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T Venkata Mani SaswataMaitra P BhanuSrinivas
Hyderabd, India Hyderabd, India Hyderabd, India

K L Raja Sekhar S Vijaya Lakshmi Raja Manikanta Guptha

Hyderabd, India Hyderabd, India Hyderabad, India

Abstract—conventionally, the avionics architectures tracking of target, acquisition of missile data and
implemented in military/aviation industry are of federated telemetering to ground stations, switching power to sub-
nature. Federated Architectures are based on dedicated systems, initiating the warhead, interfacing with launch
computational modules or processing units distributed platform and other functions etc. These systems have to
across the vehicle. The major advantage of Federated
ensure a large variety of important requirements, i.e.
architectures is their inherent fault containment, and the
major disadvantage is massive use of resources which results safety, robustness to equipment failures, determinism, and
in increase in power consumption, size, weight and cost. It is real-time. Fig. 1 shows interaction of various sub-systems
a great challenge for the designers to reduce the weight and developed for tactical missiles based on federated
power consumption for their new systems, with reduced architectures.
development expenses and design cycle times. Making use of
the advancements in the hardware and software
technologies, the military/aviation industry is gradually
moving towards the use of Integrated Modular Avionics
(IMA). The central idea of IMA is the sharing of resources,
leading to multiple avionics functions in a single hardware.
This paper discusses the approach followed, criticalities
addressed, complexities involved in the development of
integrated avionics for missile applications.

Keywords—Federated, Integrated Modular Avionics,

Architecture, Missile, Line Replaceable Unit


Sub-systems realized for Missile applications are based on

Federated architectures which make use of distributed
avionics functions that are packaged as self-contained
units, namely Line Replaceable Units (LRUs).Federated
architecture has great advantage of inherent fault

With the emerging requirements for Tactical Missiles, Fig 1. Conventional Missile Avionics Architecture
Guided Rockets and Bombs from Armed Services with
long ranges, more lethality and higher accuracies, there is Generally, each module hosts one single application
a need to miniature the missile avionics. This paved way within the avionics system. The disadvantage of this kind
for Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) architectures for of technology is the fact that each box has a specific
missile applications that employ a high-integrity, function, with specifically developed hardware and
partitioned environment that hosts multiple avionics software. Each system is more or less developed from
functions of different criticalities on a shared computing scratch, with the lack of technology re-use. Especially the
platform making use of advancements in technologies. hardware components suffer from obsolescence issues.
Another disadvantage is the increased weight and power
II. CONVENTIONALMISSILE AVIONICS ARCHITECTURES consumption due to the fact that each unit carries the
burden of environmental protection and inherent power
Missile sub-systems carry out various critical dissipation issues. Fig 2: shows the Standalone Systems in
functionalities, such as navigation, guidance, control, Federated Architecture.

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proprietary interfaces that are custom implementations
that typically are optimized for the present applications.

Fig 2: Standalone Systems in a Federated Architecture


In the present scenario there is a need for designers to

adhere to the following requirements during realization of
sub-systems for missile applications. Sub-Systems with:

 Lower power, size and weight

 Lower overall acquisition costs Fig 4. Integrated Modular Avionics Architecture
 Shorter software life cycles and development
schedules Fig. 4 shows the integrated modular avionics architecture,
 Much easier ability to upgrade the system where four sub-systems are combined and their
 More flexibility for changes functionalities are implemented in a single system based
 Scalability for the desired redundancy and improved on multi core processor. The following are the advantages
safety with Integrated Modular Architectures:

This challenge led industry to migrate from Federated  Reduced size, weight and Power
Architectures to Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA)  Competitiveness
Architectures, wherein data/resources are shared among  Portability and Reuse
various modules. Fig 3. Shows data sharing among
systems based on IMA.  Incremental Certification
 Resource Allocation
 Reconfiguration and
 Robustness

