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THEORY OF MACHINES OO * 1, Simple Mech ms t- ng = Completely constrained “matron + Square haft fo Square hole cercular Shaft bole- toside gyplincer stare > su T cessfully Constrained shelton t= piston tr . - Tocompletely Constrained motion t- tn Chreular > (au weer pa (a Higher pos 2 lower pair) > shaft to Poot Step beattig. Joints. & Lip ave known A poe Py > 4 ternary Joiet= 2 binary: joint = 3 bleary jornts. |ethp ae kqown of 2 or PY —> DoF = a Fransmisster Angle Cor pe Kut chia, Ac= ee nab cesH eS aT -2T- he Fy) e ater ; ri Oe His mio ot 020 1s0" > 1 Quartanary 6- Restroiots: — ‘kinematic chain pis P90 at OF .gtbhs jth = 3n-2 = Frame| ohuctue — oe yeh rae 2 wath <3n-2 7 2 oa | a Gxashe's | laud: fars = SPtey at “Cronv’ a (ats & PTT “a PtD ; z ~ S- So fined _» Double crank mechanism > alpen rf sr adjacent tofixed —> “Crank ~ Reck >, E37 Coupler —> Double Rocker Mechanism *” GsertD— Hearing Abe oir of egual \e Net having “the pair rEaths augue of equal legg ths will give Same results as Above unconstrain chal: leat one “op the Unis. 5 er mechanism we50 S220 ef wo parallel vam 1 bage f- ravalle gran 4 Bs Pined 14°DO “Double crank mechanism 5 Is we Snfixed > [aw not » Satis Pied Any link is Freed ous of Uw we ge Rocker= | Becker Mechanisai-fned + Crank- - yorker 3 4. fats > PT ip Dettoid Linkage t- S-fixed | Double Crank 4 Dowie § acl Mechan’ ~~ wwe vv, wwe www wee wwe w~wewrwe ley Crank mechanisr:— ‘ #Single shi TS tversion —> Cylinder Sted Tc engine (| 274 taversion —> Crank fred bubYworth Quick veturo mechanin Rotary tc engine mechanism §¢ X4 Toversion > Conmectind sed pS Crank —& Slotted ver 4 ce J gutck return motto ( B oscillating tylinder engine ¢ | mechanism 4% inversion > Slider fred —> Hand pump # Double sleler~craihk Chain ‘mechan ismé- le Slotted plate Freed —> Elliptical Sloled plat: : Trammell. Yb citer s wercept at the centre Of 4the link AB Talways PH gives ellipse but ot the Centre traces a circle. 2. Any of the Slider fixe —> seotchsyo ke mechanism 3. Connecting link of Slidecs Pred —> oldham' Ss Coupling + crank | Slotted lever _mechanisms- shims i rte ee ae He 2 a2 | Return ‘Here Eo os (4. | Stroke length = 2x (length of clotted leve) (crank radius) | Hength of Connecting rod | stroke length = 2x Cronk lecgth >! for whit worth Mechanteal Advantags Fout; ~ Tot > Mia = Nine input A, Se i homis: eee Thy Vo ostpst enechonisn Fav) > BMH _Wio lee Bes weno : out etic Pip (Ein | oe reggie pesitten im fr =e) PARRA ARAMAANANANANANANNNAAA mM A Totermitlent -mestion mechanisms i~ > Rotation (Continous) > Linear © Rotahign : CamternHent 2 paw) —Ratchee mechanism —> oscillation (tootfouews) -7 Potatt'on Cairlerm Hert) * Geneva -mechan'sm % Ackermao steert'ng Mechanisms t- all turing poirs = widely used lo automobile - Both fursiag & Sliding pois. *Dawis sreer'og: Mechanss al straight Line mechanisms s~ & Exact straight (ime rotten mechanisms *- be peau cellvar mechanism (2 leoks) 2. Hort's mechani C6 Woks) 2. ° Scott — Russel mechanism a suple sliler us Modt'fied . Scott — Russel mechanism L links’) eted stronght line mottos t- © Appeonime 1. Grass hopper 2. Roberts mechaniss 2. te cht bic hifts mechanism mechanis™ ua pantograph 5. ulatt 's mechanism 6. Wats: cTadtcator mechantsm Analyses ~2 Analysis ~2 * centrode:- the locus of L-centie of ‘rotation for tle relakve ” cent rode” motion blur the [ents during sthety motton tS for -the He o Anode i “The [ocus of —T-anis of rotation blew the Utne Ss Anode « ne no-of (eoks) ve lative motton *No-rof TCs ave = nce (= 2 skennedy's Theorem s- for the velattve motion blw the (in bs Itnke

