MCQ On Chemistry

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MCQ on Chemistry

Q1. Carbon dioxide gas evolves when HCl acid is added to:

A. Sodium sulphite
B. Calcium hydroxide
C. Calcium carbonate
D. Iron (II) sulphide

Q2. Hydrogen chloride gas on thermal decomposition gives:

A. Hydrogen & Chlorine

B. Hydrogen & Bromine
C. Water & chlorine
D. Hydrogen, chlorine and water

Q3.HCl can be dried only by ____ .

A. concentrated sulphuric acid

B. calcium oxide
C. phosphorus pentoxide
D. none of the above

Q4. The ions which impart acidic properties to an aqueous

solution of hydrogen chloride are:

A. Chloride
B. Hydrogen
C. Hydronium
D. Both (A) & (B)

Q5.Hydrogen chloride gas on mixing with ammonia produces

dense white fumes due to the formation of:

A. Ammonium hydroxide
B. Nitrogen
C. Ammonium chloride
D. Sulphur dioxide

Q6. HCL gas cannot be dried either over quick lime (CaO) or
phosphorus pentaoxide because ____ .

A. it is acidic
B. it reacts with these dehydrating agents
C. option (A) and (B)
D. none of the above
Q7. Which of the following is not a physical property of
hydrogen chloride?

A. The gas fumes in moist air.

B. It has pungent suffocating smell.
C. It is insoluble in water.
D. It is heavier than air.

Q8. Hydrogen chloride gas on dissolving in water produces:

A. Strong monobasic acid

B. Weak monobasic acid
C. Strong dibasic acid
D. Weak dibasic acid

Q9. HCl acts as reducing agent because ____ .

A. it can be oxidised to chlorine by strong reducing agents

B. it oxidises strong reducing agents
C. it oxidises strong oxidizing agents
D. it can be oxidised to chlorine by strong oxidizing agents

Q 10. Chlorine gas evolves when HCl acid is added to:

A. Sodium sulphite
B. Calcium carbonate
C. Zinc metal
D. Manganese dioxide

Q11.Hydrogen chloride gas is collected by:

A. Upward displacement of air

B. Downward displacement of air
C. Upward displacement of water
D. Downward displacement of water

Q12.The gas formed when sodium sulphide reacts with

hydrogen chloride is ____ .

A. hydrogen
B. hydrogen sulphide
C. chlorine
D. option (A) and (C)

Q13. Identify from the following which is not an oxidising


A. Al
B. MnO2
C. KMnO4
D. PbO2

Q14. Hydrogen chloride reacts with metals to form:

A. Metal chlorides and oxygen

B. Metal chlorides and hydrogen
C. Metal chlorides and water
D. Metal chlorides and nitrogen

Q15.Name the drying agent used for purifying hydrogen

chloride gas.

A. Conc. sulphuric acid

B. Conc. nitric acid
C. Conc. Hydrochloric acid
D. Conc. Sodium hydroxide
Q 16.Aqua regia is a mixture of:

A. 1 part of conc. nitric acid and 3 parts of conc.

hydrochloric acid.
B. 1 part of conc. hydrochloric acid and 3 parts of conc.
nitric acid.
C. 1 part of conc. hydrochloric acid and 3 parts of conc.
sulphuric acid.
D. 1 part of conc. sulphuric acid and 3 parts of conc.
hydrochloric acid.

Q17. Name the gas obtained when rock salt reacts with
conc. sulphuric acid.

A. Ammonia gas
B. Chlorine gas
C. Hydrogen sulphide gas
D. Hydrogen chloride gas

Q18. Hydrogen chloride gas gives white precipitate with:

A. Silver nitrate and lead nitrate

B. Ammonium nitrate and potassium nitrate
C. Sodium nitrate and aluminium nitrate
D. (B) and (C) both

Q19. The gas formed when sodium sulphite reacts with HCl
is ____ .

A. chlorine
B. hydrogen
C. sulphur dioxide
D. oxygen

Q20. Aqua regia releases nascent:

A. Chlorine
B. Oxygen
C. Nitrogen
D. Hydrogen

Q21. Acetic acid (CH3COOH) was obtained from ____.

A. Vinegar
B. Alcohol
C. Red ants
D. Butter
Q22. Vital force theory was propounded by ___________.
A. Herman Kolbe
B. Berthelol
C. Berzelius
D. Wohler
Q23. X' is a gas when passed through a trough containing
water, which turns red litmus blue. In the above case X may
be ____.
A. Nitrogen pentoxide
B. Nitric oxide
C. Ammonia
D. Carbon diopxide

Q24. Which is not the physical property of ammonia?