The major disadvantage of IMA is Complex integration

process. Though Integrated Modular Avionics concept
exists from past few decades in aviation industry typically
with mother board and daughter board configuration,
multiple avionics modules were integrated in single rigid-
flexi-rigid PCB for missile applications, making use of
state-of-the-art technologies indigenously for the first
Fig 3. Data Sharing in Systems based on IMA
The Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) concept, which
replaces numerous separate processors and line Various sub-systems of missile are integrated into single
replaceable units (LRU) with fewer, more centralized hardware, sharing common resources like Processor,
processing units, is promising significant weight reduction FPGA, Memories, Power modules, serial communication
and maintenance savings in the new generation systems. channels (RS 422, MIL-1553 bus, Ethernet, AFDX),
analog and discrete input/output channels etc. in different
IMA architectures utilize common hardware and software phases. The numbers of modules integrated are based on
building blocks that are shared between the vehicle the power and form factor requirements for a particular
functions hosted in the system. In addition, all functions missile application.
within IMA are tied together via a common data network.
Evolution of integrated missile avionics started with
There are two types of IMA architectures that a system integrating On-Board Computer (OBC) which executes
architect can choose when they transition from federated Control & Guidance algorithm, with Missile Interface
architectures to IMA architectures: “Open” and “Closed”. Unit (MIU), and there on with Navigation Electronics
An open IMA architecture utilizes interfaces that are non- (NE), Signal Conditioning Package (SCP), Pulse Code
proprietary, and adhere to interface definitions available in Modulation (PCM) Encoder of Telemetry, Electrical
the public domain. Closed IMA architectures utilize Interface Unit (EIU) and Inertial Measurement Unit

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(IMU). Fig 5. shows the modules integrated for various user trials telemetry sub-system is replaced by warhead.
missile applications. Due to integration of modules/sub-systems, telemetry is
also part of deliverable configuration, which allows
monitoring the performance of the production missiles
during user trials.

In integrated missile avionics, certain level of fault

tolerance is incorporated by means of redundant Analog to
Digital Converter and Discrete interface circuits, and
making use of dual redundant MIL-1553B serial links,
however at present development is being carried out on
Avionics On Module with which a complete fault tolerant
mechanism is possible even with integrated missile
Figure 5: Modules integrated for Missile applications avionics systems.

Fig. 6 shows the resource optimization obtained by V. DESIGN FLOW

integrating various modules. Three federated systems
namely On-Board Computer (OBC) – Missile Interface It has to be properly analyzed that the computing
Unit (MIU)which executes Control and Guidance, Inertial capabilities of processor, logic resources of FPGA, Power
Navigation System (INS) which does the function of module ratings etc. meet the requirements before
missile navigation and Telemetry System which acquires integration of modules. In case the existing configuration
the analog and digital data, and transmits the data to doesn’t meet the integration requirements, the system was
ground stations as PCM frames are considered. These re-designed with newer components having smaller
federated systems make use of separate Processing and footprints, high computing capabilities (multi-core
Input/output (IO) resources, upon integration the processors), less power consumption along with
resources are optimized with single processing and IO conformance to Thermal design, Signal Integrity,
resources. Testability guidelines etc.

The typical design flow followed in realization of missile

sub-systems is shown in Fig 7.

Figure 6: Resource Optimization

Due to technology advances high end and high

performance multi core processors, High end FPGA soft
IP cores (MIL-1553, SIO etc.) were developed.
Leveraging these advances in technologies integration of
various modules was conceived.

