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Tenses and Time Shifts

Knowing how to form the twelve verb tenses and when to use each of them to
express present, past, and future time will help you write more clearly. Once
you understand each tense, you will be able to shift between these time frames
appropriately. In the following sections, you will review the form and use of the
verb tenses as well as guidelines for using time shifts in your writing.

Check y o u r understanding o f verb tenses. Put a check ( / j next to the sentences that
a re correct.
____ 1. Michael ran when he twisted his ankle.
____ 2. The train running on time right now, but it hadn't been running on
time before rush hour.
____ 3. The university has been offering this course since 1997.
____ 4 . Because of all the phone calls I've made this month, my phone bill will
be larger than usual.
____ 5. We had seen all the DVDs at home, so now we have to rent some.
____ 6 . We will not be going to the lecture this evening.
___ 7. The tour group will have travel the entire southern coast by the end of
the trip.
____ 8. Professor Milton is teaching at the college for many years.
____ 9. Mr. Duong will has been working here for a year by the end of next
____ 1(). Lynda and Amy had been searching the library for an hour before they
found the books they needed.
Notice how the following p a ra g ra p h uses different verb tenses. Som e o f the verbs
are underlined. Circle the time w o rd that identifies the tense fo r each und erlined

M o d e rn org a n ic fa rm in g is th e re su lt o f a d v a n ce s m a d e d u rin g
th e tw e n tie th ce n tu ry. B e fore W o rld W a r II, a d va n ce s in e n g in e e rin g
and b io c h e m is try had changed tra d itio n a l fa rm in g m e th o d s . H o w e ve r,
th e heavy use o f fe rtiliz e rs and p e s tic id e s a fte r W o rld W a r II b ro u g h t
a b o u t an in te rn a tio n a l in te re s t in gre e n o r o rg a n ic fa rm in g m e th o d s .
W h ile m o s t research w a s still fo c u s in g on n e w c h e m ic a ls to im p ro v e
fa rm in g , Rachel C arson p u b lis h e d Silent Spring in 1962. S o m e p e o p le
believe th is b o o k s ta rte d th e e n v iro n m e n ta l m o v e m e n t. S in ce th a t
tim e , g o v e rn m e n ts aro u n d th e w o rld have b e e n s e ttin g s ta n d a rd s fo r
th e use o f ch e m ica ls in fa rm in g and c e rtific a tio n o f o rg a n ic p ro d u c ts .
B ecause org a n ics have b e c o m e so p o p u la r o v e r th e p a st d e ca d e s, large
co rp o ra te fa rm e rs are c u rre n tly e n te rin g th is b u s in e s s . N o w th a t o rg a n ic
a g ricu ltu re is c o m m o n in th e m a rke tp la ce , th e fu tu re s tru g g le w ill
b e c o m e h o w to save th e sm all fa rm e rs w h o w e re th e fo u n d e rs o f th e
original org a n ic in dustry.


Regular Verbs in the Present

The following chart shows the forms of regular verbs in the present.

Simple Present I/You/W e/They leave/do not leave

at 5:00 p. m .
H e/She/It leaves/does not leave

Present Progressive I am (not) taking

You/W e/They are (not) taking a long tim e.

H e/She/It is (not) taking

Present Perfect I/You/W e/They have (not) arrived

on tim e.
H e/She/It has (not) arrived

Present Perfect I/You/W e/They have (not) been working

Progressive for three hours.
H e/She/It has (not) been working
-----------—------------------------ 1

Be, Have, and Do in the Present
Some common verbs are irregular in the simple present.


1 am (not)

H e/She/It is (not) in the office.

You/W e/They are (not)


I/You/W e/They have/do not have

enough w ater.
H e/She/It has/does not have


I/You/W e/They do/do not do

good work.
H e/She/It does/does not do


1. The simple present is used to describe or write about:

• general truths or facts

It t a k e s five hours to fly from California to New York.

• habits or routines
Louise t a k e s the bus to school every day.

