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STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 Have a great impact/ influence on sb/ st Có ảnh hưởng lớn đến ai/cái gì
2 Have an inspiration = have a sudden good Có một ý nghĩ bất chợt
3 By the way Nhân tiện, à này
4 Have a natural ability to do st Có khả năng thiên bẩm đế làm gì
5 On a wide/massive scale Trên quy mô rộng lớn
6 Make/earn a living Kiếm sống
7 Seek one’s fortune Tìm kiếm vận may
8 Launch the campaign Phát động chiến dịch
9 Go green Theo lối sống thân thiện với môi trường
10 Immediate benefits Lợi ích trước mắt
11 Pose threat to sb/st Đe dọa tới ai/cái gì
12 Adopt a green lifestyle có lối sống "xanh", vì môi trường
13 Humble beginnings Khởi đầu khiêm tốn
14 Waste disposal/garbage Xử lý chất thải
15 Gain one's independence Giành được độc lập của mình
16 Repair the damage Khắc phục những thiệt hại
17 Make prediction about st Dự báo về cái gì
18 Study for a degree Học để tây bằng
19 Make a profit Sinh lời
20 In the company of sb Đồng hành cùng ai; ở cùng ai
21 Say hello to sb Chào ai
Say goodbye to sb Tạm biệt ai
22 Claim one’s life = kill sb Giết chết ai đó
23 Make jokes about/of st = make fun of sb Trêu chọc, châm chọc về điều gì
24 Get (one’s) permission to do st Xin phép ai làm gì
25 Cheat in the exam Gian lận trong thi cử
26 Be/make friends with sb Làm bạn với ai
27 Judge sb by one's looks/appearances Đánh giá ai qua vẻ bề ngoài của họ
28 In the company of sb Đồng hành cùng ai
29 Lead an independent life Có cuộc sống độc lập
30 Donate st to sb/st = make a donation to Quyên góp cái gì cho ai/cái gì
31 Achieve a goal Đạt mục tiêu
32 Show respect for sb/st Thể hiện sự tôn trọng đối với ai/cái gì
33 Raise money for st/doing st Quyên góp tiền cho cái gì/làm gì
34 Cut/reduce/limit emissions cắt/giảm/hạn chế lượng phát thải
35 Make way/room for Nhường chỗ, dọn chỗ cho
36 Have severe /serious/ negative Có hậu quả/tác động nghiêm trọng/tiêu
consequences/ impacts/ effects on cực tới
37 Upset the ecological balance Làm mất cân bằng sinh thái
38 Take a gap year Nghỉ một năm giữa chừng (dành ra một
năm mà bạn quyết định "nghỉ giữa hiệp”
trong một quá trình học tập hay làm việc,
cho phép bạn tìm đến những kế hoạch
khác biệt (so với cuộc sống thường ngày)
39 See the point of st/doing st Hiểu được tầm quan trọng hay lý do cho
= understand the importance of or the cái gì
reason for st
40 Damage one’s reputation Hủy hoại danh tiếng của ai
41 Make judgment Phán xét/đánh giá
42 Make criticism Chỉ trích, phê bình
Come under criticism Nhận/ hứng chỉ trích
43 Find faults with st Bắt lỗi với cái gì
44 Graduation ceremony Lễ tốt nghiệp
45 Make progress Tiến bộ
46 Make sense of = understand Hiểu
47 Miss a chance to do st Lỡ mất cơ hội làm gì
48 Be on display Được trưng bày
49 Make no hesitation to do st Đừng ngần ngại làm việc gì
50 Take precautions Có biện pháp phòng ngừa
51 Heavy lifting Việc nặng nhọc
52 Lose/reduce weight Giảm cân
Gain/ put on weight Tăng cân
53 Conquer one’s nerves to do st Chế ngự nỗi sợ hãi để làm gì
By chance = by mistake = by accident = by Ngẫu nhiên, tình cờ
54 Meet/face the challenge Đương đầu với thách thức
55 Pay a heavy price to do st Trả giá đắt để làm gì
56 Table manners Quy tắc bàn ăn
57 Realize the dream/ambition/goal Thực hiện giấc mơ/tham vọng/mục tiêu
58 Travel sickness Say xe
59 Set st in motion = begin st Bắt đầu cho cái gì
60 Have st in common Có điểm gì chung
61 Have (no) objection to doing st (không) phản đối làm gì
Object to doing st Phản đối làm gì
62 Major fouls Những lỗi chính (trong thể thao)
Minor fouls Những lỗi nhỏ (trong thể thao)
63 Commit fouls Phạm lỗi
64 Defend the title Bảo vệ danh hiệu
65 Lose one’s temper Mất bình tĩnh
66 The home team Đội chủ nhà
The visiting team Đội khách


1. He had a(n) _______ - why not apply for some government money?
A. determination B. imagination C. inspiration D. ambition
2. The anti-smoking campaign has had quite a (n) _______ on young people.
A. power B. usage C. contribution D. impact
3. By the _______, I heard that Phyllis may be moving to Dallas.
A. road B. path C. route D. way
4. Healing is the natural _______ of one person to restore health in another.
A. ability B. capacity C. possibility D. likelihood
5. The very wealthy man had _______ beginnings, having been raised in poverty.
A. modest B. humble C. moderate D. medium
6. This crime spree has already _______ the lives of 10 innocent people-when will the
perpetrator be caught?
A. announced B. declared C. stated D. claimed
7. It was a scandal that _______ a lot of reputations.
A. destroyed B. demolished C. devastated D. damaged
8. The first thing you must do is make a (n) _______ of the situation.
A. measure B. estimation C. assessment D. appraisal
9. The actress has come under _______ for her comments about her co-stars.
A. criticism B. objection C. disapproval D. reprimand
10. I was disappointed whenever my boss found _______ with my work.
A. error B. fault C. mistake D. foul
11. "We're addressing the problem," he said, "and I think we're making _______."
A. progress B. breakthrough C. betterment D. promotion
12. She missed a _______ of promotion when she turned down the job of assistant manager.
A. opportunity B. chance C. luck D. fortune
13. The disadvantage of nuclear weapons is that they cause destruction on a massive _______.
A. extent B. area C. scale D. sphere
14. She worked as an assistant in the firm for several years before she finally left to seek her
_______ as an independent contractor.
A. opportunity B. chance C. luck D. fortune
15. Today police _______ a campaign to reduce road accidents.
A. launched B. raised C. held D. celebrated
16. The Chancellor proposed a crackdown on car and plane emissions, and the introduction of
tax incentives to _______ green.
A. come B. get C. go D. arrive
17. Drunken drivers pose a serious _______ to other road users.
A. danger B. risk C. threat D. hazard
18. People should _______ green lifestyle to help conserve the natural resources.
A. adopt B. adapt C. adjoin D. adjust
19. Waste _______ includes the activities and actions required to manage waste from its
inception to its final disposal.
