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LESSON 6 - Technology

B3 Lesson 6.1

HAND OUT READING TASK: CRIME FIGHTING: Read and discuss with students

ASK: What do you ink is the role of technology in crime fighting?

What do you expect to be different?
What technology is important for you?

HAND OUT TECHNOLOGY WORKSHEET: Students check vocabulary and do the task as homework


1. Talk about how technology has changed in your lifetime.

2. What do you think has been the most important new invention in the last 100 years?
3. Are there any new gadgets that you really want to get?
4. What do you think will be the next biggest technological advance?
5. How can countries help to create more inventors?
6. What is your favorite piece of technology you own?
7. How will computers change in the future?
8. Do you think that there will be more or less new innovation in the future?
9. Is there a piece of technology that you really want that doesn’t exist? (i.e. flying cars, teleportation, etc.)
10. Give some examples of technology that have made the world worse.
11. What do you think is the most important thing that humans have created?
12. Do you think that people will travel outside of our solar system? How will they get there?
13. Do you like new gadgets or do you prefer to use technology you are comfortable with?
14. What are the possibilities of technology in clothing?
15. What is the future of transportation?

B3 Lesson 6.2

ASK How do you feel today?

How was your weekend?
What are you going to do next weekend?

ASK What are you going to do next weekend for sure?


ASK What are you going to do next weekend maybe?


ASK What is special about these words?


What are Modal Verbs?

EXPLAIN Give the three definitions

ASK Modal Verbs do you know?

HAND OUT MODAL VERBS CHART: Have students fill in with the meaning of each Modal Verb

WOB It is possible that Peter passes his driving exam.

It is possible that Peter passed his driving exam.
It is necessary that Peter passes his driving exam




innovation Device Application

Advance Equipment Online

Develop Gadget Digital

Progress Appliance access

Revolution Cutting-edge Technology

Revolutionize State-of-the-art Technological

Breakthrough Modern Information

Change Labour Computer


Affect Advanced Connection

Effect High Outdated

Influence Impact Updated

Why do you think technology is important, give examples of some changes that occurred because of
technology and the consequences.












Modal USES Modal USES

____________________ ____________________

can / could must ____________________

____________________ ____________________

have to ____________________

may ____________________

Need to ____________________

Ought to
____________________ ____________________
Had better

Might shall
____________________ ____________________

Modal USES Modal USES

____________________ ____________________

can / could must ____________________

____________________ ____________________

have to ____________________

may ____________________

Need to ____________________

Ought to
____________________ ____________________
Had better

Might shall
____________________ ____________________
Paraphrase the following sentences using modal verbs:

1. It’s a good idea to swallow rapidly if you have hiccups.

2. It’s not a good idea not to tell the doctor all the symptoms you have, even if they sound embarrassing.
3. I’m sure he doesn’t sleepwalk: I’ve lived with him 10 years, believe me.
4. I’m sure there isn’t anything wrong with the car: I had it tested yesterday.
5. I’m sure that the monster is living in Loch Ness: where on earth do the photos come from then?
6. Possibly she isn’t John’s sister.
7. Perhaps we will go on a pilgrimage next month.
8. She was able to read when she was two.
9. It is not necessary for you to pay the bill.
10. I am certain that they have already left.
11. I was in the habit of going for a walk every morning when I was in Singapore.
12. It is probable that he will pass his driving test easily.
13. Perhaps he forgot to bring the book.
14. Nobody answered the phone; perhaps they have gone out.
15. I am certain that he is over sixty.
16. It was not necessary for them to buy a new car but they bought it.
17. It was not necessary for them to buy a new car and they didn’t buy it
18. You aren’t allowed to take all those books out of the library.
19. It is possible that Mark will be at home this evening?
20. Would you like me to make some sandwiches for you?

21. I advise you to leave early.

22. I’m sure the children aren’t happy with your decision.
23. We are obliged to take exams every six months.
24. It’s not a good idea to leave a child unsupervised.
25. It is necessary to sign up to take the course.
26. It’s not possible for me to study and work at the same time
27. It is not required to book in advance.
28. It is very important that you be there on time.
29. It is not necessary to read all those books.
30. Swimming here is prohibited
31. It’s against the law to drive over the speed limit.
32. I think she needs to spend more time with you.
33. You’re not allowed to park here.
34. I’m sure that Liz hasn’t met Harry before.
35. Perhaps Pam and Tom decided not to come.
36. Mary Knows how to stand on her head.
37. It’s possible for everyone to break into the house!
38. Jack is supposed to have arrived half an hour ago.
39. It would be a good idea if Harry took a holiday.
40. I’m sure that David took your books by mistake