A. Ammonia is heavier than air
B. Ammonia causes tears in the eyes
C. Ammonia has a characteristic pungent smell
D. Ammonia is a colourless gas

Q25. The catalyst used in manufacturing ammonia is ____.

A. platinum and molybdenum
B. molybdenum with iron oxide
C. iron oxide with K2O
D. iron oxide with K2O and Al2O3

Q26. The promoter in the manufacturing of ammonia is used

to ____.
A. increase the rate of reaction
B. increase the efficiency of the catalyst
C. option (A) and (B)
D. none of the above

Q27.Which does not require ammonia?

A. formation of nitrogenous fertilizers
B. manufacture of nitric acid by Ostwald process
C. manufacture of sodium carbonate by Solvay process
D. None of the above

Q28. Ammonia reacts with Carbon dioxide to form ____.

A. Nitric acid
B. Ammonium carbonate
C. Ammonium cyanide
D. Urea

Q29. ____ is used as promoter in the haber's process of

preparation of ammonia.
A. Mo
B. Md
C. Mg
D. Mn

Q30.____ process is used to prepare Ammonia industrially.

A. Contact
B. Haber
C. Hydrolysis of metal nitridesl
D. Hall

Q31.The element, which is placed in the reactivity series of

metals with non-metallic properties is ____.
A. sulphur
B. hydrogen
C. nitrogen
D. helium

Q32.The non-metal which forms an alloy is ____.

A. carbon
B. sulphur
C. oxygen
D. nitrogen

Q33.____ is the process of reducing metal oxide with carbon

in the presence of flux.
A. Roasting
B. Smelting
C. Calcination
D. Cracking

Q34.The most abundant non-metal in the earth's crust is

A. oxygen
B. sulphur
C. nitrogen
D. phosphorus

Q35.The minerals from which metals are extracted

profitably are called ____.
A. alloys
B. mixtures
C. ores
D. compounds
Q36.Which of the following does not give H2 when added to
dilute HCl?
A. Fe
B. Cu
C. Mg
D. Zn

Q37.___ is alloy of mercury.

A. Zinc amalgam
B. Cinnabar
C. Bronze
D. German silver

Q38.Bauxite ore is concentrated by ____ process.

A. Hall
B. Mond
C. Bayer
D. Both Bayer and hall

Q39.The process of purifying a metal is called ____.

A. enrichment
B. refining
C. cracking
D. roasting

Q40.Which of the following do not react with oxygen easily?

A. Gold, platinum
B. Gold, silver
C. Zinc, lead
D. Silver, copper

Q41.An amalgam is an ____.

A. alloy of mercury
B. ore of mercury
C. alloy of aluminium
D. ore of magnesium

Q42.Cast iron is an example of ____ alloy.

A. Ferrous
B. Non-ferrous
C. Amalgam
D. None of the above.

Q43.The process of heating the ore to high temparatures in

absence of air to remove impurities such as moisture ,
sulphur , arsenic and Carbon dioxide is called ____ .
A. Roasting
B. Calcination
C. Combustion
D. Pyrolysis

Q44.Which of the following does not corrode when exposed

to air?
A. Cu
B. Al
C. Ag
D. Fe

Q45.Which of the following cannot prevent corrosion?

A. Painting
B. Anodizing
C. Alloying
D. Covering with glass

Q46.Which of the following is not the characteristic of alloy

A. Corrosion resistant
B. Reactive towards commonly used chemicals
C. Ductiulity
D. Tough
Q47.The extraction and isolation of metals from ores involve
the major steps given in the options below. One of the steps
is not applicable to all the ores. Find the odd one out.
A. concentration of the ore
B. electrolysis
C. isolation of the metal from its concentrated ore
D. purification of the metal

Q48.Zinc can displace hydrogen from HCl because ____.

A. zinc is less reactive than hydrogen
B. hydrogen is more reactive than zinc
C. zinc is more reactive than hydrogen
D. HCl is a weak acid

Q49.A few elements like carbon, sulphur, gold and noble

gases, occur in ____ state while others in ____ form, in the
earth’s crust.
A. combined; free
B. free; combined
C. liquid; solid
D. gas; liquid

Q50.A homogenous mixture of two or more metals or a metal

with a non-metal is ____.
A. an alloy
B. a mineral
C. an ore
D. a flux

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