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Quantitative Determination of Degree of Conversion in

Photocured Poly(urethane-dimethacrylate)s by Fourier

Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

Izabela M. Barszczewska-Rybarek
Department of Physical Chemistry and Technology of Polymers, Silesian University of Technology,
Gliwice 44-100, Poland

Received 14 December 2010; accepted 22 March 2011

DOI 10.1002/app.34553
Published online 19 August 2011 in Wiley Online Library (

ABSTRACT: In this work, infrared spectroscopy was by the internal band ratio method applying an aromatic
used to characterize the degree of double bonds conver- band as a reference. A good correlation between the
sion (DC) in six series of poly(urethane-dimethacrylate)s, degree of conversion from two internal standard methods,
derived from dicarbamates of oligoethylene glycols mono- using aromatic band and carbonyl band as references, was
methacrylates and aliphatic, cycloaliphatic and aromatic obtained. It was shown that the degree of conversion
diisocyanates. To evaluate the degree of conversion in increases as the number of oxyethylene units increases. Po-
polymers devoid of aromatic moieties, two methods of cal- lymerization of monomers with aliphatic cores resulted in
culation have been proposed: internal band ratio method, higher DC values, while those with cycloaliphatic and aro-
with carbonyl stretching vibrations as a standard, and a matic cores—resulted in lower DC values. V C 2011 Wiley

method involving the direct observation of the decrease in Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 123: 1604–1611, 2012
¼C stretching band. The validity of these
the intensity of C¼
methods has been checked on polymers with aromatic Key words: dimethacrylates; infrared spectroscopy; degree
structures, by comparing the results with those obtained of conversion; polymer networks

INTRODUCTION very flexible monomers, in which the reactive meth-

acrylate groups are relatively far apart, can be com-
The dimethacrylate-based polymeric networks have
pletely reacted. Thus, the DC generally depends on
become a very attractive research area simultane-
the chemical structure of the monomer.5,7,11–13
ously combining fundamental and applied topics of
The DC is a major factor influencing the physical
great interest. They are used as abrasion-resistant
properties of resulted cross-linked polymers.
coatings,1–3 components in optical telecommunica-
The higher the conversion of double bonds, the
tion4,5 and dental restorative materials.6–10
higher the mechanical strength, modulus and hard-
A great problem with the application of dimetha-
crylate-based polymers is the depth of the polymer-
Since the structure of polymer network formed,
ization and how to appropriately measure it. The
characterized by the DC, has considerable influence
polymerization of multifunctional methacrylates gen-
on the final mechanical properties, knowledge of the
erally exhibits certain complex features such as
DC is essential.
autoacceleration, autodeceleration, steric isolation,
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is
and vitrification. All the above factors lead to a
an established analytical technique that has been
decrease in the degree of double bonds conversion
adopted as a standard, convenient, and reliable
(DC), which is significantly less than 100%, despite
method for assessing the DC in multi(meth)acrylate
the presence of trapped radicals and double bonds,
which did not react. The unreacted double bonds
To determine the DC by vibrational spectroscopy,
may be present either as pendant groups in the net-
the disappearance of signals generated by vibrations
work or in free monomer molecules, which may
of double vinyl bonds are monitored. The content of
even leach from the polymerized material. Only
methacrylate groups remaining in the sample after
irradiation can be estimated by the intensities of the
peaks, either at 1637 cm1 referring to the C¼ ¼C
Correspondence to: I. M. Barszczewska-Rybarek (Izabela. stretching or at 816 cm1 referring to the C¼ ¼C twist-
ing. More often the 1637 cm1 absorption is chosen,
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 123, 1604–1611 (2012) because it is stronger than that at 816 cm1 and pro-
C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. vides less experimental deviation.3,7,9,10,12,14–20,24

