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B3 Lesson 9.1

ASK What is your job?

Do you like it? Why?/why not?
How did you get your job? / How can you get a job?



ASK Students to explain the meaning of the words below.

If they can’t they should write down the definition.

THERE ARE TWO JOB ADS WORKSHEETS: Do one in class and send the other as homework.

HAND OUT READING ADVERTISING: Let students read / or depending on time ask them to read only paragraph 2

Advertising has become a type of culture with ardent followers. In the process, it attracts enviable attention
from manufacturers and service providers who fancy an edge over their competitors. Unfortunately, in
keeping with the ever-increasing demands of the manufacturers, the advertisers have resulted to creating
unnecessary wants and excess consumption in most of us. This is a craving for harmful products that we
are better off without. It preys on our minds rendering us completely irrational. The billboards (hoardings),
television and radio advertisements target us from a very early age, forming our view of the world as we
grow into adults. The buzzwords in advertising are, 'you are cool, type, sophisticated, of the hook', if you
use this or that product.

WOB the words in bold

ASK What is special about these words?

ELICIT They are built with prefixes and suffixes.

ASK &WOB Some prefixes and suffixes

HAND OUT PREFIX WORKSHEET1 – Let student fill in the correct prefix for each word

B3 Lesson 1.2

ASK Pick up from homework correction or

ELICIT A word with a prefix or suffix during conversation


HAND OUT PREFIX & SUFFIX EXERCISE 4: students complete

EXPLAIN Some words can have more than one suffix, and basically it changes the type of word

WOB Direct

HAND OUT THE MULTIPLE PREFIX AND SUFFIX EXERCISE: Students try and think of ways to complete the table

Let them do only a few, the exercise is too long and they can finish at home.

Finally HAND OUT EXERCISE PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES 1 – Explain and let students complete in class.

►The Clarion Hotel◄

has immediate FT/PT openings for dining room servers and housekeepers.
We offer competitive wages and benefits.
Please apply in person.
5040 Sunset Avenue, Minneapolis.

1. Do you need to apply for this job in person?

2. Where would you go to apply?
3. Does this ad give a starting salary?
4. What jobs are being offered?
5. Would you be able to apply for either full time or part time?
6. Will you need references for this job?

Exp’drecep’t needed to greet and register pts., collect co-pays, verify insur.,
schedule + more w/this Salary to $31,000.
Call 651-782-4444 between 8 am and 4 pm, M – F and ask for Ann.

1. How will you apply for this job?

2. What are some of the job duties for the receptionist?
3. Does “to $31,000” mean you will earn a beginning salary of $31,000? Explain
4. Does this job require a college degree?

1. The job at the Clarion Hotel 4. The job ad for a receptionist requires
a) doesn’t require references a) experience
b) asks you to phone for information b) a medical degree
c) has both full time and part time openings c) working evenings and weekends
d) doesn’t offer benefits d) opening the clinic M-F

2. The job openings are for 5. Job duties include

a) housekeepers and cooks a) typing and filing
b) servers and cooks b) greeting and registering patients
c) coffee shop servers c) cleaning equipment
d) servers and housekeepers d) assisting the doctors

3. What are benefits? 6. To inquire about this job, you must

a) monthly paychecks a) apply in person
b) extra pay for extra work b) mail a letter and resume to the address provided
c) paid time off for vacation and illness c) send a fax
d) transportation to and from work d) call and talk to Ann
Factory Help
FT medical assembly.Days 8:00 - 5:00, $6 per hr. Nights 5:00 pm - 2 am, $5.50 per hr. Apply in person. Call
Dan Lund, 543-8829 for an appt.

Nursing Assistant
PT positions avail. Hospital in northern suburban area.Must be certified. Ref. required.
Call Janice Smith at 332-7800.

Electronic Installer
Equip & antennas. Will train.$11/hr start & $43/day if traveling. Health, den., life & vac.
Call 1-800- 222-6667.

