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Graph Theory

(Model question paper)

Answer All the Questions: ( 5 x 1 = 5)
1.a) What is the number of edges present in a complete graph having n vertices?
b) The adjacency matrix of the graph is
c) Define circuit & path in a graph.
d) Define a spanning tree and give an example.
e) Draw a binary tree for the algebraic expression [(a*b)+(c*d)].

Answer the following: ( 5x5 =25)

2.Prove that the number of vertices of odd degree in an undirected graph is always even.
3. Write short notes on complete graph, Bi-partite graph, complete Bi-partite graph with

4. Find the adjacency matrix of the graph

5.Find the incidence matrix of the graph

6.Examine whether the following graph admits an Eulerian path (or circuit )

If so find it.
7. Explain the Königsberg bridge problem.

8. Explain the Kruskal’s algorithm.
9.Using Kruskal’s algorithm, find a minimal spanning tree of the weighted graph shown below

10. Write a brief note on Pre order, in order and post order traversals.

11. Write the expression ( ( x +2 ) ↑3 )∗[ ( y−( 3+ x ) )−5 ]

in (a) Prefix (b) Postfix notation.

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