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In your opinion, is Easter an important date?

How do you and your family celebrate Easter?

Are there any traditions surrounding Easter in your home?

Easter is the most important date of all the Christian religions. On this date, we celebrate
the victory of Jesus upon death, and more than that, the reborn of all good will and kindness .
Beyond the religious meaning, we have a much less noble tradition on Easter : the
chocolate eggs and the easter bunny .
I have a 9 years old kid, and she trusted on Easter Bunny until the couple two year, and
was magical see the love on her eyes, waiting for the marvelous present of the bunny, believing in
something pure, special, and, why not, supernatural .
Our tradition in my home was to make my daughter believe in the bunny, and was a nice
time, but the other big guy, the Santa, ruined this . Last year, my kid just figured out that Santa´s
funding was my wallet, and the Santa´s helper was no other than me, putting some presents under
the Christmas tree. Above this point, was a simple thought to see that, if Santa was not real, Easter
Bunny could not be real too .
Nowadays, our tradition is more simple : Good food, time in family, and some tries to
restore the original meaning of this holiday, the defeat of evil, and the capacity of renewal of
good; but until this point, my kid just learned that, with or without Jesus or Bunny, we will have
chocolates, many chocolates! .

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