Mid-Level Mktg Person

Run marketing dept. for medsized co. Lots of exciting new challenges with unlimited earning potential.
Must be a college graduate. Please send resume to or fax to 612-889-2000.

1. Which ads give starting salaries?

2. Which job must you apply for in person?
3. Which ad requires references?
4. Which job requires a college degree?
5. According to the information given in these adds, which job offers the largest salary?
6. What should you do to apply for a job as a mid-level marketing person?

1. You want to apply for the job of nursing

assistant. What do you need to do? 4. Electronic installers receive a per diem when
a) Send a letter and resume to the nursing they travel. What does that mean?
supervisor. a) medical and dental insurance
b) Apply in person. b) money to pay for meals each day
c) Call and talk to Janice. c) accident insurance
d) Fax or e-mail a resume. d) paid vacation

2. Which job offers training? 5. Which job requires you to call and make an
a) factory help appointment?
b) nursing assistant a) mid-level marketing
c) electronic installer b) electronic installer
d) mid-level marketing person c) nursing assistant
d) factory help
3. Looking at the information provided, which job
pays the least? 6. Which job ad provides general information
a) electronic installer about the location?
b) mid-level marketing a) electronic installer
c) factory help, day shift b) nursing assistant
d) factory help, night shift c) factory help
d) none of the above


part time necessary full time driver’s license

words per minute location experience benefits
Certified Public Masters in Business international graduate
Accountant extension communication temporary
references commercial maintenance years
required month technician

ben. communic.
comm’l temp.
nec. loc.
MBA int’l
CPA ext.
req’d DL
mo. FT
maint. PT
tech. wpm
refs. exp.
grad. yrs.


wages co-worker
sick leave assembly line
benefits public
vacation apply
employer application
employee references require
employment company
worker experience
overtime communication
bonus skills
tax customer service
insurance temporary
minimum wage college degree
supervisor team player
income interview
salary paycheck train (training)
shift (first, second) layoff
occupation entry downsize
level qualifications perks
Advertising was initially meant to make people aware of the goods available in the market. It was as simple
as announcing what you have in your store or the services you offer in your premises. Over the years,
advertising has evolved into a major industry that goes beyond informing to persuading and influencing. It
is a form of brainwashing consumers.

Advertising has become a type of culture with ardent followers. In the process, it attracts enviable
attention from manufacturers and service providers who fancy an edge over their competitors.
Unfortunately, in keeping with the ever-increasing demands of the manufacturers, the advertisers have
resulted to creating unnecessary wants and excess consumption in most of us. This is a craving for harmful
products that we are better off without. It preys on our minds rendering us completely irrational. The
billboards (hoardings), television and radio advertisements target us from a very early age, forming our
view of the world as we grow into adults. The buzzwords in advertising are, 'you are cool, type,
sophisticated, of the hook', if you use this or that product.

The notion that the media is primarily in place to give us news is not very true. If the truth may be told, the
media is there to gather enough audience, package them into a pricey commodity and sell it to the
advertisers. The advertisers, on the other hand, are always on the lookout for a target audience to
persuade them that this product or service is better than that of the competitor.

Advertising does influence people. Most of the advertisements are filled with images that equate
emotional well-being with material acquisition and associate independence and leisure with consumption
of alcohol. Advertising also makes people direct their affect to products rather than real people, thereby
destroying human relationships We have become trapped in the web of advertising where products like
brands of beer and cigarette take over our minds, doing away with our core family values.

When you look critically at most of the advertisements on the television, you will discover how persuasive
the advertisers are in deciding for us what, when, how much and why to buy. But most people think that
they are not influenced by advertisements. This is precisely what the advertisers want us to think, that in
the end 'the people decide'. If you think deeply, nobody in his profit-minded sense will pay so much money
to make a thirty second advertisement, which might not be seen by a hundred people, leave alone
convince them to buy. How we strike a healthy balance between the two will definitely have a direct
bearing on the future.