A. rubbish B. litter C. trash D. disposal
20. Cuba _______ independence from Spain in 1898.
A. obtained B. got C. gained D. achieve
21. Is it too late to _______ the damage we have done to our planet?
A. repair B. amend C. mend D. fix
22. It's difficult to make accurate _______ about the effects on the environment.
A. anticipations B. predictions C. guesses D. estimation
23. She studied for a _______ in engineering in a famous university.
A. certificate B. diploma C. qualification D. degree
24. She makes a big _______ from selling waste material to textile companies.
A. profit B. interest C. bargain D. benefit
25. Don't go without _______ goodbye to me, will you?
A. talking B. saying C. telling D. speaking
26. We tried to make a _______ of our situation, but it wasn't really funny.
A. joke B. fun C. tease D. humor
27. He had to get _______ from his parents to audition for the show.
A. allowance B. agreement C. permission D. approval
28. “Anyone caught _______ in the exam will get zero marks”, said my teacher.
A. deceiving B. cheating C. tricking D. fooling
29. Simon finds it hard to make _______ with other children.
A. friends B. mates C. companion D. buddy
30. You have no right to judge other people by their _______.
A. shapes B. looks C. observations D. appearance
31. James had a cozy birthday party at home last Friday in the _______ of his close friends.
A. company B. business C. atmosphere D. residence
32. Most young people want to _______ an independent life without being influenced by anyone.
A. lay B. put C. lead D. bring
33. I'd like to make a small _______ to charity in my mother's name.
A. donation B. contribution C. volunteer D. devotion
34. Do you think I'll be able to _______ my goal of losing five kilos before the summer?
A. gain B. obtain C. achieve D. approach
35. In their senseless killing of innocent people, the terrorists have _______ their lack of respect
for human life.
A. indicated B. suggested C. demonstrated D. shown
36. The school needs to raise _______ for new playground equipment.
A. cash B. cheque C. money D. currency
37. Many countries are reluctant to cut _______ if it means sacrificing economic growth.
A. emissions B. releases C. discharges D. leaks
38. Some beautiful old buildings were torn down to make _______ for the new parking garage.
A. road B. path C. route D. way
39. Australians and New Zealanders often have a/an _______ year before going to college or
after finishing high school to travel overseas independently.
A. gap B. hole C. empty D. distance
40. They couldn't see the _______ of more training.
A. view B. opinion C. point D. viewpoint
41. If you are due to graduate soon, you’re probably wondering what happens at a graduation
A. ceremony B. celebration C. anniversary D. festivity
42. There's an Egyptian art collection on _______ at the museum at the moment.
A. exhibition B. display C. demonstration D. show
43. I have no _______ in recommending Ms Shapur for the job.
A. reluctance B. unwillingness C. hesitation D. obligation
44. They failed to take the necessary _______ to avoid infection.
A. precautions B. preventions C. deterrence D. avoidance
45. Have it delivered from your local store or order online so you can skip the heavy _______.
A. raising B. rising C. lifting D. evaluating
46. My weight _______ when I stop eating sugar.
A. reduces B. decreases C. diminishes D. lowers
47. The young star managed to conquer his _______ to ease past his opponent in the first round.
A. worries B. nerves C. anxieties D. fears
48. I've paid this bill twice by _______.
A. error B. fault C. mistake D. foul
49. Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest _______ faced by scientists today.
A. challenges B. difficulties C. troubles D. complexes
50. If you abuse your body now, you'll pay the _______ when you're older.
A. cost B. value C. charge D. price
51. Your table _______ are awful - don't you know how to use a knife and fork?
A. behaviors B. actions C. manners D. etiquettes
52. He had _______ all his ambitions by the age of 30.
A. realized B. recognized C. reckoned D. acknowledged
53. Travel _______ is a feeling of illness, especially of needing to vomit, which some people get
in a moving vehicle.
A. illness B. sickness C. disease D. unwellness
54. The governor's request set in _______ the process for receiving federal funds.
A. movement B. fluctuation C. motion D. mobility
55. I didn’t think Larry and Patricia had anything in _______, but they talked all evening.
A. common B. popular C. shared D. universe
56. We have no _______ to a slight postponement.
A. protest B. objection C. opposition D. disapproval
57. According to the FIFA Laws of the Game, there are 9 _______ fouls in soccer and several
minor fouls.
A. main B. large C. major D. chief
58. He will _______ his 1,500 metre title this weekend
A. preserve B. defend C. protect D. guard
59. The children behaved so badly that I lost my _______ and shouted at them.
A. mood B. temper C. disposition D. emotion
60. The _______ team is a team in a sport that is playing in the usual area that they play in.
A. home B. house C. shelter D. accommodation
1. The Internet bill was too far high due to a computer _______.
A. error B. mistake C. fault D. defect
2. We sell 32 different _______ of ice cream.
A. flavours B. savours C. odors D. scents
3. The smell of stale meat always makes me feel _______.
A. ill B. sick C. unwell D. pale
4. It's very rare that a book is so good you actually _______ out loud.
A. smile B. chuckle C. giggle D. laugh
5. If any of these symptoms _______ while you are taking the medication, consult your doctor
A. happen B. take place C. ensue D. occur
6. It was a long journey, _______ I’m really tired now.
A. so B. therefore C. thus D. hence
7. A block in the pipe was _______ the water from coming through.
A. hindering B. preventing C. avoiding D. deterring
8. The school plans to _______ more teachers.
A. rent B. hire C. lease D. employed
9. However hard I try to _______ my teacher’s accent. I’ll never speak like a native.
A. emulate B. copy C. imitate D. forge
10. The letter _______ a number of typing errors.
A. contains B. includes C. consist D. comprises
11. It is not a good idea to miss meals and _______ them with snacks.
A. substitute B. replace C. change D. exchange
12. You can't complain of being _______ when you don't make any effort to meet people.
A. lonely B. private C. sole D. individual
13. The disease that once claimed millions of lives has now been _______.
A. deleted B. erased C. eradicated D. abolished
14. We ought to _______ a public relations consultant to help improve our image.
A. rent B. lease C. purchase D. hire
15. She teaches the students to have respect for different races and appreciate the _______ of
other cultures.
A. diversity B. range C. mixture D. variety
16. Life _______ is the major factor influencing senior life insurance premiums.
A. expectation B. expectancy C. suspense D. anticipation
17. If you get bitten by a dog, you have to make sure the _______ is properly cleaned, or an
infection could set in.
A. scar B. pain C. wound D. strain
18. This coffee is about half the price of that one and yet you really can't _______ the difference.
A. tell B. speak C. talk D. say
19. We will have _______ with employee representatives about possible redundancies.
A. debates B. discussions C. quarrels D. arguments
20. Don't put anything wet on a polished surface, or it will leave a _______.
A. point B. trace C. hint D. mark
21. He described sport as a _______ of peace and a means of promoting fraternity between
A. signature B. motto C. symbol D. sign
22. Of course we don't want to alarm people unnecessarily, but they should be alerted to
_______ dangers.
A. potential B. capable C. expected D. able
23. The company is reducing its workforce by _______ 500 employees.
A. retiring B. firing C. rejecting D. withdrawing
24. If you want to learn to play a musical _______, it might be a good idea to begin on
something simple.
