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Copper–copper oxide coated nanofibrillar cellulose: a

promising biomaterial3
Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c3ra42209g
Published on 25 June 2013. Downloaded by University of York on 15/07/2013 22:12:07.

Shaswat Barua,a Gautam Das,b Lipika Aidew,c Alak K. Buragohainc

and Niranjan Karak*a

Nanocellulose is gaining impetus as a hierarchical material in many advanced applications. The isolation of
nanocellulose from easily available bio-resources is an area to be delved into thoroughly. This article
highlights the isolation of nanofibrillar cellulose from an abundant natural source, Colocasia esculenta, by
a chemical method. The nanofibrils were coated with copper–copper oxide nanoparticles through a
‘green’ reductive technique using the alcoholic extract of Terminalia chebula fruit. The prepared fibrils and
the nanohybrid were characterized by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and
transmission electron microscopic studies. The coated nanofibrils showed promising antimicrobial activity
against Staphyllococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans. The nanohybrid was quite
Received 4th May 2013,
compatible with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) as well as mammalian red blood cells
Accepted 24th June 2013
(RBCs). The structural integrity of bovine serum albumin (BSA) was unaltered upon interaction with the
DOI: 10.1039/c3ra42209g
nanohybrid. The biocompatible and antimicrobial nanohybrid presented here possesses high potential to be used as a biomaterial in a suitable niche of modern biomedical fields.

Introduction the post- and pre-treatments.7 Another vital factor that dictates
these features is the original source from which it is isolated.
Availability and sustainability are the signature attributes of Again, Colocasia esculenta is a plant that grows abundantly
renewable resources. The tailoring of innovative products from in the tropical regions across the globe. The nutrient
renewable resources for materials science and technology, as composition and the cellulose content of this plant have
well as for the biomedical domain, generated a global interest already been evaluated thoroughly.8 In the present work, we
on cellulose – the most abundant organic polymer.1 The report the isolation of nanofibrillar cellulose from C. esculenta,
plant’s cellulose generally forms a native composite with by a chemical method using alkali and acid treatments.
lignin and other carbohydrates (e.g. hemicelluloses) from Furthermore, copper nanoparticles have been associated
which it can be isolated by various physico-chemical techni- with remarkable properties including an excellent antimicro-
ques.1 A scrutiny of the literature reveals a limited number of bial activity.9 Greener approaches for the reduction of metal
reports on the isolation of micro and nanofibrillar cellulose salts have been a continuous endeavor,10–14 however, reports
(NFC) from natural and industrial wastes.2,3 Recently, Mandal on the reduction of copper salts are still limited in the
and Chakrabarty reported the isolation of nanocellulose from literature.15 Herein, we wish to report the reduction of a
waste sugarcane bagasse by the acid hydrolysis method.4 Apart copper acetate salt by ethanolic extracts of the Terminalia
from plants, certain non-pathogenic bacteria, algae and fungi chebula fruit. Again, the synthesis of pure metallic copper
found in fruits, vegetables etc. have been reported to be used nanoparticles is still a challenge for researchers, because
in the isolation of cellulose.5,6 However, the crystallinity and copper is highly susceptible to oxidation in the atmosphere.16
fiber size are dependent on the isolation conditions as well as Thus, the present endeavor was to prepare copper–copper
oxide (Cu–CuO) nanoparticle-coated cellulose nanofibrils.
Recently, Jia et al. described the preparation of copper
Advanced Polymer and Nanomaterial Laboratory, Department of Chemical Sciences,
Tezpur University, Napaam-784028, Assam, India.
nanoparticle-coated cellulose films.17 However, they used toxic
E-mail:; Fax: +913712267006; Tel: +91-3712-267009 reductants like NaBH4 for the reduction of the copper salt.17
Department of Environment & Energy Engineering, Gachon University, 1342 Green nanomaterials with potential bioactivity have been
Seongnam Daero, Seongnam, Gyeonggi, 461-701, Korea gaining attention recently.11 The interaction of such nanoma-
Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tezpur University, Napaam-
terials with living systems is of paramount importance for
784028, Assam, India
their potential biomedical applications. The role of protein–
3 Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: EDX images of NFC and
Cu NFCs and UV-visible spectra of Cu NFC are given here. See DOI: 10.1039/ nanoparticle interactions in nanomedicine and nanotoxicol-
c3ra42209g ogy is a promising field. Reports suggest that distortion of the