1. What has advertising become?

2. What was the initial aim of advertising
3. What are the two effects of advertising?
4. Which word on paragraph 4 means gaining?
5. What does “trapped in the web of advertising” mean?
6. In what ways does advertising influence our actions?

Aware Sensitive
Mortal Loyal
Obey Religious
Connect Logical
Moderate Equality
Moral Flexible
Like Popular
Economical Usual
Believer Replaceable
Resistible Honor
Violent Believable
Movable Sincere
Responsible Agree
Literate Material
Comparable Relevant
Informed Fit
Rational Appear
Cover Legible
Mature Consistent
Embark Informed
Patient Legal
Fiction Capable
Regular Clear
Approve Measurable
Possible Stoppable
Liberal Safe
Efficient Lucky
Dependent Mortal

Exercise A: Prefixes
Complete the sentences by writing the correct prefix in the blank space. You can use a dictionary to
help you.

dis- -in mis- re- un- under-

1. I just can't believe it! The story is _____believable!

2. No, that answer is _____correct. It is wrong.

3. Let's look at this information again. We should _____view it before the test.

4. I saw Allison just a moment ago, but now I can't find her! It seems that she _____appeared!

5. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't hear you correctly. I _____understood you.

6. The subway does not go over the land like a normal train. It moves _____ground.

Exercise B: Adjective suffixes

Complete the words that describe the pictures below. Use the suffixes from the list.

-able -ful -less

1. The first woman is very tired. She wants to rest!

The second woman can't stay still. She always wants to move! She is rest_____.

2. The first dog isn't cute. He's a little scary!

The second dog is very cute! He's ador_____!

3. Jason writes lots of lists, so he always remembers what he has to do. He never forgets!
But Melanie can't remember anything! She's very forget_____!

Exercise C: Noun suffixes

Complete the sentences that describe the pictures using the correct suffix. You can use a dictionary to
help you.

-dom -er -ment -ness

1. I teach science in big a university. I am a physics teach_____.

2. Sir Alan is King Richard's best knight. He is brave and strong. He is the most important knight in
Richard's whole king_____!

3. Henrietta is my best friend. She is wonderful! The best thing about her is her kind_____. She is
always so nice to people!

