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Is he twenty-eight years

old? Is she from

England? Am I right? Am
I from Spain? Am I
married? Is He eighteen
years old? Are you from
Spain? Is She a travel
Are you married? Is he
from Italy? She is
right? No she doesn't.
Are you married? No I am
not. What is his job? Is
he a taxi driver? Is he
a policeman? No he is
not. I see! What is his
job? Is he a travel
agent? Am I right?
Where is he from? Is he
from Spain? Am I right?
Is He right?

Sorry! It's OK! Let

me help you. Thank
you. That is really
kind of you. Does he
like wine and beer?
Yes he does. Does
she really have a
car? No she doesn’t.
Does he love
listening to music?
Yes he does. Does
she really have a
video recorder? I
think she does not.
let me help you.
Thank you. That is
really kind of you\a
Am I married? Do I
like swimming? Are
we at home? Do we go
for a walk in the
morning? Am I
twenty-nine years
old? Do I stay at
home? Are We
teachers? Do we work
on Wednesdays and
Thursdays? Am I from
Rome? Do I have a
new television? Are
We brothers? Do We
go for a walk in the

her Oranges her Answers

Her Addresses Her Actors
Her Apples Answers
a teacher as well. A
Doctor as well. A
Daughter as well. A
Sister as well.
What is it in English?
This is the key. This is
an apple. I see.
How do I say this in
English? Is she from
Turkey? Yes she is
Do you have a cat? What
is your name? Do you
like a cake? What is his
job? Is he a police
officer? What is her
address? Are they police
officers? Yes they are.
How do I say this in
Do you live in Portugal?
Are They thirty-seven?
Is this your map? Is
this his newspaper?
Is He from Turkey?
Do you drink tea? Do
you? Do you have a
car? Do you? Is This
their home? Is this
their key?
Are you working for
this company? Am I
right? Am I your
brother? Am I your
teacher? Do They
have a sister in
Turkey? Do they? Yes
they do
Am I a friendly person?
Yes you are. Am I a
friendly doctor?
How do I say this in
English? A company. A

In the center of Berlin.

In the center of Milan.
In the center of Rome.
Do they work in Oxford?
Are They doctors? Are
they really teachers?
Do they both drink wine
and beer? Do they? Are
they vegetarians?
Do they both eat apples
and oranges? Are they
really married?
Do Jorge and Alice both
like classical music? Do
Are they both musicians?
Do They both work at a
bank at a plant?
Are they both bankers?
Are They both
vegetarians? Are they
Musicians Secretaries
Vegetarians Bankers
In the center of
Berlin. In the
center of Milan. In
the center of Rome.
Do Sally and Adam
live in the center
of Rome? Are They
happy? I think they
Do they both drink
beer on the weekend?
Are They both
salespeople? I think
they are
Vegetarians Bankers
Secretaries Bankers
Secretaries Bankers
Never mind\Who is
he? who is she? who
is this? who you
are? Who are they?
who are we?
Who is John? He is
my son. Who is Mary?
She is my daughter.
Who are they? They
are my sisters.
who are you? Who are
they? who are we? Who
are they?
I think they are my
parents. Who is Robert?
He is my brother. Who is
Nick? I think he is
Caroline's brother. Who
is Peter? He has Jane's
husband. Who is he? He
is my brother. Never
who is he? who is she?
who is this? Who are
you? Who are they? who
are we? Who are you? Who
are they?
Who is she? She is my
sister. Who is it? I
don't know. It's OK. Who
are they? I think they
are her sisters.
Who are they? I think
they are his brothers.
What is his job? He is a
doctor now. Who is Bob?
I don't know. Never

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