• books or movies
In the novel W hen I Was Puerto Rican, Negi m o v e s from Puerto Rico to New
York and eventually e n r o l l s at Harvard University.

2 . The present progressive is used to describe or write about:

• current actions or states

Preston is s t u d y i n g for his test.

• current actions over an extended time period

Darlene is m a j o r i n g in East Asian Studies.

3. The present perfect is used to describe or write about:

• actions that began in the past and continue in the present

Mrs. Alvarez has lived here since 1966.

• recently completed actions that affect the present

I’v e just finished a very difficult exam, so I'm exhausted.

• actions or events that happened at an unspecified time in the past

They have seen that show before.

4. The present perfect progressive is used to:

• describe or write about actions that began in the past and continue to the
We have been w a itin g for a long time.

• emphasize the duration of actions that began in the past and have
continued to the present
We have been w a itin g to board the plan e for two hours.

MOTE: The present perfect and present perfect progressive have no difference in meaning
with verbs of occupation and living.
The Alden fam ily has lived in the United States for three generations.
The Alden fam ily has been living in the United States for three generations.
Farah has w ork ed for the State D epartment since 1998.
Farah has been w o rk in g for the State D epartm ent since 1998.

Using Time Words in the Present

Use time words to indicate different forms of the present.


always, every day/ at present, a t this already, alw ays, for, all d a y /w e e k /m o n th /
w eek/m onth/year, moment, nowadays, just, recently, several/ year, by now, for, since,
never, often, rarely, right now, this w e e k/ many tim es, since, so so far, th is w e e k /
seldom, usually month/year, today far, this w e e k /m o n th / m onth/year, up to now
year, until now, yet

Self Check 7
Circle the sentence that uses the correct present verb form.

1. (a) Most basketball players have been tall.

(b) Vlost basketball players are tall.

2. (a) We haven't sent our tax payment yet this year.

(b) We haven't send our tax payment yet this year.

3. (a) This semester I take four classes.

(b) This semester I am taking four classes.

4 . (a) We have been studying for the exam since last Friday.

(b ) Wc are studying for the exam since last Friday.

5. (a) Students register for classes for a week so far.

(b) Students have been registering for classes for a week so far.


Regular Verbs in the Past

The following chart shows the forms of regular verbs in the past.


Simple Past l/Y o u /H e /S h e /lt/W e /T h e y looked/did not look good yesterday.

Past You/W e/They were (not) driving

Progressive to w ork at one o'clock.

I/H e /S h e /It was (not) driving

Past Perfect l/Y o u /H e /S h e /lt/W e /T h e y had (not) entered the train station before
the rain storm.

Past Perfect l/Y o u /H e /S h e /lt/W e /T h e y had (not) been the same form ula for
Progressive repeating an hour before class.

Irregular Verbs in the Past

The verb be has two forms in the simple past.

— ----------------------
I/H e/S he /It was
in London last month.
You/W e/They were

Some other common verbs that are irregular in the simple past are:
break — b r o k e grow — g r e w
bring — b r o u g h t have — h a d
do — d id let — l e t
find — f o u n d put — p u t
get — g o t see — s a w
go — w e n t

NOTE: All irregular verbs except be have the same simple past form for all subjects.
1. The simple past is used to describe or write about:

• actions or situations that began and ended at a specific time in the past
Alvin g r a d u a te d last June.
Bob w a s sick two days ago.

• habitual past actions

We a t e a t this restaurant every Friday night for years.

N O TE: Used to or would are also used to refer to habitual past actions. Used to emphasizes a
contrast with the present and is more common than would.
We u sed to rid e our bikes to school when we were children.
I w o u ld rid e my bike to school every day before I got my driver's license.

2. The past progressive is used to describe or write about:

• actions in progress at a specific time in the past

/ w as s tu d y in g in the library at nine o'clock last night.

• an action in progress that is interrupted by another action

Lan w a s ta lk i n g on the phon e when the pizza delivery arrived.