4. The kids always have fun together. They never disagree or have an argu_____.

1. He was sitting __________________ in his seat on the train. (comfort)

2. There was a __________________ greenlight coming from the window. (usual)

3. He was acting in a very __________________ way. (child)

4. This word is very difficult to spell, and even worse, it's __________________. (pronounce)

5. The film was so __________________ that we left before the end. (bore)

6. The film was terrible, I felt really __________________ . (bore)

7. He didn't pass his exam. He was __________________ for the second time. (succeed)

8. Some of the shanty towns are dreadfully __________________ . (crowd)

9. The team that he supported were able to win the__________________ . (champion)

10. There is a very high __________________ that they will be late. (probable)

11. I couldn't find any __________________ in his theory. (weak)

12. He wants to be a __________________ when he grows up. (mathematics)

13. You need to be a highly trained __________________ to understand this report. (economy)

14. There were not many people at the match,only a __________________. (hand)

15. She was afraid of the snake, but it wasn’t__________________ . (poison)

16. The road was too narrow, so they had to __________________ it. (wide)

17. He was accused of __________________ documents. (false)

18. They had to __________________ the lion before they could catch it. (tranquil)

19. He needed to __________________ the temperature. (regular)

20. I think that you should __________________ . It may not be the best thing to do. (consider)

21. The party was __________________ , everything went wrong. (disaster)

22. I think that there has been a __________________ , I didn't order this. (understand)

23. The bacteria are so small that you need a __________________ to see them. (scope)

1. There was a three-hour __________________ because of the strike. (stop)

2. You need a _______________of motivation, organization and revision to learn English.


3. The event was totally __________________ . It was terrible. (organise)

4. It is very __________________ to use air-conditioning with the door open. (product)

5. His __________________ has been expected for the last half an hour. (arrive)

6. She looked at her __________________ in the mirror. (reflect)

7. I told him my plan but he wasn't very __________________ . (friend)

8. She had no __________________ of going to see him. (intend)

9. He spent half an hour __________________ himself with the building. (familiar)

10. Failing her driving test was a great __________________ to her. (appoint)

11. He decided to study __________________ at university. (journal)

12. The film was __________________ good. (surprise)

13. We need an __________________ campaign to promote this issue. (aware)

14. I don't like him at all. He's so __________________ . (convenient)

15. The company has over 500 __________________ . (employ)

16. The new manager was very efficient and __________________ .(progress)

17. It really isn't mine. I think that you are __________________ . (mistake)

18. The rate of __________________ in Brazil has been rising steadily. (employ)

19. People need to be more __________________ these days. (tolerate)

20. She __________________ the evidence under a piece of blanket. (cover)

21. Have you seen that new __________________ ? He's very funny. (comedy)

22. The event was totally __________________ . It was terrible. (organise)

Adjective-Building Suffix List
1. –able, -ible accessible, adaptable, flexible, honorable, reversible, sustainable, tolerable,.

2. -al (related to): biological, environmental, natural, supplemental, technical, visual,.

3. -ant (being ___): relevant, reluctant, significant, tolerant, etc.

4. -ary (belonging or related to): diversionary, military, supplementary, voluntary, etc.

5. -ed annoyed, complicated, surprised, united, etc.

6. -y (presence of, full of): airy, cheery, cloudy, noisy, sleepy, windy

7. -ent: consistent, evident, negligent, proficient, sufficient, urgent, etc.

8. –ful (full of): careful, doubtful, fearful, helpful, grateful, tactful, etc.

9. –ic (nature of, like): acidic, domestic, geologic, metallic, patriotic, realistic, symbolic,

10. -ing annoying, inspiring, surprising, tiring.

11. –ish (similar to, belonging to): girlish, childish, reddish, Scottish, etc.

12. –ive (related to) abusive, conclusive, exclusive, ineffective, supportive, etc.

13. –less (without): breathless, careless, effortless, fearless, lifeless, tasteless, tireless,

14. –ous (having, full of): courageous, erroneous, malicious, nervous, obvious, serious,.

Noun-Building Suffix List

1. –ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency: assistance,evidence, relevance, tolerance, urgency

2. –ion, -sion, -tion: attention, conclusion, definition, elimination, generation, revision,

3. –ism (a system of belief): capitalism, communism, federalism, nationalism, patriotism,.

4. –ity: adaptability, community, diversity, maturity, predictability, stability, etc.

6. –ment: achievement, attainment, commitment, postponement, requirement, etc.

7. –ness: carelessness, fearlessness, friendliness, sleepiness, sweetness, etc.

8. –ship: authorship, citizenship, friendship, relationship, scholarship, etc.

Verb-Building Suffix List

1. –ate: to allocate, disintegrate, eliminate, estimate, manipulate, terminate, etc.

2. –fy (to make): to amplify, beautify, clarify, fortify, unify, verify, etc.

3. –ize (to make): familiarize, immobilize, liberalize, memorize, organize, penalize, realize,.
A growing city
Beaumont, Georgia’s newest city, is a well __________ city. It is a PLAN / LOVE
__________ place all year round because of the great __________ of VARY
flowers and trees which grow in the city centre. No one can be SATISFY
__________ with such natural surroundings. The __________ growing QUICK
population includes not only the gargantuan number of __________ FOREIGN
who work there for an international computer company, but also LIVE
local officials. The __________ conditions in the city are excellent and ENTERTAIN
all types of __________ and sport are available to residents and HISTORY
visitors. There are many __________ buildings to visit nearby and the PEACE
wooded countryside which is quite __________ and particularly SIGHT
beautiful in spring offers hours of cycling and walking routes. A
__________ will come back again and again to sample and experiment
the pleasures Beaumont has to offer.

