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LEVEL 3 YEAR 2 (2023-24)

Tutors: Mel Edmonds, Richard Simms, Aimee Gourlay and Gina Hele


Unit 13: Extended project in creative media production

Launch Date: 20/2/24

End Date: 23/05/24
PROJECT AIM: To plan, produce and present an original media product of your choosing, alongside a
relevant and effective promotional marketing campaign.

Over the last 2 years you have been studying Media Production in order to prepare yourself for a career in
the Media Industry. Now you must research, develop, plan, create and present an original media product
of your choosing, that integrates the skills, knowledge and understanding that you have
acquired throughout the course. This is your opportunity to create a passion project, so choose
a subject you are passionate about and is meaningful to you.


You must individually plan, produce, and present an original media product of your choosing. This is your
own personal project, and you should use this opportunity to showcase the range of media skills you have
developed over the past two years including filming, editing, sound recording etc.

The path you choose for your FMP is completely up to you, but your personal journey needs to be clearly
documented and evidenced from start to finish using an online journal. This journal will be used to assess
you in seven areas of criteria: Context, Planning and Production, Research, Practical Skills, Problem
Solving, Presentation and Reflection and Evaluation. You must provide evidence for all areas of this
criteria in your journal and ensure that your journal is easy to navigate and is accessible for your tutors and
external examiners. Please use the online journal template provided to support and guide your online


1) Pitch Presentation – You will prepare a Pitch presentation or pitch deck that explains
the context of your idea and product plans to a panel of your tutors. DEADLINE:
TUESDAY 19th March 2024 from 9am

2) Individual UAL Proposal – You will also provide context by preparing an Individual
UAL Individual Proposal that explains the context of your idea and product plans.
DEADLINE: Tuesday 26th March @ 4.30pm

3) Pre-production Folder – You will provide physical and digital evidence for planning
and production by comprehensively planning your production and completing
industry standard Pre-Production paperwork, whilst providing continuous evaluation
against your production aims and ambitions. DEADLINE: Monday 15th April @

4) Media Product and promotional materials – You will present yourself and your
finished Media Product to an audience of your Peers Tutors. You will also upload your
completed media product and promotional materials to the presentation section of
your online journal. DEADLINE: Friday 10th May 2024 @ 4.30pm

5) Online Journal – You will evidence ongoing research, practical skills, problem solving
and reflection and evaluation DEADLINE: Thursday 23rd May 2024 @ 4:30pm

Thoroughly familiarise yourself with the assessment and grading criteria for this unit to ensure that the
evidence produced through the tasks you complete meet the criteria. If you are unsure about any aspect of
the criteria, please speak directly with your tutor as soon as possible.



You will prepare and deliver a pitch or pitch-deck presentation in a designated 15-minute timeslot
(including feedback) to a panel. Your pitch should include the following:

• What is your idea?

• What are your intentions?
• What is the aim and purpose of your project?
• How will you create this project and what resources will you need?
• How has your Research aided in the initial development of your idea?
• Who/ what has inspired you to make this project?
• Who is your target audience?
• What is your unique selling point?
• Any other relevant information important to your concept or will help the panel to understand
your idea better.

You will be given an allotted 15-minute time slot by your tutors and present your pitch in front of the panel
in the TV studio.

Pitches will take place on Tuesday 19th March 2024 from 9am

You should also upload a copy of your pitch as well as any recorded feedback from your tutors and peers to
the context section of your online journal.



Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all
meet one or more of the the assessment criteria assessment criteria and is assessment criteria and is
assessment criteria and is and is of a satisfactory of a high standard of a very high standard
of a poor standard standard

Limited understanding of Understanding of subject Good understanding and Comprehensive

subject context, lacking context used appropriately knowledge of subject understanding and
clarity in aims and to make judgments, context used to make knowledge of subject
purpose. describe aims and clarify sound judgments, context used to
purpose. articulate ambitions and communicate complex
clarify purpose. concepts, articulate
ambitions and clarify


Unit 13 requires you to produce a project proposal of about 500 words, excluding the project action plan
and bibliography. Project proposals should not be so succinct that they do not address the requirements,
nor should they be excessively long and unfocused. Your project proposal should be sufficiently challenging
to ensure you have the best possible chance of meeting the grading criteria.

Your project proposal should include:

• Centre name and number
• Student name and number
• Project proposal title and date
• Main area of activity/pathway, (e.g. film, TV, games design, app design).

The project proposal must also be word processed and presented under the following headings:
1) Rationale (approx. 150 words)
2) Concept (approx. (200 words)
3) Evaluation (approx. 150 words)
4) Project Action Plan and timetable
5) Proposed research sources and bibliography (Harvard format)

Submit your Proposal via upload on Teams Assignments.