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protein may occur upon interaction with nanosurfaces.18 DMSO, at 80 uC for 2 h.4 This was again filtered and washed
Lynch and Dawson recently studied a collection of proteins with distilled water.
that associate with nanoparticles in biological fluids.19 The The delignified cellulose fibers were treated with 50% glacial
most abundant protein found in plasma is serum albumin, acetic acid for 2 h at 45 uC. The acid treated fibers were washed
which plays a key role in many physiological functions such as with water until the medium reached neutral pH. The acid
transport and delivery of fatty acids, porphyrins, bilirubin and hydrolysis was quenched by pouring water to the reactor and
steroids, etc. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was selected as our allowed to cool at room temperature. The fibrils were collected
protein model due to its water-soluble nature, which is by centrifugation and washed several times with distilled
important for the study of the interaction with nanomater- water. Then, fibrils were mechanically dispersed in water to
obtain a suspension of nanofibrillar cellulose (NFC). The NFC
suspension was frozen by lowering the pressure under
Again, cellulose has extensive utility in the biomedical
Published on 25 June 2013. Downloaded by University of York on 15/07/2013 22:12:07.

vacuum, followed by sublimation of the water using a

domain, especially in bandage applications due to its porous
lyophilizer (Labtech Freeze dryer, Daihan Labtech Co.
nature.21 A surgical bandage material demands compatibility
L-DF5512). This resulted in a dry nanofibrillar cellulose
with blood cells, especially with peripheral blood mononuclear
cells (PBMC), a fibroblast cell line that helps in the contraction
and healing of wounds.22 To achieve a better comparison with Preparation of copper-coated nanofibrillar cellulose
in vivo conditions and to evaluate whether the nanohybrid About 2 g of Terminalia chebula fruit was washed and ground
system shows any toxic effect, studies were conducted on in a domestic blender. It was stirred for about 30 min in 100
mammalian PBMC, which consist mainly of lymphocytes (e.g. mL of ethanol at 40 uC. The alcoholic extract was filtered
T-cells) and monocytes, and also on red blood cells (RBCs). In through a muslin cloth. The pH of the extract was 7.4, which is
this endeavor, the aim was to prepare Cu–CuO coated near neutral. A copper acetate solution was prepared in
nanofibrillar cellulose with promising antimicrobial potency ethanol with varying amounts of the salt: 5, 10 and 15% (w/v),
and biocompatibility. This nanohybrid may be a potential by stirring 15 min at room temperature. Nanofibrillar cellulose
material for biomedical applications. (4 g) was dispersed in 10 mL ethanol. The copper acetate
solution was poured onto the dispersed nanofibrillar cellulose
and stirred at room temperature for 2 h. The T. chebula extract
(1 mL) was added to the above solution and stirred for another
6 h at room temperature. The color of the solution changed
Materials from blue to dark brown and finally to faint black. The
solution was centrifuged and the fibers were washed several
Colocasia esculenta stems were collected from the Tezpur
times with ethanol, followed by water. The reaction was carried
University (Assam, India) campus and were cut, sun dried and
out at pH 7.4 and the samples were encoded as Cu NFC 1, Cu
washed. The dried sample was ground with a domestic
NFC 2 and Cu NFC 3 for 5, 10 and 15% (w/v) of the copper
blender. The chemicals used for the extraction of the fiber
acetate solution, respectively. The copper–copper oxide coated
and the preparation of the nanofibrillar cellulose were sodium
fibrils were mechanically dispersed in water and freeze dried
hydroxide, glacial acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide (MERCK,
under vacuum using a lyophilizer (Labtech Freez dryer,
India). Mueller Hinton agar, potato dextrose agar (Himedia,
DaihanLabtech Co. L-DF5512). For comparison, another
India) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (MERCK, India) were
sample (Cu NFC 4) was prepared in which copper acetate
used for the antimicrobial tests. Trypan Blue, a diazo stain,
was reduced by NaOH according to a reported procedure,
RPMI-1640, the cell culture media and BSA (Sigma Aldrich,
where a 0.2 M ethanolic solution of copper acetate was
India) were used for the compatibility assay with PBMC and
reduced with 0.01 mol of NaOH.23
the interaction study of the nanohybrid with the protein.
Antioxidant activity
Method of isolation of the cellulose nanofibrils from the C.
esculenta stems The antioxidant activity of the prepared samples was deter-
mined by the modified DPPH (19,19-diphenyl picryl-hydrazyle)
The ground mass of C. esculenta was bleached with a 7%
method as reported previously.10 Then, 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200
hydrogen peroxide solution (pH 5, adjusted with glacial acetic
mL of all the samples were mixed with 2 mL of a 100 mM DPPH
acid), maintaining a fiber to solution ratio (1 : 50) for 2 h at 45
(HiMedia, India) solution and vortexed. DPPH scavenging was
uC. This was followed by successive washings with double
measured in the dark by measuring the absorbance of the
distilled water to maintain a neutral pH. The treatment
solutions at 515 nm, using a UV-visible spectrophotometer.
facilitated the removal of lignin from the fibers and helped in
Measurements were done in triplicate. The percentage of
the partial removal of hemicelluloses. For the complete
scavenging was calculated using the formula:
delignification of the fibers, a 5% sodium hydroxide solution
was used. Fibers were soaked in 250 mL alkaline solution for 2
DPPH scavenging = [(AC 2 AS)/AC] 6 100 (1)
h at 45 uC. The residue was collected by filtration through a
micro filter and washed several times with double distilled
where, AC and AS are the absorption of blank DPPH and the
water. The residue was then air dried and treated with 50%
sample-mixed DPPH at 517 nm, respectively.