A. device B. equipment C. mechanism D. instrument
25. I know it's not my _______ to tell you how to run your life, but I do think you've made a
A. chore B. job C. work D. career
26. The accident was caused by people driving too fast in bad _______.
A. conditions B. features C. traits D. properties
27. She missed the _______ of promotion when she turned down the job of assistant manager.
A. occasion B. possibility C. chance D. prospect
28. My personal is that the students should do more work outside the classroom.
A. sight B. vision C. scene D. view
29. Smoking is a causative _______ in the development of several serious diseases, including
lung cancer.
A. factor B. aspect C. part D. side
30. The money I get from teaching evening classes provides a supplement to my main _______.
A. pension B. income C. salary D. wage
31. Buying a house often places a large financial _______ on young couples.
A. weight B. heaviness C. load D. burden
32. The country is now enjoying a period of relative _______ and prosperity.
A. certainty B. stability C. sureness D. guarantee
33. Unemployment in the first half of the year was 2.5 percent lower than in the same _______
the year before.
A. state B. decade C. period D. era
34. Police are investigating a possible _______ between the murder and a robbery that took place
last year.
A. relation B. association C. bond D. mixture
35. She's a young politician who manages to bridge the generation _______.
A. distance B. space C. gap D. hole
36. I tried to _______ in my speech how grateful we all were for his help.
A. convey B. carry C. deliver D. transfer
37. Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the _______ of the moon.
A. appearance B. surface C. outside D. exterior
38. The council is considering banning vehicles from the town centre to _______ congestion.
A. abandon B. dispose C. relieve D. discard
39. People under a lot of stress may _______ headaches, minor pains, and sleeping difficulties.
A. undertake B. experience C. assume D. shoulder
40. One of the organization's aims is to _______ information about the disease.
A. cast B. scatter C. disseminate D. toss
41. As it was such a special _______, she permitted herself a small glass of champagne.
A. occasion B. prospect C. possibility D. chance
42. The report will examine unequal pay as well as other types of gender _______ in the
A. distinction B. discrimination C. judgment D. prejudice
43. There were so many different _______ of bread that I didn't know which to buy.
A. forms B. styles C. fonts D. types
44. The disease can be caused by a variety of viruses, bacteria, and other small organisms that
_______ food or water.
A. contaminate B. demolish C. eradicate D. eliminate
45. They reported a sudden _______ of the disease in the south of the country.
A. breakthrough B. outbreak C. breakdown D. breakage
46. They _______ that a major earthquake will strike the east coast before the end of the decade.
A. expect B. await C. predict D. wait
47. To _______ electricity, we are cutting down on our heating.
A. support B. protect C. safeguard D. conserve
48. I only go to see films that are _______ favorably.
A. reviewed B. examined C. inspected D. investigated
49. I'll give you this booklet to read, which gives advice about feeding _______ of under four
A. kids B. infants C. toddlers D. teenagers
50. He is determined to _______ the memory of a disappointing debut two years ago.
A. delete B. erase C. abandon D. eliminate
51. Scientists fear that a volcanic _______ on the Canary Island of La Palma will send a chunk
of island collapsing into the sea.
A. eruption B. outbreak C. explosion D. discharge
52. Environmental groups want a substantial reduction in the _______ of greenhouse gases.
A. disposal B. emission C. eruption D. radiation
53. Under the new _______ spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled.
A. regulations B. instructions C. guidelines D. directions
54. We are trying to get the baby into a _______ for feeding and sleeping.
A. grid B. network C. routine D. path
55. Rescuers used a special _______ for finding people trapped in collapsed buildings.
A. instrument B. software C. machine D. device
56. One of the minus points of working at home is not having social _______ with colleagues.
A. touch B. link C. approach D. contact
57. Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to _______ their
A. exchange B. modify C. maintain D. return
58. The successful applicant for the _______ will be a well-motivated self-starter who has
excellent communication skills.
A. location B. situation C. position D. place
59. We constantly seek to improve the _______ of service we give to our customers.
A. quantity B. capacity C. quality D. extent
60. I can't _______ you how grateful I am for your help.
A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell
61. Tiredness, loss of appetite and sleeping problems are all classic _______ of depression.
A. indicators B. displays C. symptoms D. diagnoses
62. He described sport as a _______ of peace and a means of promoting fraternity between
A. signature B. signal C. symbol D. sign
63. A change of course may be needed if the current _______ of violence continues.
A. rank B. position C. level D. limit
64. At what age are children able to _______ between right and wrong?
A. distinguish B. categorize C. clarify D. separate
65. The group is trying to raise public _______ about homelessness.
A. awareness B. experience C. capability D. knowledge
66. Dayton was _______ for Williams in the second half of the game.
A. replaced B. substituted C. changed D. exchanged
67. _______ is the process of having babies. Women should be taken care of carefully in this
A. childbearing B. childrearing C. childbirth D. childhood
68. His outspoken views would frequently bring him into _______ with the president.
A. agreement B. conclusion C. quarrel D. conflict
69. We've set ourselves a series of _______ to achieve by the end of the month.
A. ambitions B. goals C. purposes D. aspirations
70. I was given the wrong tablets when the chemist misread my _______.
A. direction B. instruction C. guidance D. prescription
71. She complained of an ache in her shoulder which kept her _______ at night.
A. conscious B. aware C. awake D. rousing
72. The successful _______ for the position will be a well-motivated self-starter who has
excellent communication skills.
A. competitor B. contestant C. participant D. applicant
73. Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging _______ on the environment.
A. power B. force C. faculty D. effect
74. Using a _______ of bananas, the zoo-keeper persuaded the monkey back into its cage.
A. pack B. flock C. bunch D. herd
75. Despite all the _______ in modern medicine, demand for alternative therapies and faith
healing keeps growing.
A. expansions B. advances C. escalations D. extensions
76. He'd been _______ her for months and then she finally agreed to go out with him.
A. pursuing B. hunting C. following D. tracking
77. We generally use the _______ "MP" instead of writing out "Member of Parliament" in full.
A. reduction B. cutback C. abbreviation D. diminution
78. Some studies have suggested a link between certain types of _______ sweetener and cancer.
A. false B. fake C. counterfeit D. artificial
79. People are becoming far more aware of environmental _______.
A. troubles B. matters C. issues D. disputes
80. I'm not _______ anything about your cooking, but could we eat out tonight?
A. implying B. inferring C. concluding D. deducing
81. From the window we could _______ the children playing in the yard.
A. look B. view C. see D. glare
82. "Can I _______ to Isobel, please?" "She's still in bed. I'll just go and see if she's conscious
A. tell B. say C. communicate D. speak
83. If we carry this argument to its logical conclusion, we _______ that further investment is not
a good idea.
