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A Report of


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for



Simran Singh

Roll No.

B. Pharm. IV Year (VII Semester)

Supervised by

Ms. Aradhana Prajapati

Assistant Professor


NH-9, Delhi-Hapur Road, Dasna, Ghaziabad (UP)

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University

Uttar Pradesh
NH-9, Delhi-Hapur Road, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh India
Approved by AICTE and PCI
Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University


This is to certify that Ms. Simran Singh has submitted the report on Hospital training for
partial fulfillment of B.Pharm VII Semester, session 2023-2024. The contents of the report
arenot for the award of any other degree to the candidate or to anybody else from this or any
other University/Institution. He has attended stipulated number of days as per the
prevailingrules of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University.

Ms. Aradhana Prajapati

Hospital training In-charge
Sunder Deep Pharmacy

Dr. Anita Singh

Head of Department
Sunder Deep Pharmacy College

Prof. (Dr.) Shalini Sharma

Sunder Deep Pharmacy College

Date of viva Voce:

External examiner name:
NH-9, Delhi-Hapur Road, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh India
Approved by AICTE and PCI
Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University

I would like to express my special thanks and gratitude to our Director Dr. Shalini
Sharma (SDPC) as well as my teacher Ms. Aradhana Prajapati (Assistant Professor
SDPC) who gave me the golden opportunity to do this Hospital training, which helped
me to learn a lot during my training duration and I came to know about so many new

I am thankful to them.

Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in
finishing this project within the limited time.

I am making this report not only for marks but to also increase my knowledge.



STUDENT NAME: Simran Singh

S. No. Content Page No.

1. Introduction 1

2. Different department of hospital 2

3. First aid Treatment 3

4. Pathology 5

5. Dispensary 8

6. Blood Bank 9

7. Surgical ward 10

8 Routes of Administration 11

9. Waste Management 13

10. Trauma and emergency 14

11. Summary 15

12. Observation 15

13. Conclusion 16
About Hospital
Hospitals are centers of treatment. People from all corners of the society and all walks of life
converge here themselves of their diseases.
I did my training in Karmalkar Health Care, Aurangabad, Maharashtre.
It is a centre for all types of medical facilities especially for the poor people.
This training also made me a realize the importance of hospitals for people and how it affects
even the day-to-day lives of them.
Not only the patients but also the people working in hospital are truly depended on it.
This training report comprises of the whole summary of my training in the hospital and
what I learned from that.

Karmalkar Health Care, Aurangabad has General Medicines, Surgery, Gynaecology,

Paediatrics, Nephrology, Cardiology, Orthropedics, ENT, Dermatology, Neurology, and
Opthalmology as OP departments. Other facilities include 24 hrs causality service with
attached OT, Trauma care, Dialysis centre, computerised lab, ICU, PICU, NICU with
isolation ward, 5 state of the art major OTs spacious general ward, with adequate privacy,
Deluxe rooms, premium rooms and private rooms and a 24 hours ambulance service.

It is the hospital of the city more than 5yrs, with advancement of technology and with
increasing demand of health sector this hospital is keeping pace and fulfilling the
demands of needy people.
It is equipped with the modern lab facilities, ECG, 2D ECHO, X-RAY, ULTRASOUND
3D COLOUR DIPOLAR, 24hrs running blood bank with blood.

Different Departments in Hospital-
There are a number of parts in hospital. This large number of department is responsible for
treating the patients of their diseases.

The various departments of hospitals covered in the hospital training are:-

1. Out-Patient Department
2. In-Patient Department
a. Children ward
b. TB and surgical ward
3. Emergency ward
4. Injection Room
5. Record Room
6. Waste Management
7. Rabies Vaccination
8. Ortho wards
9. Surgical ward
10. Blood Bank
11. Pathology
12. Operation Theatre
13. Diagnostic centre
14. ICU(Intensive Care Unit)
15. NICU(Nursery Intensive Unit)

First aid Treatment-
First aid is the assistance given to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury, with care
provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, promote recovery. It include
initial intervention in a serious condition prior to professional medical help being available,
such as performing CPR while awaiting an ambulance, as well as the complete treatment of
minor conditions, such as applying a plaster to a cut. First aid is generally performed by the
layperson, with many people trained in providing basic levels of the first aid, and other willing
to do so from accuied knowledge. Mental health first aid is an extention of the concept of first
aid to cover mental health.


