SWM Midsem Notes

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IS 10120, Coan, ee Chaphe7 1] Henday" . x Storage 3) Collection - system 4 Transfer £ Trans pik - \> SWM SN s> Processing a] Recovery & Recycling 1) Disposal Striage Collechon Recovery £ Transfer & Trans port Reeycling FP Factys altecting Solid Wasste Hanagement :— Processing "> Quantity & chanacterstics (0.25 # 2.3 ky [ peison | day) ( 3 3 "Y climatic &£ Geaconal Ueariatog [3° "3! to Goo kg }m my physical Chanackiskies of an Uyban area v) Fioanetas conshaints —s do to You). I> Culbeaad Cons Haints HY Hanajement- £ technic Yesounces Guidelines for DPR =~ jeleas|2020 > corners AY lond hill develop cracks Teeday | s-cem eee ay Existing Stabe of SWM b> field study ey Phrsysical charac tes Hes ’ dy Existing Facilites of SWM ey Equipment & Hachinasty f) Detailed plan- design & diawing JY Mechanism of operatvon & Maintenance hY Routing plaa i> Proposed Hnaniad & institutional vteFouns TY Action plan for operation £ maintenance [chaptes -2] — Waste Genevation Aspects Cward ee WGA - Waste Shaghne Assessment ee Sf Q vantity Com position Field investigation of War ® waste sorting — clone in disposal. site Joo-1s0 Kg Csample size) foy waste soihing. @ Vehicle weighing —? Te calewrate waste eyetg ht coviied / dumped by vehicle. @) Field visit = — pahen move es (Ate 2.5 % Sample size) indus files eee hh to oste present od understand fhe sample Waste genevalion | Processing of staw material l Fine pioducts for Consume Hon Waste Composition . — ee eS ~ Residual |< aoe Seconda Gecoer) | oo: amie iia: T_u consumey ee) l Finoh dispos characteristics ee Age | en Papey 2-44 Re-So-l. : 7 Plashes 1-6+1 s-10/. Ash ¢ Fines \T-6 2:1 Ane moistusie content B0-Ho-l- (S0'l- Bulk density 200-00 150 kg/m? Kym? ~ dexht ‘ candboayd, dexile, patantic | glam i non- fettouts {pod waste. metals , ¢ te- ae Factors influencing the densify :- ) storage method 1) Ex posmte bo Fhe weathet ni Handling ww) Decomposition itor l2624 | Wed at fachis affecting yaniahen in Quantity aera L composition ee 2 te SFT VY Geng iaphic location ny Season ny Collecton Frequency WY Population diversity UY Etfeck of Galvaging & stecy cling WS Public attitude etalke 2 focal: degardiey Vly Legistah'en > Rute £ aegulason made by Aisposal te Waste charactishes :- Nee Ls can ‘be estimated useing Density - — compactten Yeqsncment vole upte 751- chensity Factor. WW Cmax: density can ge apts Goo Kj /m* ) = Mart Ma 4 Mb aa” We > (neers compacted vole Vol. Satunation factor pov a =e Ve initio) vol- es compacted density \ Tompacton yatio , y = : fs —— discarded channi fy QU asthe Size dishibation Wh Moistute content = wet wt = INE Lop : set wt. bx PT Mie wt. 4 wasste - Field capacity —* So te Go-l- ce w 0.6 = “ [o-ss * Goo rus ‘ulaste Filled condition Moisture Content Cols) 6-036 — 6-205. 7 Waste qs placed > Field capacity 0-3°-0-4 > Capenpletely sabuided ? - OS 6-6 > Methanogenchis at peak ———— gg 9. and nob Permeabltty Sis cated hydianlic conduchvily than waky otno becaune WE hat Vaysidss other ke Liteheh ; gamer Uke 4,5 | CHy, ek. \ 23]011 2024 4Pechemicad chavackystics of Gave t- ates 63 Pm oe 1) Improving the leachate pPyopeyhes and gqrcund uioer contaminatton » NY Alteynative piocessiny and siecouery- is) id elm Abert die tAece gloat Grefeininr WW Asserid He Pemininisy OF Str Comsusrionte a Livids —% Grease fot, oil = —. uigher heating - Valuwn (Biasthg) ( 3g000 kK 5/3) Biodegradable : Eee bY Caibohy diate —__ { ¢slow) No much seace Food waste A time veqt Suga i staich , polymeys fot decomposition « Biodegradable Gives CO, CHa 7. < Proteins — Cuno Test Calves rei hatte amount Al Food £ gaiden waste pYokein eicsent in the waste) ~ partial decomposi Hon of them. d> Mature Fibses : Cellulose 4 Li a : : Resistant fs bugle Highly combuysatib le. leod pioducts , papey waste 12000-1000 KT/KZ — wsoad'Ss catori fre value eY Synthetic oyganic matey 4 plastic :~ [wae calorific valus (32000 KS/kg) cannot be buink a tf stelearty Gyeen howe Jareh, FY Non- combustibles —» Gatevrr Cevamic - 3) Uline Analysis +, cuaso , compasitien - Al i ; : ue ee 1 to identity cadmium, nickel . Z¥ae 6 Element Range (el diy weight) 25-30 ate 2 hy Proximity Analysis :—> moisture content See Ash content ¢,_3,, compounds Volatile patter (42-2? : ‘Fixed cavben content t . Good incl cadets of + €s-12) Com bushen capacity Fixed cathon (sh) = Igo op meres waste. Sees — ash (--)— VMe 0 Jai Hane fo UF A HeaFben fe. ik Mikegen statio. Heat of combustion / Heating Volo :~ 24 loilao2u Hear oh ee a2 Pm ued iy combusting the Sample on the boil ey “LHe = gol NY Bomb Calotimetes Mm) Ylkmale Analysis Hy aki Yemdim in [ianid Stage and Some Jants goes veto joo'c kemp- ‘ Gtivet Z ——> Thetmome ter —}—7 watet pala Ay nition coil pT? Standayd bomb |) Crucible Schemakic diagvam %% Bomb CalovimekyY Sample 5 waky is filled Ssuch’ Hat the Hp of thevmomekey ond the fan dL He stiver {5 Completely submevged . Ua Cyt FING ith /iky is nequired fe sustain combust on « > Less heat than above may net be econoniical a Carbon content presey. in Yhe waste { ) x x | 7 Heat ahtoined Hom waste A ash amount F Dulong's formula + - VOCUS. CUED hea a (Ka/kg) = 3eo1fcJ + 144ise [HJ — 0-128 fo] + gui3[s] Modified Dulong's formula \ Heaking Cea/eg) = 937[e] + Ita [Hy — 0-425.) + Vat 93fs} + 23[n] han et of E Mo \ e494 (mE) = 0-05! [Fe +3-€(cP)] 40.252 CeLe) F= food waste CP = cardboard and PirphY wart PLR = Plastic, Leathey and Rabb Warte. Health EHect I - ty Disease veclots and Pathways when foods and cuabkn ane nok dumped propetly + then VW» Paiasites they -cbo’ Maynot. divectly affect tie fhurman beings bub by means d Vectors. Eg- | Fives , Mosqsikes y animals actan Vector fo He parasites 4 virune, Pathogens, etc, Tyre wastes battaty conteiney, tin contained one Somehimes Hyiown te Pond causing space for breeding acthon for the Flies , mesquitees , ete. a sask woby / / aa (Sold wan. formost thing fo be done before any | i Chain waky . i ‘ Cong H i ; \ dtinKing water eee pain) 2 i” ‘ — cecupational Hazard ” Ly Werks deing sorting 4] wabty gob Injured fom Sharp edger dt wastes Etc. “7 Skin disease — Blood infechens sthailone) Lond collaps< 7 onimal bite Eauuning vife > Bone £ murncuiay dus0vdey hhazayd fe the Feotbot beam = Lungs infecHens pus ~ bg Sea _— Acid vain , Smog poo! manage ment of ce oH Envivnmental fect dur © — Als pollute ae fod Hewake Matter, ob Soes , WOCS ele- "Swale L Jand pollutton Perculation of ledtchet Surface surnoft SN \eatche} ctu fh excess Slainfalt. — Visual pollution SNE chapter Wache Collection Slatage £ hanspott ailerl zoau factois influencing waste collection : asso Cuwsed | 2em Luc= ol) {5 collection points Lo depends on locality — crew Size