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Antimicrobial assay filtered 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium

bromide (MTT, Sigma Aldrich) stock solution in PBS at pH
NFC and Cu NFC were tested against the following microbial
7.4 (5 mg mL21) were added to each well. After 4 h of
strains: Escherichia coli (ATCC 10536, Gram negative),
incubation, the insoluble formazan crystals were dissolved in
Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 11632, Gram positive) and
DMSO (MERCK, India) and measured spectrophotometrically
Candida albicans (ATCC 10231). The bacterial strains were
in an ELISA reader (Thermo Scientific) at a wavelength of 570
cultured on Mueller Hinton agar and the fungal species (C.
nm. The relative cell viability (%) with respect to the control
albicans) was cultured on potato dextrose agar. The agar well
wells containing cell culture medium without nanoparticles
diffusion method was employed as a preliminary test to find
was calculated by the absorbance of (test sample/control) 6
out if the samples had antimicrobial activity.10 The fibrils were
dispersed in sterile 1% DMSO (MERCK, India) to a concentra-
tion of 30 mg mL21. Wells with 8 mm diameter were punched Interaction with bovine serum albumin
Published on 25 June 2013. Downloaded by University of York on 15/07/2013 22:12:07.

in the media into which 50 mL samples were loaded.

To study the interaction of the fibrils (both pristine and
Streptomycin and nystatin (8 mg mL21) were used as the
copper–copper oxide nanoparticle-coated nanofibrillar cellu-
positive controls for bacteria and C. albicans respectively and
lose) with BSA, 10 mg of the samples were incubated with 500
1% DMSO was used as the blank. Prepared plates were
mL of BSA (1 mg mL21) for 16 h at 37 uC.20 After incubation,
incubated at 37 uC for 16 h. The antimicrobial activity was
samples were treated with buffer containing 60 mM Tris (pH
examined by measuring the diameter of the zone of inhibition
6.8), 25% glycerol, 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 14.4 mM
using a zone scale (HIMEDIA). The tests were carried out in
2-mercaptoethanol, 0.1% bromophenol blue (HIMEDIA,
INDIA) and boiled for 5 min, followed by centrifugation at
Hemolysis assay 7155 6 g (8000 rpm) for 1 min at 4 uC. Electrophoresis was
The hemolysis assays were performed to investigate the lysis (if performed using an Amersham Biosciences Gel system at a
any) of the RBC membrane by the prepared fibrils. Goat blood constant voltage of 80 kV for 240 min. After electrophoresis,
was collected from a slaughter house in a heparinized tube the gel was stained with the Coomassie Brilliant Blue dye and
containing 4% sodium citrate. It was then centrifuged (MPW) observed in a gel imaging system (Bio-Rad, USA).
at 1006 6 g (3000 rpm) for 20 min at 4 uC. The erythrocytes Characterization
were washed twice with phosphate buffer saline (PBS). After
FTIR spectra of samples were recorded in a FTIR spectro-
washing, the packed erythrocytes were resuspended in PBS (10
photometer (Impact-410, Nicolet, USA). The dried fibers and