slip isnot possible Ext (gears. Negative drive —> sip ts possible +4 classification of Gearsali- Is parallel shafts a) Spur gears —> No axtal heust —> tmpact Stresses axe high. &) Helécal gear > Axial thrust —> No impact Stressee: Double helical gear —> Herningbone gear > No axial brash —> used -for high speek app’. 2. Both tues ave Tntersecting:- a). Straight Bevel geaw > Helical Bevel gear —> Autonehile differential ger wo © mitre gears —> similar bevel gears Connected with two mutually. perpenci'c utes ShoftsS 3B Neither parallel rpor intersecting 2 tr, Sprod Gears / Shew-Berel gear 2. Hyped gears ea 3. Worm & Wlorm wheel —+ high Speed Yeduction Yortio: « Circular pitch =EP.. “we =m » + module m= 2 + Drametrical pttch Fa == et + ulorktng depth = Adelendum +dedendum pie * Tooth Space —-tooth thickness = Backlash ' ° pressure angles tT is the orgle ble line of acto of force Y Common tongent ot P (20~ 25°) Nason | (Coles oe / + velocity oF slicing en pitch eivcle is Zere be pure Rolling KP = a, cosrg —RSings | Ate of contact = path of wT nvyolucts Seay path of contact = pecth of approach + path Oh vec eas KL = kP+PL PL 2 Vo,t- OPcos gs —2151nD contact Cos Angle -lurnedt by Pinion = Are of contack www wrevwuver ever vervrvvuve vv ev at ea aay ctrealay pitch CR) = + Gear yotto = = sr st veloctty Radio = Wh 5} , =e ligt * Fen One SPs . es ee path of contact = KPtTPL : kip path of approach kp = Adbenclam of Rack j she path of recess SPL Vig vcosp — A5Ing * Tinton = Feosg * pileh crrele vodtituy % pcos + ott Zolecrference se vey a + Methods to prerent ro ter-ference “Taean = Fe0s# #R RA h Undercu ting. of gears» F Prinion = QT NeTe 2,cthereasing pressure angle. 60 ‘ a) = Pw 3. -$ tubing the -heeth (p-ne chang f Pla Ui Thereasing ne-oF teeth, = QA = (ean) 2 eee ee Trin. = __ 2A . Pinion 1+ G Cort2) Sint | = For Rack & proton | * Tf Acklendum of pinion | gear ah Sam tpn = fe then Tay = 2A min .— ae — Centre chistance ‘Ss Same (a At Dose = Carn ) cos! Base circle chameters. +b GEAR TRAINS s- e. Speed Ratio = Weaver WW oriven , eran value = Satan Fale : (+ Compound gear +rot = Ww 7 TakTe Bag “or |. Reverted gear troins- ie aes SP Oy eR i © mre Sete = Ye try . t t+tr y= im! (tot » eo ot yeu” on (ttin 2 im ¢ et lu) seve . cc) ible Grn BEE * planetary Gaeat “ t- Cepreyele) Gy\o Ora cS pbp-Na @ is TIBE TP. Ne-Na Tp BAe eAdeaAaADiA Ai ini nantimimnmnmnmun i \ Soy tigi gj Ubud) = a Naga Tinpat x Wn) “b Teiatpal” Wal) = © vvuvervwvevwvwvvvvVvVvVwveUvuVvTVMTBeeveyeer rere ie a) af yy spivatangle ff i prtcht: BZ Par normal P | Pei Cosi? = R " m,Ccos P= Mn : M62 May For mating gens) 1 Pog - For Same hand = TP. PE Cefn Utd) OH y- — For opp. hapdt 1 ope ee we prin Te — Centre distance sy BP fereney) = COCKID CoH on a Cos Fy) CoV | 4 3 3 x “Tinped or ical | spiral ‘geass cov culos Toulpud pitch \ mp_ [eT Th y bCeH) COS PE tk Wlorm % A= lead angle Aty =40° here 0290 we qo-ay Wy = ady wfan.d =o eo "el Lead Trt dente dustance eVRE bet fuctency Ip cos Corp) 14 cos Co-8) ¥ Enghe Aralystsi- . «+ obliquity Ratto.— net wheels = a [ Theos att] ue rat den GA. tan Cd,t ) patmane = 9 claw Sing fe | sing Sing y ey {a ~ cose) +(n-V awe = yw [sine + Stn2O ” 25 Q = ywr [ cso4 ¢os20 | > Sipp=sk® > p —vingular alisp lacernent * Connecting ‘ed melron:- WW, = w Cos O Vn® sO. | ip as lage’ | eco’. Wy 5 WW) Angeles “Accel (ees) KF gas =F A) PA Ay = (07-4) a cos20] Fe = mywr [e056 + hii) = Ros Ret tN Keg =~ PENS. Cy For Hox'2ental “ r engine. i) E \ “Tae FLYWHEEL ° Fe = = _ poree * along. .C-R, e eee Z egele diag raven . =F oa t os Normal thras Wt = FtanB do cylinder ual. | Thean = cael = a core) Cg.