The key aims of the aid can be summarised in three key points.

Preserve life:

The overriding aim of all medical care, including first aid, is to save lives and the minimize the
threat of death.

Prevent further harm:

Also sometimes called prevent the condition from worsening, or danger of further imjury, this
covers both external factors, such as moving a patient worsening of the condition, such as
applying pressure to stop a bleed becoming dangerous.

Promote recovery:

First aid also involves trying to start the recovery process from the illness, or injury, and in
some cases might involves completing a treatment, such as in the case of applying a plaster to

Specific disciplines:

There are several types of first aid which require specific additional training, These are usually
undertaken to fulfill the demands of work or activity undertaken.

Aquatic first aid;

It is usually practical by professionals such as lifeguards, professional mariners or in diver

rescue, and covers the specific problems which may be faced after water-based rescue or
delayed MedEvac.

Battle field first aid:

Takes into account the specific needs of treating wounded combatants during armed conflict.

Hyperbaric first aid:

May be practiced by SCUBA diving professionals, who need to treat conditions such as the bends.

Oxygen first aid:

It is the provision of the first aid under conditions where the arrival of emergency respondersor
the evacuation of an injured person may delayed due to constraints of terrain, weather, and
available person or equipment. It may be necessary to care for an injured person for several
hours or days.

Mental health first aid:

Is taught independently of physical first aid. How to support someone experiencing a mental
health problem or in a crisis situation also how to identify the first signs of someone developing
mental ill health and guide people towards appropriately help.


Pathology is the branch of medical science primarily concerning the examination of organ
tissue and bodily fluids in order to make a diagnosis of disease.

Almost all hospitals contain a laboratory to support the clinical services offered at the hospital.
The specific pathology services would include both anatomic (surgical pathology,
cytopathology, autopsy) and clinical (laboratory medicine) pathology at most hospitals. Most, if
not all, inpatient and many outpatients seen by hospital-affiliated physicians require tests
performed by hospital labs.

In pathology lab, blood test report:

A pathology test report is a medical document written by a pathologist after examining a tissue
sample from a patient and interpreting the findings. It helps diagnose diseases and determine the
course of treatment to be undertaken.

 The report is prepared after:

 Testing body fluid, cell & tissue samples
 Evaluating the results
 Making a diagnosis

Full Blood Count:-

A full blood count is a common test that’s used to diagnose a wide range ofillnesses, infections
and diseases. This test gives your doctor information about the numbers cancers, such and
development of cells in your blood (red cells, white cells, and platelets).

INR (International Normalised Ratio):- An INR is an example of one type of test that looks
at a medication’s effectiveness. The INR investigates how well a patient’s blood clots. It’s an
especially important regular test for people on the anti-clotting medication warfarin, which is
used to prevent stroke, or clotting after surgery, for example.

Typical pathology test procedures:-Having a blood or pathology test is usually a relatively

simple, standard procedure following these steps.

Blood test-
You attend your appointment at the location of your test.
You may be asked to sit or lie down for the blood collection.
The phlebotomist will wipe clean the site of the injection to reduce risk of infection, then
insert a needle into your vein and draw the blood.
The blood will flow into a syringe or vial.
You may experience a little discomfort during the procedure. Tell the phlebotomist if you
have any concerns or feel unwell.

Urine sample-
You may be asked to collect a sample of your urine at your doctor’s office.
You will be given a small collection bottle in which to collect the urine.

Often, your doctor will ask for ‘midstream’ urine, which isn’t the urine that you pass first
or last, but the urine about midway through your urination.
Wash your hands thoroughly after collecting your sample.