mM at pH = 7.4) to obtain a 5% haematocrit. Varying
prepared nanohybrid were mixed with KBr pellets and pressed
concentrations of the samples (0.39, 0.78, 1.56, 3.12, and
in a compressor to obtain a transparent film, which was
6.25 mg mL21) were prepared. 100 mL of the test samples along
analyzed with the spectrophotometer. UV-visible spectra of the
with 1900 mL of haematocrit were added in each microfuge
diluted suspensions of the nanohybrid were analyzed by a
tube (Eppendorf) and incubated at 37 uC for 30 min. Cells were
Hitachi (U-2001, Tokyo, Japan) UV spectrophotometer. The
kept in an ice bath for 60 s for post-incubation and then
weight percentage of dried Cu–CuO loaded in the nanohybrid
centrifuged for 5 min at 1006 6 g (3000 rpm) at 4 uC. The
was investigated by electron dispersive X-ray (EDX) JSM-
haemoglobin concentration, as a measure of haemolysis, was
6390LV. An X-ray diffractometer (powder XRD), ‘Miniflex’
determined by taking the supernatants and reading the
(Rigaku Corporation Japan), was used for the analysis of the
absorbance at 540 nm.24,25 The results were taken with three
dry fibrils (cast on a glass slide) at room temperature (approx.
replicates and analyzed with one way ANOVA.
23 uC). The scanning rate of 5u min21 over the range of 2h =
Compatibility with PBMC 10–80u was used. The size and dispersion of the nanoparticles
In vitro cytotoxicity assays of the samples were carried out on on the cellulose nanofibrils (dispersed in water and dried)
PBMC.22 Goat blood was collected in citrated containers, were determined by using a JEOL JEMCXII transmission
transported to the laboratory and diluted to 1 : 1 PBS, of which electron microscope (TEM) at an operating voltage of 200 kV.
9 mL was layered onto 6 mL of Ficoll-Paque. The suspension
was then centrifuged for 15 min at 400 6 g (1891 rpm). The
plasma PBS was carefully removed without disturbing the Results and discussions
interface. The interface was collected with a syringe and
diluted to 20 mL in RPMI-1640 (serum free cell culture Isolation of NFC and formation of Cu NFC
medium). PBMC were cultured in a 6 well plate (1 6 105 cells/ Hydrogen peroxide is used extensively for bleaching lignocel-
well) in RPMI-1640. The samples (0.1 mg mL21) were then lulosic materials.26 The lignin was partly removed from the
added to the cells and the culture was incubated for 24 h in a cellulosic fiber in this step. The alkali treatment accelerated
CO2 incubator at 37 uC. Cells were stained with Trypan Blue the removal of lignins whereas hemicellulose was partially
(diazo stain) and counted on a hemocytometer. Cells without removed. Finally, the paracrystalline regions of the fibers got
the treated sample were used as the control. The experiment hydrolyzed preferentially by the acid treatment, while the
was done in triplicate. crystalline regions were resistant to the acid attack.27 The use
A MTT assay was performed with the cultured PBMC to of T. chebula extract is a greener trial to reduce the copper salt.
evaluate the cell viability.11 Twenty microlitres of a sterile The alcoholic extract was well reported to have many