You must also upload a copy of your individual proposal to the context section of your Online Journal



Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all
meet one or more of the of the assessment criteria assessment criteria and is assessment criteria and is
assessment criteria and is and is of a satisfactory of a high standard of a very high standard
of a poor standard standard

Limited understanding of Understanding of subject Good understanding and Comprehensive

subject context, lacking context used appropriately knowledge of subject understanding and
clarity in aims and to make judgments, context used to make knowledge of subject
purpose. describe aims and clarify sound judgments, context used to
purpose. articulate ambitions and communicate complex
clarify purpose. concepts, articulate
ambitions and clarify

You must produce a physical pre-production Folder to support the development of your FMP. Your folder
should include a selection of the following relevant paperwork:

Proposal Treatment Script

Shot List Storyboard Location Recces

List of Contacts/ Permission forms (Location Risk Assessments

Contributors and individual)

Contingency Plans Shooting Schedule Call Sheets

Budget (Industry and Equipment List Copyright Considerations


You should upload a copy of each document to the Planning and production section of your Online Journal
along with relevant context and evaluation to support the documentation included.



Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all
meet one or more of the of the assessment criteria assessment criteria and is assessment criteria and is
assessment criteria and is and is of a satisfactory of a high standard of a very high standard
of a poor standard standard
Ineffective planning and Evidence of effective Coherent and reasoned Detailed and coherent self-
little or no evaluation planning and evaluation planning, subject directed planning and
against aims. Task or tasks against aims that have engagement and negotiation, subject
are incomplete. contributed to a commitment. Realistic engagement and
satisfactory completion of evaluation against aims commitment.
the task or tasks. and efficient production Continuous evaluation
against timescales. against aims and efficient
production against


1) Original Media Product – You will independently plan, produce and showcase an original media
product of your choosing. The format you choose is completely up to you, but you must ensure
your product presents a clear understanding of that chosen format. There are no specific
restrictions on the length or content of your product, however it must be justified, reviewed and
approved by your tutors before you begin production.

Here are some examples and suggestions of media products you could create:
• Short Film (Minimum 3 minutes)
• Music Video (Minimum 3 minutes)
• Pilot episode for an original Netflix drama (10-20 mins)
• Original YouTube non-scripted programme (10 – 20 mins)
• Multi Cam (game show, sitcom, live news programme etc. (20-30 mins)
• Animated Project (Minimum 3 minutes)
• Documentary (10 – 30 minutes)
• TV Adverts (a series of 3 adverts, 3 mins long combined)
• 4 Radio Shows/ Podcasts (30 minutes each)
• Photographic Exhibition or ezine
• Magazine or comic – digital or traditional (minimum 15 pages)

If you have any other specific ideas or alternatives to these suggestions, please discuss your proposed
idea with your tutor A.S.A.P.

You may collaborate with contributors to support you where appropriate including acting, camera, sound
etc. However, you must also remember that you are assessed solely on your contributions and so it must
be made clear in your online journal what direction you gave to your contributors and provide evidence of
the collaborations where possible e.g. screenshots of communication, formal documentation, recordings,
BTS photos etc.

Although you have complete creative freedom over your product, you should adhere to the following

• No footage or written work from previous units may be used or resubmitted for your FMP.
• Your product must convey clear codes and conventions of your chosen format and genre.
• Your product must include at least 90% of your own footage, audio, images etc.
• Your product must follow regulation guidelines of your chosen format and you should provide
evidence and communication of this where applicable.
• Your product must follow copyright laws and you should provide evidence of this where applicable.

2) Promotional Materials - Alongside your completed media product, you will be expected to create
two different forms of marketing material to promote your media product. Your promotional
materials should be relevant to your media product as well as match the genre, theme and style of
your media product.

Some examples of promotional materials include:

• Poster
• Trailer (teaser or full-length)
• Social Media or Website (at least 6 unique posts and evidence of audience engagement)
• Merchandise (Stickers, postcards, T-shirts, tote bags, hats, mugs etc.)
• Product Mock-up (Box or packaging design)
• Official Soundtrack (at least 10 songs complied into a shared playlist and original album art)
• Digipak (4 panel design and CD mock-up)

You will have a designated production window for production of these products:
Production (Filming) - 16th April – 29th April 2024
Post-Production: (in college only) - 29th April – 10th May 2024
Remember, you are assessed throughout the entire production process and not just on the final outcome.
This means you are expected to follow your proposed production schedule and usual college timetable
and primarily work on your FMP in college so that your tutors can supervise and support you. If you have
any concerns or specific requirements/conditions, please speak with tutors A.S.A.P.
All final media products must be submitted onto the Course Dropbox in time for the screening and
promotional materials should be prepared for appropriate display for the panel.
Screenings will take place on Monday 13th May 2024 from 9am

Copies of your final media product and promotional materials should also be put onto the presentation
section of your Individual Online Journal



Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all
meet one or more of the of the assessment criteria assessment criteria and is assessment criteria and is
assessment criteria and is and is of a satisfactory of a high standard of a very high standard
of a poor standard standard

ineffective communication Competent Confident selection, Confident selection,

and presentation of communication and organisation and organisation and
ideas. sufficient clarity and communication of ideas. communication of ideas.
Lack of clarity in structure, consistency in Consistent approach to Demonstrating autonomy,
selection and presentation of ideas presentation personal style and an
organisation. appropriate to the demonstrating a good ambitious use of available
intended audience. understanding of resources to communicate
conventions and ideas effectively to an
standards. intended audience.

