25 Feb Practice

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Basic Excel

Rows 1048576
Columns 16384
Cells 1048576*16384
Sheets 255 As per websites
Actual sheets more than 1000
per websites
Note for newbies: The plus sign "+" means the keys should be pr
The Ctrl and Alt keys are located on the bottom left and bottom righ

For more shortcut keys

Important Shorcut keys

Ctrl + N
Ctrl + S
Ctrl + W
Ctrl + O
Ctrl + A
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + Z
F12/FN F12

Formatting data
Ctrl + 1
Ctrl + T

Working with formulas

Ctrl + `
Ctrl + '

Navigating and viewing data

Ctrl + F1
Ctrl + Tab
Ctrl + PgDown
Ctrl + G
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + Home
Ctrl + End

Entering data
Alt + Enter
Ctrl + ;
Ctrl + Enter

Ctrl + D
Ctrl + Shift + V
Ctrl + Y
newbies: The plus sign "+" means the keys should be pressed simultaneously.
d Alt keys are located on the bottom left and bottom right sides of most keyboards.

Excel shortcut keys

Important Shorcut keys

Create a new workbook.
Save the active workbook.
Close the active workbook.
Open an existing workbook.
Select the entire worksheet. If the cursor is currently placed within a table, press on
Copy data
Paste data
Repeat / Redo the last action, if possible.
Undo your last action.
Save the active workbook under a new name, displays the Save as dialog box.

Formatting data
Open the "Format Cells" dialog.
"Convert selected cells to a table. You can also select any cell in a range of related d
Find more about Excel tables and their features.

Working with formulas

Autocomplete the function name. Example: Enter = and start typing vl, press Tab an
Cycle through various combinations of formula reference types. Place the cursor w
Toggle between displaying cell values and formulas.
Insert the formula of the above cell into the currently selected cell or the Formula B

Navigating and viewing data

Show / hide the Excel Ribbon. Hide the ribbon to view more than 4 rows of data.
Switch to the next open Excel workbook.
Switch to the next worksheet. Press Ctrl + PgUp to switch to the previous sheet.
Open the "Go to" dialog. Pressing F5 displays the same dialog.
Display the "Find" dialog box.
Return to the 1st cell of the current row in a worksheet.
Move to the beginning of a worksheet (A1 cell).
Move to the last used cell of the current worksheet, i.e. the lowest row of the rightm

Entering data
Edit the current cell.
In cell editing mode, enter a new line (carriage return) into a cell.
Enter the current date. Press Ctrl + Shift + ; to enter the current time.
Fill the selected cells with the contents of the current cell.
Example: select several cells. Press and hold down Ctrl, click on any cell within sele
Copy the contents and format of the first cell in the selected range into the cells belo
Open the "Paste Special" dialog when clipboard is not empty.
Repeat / Redo the last action, if possible.
ble, press once to select the table, press one more time to select the whole worksheet.

of related data, and pressing Ctrl + T will make it a table.

press Tab and you will get =vlookup(

he cursor within a cell and hit F4 to get the needed reference type: absolute, relative or mix

e Formula Bar.
ws of data.

us sheet.

of the rightmost column.

l within selection and press F2 to edit it. Then hit Ctrl + Enter and the contents of the edited
the cells below. If more than one column is selected, the contents of the topmost cell in each
e whole worksheet.

: absolute, relative or mixed (relative column and absolute row, absolute column and relativ
the contents of the edited cell will be copied into all selected cells.
of the topmost cell in each column will be copied downwards.
solute column and relative row).
1. Ayub is the trainer for Excel module.2. Ayub is f

1. Ayub is the trainer for Excel module.

2. Ayub is from Bangalore
module.2. Ayub is from Bangalore
Overall KPI summary
Year Sales Profit
2020 3116 500
2021 2199 350
2022 4471 2000
2023 3335 1500
Shortcut key Alt+H+N

