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Title : Sessions on Creativity, Innovation and New Project
Development .
• Creativity is the ability to develop and express
ourselves and our ideas in new ways .
• Creativity relates to thinking and imagination.

1. Preparation :-
The creativity process begins with preparation
gathering information and materials, identifying Sources
of inspiration and aquiring knowledge about the project or
problem at hand.
2. Incubation :-
Next, The ideas and information gathered in stage
1 marinate in the mind. As ideas slowly simmer the mind
As ideas slowly simmer, the work depends and new
connection are formed.
3. Ilumination :-
Next comes, the exclusive aha moment After a
period of incubation, insight aries from the deeper layers
of a mind and break through concious awareness, often in
a dramatic way.
4. Verification :-
following aha moment, the words get written down
the vision is commited to point or clay, the business plan is

• An innovation is an idea that has taken trans- formed
into practical relativity
• for a business, this is a product, process of business
concept or combination.

❖ Five stages of successful Innovation

1) Idea Generation and Mobilization:
The generation stage is starting line for new ideas
successful idea generation should be fueled bath by the
pressure to complete and by freedom to explore. Once a
new idea is generated it passess on to mobilization, where
in idea travels to different physical and logical location.
2) Advocacy and Screening:
This stage is time for weighing an ideas pros and cons.
Advocacy and screening have to take place at some time to
weed out ideas that have lack potential without allowing
stakeholders to reject ideas. impulsively solely on basic of
their novelty.
3) Experimentation:
Experimentation of the project is surely important and
working before considering.
4) Commercialization:
So now after experimentation, its Successful and now we
need to manage and run something principilley to finanical
5) Diffusion and implementation:
Spreading the innovation f Implentation of it is crucial &
last step
New Product Development
New product developement is a set of a duign
engineering research process when combine to create
and launch a new product to market unlike regular
product developement NPD is specifically about
developing a brand new idea seeing it about
developing throuth the entrie product developement
NPD reffers to complete process of bringing
new product to market. This can apply to developing
an entirely a new product, improving an existing one
to keep it attractive and competitive or introducing an
old product to a new market.

I. Idea Generation.
II. Idea Screening
III. Concept development and testing.
IV. Marketing stategy & business analysis
V. Product Development
VI. Test Marketing
VII. Preduct louching.

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