A. identify B. realize C. distinguish D. recognize
84. My relationship with my father played a major part in shaping my _______ towards men.
A. view B. idea C. attitude D. sense
85. Children make up a large _______ of the world's population.
A. amount B. percent C. proportion D. component
86. The economy is regarded as the key _______ in the outcome of the election.
A. ingredient B. trait C. feature D. factor
87. He was _______ from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence.
A. released B. emitted C. fired D. expelled
88. The new president said she would _______ herself to protecting the rights of the sick and the
A. support B. dedicate C. assist D. aid
89. Studies suggest that regular _______ of the vitamin significantly improves brain function.
A. intake B. ingest C. swallow D. eating
90. He died in mysterious circumstances, and there is still a _______ that it was murder.
A. occasion B. opportunity C. prospect D. possibility
91. Choosing between cupcakes and ice-cream, I prefer the _______.
A. late B. later C. latter D. latest
92. Children _______ to listen and speak from their parents.
A. learn B. study C. know D. acquire
93. I was _______ about missing the bus.
A. insane B. mad C. crazy D. demented
94. Our rival firm was established _______ the city last month.
A. nearly B. nearby C. near D. almost
95. We've got five accounts of what happened and _______ of them agree.
A. none B. nope C. not D. no
96. Villagers voluntarily contribute money and other things to _______ the festival.
A. hold B. celebrate C. organize D. set
97. Quan _______ swimming yesterday.
A. went B. played C. did D. got
98. I haven’t yet found a tyre pressure gauge that is wholly _______.
A. exact B. precise C. correct D. accurate
99. Mary still has some _______ with her colleague.
A. matters B. problems C. issues D. troubles
100. In order to win this competition, you must _______ a code hidden in that room.
A. find B. look for C. search D. seek
101. The eclipse should only be _______ through a special lens.
A. viewed B. saw C. looked D. watched
102. Don’t take your mobile phone with you to the exam or else the examiners will _______ it if
they found it on you.
A. seize B. impound C. confiscate D. sequester
103. Dense _______ is affecting roads in the north and visibility is poor.
A. haze B. fog C. smog D. smoke
104. When my husband left me, I was advised to put the matter into the hands of a _______.
A. adviser B. solicitor C. attorney D. counsellor
105. Most teenagers go through a rebellious _______ for a few years but they soon grow out of
A. stint B. span C. duration D. phase
106. The programme attracted millions of _______.
A. viewers B. spectators C. audiences D. onlookers
107. I _______ my ankle while playing football.
A. sore B. hurt C. pain D. harm
108. One good thing about the Scottish climate is that it keeps your skin _______.
A. wet B. damp C. watery D. moist
109. The police asked him if he could _______ out the killer from a series of photos.
A. choose B. select C. pick D. decide
110. The meat was so _______ that I didn’t have to cut any fat off.
A. slim B. lean C. skinny D. slender
1 A detailed action plan Bản chi tiết kế hoạch hành động
2 A pat on the back Khen ngợi, ca tụng
3 A wide range/variety of Nhiều, đa dạng
4 Accidentally come up with= hit on/upon Vô tình nảy ra ý tưởng
5 Against one's will Trái với mong muốn của ai
6 At stake = at risk = in danger Gặp nguy hiểm, bị đe dọa
7 Be in two minds about st Lưỡng lự, chưa quyết định được
8 Be quick/slow on the uptake Nhanh/chậm tiếp thu
9 Be under misapprehension that + clause Hiểu lầm rằng
10 Bumper/good crops Vụ mùa bội thu
11 By leaps and bounds Tiến bộ nhanh chóng
12 Cash crops Cây thương phẩm
13 Chance upon sb/st Vô tình thấy/tìm thấy ai/cái gì
14 Change your tune Thay đổi ý kiến hoàn toàn
15 Close to the bone Xúc phạm
16 Come to an end Kết thúc
17 Conquer one's nerves to do st Chế ngự nỗi sợ hãi để làm gì
18 Contribute to st/doing st Đóng góp, cống hiến vào cái gì/làm gì
= make a contribution to st/doing st
19 Dispose of = get rid of Loại bỏ, xử lí
20 Do a degree in st Học để lấy bằng (lĩnh vực gì)
21 Do a project on st Làm dự án về vấn đề gì
22 Do damage to sb/st Gây tổn hại tới ai/cái gì
23 Do harm to Do good to Gây hại Có lợi
24 Do harm to sb/st Gây hại cho ai/cái gì
25 Do/cause damage to sb/st Gây ra thiệt hại cho ai/cái gì
26 Domestic violence Bạo lực gia đình
27 Earn/make money Kiếm tiền
28 Fall asleep = doze off Ngủ thiếp đi
29 Fall in love with sb Yêu ai
30 Fight/struggle for st Đấu tranh cho cái gì
Fight/struggle against st Đấu tranh chống lại cái gì
31 From scratch = from the beginning Ngay từ đấu
32 From time to time For the time being Thỉnh thoảng Trong thời gian này
33 Gain a victory over sb/st Giành chiến thắng trước ai/cái gì
34 Gain experience in st Đạt được kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực gì
35 Gestation period Thời kỳ thai nghén
36 Get a discount Giảm giá, bớt giá, chiết khấu
37 get access to st Truy cập vào cái gì
38 Get one’s permission Xin phép ai
39 Get/be exposed to Tiếp xúc với
40 Give birth to sb Sinh ra ai
41 Give one’s love/regard to sb Gửi lời hỏi thăm tới ai
42 Give preference to Thích/chuộng/ưu ái hơn
43 Go hand in hand with st Có mối liên hệ chặt chẽ
44 Go round the bend Tức giận, cáu kỉnh
45 Go to one’s head Khiến ai kiêu ngạo vì nghĩ mình là người
quan trọng
46 Hang out with sb = spend time with sb La cà với ai
47 Harbor the dream of ấp ủ giấc mơ
48 Have a good relationship with sb Có mối quan hệ tốt với ai
= get on well with sb
= get along with sb
= be/keep on good terms with sb
49 Have an interest in st Có hứng thú/quan tâm tới cái gì
50 Have attachment to st Gắn bó với cái gì
51 Have impact on/influence on/effect on sb/st Có tác động/ảnh hưởng tới ai/cái gì
52 Have occasion to do st = need to do st Cần làm gì
53 Have some days off Có vài ngày nghỉ
54 Have st in common Có cái gì đó chung
55 Have the legal right to do st Có quyền làm gì
56 Have trouble/difficulty (in) doing st Gặp khó khăn trong việc làm gì
57 Have/keep (all) one’s wits about sb Phản ứng nhanh chóng khi điều không mong
muốn xảy ra
58 Hold the belief Giữ/có niềm tin rằng
59 Hold/have a conversation with sb Trò chuyện với ai
60 Hold/have discussions with sb about/on st Thảo luận với ai về vấn đề gì
61 Hook on = be crazy about = absorb in = Nghiện, say mê cái gì