Lights, camera, action…

Can you imagine what it is like to be swimming underneath BRIGHT
__________ colouredcoral and swerve to avoid a jellyfish? Or SUDDEN
__________ find yourself hurtling towards an atom’s nucleus? The APPROXIMAT
cost? __________ 75 minutes of time plus the purchase price of a E
movie ticket. __________ will only carry you so far. But as more than IMAGINE
500 million__________ will attest, the experience of a big screen with VIEW
3-D imagery is wonderful.
That’s the story of IMAX. “It’s the closest thing to passive virtual REAL
__________. It combines information with __________, IMAX movies are ENTERTAIN
very realistic. This cinematic technique marks the real __________ DIFFER
between what we once knew and what’s developing now. IMAX is a RELATE
__________ newcomer to the scene. The formula has been working SPECIAL
well __________ in the Asia Pacific region. There are 144 IMAX GROW
theaters operating in 21 countries worldwide, and IMAX is still

A growing city
Beaumont, Georgia’s newest city, is a well __________ city. It is a PLAN / LOVE
__________ place all year round because of the great __________ of VARY
flowers and trees which grow in the city centre. No one can be SATISFY
__________ with such natural surroundings. The __________ growing QUICK
population includes not only the gargantuan number of __________ FOREIGN
who work there for an international computer company, but also LIVE
local officials. The __________ conditions in the city are excellent and ENTERTAIN
all types of __________ and sport are available to residents and HISTORY
visitors. There are many __________ buildings to visit nearby and the PEACE
wooded countryside which is quite __________ and particularly SIGHT
beautiful in spring offers hours of cycling and walking routes. A
__________ will come back again and again to sample and experiment
the pleasures Beaumont has to offer.

Lights, camera, action…

Can you imagine what it is like to be swimming underneath BRIGHT
__________ colouredcoral and swerve to avoid a jellyfish? Or SUDDEN
__________ find yourself hurtling towards an atom’s nucleus? The APPROXIMAT
cost? __________ 75 minutes of time plus the purchase price of a E
movie ticket. __________ will only carry you so far. But as more than IMAGINE
500 million__________ will attest, the experience of a big screen with VIEW
3-D imagery is wonderful.
That’s the story of IMAX. “It’s the closest thing to passive virtual REAL
__________. It combines information with __________, IMAX movies are ENTERTAIN
very realistic. This cinematic technique marks the real __________ DIFFER
between what we once knew and what’s developing now. IMAX is a RELATE
__________ newcomer to the scene. The formula has been working SPECIAL
well __________ in the Asia Pacific region. There are 144 IMAX GROW
theaters operating in 21 countries worldwide, and IMAX is still

Personal Information

Peter Townsled
35 Green Road
Spokane, WA 87954
Phone (503) 456 - 6781
Fax (503) 456 - 6782
Marital status: Married
Nationality: US

Employment as manager in important clothing retailer.Special interest in developing
computer time-management tools for in-house use.

Work experience
1998 - Present / Jackson Shoes Inc. / Spokane, WA
 Manage staff of 10
 Provide helpful service to customers concerning shoe choices
 Design and implement computer based tools, Microsoft Access and Excel for staff
 Monthly bookkeeping
 Suggest changes in product offerings based on detailed analysis of sales patterns
 Provide in-house training for new employees as needed

Assistant Manager
1995 - 1998 / Smith Office Supplies / Yakima, WA
 Managed warehouse operations
 Programmed Excel spreadsheet implemented to control sales strengths and
weaknesses on quarterly basis
 Interviewed new applicants for open positions
 Travelled locally offering on-site visits to regular customers
 Supervised bookkeeping staff

1991 - 1995 / Seattle University / Seattle, WA
Bachelor of Business Administration
 Four year business administration course focusing and retail work environments

Professional memberships
 Young Business Administration Club President 1993-1995, Seattle, WA

Additional Skills
Advanced level skills in Microsoft Office Suite, basic HTML programming, spoken and
written proficiency in French
REFERENCES Available upon request

Job Interview Practice - Worksheet

Use the following cues to write out full questions for a job interview.

