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Embed equity throughout innovation

he social benefit of technologies is frequently un- ing for equity at each stage, from idea conception to Keith A. Wailoo
evenly realized across the United States. Rural technology and product development, evaluation, moni- is Henry Putnam
communities, individuals with disabilities, and toring, and iterative learning and improvement. In its re- University Professor
historically marginalized groups face out-of-reach cent report, Toward Equitable Innovation in Health and of History and Public
costs or lack access to products that meet their Medicine: A Framework, the US National Academies of Affairs at Princeton
needs. Blame is typically placed on complicated Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and the US National University, Princeton,
regulatory processes or complex delivery systems, Academy of Medicine called for a systems approach to NJ, USA. kwailoo@
but this response neglects the problem that equity is not implement equity-promoting practices. The recommen-
baked into the nation’s innovation process at any stage. dations include using policy and regulatory levers to set
The United States needs to rethink its entire innovation funding priorities; developing new metrics and equity-
Victor J. Dzau
ecosystem to incorporate equity as a foundational guid- based models of technology assessment; and providing

is president of the
ing principle—from research design and funding require- federal support for the development of methods, metrics,
National Academy
ments to policies and regulations that govern the delivery and benchmarks for achieving equity.
and oversight of new products to the public. The report also emphasizes that a diverse community of Medicine,
Development of new technologies and products in the of users and creators should join traditional stakeholders Washington, DC,
United States benefits from a governance framework that to rethink governance strategies and incentives. Equita- USA.
optimizes fairness and opportunity ble innovation will require creative

for creators and investors while pri- steps and new practices, such as Keith R. Yamamoto
oritizing the safety and autonomy engaging with underserved and is vice chancellor for
of end users. Equity is typically an
afterthought, usually arising after
“…equity is not marginalized communities at each
stage of the innovation life cycle.
Science Policy and
Strategy and director
baked into the

unfair public outcomes are recog- This will ensure that these groups of Precision Medicine
nized. In health care, for instance, are not only consulted during re- at the University
recent examples include the restric-
tive cost of new drugs to treat hepa-
nation’s innovation search but also have opportunities
to substantively lead and engage in
of California, San
Francisco, CA, USA.
titis C and the COVID-19 diagnostic
test kits that were mass produced
process…” innovation partnerships.
Addressing equity in innovation
He is president
of the American
but didn’t reach marginalized com- is evident in recent federal initia- Association for
munities. Policies that foster inno- tives. An executive order issued in the Advancement
vation have focused on profitable transitions of scientific 2023, Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for of Science
breakthroughs from discovery to the market. Particularly Underserved Communities Through the Federal Govern- (the publisher

y g
in the decades after World War II, this approach fueled ment (following an earlier one in 2021), calls on agen-
of Science),
innovation and substantially bolstered the nation’s econ- cies to assess gaps and opportunities to enhance equity
Washington, DC,
omy. However, a primary aspiration of innovation—pub- across the entire government; action plans were released
USA. yamamoto@
lic good for all—has often been unrealized. in 2022, with annual updates required. The Office of Sci-
Given the recent remarkable pace of progress across all ence and Technology Policy (OSTP) also has recognized

scientific disciplines, there is an urgent need to incorpo- the problem, and in 2022 it released a vision for equity
rate equity considerations throughout the innovation life in the US science and technology ecosystem that empha-
cycle. Consider, for example, the increasing use of artifi- sizes support for students, teachers, workers, and histori-
cial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in health care. cally underrepresented communities. These are crucial
Lack of diversity in the workforce and in the geographic first steps, but there is a strong need for a coordinating
distribution of innovation centers reduces the range of body—an OSTP-helmed Equity in Biomedical Innovation
perspectives that shape research in this field. Nonrepre- Task Force—to translate federal priorities into goals and
sentative and discriminatory data sets and poor selection actions that span all facets of innovation, from funding
of proxy outcomes measures lead to biased algorithms choices to research design to regulatory policies.
that skew machine learning and adversely affect AI plat- If 21st-century innovation is to reflect social needs and
forms that influence decision-making. Although efforts improve the well-being of the entire public, then it will
are underway to advance the ethical use of AI, a funda- require a strong vision activated by a coalition of public
mental cultural shift is needed to fully integrate equity in and private partners that embrace an equity-centric ap-
this field and in many others. proach at every stage.
Embedding these values in innovation means account- –Keith A. Wailoo, Victor J. Dzau, Keith R. Yamamoto


SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1029
The worry is that the first time that it goes through,
“ it will really have a high impact in … mortality.

Veterinary pathologist Thijs Kuiken, in The New York Times, on forecasts that the H5N1 avian
influenza virus will soon ravage previously unexposed bird and mammal populations of Antarctica.