In the determination of the DC, the relative band

ratio method is widely used. In this method, the in-
tensity decrease of the vinyl bond vibrations, result-
ing from polymerization, is determined in relation to
the vibrations which do not take part directly in the
polymerization reaction (internal standard). An
assumption for the application of this method is that
the relative absorptivity of the reference vibrations
in the monomer and in the polymer are equal.4
The aromatic C¼ ¼C stretching vibration at 1609
cm1 is used as an established internal stand-
ard.3,4,7,10,14–18 In some studies, when resins do not
contain aromatic rings, C¼ ¼O stretching vibration at
1720 cm1 is used as a standard.4,17,19,22–24 The
results of that method may be inaccurate and many
scientists negate C¼ ¼O band usefulness as a
Figure 1 Structure of UDMA monomers.
It has been reported that the position and the in- MDI) and poly(OEGMMA/TDI), and only for those
tensity of the sharp well-defined peak, assigned to is it possible to apply the well established method of
the carbonyl stretching vibration, change during po- calculation of the DC, by using the band of aromatic
lymerization. In the uncured state the carbonyl vibrations as a standard. The DC for remaining poly-
group is conjugated with the C¼ ¼C bond and on cur- mers has to be calculated in a different way. For that
ing this conjugation is lost. The bond becomes stron- purpose, the validity of the DC calculation with the
ger in the cured state due to the fact that the elec- use of C¼ ¼O band as a standard and direct measure-
trons are no longer delocalized and a significant loss ments of intensity of methacrylate C¼ ¼C bands in
of intensity of this peak has been observed. This monomers and polymers has been checked.
effect can also be influenced by a decreased strength By comparing the DC in poly(OEGMMA/TDI)
of intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds in a and poly(OEGMMA/MDI) calculated in the follow-
polymer.7,14,25 ing three ways: two relative band ratio methods
For systems having no aromatic rings, a method (with C¼ ¼C aromatic band and C¼ ¼O band used as
of the continuous measurement of C¼ ¼C absorbance standards) and the direct method (without a stand-
during the irradiation, known as real time infrared ard), the methodology for calculating the DC was
spectroscopy (RT-FTIR), is often used. This method elaborated for the whole group of UDMA polymers,
does not require a standard and enables the calcula- including those without aromatic groups: poly(-
tion of conversion at any time of polymerization OEGMMA/HMDI), poly(OEGMMA/TMDI), poly(-
directly, by dividing C¼ ¼C absorbance, measured at OEGMMA/IPDI), and poly(OEGMMA/CHMDI).
time t (in the polymer), by its initial absorbance (in Possessing knowledge of the DC is essential in
the monomer).7,12,20,21 understanding structure–property relationships of
The aim of this work was to develop a methodol- dimethacrylate polymer networks and can help in
ogy whereby the dimethacrylate monomers conver- controlling, modifying and improving the final prop-
sion, which contain no aromatic group, can be elabo- erties of cross-linked polymeric materials originating
rated using infrared spectroscopy and then to from this type of monomers.
correlate their chemical structure with the DC. These
are twenty four urethane-dimethacrylates (UDMA) EXPERIMENTAL
obtained from oligoethylene glycols monomethacry-
lates (OEGMMA), having from 1 to 4 oxyethylene
units, and six diisocyanates (DI): aliphatic—HMDI Urethane-dimethacrylate (UDMA) monomers were
and TMDI, cycloaliphatic—IPDI and CHMDI, aro- synthesized from OEGMMA and DI according to the
matic—TDI and MDI (Fig. 1). Only two of them: procedure previously reported.26,27 2-Hydroxyethyl
HEMA/HMDI and HEMA/TMDI are used in prac- methacrylate (HEMA; Sigma), hexamethylene-1,6-dii-
tice, the remaining monomers are new and of poten- socyanate (HMDI; Fluka), 2,2,42,4,4-trimethylhexyl-1,6-
tial application.7,8 The quantitative determination of diisocyanate (TMDI; Aldrich), isophorone diisocya-
saturation in polymer networks obtained from light- nate (IPDI; Aldrich), 4,40 -methylenebis(cyclohexyl iso-
induced homopolymerization of these monomers cyanate) (CHMDI; Aldrich), 2,4-toluene diisocyanate
was carried out by FTIR spectroscopy. The only two (TDI; Aldrich) and 4,40 -methylenebis(phenyl isocya-
homologue series of polymers among those exam- nate) (MDI; Aldrich) were used as received. Monome-
ined contain aromatic moieties: poly(OEGMMA/ thacrylates: DEGMMA, TEGMMA and TTEGMMA

Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app


Thermal Properties of UDMA Monomers and Temperatures of Their Polymerization
Tm/Tp/To ( C)

n ¼ 1 HEMA 77/91/155 RTp RTp 108/125/195 98/114/181 89/103/161

n ¼ 2 DEGMMA RTp RTp RTp RTp RTp RTp
n ¼ 3 TEGMMA RTp RTp RTp RTp RTp RTp

Tm, melting temperature of the monomer; Tp, temperature at which the photopolymerization was carried out; To, onset
of the temperature of thermal polymerization; RTp, room temperature, at which liquid monomers were photopolymerized.

were obtained from methyl methacrylate (MMA; Degree of conversion (DC)

Acros) and corresponding glycols: diethylene (DEG;
The DC in UDMA polymers was determined by
Acros), triethylene (TEG; Acros), and tetraethylene
using FTIR spectrophotometer (Bio-Rad FTS 175C).
(TTEG; Acros) ones according to the procedure
The spectra of the monomers and their polymers
described previously.26,27 The purity of all the mono-
were recorded with 128 scans at resolution of 1
mers was checked by means of 1H NMR analysis
cm1. The absorption intensity of selected peaks was
measured after the baseline correction in the 1800–
using tetramethyl silane as an internal standard.
1500 cm1 region.14,16
The FTIR measurements were carried out in two
Polymerization ways, depending on the physical state of the mono-
mer at room temperature.
To photopolymerize the samples, 0.4 wt % of cam-
phorquinone (CQ; Aldrich) used as photosensitizer
and 1 wt % of N,N-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate Measurement of liquid monomers conversion
(DMAEMA; Aldrich) used as reducing agent, were A very thin film of mixture of each liquid monomer
added to each sample. (Table I) containing initiating system was formed
Photopolymerization was initiated with a mercury onto potassium bromide pellet and FTIR spectrum
lamp (FAMED-1, model L-6/58, Poland, power 375 has been recorded at zero time (t0). Then the sample
W), set at a distance of 15 cm and irradiated for 5 was irradiated for 5 min (tt). The spectra of the poly-
min. This lamp emitted radiation in the 420–500 nm mers were recorded immediately after the end of
range, where CQ absorbes (kmax ¼ 470 nm).7 The irradiation.
monomer samples were covered with PET film to
reduce oxygen inhibition effects.
Measurement of solid monomers conversion
Majority of all UDMA monomers are viscous
liquids, except for HEMA/HMDI, HEMA/CHMDI, The mixtures of solid monomers (Table I) with ini-
HEMA/TDI, and HEMA/MDI, which are crystalline tiating system were polymerized for 5 min at ele-
solids (Table I). Liquid monomers were room tem- vated temperatures (selected for each solid monomer
perature photopolymerized (RTp). Solid monomers
were photopolymerized in the molten state. The
temperature of curing was chosen on the basis of
DSC measurements.

Determination of the temperature of

photopolymerization (Tp) of solid UDMA
monomers by DSC
The calorimetric measurements were carried out on
a Mettler Toledo differential scanning calorimeter
(DSC 822e). Samples of  2 mg each were heated
from 20 to 250 C with a heating rate 10 K/min.
The temperature of photopolymerization of solid
monomers have been selected at 10 K above endset
of the melting process, which was the safe tempera-
ture at which the thermal polymerization did not Figure 2 DSC curves of UDMA monomers being solid at
take place (Fig. 2, Table I). room temperature.

Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app


in DSC measurements) in a form of very thin film four oxyethylene units, and the chemical character
formed on a glass plate. The cured samples were of the core, derived from DI, being: aliphatic (HMDI,
pulverized into fine powder with a planetary ball TMDI), cycloaliphatic (IPDI, CHMDI), or aromatic
mill (Pulverisette, Fritsch GmbH) and next sifted to ones (TDI, MDI). The monomers were activated for
a particle diameter less than 24 lm. The samples of visible light photopolymerization by the addition of
those polymers were admixed with potassium bro- CQ 0.4 wt % and DMAEMA 1 wt %.
mide and examined as pellets. Depending on the physical state of the monomer
the polymerization was carried out in two ways.
Calculations of the DC Photopolymerizations of all the liquid monomers,
The DC in UDMA polymers was calculated accord- being in the majority, were performed directly on
ing to the following ways: the KBr pellet, as a very thin film, at room tempera-
ture, under identical conditions to obtain comparable
• In relation to the peak at 1598 cm1 assigned to results. Since the monomers: HEMA/HMDI,
aromatic stretching vibrations, in the case of HEMA/CHMDI, HEMA/TDI, and HEMA/MDI are
monomers of series having aromatic moieties solid, their photopolymerization required transfor-
(OEGMMA/TDI and OEGMMA/MDI): mation to liquid state before the reaction. They were
polymerized on a glass plate, as a very thin film at
DCAr ¼ 1  ½ðAC@C =AAr Þpolymer = elevated temperatures. The temperature of photopo-
ðAC@C =AAr Þmonomer  (1) lymerization (Tp) for those monomers has been esti-
mated by use of DSC experiments and was selected
where, AC¼ 10 K above endset temperature of melting (Tm),
¼C is the absorption of the peak at
1637 cm1 and AAr is the absorption of the peak which was lower than the onset temperature of ther-
at 1598 cm1. mal polymerization (To) (Table I). The monomers:
• In relation to the peak at 1718 cm1 assigned to HEMA/HMDI, HEMA/CHMDI, HEMA/TDI, and
the carbonyl stretching vibration as follows: HEMA/MDI were photopolymerized at the follow-
ing temperatures, respectively: 91 C, 125 C, 114 C,
DCC@O ¼ 1  ½ðAC@C =AC@O Þpolymer = and 103 C.

ðAC@C =AC@O Þmonomer  (2) TABLE II

The Degree of Conversion (DC) in Light-Cured UDMA
where, AC¼ ¼C is the absorption of the peak at Polymers Calculated According to Discussed Methods
1637 cm1 and AC¼ ¼O is the absorption of the Polymer DCAr (%) DCC¼
¼O (%) DCC¼
¼C (%)
peak at 1718 cm1.This method was applied for
photopolymerization of all, liquid and solid, HEMA/HMDI – 67
monomers. TEGMMA/HMDI – 93 97
• Directly, from the decrease of absorption band TTEGMMA/HMDI – 92 91
referring to the C¼¼C stretching vibrations at HEMA/TMDI – 48 76
1637 cm1 on the FTIR spectra as follows: DEGMMA/TMDI – 63 79
DCC@C ¼ 1  ðAC@CðtÞ =ðAC@Cð0Þ Þ (3) HEMA/CHMDI – 27 a

where, AC¼ ¼C(0) is the absorption of the peak at TEGMMA/CHMDI – 79 75
1637 cm1 at the start and AC¼ ¼C(t) the absorp-
tion at the end of photopolymerization (after 5 HEMA/IPDI – 23 51
min). This method was applied only in the case TEGMMA/IPDI – 86 91
of photopolymerization of liquid monomers. TTEGMMA/IPDI – 85 80
HEMA/MDI 47 23
DEGMMA/MDI 56 47 57
TTEGMMA/MDI 89 89 87
Twenty four UDMA monomers of various structures HEMA/TDI 42 31 a

(from very elastic to very rigid; Fig. 1) have been DEGMMA/TDI 71 67 68

used to synthesize UDMA networks. The system has TEGMMA/TDI 72 64 58
been thought to be a model one when investigating TTEGMMATDI 75 69 84
the influence of the chemical structure of dimetha- a
¼C methacrylate
The direct measure of intensity of C¼
crylate monomer on the DC in a polymer. Two band in monomer and polymer have not been done
structural parameters of UDMA were changed: the because of solid state of the monomer at room
length of oligooxyethylene chain, having from one to temperature.

Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app


Figure 3 The exemplary FTIR spectra of: HEMA/TDI (a), DEGMMA/MDI (b), TEGMMA/IPDI (c), and TTEGMMA/
HMDI (d) (black—the monomer, gray—the polymer).

When IR spectroscopy is applied to investigate the In FTIR spectra of UDMA monomers usually two
DC in poly(dimethacrylate)s, the internal band ratio C¼ ¼O bands can be distinguished (Fig. 3). When
method with stretching vibrations of aromatic ring C¼ ¼O band was used as a standard, the DC was cal-
as a reference is the most frequently used. Only two culated in respect to the intensity of C¼ ¼O band at
homologue series of monomers among the examined 1718 cm1, as more reliable than the one at 1699
ones contain aromatic moieties: OEGMMA/MDI cm1. The band at the lower wavenumber is identi-
and OEGMMA/TDI, and only for those was it possi- fied for the carbonyl group affected by hydrogen
ble to apply this method. The control of the DC in bonds, and the other one as the ‘‘free’’ carbonyl
the remaining polymers was a more difficult task, group.14,20 Presence of the doublet of the C¼ ¼O
especially due to the lack of an unquestionable FTIR stretching vibrations can be also explained by the
method of the DC determination in poly(dimetha- complex structure of UDMA monomers, where the
crylate)s devoid of aromatic moieties. To evaluate carbonyl group is part of both ester (ACOOA) and
the DC in polymers of all six homologue series of urethane (ANHCOOA) linkages.
UDMA, two other methods of calculations have The precision of the internal standard method
been proposed: internal band ratio method with using C¼ ¼O band as a reference was tested by com-
carbonyl stretching vibrations as a standard and paring the DC obtained in this way with the DC
the method involving the direct observation of determined by the method using aromatic band as a
the decrease in the intensity of C¼ ¼C stretching reference (Fig. 4). In Figure 4(a) results only for liq-
band. Since these methods have as many fol- uid monomers are compared. The results for all
lowers4,17,19,22,24 as opponents,3,7,20 their validity has monomers of the series OEGMMA/MDI and
been checked on OEGMMA/MDI and OEGMMA/ OEGMMA/TDI, including HEMA/MDI and
TDI series, by comparing the results with those HEMA/TDI, are shown in Figure 4(b). In both cases,
obtained from internal band ratio method using aro- good linear relationships were found, respectively:
matic band as a reference, being the widely accepted R2 ¼ 0.988 and R2 ¼ 0.966. However, it has been
one (Table II).3,4,7,10,14–16,18 noticed, that the DC values from the method where

Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app


Figure 4 A comparison of the degree of conversion obtained from the internal standard method using the aromatic band
(DCAr) with the degree of conversion from the internal standard method using the carbonyl band (DCC¼ ¼O) in UDMA
polymers based on MDI and TDI: (a) except and (b) including poly(HEMA/MDI) and poly(HEMA/TDI).