• two past actions in progress at the same time

W hile H ala w as b a r b e c u in g the fish, her husband w a s m a k in g the salad.

3. The past perfect is used to describe or write about a past action or event that
happened or existed before another past action or time.
In Rome, we saw the sites that we h a d re a d about in our history books.
My sister h a d d o n e all the housework by noon.

N O TE: When only one past action or event is mentioned in a sentence, use the simple
past, not the past perfect.
We d ro v e hom e in the rain last night.
We h a d driven hom e in the rain last night.

4 . The past perfect progressive is used to describe or write about an action or

event that was in progress before or until another time or event. The past
perfect progressive is often used to express the duration of the first event or
Celeste h a d b een w o r k in g on the project for two m onths when the com pany
decided to cancel it.

Using Time Words in the Past
Use time words to indicate different forms of the past.



a fe w m inutes ago, in as, at th a t tim e / after, before, by the at that moment, at that
1990, in the past, last m oment, at the tim e, by then, for, tim e, by th a t tim e, by
week, the day before tim e, during, in the since, until, when then, since
yesterday, yesterday 1950s/1990s, when

Self Chech 2
Circle the sentence that uses the correct past verb form.

1. (a) James broke the mirror when he dropped it.

(b ) James breaked the mirror when he dropped it.

2 . (a) Connie was not very tired last night.

(b) Connie had not been very tired last night.

3 . (a) 1 didn't recognize Neha at the party because I've not seen her for ten years.

(b) I didn't recognize Neha at the party because I had not seen her for ten

4 . (a) Caleb studied when I called him.

(b ) Caleb was studying when 1 called him.

5 . (a) The sun had been shining for several hours before it started to rain.

(b) The sun had been shine for several hours before it started to rain.



Simple Future l/Y o u/H e /S he /lt/W e /T he y will (not) arrive

later today.
be going to I am (not) going to

You/W e/They are (not) going to

next summer.
H e/She/It is (not) going to

Future l/Y o u/H e /S h e/lt/W e/T he y will (not) be tom orrow.

Progressive working
— ------------------------------------------------------

Future Perfect l/Y ou /H e/S h e/lt/W e/T h ey will (not) have left by five o'clock.

Future Perfect l/Y o u /H e/S he /lt/W e /T h ey will (not) have been for several hours by
Progressive working the tim e the sun rises.
1. The simple future is used to describe or write about actions, events, or states
that will occur in the future, including:

• scheduled events
The m ovie w ill b e g in at 8:30.

• predictions
W ill it b e sunny tomorrow? It probably w ill be.

• promises
M addie w ill never te ll your secret.

• offers
We w ill d riv e you to school tomorrow.

NOTE: In speech will is often contracted when used for offers.

W e'll d riv e you to school tomorrow.

• decisions made at the moment of speaking

I think I'll ta k e a walk.

2. Be going to + verb is used to describe or write about:

• planned events
W e're g o in g t o w o r k a t the m all this summer.
I a m g o in g t o ta k e five classes next semester.

• predictions
I think this class is g o in g t o be my favorite one.

3 . The future progressive is used to describe or write about an action that will be
in progress at a time in the future.
John and Kim w ill be s a ilin g on the lake all day Saturday.

4 . The future perfect is used to describe or write about a future action that will
happen before another future action or time.
You w ill probably h a v e le f t for the party by the time John arrives.
Laird and Paige w ill h a v e g r a d u a te d by next June.

5. The future perfect progressive is used to describe or write about future events
or actions that continue up to another future event or time. The future perfect
progressive is often used to express the duration of the first event or action.
By the time you graduate, I w ill h a v e b een w o r k in g for several years.
We w ill h a v e b een w a tc h i n g the tennis finals for an hour when you arrive at
three o'clock.

6 . Like the simple future, the simple present can be used to describe or write
about scheduled events.
The bus d e p a r ts at six o'clock tomorrow morning.
The perform ance b eg in s a t eight o'clock tonight.

NOTE: Verbs commonly used in the simple present to refer to the future are: arrive, begin,
depart, finish, leave, and start.