get addicted to
62 Intend to do st = have intention of doing st Có ý định làm gì
63 Keep sb awake Làm cho ai thức
64 Kick/get rid of habits Từ bỏ thói quen
65 lay claim to Tuyên bố chủ quyền đối với
66 Lay the table Dọn bàn
67 Life span/expectancy Tuổi thọ
68 Live in harmony with = coexist peacefully Chung sống hòa bình
69 Lose/reduce weight Giảm cân
Gain/ put on weight Tăng cân
70 Maintain eye contact with sb Duy trì giao tiếp bằng mắt với ai
71 Make a commitment to st/doing st Tận tụy, tận tâm cho cái gì/làm gì
72 Make a decision on st Quyết định cái gì
73 Make a difference Tạo ra sự khác biệt
74 Make comparison So sánh
Compare sb/st with sb/st So sánh ai/cái gì với ai/cái gì
Compared to/with sb/st Được so sánh với ai/cái gì
75 Make innovation to st Cải tiến cái gì
76 Make one’s effort to do st Cố gắng hết sức để làm gì
77 Make prediction = predict (v) Dự đoán
78 Make progress Tiến bộ
79 Make up one's mind Tự mình quyết định
80 Meet one’s wishes Đáp ứng mong mỏi của ai
81 Meet the challenge Đương đầu với thách thức
82 National anthem Quốc ca
83 Object to/have objection to Phản đối
84 On the flip side = on the other hand Mặt khác
85 Pay a heavy price to do st Trả giá đắt để làm gì
86 Play a role/part in st Đóng vai trò trong cái gì
87 ponder on/upon/over Suy nghĩ về, cân nhắc về; trầm tư
88 Pull one’s socks up Nỗ lực để trở nên tốt hơn
89 Put pressure on sb/st Gây áp lực lên ai/cái gì
90 Realize the dream Thực hiện giấc mơ
91 Satisfy one’s need Thỏa mãn nhu cầu của ai
92 See the point of = make sense of = Hiểu
93 Sense of self Cảm xúc, tự ý thức về bản thân
94 Set a good example to sb Làm gương tốt cho ai noi theo
95 Set st in motion = begin st Bắt đầu cho cái gì
96 Slow but sure Chậm mà chắc
97 Smash hit Bài hát/bộ phim/vở kịch thành công, nổi
98 Social standing Vị trí xã hội
99 Squeeze in/out/through Chen lấn
100 Stuck one's neck out = take a risk Liều lĩnh
101 Suit one’s taste Phù hợp với thị hiếu của ai
Suit one’s need Phù hợp với nhu cầu của ai
102 Take a rest = have a break Nghỉ giải lao
103 Take actions to do st Hành động làm gì
104 Take advantage of = make use of Lợi dụng, tận dụng
105 Take measures to do st Có những biện pháp để làm gì
106 Take naps Ngủ trưa
107 Take notes = jot down = write down Ghi chép, viết tóm tắt ý chính
108 Take photos of sb Chụp ảnh cho ai
109 Take photos of sb/st Chụp ảnh ai/cái gì
110 Take precautions Đề phòng, phòng ngừa
111 Take pride in st/sb = be proud of st/sb Tự hào về về gì/về ai
112 Take/have priority over st = give priority ưu tiên việc gì hơn
to st
113 Take/use the occasion to do st Nhân dịp này để làm gì
114 Tend to do st = have a tendency of doing st Có xu hướng làm gì
115 Widen one’s knowledge Mở rộng kiến thức
116 With a view to doing st Với mục đích làm gì
117 With flying color Xuất sắc, thành công


1. He _______ a very positive contribution to the success of the project.
A. took B. made C. did D. caused
2. I'm afraid I'm not a very good advertisement for the diet since I've actually _______ on
A. get B. take C. catch D. put
3. These measures have been taken _______ increasing the company's profits.
A. with a view to B. for fear of C. on purpose D. in order to
4. You must _______ all reasonable precautions to protect yourself and your family.
A. take B. do C. make D. cause
5. It's difficult to _______ accurate predictions about the effects on the environment.
A. take B. put C. make D. do
6. The search for a new vaccine will _______ priority over all other medical research.
A. make B. cause C. take D. do
7. Many people are more interested in job satisfaction than in _______ large amounts of money.
A. earning B. causing C. taking D. doing
8. She used to be a heavy smoker but she _______ the habit last year.
A. skipped B. kicked C. abandoned D. stopped
9. I got into drugs because I was _______ around with the wrong people.
A. hanging B. playing C. bringing D. taking
10. At first, Polly and Luna didn't _______ very well, but now they are great friends.
A. take on B. get along C. get by D. take over
11. I think you should go _______ a nap. You look like you're about to fall asleep, standing up!
A. do B. make C. take D. get
12. The doctor prescribed some pills and told her to _______ a week's rest.
A. own B. have C. make D. put
13. He was so exhausted that he _______ asleep at his desk.
A. fell B. broke C. made D. dropped
14. The kidney _______ a vital role in the removal of waste products from the blood.
A. makes B. plays C. takes D. causes
15. The food is ready - please could you _______ the table for me?
A. make B. take C. lay D. hang
16. I'm not sure what flavor I want - I'm still _______ my mind up.
A. turning B. making C. staying D. taking
17. I try to _______ an example for my employees by always arriving to work on time, replying
to emails and phone calls promptly, and taking care of problems as they arise.
A. stand B. put C. set D. bring
18. I've always _______ an interest in astronomy.
A. made B. had C. did D. put
19. I _______ no intention of going to her wedding because I am really busy.
A. get B. have C. put D. make
20. Barry was _______ of the fact that he had never missed a day's work in his life.
A. fond B. famous C. proud D. eager
21. We _______ great pride in offering the best service in town.
A. take B. make C. cause D. put
22. We _______ to get cold winters and warm, dry summers in this part of the country.
A. appreciate B. tend C. refuse D. agree
23. As we _______ experience of interpreting the data, we were able to work faster.
A. achieved B. gained C. applied D. made
24. Students must also do a _______ on a topic of their own choice.
A. job B. project C. task D. mission
25. After significant losses last year, the company now _______ the challenge of trying to repair
its reputation with investors.
A. meets B. comes C. makes D. stands
26. She had the wealth and social _______ to command respect.
A. station B. standing C. ranking D. grade
27. We live in an increasingly secular society, in which religion has less and less _______ on our
daily lives.
A. change B. influence C. power D. outcome
28. I wanted to impress Juliet, so I _______ myself in music by her favorite band.
A. turned B. took C. absorbed D. abandoned
29. Can we fix the current computer system, or would it be better to start from _______ with a
new system?