carbonyl reference band is used are lower than the For further considerations of the monomer struc-
DC values from the method involving aromatic ref- ture/the DC relationship, the internal standard
erence band (Table II). This observation is in agree- method involving carbonyl band as a reference was
ment with the statement that C¼ ¼O band becomes chosen. Since, the DC values determined by this
less intense in the course of polymerization.25 The method appeared to be lower than in reality, the lin-
offset of the DC depends on the structure of the pol- ear regression equation DCC¼ ¼O ¼ f(DCAr) was used
ymerizing monomer. For short and stiff HEMA/ to recalculate the obtained values of the DCC¼ ¼O
MDI and HEMA/TDI molecules, the DC differ sig- (Fig. 6).
nificantly, respectively: 51 and 26%. The strength of As shown in Figure 6, when comparing the DC in
hydrogen bonds, which increases with the decrease polymers of all homologous series, the dependence
of the length of oligooxyethylene chains in UDMA on chemical structure of monomers is observed. The
structures,27 can play an additional role in this case. DC increases with the length of the oligooxyethylene
The intensity of the carbonyl band in the monomer chain, but for the monomers with the longest mole-
spectrum can be significantly higher in respect to cules it drops slightly. The influence of the chemical
the polymer spectrum, which results in a smaller
DC value. The DC of monomers of symmetrical,
elastic molecules with longer oligooxyethylene
chains (TEGMMA/MDI and TTEGMMA/MDI) are
almost the same in both methods. On the above, the
application of the C¼ ¼O band as a reference in the
determination of the DC may be regarded for calcu-
lations to get quantitative conversion data in the se-
ries of UDMA polymers.
The method based on the direct measurement of
decreasing intensity of methacrylate C¼ ¼C band was
checked as well. This method can not be used for
systems based on: HEMA/HMDI, HEMA/CHMDI,
HEMA/TDI, and HEMA/MDI, obtained in indirect
polymerization. In Figure 5, the relationship between
the DC calculated by the methods using aromatic
band as a standard and direct measurement of inten-
sity of C¼ ¼C band in monomer and polymer is
shown. A poor linear relationship (R2 ¼ 0.667)
makes this methodology unacceptable for estimation
of the DC in UDMA polymers. Figure 5 The degree of conversion in UDMA polymers
based on MDI and TDI, calculated according to the inter-
In Table II, the DC values in all investigated poly- nal standard method using the aromatic band (DCAr) ver-
mers calculated by all methods discussed are sus the degree of conversion calculated according to the
summarized. ¼C band (DCC¼
direct method of observation C¼ ¼C).

Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app


defined model system of polymerizing monomers.

This method yields lower values of the DC when
compared with the results from the method using aro-
matic band as a standard, but a good linear relation-
ship between them is obtained.
The results from the direct observation of the
decrease in the intensity of C¼ ¼C stretching band
show a poor relationship with others discussed in
the work methods and make this method unaccept-
able for the DC calculations. This result suggests
that in one work, for comparison purposes, one
method of calculation should be chosen. It is not
possible to apply different methods for each particu-
lar monomer.
The DC in UDMA polymers depends on the
Figure 6 The degree of conversion (DC) in all UDMA length of the oligooxyethylene chain and chemical
polymers predicted by using the linear regression analysis. character of the core in the repeating unit. After the
initial growth of the DC with an increasing number
of oxyethylene units, it drops slightly for the longest
character of the core in repeating units is also seen. UDMA molecules. Replacing the aliphatic core by a
The DC in poly(UDMA)s with cycloaliphatic and ar- cycloaliphatic or an aromatic core results in a
omatic moieties in their structures are lower in com- decreasing DC.
parison to the fully aliphatic polymers. The stiffness of HEMA-based monomer molecules
The stiff cycloaliphatic or aromatic cores as well resulting from the presence of cyclic (cycloaliphatic
as strong hydrogen bonding between short UDMA or aromatic) structures, short oxyethylene units and
structures (HEMA/DI) can cause a decreased mobil- a higher concentration of hydrogen bonds, leads to
ity of monomer molecules during polymerization, lower DC values.
resulting in lower DC than expected. The reason for The great elasticity of longer UDMA monomer
this result can also be the significant loss of the molecules (TEGMMA and TTEGMMA based) leads
absorption intensity of the C¼ ¼O band due to the to higher DC values.
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Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/app

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