7. The present progressive can be used to describe or write about a previously
arranged future action.
W e're l e a v i n g town tomorrow afternoon.
Paclma and Sabin a r e m e e t i n g for a g o lf gam e next Saturday.

Using Time Words in the Future

Use time words to indicate different forms of the future.



the day after tomorrow, later, next week/m onth/ by that time, by the time, by then, for
year, tomorrow, tonight

Self Check 3
Circle the sentence that uses the correct future verb form.

1. (a) Tomas and Ruben going to leave for Mexico tomorrow morning.

(b) Tomas and Ruben are going to leave for Mexico tomorrow morning.

2 . (a) Zach is a year old next summer.

(b ) Zach will be a year old next summer.

3 . (a) Ria will wear her wedding gown for six hours by the end of the wedding

( b ) Ria will have been wearing her wedding gown for six hours by the end of
the wedding celebration.

4 . (a) The students think that the final exam next week is difficult.

( b ) The students think that the final exam next week is going to be difficult.

5 . (a ) We will be remodeling our house later this year.

(b ) We will remodeling our house later this year.


Good writers always choose the verb tense that most clearly conveys their
meaning. Being aware of how different tenses can change your meaning will
help you choose the most appropriate tense. The following section explains the
differences between tenses that are often confused.

Present Time
The following three sentences refer to the present, but each one has a different
Joleen w o r k s a t the bookstore.
The simple present emphasizes the fact that the action is a habit or happens
regularly, for example, every Tuesday.
Joleen is w o r k in g a t the bookstore.
The present progressive emphasizes the fact that the action is happening currently
or for a temporary period of time, for example, this week.
joleen h as w o r k e d a t the bookstore since last summer.
The present perfect emphasizes the period of time over which the event has
occurred, for example, from last sum mer to the present.

Simple Past versus Present Perfect

The following two sentences refer to the past, but the exact time in the past is
I sa w the m ovie a few months ago.
The simple past is used to describe an action that occurred at a specific time in the
I've seen the m ovie before.
The present perfect is used to describe an action that occurred at an unspecified
time in the past.

Simple Past versus Past Progressive

The following two sentences refer to the past, but the exact time in the past is
/ sle p t well last night.
The simple past is used to describe an action that occurred at a specific time in the
I w a s s le e p in g when she ca lle d .
The past progressive is used to describe an action that was happening in the past
and was interrupted by a second action. The second action is in the simple past.

Simple Past versus Past Perfect

The following two sentences refer to the past, but the exact time in the past is
He c le a n e d the apartm ent when his m other a rriv e d .
The simple past is used to describe two past actions that occurred at the same
He h a d c le a n e d the apartm ent when his m other a rriv e d .
The past perfect is used to describe one past action that occurred before another
past action. The second action that occurred is in the simple past.

Present Perfect versus Present Perfect Progressive

The following two sentences use perfect verb forms, but each one has a different
Quincy h as r e a d the book.
The present perfect shows that the action happened in the past one or more
Quincy h as b een r e a d in g the book.
The present perfect progressive emphasizes that the action is continuous and that
it has not been completed.
Stative Verbs
• Some verbs have stative meanings. They describe states or situations that exist.
These verbs are not usually used in the progressive tenses.
Dov k n o w s m ost o f the answers on the test.
Other verbs with stative meanings include the following:

appreciate exist mind prefer

believe fe a r need realize

belong hate owe recognize

care like own understand

dislike love please w ant

• Some verbs may have a stative meaning as well as a progressive meaning.

Gerald is w e i g h i n g h im self on the scale.
The present progressive describes the action of standing on the scale and reading
Gerald w e i g h s 100 pounds.
The simple present describes Gerald's state. There is no action,
Gerald is weighing 100 pounds.
Other verbs that can have both stative and progressive meanings include the

appear im agine smell

be include taste
feel look think
forget rem em ber
have see

Self Check 4
Circle the sentence th at uses the correct verb tense.