Edited by Jeffrey Brainard


Annual cost of invasive species put at half-a-trillion dollars

nvasive species cause more than $423 billion per year for Ecology & Hydrology, who co-chaired the group that

y g
in damage to agriculture, fisheries, water supplies, wrote the report, said in a media briefing; many costs
and other ecosystem-dependent benefits worldwide, such as weeding invasive plants have not been quan-
according to the summary of a comprehensive re- tified, she said. More than 3500 species are known to
view by dozens of scientists, released this week. The have become invasive after people moved them, inten-

monetary losses, adjusted for inflation, have qua- tionally or unintentionally, to new locations where they
drupled every decade since 1970, the study’s baseline, have crowded out native plants and animals, some of

the summary says. The report is the first on which supported local economies. The number
the topic from the Intergovernmental Science- Water hyacinth, an of invasive species is rising faster than ever be-
Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem invasive species and cause increases in global trade and travel help
the most widespread
Services, which has 143 member nations. terrestrial weed,
spread them, the summary says. But only 17%
The estimated financial loss is “a huge, huge harms fisheries and of countries have laws or regulations to pre-
underestimate,” Helen Roy of the UK Centre impedes boats. vent or manage invasions of these species.

cut 6% and for national research institutes, recent years, increasing governmental and
South Korea eyes research cuts 9%; the total for science and engineering private sector investment has raised South
FUNDING | South Korea’s government has will be 25.9 trillion won ($19.5 billion), Korea’s R&D spending to 5% of its gross
proposed cutting the country’s research the Ministry of Science and ICT said on domestic product, trailing only Israel’s
budget for 2024 by 11%, to reduce in- 30 August. The plan increases support for 5.9%, according to the Organisation for
efficiencies and the number of low-priority younger researchers and fields such as Economic Co-operation and Development.
projects. Funding for basic research will be artificial intelligence and biomedicine. In In comparison, the United States devotes

1034 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE
just 2.6%. Some researchers say the govern-
ment could improve evaluations of research
programs but warn the cuts to basic work
will undercut the nation’s scientific prowess.
The National Assembly must still approve
the budget.

Cancer rises in younger adults

| Cancer cases in adults
under age 50 worldwide have increased
nearly 80% in the past 30 years, while
deaths have grown by more than 25%,
a study has found. When adjusted for
changes in the global population, the
results point to a strong rise in cancer
rates but a decrease in mortality over
time. The study, published this week in
BMJ Oncology, is one of the largest of
its kind and draws from data collected

by the Global Burden of Disease 2019. BIOSAFETY
The burden of disability and death
among people ages 14 to 49 was greatest White House mulls refining pathogen rules
for colorectal cancer followed by other

he White House last week requested public comment on whether to adopt
types—breast, lung, and stomach controversial recommendations that the government tighten oversight of
cancers—less commonly associated with federally funded research on dangerous pathogens. In March, the National

younger adults. The researchers cite risk Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) called on the government to
factors such as alcohol and tobacco use, expand the swath of research subject to special reviews and stricter regulation.
physical inactivity, and excess weight, Targets included gain-of-function studies that could give pathogens new abilities to
factors also associated with cancer among infect humans, and dual-use research that could be used for good or harm. NSABB’s

older adults. They propose that early recommendations have drawn protests from some microbiologists, who fear tighter
screening and prevention programs to restrictions could hamper important, low-risk disease research. On 1 September, the
improve lifestyle and diet could help, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) asked for input on a
particularly among the most affected range of issues, including how to identify studies that could be “reasonably antici-
group, people ages 40 to 49. pated” to pose unacceptable risks and whether to narrow NSABB’s recommended
policies. OSTP is seeking responses by 16 October.

Distant galaxy had magnetic field A U.S. panel proposed tighter rules for pathogen research, some of which requires biosafety suits.
ASTRONOMY | Scientists have spied a
magnetized galaxy that existed 11 billion

y g
years ago—the earliest such body detected 11 September to end their monthlong
to date. The Milky Way and nearby galaxies strike against the scientific society that Paris nouveau: insecticide fog
have magnetic fields that help clouds of gas runs the free service. Public health P U B L I C H E A LT H | Paris last week sprayed
collapse into newborn stars. But research- specialists and journalists have relied insecticides to kill the Aedes albopictus mos-
ers didn’t know when these fields emerged. on the service for the latest reports on quito that spreads dengue, in the city’s first