A Stoiage UY collection Fequeacies 7 «ind of wsaste at collecting point 1S alse 4 Fach? . [ Gudity A waste containers IF caged [coueied than me SHay Animals can atect So Hequency can be vyeduced @> waste will mot spoil: easily: less stoiage = high Frequency fot collection depends on enviteaments) facts uy Storage containeys: — a S Containers bhbeald be compoto-bie Efficiency , convinence Public safety ownership NY: eptiection “Laws 2— TG teres in the degvee dy automaton - VY Collechon Roukt energy & hb caibon footprints . sto consevve guoided dob Erergy Wiodstt. All busy , breaker paths ane 7 Gptimed souls ia tevms Sy bavviet, Road Volume ere ee ee ee > MY Tanstes stain :- = le adhere Utortes Lya¢ cywiekly collects the focal 0#7'¢ biel . Compressed and transferred fe bigger Nene : ahtes. LTP Ackdompotsry ayo Pie p/ocess!°] unlk of = Cae Containers [collection velicle ¢ CO Oune S| CS apd fms e "Y Stetage bins Cematty bins handled byanually while bigs bing handled by motorised vehicles, Stahenaty — bins Hauld bins 1 Gyasskey Can be ivectly Hanstered +o Haasfey stahons . weight Shape Size Resistance te covvosion Water fighters Shength g gurability Facility bh move Aom On Plan te obey Covered bins bk axold’ Yolywokr.’ SHong enough to withstand anima ahhouk > Manu ¢ 20Kg . > Ht Theuld not be Shop 8 os 7. ih comenono} contuiness ot public container | atten nade up of concvele 19 glegidential area | 12 by 20 M3.» capacity place Contained ab a gap dy: 104 200m « pisaduantages * Bee tea eee cee Ls potenKad | \ po cee ta ae owt thaut up yrading eyes want is collected | Hom 't : — placed ab ower (evel than collecting vehicle: “5 1 fixed then iat: pouning is diffrewt: aw His expensive + thet £ lost IS 9 Problem (i) Collection Vehicle ¢ Collecn ae — Small srole collecHon uchicle and muscle — powered Vehicle- — (on- compactor Hucks aed ctHekent to mol cies > compacts Hucks 5s pistence blu callechtin point € clunposal point ‘ig maintained less than equol & Iskm- : yo wotk force ofFteene, movernent d} the collec crew f NN allection nouter \em Gwar problem C percep Koad Se ae No skill (ab: is avallable i pectolem ° ous eo ee ‘Mo bern arte spenmbilby EM cheney. JE US met pleat h i — Semeime, new gadgets one sins re. counhy , Symeeth penatione so SHiled (oboun Orrisilsieqyuired, QSL AN AF Noten ime Meahureme ( ) Dee eM, Da OA ea sake «= Hhe movement Ly Tecan que Jo observe ancl estimate m ve A a : collection crew by the help tb NIM — eterminatin Hes distance amet 99-1 cong, ( i collech'on vlouk- . We : LAY collection WP ing a Arius cpa [i = G atage Station Station $$ FF Route OpHmization SsWategies «- Cc Labour cost (L) Fuel cost (L) Routing > Macio-rouring Route, halanciag ) ( divik total co! Size > Shop distance bis" aitea inko § Micro - souting two stops utovtes ) loading Hme & Specitic path fo4 Hathic condition , €ach crew and egMechdn Vehicle, size Slop dis tana kenchwecn GLOPS, (oading time arate Condition Mice -vouling — specific path fox cach crew at ae Vehicle He Rewtictic Route development Process (teias 4 eros) *e + * + 4 7 OR FE 1 collech’on point Wy Service garage locaton Ud disposal ay HansFereites WS 6nc-way SHE Cdynamics) vS Natunad bariers vS areas of heavy Hathc Flow.» es Total cofech’on plum hawling Hme Sta iting ctose te gavage oF mo+oipee! + Steet howd be auoided Heavily Havelled one way sheets Seivices