How To Use The Quadratic Formula To Find Roots of A Quadratic Equation

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How to use the quadratic formula to find roots of a quadratic

This topic is part of the TCS FREE high school mathematics
'How-to Library', and will help you to find roots of a
quadratic equation by using the quadratic formula.
(See the index page for a list of all available topics in the library.) To
make best use of this topic, you need to download the
Algematics software. Click here for instructions.


A quadratic equation looks like this:

ax² + bx + c = 0 (where ‘a’

cannot be zero.)

Solving the equation means finding ‘x’ values that make the
equation true. These ‘x’ values are called the roots of the

Quadratic equations can have 0, 1 or two roots.

NOTE: In the complex number system, all quadratic equations have roots, but we
will not discuss complex numbers in this article. Roots of quadratics always come
in pairs, but when there are two roots that are the same we say that there is only
one root.

The quadratic formula is derived from the general quadratic

equation (below) by completing the square.

The general quadratic equation...

ax² + bx + c = 0
has roots...

This formula, known as the ‘quadratic formula’, is actually two

formulas. The ‘±’ symbol should be read as ‘plus or minus’, which
means that you have to work out the formula twice, once with a
plus sign in that position, then again with a minus sign.
The first step is to identify the coefficients ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’ in
your quadratic equation, so that you can substitute them into the
formula to calculate ‘x’.
For this equation:

x² − 4x − 5 = 0
There is no number written in front of the x² term, but in that case it
is helpful to think of the x² term as 1x² , so then:
a = 1, b = −4, and c = −5
Substituting these values into the formula we get:

NOTE: If the expression under the square root sign is negative, then there are no real
roots and you cannot go any further. You can investigate this before you start by
calculating: b² - 4ac

Simplifying the square root term:

Calculating the square root:

Thus: , or
Download the free support file... We have created an Algematics
document containing the completed example from this topic. It also includes
practice exercises to improve your skills.
File name: 'Quadratic formula.alg' File size: 8kb
Click here to download the file.
If you choose 'Open this file from its current location', then Algematics should
open the document immediately. If not, try the other option: 'Save this file to
disk', then run Algematics and choose the 'Open' command from the 'File' menu.
Locate the saved file and open it. If you do not yet have Algematics
installed on your computer, click here for instructions.

IMPORTANT: This topic assumes that you know how to enter mathematical
formulas into Algematics. Find out how by completing the three simple tutorials in
the 'Getting Started' section of the Algematics program 'Help'.

Step 1 Enter the equation to solve and the quadratic


Click and type the quadratic equation into the maths box in the
data entry dialog box.

If the ‘EMPTY’ message is not displayed between the blue buttons, click the
button until the message: ‘INSERT’ appears.

x[2] – 4x – 5

You will enter the quadratic formula twice, once with a plus sign and
once with a minus sign.

NOTE: Instead of typing the formulas below, you can use the Windows clipboard
to copy them straight from this web page! First, drag the mouse pointer to
select a formula, then hold down a 'Ctrl' key and press the 'C' key. Now in
Algematics with the data entry dialog box displayed, hold down a 'Ctrl' key and
press the 'V' key to paste.

Click the button, then type (or paste) the quadratic formula with
a plus sign:

x = (-b + (b[2] – 4ac)[1:2]) / (2a)

Click the button, then type (or paste) the quadratic formula with
a minus sign:

x = (-b − (b[2] – 4ac)[1:2]) / (2a)

Step 2, Solve...

Substitute values for ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’ in these formulas to calculate
the roots.

These values are found from the quadratic equation as described in

the ‘theory’ section at the top of this article, and you need to identify
‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’ and write their values down.

If you write a quadratic equation in this form:

ax² + bx + c = 0
then ‘a’ is the number before the x², ‘b’ is the number before the ‘x’,
and ‘c’ is the number without an ‘x’. If the x² or ‘x’ terms have no
number in front of them, use 1. ‘b’ or ‘c’ will be negative if there is a
minus sign before them. If there is no ‘bx’ term, then b = 0, and if
there is no ‘c’, then c = 0.

For this equation:

x² − 4x − 5 = 0
we have:
a = 1, b = −4, and c = −5
Click on the first quadratic formula to make it the target.

Click on the input box, and type the values for ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’.

For the example, type: a = 1, b = -4, c = -5

Input a = 1, b = -4, c = -5

Click (substitute) to substitute these values into the formula.

Click (simplify) several times to calculate the root.


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