This week in Nature, astronomers report outbreaks of diseases such as COVID-19 mosquito fumigation campaign. The trigger
using the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub- and Ebola. The strike followed a for the spraying was two cases of dengue in
millimeter Array—a radio observatory in decision in July by the International people who reportedly developed the disease
Chile—to observe a distant galaxy called Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID), shortly after having traveled outside the
9io9, which existed when the universe was which operates the service, to require country. The European Centre for Disease
less than one-fifth of its current age. Its paid subscriptions, citing a lack of Prevention and Control says France also had
light is slightly polarized, evidence that a sustained funding. The strikers, who many locally acquired cases—65 in 2022
magnetic field aligned dust grains in the comprise the service’s moderators and and four this year, most in the southern part
galaxy, which then emitted photons that editors, demanded that ISID seek of the country that has the Mediterranean
vibrate in a favored direction. Additional financial partners, ensure their editorial climate this mosquito species prefers.
research may illuminate the role played by independence, and improve transpar- Neighboring Spain and Italy have also

distant magnetic fields in the furious pace ency. ISID told the strikers it is com- reported locally acquired cases over the past
of star creation in the young universe. mitted to finding financial partners and 5 years. France first detected A. albopictus—
wants to improve communications also known as the Asian tiger mosquito—in
and establish an advisory group to help 1999, but it died out, only becoming endemic
Strike over outbreak alerts ends with decisions. As a “gesture of good after a new introduction in 2004. The spe-
| The staffers who run
P U B L I C H E A LT H faith,” the strikers told ISID in an email, cies, which can also transmit chikungunya
ProMED, an early warning email system they agreed to go back to work while it and Zika virus, may be heading northward
about infectious diseases, plan on works on “definitive solutions.” in Europe because of climate change.

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1035


In 2019, the firm Natural Hydrogen
Energy drilled the first U.S. well
in search of geological hydrogen.


Geological hydrogen wins first major funding
$20 million grant program by ARPA-E aims to jump-start work on climate-friendly fuel

By Eric Hand fuels in long-haul transport and heavy in- ing efforts to make hydrogen cleanly, either
dustries such as steelmaking—if it could be by capturing the emitted CO2 and storing it

dark horse concept in the race to de- sourced in an environmentally friendly way. underground (blue hydrogen) or by using
velop clean and sustainable energy Most hydrogen today is manufactured by renewable electricity to split water and har-
sources is getting its first major in- combining steam and methane in factories vesting the resulting hydrogen (green hy-
vestment from the U.S. government. that emit carbon dioxide (CO2) and add to drogen). Later this year, DOE plans to select
This week, the Advanced Research global warming. Governments are support- up to 10 blue and green hydrogen “hubs” as

y g
Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), part of an $8 billion program.
the high-risk, high-reward arm of the De- But “geological” or “natural” hydrogen
partment of Energy (DOE), announced it could be cheaper—and just as clean. The
would fund $20 million in grants to advance ARPA-E money is a good start in a field
technologies for extracting clean-burning with many unknowns, says Geoff Ellis, a

hydrogen from deep rocks. At the moment, geochemist at the U.S. Geological Survey
all of the world’s hydrogen is manufactured (USGS) who leads a small, internally funded
industrially. But some researchers have geological hydrogen program. “Right now,
concluded that, contrary to conventional we’re starting from, essentially, nearly zero.
wisdom, Earth harbors vast deposits of the So this is really important as a way to jump-
gas that could be tapped like oil—and that start research.”
reserves could be stimulated by pumping For decades, few geologists believed Earth
water and catalysts into the crust. held significant hydrogen deposits, because
The ARPA-E funding “will be the largest the gas is so readily eaten up by microbes
single investment in R&D of this nature or chemically altered into other forms. But
worldwide,” says Yaoguo Li, a geophysicist prospectors are now fanning out across the
at the Colorado School of Mines who plans globe, spurred by the discovery of a massive
to apply to the program. “It’s so new, a lot of hydrogen field underneath a village in Mali
other agencies and other countries are just and records suggesting puzzling surges
waking up to this possibility.” of nearly pure hydrogen in old boreholes
Hydrogen has drawbacks as an energy (Science, 17 February, p. 630). Whereas oil
source: It is less energy rich than natural and gas companies tend to tap relatively
gas and occupies large amounts of space. youthful basins of sedimentary rock, hydro-
But experts think it could replace fossil The well, in Nebraska, reached 3.4 kilometers down. gen hunters are probing the crystalline, an-

