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q(Erta gr+[s: ?cl?ow-to, c*ttctt?tct ?{[Ugtfl, qd-?

r+t}"ft utE
UstqlA u(rr{ttts}t

UterQs sf,dt"it u.(rr{t +ttrt


gcr ueJ-roo r+ttaU: cJqf?t.ft gct cJqr :1oo

cruea"ft olcitrn- etLci[@.s, rruEtg, tuqt[*g, gea.0 {urUa r*i. qtr0 rric]"(l ctqaL-
cJr?rdoil. uttt {ec[ +u0
? etrea,tL utq[i.s "urri[- +tt[Eer, getr, Ur[ rli. urruer].- cJr?r.crou. rruu rieel ut0.
3 at[? d"t], d[ie[u- oJ?r?[ctou, lru.tt tieel ula

Y eu,? d'ft tltelc?rq.]Pft ?44 r4tat].?fot

tt er.r.aAla erqr"ft[A ?ai auraei o'iqteer:
(t) ?rtL{u
(?) u[0stil r,ti ltqrf
(3) atc'q"{l[Aat r+tcleelg Rstct].
(u) {ne"0 ? qott
(tt) atYu[i."{l u=tt
. (s) etwrUtA'0 U=tt
(O) "eftqcta
(c) r,r4qQ.a q,tCi., r,t{+({.(t qr+u[i. rrti. n{titott uatd {t}"ft
rc) rla"fi lror?a
ttol "0[i, r,tteilct
1tr,1 tiututft atqr
(tr) atqtt Urt
ltay oitueqft4 aEt i.ttQ.s {Nrt?,it- crttea"j .iagtt riq, {q ctfs il"Lt
rr{.[at].ct, ?t1'?t ctfs ilqt r{talct, s-I}t?-lqr rl"s rril.Ba? %ot?c't;
BJteruasar r{ruLcr, ctl,surcr aat ctlstalra r,ti. }Jtar {t[&dl ut?r].ct
o dqt4 rl"s s-Iu1Q}st"t )s"tLc{u

. *********

Fl^-^ t
Syllabus of Preliminary Test

TolalQuestions-100 Medium:Gularati Total Marks- 100
Geography of India-Physical, Economic, Social, Natural Resources
and population related topics- with special reference to Guiarat
Cultural heritage of India-Literature, Art, Religion and Architecture-
with special reference to Gui arat
History of India with special reference to Gui arat
Indian Economy and Plannin

( 1) Preamble
( 2) Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties
( 3) Directive Principles of State policy
( 4))Composition of Parliament
( s))Powers of the President of India
Powers of Governor
( 6);)
( 7))Judiciary
(;8))Provisions for Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes and
backward classes of the societv
(e ) Attorney General
(1 0 MTIAavos
(1 1 PanchayatiRai Instituti ons
(1 2 Financd Commission
(1 J constitutional and statutory Bodies: Election commission of
India, I/nion Public Servic6 Commission, Stiti il61il
Commissio& Comptroller and Auditor C."..ui;- b;;rJ
Vipilance C^ommission, Lokpal and fo[J1.ut<ia; a;iili
Information (,omml sston
lnlorTnatlon Commission

General Mental Abilit

General Science, Environment and Informationffi
Daily events of Regional, National and Int.*@
includine Sports


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L) lu

S),ila-bus for Prelimilrarv Tcst thr the recruitment of

I{orticultu re Officcr, Class
I\{arl<s * 200 Questions-200 Meclium: Iinglislr
l. Iirlr it Science
'fropical and Dry Land Irruit Production. Subtropical ancl 'l'ctlrpcratc

Irruit Production. Biodiversity, Conscrvation, Canopy Managetrtenl.

Propagation Nursery Managetrrent, Ilreeding and Post I Iat'vcst
'I'cchnology or Fruit Crops. Grolvth, l)evcloprncrrt arlcl

Iliotechnology of t-lor-ticultural Crops. Organic Ilorticulture.

Protected Fruit Culture. Gap for Ilorticultural Crops. Clirllatc
N4anagerrrent in Horticultural Production. Advances in Brceclins.
Production and Growth Regulation of lrruit Crops. Getlorlrics ar-rcl

Bioinlbrrnatics in l{orticulture. Principlcs o1' Gcrretics artcl

Cytogenetics. Biotic and Abiotic Strcss Managetnetrt irr

I-lorticultural Crops. Systernatics of rrruits Crops.

2. Vcgctablc Science
Production 'l'echnology OfT Cool Season and Wartl Seasoll

Vegctable Crops. Breeding, Growth, Deve loprrrent, Secd Procluctrott

'fechnology and Systematics of Vegetable Crops. Prodtrctiori
'I'echnology of Underexploited Vegetable Crops. Organic Vcgetablc

Production 'fechnology, Irundamentals of Processing of Vegetablcs.


,A,dvances in Vegetable Production. Advanccs ilr Ilrccding ol'

Vegetable Crops. Protected Culrivation of Vegetablc Crops.

[]iotechnology in Vcgetable Crops, Seed Ccrtification. Proccssing
ald Storage o1- Vegetablc Crops, Abiotic Stress Managcrtlcttt itr

Vegctable CroPs.