1. How long / work / present?

2. How many / languages / speak?
3. Strengths?
4. Weaknesses?
5. Past job?
6. Current responsibilities?
7. Education?
8. Specific examples of responsibility at past job?
9. Which position / want - like to have / new job?
10.Future goals?

Use the following cues to write out full responses for a job interview.

1. Current job / school

2. Last job / school
3. Languages / skills
4. How long / work / current job
5. Three specific examples from past job
6. Current responsibilities
7. Strengths / weaknesses (two for each)
8. Why are you interested in this job?
9. What are your future goals?

Interviewer: Tell me about yourself.

Candidate: I was born and raised in Milan, Italy. I attended the University of Milan and
received my master's degree in Economics. I have worked for 12 years as a financial
consultant in Milan for various companies including Rossi Consultants, Quasar Insurance
and Sardi and Sons. I enjoy playing tennis in my free time and learning languages.

Candidate: I've just graduated from the University of Singapore with a degree in
Computers. During the summers, I worked as a systems administrator for a small company
to help pay for my education.

Comment: This question is meant as an introduction. Do not focus too specifically on

any one area.

Interviewer: What type of position are you looking for?

Candidate: I'm interested in an entry level (beginning) position.
Candidate: I'm looking for a position in which I can utilize my experience.
Candidate: I would like any position for which I qualify.

Interviewer: Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?

Candidate: I am more interested in a full-time position. However, I would also consider a
part-time position.

Comment: Make sure to leave open as many possibilities as possible. Say you are
available to take any job, once the job has been offered you can always refuse if the job
does not appeal (not interest) to you.

Interviewer: Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?
Candidate: I advised customers on financial matters. After I consulted the customer, I
completed a customer inquiry form and cataloged the information in our database. I then
collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client. The clients
were then presented with a summarized report on their financial activities that I
formulated on a quarterly basis.

Comment: Notice the amount of detail necessary when you are talking about your
experience. The employer wants to know exactly what you did and how you did it;

Interviewer: What is your greatest strength?

Candidate: I work well under pressure. When there is a deadline (a time by which the
work must be finished), I can focus on the task at hand (current project) and structure my
work schedule well. I remember one week when I had to get 6 new customer reports out by
Friday at 5. I finished all the reports ahead of time without having to work overtime.

Candidate: I am an excellent communicator. People trust me and come to me for

advice.One afternoon, my colleague was involved with a troublesome (difficult) customer
who felt he was not being served well. I made the customer a cup of coffee and invited both
my colleague and the client to my desk where we solved the problem together.

Candidate: I am a trouble shooter. When there was a problem at my last job, the manager
would always ask me to solve it. Last summer, the LAN server at work crashed. The
manager was desperate and called me in (requested my help) to get the LAN back online.
After taking a look at the daily backup, I detected the problem and the LAN was up and
running (working) within the hour.

Comment: This is not the time to be modest! Be confident and always give examples.

Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?

Candidate: I am overzealous (work too hard) and become nervous when my co-workers
are not pulling their weight (doing their job). However, I am aware of this problem, and
before I say anything to anyone, I ask myself why the colleague is having difficulties.

Candidate: I tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satisfied.
However, I began setting time-limits for myself If I noticed this happening.

Comment: This is a difficult question. You need to mention a weakness that is actually a
strength. Make sure that you always mention how you try to improve the weakness.

Interviewer: Why do you want to work for Smith and Sons?

Candidate: After following your firm's progress for the last 3 years, I am convinced that
Smith and Sons are becoming one of the market leaders and I would like to be part of the

Candidate: I am impressed by the quality of your products. I am sure that I would be a

convincing salesman because I truly believe that the Atomizer is the best product on the
market today.

Comment: Prepare yourself for this question by becoming informed about the company.

Interviewer: When can you begin?

Candidate: Immediately.
Candidate: As soon as you would like me to begin.

Comment: Show your desire to work!

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