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I think the article does a good job of summarizing the current state of affairs regarding ADHD in

children and young people. I agree with the article that the prevalence of ADHD is on the rise
and that this trend is likely to continue. I also agree with the article that the first line of treatment
for ADHD should be pharmacological and that the second line of treatment should be
psychosocial interventions. However, I disagree with the article that the third line of treatment
for ADHD should be educational interventions. Instead, I think the third line of treatment for
ADHD should be behavioral therapy. I think behavioral therapy is more effective than
educational interventions for treating ADHD.

There are several reasons why I think behavioral therapy is more effective than educational
interventions. First, Behavioral therapy can be tailored to the individual needs of the patient,
whereas educational interventions are more general. This is because behavioral therapy is not
based on a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, it is based on the principle that each individual is
unique and, therefore, each individual will require a unique treatment plan. The therapist will
work with the patient to identify the issues that need to be addressed and then develop a
treatment plan that is specifically tailored to the needs of that individual.

Second, behavioral therapy focuses on changing the behavior of the patient rather than simply
providing information. This is because the goal of behavioral therapy is to change the way the
patient thinks and feels about their problem rather than just providing them with information
about their problem. The therapist works with the patient to help them understand the thoughts
and feelings that are causing their problem behavior and then helps them to develop new, more
positive thoughts and feelings.

In a nutshell, the article discusses the various care options and service provision options that are
available for children with ADHD. It notes that there is often a lack of continuity of care for
children with ADHD and that this can lead to poorer outcomes. The article concludes that
ADHD is a common condition that can have a significant impact on children and young people
and that the best way to treat it is through a combination of pharmacological and behavioral

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