Basic Number Number format

45346 45346.00

Short Date Long Date

45346 45346
ut key Alt+H+N

Currency Accounting
£45,346.00 £ 45,346.00

Time Percentage %
0 56
Dates Names Sales Sales price
23-Jan Ayub ₹ 800.00 2.658
24-Jan Kumar ₹ 600.00 56.517
25-Jan kiran ₹ 900.00 354.165
26-Jan suresh ₹ 500.00 1.565
27-Jan imran ₹ 400.00 800.513
28-Jan Rao ₹ 350.00 50.516
29-Jan Sunil ### 25.517
30-Jan Akshay ### 35.485
31-Jan Salman ### 90.515

Dates Names Sales Sales price

23-Jan Ayub ₹ 800.00 2.658
24-Jan Kumar ₹ 600.00 56.517
25-Jan kiran ₹ 900.00 354.165
26-Jan suresh ₹ 500.00 1.565
27-Jan imran ₹ 400.00 800.513
28-Jan Rao ₹ 350.00 50.516
29-Jan Sunil ### 25.517
30-Jan Akshay ### 35.485
31-Jan Salman ### 90.515
es price Dates Names Sales Sales price
23-Jan Ayub ₹ 800.00 2.658
24-Jan Kumar ₹ 600.00 56.517
25-Jan kiran ₹ 900.00 354.165
26-Jan suresh ₹ 500.00 1.565
27-Jan imran ₹ 400.00 800.513
28-Jan Rao ₹ 350.00 50.516
29-Jan Sunil ### 25.517
30-Jan Akshay ### 35.485
31-Jan Salman ### 90.515

es price Dates Names Sales Sales price

23-Jan Ayub ₹ 800.00 2.658
24-Jan Kumar ₹ 600.00 56.517
25-Jan kiran ₹ 900.00 354.165
26-Jan suresh ₹ 500.00 1.565
27-Jan imran ₹ 400.00 800.513
28-Jan Rao ₹ 350.00 50.516
29-Jan Sunil ### 25.517
30-Jan Akshay ### 35.485
31-Jan Salman ### 90.515
Dates Names Sales Sales price
23-Jan Ayub ₹ 800.00 2.658
24-Jan Kumar ₹ 600.00 56.517
25-Jan kiran ₹ 900.00 354.165
26-Jan suresh ₹ 500.00 1.565
27-Jan imran ₹ 400.00 800.513
28-Jan Rao ₹ 350.00 50.516
29-Jan Sunil ### 25.517
30-Jan Akshay ### 35.485
31-Jan Salman ### 90.515
Year Sales Profit
2020 3116 500

2021 2199 350

2022 4471 2000

2023 3335 1500

Year Sales Profit

2020 3116 500

2021 2199 350

2022 4471 2000

2023 3335 1500





Year Sales Profit Cost
2020 3116 500 2616
2021 2199 350 1849
2022 4471 2000 2471
2023 3335 1500 1835

Year Quarter Units

2020 Qtr-1 236
Qtr-2 156
Qtr-3 159
Qtr-4 113

Qtr-1 Qtr-2 Qtr-3 Qtr-4

Year Quarter Units
2020 Qtr-1 236
Qtr-2 156
Qtr-3 159
Qtr-4 113
2021 Qtr-1 56
Qtr-2 176
Qtr-3 145
Qtr-4 129
2022 Qtr-1 231
Qtr-2 174
Qtr-3 148
Qtr-4 125
2023 Qtr-1 187
Qtr-2 130
Qtr-3 140
Qtr-4 114
Control A Select Range or entire sheet
Control B Bold
Control C Copy
Control D Fill down
Control E Flash fill
Control F Find
Control G Go To
Control H Replace
Control I Italic Font
Control J No Shorcut key
Control K Hyper link
Control L Create Table
Control M No Shorcut key
Control N New Workbook
Control O Open recent files
Control P Print
Control Q Quick Access
Control R Fill Right side
Control S Save
Control T Create Table
Control U Under line
Control V Paste
Control W Close workbook
Control X Cut
Control Y Redo
Control Z Undo
Sr no. Steps Growth Date Weekday
Month Year Day Name
Month Name
Condition Operator Formula Example Result
Equal to = =A1=B1 FALSE
Not equal to <> =A1<>B1 TRUE
Greater than > =A1>B1 FALSE
Less than < FALSE