If you’re at your doctor’s office, your doctor may do a ‘rapid urine test’ in which they put
a test strip into the urine sample to give quick results of pregnancy or a reason for acute
symptoms like pain.
If you’re asked to collect urine samples at home, you may have to package up your
collection bottles and mail or deliver them to a test laboratory.

Stool sample-
Stool samples are usually collected in your own home.
You may be given a test kit with gloves and a small container in which to collect your

It’s usually better to urinate before taking the sample so urine doesn’t go in with the feces.
Collect the faeces into a clean container (or place some newspaper or plastic over the toilet bowl
to collect it), and then use the small spoon or scoop that comes with your collection kit to place a
sample of the faeces into the collection container. Place as much faeces into the container as
instructed, usually around a third full.
Don’t let the stool sample touch the inside of the toilet bowl.
Screw on the lid to the collection container.
If you’re instructed to, write your name, date of birth, and the
collection date on the container.
Follow instructions for handing in the sample to your doctor or the test lab.
Discard items you’ve used to collect the sample, and wash your hands.


A dispensary can be defined as the main area where the dispensing of the drugs takes place. It is
mainly present for the OPD patients the various drugs are being distributed to the patients here on
the basis of their prescription written by the doctors. The dispensary in the district hospital consists
of various pharmacists who are present to hand out the medicines to the patients. The distribution
of the drugs in the district hospital is for free.

The various drugs which are being distributed are:-

1.Alusil-C – Antacid chewable tablets
2.Paracetamol Tablets and suspension
3.Calcium Tablets
4.Chlorpheniramine Maleate
tablets 5.B-Complex tablets
6.Walamycin suspension for children
7.Ciprofloaxcin Capsules
8.Doxycyclin Capsules
9.Diclofenac sodium
12. Atenolol

Blood Bank-

A blood bank is a centre where blood gathered as a result of blood donation is stored and
preserved for later use in blood transfusion.
The term blood bank typically refers to a division of a hospital where the storage of blood product
occurs and where proper testing is performed (to reduce the risk of transfusion related adverse
events). However, it sometimes refers to a collection centre, and indeed some hospital also perform
For blood donation agencies in various countries, see list of blood donation agencies and list of
blood donation agencies in the United States.

Blood Donation-
Blood donation refers to the process of collecting, testing, preparing and storing blood and blood
components. Donors are most commonly unpaid volunteers, but they may also be paidby
commercial enterprises. Blood registry refers to the collection and sharing of data about donated
blood and ineligible donors

Purpose of Blood Donation-

 The purpose of the blood collection and distribution system is to help ensure an adequate
supply of blood for accident victims, people needing surgery, and people suffering from
certain diseases, as well as for medical research.

 Sometimes, donors give blood specifically to benefit a particular person. People

preparing for elective surgery donate their own blood to be held and then returned to
them during surgery. This is known as autologous blood donation. Directed blood
donation donor has been donated by someone known to the intented recipient, such as
family member or friend
.Types of blood bank service-

 Government blood bank

 Non- government blood bank
 Commercial blood bank

Surgical Ward-

The surgical ward is an in-patient department which consists of those patients who are:-
 Severely injured
 Undergoing a surgery
 Wounded
The surgical ward is divided into two parts:-
a. Male Surgical ward – It consists of all the male patients.
b. Female Surgical Ward – it consists of all the female patients.

Routes of Administration-

Parental routes of administration:-

An injection is an infusion method of putting fluid into the body, usually with a syringe and
a hollow needle which is pierced through the skin to a sufficient depth for the material to
be administered into the body.

1. Intradermal injection:-
Intradermal injection of small amounts of material into the corium or substance of the skin,
done in diagnostic procedures and in administration of regional anesthetics, as well as in
treatment procedures. In certain allergy tests, the allergen is injected intracutaneously.

