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Group 4:
Shubham Agarwal - 169
Akshat Chamria - 306
Riya Jaiswal - 358
Jyotika Keshari - 384
Jayant Pachoria - 431
Kaveri Vasekar- 434
Rishika Taneja - 457
Prashant Sahu - 492
● The purpose of financial statement analysis is to understand the past, evaluate the present, and forecast the future.
● By examining financial statements, we gain clarity on a company's performance, profitability, and financial health.
● Ultimately, this knowledge empowers stakeholders to make well-informed decisions.

● Financial statement analysis is crucial for various stakeholders, including investors, creditors, managers, and regulators.
● It provides a roadmap for assessing the efficiency, profitability, and sustainability of a business.
● In a dynamic business environment, accurate financial analysis serves as a compass for navigating uncertainties and seizing opportunities.

● The scope of financial statement analysis encompasses a range of techniques and methodologies.
● From ratio analysis to trend analysis, from vertical to horizontal analysis, we explore diverse tools to dissect financial data.
● Our aim is to extract meaningful insights that drive strategic decision-making and foster sustainable growth.
Characteristics of good financial statements
● True and fair value: Accurately present financial position

● Relevance: Useful information, no outdated or irrelevant data

● Understandability: Clear and easy to understand, clear language,

formatting, & explanation of complex concept

● Consistency: Same accounting policy and format through all period

● Regulatory Compliance: Follow rules and regulations set by

governing bodies

● Universality: Allow comparison across different industries and

Best Practices- Applicable to all Companies
● Compliance
Financial reporting is a regulated activity and compliance with requirements is must

● Complete
Information disclosed in the financial statements should be complete and should not
be lead to further cross questioning in the mind of users.

● Simple and Specific

Draft your notes, accounting policies, commentary or more complex areas in simple
and plain english. There will be no vague or ambiguous notes.

● Transparency
Disclose all the assumptions and bases transparently so that the users are not misled.

● Materiality
Information should be disclosed if it material. It is material if it could influence
users decisions which are based on financial statements.
Best Practices- Applicable to all Companies
● Integration of Notes
Notes are a critical tool of communication and help make the financial statements
more effective.

● Disclosure of Significant Accounting Policies

All the disclosures should be relevant, specific to the company and explain how the
accounting policies are applied.

● Disclosure of Key estimates and judgements

Details of how the estimates are derived should be included, key assumptions
involved and an analysis of sensitivity of the results should also be included.

● Integrated Approach
An annual report typically includes management commentary, information about
governance, CSR reporting along with financial statements.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Financial Statements
Advantages Disadvantages

1. Limited predictive power: Relies solely on past

1. Assesses financial health: It provides a clear picture of performance, making it challenging to accurately predict
a company's financial stability and profitability. future outcomes.
2. Identifies trends: It helps track performance over time 2. Susceptible to bias: Can be influenced by accounting
to spot trends and predict future performance. choices and estimations, potentially leading to a distorted
3. Informs decision-making: It empowers users to make picture.
informed decisions about investments, lending, and 3. Focuses solely on financials: Excludes non-quantifiable
business strategies. factors like employee morale and brand reputation,
4. Evaluates management effectiveness: It allows offering an incomplete picture.
assessment of how efficiently and profitably 4. Provides a static view: Represents a company's financial
management is using resources. health at a specific point in time, not capturing ongoing
5. Compares companies: It enables comparisons between changes.
companies within an industry or across different 5. Limited comparability: Differences in accounting
industries. practices across companies can hinder fair comparisons.
Under Ind AS 23, Mumbai Challengers Ltd. capitalizes borrowing costs directly related to acquiring, constructing, or
producing a qualifying asset. Using a capitalization rate of 15% per annum during construction, they calculate the eligible
borrowing costs as the expenditure on the asset multiplied by the capitalization rate.
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