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1. The store had a sale today. 2. Have you seen my glasses?

3. We’ll be busy on Friday. 4. Can you send me the address?

5. I’m running a little late this morning. 6. I’m visiting my parents today.

7. Could you please repeat that? 8. Soccer was my favourite sport.

9. I really appreciate your help. 10. When is the surprise party?

11. We’re having Chinese food tomorrow. 12. I want to buy a new jacket.

13. Let’s go out to celebrate! 14. We went on a road trip last week.

15. I need to go grocery shopping. 16. I’m starting my new job soon!

17. How was your job interview? 18. I just bought some decorations.

19. Which movie should we watch? 20. Her puppy is adorable!

21. I need furniture for the living room. 22. Do you want anything from Tim Hortons?

23. Let’s have some lunch. 24. Remember to feed the dog, please!

25. I really like your outfit! 26. My book arrived in the mail yesterday.

27. My car is out of gas. 28. Where should we go for vacation?

29. Where do you want to eat? 30. I really like your new shoes!

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