1. (a ) George has been performing in the choir once last year,

(b ) George performed in the choir once last year.

2. (a ) They are belonging to the Latin Club.

(b ) They belong to the Latin Club.

3. (a ) The classroom felt very hot during the exam.

(b ) The classroom was feeling very hot during the exam.

4 . (a) She has finished the project yesterday.

(b ) She finished the project yesterday.

5. (a) I feel sick and have had a stomachache for an hour. I think I'll leave work
early today.

(b ) I feel sick and had a stomachache for an hour. I think I'll leave work early


Writers often shift between present, past, and future time within a piece of
writing. Using the correct verb tenses lets readers easily understand when actions
and events take place.

1. Remember that when you use a time word or phrase (tomorrow, yesterday
or next month), the verb tense must agree with it. W hen time is not directly
mentioned, think carefully about the time you want to express and choose the
correct tense.

2. Avoid unnecessary shifts in tense, but be aware that you will often need to use
several different tenses in a piece of writing. The following example paragraph
shows time shifts that are necessary in order for the writer to discuss the
current situation and how it relates to past and future events. Notice how the
verb tenses correspond to the related time words or phrases.
(1) T h is y e a r the history department is r e q u ir in g students with a history
m ajor to take a new four-unit course in their junior year. (2) This m e a n s that
students n o w h a v e t o ta k e forty units in history to graduate. (3) I n p r e v i o u s
y e a r s , the minimum w as thirty-six units. (4) The departm ent w ill re v ie w the
program a f t e r o n e y e a r . T h e n the department w ill d e c id e w hether or not it
is g o in g t o k eep this new requirement.

Past Present Future

• + ------------------------------------------------ #
was is requiring, means, w ill review,
no w have to take w ill decide,
is going to keep

In this paragraph, the boldfaced verbs show a shift from the present to the past
to the future. The writer shifts from a discussion of what is true in the present
(this year and now) to what was true in the past (previous years) and finally to what
will happen in the future (after one year and then). Shifting tenses is necessary to
compare the situation now and in the past and to explain how it may change in
the future.

Pay close attention to tim e shifts when you read for school or fo r pleasure. N otice how tim e w ords or
phrases signal shifts in time.

Self Check S
In the following p a ra g ra p h , the underlined verbs are not correct. W rite the correct
verb form above each und erlined verb.

Last year we spend our vacation in the Caribbean. We relaxed in the sun

and read books while our children were playing in the warm ocean water.

Next summer we drive to the m oun tain s to spend our vacation in a house

on a lake. We planned to stay there for on e week. The following year, we will

have more tim e for our vacation, so we consider going somewhere farther

away. Perhaps we are going to Europe.


1. Put a check ( / ) next to the sentences that use verb tenses a n d time shifts
correctly. C orrect the sentences that have errors. There m a y be m ore than one
w a y to correct some errors.

____ 1. Many people are believing that increased security has led to a loss of

freedom in our country.

2 . We hope that the college will offer more music classes next semester.

___ 3 . My seven-year-old son has read the first Harry Potter book last week.

____ 4 . The audience will have been waiting in line for two hours by the time

the movie begins.

____ 5. I think it is raining tomorrow.

___ 6 . When my parents and 1 got to the reunion, our extended family has


___ 7. Professor Xu was finishing his final lecture when the students began to


____ 8 . According to the schedule, we will have been writing an essay every

week of the upcoming term.

___ 9 . By the time the semester ends, the class will have learned to write strong

thesis statements and good topic sentences.

____ 1 0 . Last week the Whaling Museum was showing a film on the whale ship

The Essex, and the week before, it had showing the children's movie Free


____ 1 1 . Virginia and Louis have been dating for two years.

____ 1 2 . She reads that book four times so far.

2. R ead the follow ing p a ra g ra p h . C om plete the p a ra g ra p h with the correct forms
o f the verbs.

Exercises that focus on reducing stress such as yoga, tai chi,

and m e d ita tio n ___________________________________ popular recently.