Integration of modules/sub-systems resulted in freeing up

of space in the missile and reduced weight. The freed up
space can be used for increasing the volume of either Figure 7: Design flow
warhead or propulsion which will improve range, as well
as the other performance parameters of the missile. The selection of components has to be carried out based
on the sub-system functional requirements. Up on
In distributed avionics architectures Telemetry sub-system selection, the power estimation analysis is carried out.
was placed in the warhead section of the missile during Power Estimation mainly drives package design,
developmental flight trials. However, during production or network design and lower level power minimization.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 02,2020 at 05:45:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Power Estimates are necessary at various stages of the characteristics of the digital component, are used for
design in order to make correct architectural carrying out simulations. The analysis is carried out for
implementation and cost tradeoffs. One of the challenges high-speed signals – clocks, address and data bus between
in power integrity analysis is to predict accurate power source (driver) and destination (receiver) to verify the
dissipation both average as well as peak design. Power quality of the signals. The results are verified for signal
Estimation analysis is required for package thermal distortions in the form of ringing, over-shoot and
analysis, power minimization and power grid design. As undershoot. As a rule of thumb, overshoot and undershoot
part of power estimation analysis, the typical and in the signals area acceptable upto 2% of Vcc for less than
maximum power consumption ratings of active 20ns. Proper termination resistors are finalized based on
components along with power dissipation of passive the analysis.
components are considered and the total summation of
that shall be less than the power budget allocated for the
HyperLynx v8.2.1

sub-system. In case it exceeds the allocation, re-selection

V [U11.38 (at pin)]
V [U9.38 (at pin)]
V [U1.G19 (at pin)]


of the components is carried out. 3200.0


Schematics are generated after finalization of the V


components. Proper de-rating has to be provided for each

g 1700.0

part for a reliable product. De-rating of a part is the


deliberate reduction in its applied stress with respect to its



rated stress, for the purpose of providing a margin -300.0

between the applied stress and the rated limit of the part’s -800.0
0.00 2.000 4.000 6.000 8.000 10.000
Time (ns)
12.000 14.000 16.000 18.000

capabilities, maintaining this De-rating margin brings Date: Friday May 1, 2015 Time: 14:57:23
Net name: SDR_CLK
Show Latest W aveform = YES

down the occurrence of stress related failures and helps to

ensure the part’s reliability for the specified operating Figure 8: Signal without resistor termination
envelope. The De-rating factor is the ratio of design
operating stress limit to parts maximum rated stress limit.
HyperLynx v8. 2.1

De-rating is one of design processes, which can make a

V [U11.38 (at pin)]
V [U9.38 (at pin)]
V [U1.G19 (at pin)]


significant contribution to Reliability. The selection of 3200.0

components of higher stress capability than required for 2700.0

nominal operation is an empirical but effective and well- V


established method of reducing their failure rate. De-

g 1700.0

rating is effective because the failure rate model of most


parts is stress and temperature dependent.




In recent times with the advancement of technology, in -800.0

0.00 2.000 4.000 6.000 8.000 10.000
Time (ns)
12.000 14.000 16.000 18.000

mission critical scenario, various sub-systems, which Date: Friday May 1, 2015 Time: 14: 58:47
Net name: SDR_CLK
Show Latest W aveform = YES

operate at high speeds, are integrated to deliver compact

system with improved performance. The integration of Figure 9: Signal with resistor termination
sub-systems to form a single system executing software
algorithms corresponding to different functionalities has Thermal process plays an important role in design of
created a requirement of operation at high data rates. This electrical devices. Material selection, design and further
has led to use of SDRAM, DDR, DDR2 and DDR3 development of electrical devices are evolved with respect
memories in the design to achieve data rates in the range to thermal conditions. Thermal analysis is done to
of 128MHz to 800MHz. This necessitates the Signal evaluate the system performance under specified
Integrity analysis of high speed PCB design. temperature range.

The goal of signal integrity analysis is to ensure reliable

high-speed data transmission. At low speeds, the
frequency response has little influence on the signal,
unless the transmission medium is particularly long.
However, as speed increases, high-frequency effects take
over, and even the shortest lines can suffer from problems
such as ringing, crosstalk, reflections and ground bounce,
seriously hampering the response of the signal—thus
damaging signal integrity. In reality, these problems can
be overcome by good design technique and by following
proper layout guidelines. Fig. 8 and 9 shows the signal of
SDRAM data line with and without signal integrity Fig 10. Thermal profile of a PCB
Thermal analysis should be carried out for operating
Hyperlynx simulation software is used for carrying out SI temperature envelope and also for free flight (kinetic
analysis. IBIS models, which describe the analog Heating) temperature range of the missile.Temperature

Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 02,2020 at 05:45:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
should be recorded of components & circuit boards from Table I. Systems Optimization Table
all the directions.The temperature should be within the
components specified temperature range otherwise
remedial action shall be laid down by means of proper System Sub-
Sub-System Parameters
thermal conducting method. The analysis has to carried out Power Weight
Type Systems* Size (mm)**
(W) (Kg)
at PCB level, and then at system level. Fig. 10 shows the
thermal profile of a PCB at 710C. OBC 14 2.0 W147
H 75
For proper thermal management, the guidelines specified L 276
in the datasheet of each component has to be meticuously Systems
MIU 14 3.0 W 221
followed during PCB layout. As numerous modules are H 83.5
being integrated in single Rigid-Flexi-Rigid PCB, thermal
NE 8 0.2 W 120
layers are provided part of PCB layout and thereafter H 2.5
metallic thermal contacts are provided over the high power Diameter 170
OBC-MIU 15 2.0
dissipating components for heat conduction to the Height 106
chassis.To validate the model, sensors are mounted on the OBC-MIU-
11 2.0
Diameter 165
hot spots predicted by thermal analysis tool and thermal Integrated NE Height158
Systems OBC - MIU
measurement is carried out practically after realisation of
–NE – SCP Diameter 210
the sub-system. – PCM –
17 3.0
Height 90
Electronic packaging is the art of arranging, inter
connecting, mounting of electronic & electrical
components in a single unit.This packaging analysis is
done against the specified random vibration spectrum and *OBC – On-Board Computer, MIU – Missile Interface Unit
NE – Navigation Electronics, SCP – Signal Conditioning Package
suggests modifications meant for improvement. Fig. 11 PCM – Pulse Code Modulation, EIU – Electrical Interface Unit
shows the package considered for analysis, based on the IMU – Inertial Measurement Unit,
analysis it is recommended to mount Sensor Package on **L – Length, W – Width, H - Height
isolators and stiffner to be added in between PCBs. These
metallic stiffners also act as thermal mass for conduction.
The analysis is validated after realisation of the sub-system From the table it is apparent that making use of integrated
practically also. modular architectures resulted in optimizing power,
weight and size of missile sub-systems. The other major
advantage due to integrated electronics is drastic decrease
in communication latency, which gives higher margin for
the execution of control and guidance algorithm.
In addition, the overall reliability of the missile increases
with integration of multiple federated systems, due to
obvious reduction in number of sub-systems/components.


With growing demand for higher computational loads,

small form factors and low power consumption, the
missile technologies migrated towards integrated avionics
architectures making use of energy efficient processors.
Fig11. Packaging Analysis of a missile sub-system We were able to realize systems with multiple modules
sharing common resources with optimal form factors and
The inputs obtained from various analyses are were also successfully flight tested. At present integration
incorporated in the design of the sub-system and it of Seeker Electronics & Data Link modules along with
subsequently undergoes Qualification and Acceptance On-Board Computer, Navigation and Telemetry modules
Tests (QT & AT) after realization of hardware. in single package is under progress.

Though there is certain level of complexity involved with REFERENCES

regard to manufacturing of single integrated avionics
system with multiple modules, but it is still a better [1] Byron Birkedahl & Ted Bonk. System Engineering &
approach compared to manufacturing multiple high Integration Lessons Learned from Commercial Aircraft
quality federated systems. Integrated Modular Avionics Systems as they apply to
Applications in Space Vehicles. AIAA SPACE 2010
Conference & Exposition.

The following table shows the power, weight and size [2] Gitsuzo B. S. Tagawa & Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e
optimizations obtained with integrated missile avionics Souza. An Overview of the Integrated Modular Avionics
architectures. Concept, DINCON 2011

Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 02,2020 at 05:45:07 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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