A. opening B. launch C. scratch D. activation
30. You need a password to get _______ to the computer system.
A. touch B. attachment C. link D. access
31. Simon was so _______ in his book that he didn't even notice me come in.
A. absorbed B. took C. turned D. addicted
32. If you have the vote in an election, you have the legal _______ to indicate your choice.
A. attitude B. option C. chance D. Right
33. Fish _______ for survival when the water level drops in the lake.
A. struggle B. eager C. compensate D. call
34. Children are being _______ to new dangers on the internet.
A. connected B. exposed C. contributed D. addicted
35. The education system must _______ the needs of all children.
A. satisfy B. provide C. please D. complete
36. _______ violence can take many forms, including emotional, sexual and physical abuse and
threats of abuse.
A. Household B. Domestic C. Married D. Internal
37. We _______ preference to those who have worked with us for a long time.
A. take B. provide C. give D. form
38. His comments about her size were a bit close to the _______.
A. skeleton B. bone C. head D. heart
39. I'll have to work really long hours and be away from my family for long stretches of time,
but, on the _______ side, I'll get the opportunity to travel around the world.
A. flip B. toss C. verge D. reverse
40. This deal could really help the business get out of debt. Though, on the other _______, you'd
just be indebted to the government instead.
A. side B. aspect C. hand D. matter
41. I will consult colleagues before _______ a final decision about how to proceed.
A. making B. taking C. putting D. getting
42. I _______ no objection to an article discussing a non-mainstream viewpoint.
A. make B. have C. take D. put
43. Skilful presenters are good at _______ eye contact with an audience.
A. maintaining B. catching C. keeping D. causing
44. We will _______ discussions with employee representatives about possible redundancies.
A. make B. put C. keep D. hold
45. We _______ a discussion with them about the differences between Britain and the US.
A. made B. took C. had D. caught
46. I carry a notebook so that I can _______ down any ideas.
A. take B. jot C. put D. lay
47. Let’s _______ advantage of the good weather and go to the beach.
A. make B. take C. keep D. catch
48. It will be a long time before we can begin to make _______ of this tragedy.
A. sense B. meaning C. awareness D. impression
49. She's in two _______ about accepting his invitation.
A. hands B. eyes C. minds D. heads
50. Police are _______ significant progress in fighting computer crime.
A. taking B. keeping C. putting D. making
51. I had considerable _______ in persuading her to leave.
A. matter B. difficulty C. problem D. strain
52. Some people _______ beliefs about the world that are not supported by science.
A. hold B. keep C. impose D. take
53. The bond offers great benefits for issuers without _______ any harm to investors.
A. doing B. putting C. having D. catching
54. I was _______ the misapprehension that the course was for complete beginners.
A. at B. upon C. under D. into
55. She's _______ with some amazing scheme to double her income.
A. showed up B. come up C. turned up D. made up
56. One day he chanced _______ Emma's diary and began reading it.
A. at B. upon C. into D. across
57. He's a little slow on the _______, so you may have to repeat the instructions a few times.
A. uptake B. intake C. outtake D. retake
58. It's a lovely little place to visit, but I'd go round the _______ if I had to live there.
A. beach B. bridge C. border D. bend
59. He was against the idea to start with, but he soon changed his _______ when he realized how
much money he'd get.
A. voice B. head C. ear D. tune
60. The only reason she stays late at work is to receive a pat on the _______ from her boss.
A. head B. shoulder C. back D. bone
61. I was worried that I wouldn't fit on the train after so many people got on ahead of me, but I
managed to _______ in just before it departed.
A. turn B. squeeze C. succeed D. make
62. You have to _______ some risks to be successful in business and in life, but don't _______
your neck out for no good reason.
A. take -stick B. make - glue C. do - adhere D. cause - stick
63. Cycling is potentially very dangerous in the city - you have to _______ your wits about you.
A. take B. keep C. make D. control
64. Let's just stay focused on this for the _______ being. We can address other issues later in the
A. time B. moment C. phase D. stage
65. Our small company has been growing by _______ over the past year, thanks in no small part
to our aggressive new marketing campaign.
A. leaps and bounds B. here and there C. time to time D. once in a blue moon
66. It's going to be slow but _______ writing my thesis, as I have to balance my part-time job
with my research.
A. certain B. sure C. definite D. stable
67. Ford is definitely not a man to let a little success go to his _______. He knows he still has a
lot to learn
A. mind B. brain C. head D. face
68. He's going to have to pull his _______ up if he wants to stay in the team.
A. shoes B. socks C. sandal D. hat
69. A number of companies have been putting _______ on politicians to ease up on corporate
taxes and regulations.
A. burden B. weight C. pressure D. strain
70. We must _______ action to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas.
A. make B. take C. convey D. spread
71. Recent discoveries about corruption have _______ serious damage to the company's
A. taken B. done C. put D. kept
72. The agency has put an end to new efforts to _______ of hazardous waste in sensitive
environmental areas.
A. emit B. throw C. cast D. dispose
73. The prices are so much cheaper over there that I always feel like I'm _______ things at a
A. making B. getting C. putting D. keeping
74. A variety of dishes were available to _______ all tastes.
A. match B. fix C. suit D. please
75. Exercise can _______ a big difference to your state of health.
A. cause B. make C. change D. take
76. Our company works _______ with market research firms to ensure that our clients'
advertising reaches the broadest and most well suited audiences possible.
A. hand in hand B. cash in hand C. at hand D. all hands on deck
77. That she passed the exam with flying _______ made her parents proud of her.
A. colors B. clouds C. marks D. Points
78. The local clubs are _______ every effort to interest more young people.
A. inventing B. making C. taking D. causing
79. I know you're discouraged about having to look for a new job, but take the _______ to
consider different areas of work that you might be interested in.
A. occasion B. opportunity C. prospect D. chance
80. Festivities came to a(n) _______ well after the sun had risen the next morning.
A. final B. death C. point D. end
81. We had to _______ permission from the city to build an extension to our house.
A. get B. take C. earn D. offer
82. I'm sorry I can't be there, but please give my _______ to Grandma.
A. heart B. admiration C. love D. gratitude
83. We are looking forward to a _______ crop.
A. wealthy B. bumper C. successful D. hard
84. They aim to offer a wide _______ of online services for travellers.
A. number B. amount C. quantity D. range
85. We cannot afford to take risks when people's lives are at _______.
A. danger B. stake C. threat D. matter
86. I was forced to sign the agreement _______ my will.
A. against B. oppose C. reverse D. into
87. Once the printing processes have been _______ in motion, they're not so easy to stop.
A. made B. set C. kept D. caused
88. The Japanese government has taken various _______ against the new coronavirus, including
requesting school closures and event cancellations.