Equal to Not equal to

Value 1 value 2
=B12=C12 =B12<>C12
5 1
24 24
21 37
6 6
12 14
0 0
39 30
28 5
Add Qtr-1 Qtr-2
5194 2993
962 3588
5045 4938
1650 2963
1112 4109
4009 4845

Greater than less than Subtract Month Earnings

=B12>C12 =B12<C12 Jan 1000
Feb 1200
Mar 900
Apr 1300
May 2000
Jun 2500
Qtr-3 Qtr-4 Total Sales Multiply Product
5977 3936 18100 Caps
3058 3002 10610 Socks
1753 1601 13337 T-shirts
4223 4869 13705 Sweatshirt
1077 1673 7971 Shorts
1116 1672 11642 Sweatpants

Expenses Result
650 350
100 1100 Divide Product
450 450 Cherries
780 520 Bananas
1400 600 Apples
2300 200 Oranges
Price Quantity Total Price
10 10 100
5 20 100
25 20 500
40 10 400
25 20 500
40 10 400
55 5 275

Ordered Delivered Delivered %

30 28 93%
20 19 95%
20 13 65%
30 27 90%
20 20 100%
30 25 83%
20 15 75%
40 0 0%
Absolute References

Absolute reference is when a reference has the dollar sign (

It locks a reference in the formula.

Add $ to the formula to use absolute references.

The dollar sign has three different states:

Absolute for column and row. The reference is absolutely lo

Example =$A$1

Absolute for the column. The reference is locked to that col

Example =$A1

Absolute for the row. The reference is locked to

Example =A$1
the dollar sign ($).

e is absolutely locked.

ocked to that column. The row remains relative.

e is locked to that row. The column remains relative.

Relative Reference
Students Result 1 Result 2 Total Result
Kiran 300 499 799
Krishna 456 271 727
Ajay 153 216 369
Arun 396 101 497
Bala 291 404 695
Uday 480 169 649
Chetan 457 466 923

Multiply by 3
EmployeesTotal Units Cost
Kiran 39 117
Krishna 34 102
Ajay 10 30
Arun 10 30
Bala 45 135
Uday 21 63
Chetan 16 48
Column Freeze or Lock

Commision 15% 35%

EmployeesTotal UnitsCost by 15% Cost by 35%
Kiran 39 5.85 13.65

Row Freeze or Lock

Commision 15% 35%
EmployeesTotal UnitsCost by 15% Cost by 35%
Kiran 39 5.85 2.0475
Krishna 34 5.85 13.65
Ajay 10 5.85 13.65
1 2 3 4 5
2 4 6 8 10
3 6 9 12 15
4 8 12 16 20
5 10 15 20 25
6 12 18 24 30
7 14 21 28 35
8 16 24 32 40
9 18 27 36 45
10 20 30 40 50
6 7 8 9 10
12 14 16 18 20
18 21 24 27 30
24 28 32 36 40
30 35 40 45 50
36 42 48 54 60
42 49 56 63 70
48 56 64 72 80
54 63 72 81 90
60 70 80 90 100
City Region salary Department
Mumbai W ₹ 49,725.00 Training
Delhi N ₹ 56,801.00 Accounts
Noida N ₹ 64,263.00 Marketing
Chennai S ₹ 49,406.00 R&D
Delhi N ₹ 61,419.00 Training
Cuttack E ₹ 30,432.00 Accounts
Kolkata E ₹ 67,708.00 Marketing
Kolkata E ₹ 20,772.00 R&D
Mumbai W ₹ 50,800.00 Training
Bangalore S ₹ 39,861.00 Accounts
Bangalore S ₹ 20,370.00 Marketing
Mangalore S ₹ 32,383.00 R&D
Mysore S ₹ 67,781.00 Training
Mangalore S ₹ 68,927.00 Accounts
Delhi N ₹ 57,819.00 Marketing
Mangalore S ₹ 56,030.00 R&D
Mumbai W ₹ 32,401.00 Operation
Mumbai W ₹ 23,984.00 R&D
Pune W ₹ 62,337.00 Operation
Noida N ₹ 45,763.00 Training
Functions RESULT
SUM 958982 Q-1 Total Number of Employees fr
AVERAGE 47949.1 Q2- Count the number lesser than
MAX 68927 Q3- Count the number greater than
MIN 20370 Q-4 Total Salary of Mumbai city
COUNT 20 Q-5 Average Salary of Mumbai city
COUNTA 20 Q-6 Minimum Salary of Mumbai cit
COUNTBLANK 0 Q-7 Maximum Salary of Mumbai ci
COUNTIF 3 Q-1 Total Salary of Training Depar
COUNTIF 17 Q-2 Average Salary of Training Dep
SUMIF 182983 Q-3 Total Number of Employees fr
mber of Employees from Mumbai city
number lesser than 10000
number greater than and equals to 10000
ry of Mumbai city
alary of Mumbai city
Salary of Mumbai city
Salary of Mumbai city