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Fig. 1 Probable mechanism of formation of the Cu–CuO nanoparticle-coated


polyphenol compounds, where gallic acid is the major

component.28 These polyphenol compounds have a tendency Fig. 2 FTIR spectra of (a) base treated fibers (1), acid treated fibers (2) and acid
and base treated fibers (NFC) (3), (b) Cu NFC; and XRD patterns for (c) NFC and
to form complexes with metal ions29 and, during the
(d) Cu NFC.
complexation process, high amounts of electrons and protons
are released. This is schematically presented in Fig. 1, where
gallic acid was taken as the active component for the reduction
of copper acetate. The released electrons are responsible for clearly indicated by the band sharpness at 1159 cm21. Only
the reduction of Cu2+ to Cu0 but again, copper is oxidized in NaOH treated fibers were showing the methoxy (O–CH3)
the presence of atmospheric oxygen.30 Thus this mechanism groups associated with the lignin at 1427 cm21, which
may demonstrate the formation of Cu–CuO nanoparticles, via disappeared gradually during the acid treatment and finally
the mentioned greener route. The interaction of the nanopar- became negligible in the case of NFC.2 The absorption peak at
ticles with the cellulose matrix was previously shown by Jia 1610 cm21 is associated with the symmetrical stretching (CLC)
et al.17 of the aromatic rings present in lignin.2 Thus, hemicellulose
The percentage of Cu–CuO loaded in the prepared hybrid was removed predominantly under the base treatment as
was characterized with EDX analysis (ESI3 Fig. 1). The compared to the samples subjected to the acid treatment. The
percentage of copper was the highest in Cu NFC 3, while the characteristic C–H stretching vibration around 2919 cm21 was
lowest was in Cu NFC 1 (Table 1). The O/C ratio in Table 1 common for all the three samples.
indicates the presence of both Cu and CuO as with the Mandal et al. recently reported that the absorption band at
increase in the loading (%) of copper acetate, the oxygen 902 cm21 continually increased during alkaline and acid
percentage also increased. hydrolysis.4 A slight broadening of the peak associated with
UV-visible absorption bands for Cu NFC were observed at the b-glycosidic linkages between glucose units in cellulose
around 281 and 348 nm (ESI3 Fig. 2), which indicates a mixed can be observed in Fig. 2 a, from 898–912 cm21 in the base
phase of Cu and CuO in the dispersion.30 The spectra were treated cellulose to 878–927 cm21 in nanocellulose. This
taken after successive washings of the nanohybrid with indicates the formation of cellulose II.26
distilled water and ethanol. No significant decrease in the The FTIR study was also carried out for Cu NFC Fig. 2 b. A
absorption was found after this rinsing process. broad band ranging from 3200–3600 cm21 is a clear indication
FTIR studies are a potential tool in cellulose research.31 The of adsorption of the polyphenolic compounds of the extract on
chemical changes in the cellulose fibers during the different the surface of the nanohybrid.31 Bands at 1640, 1551 and 1419
treatments are shown in Fig. 2 a. The peak observed for all the cm21 correspond to the stretching vibrations of the carbonyl
samples at 1051 cm21 is assigned to the C–O–C stretching groups and the aromatic ring of gallic acid, the major
vibration of the pyranose ring. The glycosidic ether compo- component of the extract.32 The bands for Cu–O were observed
nents seemed to be diminished gradually in the NFC because at around 461, 521 and 668 cm21.30
of the loss of molecular weight during hydrolysis, which was The diffractogram in Fig. 2 c shows well-defined peaks at
around 2h = 16.46u and 22.25u for the {110} and {200}
characteristic planes of cellulose.4 The X-ray diffractogram of
Table 1 EDX data and O/C ratio of the samples Cu NFC showed distinct peaks at 2h values of about 30.49u,
36.12u, 47.26u, 52.27u, 56.66u representing the {110}, {111},
Samples C (weight%) O (weight%) Cu (weight%) O/C ratio {112}, {020} and {021} Bragg reflections of the monoclinic
structure (JCPDS data file 80-1917) of CuO (Fig. 2 d).33 Besides,
NFC 44.09 55.91 0 1.26
Cu NFC 1 36.13 57.39 6.48 1.58 the formation of Cu nanoparticles was evident from the peaks
Cu NFC 2 30.01 59.18 10.18 1.97 at 40.60u for the {111} plane of Cu (fcc) (JCPDS data file 85-
Cu NFC 3 22.69 61.08 16.23 2.69 1326).

