Relative Clauses 2

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Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of relatives pronouns “when /where.

1. I'll never forget the day when I met you.

2. I look forward to weekends .............. I can stay at home.
3. be careful, this is ................ the accident happened.
4. I don't like mornings .......... I have to get up early.
5. This is the place ................ I hid the key. Oh, it has gone!
6. It was in Plymouth, they lived, and they haunt the village since then.
7. I'll always curse the day ............. I met her!
8. This is the place ............... the thieves hid the treasure...
9. A swimming pool is a place .............. You can bathe.
10. A bakery is a shop ............. bread is sold.
11. The country ............... I am from is bigger than yours.
12. A dancing is a place ........... You dance, meet some people and drink.
13. I hear some noise in the park .......... children are playing.

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of relatives pronouns “when /where.”

1. A hotel is a place / people stay when they are on holiday.

A hotel is a place where people stay when they are on holiday

2. A restaurant is a place / you can eat


3. A chemist's is a shop /you can buy medicines


4. This is the room / we have our meetings


5. That is the shop /I bought your book


Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of relatives pronouns “when /where.”

1. This is the Italian restaurant where I met my first wife.

2. This is the time .......... we go to lunch. Don't call me now because I won't answer.
3. 'Mario's' is the Italian restaurant ............ they make the most spectacular spaghetti.

4. In this district there are many bakeries .................. you can buy French pastries.

5. ............... you rang, I was taking a shower.

6. I'll talk to you again ............. you apologise to me.

7. I'm fond of castles ............ we can find antique furniture.

8. Yesterday I went to Paris .............. I spent the day shopping.

9. I grabbed my camera and took a photo .......... the dolphin jumped out of the water.

10. ........... I go to London I'll visit the Houses of Parliament.

11. Poland is the country ................ I live and where I was born.

12. .................. I was a child, I didn't use to study hard because I was too lazy.

13. I hate ................... people smoke in my house.

14. So, you shouldn't smoke ................. you visit me next week.

15. ................... were you scared of the most when you were a child? -I was afraid of ghosts...

16. ................... you go to Kielce, you should visit the museum.

17. I'll wash my brother's car .................... I'm back from school.

18. My sister was born ..................... I was ten.

19. ................. was she born? - She was born in London.

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