A. efforts B. measures C. determination D. methods
89. Angela _______ birth to a beautiful baby girl last night.
A. took B. did C. gave D. made
90. The gestation _______ of a horse is about eleven months.
A. phase B. stage C. period D. incubation
91. Life _______ in Europe increased greatly in the 20th century.
A. expectancy B. expectation C. hope D. standard
92. He _______ in love with a young German student.
A. dropped B. fell C. collapsed D. rose
93. It is difficult to _______ a comparison with her previous book- they are completely different.
A. create B. cause C. take D. make
94. Children seem to learn more interesting things compared _______ when we were at school.
A. to B. on C. at D. upon
95. I _______ no interest in seeing the movie.
A. make B. have C. take D. keep
96. The office was so hot I nearly _______ off at my desk.
A. took B. went C. dozed D. got
97. You’ve _______ some weight since the last time I saw you.
A. missed B. lost C. forgotten D. seized
98. I hope you _______ the point of everything your mother and I do for you!
A. view B. watch C. observe D. see
99. You should _______ careful note of what she tells you because she knows their strategy well.
A. make B. take C. do D. get
100. These organizations have fought very hard _______ the rights and welfare of immigrants.
A. about B. with C. for D. upon


STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa
1 A single-sex school Trường học chỉ cho Nam hoặc cho Nữ
2 A wide range/variety of Nhiều
3 Achieve a goal Đạt mục tiêu
4 An opposite-sex friend Người bạn khác giới
5 At a loss Lúng túng, bối rối, luống cuống
6 At risk of = in danger of Có nguy cơ
7 Attract one’s attention Thu hút sự chú ý
8 Attribute st to st nói/nghĩ một điều gì đó là kết quả của cái gì
9 Be in a romantic relationship Quan hệ yêu đương
10 Be on display Được trưng bày
11 Be/get in trouble with sb/st = have Gặp rắc rối với ai/cái gì
trouble with sb/st
12 Be/keep on good terms with sb Có mối quan hệ tốt với ai, hòa hợp với ai
= have a good relationship with sb
= get on well with sb
13 Break a record Phá kỷ lục
14 Break rules Phá vỡ quy định, quy tắc
15 Cheat in the exam Gian lận trong thi cử
16 Do workout/exercise Luyện tập, tập thể dục
17 Donate st to sb/st = make a donation to Quyên góp cái gì cho ai/cái gì
18 Follow in one’s footsteps Tiếp bước ai
19 Follow one's advice Nghe theo lời khuyên của ai
20 For the purpose of Vì mục đích
21 Get into conflict with sb Mâu thuẫn với ai
22 Get one’s permission to do st Xin phép ai làm gì
23 Get over = recover from Vượt qua, bình phục
24 Grow in popularity Lan rộng, phổ biến
25 Have (no) objection to doing st (không) phản đối làm gì
Object to doing st Phản đối làm gì
26 Have a date with sb Hẹn hò với ai
27 Have attitudes to/towards Có thái độ đối với
28 Have confidence in sb Tin tưởng vào ai
29 Have opportunities to do st Có cơ hội làm gì
30 In accordance with Phù hợp, theo đúng (cái gì)
31 In ruins >< intact Bị phá hủy hoàn toàn >< còn nguyên vẹn
32 In the company of sb Đồng hành cùng ai
33 In vain Vô ích
34 Increase the risk of st Làm tăng nguy cơ về cái gì
35 Judge sb by one’s appearance Đánh giá ai qua vẻ bề ngoài
36 Keep fit = stay healthy Khỏe mạnh/ cân đối
37 Keep sb occupied = make sb busy Khiến ai đó bận rộn
38 Keep/catch up with Đuổi kịp, theo kịp
39 Launch a campaign to do st Phát động một chiến dịch để làm gì
40 Lead an independent life Có cuộc sống độc lập
41 Lend an ear sympathetic to sb Lắng nghe ai một cách cảm thông
42 Make a fuss Làm ấm ĩ
43 Make a promise to do st = promise to Hứa làm gì
do st
44 Make discovery = discover Khám phá, phát hiện
45 Make friends with sb Kết bạn với ai
46 Make improvement Cải tiến
47 Make jokes about st = make fun of sb Trêu chọc, châm chọc về điều gì
48 Make plans Lên kế hoạch
49 Make sense of = understand Hiểu
50 Make st clear to sb Giúp ai hiểu cái gì
51 Make up one's mind Quyết định
Change one’s mind Thay đổi ý định
52 Make way/room for Nhường chỗ, dọn chỗ cho
53 Mark a milestone Đánh dấu một cột mốc
54 Meet face to face Gặp mặt trực tiếp
55 Meet/miss deadlines Kịp/lỡ hạn
56 On a diet ăn kiêng
57 Raise awareness of st Nâng cao nhận thức về cái gì
58 Raise awareness of/about st Nâng cao nhận thức về cái gì
59 Save one’s lives Cứu sống/cứu mạng
60 See the point of st/doing st = Hiểu được tầm quan trọng hay lý do cho cái gì
understand the importance of or the
reason for st
61 Set (sb) a goal Đặt ra mục tiêu (cho ai)
62 Set a new world record Thiết lập kỷ lục thế giới mới
63 Set a time for sb Lên lịch/quy định về thời gian cho ai làm gì
64 Show respect for sb/st Thể hiện sự tôn trọng đối với ai/cái gì
65 Sit for = take an examination Tham gia vào kì thi
66 Start a relationship with sb = strike up Bắt đầu mối quan hệ với ai
a friendship with sb
67 Stay awake Thức
68 Stick to = adhere to = obey = follow = Tuân theo, theo
abide by = conform to/with = comply
69 Study abroad Đi du học
70 Take a gap year Nghỉ một năm giữa chừng (dành ra một năm mà
bạn quyết định "nghỉ giữa hiệp” trong một quá
trình học tập hay làm việc, cho phép bạn tìm đến
những kế hoạch khác biệt (so với cuộc sống
thường ngày)
71 Take prescription medicine Dùng thuốc theo đơn
72 Take/do a course Tham gia vào một khóa học
Enroll for/in/on a course Đăng ký một khóa học
73 Try/do one’s best (to do st) Cố gắng hết sức (làm gì)
74 Under the weather = off color Không được khỏe
75 Under treatment of Đang chữa trị
76 Win the medal in st Giành huy chương trong lĩnh vực gì


1. He will get really jealous if his girlfriend _______ up a friendship with another man.
A. holds B. strikes C. makes D. puts
2. I find it so difficult to _______ awake during history lessons.
A. make B. let C. get D. stay
3. My father was an engineer, and I plan to _______ in his footsteps and study engineering in
A. chase B. track C. follow D. return
4. My colleagues _______ a sympathetic ear to my complaints but could do nothing to help.
A. lent B. paid C. sent D. took
5. I am really excited that I will _______ a date with Camilla on Friday night.
A. keep B. take C. have D. make
6. Bill is on good _______ with the people he works with.
A. terms B. marks C. points D. deals
7. The other children were always _______ fun of him because he was fat and wore glasses.
A. taking B. making C. having D. getting
8. Parents often have trouble _______ good carers for their children.
A. to find B. being found C. finding D. to finding
9. I will consult colleagues before _______ a final decision about how to proceed.
A. making B. doing C. taking D. keeping
10. I have complete confidence _______ her. She'll be perfect for the job.
A. at B. on C. about D. in
11. We had to _______ permission from the city to build an extension to our house.
A. earn B. get C. take D. make
12. You should _______ a time limit for your studying each night.
A. fix B. set C. install D. make
13. Anyone caught _______ will be automatically disqualified from the examination.
A. stealing B. losing C. cheating D. trailing
14. She found herself in conflict _______ her parents over her future career.
A. about B. on C. towards D. with
15. I had a pleasant evening in the _______ of friends last night.
A. head B. company C. pair D. corporation
16. I deal with customers on the phone and rarely meet them _______.
A. head to head B. face to face C. ear to ear D. heart to heart
17. Right then and there, I _______ up my mind that I would become a police officer when I
grew up.