on dead aad end Sheeb» Elevarion (n the Tteuse Ant clockusise Futns r en 06 10212024 Tuesday | 2 em, Thacher Stalien 2 — sea Gu ie processing unit ee H |» -yemoval [7 Sc paiation Ls handling days (n& | > FE guid be Spacevour be She the wale foi 2 day aby, of emergency Peak days | Factors qttectiag the selection J] Tyanski stenon | "> Type of waste receive "> Processes utequired to wecoueriny males! ini Requited capacity end amount d| warte shavage desired w>Types of collection Vehicle. } Addihonad capital costs fe purchasing tailers ny Building the hansfey station : WY Syria Hme, tabour and? energy stequiied fed transfeiriny : wante. tod fiom waste. a dizeck discharge, stohen Small to medium TS no inteymediak braken 100 tean/day Csmotl) Wy Large Ts Soo tonn fday (median) Ls divect dinchaige mom comPrchon . ( ao compachon happen similat t= plotfoim / pit non compaction ~ a Grol) — aad a 1s) (dumped inte platfoim / ptt - > compaction Staton « waste equigmeat ic mandel ty» flo diveck di'scharye «) eontt but dumped into plattrim. > Tempstaty Stoiage can be tt > cost of const P since + In FlooY arwa. I daniyned for easy commesoa) use Mech equipments ane engaged & = Cost of Constiociion T due to mech. equiements , Fleoy asta , ferred her Garte has Havel sete VeMcks ajediud., THiS MEN latge distance betes disease” 3 ae capacity af “Transfer station 2 Ss Phovld have adequate bpace fot Glotage dh fer processing and Sloving ware | sepatale maneuvering , additional Sypace ig stequited offices , employe facline - wai wuanke 15 nequited — te > Space fey — Ly capacity oF collection vehicle > desited no. Q days of Storage space @n tipping Flocy > Time stequived be,, unload collection vehicles. Factots — No- AY vehicles > tWadk Sotkng ov processing capacity eo. = Transkex teilot capacity “a > Houns of opetatons > fusilability A Hailets waiting boy loading te Waste collecHon System design : A Warte which combination Mrendd Guill give best etki ciency Economic Qhalysis_ —— Establishment (capita) opeiaonal cost Craw , Hock tequiimen+ Vaniows feymuas +o derive "Y mo. A Sewices / vebicte load Cn) N= cxod C= capacity of vehicle (m3) Ete , : ) Ww D= warte density Ck /m3) W = wante generation / tesidence CK / residence NY Time oreguired collecting one lead CE) ) E= Nee | L= leading Hme [s1estdence, Including oN- Youk Has MY Dl. of loads [ crew /day (@) tueik day fength Ce) Adminishative and breakdown (€) Time pent on adminishation £ G= A+B biexs (4) Time for hawting 4 athes Howl Hauling 2 other Wautl Ame (t2) (#2) t= (n¥H)-F 447 Collechon youte Hme ,(t3) A = Adminishalive Aine Collech’on Youk me, 3 VB = Time. fr ubdeeks: £ lunch bp= n#E Ho = time to foul te dig pecal site, empty frock and ichun Ha t +t tt, ie bli $= Lime fo Yeturn from site fo stoke Gs Time ty howd Hom Staging garage to astocuke. J = bime by atetunn From AHposal Site ty uae E = lime Yeauiyed iq caticainy one load , WS no. Q vehicles and crews CK) S= folal no. Setuices in the K= (s*F) —— ; (n*02M) Collechon aneq F “ Frequency of collecHon Cnumbes (weet) “M0. of work days /week Ee UD cotewahin d} annive vehicle and labour costs Uchicle costs = Depreciahon + Maintainance + consumables + Ovethead 4 NeenSe + inSuvance- Laboun costS = Dyivets Aalavy + crew tea Balaries + Indirect laboun + Supplies + ovethead

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