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Essentials of Digital Marketing (434001)

Continuous Assessment Sheet

Name: Mistry Dhruv Dipakbhai Enrollment No: 226120316040 Term:232

Sr no Practical Outcome/Title of experiment Date Marks Sign









Essentials of Digital Marketing (434001)

Date: ……………

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Practical No.1: Prepare Report on P.O.E.M. framework and its benefits in digital marketing.

A. Objective: The objective of this practical is to make student understand about

framework, its benefits and its challenges in digital marketing.

B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs):

1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics,

science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the
engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using
codified standard methods.
7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the
context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the
competency: Explain the role and importance of digital marketing in a
rapidly changing world.

a. Analyze and identify a suitable approach for the problem-solving.

b. Report Writing Skill

D. Expected Course Outcomes (Cos)

Explain the role of Digital Marketing in the rapidly changing digital landscape.

E. Practical Outcome (PRo)

Prepare Report on P.O.E.M. framework and its benefits in digital marketing.

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome (ADos) Work as a leader/team member. G.

Prerequisite Theory:

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Essentials of Digital Marketing (434001)

The POEM framework is a business model that marketers use as a reference for their
digital marketing strategies. You can use the POEM framework for various digital
marketing practices, such as social media management, SEO, SEM, etc.

H. Experimental set up/ Program Logic-Flow chart:


I. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr. Instrument/Equipment Specification
No. /Components/Trainer kit

1 Laptop/Desktop with Any processor above i3 and any operating 1

Internet Connection system

J. Safety and necessary Precautions followed

a. Keep all computers in the lab area clean and free from dust.
b. Ensure all computers are properly grounded and plugged into surge protectors.
c. Use antivirus software to protect computers from malicious software and viruses.
d. Provide clear instructions and demonstration on how to use the tool.
e. Establish a safe and comfortable environment for students to work in.
f. Refrain from using computers in the lab for activities that could be deemed as
inappropriate or illegal.

K. Procedure to be followed/Source code:

Topic / Product :
 SONY Laptop

a. Explain what is POEM.

 POEM in digital marketing stands for Paid, Owned, and Earned Media. It
categorizes the various channels and platforms used to reach and engage with
audiences online. Paid media involves paid advertising, owned media
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encompasses owned channels like websites and social media accounts, and
earned media refers to publicity gained through word-of-mouth or viral sharing.

b. Draw the POEM framework. 

Paid Media

• Google Ads Campaign

• Facebook Ads Targeting
• Sponsored Content on Tech

Sponsored Sponsored
Posts Influencers

Owned Media Earned Media

• SONY Website
Requests • Positive Reviews and
• SONY Blog Testimonials
• Social Media Profiles • Media Coverage
• User-Generated

c. Describe all the blocks of diagram.

 Paid media :
 Google Ads Campaign: SONY launches a Google Ads campaign targeting users
searching for keywords related to laptops, such as "best laptops for gaming" or
"thin and light laptops." These ads appear at the top of search results, increasing
SONY's visibility to users actively looking to purchase a laptop.

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 Facebook Ads Targeting: SONY runs targeted Facebook ads aimed at users who
have expressed interest in technology, gaming, or productivity. These ads
showcase SONY's latest laptop models with compelling visuals and messaging,
prompting users to click through to SONY's website or online store.

 Sponsored Content on Tech Websites: SONY partners with popular tech

websites to sponsor content such as laptop buying guides, reviews, and
comparison articles. By sponsoring relevant content, SONY can reach audiences
interested in purchasing laptops and drive traffic to its website where users can
explore SONY's product offerings further.

 Owned Media :
 SONY Website: SONY's website serves as a central hub for showcasing its range
of laptops. It features detailed product descriptions, specifications, and user
reviews for each model, providing visitors with comprehensive information to
make informed purchase decisions.

 SONY Blog: SONY maintains a blog on its website where it publishes articles on
topics related to laptops, technology trends, and productivity tips. These articles
not only engage visitors but also position SONY as a thought leader in the
industry, driving organic traffic to the website and increasing brand authority.

 Social Media Profiles: SONY actively manages its social media profiles on
platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It shares engaging content such
as product announcements, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes
glimpses of laptop development. By fostering an active community and
responding to customer inquiries promptly, SONY strengthens its relationships
with customers and builds brand loyalty.

 Earned Media :
 Positive Reviews and Testimonials: SONY receives positive reviews and
testimonials from satisfied customers who praise the performance, durability,
and design of its laptops. These testimonials serve as powerful word-of-mouth
endorsements, influencing potential buyers' perceptions and purchase

 Media Coverage: SONY's laptops garner media coverage from tech publications,
online forums, and influential bloggers. Reviews, hands-on impressions, and

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editorials highlight SONY's innovative features, competitive pricing, and overall

value proposition, generating buzz and increasing brand visibility organically.

