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Smt. C.S. Sudha, Principal Sessions Judge
Wednesday, 16th day of June, 2021/26th Jyaishta, 1943

Crl. M.C. No.1148 of 2021

(Crime No.526/2021 of Edathala Police Station)

Ankit, aged 30 years, S/o. Muralikumaran, Blue Garden, Villa No.8, Siraj Nagar,
Kodikuthumala, Aluva East, Ernakulam District.
By Adv. Sri. Raghunath Naduveettil.


State of Kerala, represented by the Station House Officer, Edathala Police Station,
represented by the Public Prosecutor, Sessions Court, Ernakulam.
By Public Prosecutor Sri. Manoj. G. Krishnan.

This petition filed u/s.438 of Cr.P.C., praying this Court to grant anticipatory bail

to the petitioner.

This petition coming on for hearing on 11.06.2021 and the court on 16.06.2021,

passed the following:-


This is an application for anticipatory bail filed by the first accused in

Crime No. 526/2021 of Edathala Police Station u/s 438 of Cr.PC.

2. The petitioner/accused is alleged to have committed the offences

punishable u/Ss. 498A and 324 read with 34 IPC.

3. The prosecution case is as follows:- The petitioner who is the first

accused in the crime is the husband of the informant. The marriage between A1

and the informant was solemnized on 18/02/2021 as per the rites and customs of

the community to which they belong. After marriage A1 along with his mother A2

mentally and physically harassed the informant to coerce her to bring more dowry.

The petitioner/A1 also voluntarily caused hurt by beating on her head with a

laptop. Hence the petitioner has committed the offences punishable under the

above mentioned sections.

4. The bail application is opposed by the learned Public Prosecutor on

the ground that there is every possibility of the petitioner influencing the witnesses

and thereby tampering with the evidence in the case.

5. It is submitted by the learned counsel for the petitioner/A2 that he is

completely innocent of the offences alleged against him.

6. Heard both sides. Perused the records.

7. The dispute between the parties apparently is matrimonial. The

marriage between the parties was solemnized on 18/01/2021 and before long

disputes seem to have arisen between the parties. The present crime is seen

registered just months after the marriage, i.e., on 08/06/2021. Custodial

interrogation of the petitioner does not seem to be required in this case. He has

no criminal antecedents also. Therefore, taking into account the facts and

circumstances of the case and the prevalent global pandemic, I find that the

petitioner can be granted pre-arrest bail.


In the result, Crl. M.C is allowed on the following conditions;

(1) The petitioner shall be released on bail in the event of his arrest in

connection with the above crime on executing a bond for Rs.25,000/ with two

solvent sureties for the like amount each.

(2) The petitioner shall appear before the investigating officer as and

when required by the latter, till the final report is filed.

(3) The petitioner shall not intimidate or influence the witnesses or

interfere with the investigation.

(4) The petitioner shall not commit any offences while on bail.

Dictated to the confidential Asst. transcribed and typed by her,

corrected and pronounced by me in open court on this the 16 th day
of June, 2021


comp. by:

Crl. M.C. No.1148 of 2021

Order dated -- 16..06..2021

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