1 Rewrite the following sentences using modal verbs of certainty or possibility.

1 I'm sure our pupils haven't done anything wrong.___________________________________________________
2 Maybe he's been unemployed for some time. ______________________________________________________
3 I'm certain she'll get in touch with you. ___________________________________________________________
4 I bet he doesn't know you. _____________________________________________________________________
5 Perhaps he'll commit a crime. ___________________________________________________________________
6 I can't believe she looks so young and attractive. ____________________________________________________
7 No, that's not true! He didn't betray me. __________________________________________________________
8 I'm convinced they've made a good decision. _______________________________________________________
9 There's no doubt that they were looking for my friend. _______________________________________________
10 It's possible that Alice is constantly losing her memory. ______________________________________________

2 Rewrite the following sentences using modal verbs of certainty or possibility.

1 There's no doubt the car was there at eight o'clock. _________________________________________________
2 I doubt she has been working for that company. ____________________________________________________
3 I'm positive you need medical advice. _____________________________________________________________
4 I'm certain I've lost some pounds. ________________________________________________________________
5 It's impossible that you shook hands with the Queen. ________________________________________________
6 I'm sure they'll win the match. __________________________________________________________________
7 I'm certain the story was made up. _______________________________________________________________
8 Perhaps he'll never come back again. _____________________________________________________________
9 I'm not sure they have heard his voice. ____________________________________________________________
10 l bet she felt comfortable with him. ______________________________________________________________

3 Rewrite the following sentences using modal verbs of certainty or possibility.

1 Perhaps we are driving in the wrong direction. _____________________________________________________
2 There's no doubt they're going out tonight. ________________________________________________________
3 I'm positive she'll take a long holiday in Greece. ____________________________________________________
4 I'm absolutely sure you didn't mean that. __________________________________________________________
5 I'm not convinced that they are staying in New York at the moment. ____________________________________
6 Perhaps they were informed about it too late. ______________________________________________________
7 It's impossible she's been put to jail. ______________________________________________________________
8 I'm convinced that you’ll be awarded. ____________________________________________________________
9 I'm sure he's trying to do his best to please you. ____________________________________________________
10 Maybe the watch stopped because of the battery. __________________________________________________

4 Respond to the statements or questions using the words in brackets.

1 I can't believe it. She's wearing a ring.
(can't, get married) ___________________________________________________________________________
2 There's no light in her room.
(must, sleep) ________________________________________________________________________________
3 I don't have a key.
(must, forget, at home) ________________________________________________________________________
4 They have a lot of work to do today.
(might, not come, party) _______________________________________________________________________
5 He's got a bandage round his arm.
(might, hurt)_________________________________________________________________________________
6 She looks pale.
(could, ill) ___________________________________________________________________________________
7 They still haven't arrived.
(something, could, happen) _____________________________________________________________________
8 You're joking.
( can't, serious) _______________________________________________________________________________
9 I'm not sure if he works for his uncle.
(might, work, for his father) ____________________________________________________________________
10 Do you know where he is?
(could, read, a newspaper in the living room) ______________________________________________________

5 Respond to the statements or questions using the words in brackets.

1 She's in hospital again.
(must, have, her baby) ________________________________________________________________________
2 I don't agree with you.
(might, wrong) ______________________________________________________________________________
3 We haven't received any replies yet.
(they, might, not understand our message) ________________________________________________________
4 She's in her bed.
(could, relax) ________________________________________________________________________________
5 There's a fire brigade in front of my neighbour's house.
( his house, could, on fire) ______________________________________________________________________
6 They didn't know the way.
(might, get lost) ______________________________________________________________________________
7 No, it's impossible She was with me.
(can't, at the cinema, with your boyfriend) _________________________________________________________
8 He doesn't live here any more.
(must, move away) ___________________________________________________________________________
9 What's that? A toy for me? But I'm grown up.
(must, joke) _________________________________________________________________________________
10 There's a loud music next door.
(they, must, a party) __________________________________________________________________________

6 Respond to the statements or questions using the words in brackets.

1 I've got a stomach ache
(might, eat, something rotten) __________________________________________________________________
2 My grandmother's so weak.
(must, lie, in bed, for weeks) ____________________________________________________________________
3 I can hear voices in the street.
(some people, might, talk) ______________________________________________________________________
4 You'd better do it today.
(it, could, too late, tomorrow) ___________________________________________________________________
5 He's looking at her all the time.
(might, in love with her) _______________________________________________________________________
6 It's so quiet here.
(they, can't, build, a bridge) _____________________________________________________________________
7 His hands are shaking.
( could see, something terrible) __________________________________________________________________
8 She's crying.
(might, hear, something sad) ____________________________________________________________________
9 Our manager is not here.
(must, have, a meeting) ________________________________________________________________________
10 What? 280 km an hour?
(they, can't, travel, so fast, now) _________________________________________________________________

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