ry of Training Department Employees form W Region

alary of Training Department Employees form W Region
mber of Employees from Training Department and form W Region
City Region Salary Department
Get the Count for each
Mumbai West ₹ 10,000.00 Training department based on
Delhi North ₹ 12,000.00 Accounts the given region
Noida North ₹ 11,250.00 Marketing
Chennai South ₹ 12,000.00 R&D Department
Delhi North ₹ 16,250.00 Training Training
Cuttack East ₹ 6,400.00 Accounts Accounts
Kolkata East ₹ 4,500.00 Marketing Marketing
Kolkata East ₹ 6,275.00 R&D R&D
Mumbai West ₹ 6,250.00 Training Operation
Bangalore South ₹ 8,750.00 Accounts
Bangalore South ₹ 11,250.00 Marketing
Mangalore South ₹ 10,000.00 R&D
Mysore South ₹ 16,250.00 Training
Get the Minimum Salary fo
Mangalore South ₹ 6,400.00 Accounts department based on the
Delhi North ₹ 4,500.00 Marketing region
Mangalore South ₹ 6,275.00 R&D
Mumbai West ₹ 6,250.00 Operation Department
Mumbai West ₹ 8,750.00 R&D Training
Pune West ₹ 11,250.00 Operation Accounts
Noida North ₹ 10,000.00 Training Marketing
the Count for each Get the Total Salary for each
artment based on department based on the given
he given region region

West DepartmenWest
2 Training 16250
0 Accounts 0
0 Marketing 0
1 R&D 8750
2 Operation 17500

the Minimum Salary for each Get the Maximum Salary for
partment based on the given each department based on the
region given region

West DepartmenWest
6250 Training #NAME?
0 Accounts
0 Marketing
8750 R&D
6250 Operation
Get the Average Salary for each
department based on the given

Training 8125
Accounts 0
Marketing 0
R&D 8750
Operation 8750
numbers ABS Data
-350 350 =ABS(A2) 50.89
-250 250 =ABS(A3) 35.6546
-500 500 =ABS(A4) 851.55
-800 800 =ABS(A5) 816.312
Num Int
1.8962651632 1 =INT(A9)
651653.21651 651653 =INT(A10)
-52.6513 -53 =INT(A11)

Numbers Sign
50 1
60 1
-80 -1
30 1
0 0
-20 -1
40 1
Round Round up Round Down
State PopulationRank Sales
TX 2100263 500
AZ 1445632 600
NY 8175133 850
pE 1526006 350
CA 3792621 850
TX 1327407
CA 1307402
IL 2695598
Mod formula 7
Number Divisor Result 8
100 25 0 12
36 4 0 13
15 4 3 15
8 4 0 17
8 3 2 19
13 3 1 21
0.75 0.25 0 22
0.75 0.1 0.05 24
-3 2 1 25
3 -2 -1 25
-3 -2 -1 29
The Excel MOD function returns 32
the remainder of two numbers 34
after division. For example,
MOD(10,3) = 1
Result Rank Countif Sum
4 4 0 4
3 3 0 3
1 1 0 1
5 5 0 5
2 1 1 2

Mean(average) 19.11111 The mean represents the average value in a d

Median 20 The median represents the middle value in a
Mode 7 The mode represents the value that occurs m
average value in a dataset
he middle value in a dataset, when all of the values are arranged from smallest to largest.
value that occurs most often in a dataset. Note that a dataset can have no mode, one mode,
om smallest to largest.
have no mode, one mode, or multiple modes.
Names Score Result Result 2
Kishore 56
Kumar 76
Abhay 99
Ashy 78
Imran 70
Sohail 91
Geeta 51
Ram 59
Sham 52

