
get used to thinking critically. In addition, stated that students will also be accustomed to
searching for information from various sources to learn. Moreover, YouTube-based learning
knowledge and the development of student insights can improve learning outcomes, so the
implications for the quality of education will also improve (Gracella & Rahman Nur, 2020).
The use of YouTube learning media in the world of education is a field of study that is
effective, efficient, and applicable to use and application to students, but is not widely
publicized. Based on this theory, as we know that the use of YouTube as a learning medium can
have a positive impact on students because YouTube is one of the learning media that presents a
variety of interesting creative content such as English vocabulary learning content ranging from
beginner to proficient can even provide and increase student motivation in learning, especially in
learning English vocabulary. However, there are still some educators who may still not use
YouTube or even not apply it to students as a medium of learning in the classroom that can help
them in the teaching and learning process. The use of YouTube media in teaching vocabulary to
students is very interactive because students become passionate about learning in class by using
YouTube (Hia, 2021).
Gracella, J., & Rahman Nur, D. (2020). Students’ Perception of English Learning through
YouTube Application. Borneo Educational Journal (Borju), 2(1), 20–35.
Gunada, I. W. S. (2018). Using YouTube video: An IT-based media to improve students’
speaking skill. Undergraduate thesis. ResearchGate, (January 2017), 1–10.
Hia, M. (2021). Effect of Using Youtube on Students’ Motivation in Learning English
Vocabulary. Dialectical Literature and Educational Journal, 6(2), 62–71.
Riswandi, D. (2016). Use of YouTube-Based Videos to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill.
Proceeding of the International Conference on Teacher Training and Education, 2(1), 298–
Wahyuni, A., & Utami, A. R. (2021). The use of YouTube video in encouraging speaking skill.
Journal ILMIAH, 7(3), 1–9.

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