1036 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE

cient hearts of continents for the iron-rich PLANETARY SCIENCE

rocks thought to fuel hydrogen production.
The grant program will not support the
hunt for existing deposits, because that
is better left to USGS and industry, says
Did interstellar debris fall to the
ARPA-E Program Director Doug Wicks.
Instead, it will focus on ways to artificially
stimulate one of the main hydrogen pro-
sea floor? Experts are doubtful
ducing reactions, called serpentinization, Controversial astrophysicist says metallic spheres hail from
which occurs when water encounters iron-
rich rocks at high temperatures and pres-
outside the Solar System, but others say it’s “nonsense”
sures. The reactions transform minerals
such as olivine into serpentine, releasing By Daniel Clery and Paul Voosen The origin of his latest project lies in his
hydrogen in the process. “How can we make discovery that the U.S. Department of De-

the hydrogen come out faster?” Wicks asks. n 2014, a rock from space blazed through fense’s Space Command keeps a catalog of
Pumping water or catalysts to source the atmosphere and exploded off the meteors detected by its surveillance satel-
rocks could help. One natural catalyst is coast of Papua New Guinea with such lites as they explode in Earth’s atmosphere.
magnetite, produced when olivine is ser- ferociousness that some researchers be- Loeb and his student Amir Siraj studied the
pentinized. The magnetite can catalyze lieve the object came from beyond the 272 events in the catalog to gauge whether
subsequent hydrogen-producing reactions Solar System. Now, a team of researchers any of the meteors were on a trajectory

with the olivine, explains Alexis Templeton, says it has recovered remnants of the me- from outside the Solar System. One seemed
a geochemist at the University of Colorado teor from the floor of the Pacific Ocean and to fit the bill. It had plummeted into the
Boulder who plans to apply to the pro- claims that a preliminary analysis of their atmosphere just north of Manus Island
gram. Some deep-living microbes can also unusual composition points to in Papua New Guinea on
catalyze hydrogen production, she says, an origin around another star. 8 January 2014 at a speed of
and could be enlisted to speed it up. Much Only in the past few years “If you don’t allow 45 kilometers per second—

of the ARPA-E money is expected to go to have astronomers realized faster than any object orbiting
modeling and lab-based research aimed at that interstellar objects some- for surprises, the Sun—before shattering in
boosting production. But Templeton is glad
to see the program will also fund research
times whizz through the Solar
System and might even hit
you won’t learn three explosions.
In 2022, Space Command
something new.”

into monitoring the reactions and evaluat- Earth. Finding a lump of rock reported in a letter to NASA
ing the risks of injecting substances into the from another planetary sys- that it was 99.999% certain the
Avi Loeb,
crust. “What are we doing and how do we tem would be an unbelievable meteor was from beyond the
Harvard University
monitor and regulate that?” stroke of scientific fortune, Solar System. It also released
Other backers are joining the hunt. In one that could shed light on details about the three explo-
July, the natural hydrogen startup Koloma the formation of alien planets and stars. sions showing the meteor deeply penetrated
came out of stealth mode with $91 million Avi Loeb, the controversial theoretical the atmosphere before breaking up, which
in venture capital, including investments physicist at Harvard University who led Loeb says indicates it was even tougher than
from Bill Gates’s Breakthrough Energy Ven- the team, believes that’s what his high-risk the iron objects from the Solar System that
tures. Templeton just won a grant from the ocean mission has achieved. “If you don’t routinely strike Earth. “It was an outlier in ma-

y g
Grantham Foundation for the Protection of allow for surprises, you won’t learn some- terial strength,” Loeb says. Space Command
the Environment to explore ways to stimu- thing new,” he says. On 29 August, the team located the meteor’s track to an 11-kilometer-
late hydrogen production at lower tem- released a preprint describing the claims, wide square of ocean. With the help of a
peratures and pressures. That could make which it has submitted to the journal seismometer on Manus, which recorded the
it possible to generate the gas from the Ocean Science. explosions, Loeb and Siraj narrowed down its