Names Score Result Result 2

Kishore 56
Kumar 76
Abhay 99
Ashy 78
Imran 70
Kumar 91
Geeta 51
Ram 59
Sham 52
Kumar 25
Abhay 35

Names Score Result Result 2

Kishore 56
Kumar 76
Abhay 99
Ashy 78
Imran 70
Kumar 91
Geeta 51
Ram 59
Sham 85
Kumar 25
Abhay 35
score above 70 pass or fail
Score above or equals to 70 pass or fail

Abhay and Kumar should be present in the list; others, should be absent

If the name is Kumar or the score is above

50, the result should be yes, otherwise it
should be no


If the name is Kumar and the score is above

50, the result should be yes, otherwise it
should be no
If the Score is between 70-90, the result
should be yes, otherwise it should be no
ould be absent
Short Day Name
Full Day Name
Month Name
Full Month Name
Short Year
Full Year
Date Months Result Notes
30-Mar-19 1 30-Apr-19 Last day 1 month later
30-Mar-19 -1 28-Feb-19 Last day 1 month earlier
15-Feb-19 3 31-May-19 Last day 3 months later
15-Feb-19 -6 31-Aug-18 Last day 6 months earlier
15-Mar-19 18 30-Sep-20 Last day 18 months later
5-Jul-18 24 31-Jul-20 Last day 2 years later
12-Sep-18 60 30-Sep-23 Last day 5 years later
Default Saturday & Sun
Networkdays Start Date End Date
Networkdays.intl 01-Jan-2023 31-Jan-2023
Workday 01-Aug-2023 31-Aug-2023

Only Sunday off

Start Date End Date
01-Jan-2023 31-Jan-2023
01-Aug-2023 31-Aug-2023

Default Saturday & Sun

Order Date No. of Days
01-Jan-2023 20
01-Aug-2023 18

Only Sunday off

Order Date No. of Days
01-Jan-2023 20
01-Aug-2023 18
efault Saturday & Sunday off (Holiday)
Networkdays Networkdays with holiday
22 21

Only Sunday off (Holiday)

Networkdays.intl Networkdays.intl with holiday
26 24

efault Saturday & Sunday off (Holiday)

Delivery Date Delivery Date with holiday
1/27/2023 1/30/2023

Only Sunday off (Holiday)

Delivery Date Delivery Date with holiday
1/24/2023 1/24/2023
Mahesh Babu Birthdate
DOB Current Date
Jan Month 09-Aug-1975 19-Mar-2024
Holidays Dates
New Year 1-Jan-23
Makar Sankranti 14-Jan-23
Republic day 26-Jan-23

Aug Month
Holidays Dates
Independence Day ### Date of Joining Current Date
08-Oct-2021 19-Mar-2024
26-Aug-2022 19-Mar-2024
26-Nov-2021 19-Mar-2024
20-Dec-2022 19-Mar-2024
Questions Result
Difference in complete years 48
Difference in complete months 583
Difference in days 17755

Difference in days Difference in complete months


Difference in days
Weekend or Weekdays
Dates Status
Refer Salary_Data sheet

Department West North

Department West North

Department West North
ary_Data sheet

South East

South East

South East
City Region Salary Department
Mumbai West 10000 Training
Delhi North 12000 Accounts
Noida North 11250 Marketing
Chennai South 12000 R&D
Delhi North 16250 Training
Cuttack East 6400 Accounts
Kolkata East 4500 Marketing
Kolkata East 6275 R&D
Mumbai West 6250 Training
Bangalore South 8750 Accounts
Bangalore South 11250 Marketing
Mangalore South 10000 R&D
Mysore South 16250 Training
Mangalore South 6400 Accounts
Delhi North 4500 Marketing
Mangalore South 6275 R&D
Mumbai West 6250 Operation
Mumbai West 8750 R&D
Pune West 11250 Operation
Noida North 10000 Training

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