Short Stories For Kids

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Let Us Plant Trees

Trees are our friends. They give

us shade. They protect us from the
rain and the sun. Many trees give
us fruits to eat. Some of them are
mango, santol, and durian. Others
are caimito, mabolo, duhat, and
chico. These fruits taste good. They
make us healthy and strong, too.
Some trees have pretty flowers.
They come in many colors - red,
white, yellow, and violet. Trees give
us wood. Wood can be made into
chairs, tables, desks, and cabinets.
Wood is all around us. We find it at
home, the playground, the church,
and school. Let us plant trees.
Wood from trees gives us many
Helpful Bella

Bella loves spending her free

time reading books at the park.
One day, while she was sitting on a
bench, she noticed an old woman
struggling to carry groceries. Bella
immediately ran to her and offered
to help. The old woman was
overjoyed by her heartfelt gesture
and thanked her for being so kind.
From that day forward, Bella made
it a point to always respect her
elders and help them whenever she
could. She quickly realized that not
only did it bring joy to
their faces, but it also
made her feel good
City Zoo
Lito and Celso were in the class
of Miss Tan. One day, they all went
to the city zoo. They were very
happy and excited. They saw how
big and little birds fly. They also
saw wild tigers and lions. Funny
monkeys played tricks. They made
the children laugh. "Look at the
giraffe. It is tall. Its neck is very
long," said Lito. "I wish I could ride
on its back," said Celso. "Miss Tan, I
want to bring that giraffe home. I
want to buy it!" said Lito. Miss Tan
smiled. She told Lito, "You can't get
the giraffe. Animals in the zoo are
not for sale."
A Scary Surprise

Glenn wants to plant a tree.

He digs a pit. He put his hand
in the pit. His hand feels
something hard. He slaps it. It
is still. Glen stands and skips
over the pit. He looks in the pit.
He yells. It is a toy skull. He
puts it out of the pit. He runs
to the hut. He gets a glass of
water. He is glad his Mom is
there. He goes back to plant
the tree.
My House

I live in a cozy house in the

middle of the city. I live with
my parents and younger
brother. Our house has two
bedrooms, one living room, one
bathroom, and one kitchen. My
brother and I share the same
room in the house. We have a
nice garden. We have planted
many different types of
flowering plants and vegetables
in our garden. We have very
good neighbors.
My Garden

I have a small garden in our

backyard. In my free time, I
work in the garden. I uproot the
weeds and loosen the soil. I
water the plants regularly. I
nurse the plants with care. I
have a fence around my garden.
I have planted different kinds of
flowers. I usually grow different
vegetables. In the morning, I can
hear the chirping of many birds.
My garden is a source of
pleasure to me.
My Bedroom
My bedroom
is small, but it
is attractive. It
is the most
place in my house. My bed is in
the corner of this room. There
is a guitar next to my bed so I
can play music at night. There
is a window that overlooks a
tree outside. You can see a
table and a chair next to the
window as my place for study. I
keep my clothes in a small
Frog, the Brag

Frog and Crab are on the

grass. "Why are you always last,
crab?" asks Frog. Crab answered,
"I cannot hop. I can only walk."
Frog hops on the grass to the
drum; from the drum to the crib.
"Come with me, Crab! Hop with
me!" Frog then makes one big hop
from the crib to the... grill! "Crab,
help! I am in the grill!" Crab drags
Frog from the grill to the grass.
"Thank you, Crab," said Frog.
"You're welcome, Frog. Just don't
The Smart Swan
One day, Susan the swan went
to the river. She swam and played
in the river. She went to the
riverbank to rest. There was a big
dog beside her! The dog wanted
to eat her. She looked at the dog.
She was still. Susan jumped into
the river. The dog jumped, too.
Susan swam. The dog could not
swim. Susan spread her winds.
She offered her winds to the dog.
The dog held on to her winds. The
dog was saved.
Sunday Fun
One Sunday, Mr. Lopez decided to
take his whole family out. First, they
went to hear mass at their parish
church, San Nicholas de Tolentino
Parish. It was held by their parish
priest, Fr. Caluya. After hearing mass,
they to eat at Jollibee in Quezon St.
Then Mr. Lopez drove his family to the
boulevard. They walked around the
place enjoying the sights and the
people. They stopped at the garden
park where Danny, Delia, Dino, and
Doggie played ball while their parents
rested. They had a lot of fun that

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