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Project Overview Information:

Programme Branch / Specialization Project Batch No. / Total No.

(B.E / B.Tech / ME) Of Batches

Details of students (Team of maximum 3 students of Final Year Project)

S. No. Reg. No. Name of the student Contact No. Email ID

Broad Area / Title of the Project


ABSTRACT (including the SCOPE) of the project in not more than 200 words identifying what
contribution that the project work can make in terms of scholarship, novel design, validation and
verification to method or model.

PLANNED TECHNOLOGICAL READINESS LEVEL (TRL) at the end of the completion in

not more than 200 words and brief description of how it is planned to achieve through testing,
verification / validation and implementation

Stages of TRL (Technology Readiness Level): (For

(Note: The Technology Readiness Levels are a method for
estimating the maturity of technologies during the acquisition
phase of a program, developed at NASA during the 1970s. Now it
is used widely in the area of research and innovation. In many
cases, the research funding agencies expect a certain level of TRL
to be specified in the proposals. The below definitions are being
used by MoE IIC National Innovation Contest)

TRL 0: Idea. Unproven concept, no testing has been performed.

TRL 1: Basic research. Principles postulated observed but no
experimental proof available.
TRL 2: Technology formulation. Concept and application have
been formulated.
TRL 3: Proof of Concept (POC): Applied research. First
laboratory tests completed; proof of concept.
TRL 4: Small scale prototype built in a laboratory environment
("ugly" prototype).
TRL 5: Large scale prototype tested in intended environment.
TRL 6: Prototype system tested in an intended environment close
to expected performance.
TRL 7: Demonstration system operating in an operational
environment at pre-commercial scale.
TRL 8: First of a kind commercial system. Manufacturing issues
TRL 9: Full commercial application, technology available for

2. Expertise required for the project by students or from external source:

Source: External / Internal
No Technical / Domain expertise required Type guidance, documents and / or
to be developed by students

External Supervisor or
Internal Supervisor
Sources of Expertise

Phone No

3. Project selection:

Please tick one or more of the following to describe the project you are undertaking:
● The project topic was available from a list provided by my
supervisor/Project coordinator
● The project was given by company / organization
● The project topic was my own idea and developed further
through discussions with my supervisor
● The project will be undertaken away from RMKEC and not
require RMKEC support or resources (other than supervisor)
● This project may require an intellectual property agreement or
confidentiality agreement
● This project may require me to visit external workplaces

Student Declaration:
I understand that I am responsible for my project and all activities associated with it. I undertake
to adhere to the subject requirements, and student responsibilities and expectations as identified by
the supervisor/project coordinator. I will undertake all activities related to my project on my own,
and will acknowledge all information sources and all assistance received.
I will follow risk assessment procedures to identify and reduce all risks. I will ensure that all such
work will only be undertaken in the presence of a RMKEC staff member, another project student or
responsible person approved by my supervisor.
I undertake to complete the project with my own efforts and not to seek any outside commercial
help to execute the project.
Student signature /s : Date :
Supervisor Declaration:
I understand that by signing this I am agreeing to supervise the student project and thereby agree
to adhere to all project subject guidelines and requirements.
I undertake to provide sufficient time and attention to supervise the project and to regularly
monitor and interact with the external supervisor for timely completion of the project.

Name : Signature: Date :

HOD’s Endorsement & Remarks:

● This project can be applied for research promotion scheme
● This project requires students to visit external
● This project requires more funds that may be generated
through project proposals
● Any other remarks

Project Guide’s Signature:

Date :
HOD’s Signature:
Date :

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