1. become / have become
Another way to reduce stress that isn't discussed a lot, but one th at I

find especially helpful, is fishing. Like yoga, tai chi, and m editation,

fishing is relaxing, but it also has m any other benefits that most people

________________________________ not aware of. Throughout time, m any

2. were / are

fisherman ___________________________________ fishing as a form of fun and

3. see / have seen

leisure. W hile t h e y ___________________________________ for the "big on e,"

4. waited / are waiting

they have tim e to th in k about life and to forget their problems. This is also

true for me, but th e tim e that I ___________________________________ with

5. had spent / have spent

my dad, family, and friends while fishing over the past twenty years is also

very important. I started fishing with my dad w hen I was a child, and I

___________________________________ ever since. Before I held a fishing pole,

6. have been fish in g ! fished

I ___________________________________ hours watching m y dad while he was

7. had spent / have spent

fishing. W h en I was old enough to fish, I ___________________________________

8. used to com e / would to com e

ho m e with the biggest and the most fish. However, now I

___________________________________ the relaxation of fishing more than the

9. prefer / am preferring

result. Another benefit of this sport is that a person can do it for his or her

entire life. Because of this, 1 have begun looking forward to the time that I

___________________________________ with my children and grandchildren. With
10. will go fishing / will have gone fishing
all of these benefits associated with fishing, it's surprising that more people

are not taking up the sport.

3 . In the following p a ra g ra p h , the underlined verbs a re not correct. W rite the

correct form a b o ve each underlined verb. There m a y be m ore than one w a y to
correct some errors.

Rage is an e m o tion that people of all ages and all nationalities feel. It is

an em otion that was very hard to ignore. Even if som eone tries to control his

or her rage, m any times it has still surfaced. Violent actions or insulting

words are both results of rage. Another type of rage that we hear about over

the past years is road rage. Sometimes people entered a roadway and see

drivers who are yelling at each other over small accidents or during traffic

jams. People are seeming to have quick tempers as a result of small


frustrations. T hem es of rage have also appeared in modern literature. In the

short story "Like a Winding Sheet" by Ann Petry, Mr. Jo h n so n controls the

anger he feels at work. However, his anger eventually turned to rage inside of

him . He is arriving at home and immediately releases his rage on his wife.

This storv has ended tragically; sadly, similar consequences of rage became
8 9

more frequent in real life. People need to control this em otion; otherwise,

we, our children, and our children's children will have experienced many

frightening and unnecessary consequences of rage in the future.

4 . The follow ing p a ra g ra p h has ten errors in the use o f verb tenses. Find a n d
correct the errors. There m ay be m ore than one w a y to correct some errors.

It seems th at m any teenagers looked at driving as a right rather than as

a privilege th at th e y are having to earn. In order for young adults to take this

privilege m ore seriously m any states recently change their laws so that it is

harder for teens to get a driver's license. I believe this is a good change because

I have saw m an y dangerous incidents with teenage

drivers since I had gotten my license five years ago.

I know th at I was part of the problem when I was

a new driver, and I am in m any near accidents.

However, I was lucky. In order to keep everyone

safe, I th in k th at parents and lawmakers should

prohibit teenagers below the age of eighteen

from driving at night, with friends, and on freeways. Most unsafe driving

seemed to occur w hen one of these factors is present. To make the restrictions

easier o n teens, som e cities have been improve their public transportation

systems. T hou gh it will have been difficult for rural areas to expand public

transportation, these im provem ents and the changes in laws will keep drivers

safer th an th ey are now. Teenage drivers may be upset at first, but if the

changes are made, everyone is safer in the future.

Study this student p a ra g ra p h that uses different tenses a n d time words. Underline
the verbs a n d circle the time words that indicate a change in time fram e.
M ost acad em ic p a ra g ra p h s , w hether they are p a rt o f an essay o r stand alone,
include a clear topic sentence, a body, a n d a concluding sentence. N otice that this
p a ra g ra p h has these three im portant parts o f an academ ic p a ra g ra p h . Use this
p a ra g ra p h as a m o d el when you write about one o f the topics on p a g e / 8.