TASK 5 - Online Journal
You must use your online journal as a way to present, document and evidence the work you do throughout
your FMP. There are some areas of your project that can only be evidenced using your online journal. The
following content outlines the criteria that will be assessed primarily from your online journal.

1) RESEARCH - You should include a wide range of research to support the production of your FMP.
You should have evidence of primary and secondary research in three areas:

Content Research
• Historical Context
• Codes and Conventions - genre, narrative, characters, mise-en-scene etc.
• Background information on your chosen topic/theme
• Similar product analysis
• Inspiration and influences

Market Research
• Primary Research – Questionnaires, Surveys, focus groups etc.
• Secondary Research – existing products, trends, etc.
• A detailed outline of your target audience
• Distribution – Format and Platform

Production Research
• Production techniques – Camera, Sound, Editing, SFX etc.
• Mise-en-scene – Locations, props, costumes, lighting, performance etc.
• Moodboards of your genre, style, characters, locations etc.
• Actors and Contributors
• Copyright Considerations

Remember to always consider and explain WHAT, WHY and HOW that research is useful.
(E.g. WHAT did you find out? WHY is it relevant? And HOW can it be useful for your media production?)



Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all
meet one or more of the of the assessment criteria assessment criteria and is assessment criteria and is
assessment criteria and is and is of a satisfactory of a high standard of a very high standard
of a poor standard standard

Little or no evidence Sufficient relevant Thorough and sustained Independently identified,

presented or information information has been research and investigation thorough and sustained
does not relate sufficiently gathered, documented and of relevant sources, research and investigation
to task. used in the development interpretation and of a range of relevant
of ideas. synthesis of information sources, insightful
used to inform, support interpretation and
and develop ideas. synthesis of information
used to inform, support
and develop ideas.

2) PRACTICAL SKILLS – You should provide a relevant range of evidence of ongoing practical skills you
learn, develop and apply in this project. This could include:
• Workshops
• Self-taught/ experiments/ tutorials
• Production – Filming and Editing
• Mock-ups/Drafts of your final product



Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets Work submitted meets Work submitted meets
meet one or more of the all of the assessment all assessment criteria all assessment criteria
assessment criteria and criteria and is of a and is of a high standard and is of a very high
is of a poor standard satisfactory standard standard

Limited range of Adequate range of Consistent and In depth understanding

processes demonstrated, processes, skills and appropriate processes, and aesthetic awareness,
judgement and knowledge skills and knowledge imaginative and flexible
execution of techniques demonstrated. applied to extend processes, skills and
is poor. Competent execution enquiry and develop knowledge applied in
and application of creative solutions extensive enquiry to
techniques used to develop creative
develop ideas. solutions.

3) PROBLEM SOLVING – You should outline a range of problems you encounter during your project
and explain how you overcame them. You should include at least two reflection points for each
stage of production: Pre-production, Production and Postproduction.

For each problem you should outline:

The Problem > Potential Solutions > Chosen Solution > Results and Impact



Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all Work submitted meets all
meet one or more of the of the assessment criteria assessment criteria and is assessment criteria and is
assessment criteria and is and is of a satisfactory of a high standard of a very high standard
of a poor standard standard
Insufficient exploration of Sufficient exploration of Decisive demonstration of Decisive demonstration of
alternative ideas and alternative ideas using initiative in effectively initiative in effectively
processes. Problems established approaches to solving problems, adapting solving problems,
unresolved. resolve practical and to unforeseen practical autonomously
theoretical problems. and theoretical challenges implementing creative
to achieve identified goals. solutions and adapting to
unforeseen practical and
theoretical challenges to
achieve identified goals.

4) REFLECTION AND EVALUATION - You should reflect and evaluate your progress weekly considering
what you learnt/did towards your project. You should ensure that you document reflections
throughout the following stages of your production:
• Idea Development and Research
• Pre-Production
• Production
• Post- Production

Upon completion of your FMP, you will participate in a screening where you will receive and
provide constructive feedback. This feedback will help you summarize the whole production
process in a Final Evaluation reflecting upon the following:
• Did you meet all the requirements outlined in the brief?
• Did you meet your original intentions?
• Were you happy with the final outcome and why or why not? (strengths and weaknesses)
• Analyse and evaluate the data and constructive feedback received from your Peers & Tutors
• Based on this experience, is there anything you would do differently in the future?



Work submitted fails to Work submitted meets Work submitted meets Work submitted meets
meet one or more of the all of the assessment all assessment criteria all assessment criteria
assessment criteria and criteria and is of a and is of a high standard and is of a very high
is of a poor standard satisfactory standard standard

Insufficient evidence of Clearly communicated Effective communication Accomplished and

ongoing evaluation, lack evidence of valid of analysis and professional
of or only basic analysis evaluation and realistic interpretation, communication of
and little or no analysis independently independent synthesis of perceptive analysis and
justification for ideas. used to inform and information and interpretation,
develop ideas. application of reasoned demonstrating clarity
decision making to and sophistication in
inform development of thinking and maturity in
ideas. decision making to
progress ideas.


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