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polyphenols with DPPH.10 In the case of sample Cu NFC 4,

prepared by the alkali method, such surface activity was absent
and this is reflected in the results of the scavenging activity.
Thus, Cu NFC 4 was not taken under consideration for further

Antimicrobial efficacy
Metal nanoparticles have a strong antimicrobial activity, as
reported earlier.35–39 Copper and copper oxides are common
antimicrobial agents in a large number of commercial
products like Nordox, Super KL K90 Red etc.9 The antimicro-
Published on 25 June 2013. Downloaded by University of York on 15/07/2013 22:12:07.

bial efficacy of NFC and Cu NFCs is presented in Fig. 5. NFC

did not show any effect against both bacteria and fungi,
whereas Cu NFC 2 exhibited a remarkable effect against both
Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria as well as for the
fungus C. albicans (Table 2). Cu–CuO nanoparticles were
distributed on the surface of the nanofibrillar cellulose. These
Fig. 3 TEM images of NFC (a,b) and Cu NFC 2 (c,d). nanoparticles basically impart antimicrobial activity to the
nanohybrid system, as evident from Table 2. The activity
increases with the increase of the Cu–CuO loading. The
TEM micrographs of the diluted suspensions of both NFC mechanism of action of copper on microbes is basically due to
and Cu NFC are shown in Fig. 3 a–d. The diameters of the the adsorption of Cu on the surface of the bacterial cells.40
pristine fibers, in the range of 12–36 nm, confirmed the Moreover, Cu ruptures the bacterial cell membrane, which
formation of nanofibrillar cellulose Fig. 3 a,b.34 In the case of leads to the solidification of the structural proteins.40
the Cu NFC, the copper–copper oxide nanoparticles were However, a different effect was observed for Gram positive
distributed on the surface of NFC. The size of the Cu–CuO and Gram negative bacterial species. This may be ascribed to
nanoparticles in the matrix varied in the range of 3–12 nm the differential expression of molecular moieties at the surface
(Fig. 3 c,d). of the respective groups.10
The nanohybrid showed more antimicrobial activity than
Antioxidant activity the bare copper nanoparticles. This may be due to the
It was interesting to probe the antioxidant potency of the stabilization of the nanoparticles in the cellulose matrix,
prepared nanohybrids. The antioxidant activity of the green which prevented the agglomeration of the nanoparticles.
nanohybrides was profound (Fig. 4), while Cu NFC 4 showed
Hemolytic assay
poor DPPH scavenging potency. This clearly indicated that the
polyphenol compounds present in the T. chebula extract were The biocompatibility of NFC and Cu NFC was investigated by
adsorbed on the surface of the nanohybrids and that the the RBC hemolysis protection assay (Fig. 6). The RBC
antioxidant activity was due to the interaction of such protection assay showed that NFC, Cu NFC 1 and Cu NFC 2
possessed good compatibility with the erythrocytes. However,
lysis of the RBC membrane was observed for Cu NFC 3. As
evident from the reported literature, an excess of copper is
cytotoxic as it interferes with various cellular events and
initiates oxidative damage.41 Tween 20 showed multifold
destruction of the RBC membrane against the negative control
haematocrit, as evident from the comparatively large value of
hemoglobin absorbance. Cu NFC 1 and Cu NFC 2 showed
excellent compatibility with the RBCs, vouched by the
absorbance of hemoglobin almost parallel to that of haema-
tocrit. This supports that the bio-interfacial action of the
nanomaterials is a concentration and surface chemistry
dependent feature. This calls for a compilation of toxicity
profiles of the nanomaterials (including those prepared
through greener routes) prior to their commercialization.

