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Remote output configuration

Output configuration commands

Table 13-2 summarizes output configuration commands. These commands
include those to enable and disable the output enable line as well as commands
to control output offstates. See Section 18, “OUTPut subsystem” and “SOURce
subsystem” for more information
Output configuration programming example

Table 13-2
Output configuration commands
Command Description
:OUTPut:ENABle:[STATe] <state> Enable/disable output enable (state = ON or OFF).
:OUTPut:ENABle:TRIPped? Query output enable line tripped state (1 = tripped).
:OUTPut:SMODe <name> Select output-off mode (state = HIMPedance, NORMal, ZERO,
or GUARd).1
:SOURce:CLEar Turn output source off when in idle state.
:SOURce:CLEar:AUTO <state> Enable/disable auto output-off. State = OFF (output off after
measurement) or ON (output stays on).2
:SOURce:CLEar:AUTO:MODE <name> Auto clear mode. Name = ALWays (every reading; default) or
TCOunt (ON when trigger layer entered; OFF when leaving
trigger layer).
1. For the Model 2430 Pulse Mode, the output-off mode is always NORMal. Selecting one of the other output-off states
causes error +831.
2. For the Model 2430 Pulse Mode, auto output-off is always enabled. You can set auto output to be off, but it will not dis-
able until the DC Mode of operation is selected.

Table 13-3 lists the command sequence for output configuration.

Table 13-3
Output configuration programming example
Command Description
*RST Restore GPIB defaults.
:SOUR:VOLT 10 Output 10V.
:OUTP:ENAB:STAT ON Enable output enable line.*
:OUTP:SMOD HIMP Select high impedance output-off mode.
:SOUR:CLE:AUTO ON Enable auto-off mode.
:READ? Trigger and acquire readings.
*Connect pins 8 and 9 of digital I/O port to simulate closed switch.

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