= oa Coefficient of fluckects Of speed = cos (Oth) > Radial P i oe rss thrust -fo Ceo Nae = Nenin 7 Crank Shot b ; ~ Anean oR =F. shat eee Eg = BF 70-08 cP ceciianl Cs = tay = 006 + Turning Moment = FX ST (Ada Boe: Bown ar Hn@re) KI __ max. anguias acceleration ©F Flywheel TH Teor = EX : Ce \ (AE Ina . AE 5 plan = AE Wleycte bore — Tn > Bitten = CO ren DL Uhten 2 Doman § 2 Bp bese top ee ee * Groovernors 3- aa gevernoy | pendulum dyre Governor Nte= BIS, 4 co por-ler governor [Dead load: Lye governor + Nee soe [ mgt Conger Bs bak = took [Se ™3 When foo @ ke! ae (re) ™m Nai ¢ proell governor s- ; ‘ 0 sy _y! oe 8Oe a rigs [oo vad a] NUP ae a) a Spring Controllect govemnors 2 . Hartnell governor i- | az vertical orm ength f,-fe) = 2a(n-F] - Hovidental arm length. 2b (mr) a Fae ia a otiffn ess Ke 2B) Y (eS S| « Effort | mean-force Elo aot [omem Cit) —> For porter governor c (mgt fs) > Hardnel| = B= Spring Force Dien bette athe | 1F2e Bas 2 p= MC gh (atm) Ia * Sensetavtty = Norcan —_—— 5 Sensttivity N,oNa ee + Stability at fr tsochrenouS governor > sensitivity = © xt & Neconstart Stability =o ADHHOOAA A YD + Ger Tsochvoneus?- Hunting = oO ugth ~% ve NW —>steble MON = unstable Mg +t Foy a tteontrotlirg force dhagram + *(N>NQ — stavle Re mrw poate? a % ) wo? 7 iis > Os ¢ — Nz conte pe? ap 6 a L_sxsochron0us ¢ + Coetbeerent of cnsensittveness = # Balancing = * Static balancing > ef <0 (Need +0 oD €M=0 Chutomadttcal ly) L, au the masses “are yotating in Sarre plane. =0 = EMyYcoso + Merp Close =O = €EMyYcaso- CFe 1. 7g%e CO = — Emrstno PLD DPD OHA DN HHH OHH > Me %p $08 .= = EMrsnoe 4ton . = oe A % 2 Me%e= = Emrcos> = myo coo £2229] . a A + a cpbalence (pana force a balancing mass attoched Opposite Crank * myrwtoese = Bbw cos® =(mr=8b) - is generated + parival talancing & obn€ bee of thu sine tn vertical drvection. » Bb= Cmr + Horitental un balanced -force = + vevtteat’ unbalanced force = © mr Sing” (qomews* cost] +e (cm sind at) mr COsO ° + Freswtent = » Resaltant unbalance &S minimum when c= 2 # Balancing OF locometive :- be Hammer bl Ty at ts the tinbalanced Vertical force dus we rode © 4o balancing Mase cay ot p= cmrw7stn® > Pmas at @290° § 20" 2. Variation in Tyactive foxes fi eae Trace vee = Ciera” (cose - 58) > Tetol unbalanced tractive Fo or 315" (Fdmax = V2 € Come oF o= (25° 3. swaring Coup le g-(tre) “ey (pee. Spae 2 OL (1c) rom ot o2u5° oar Ye tE Cam: q Folloul an Follower motion Vera rran SUM vs bre be fre . 2% Unifarm ve loctly h (2) e °o uniforn Acceleration Ww ah (S) Ub (es ¥ parabolic (8) Pe eycloidal ah (5) # Gyroscope: * Gyvescopre couple = Twp: 7 Anguiar aeceleration = Whip. + fayroscopie cfg in water beat: Bet : 2 nk sharbeara — pitching’ y ita shot esa) pitching ve douse movement of bow | stern Wp = @* 22 (ale stern « steering i Cae EO Xr 2. 2 Yeloutty of beat Wp = ig & ~ adeus of Curvauat + Rollingt/ No Couple formea [c=o] precesster & Spo axis sCoincvdes.. 5 + Natural vibrations 3- > ‘ aia [ya 0 - t i povallel > Sop y why= VE om » - 1. 20 » TP w, ) * Springs to Sentesi- aseura © E y Ky, ) at casesi~ a ap special SESE K » ae cating of Springs e Ne a : oh cP eye 16) ae Zz wea =e a Wot | we ! - ees) ™ ewe Mh ote A (eaete er rug A Damped system ol hacker BxE0 b Fie mat cet + (240%) + wrns oO - a2 .2dw, > 45S > G=BNK™, ~ Co oder underdamping ed al — crétical damping +f > > overcam pig’: ~ XE te eet [sin conto] a, + ddegemi Decremert Rachid = He = TS © degarth mic decrement S= quyla . > 6: ard ca aware Vvicgr Wo 4 Forced, Vibrations i mk Cut be 2 Fe sinwt, Kt dugy at Ce = Stowe f Fo[ k it » Az Amplitude = - of _____— Q-vart BaPPo" 1 A. eee ME = ET 7 fer reean 5 | - we it + transmissibility Rato (edie Be [Aer ; = fq ev) - =) when we BNF) ° REL) when Boe , Kamu f 2 Aw i z tong = . ‘ Ka~mwrA ‘ FL maw dang = ce + - mw wh : tong = 2d oo ee ae p= 2eo _ _ 7 \-(,) * hin lie of Shaft? y= ex eccentricity of votor ye trons verse displacement of shoft ey 4

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