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About my home organization

I live in a apartment in Taboão da Serra, a city in the state of São Paulo, with my wife
Aline, and my daughter Clarice .
Our apartment is not very big, but I´m always amazed with the amount of mess we are
capable of do .
Because of this, all members of my family are responsible for the organization of the
house, because all members are responsible for the unstoppable mess , as well .
My bedroom is no exception, oscillating between a military-sized organization, and a
anarchist and dystopian mess; I like much more of the first option, but I keep following the second
My living room, when it´s organized, is the place where I prefer to study, because I have a
comfortable armchair, and one kind of table to maintain my notebooks, gadgets, pencils and a
nice and warm mug of coffee, of course .
When I am studying, I like the silence, and because of this, I try to study when Clarice is
not around or at home, and with no music or T.V. on ; particularly, I have many issues with loud
noises or sounds; must be something of the age, or maybe a childhood inner trauma!
To be the perfect place for study, my living room needs a remodeling or redecoration, it´s
very far from the decoration I wish to have, but was the best I could do when my family and I
moved to this apartment; maybe in a near future, we do a retrofit in our home, or we quit this
place, and try a brand new and fresh house, we are open for anything the future holds!

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