 User-Generated Content: SONY encourages customers to share their

experiences with SONY laptops on social media using branded hashtags or
through user-generated content campaigns. By showcasing real-life usage
scenarios and testimonials from actual users, SONY harnesses the power of
social proof to build trust and credibility with its target audience.

d. Write benefits of all media in POEM framework.  1. Paid

• Targeted Reach: Paid media enables SONY to reach specific
demographics and interests, ensuring efficient use of marketing
• Immediate Visibility: Through paid channels like Google Ads and
social media ads, SONY can quickly increase visibility and drive traffic
to its products.

2. Owned Media:
• Brand Control: SONY has full control over messaging and branding on
owned media platforms like its website, ensuring consistent brand
• Engagement Opportunities: Owned media channels allow SONY to
directly engage with customers through comments, chats, and
interactive content, fostering relationships.

3. Earned Media:
• Credibility : Earned media, such as positive reviews and user-generated
content, enhances SONY's credibility and trustworthiness among
• Cost-Effectiveness: Earned media typically requires minimal investment
compared to paid media, offering a cost-effective way to increase brand
visibility and influence.

e. Write challenges of all media in POEM framework.

 1. Paid Media:

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• Ad Fatigue: Overexposure to paid ads can lead to ad fatigue among the

target audience, reducing the effectiveness of campaigns and
diminishing returns on investment.
• Ad Blocking: The widespread use of ad blockers poses a challenge for
paid media campaigns, as it limits the reach and visibility of SONY's ads
to potential customers.

2. Owned Media:
• Content Creation: Consistently creating high-quality content for owned
media channels requires significant time, resources, and expertise,
posing a challenge for SONY in maintaining engagement and relevance.

• Organic Reach Decline: Changes in algorithms and platform policies may

reduce organic reach on owned media platforms, necessitating SONY to
invest in paid promotion to maintain visibility.

3. Earned Media:
• Negative Publicity: Earned media can also include negative reviews,
criticism, or unfavorable publicity, which may damage SONY's reputation
and require careful management and response.
• Lack of Control: SONY has limited control over the content and
messaging of earned media, making it challenging to influence or shape
the narrative surrounding its brand and products.

L. Observations and Calculations/Input-Output:

M. Interpretation of Results NA

N. Conclusion:

O. Practical related Quiz.

1. What is the full form of P.O.E.M.?
2. Which are different paid media?
3. What are the benefits of Earned media?
4. Which is the preferable media for organization?

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P. References / Suggestions


Q. Graph


R. Assessment-Rubrics

Criteria Weightage in % Rubrics Marks

Good (5-4 marks): Full

Identification of the problem
and suitable approach.

C1: Satisfactory (3-2 marks):

Analyze and identify a Limited Identification of the
20 %
suitable approach for the Problem and suitable approach.
problem solving
Need Improvement (0-1 marks):
Very Less
Identification of the Problem
and suitable approach.
Good (5-4 marks): Proper use of
C2: technology/software/tools
Use of appropriate 20 %
technology/software/tools Satisfactory(3-2marks): Partial
use of appropriate

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Need Improvement (0-1 marks):

Very less use of appropriate
Good (5-4 marks): Correct
Solution/Result/Output as

Satisfactory (3-2 marks):

C3: Partially Correct Solution/
Relevance and quality of 20 % Result/Output for the
output Problem.

Need Improvement (0-1

marks): Very less Correct
Solution/ Result/ Output for
the problem.

Good (5-4 marks):Properly

explained solution/ Result/
C4: Output
Interpret the result and 20 %
conclusion Satisfactory (3-2 marks):
Partially explained solution/
Result/ Output

Need Improvement (0-1

marks): Very less explained
solution/ Result/ Output

Good (5-4 marks):Properly

prepared report/presentation
for given problem

Satisfactory (3-2 marks):

Partially prepared
Prepare a
20 % report/presentation for given
report/presentation for the
given problem
Need Improvement (0-1
marks): Very less prepared
report/presentation for given

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Total Marks:

Signature with Date:

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Essentials of Digital Marketing (434001)

Date: ……………
Practical No. 2: Analyze Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, or any three e-commerce sites for
the following: (i) Do a comparative analysis of their product offerings (ii) Do a comparative
analysis of their landing pages (iii) Do a comparative analysis of their call to action (CTA)
(iv) Do a comparative analysis of website loading and website navigation (v) Find the
rankings of Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal using A. Objective:

The goal of this lab practical is to give students the opportunity to analyze and
compare different parameters of different e-commerce websites.

B. Expected Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic

mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering
specialization to solve the engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems

using codified standard methods.
4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools
and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.

7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in

the context of technological changes in field of engineering.

C. Expected Skills to be developed based on competency:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the competency: Explain the
role and importance of digital marketing in a rapidly changing world.
a. Understanding of how each e –commerce site uses different parameters to grow
their popularity.
b. Ability to effectively analyze different parameters.

D. Expected Course Outcomes (Cos)

CO b): Apply Search Engine Optimization techniques in digital marketing.