B e cause e a rth q u a k e s are a c o m m o n o ccu rre n c e in Japan, th e Ja p a n e se p e o p le

have le arn ed to p re p a re fo r th e m . In th e past, m any areas o f th e c o u n try e x p e rie n ce d
a large n u m b e r o f d e a th s and e x te n s iv e d e s tru c tio n fro m e a rth q u a ke s. For e xa m p le ,
in 1923 an e a rth q u a k e n e a rT o kyo killed 100,000 people, and in 1995 an e a rth q u a ke
near Kobe kille d 6 ,0 0 0 p e o p le
and d e s tro y e d 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 h o m e s.
R ecently, th re e im p o rta n t
fa c to rs have le s s e n e d s o m e of
th e p ro b le m s a s s o c ia te d w ith
e a rth q u a k e s in Japan. F irst of
all, th e g o v e rn m e n t plays a v e ry
im p o rta n t role in th e c o u n try 's
e a rth q u a k e p re p a ra tio n . Since
th e la te 1960s, th e g o v e rn m e n t
has re q u ire d m o d e rn b u ild in g
s ta n d a rd s th a t s to p b u ild in g s fro m
co lla p s in g d u rin g e a rth q u a k e s . The
g o v e rn m e n t has also d e m a n d e d
th a t old b u ild in g s be re tro fitte d ,
w h ic h m a ke s th e m s tro n g e r
d u rin g e a rth q u a ke s. B e sid e s th e
g o v e rn m e n t, th e J a p a n e s e p eo ple
have pre p a re d fo r e a rth q u a k e s ove r
th e p a s t fe w d e c a d e s . M o s t p eo ple
have e a rth q u a k e s u rv iv a l kits th a t co n ta in e m e rg e n c y su p p lie s. T hey have also learned
th e im p o rta n c e o f m a k in g plans w ith fa m ily m e m b e rs in case o f an e a rth q u a ke . Finally,
s c ie n tis ts have b e e n try in g to d e ve lo p an a ccurate w a y to d e te c t fu tu re e a rth q u a ke s.
The m e th o d s th a t th e y use have b ee n h e lpful, b u t th e y are n o t p e rfe c t y e t. M o s t
s c ie n tis ts b e lie v e th a t th e y w ill have an accu ra te e a rth q u a ke p re d ic to r w ith in th e n e xt
d e ca d e . A lth o u g h th e Ja p a n e se g o v e rn m e n t, p e o p le , and s c ie n tis ts have m a d e m any
a d va n ce s in th e la st fo rty years, d e v a s ta tin g e a rth q u a ke s such as th e o n e on M arch 11,
2011 s till ca u se w id e s p re a d d ea th and d e s tru c tio n . T h e re fo re , be in g p re p a re d fo r th e
fu tu re is g o in g to re m a in a to p p rio rity fo r th e c o u n try o f Japan.
Choose one o f the topics belo w a n d w rite a t least one p a ra g ra p h . Think carefully
abo u t the verb tenses you choose a n d the time shifts you m ake. A fte r you com plete
y o u r first d raft , concentrate on editing y o u r work. Keep in m ind the editing practice
from this chapter.

1. Throughout life, people set goals for themselves. Describe the goals you have
had in the past and the goals you currently have. Think about these questions
as you write. Which goals have you achieved? How did you achieve these
goals? Why did you achieve some goals and not others? What could someone
learn about you by knowing the goals you have set for yourself?

2. As technology has become more advanced, people are able to prepare for some
natural disasters such as hurricanes, blizzards, and tornados. Describe what
people do in an area of the world that you are familiar with when bad weather
is approaching or a natural disaster occurs. What did they do in the past that
was helpful or not helpful, and what can they do now to avoid problems
associated with natural disasters?

Go to page 140 for m ore practice w ith verb tenses and tim e shifts.


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