Compatibility with PBMC

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) are blood cells
with a round nucleus, such as lymphocytes, monocytes,
macrophages etc.22 These blood cells have a critical role in
the immune system and wound contraction.42 Thus, it is
Fig. 4 DPPH scavenging assay. desirable to undertake a compatibility assessment of the

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Fig. 5 Representative antimicrobial activity of Cu NFC 2 against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans.

Table 2 Antimicrobial activity of Cu NFC performed to confirm this observation. It was found that the
cell survival rate for Cu NFC 2 is equivalent to that of the
Test organisms S. aureus E. coli C. albicans control (Fig. 8). The aforementioned bioassays ascertained
that Cu NFC 2 possesses good antimicrobial activity as well as
Cu 0 14.8 ¡ 0.3 18.16 ¡ 0.2
NFC 0 0 0 excellent biocompatibility. Thus, this nanohybrid is a good
Cu NFC 1 20.2 ¡ 0.18 24.4 ¡ 0.3 22 ¡ 0.1 candidate for its application in biomedical bandages.
Cu NFC 2 21.93 ¡ 0.06 25.96 ¡ 0.15 22.9 ¡ 0.17
Cu NFC 3 22.86 ¡ 0.15 26.06 ¡ 0.2 25 ¡ 0.17 Interaction with BSA
Antibiotic 31.9 ¡ 0.2 31.8 ¡ 0.1 30 ¡ 0.15
Protein–nanoparticle interaction studies are an emerging field
in nanomedicine and nanotoxicology.19 Nanomaterials with a
high surface area can absorb the dynamic layer of proteins
nanomaterials with PBMC, which may reveal their potential to when they interact with living systems. Kathiravan et al.
be used in advanced biomedical applications. The biocompat- recently studied the interaction of BSA, a physiologically
ibility of the prepared nanohybrids (Cu NFC) was examined important protein, with metal nanoparticles.20 In yet another
through their interaction with PBMC. It is quite clear from report, Ravindran et al. concluded that the interaction of BSA
Fig. 7 that there is no change in the morphology of the cells with silver nanoparticles prevented aggregation, which was
after treating with Cu NFC 1 and Cu NFC 2. Cell survival was confirmed by spectroscopic methods.43 In this study, we
found to be almost the same as compared to the control but delved into the interaction of the same protein with NFC and
cell death was observed for Cu NFC 3. A MTT assay was Cu NFC 2 by gel electrophoresis (Fig. 9). BSA gives a band at 66
KDa and single bands were observed in all the three lanes for
both the samples and the control. This clearly indicated that
the surface charge of BSA is not disturbed by its interaction

Fig. 6 Anti-hemolytic activity of NFC and Cu NFCs. Fig. 7 Microscopic images of Trypan Blue stained PBMC treated with Cu NFCs.

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with animal models would be able to establish the exact

toxicity profile for the reported nanohybrid.

The authors express their gratitude to NRB for financial
assistance through the grant no. DNRD/05/4003/NRB/251
dated 29.02.12, SAP (UGC), India through the grant no. F.3-
30/2009(SAP-II) and FIST program-2009 (DST), India through
the grant no. SR/FST/CSI-203/209/1 dated 06.05.2010. RSIC,
Published on 25 June 2013. Downloaded by University of York on 15/07/2013 22:12:07.

NEHU, Shillong is acknowledged for the TEM imaging. The

authors are thankful to Mr. Dipankar Kalita, Food Engineering
Fig. 8 Cell survival test by the MTT assay. technology, Tezpur University for technical support.

Notes and references

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