A. took B. faced C. made D. put
18. If you _______ your mind about coming tonight, just give me a call.
A. alter B. transfer C. tailor D. change
19. She was worried that they would not _______ the deadline and that penalties would be
A. reach B. meet C. rush D. lose
20. Most people _______ the people just by looking at their appearances because that's the first
thing visible to us.
A. judge B. complain C. appraise D. abandon
21. You're not the star player on the team, but you always _______ your best, which encourages
the rest of us to do the same.
A. take B. do C. put D. keep
22. Your behavior is absolutely unacceptable. I'm at a _______ as to what to do with you.
A. loss B. fuss C. miss D. failure
23. Sarah has a lot more experience than me in this aspect of the business, so I tend _______ to
her opinions on such matters.
A. deferring B. to defer C. being deferred D. to be deferred
24. Since I passed the entrance exam to university with flying colors, I have had to live far from
my family and _______ my independent life.
A. led B. made C. taken D. reached
25. It’s hard to _______ friends as an adult because most of us are pretty set in our
ways. We have our friends, our routines, and it's hard to deviate from them.
A. strike B. invent C. install D. make
26. The sales team have _______ themselves a series of goals to achieve by the end of the
A. set B. put C. made D. kept
27. If we could all _______ an effort to keep this office tidier it would help.
A. take B. make C. create D. cause
28. She _______ a few half-hearted attempts to join in their conversation.
A. created B. did C. took D. made
29. Globally, the results show that a large proportion of people in the surveys _______ a positive
attitude towards the idea of having intelligent service robots as small 'domestic machines'.
A. form B. have C. keep D. show
30. The university has _______ a campus-wide campaign to reduce use of fossil fuel
A. launched B. published C. made D. invented
31. The campaign has certainly succeeded in _______ public awareness of the issue.
A. launching B. creating C. reaching D. raising
32. A recent survey found that private investors are two and a half times more likely to _______
advice in a newspaper column than from a financial adviser.
A. chase B. pursue C. follow D. abide
33. I'd like to _______ a small donation in my mother's name.
A. devote B. dedicate C. make D. create
34. Do you think I'll be able to _______ my goal of losing five kilos before the summer?
A. complete B. finish C. break D. achieve
35. In their senseless killing of innocent people, the terrorists have _______ their lack of respect
for human life.
A. proved B. shown C. broke D. put
36. Many people have difficulty _______ rebuilding their lives when they come out of prison.
A. at B. on C. in D. towards
37. The suspect's statement is not in _______ with the information witnesses have given us.
A. match B. suit C. fix D. accordance
38. He _______ a very generous contribution to our church restoration appeal.
A. shown B. made C. reached D. took
39. Some beautiful old buildings were torn down to make _______ for the new parking garage.
A. road B. path C. route D. way
40. Certain chemicals have been banned because of their _______ effect on the environment.
A. complete B. thorough C. accurate D. severe
41. You'll have the opportunity _______ any questions at the end.
A. asking B. to asking C. being asked D. to ask
42. The equipment could be used for a(n) _______ of educational purposes.
A. amount B. little C. variety D. area
43. The reason _______ the disaster was engine failure, not human error.
A. into B. about C. at D. for
44. She’s doing extra work to _______ up with the rest of the class.
A. come B. make C. catch D. put
45. There's an Egyptian art collection on _______ at the museum at the moment.
A. display B. illustration C. demonstration D. network
46. After so many years of neglect, the house is practically _______ ruins.
A. at B. under C. about D. in
47. The college principal promised _______ into the matter.
A. to look B. looking C. being looked D. to be looked
48. The two scientists both _______ the same discovery independently, at roughly the same time.
A. took B. made C. kept D. invented
49. My doctor put me _______ a diet of nothing but fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
A. up B. at C. on D. into
50. The power failure was _______ to the recent storms and high winds.
A. blamed B. complained C. acclaimed D. attributed
51. Life _______ for both men and women has improved greatly in the past 20 years.
A. expectancy B. measure C. dimension D. expectation
52. Because Donna refuses to _______ by her parents' rules, I worry that she'll be told to move
out of their house.
A. obey B. comply C. abide D. follow
53. There are serious penalties for failure to _______ with the regulations.
A. follow B. obey C. abide D. comply
54. College coaches have to _______ to the rules about recruiting high school students.
A. abide B. comply C. adhere D. dedicate
55. I tried to convince the other board members, but my efforts were in _______, and they
outvoted me.
A. time B. vain C. ruin D. hope
56. He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he'll _______ over it.
A. go B. take C. think D. get
57. People with chronic conditions or compromised immune systems will _______ the risk of
more serious illness if they are infected with coronavirus.
A. raise B. elevate C. increase D. foster
58. _______ healthy by eating well and exercising regularly.
A. Turn B. Lead C. Appear D. Stay
59. I was under the _______ last week, but I'm feeling much better now.
A. sky B. star C. cloud D. weather
60. She _______ a 20-minute workout every morning to keep fit and stay healthy.
A. makes B. keeps C. does D. takes
61. Endangered animals are animals that are in _______ of becoming extinct. This means that
there will be no more of these animals alive on earth.
A. risk B. threat C. danger D. verge
62. Putting up some new wallpaper has _______ all the difference to the place.
A. made B. created C. taken D. kept
63. We don’t get on well with each other because we don't really _______ much in common.
A. get B. take C. turn D. have
64. I really admire Jame’s talent because she _______ a new world record in the high jump.
A. get B. set C. own D. make
65. "Born This Way" went on to _______ the record for the fastest selling song in iTunes
A. demolish B. reach C. break D. leak
66. That she _______ a gold medal in the Olympics made her parent proud of her.
A. attained B. got C. owned D. won
67. He learnt Chinese for the _______ of starting a business there.
A. fear B. aim C. view D. purpose
68. The event has _______ a lot of media attention.
A. reached B. gotten C. attracted D. had
69. Organized sports can _______ teenagers occupied.
A. remain B. maintain C. keep D. Make
70. This voyage _______ an important milestone in the history of exploration.
A. set B. broke C. marked D. reached

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