3. l"loriculture and Landscape Architecture

Ilreeding of Flower Crops and Ornamental Plants. Productiort
'l'cchnology o1' Cut Florvers. Production 'l'echnology lbr I-oosc

Irlowers. [-anclscaping and Ornatlental Gardening. Protcctc--cl

Daoa 1 n{ A
F loriculture. Value Acldition
in Flowers. Turfing and

and Biotechnology o1'
[-andscape Architecture, Biochemistry

,1. Plantation, Spices, Meclicinal & Aromatic
Plantatiorl Crops, Spice Procluction,
Medicinal and Aromatic Crop
.l.echnology. Advances in Breeding of Plantation Crops,

Meciicinal and Aromatic Plants. Environmental

5. Post Harvest TechnologY

Perishable I lorticultural
Principles of Post- f{arvest Management tbr
Produce. [rundarnentals of Processing of
Fruit' Laboratory Analysis
-fechniques of lrreshand l)'rocessed
and Quality Assurance
of Processed
Ilorticultural produce 1'echniques lor Sensory Analysis
Produce. Pre-[larvest Practices affecting
Post- I-larvest L'il.(r o1'
perishable Florticultural Produce. Principles of Post-l-larvest
Managernent of Spices, Plantation Crops, ornamental,
and Aromatic Plants. Processing o1' Plantation crops,

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Packagings fbr

'l'echnology of Processed
Horticultural produce. Packaging
t lorticultural Procluce. Proce ss E,ngineering in Horticultural
AtJvanccs in Post - Harvest Management of Fresh l-lorticultural
procl.rce. Advar-rces in processing Technology ol' Horticultural

crops. Packing l-louse operations and Transportation

of Fresh
ilorticultural Produce. Commercial Aspects of Post-

'l'echnology o I Ilorticultural Produce. Dehyclration'l'echnology and

Page 2 of 4
Irreezing Technology of I-lorticultural Produce. Irruit and Vcgetablc u5\*
Iien'nentation Technology. Waste Managerncnt fli'om ilorticulturc
Processing I ndustries.

6. Natural Resource Managenrent(llorticulture)

Irundarncntals of Soil Science, Soil frertility ancl Nutricnt
Management, Environmental Science, Water Managcnrcnt irt

I{orticultural Crops, Organic lrarming, Soil and Plant Analysis.

Irann Power and Machinery.

7. Basic Concepts for Horticulturc development

Grorvth and Developrrent ol' Llorticultural Crops, Fr-rndanrentals ol'
lrxtension Education, I'rlerne ntary Plant Biochcrnistrv
Biotechnology, Horti-Business Management, dnr..pr.,',eurslrilr

8. Scenario of horticulture in thc state

Geographical area. Agro clirnatic zones for horticulturc crops. Soil
and water resource of the state. Area and production of horlicultrrrc

crops. Irnportant horticulture crops and its potcntial areas. QLralitl'ot'

horticulture produce in the state. Important problcrns of horticultural
crops of the. state and its solutions. I-{orticulturc dcvcloprncnt

schenres and Horticulture extension activitics. Horticulture Re scalclt

and Research institutes, Horticulture Marketing.

9. Ili- tech horticulture

Green house technology and its utility in horticulture. [Jsc of tissuc
cultnre, net house and micro irrigatiorr system in horticultr.rre.
Quality and cxport of horticulturc produce/agri export zoncs.

10. Weed Management in Horticultural Crops

Delinition, classification and characteristics o1' wccds, Wcgcl
ccology, Principles and rnethods of rveed rnanagenlent, IWM lor'
f)^^ n ) n$ A
horticultural crops, managetnent of problematic|, parasitic and

aqr-ratic wceds. tlerbicicle protectants and

antidotes, Pripciples o1'

tterbicide selectivity.Hc.rbicide resistant weeds and crops'

IL lrrinciples of seetl Production and Quality control in
Itorticultural Crolrs
lrrtrocluction, principles of seed production, seed quality control.

seed ccrlification, Seecl testing, Seed legislation'

l[ l<r l'undamentals of Soil and wztter conservation Engineering
Surveyir-rg an{ levelling, Soil erosion, Soil
conservation, Irrigation

ancl tlrainage, Wells and PutnPs'

ti r-' 't Waste Managemcnt in Ilorticulture lndustry
lltroduction to environtnent, Characteristics of horticr'rlttr;c

irr<iustrial wastes, waste water managetnent, Solid


nlanagelrrcnt, llnvironmental monitoring and regulations:


tcchrrologies - CDM - eco labcling - biosensors -- Bio indicators -

errvironlnental irnpact assesslllent (EIA), llMS - environtttclltitl

c,cjucation and ar.vareness - environmental laws arrd

1 Vari0us Schenres. fbr llorticulture Develtlpmcnt of Central


(lovernnrent ancl Gujarat State Government'

tr5, Organizationat sctup and functions of various clivisions/

institutions/ boitrds untler Department of Agriculture ancl
Farmcr's Welfare antl Department of Agricultural llescrrrch
nnd liducation, Government of lndia. Horticulture divisign of
State Govcrnment.

[6. Cu rren t 'I'rentls a nd ltecent Advancements in the tieltl of


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