iron-rich deposits found near the surface in But others are dismissive of the preprint, location to a 1-kilometer-wide strip.
places such as Oman. which has not been peer reviewed. Although Loeb acquired $1.5 million from crypto-
Ellis says major oil companies are now the geochemical analysis of the debris is currency entrepreneur Charles Hoskinson to
tentatively moving into the field after over- solid, the conclusions that Loeb and his go look for the debris. In June, the M/V Sil-
looking it for years. “We may be reach- colleagues hang on it are “nonsense,” says ver Star began to trawl the ocean bottom off
ing a tipping point,” he says. This month, Martin Schiller, a cosmochemist at the Uni- Manus. Over 2 weeks, Loeb and colleagues
USGS and the Colorado School of Mines versity of Copenhagen. “I’m surprised any- dragged a sled covered with neodymium
are launching a research consortium worth one would take it seriously.” Larry Nittler, magnets along the sea floor, 2 kilometers
several million dollars over 5 years that in- a cosmochemist at Arizona State University down, hoping the magnets would pick
cludes support from companies including (ASU), calls the claims “very weak sauce.” up metallic meteor fragments. After each
BP and Chevron. Loeb has gained notoriety in recent years 8-hour run, the magnets were scraped and
Wicks says the investments by ARPA-E for his view that ‘Oumuamua, a body that vacuumed clean. Loeb says they were lucky
and USGS are “adding a level of credibility” passed through the Solar System in 2017 on to have found anything. “There could have
to the fast-growing field. At first, he says, a path that suggested an interstellar ori- been so many failure points.”
“I was a total skeptic.” But that changed af- gin, might be an alien spacecraft. In 2021, On the ship and back at Harvard, the
ter he and a colleague worked on hydrogen he launched the Galileo Project, a privately team picked over the debris with twee-
and dove into the literature. Now, he says, funded effort to use scientific methods to zers and found, amid volcanic ash, nearly
“I have a firm belief that it’s going to be a search for evidence of alien technology on 700 “spherules,” tiny metallic pellets
significant energy source in the future.” j or near Earth. 1 millimeter or less across. Droplets of

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1037

cient hearts of continents for the iron-rich PLANETARY SCIENCE

rocks thought to fuel hydrogen production.
The grant program will not support the
hunt for existing deposits, because that
is better left to USGS and industry, says
Did interstellar debris fall to the
ARPA-E Program Director Doug Wicks.
Instead, it will focus on ways to artificially
stimulate one of the main hydrogen pro-
sea floor? Experts are doubtful
ducing reactions, called serpentinization, Controversial astrophysicist says metallic spheres hail from
which occurs when water encounters iron-
rich rocks at high temperatures and pres-
outside the Solar System, but others say it’s “nonsense”
sures. The reactions transform minerals
such as olivine into serpentine, releasing By Daniel Clery and Paul Voosen The origin of his latest project lies in his
hydrogen in the process. “How can we make discovery that the U.S. Department of De-

the hydrogen come out faster?” Wicks asks. n 2014, a rock from space blazed through fense’s Space Command keeps a catalog of
Pumping water or catalysts to source the atmosphere and exploded off the meteors detected by its surveillance satel-
rocks could help. One natural catalyst is coast of Papua New Guinea with such lites as they explode in Earth’s atmosphere.
magnetite, produced when olivine is ser- ferociousness that some researchers be- Loeb and his student Amir Siraj studied the
pentinized. The magnetite can catalyze lieve the object came from beyond the 272 events in the catalog to gauge whether
subsequent hydrogen-producing reactions Solar System. Now, a team of researchers any of the meteors were on a trajectory

with the olivine, explains Alexis Templeton, says it has recovered remnants of the me- from outside the Solar System. One seemed
a geochemist at the University of Colorado teor from the floor of the Pacific Ocean and to fit the bill. It had plummeted into the
Boulder who plans to apply to the pro- claims that a preliminary analysis of their atmosphere just north of Manus Island
gram. Some deep-living microbes can also unusual composition points to in Papua New Guinea on
catalyze hydrogen production, she says, an origin around another star. 8 January 2014 at a speed of
and could be enlisted to speed it up. Much Only in the past few years “If you don’t allow 45 kilometers per second—

of the ARPA-E money is expected to go to have astronomers realized faster than any object orbiting
modeling and lab-based research aimed at that interstellar objects some- for surprises, the Sun—before shattering in
boosting production. But Templeton is glad
to see the program will also fund research
times whizz through the Solar
System and might even hit
you won’t learn three explosions.
In 2022, Space Command
something new.”

into monitoring the reactions and evaluat- Earth. Finding a lump of rock reported in a letter to NASA
ing the risks of injecting substances into the from another planetary sys- that it was 99.999% certain the
Avi Loeb,
crust. “What are we doing and how do we tem would be an unbelievable meteor was from beyond the
Harvard University
monitor and regulate that?” stroke of scientific fortune, Solar System. It also released
Other backers are joining the hunt. In one that could shed light on details about the three explo-
July, the natural hydrogen startup Koloma the formation of alien planets and stars. sions showing the meteor deeply penetrated
came out of stealth mode with $91 million Avi Loeb, the controversial theoretical the atmosphere before breaking up, which
in venture capital, including investments physicist at Harvard University who led Loeb says indicates it was even tougher than
from Bill Gates’s Breakthrough Energy Ven- the team, believes that’s what his high-risk the iron objects from the Solar System that
tures. Templeton just won a grant from the ocean mission has achieved. “If you don’t routinely strike Earth. “It was an outlier in ma-

