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Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal

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Submission ID

trn:oid:::9832:51035532 3 Pages

Submission Date 776 Words

Feb 6, 2024, 1:01 AM GMT+5:30

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How much of this submission has been generated by AI?

Caution: Percentage may not indicate academic misconduct. Review required.

It is essential to understand the limitations of AI detection before making decisions

about a student's work. We encourage you to learn more about Turnitin's AI detection
capabilities before using the tool.
of qualifying text in this submission has been determined to be
generated by AI.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the percentage mean?

The percentage shown in the AI writing detection indicator and in the AI writing report is the amount of qualifying text within the
submission that Turnitin's AI writing detection model determines was generated by AI.

Our testing has found that there is a higher incidence of false positives when the percentage is less than 20. In order to reduce the
likelihood of misinterpretation, the AI indicator will display an asterisk for percentages less than 20 to call attention to the fact that
the score is less reliable.

However, the final decision on whether any misconduct has occurred rests with the reviewer/instructor. They should use the
percentage as a means to start a formative conversation with their student and/or use it to examine the submitted assignment in
greater detail according to their school's policies.

How does Turnitin's indicator address false positives?

Our model only processes qualifying text in the form of long-form writing. Long-form writing means individual sentences contained in paragraphs that make up a
longer piece of written work, such as an essay, a dissertation, or an article, etc. Qualifying text that has been determined to be AI-generated will be highlighted blue
on the submission text.

Non-qualifying text, such as bullet points, annotated bibliographies, etc., will not be processed and can create disparity between the submission highlights and the
percentage shown.

What does 'qualifying text' mean?

Sometimes false positives (incorrectly flagging human-written text as AI-generated), can include lists without a lot of structural variation, text that literally repeats
itself, or text that has been paraphrased without developing new ideas. If our indicator shows a higher amount of AI writing in such text, we advise you to take that
into consideration when looking at the percentage indicated.

In a longer document with a mix of authentic writing and AI generated text, it can be difficult to exactly determine where the AI writing begins and original writing
ends, but our model should give you a reliable guide to start conversations with the submitting student.

Our AI writing assessment is designed to help educators identify text that might be prepared by a generative AI tool. Our AI writing assessment may not always be accurate (it may misidentify
both human and AI-generated text) so it should not be used as the sole basis for adverse actions against a student. It takes further scrutiny and human judgment in conjunction with an
organization's application of its specific academic policies to determine whether any academic misconduct has occurred.

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ROLL NO – D007

SAP ID – 80012200978

Defining key learning and conceptual understanding for self:

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Over the past few weeks, I have engaged in thorough self-reflection, identifying specific behavioural
patterns, and have actively worked towards refining these patterns for personal development and
improved well-being. The journey involved understanding the roots of negative self-talk, cultural
influences, and prioritizing changes to enhance confidence and positive self-perception.

I understood that some behaviours can be improved, like prioritizing “feeling like an imposter” for
change. I also recognised the chronic presence of negative self-talk and its impact on my confidence
and well-being. I connect my past experiences and cultural expectations to my negative self-talk. I
also acknowledge the need to understand the “why” behind my thoughts and behaviours.

Overall, my self-reflection helped me lay a strong foundation for personal growth and development.
I'm constantly trying to learn more about who I am and where I can get better. Making the connection
between my feelings, ideas, and actions has been a critical first step in changing for the better.

An analysis of transformation of the old behaviour(s) to the new behaviour(s):

My process for changing my inner voice from one of self-doubt to one of self-belief is illustrated by
my self-reflection. An examination of my intended behaviours, observed behaviours, and room for
improvement is provided below:

Old Behaviour (Imposter Syndrome):

 Rationale: I need to show my value and feel like an impostor, which lowers my confidence
and causes me to lose out on possibilities.
 Analysis: Although this conduct is motivated by a desire to achieve, it can also lead to worry,
poor performance, and missed chances. The never-ending desire to validate my abilities
become tiresome and unhelpful.

Desired Behaviour (Self-Belief):

 Rationale: Gaining self-belief promotes resilience, confidence, and the capacity to take
advantage of opportunities without hesitation.
 Analysis: This change gave me the confidence to take on obstacles and demonstrate my
abilities without feeling as though I always needed approval.

Transformation Process:
 Awareness: Understanding that the self-defeating beliefs represent a "roadblock" to
transformation was essential.
 Plan: It was a wise decision to come up with a plan to strike a balance between optimism and
 Focus: Making the shift from being "hard on myself" to "encouraging" was definitely a
positive move.

Review of the roadmap and the plans ahead:

My road plan lays out a methodical and realistic strategy for altering my self-talk and developing self-
belief. I think putting the recommended changes into practice will secure my long-term success and
enable me to advance even farther.

Strengths of my roadmap:
1. Well-prepared and accurate: My plan provides a detailed schedule with monthly objectives
and responsibilities.
2. Phased approach: I have broken the year up into smaller, more manageable chunks to allow
for incremental growth.

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3. Self-awareness: I understand the need of practicing mindfulness and challenging deeply

ingrained negative attitudes.
4. Positive focus: I really believe that developing self-compassion, recognising
accomplishments, and replacing pessimism with optimism are important.
5. Adaptability: I am aware that, depending on events and challenges, my plan may need to be
6. Support system: I am aware of how crucial it is to seek advice from friends and professionals.

Possible areas for improvement:

1. Progress measurement: I believe I should consider including specific measures to track my
progress towards each goal. This might include recording negative thoughts, praising oneself,
or determining one's degree of self-compassion.
2. Skill development: I may also include some activities that work on developing positive self-
talk, practicing mindfulness, and reframing negative notions.
3. Challenging limiting beliefs: I may actively challenge some of my negative beliefs by
offering facts and affirmations to support them.
4. Building self-efficacy: Developing self-efficacy could involve undertaking difficulties or
picking up new abilities that boost confidence and self-belief.
5. Rewarding yourself: Rather than only at the end of the year, I may consider organising
regular awards to maintain motivation and encourage excellent conduct.

Peer Feedback:

Muskan Rana – It takes courage and insight, in my opinion, to simply admit the need for approval and
validation. In addition to him, his proposal could benefit others who are experiencing comparable

Yasir Nizam – I think it's great to recognise and address negative self-talk by purposefully rephrasing
it. The addition of mindfulness exercises and the idea of viewing little triumphs as a form of
constructive criticism resonated with me.

Mudit Sehta – I feel that the emphasis on continuous monitoring and adapting his plan is practical and
realistic. Further, sharing his openness to seeking external support adds authenticity and inspires many
who may be struggling with the same issues.

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