Recitation 2

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Modern Physics, PHY 104 Date: 3 February 2023

Recitation 2

This recitation explores the following:

ˆ Momentum and energy in relativity

1. Starting from the work-kinetic energy theorem, show that the kinetic energy of a particle in
relativity is K = (γ − 1)mc 2 . Check that this reduces to the usual expression at low speeds.

2. (a) Define the total energy as the sum of the kinetic energy and the rest energy. Show that
it follows that E = γmc 2 .

(b) Show that E 2 − p 2 c 2 = m2 c 4 .

(c) Argue that (E /c)2 − p 2 is an invariant. This motivates the ‘momentum’ four-vector P =
(E /c, p).

(d) We now try to understand this four vector. Show that the ’proper velocity’ V = dt
is a
four-vector where X = (ct, x) is the usual prototypical spacetime four-vector.

(e) Now show that P = (γmc, γmv ), thereby leading to P = (E /c, γmv ).

(f) What’s the big deal about P being a four vector?

3. What is the speed of an electron that is accelerated through a potential difference of 106 V?

4. The K 0 -meson decays at rest into two Π 0 -mesons. If the rest energy of the K 0 is 498 MeV
and of the Π 0 is 135 MeV, what is the kinetic energy and speed of each Π 0 ?

5. An observer S ′ is moving at c
with respect to S observer along its x-axis. Both observers are
studying an electron which is moving with kinetic energy 20 times its rest energy according to
S ′ observer.

ˆ What are the velocity, momentum and the energy of the particle according to S ′ observer?

ˆ What are the velocity, momentum and the energy of the particle according to S observer?

6. A particle with rest mass m0 and kinetic energy 2m0 c 2 collides with a stationary particle with
mass 2m0 . After the collision, the two particles are fused into a single particle. Find both the

Date: 3 February 2023 1

Modern Physics, PHY 104 Date: 3 February 2023

mass and the speed of this new particle.

7. Can a photon be completely absorbed by a stationary atom?

8. Analyze splitting of a nucleus into 2 neutrons and two nuclei A and B while keeping in the
frame of one of the nuclei.

Date: 3 February 2023 2

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