y g
Grantham Foundation for the Protection of allow for surprises, you won’t learn some- terial strength,” Loeb says. Space Command
the Environment to explore ways to stimu- thing new,” he says. On 29 August, the team located the meteor’s track to an 11-kilometer-
late hydrogen production at lower tem- released a preprint describing the claims, wide square of ocean. With the help of a
peratures and pressures. That could make which it has submitted to the journal seismometer on Manus, which recorded the
it possible to generate the gas from the Ocean Science. explosions, Loeb and Siraj narrowed down its

iron-rich deposits found near the surface in But others are dismissive of the preprint, location to a 1-kilometer-wide strip.
places such as Oman. which has not been peer reviewed. Although Loeb acquired $1.5 million from crypto-
Ellis says major oil companies are now the geochemical analysis of the debris is currency entrepreneur Charles Hoskinson to
tentatively moving into the field after over- solid, the conclusions that Loeb and his go look for the debris. In June, the M/V Sil-
looking it for years. “We may be reach- colleagues hang on it are “nonsense,” says ver Star began to trawl the ocean bottom off
ing a tipping point,” he says. This month, Martin Schiller, a cosmochemist at the Uni- Manus. Over 2 weeks, Loeb and colleagues
USGS and the Colorado School of Mines versity of Copenhagen. “I’m surprised any- dragged a sled covered with neodymium
are launching a research consortium worth one would take it seriously.” Larry Nittler, magnets along the sea floor, 2 kilometers
several million dollars over 5 years that in- a cosmochemist at Arizona State University down, hoping the magnets would pick
cludes support from companies including (ASU), calls the claims “very weak sauce.” up metallic meteor fragments. After each
BP and Chevron. Loeb has gained notoriety in recent years 8-hour run, the magnets were scraped and
Wicks says the investments by ARPA-E for his view that ‘Oumuamua, a body that vacuumed clean. Loeb says they were lucky
and USGS are “adding a level of credibility” passed through the Solar System in 2017 on to have found anything. “There could have
to the fast-growing field. At first, he says, a path that suggested an interstellar ori- been so many failure points.”
“I was a total skeptic.” But that changed af- gin, might be an alien spacecraft. In 2021, On the ship and back at Harvard, the
ter he and a colleague worked on hydrogen he launched the Galileo Project, a privately team picked over the debris with twee-
and dove into the literature. Now, he says, funded effort to use scientific methods to zers and found, amid volcanic ash, nearly
“I have a firm belief that it’s going to be a search for evidence of alien technology on 700 “spherules,” tiny metallic pellets
significant energy source in the future.” j or near Earth. 1 millimeter or less across. Droplets of

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1037

once-molten material, spherules routinely detailed composition isn’t known. “Occam’s U.S. RESEARCH POLICY
form in explosions of ordinary meteors, razor,” Schiller says. “There is no evidence it
and also in volcanic eruptions.
Loeb delivered spherules to several labs
for compositional analysis, including one
comes from outside the Solar System.”
Indeed, the team needs to do more to
prove the spherules came from space and
Budget fight
run by Harvard geochemist Stein Jacobsen.
Jacobsen found that the ratios of iron iso-
topes in the spherules largely matched those
are not volcanic, Nittler says. So far, only
one of the anomalous spherules has the
isotopic pattern in its iron expected if it
raises fears of
of the Sun—a mark against an interstellar
origin. However, five of the spherules were
unusually enriched in beryllium and lan-
was heated by a fiery passage through the
atmosphere. The paper also did not con-
sider how volcanic eruptions can interact
spending cuts,
thanum, and, to a lesser degree, uranium.
This “BeLaU” fingerprint hasn’t been seen
with other rocks to create strange combina-
tions of elements, says Frédéric Moynier, a
research limits
in records of known meteoritic spherules, cosmochemist at the Paris Institute of Plan-
Jacobsen says, although it does resemble etary Physics. Given the claims, he adds, “I
Lawmakers return from
some lunar samples. “The fact is we found don’t think it would pass any thorough re- recess to full plate of issues
something unusual that has not been seen.” view process.”
Beryllium is rare in the universe, and most Finally, the central pillar of Loeb’s ar- By Science News Staff
gument that the meteor was

interstellar—its high speed—does flat budget isn’t something that sci-

not seem to be as certain as Space entists typically welcome. But for the
Command’s 99.999% estimate. A U.S. research community, that’s the
new study out this month in The best-case scenario in the short run as
Astrophysical Journal examined Congress returns this month from its
17 known fireballs captured summer recess and tries to agree on
by both classified U.S. sensors spending levels for the 2024 fiscal year that

and independent observations. begins on 1 October. The government could
The study showed that the gov- shut down if Republicans and Democrats
ernment sensors often over- don’t declare a truce.
estimated speed, with the errors The next federal budget is one of several

