AWP (U-4 and 5)

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1. Explain the need for antenna arrays. Give the classification of arrays.
2. Define uniform linear array and explain about types of arrays?
3. Differentiate Broadside and End fire arrays with diagrams.
4. What is binomial array antenna. What its basic principle of working? Mention the advantages and disadvantages
5. Explain the factors which controls the overall radiation pattern of array antenna?
6. Explain about endfire array and express the condition for increased directivity
7. Explain the concept of principle of pattern multiplication with example?
8. Derive to find Null-To-Null beam width for broad side array?
9. With a neat sketch explain the procedure of radiation pattern measurement?
10. What is a broad side array and derive its directivity?
11. Derive the expression for the HPBW and FNBW of an End fire array?
12. Derive the expression for the HPBW and FNBW of a Broad side array?
13. Find the directions of pattern maxima, minima and beam width of major lobe when the array of two point sourc
14. With a neat sketch explain the procedure of Impedance measurement?
15. With a neat sketch explain the procedure of 3 antenna Gain measurement?
16. Explain different Non-uniform excitations used in arrays?

1. If the array factor of a linear array has zero's at 90 degrees and 180 degrees with element spacing 0.25 waveleng
2. For a broad side array of 20 isotropic elements seperated by 0.25 lambda, find the directivity and main lobe beam
3. Find the nulls in the radiation of a uniform linear array of five elements?
4. For an end-fire array of 10 isotropic radiating elements with half wave length spacing and directive gain of 30, fin
5. Write about Co-linear array?
6. What are the different types of uniform and non-uniform array antennas?
7. Write the effects of Uniform and Non uniform Amplitude distributions in array antennas?
8. Write about Woodward Hanson condition in arrays?
9. Write the differences between indoor and outdoor measurements?
10. Write different measurement ranges?
11. What are different antenna accurate measurements?
12. A 6 element broad side array of isotropic elements with spacing of half wavelength find directivity in dB?
13. A 6 element linear array of isotropic elements with equal amplitude and same phase find direction of first null fr
14. A 6 element linear array of isotropic elements with equal amplitude and same phase find direction of first SLL(Sid
15. A 6 element linear array of isotropic elements with equal amplitude and same phase find magnitude of first SLL?
16. How side lobes can be reduced in array antennas?

1. Define Array factor?
2. What are the different types of beam steering?
3. Why we need antenna measurements?
4. A 25mm dipole antenna on the top of 110mm long handset is working at 900GSM find the far field distance?
5. What is an anechoic chamber and write its uses?
6. What are the applications of linear array antennas?
7. What are the five controls in antenna array?
8. How do you make a phased array antenna?
9. What is non-uniform linear array?
10. What is parasitic array give one example?
11. What is an array antenna and how it is used in RADAR systems?
12. What is AUT and why it is used in measurements?
13. How is antenna efficiency measured?
14. What is dB and dBi in antenna measurements?
15. What is Co-Pol and Cross-Pol in antenna measurements?
16. Define Null in uniform linear array and write the condition for it?


1. Mention the salient features of ground wave propagation. Give a detailed effect of earths imperfections and rou
2. What are the different types of wave propagations explain with diagrams?
3. What are the factors that influence radio wave propagation with diagrams?
4. Describe different modes of propagation of radio waves in the atmosphere with diagrams?
5. Explain the effect of ground wave propagation for AM and FM broadcasting?
6. Describe the structure of the ionosphere and explain about different layers with diagram?
7. Explain about tropospheric scatter propagation with diagram?
8. Define wave tilt and explain how the wave tilt affects the range of a transmitter?
9. Explain about Space wave propagation with diagram?
10. Explain the factors that affect the Space wave propagation with diagrams?
11. Define Snell's law and explain about Sky wave propagation?
12. Explain about Duct wave propagation and how it forms?
13. Write about modified refractive index in duct propagation with diagrams?
14. What is wave tilt and how does it affect the field strength received at a distance from the transmitter?
15. Derive the expression for field strength in space wave propagation between transmitting and receiving antennas
16. Explain about radio horizon and derive the expression?

1. Write about wave tilt with equation?
2. Write about Skip distance?
3. Write about Critical frequency?
4. Write about MUF?
5. Write about Virtual height?
6. Write short notes on M-Curves?

7. Define Brewester angle and how it is different from critical angle?

8. Find the maximum distance that can be covered by a space wave when the antenna heights are 80m and 50m?

9. Find the maximum range of tropospheric transmission for which the height of the transmitting antenna is 100ft
10. A receiving antenna is located at 80km from transmitting antenna. The height of the transmitting antenna is 100
receiving antenna?

11. If the critical frequency of an ionized layer is 1.5MHz, find the electron density of that layer?

12. What is the critical angle of propagation for D-Layer if the distance between the transmitter and receiver is 500
13. The distance between the transmitter and receiver is 2600km, find MUF if the height of layer is 200km and criti

14. Determine the maximum electron density in F2 layer if the maximum usable frequency of the layer for an angle
15. Find the optical and radio horizons of an antenna with a height of 80 meters located over the surface of the sphe
16. A space wave link consists of repeaters located at a distance of 40km intervals. Find the minimum height of tran
ground level?

1. The ground waves eventually
disappears as one moves away from
the transmitter because of
2. The troposphere extends from earth
surface to a height of ____________.
3. Prominent user of ground wave
propagation is ______________.
4. Ionospheric variations can be divided
into ___________ and _____________
5. The refractive index of the ionosphere
is __________.
6. The relative permittivity of the
ionosphere is __________.
7. The plasma frequency of the
ionosphere is ____________.
8. Faraday rotation is the change of
____________ of the ____________
polarized wave.
9. Attenuation in the ionosphere can be
classified as _________ and
10. Ducting is possible only at
______________ frequencies.
. 11. If wave of critical frequency 30 MHz is departing at an angle of 60 deg ,

then the MUF is given to be ______________ .

12. A TV transmitting aerial is fixed on top of a 150 meter tower located on

a mountain 1200m height. The range of transmitter is ______________.

13. Calculate the critical frequency for the E layer if maximum ionic densities are 3 x 10 6

14. The refractive index of E layer, if angle of incidence is 30 deg

15. If the height of transmitting and receiving antenna in a LOS system are 49 meter

and a 9 meter respectively then the distance up to which communication may

be possible is about______________

16.Find the maximum usable frequency fmax for E layer with Nmax = 18.96 x 1010

electron/meter3 with an incident angle 45 deg

17. Due to which of the following reasons, the ground wave eventually disappears ,

as one move away from the transmitter ?

18. The absorption of radio waves by atmosphere depends on ______________.

19. Microwave signals transmitted towards the sky are ______________.

20. Which of the wave propagation ______________ remains unaffected during day and night ?

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