2. Intramuscular injection:-
Intramuscular injection into the substance of a muscle, usually the muscle of the upper arm,
thigh, or buttock. Intramuscular injections are given when the substance is to be absorbed
quickly. They should be given with extreme care, especially in the buttock, because the
sciatic nerve may be injured or a large blood vessel may be entered if theinjection is not
made correctly into the upper, outer quadrant of the buttock.

3. Subcutaneous injection: - Subcutaneous injection made into the subcutaneous tissues.

Although usually fluid medications are injected, occasionally solid materials such as steroid
hormones may be injected in small, slowly absorbed pellets to prolong their effect.
Subcutaneous injections may be given wherever there is subcutaneous tissue.

4. Intravenous injection:-Intravenous is a term that means “into the vein”. Intravenous
medication administration occurs when a needle is inserted into a vein and medication is
administered through that needle. The needle is usually placed in a vein near the elbow, the
wrist, or on the back of the hand. Different sites can be used if necessary.

Waste Management-
Biohazard waste must have a way to dispose of it in a safe manner.During the period of
hospital training I have observed the Bins of various colours that contain the biohazard waste.
The disposing off waste carelessly may lead to DEATH. So, the waste should be dumped in a
systematic way.

Procedure: There are 5 bins:

1. Black Bin : General Waste (Dust, Paper, Kitchen waste)
2. Blue Bin : Broken Glass
3. Red Bin : Syringes, Plastic tubes, Urine Bag, Plastic Bottles
4. Yellow Bin : Animal Tissue, Gloves, Expired Drugs
5. White Bin : Needle, Blade, Scaples
a) Practice should be Right.
b) Hand washing& Cleaning Should be there at the Hospitals

Trauma Centre and Emergency-

They aimed to treat injured patients as well as emergency cases.

Firstly, the doctor check the patient weather to admit the person or not according to the injuryor
Bed head ticket (BHT) formed and then medicines are prescribed by the doctor. Now the
patient is shifted in the ward according to the disease.

Problems encounter during the training

There are different problem which I had faced during training period:-
1. It’s tough to handle children, as they are not cooperative throughout the treatment.
2. Most of the patients are illiterate, so were unable to understand the medicine use
and forgot there dose.

3. If medicines were finished in the stock, So, immediate supply of the dispensary was
not there.

4. In emergency, patients were allowed to wear oxygen mask, So, sometimes they
didn’t wear that mask, so difficulty in the treatment was there.

5. Patient thought that, the staff was giving wrong drugs and the wrong treatment.
After 1 month of hospital training, I came to learn about how to dispense medicines to the
patient, how to inject injections to them, how to handle trauma and emergency cases. I also
learn about dealing with hospital conditions like diseases of the patients, wards, staff members,
different departments, etc. Almost 2000 of prescriptions were received by the dispensary and
we have to treat them with full hospitality service.

Future Plans-
As I had completed my hospital training from District Hospital. So, I can use my knowledge in
medical field. For ex- if I will be posted in rural area, and if there is no doctor at the time of
emergency, So, I’ll be able to handle the situation by giving proper treatment to the patientat the
time. Another thing that I had learn in my training period about the whole procedure of the
hospital, starting from admitting the patient upto there treatment.

Thus, I observed that the hospital is a place where people of all kinds come with their problems
which they believe to be solved by the medical staff. The working in the hospital takes place by
maintaining proper cleanliness in the environment. The staff and the doctors are all hostile and
good-natured towards the patients and listen to their problems. Each and every department has
its own way of working and at the end of the day; all of the work is finished by it. There is no
carelessness towards the patients for their drugs or injections and they are treated on time. The
nursing staffs are present at all times for their care. This type of methodology should really be
applicable in all hospitals so that the public may get treated once and for all to maintain a
healthy country.

The training in a hospital gives us a conclusion that the training in the hospital was really
necessary as it not only helped us to see how a hospital operates, but it also helped me to learn
basic functions of it like first aid care, how to give injections and dispensing of drugs etc. The
conclusion drawn out can be that I have finally learned as to how important role a hospital
plays in peoples’ lives and that the hospital staff can go to any means to save them since it’s
their duty.


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