getting worse the faster things topics affecting science that await action by
got. “A third of the time, the num- this divided Congress, where Democrats hold
bers are just way off,” says Steve a narrow edge in the Senate and Republi-
Desch, an ASU astrophysicist. cans have an equally small majority in the
Desch says a meteor hitting House of Representatives. Legislators are
the atmosphere at 45 kilometers also debating proposals for greater oversight
per second would probably be of research collaborations with China and re-
completely vaporized, leaving strictions on research that alters the charac-
barely any solid debris at all. He teristics of pathogens, as well as a bill setting
also says the link between the new funding targets for agricultural re-

y g
spherules and the 2014 fireball search. Biomedical scientists are also hoping
Avi Loeb claims to have found remnants of an interstellar meteor on is tenuous. Even if the spherules the Senate will confirm Monica Bertagnolli,
the seabed of the Pacific Ocean, but experts are doubtful. hit the ocean where Loeb says, nominated in May, as the new head of the Na-
they would have likely drifted by tional Institutes of Health (NIH).
is produced when cosmic rays collide with tens of kilometers in ocean currents before The 2024 budget is the most contentious

large atoms, chipping off atomic fragments settling on the seabed, Desch argues. Loeb’s issue facing lawmakers. With no prospect
such as beryllium. On a long interstellar team collected too few control samples from of passing all 12 bills that set new spend-
journey, an object would have more expo- elsewhere on the sea floor to be sure its finds ing levels by 1 October, Democratic leaders
sure to cosmic rays than any rock from the were unusual, Desch says. “They knew what in both houses and many Republicans are
Solar System, and more time to produce be- they were looking for and that makes it prone calling for a continuing resolution (CR) that
ryllium, Loeb says. “Is beryllium a flag for to confirmation bias.” would freeze budgets at this year’s levels for
interstellar travel?” Jacobsen says the spherules could yield a few months while negotiations continue.
The three enriched elements also tend to more clues. He wants to look for other iso- But some three dozen staunch conservatives
bind with iron. The authors suggest they topic variations in trace elements such as in the House have pledged to oppose a CR.
may have crystallized from a magma ocean neodymium, which could indicate forma- They want Congress to roll back spending to
that covered the surface of a primitive ce- tion around another star. But given the 2022 levels, which could cut some research
lestial body with an iron core. spherules’ small size—one weighed only programs by 20% or more.
Jacobsen himself acknowledges the pattern 27 micrograms—teasing out that signal could Democrats vow not to let that happen. If
does not on its own indicate that the spher- be a challenge. Congress can’t pass a CR by 30 September,
ules came from outside the Solar System. Jacobsen says he typically does much more however, most government activities would
Planetary embryos with an iron core could work before submitting a paper. “It’s not my grind to a halt.
have been numerous in the early days of the style—normally I work on something a bit Such temporary shutdowns are not un-
Solar System. Many known meteorites are longer.” But Loeb wanted to do something common. There have been four since 1995,
thought to have such an origin, even if their quickly, “so that’s what we did,” he says. j including for 35 days in 2018–19. Once those

1038 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE
Congress will be wrestling with
fiercely partisan legislation
this month that affects research.

shutdowns ended, Congress ultimately ap- NIH DIRECTOR for the EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S. nonprofit

proved catchall spending bills that usually The nomination of Bertagnolli to replace that partnered with virologists in Wuhan.
included small increases for research. Francis Collins, who stepped down in De-
Achieving that benign outcome will be cember 2021, got a boost last week after RESEARCH SECURITY
harder this year. In May, a deal to avoid de- one of two Democratic members on the Both the House and Senate have added
faulting on the $31 trillion federal debt in- Senate health committee that oversees NIH provisions to their versions of an annual
cluded a provision that would reduce federal dropped their opposition. Bertagnolli, a sur- bill that sets policy for the Department of

spending by 1% from this year’s levels if Con- gical oncologist who now leads NIH’s Na- Defense (DOD) that are aimed at prevent-
gress failed to approve a 2024 budget for all tional Cancer Institute, promised Senator ing adversaries from using U.S.-funded
agencies by 30 April 2024. Elizabeth Warren (D–MA) not to take a job research to undermine national security.
Given that pressure to hold down govern- with a major drug company for 4 years after Many specifically target China. One House