E. Practical Outcome (PRo)

Analyze Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, or any three e-commerce sites for the
following: (i) Do a comparative analysis of their product offerings (ii) Do a

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comparative analysis of their landing pages (iii) Do a comparative analysis of their

call to action (CTA) (iv) Do a comparative analysis of website loading and website
navigation (v) Find the rankings of Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal using

F. Expected Affective domain Outcome (ADos)

Can work as a leader/team member
Can observe different parameters by comparative analysis

G. Prerequisite Theory:
E-commerce, Basic terminology of SEO

H. Experimental set up/ Program Logic-Flow chart: NA

I. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr. Instrument/Equipment Specification
No. /Components/Trainer kit

1 Computer Any computer with latest configuration 1

with internet access

J. Safety and necessary Precautions followed:

a. Keep all computers in the lab area clean and free from dust.
b. Ensure all computers are properly grounded and plugged into surge protectors.
c. Use antivirus software to protect computers from malicious software and
d. Establish a safe and comfortable environment for students to work in.
e. Refrain from using computers in the lab for activities that could be deemed as
inappropriate or illegal.

K. Procedure to be followed/Source code:

a. Go to any 3 e-commerce websites.

b. Compare their product offerings and list down domains in which they have
products. (For e.g., electronics, clothing, books, etc.)

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c. Compare their landing page. (For e.g., Notice how user-friendly navigation they
provide? how much ads are displayed in their web-page, etc.)
d. Compare their call to action (For e.g., how prominent and clear call-to-action
buttons all three websites have? such as "Buy Now," "Add to Cart," and "Check
e. Compare website loading and website navigation (For e.g., compare their filters,
layout of website, navigation time & loading time, etc.)
f. To find rankings of website, go to any Alexa rank checker website or go to
g. Type URL of website to find their global rank.
h. Prepare a report of above comparative analysis. L. Observations and


Input: Any 3 e-commerce websites


Here's an analysis of Amazon, Flipkart, and Snapdeal based on the provided criteria:

• Amazon:

1. Product Offerings:

- Wide range of products across categories, including electronics, fashion, home

goods, and more.

- Strong focus on customer reviews and ratings.

2. Landing Pages:

- Clean and user-friendly design.

- Prominent search bar and navigation menu.

3. Call to Action (CTA):

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- Clear and prominent "Buy Now" or "Add to Cart" buttons.

- Personalized recommendations based on browsing history.

4. Website Loading and Navigation:

- Fast loading times.

- Intuitive navigation with easy access to categories and filters.

5. Alexa Ranking: #1

• Flipkart:

1. Product Offerings:

- Similar range of products as Amazon, with a focus on electronics, fashion, and home

- Offers deals and discounts prominently.

2. Landing Pages:

- Colorful and vibrant design.

- Featured categories and deals are highlighted.

3. Call to Action (CTA):

- Clear "Buy Now" or "Add to Cart" buttons.

- Offers options like "Buy Now, Pay Later" to entice users.

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4. Website Loading and Navigation:

- Generally fast loading times.

- Navigation can be cluttered, especially during sales events.

5. Alexa Ranking: #2

• Snapdeal:

1. Product Offerings:

- Offers a wide range of products, similar to Amazon and Flipkart.

- Focuses on deals and discounts.

2. Landing Pages:

- Clean and organized design.

- Highlights ongoing deals and offers prominently.

3. Call to Action (CTA):

- Clear "Buy Now" or "Add to Cart" buttons.

- Offers deals like "Deal of the Day" to attract users.

4. Website Loading and Navigation:

- Loading times can vary.

- Navigation is straightforward but lacks some advanced filtering options.

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5. Alexa Ranking: #3

Comparative Analysis:

M. Interpretation of Results NA

N. Conclusion

O. Practical related Quiz.

a. Which are popular e-commerce websites?
b. What is landing page?
c. What is global rank?
d. Define reach for any website.
P. References / Suggestions

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Q. Graph


R. Assessment-Rubrics

Criteria Weightage in % Rubrics Marks

Good (5-4 marks): Full

Identification of the problem
and suitable approach.

Satisfactory (3-2 marks):

Limited Identification of the
Analyze and identify a
20 % Problem and suitable approach.
suitable approach for the
problem solving
Need Improvement (0-1 marks):
Very Less
Identification of the Problem
and suitable approach.

C2: Good (5-4 marks): Proper use of

Use of appropriate 20 % appropriate
technology/software/tools technology/software/tools

Satisfactory(3-2marks): Partial
use of appropriate

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Essentials of Digital Marketing (434001)

Need Improvement (0-1 marks):

Very less use of appropriate

Good (5-4 marks): Correct

Solution/Result/Output as

Satisfactory (3-2 marks):

C3: Partially Correct Solution/
Relevance and quality of 20 % Result/Output for the Problem.

Need Improvement (0-1 marks):

Very less Correct Solution/
Result/ Output for the problem.

Good (5-4 marks): Properly

explained solution/ Result/

C4: Satisfactory (3-2 marks):

Interpret the result and 20 % Partially explained solution/
conclusion Result/ Output

Need Improvement (0-1

marks): Very less explained
solution/ Result/ Output

Good (5-4 marks): Properly

report/presentation for given
Prepare a
20 %
report/presentation for the Satisfactory (3-2 marks):
given problem Partially prepared
report/presentation for given

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Essentials of Digital Marketing (434001)

Need Improvement (0-1

marks): Very less prepared
report/presentation for given

Total Marks:

Signature with Date:

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