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I. Preface
II. Academic and group background.
B. TRANSLATE PART ( mọi người dịch xong,mình tổng hợp các mục rồi mới
ghi vào nhá )





I. Preface
The subject of Business Organization is a fundamental discipline within the field of
business and management studies. It focuses on understanding the structure,
functions, and operations of businesses, as well as the principles and strategies
necessary for their successful management. Business Organization provides
students with a comprehensive understanding of how businesses are formed,
organized, and operated in various industries and sectors.
"Business Organization" focuses on mastering how to organize and manage a
business. An important part of managing an organization is handling conflict,
because in a business environment, conflict is inevitable. Conflict can appear in
many aspects, from disagreement on goals and strategies, to competition over
resources and interests. Through learning about "Conflict and Negotiations",
Business Organization students are equipped with skills and tools to identify,
analyze, and resolve conflicts effectively in organizations.
Conflict and negotiation are two fundamental aspects of human interaction and
communication. They play crucial roles in various domains, including personal
relationships, business, politics, and international affairs. Conflict arises when
there are differing interests, values, or perspectives, while negotiation is the
process by which conflicting parties seek to reach a mutually acceptable resolution.
Both conflict and negotiation are essential for introducing and navigating complex
issues, fostering understanding, and ultimately driving positive change. Conflict is
an inherent part of human nature and arises due to the diversity of opinions, needs,
and desires. It can manifest in different forms, ranging from interpersonal conflicts
between individuals to larger societal or global conflicts. While conflict is often
associated with negative connotations, it is important to recognize that it can also
serve as a catalyst for growth, innovation, and transformation. Conflict introduces
challenges, sparks debates, and forces individuals and communities to critically
examine their beliefs and values. On the other hand, negotiation is the process of
engaging in dialogue and finding common ground among conflicting parties. It
involves active listening, empathy, and the exploration of potential solutions.
Negotiation allows individuals to bridge differences, seek compromise, and reach
mutually beneficial agreements. Effective negotiation skills are essential for
resolving conflicts, building trust, and fostering collaborative environments where
diverse perspectives can be integrated into cohesive solutions. The importance of
conflict and negotiation lies in their ability to address differences and promote
understanding. Through conflict, individuals are exposed to alternative viewpoints,
which expands their horizons and challenges their preconceptions. Conflict brings
underlying issues to the surface, forcing individuals and societies to confront them
and seek resolutions. Negotiation, on the other hand, provides a structured
framework for addressing conflicts in a constructive manner. It encourages open
dialogue, promotes empathy, and facilitates the exploration of creative solutions
that can accommodate diverse interests. In today's interconnected world, conflict
and negotiation have become even more critical. Global challenges such as climate
change, social inequality, and political disagreements require effective conflict
management and negotiation skills to find sustainable solutions. The ability to
navigate conflicts and negotiate successfully is not only essential for personal
growth and healthy relationships but also for fostering cooperation, understanding,
and progress on a larger scale.
II.Academic and group background.
This topic talk about : The nature and perspectives of conflict, functional and non-
functional conflict, conflict process, concepts and methods of negotiation,
negotiation process, negotiation, personal characteristics and negotiation
effectiveness ,the role of third parties in negotiations. In addition, examples of
successful or failed negotiation cases in businesses, organizations..., 2.Group
2.1 Group introduction: Our group is group 9. Leader is Nguyen Thi Mai Duyen
20223475. We have 5 people as follows:
1 20223475 Nguyen Thi Mai Duyen

2 20223482 Truong Hong Hanh

3 20223466

4 20223437 Bui Thi Khanh Linh

5 20203235 Dang Thi Quynh

1.2. Group work results .

After working together through 3 week. The table below shows the
assignment of work in our group and the results of the evaluation and
performance of each member of our team.

Introduction 13/03 Truong Hong Hanh

+ Translation
beginning to
end 8.1.2

2 Application + 18/3 Nguyen Thi Mai

from 8.13 to Duyen
8.1.4 +

3 Citing 13/03 Nguyen Ngoc Bich

sources +
from 8.2.1 to
4 Lesson and 13/03 Dang Thi Quynh

5 SLIDE 18/03 Bui Thi Khanh

+translatetion Linh
8.2.5 (end of
page 512)

Whoever creates the content will present that part as well
In the report, clearly state the name of the part you worked on
Bold the main idea in each person's translation.

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