ment spending, science advocates don’t ex- she leaves government. But Senator Bernie proposal, for instance, would require the
pect any agency to get more than a minimal Sanders (I–VT), the panel’s chair, has said he Department of the Treasury to produce a
increase at best when Congress finally passes won’t schedule a vote on the nomination un- report “on the extent to which China has
a 2024 budget. For example, NIH would get a til President Joe Biden’s administration takes benefitted from United States taxpayer-
2% boost, to $47.8 billion, if Congress eventu- more steps to lower drug prices. funded research.”
ally adopts a Senate proposal. But if a House “I’m hopeful that [Sanders] can be con- Research advocates are most concerned
spending panel has its way, NIH would get a vinced an agency the size and importance of about a House provision that would require
6% cut. At the same time, committees in both NIH needs to have a permanent head, some- anyone working on a DOD-funded grant to
houses have proposed giving the National one who can do more than simply hold down disclose detailed personal information and
Science Foundation some $300 million less the fort,” says Carrie Wolinetz, a lobbyist for work histories, which would be posted on a

y g
than the $9.87 billion it received this year. Lewis-Burke Associates and a former senior public website. They argue the requirement
Here are some other important issues NIH official. Sanders’s office did not respond would place a heavy additional burden on
pending before Congress. to a request for comment. institutions and be counterproductive by
providing adversaries with a guide to DOD
FARM BILL GAIN-OF-FUNCTION (GOF) RESEARCH grantees and their research.

A 2018 law, which expires on 31 September, Several House bills would ban federal fund-
set funding priorities and policies at the ing for GOF studies that alter the charac- OPEN ACCESS
U.S. Department of Agriculture. In addition teristics of pathogens. The measures, some Advocates for making scientific articles
to supplying food aid to low-income resi- of which focus on lab research in China and free to read are hoping Congress will re-
dents and crop insurance to farmers, the law other “adversary” countries, are backed by ject a House spending panel’s proposal that
provided $694 million over 5 years for re- conservatives who have suggested that would block a White House directive sup-

search on plant genetics, crop diseases, and U.S.-funded studies on bat coronaviruses porting open access. The proposal would
soil health. in Wuhan, China, created the SARS-CoV-2 prevent using federal funds to implement
Research advocates hope the new bill will pandemic virus. But microbiologists fear or enforce White House guidance issued
include $5 billion to repair and upgrade labo- vaguely worded provisions could shut last year requiring research articles pro-
ratories and other research infrastructure. down studies in the United States and duced with federal funding to be placed
“It really has to be a total overhaul of the abroad aimed at preparing the world for in a public repository as soon as they are
system,” says Doug Steele of the Association the next pandemic. published. Previous White House policy al-
of Public & Land-grant Universities. “We’re “Cutting off research in the U.S. could lowed for a 12-month embargo, a delay that
almost at the breaking point.” But progress endanger us by encouraging the work to benefits publishers who rely on revenue
on the bill has been slow, in part because fis- be done in places that have less stringent from paywalled content. j
cal conservatives don’t want to increase the standards,” says Allen Segal, chief advocacy
$725 billion in mandatory spending in the officer for the American Society for Micro- With reporting by Jeffrey Brainard, Jocelyn Kaiser,
expiring legislation. biology. Some bills would also ban funding Jeffrey Mervis, and Erik Stokstad.

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1039

This moth, Neopalpa

donaldtrumpi, was named after
the former U.S. president.


Should beetles be named after Adolf Hitler?

Zoologists debate whether—and how—to change scientific names now deemed offensive

By Rodrigo Pérez Ortega caused untold human misery,” says one au- would disrupt the code’s chief goal: stabil-
thor, botanist Estrela Figueiredo of Nelson ity. Scientists would then use more than one

n 1934, a German paleontologist named Mandela University’s Ria Olivier Herbarium. name to refer to the same species.
a giant flying insect from the Carbonifer- “In which other spheres of human endeavor But the editorial authors disagree. “We

ous period Rochlingia hitleri, after Adolf is anything still named [after] Hitler? … The cannot prioritize stability over social justice,”
Hitler, who had just taken power in Ger- codes must change and adapt, like the rest counters Marcos Raposo, an ornithologist
many, and Hermann Röchling, an anti- of society.” and taxonomist at the National Museum of
semitic steel manufacturer and member Names identified as problematic include the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, au-
of the Nazi Party. Three years later, an Aus- Hypopta mussolinii, a butterfly discovered thor of another editorial.
trian amateur entomologist named a brown, in Libya and named after Benito Mussolini, Debate over scientific names erupted
eyeless beetle from Slovenian caves Anoph- the fascist Italian leader who invaded the earlier among botanists, who have traded
thalmus hitleri because he admired Hitler. In country. And sometimes, organisms are editorials and letters over the past 2 years.
recent years, neo-Nazis have reportedly paid named apparently with intent to mock: Some pushed to restore Indigenous spe-
thousands for specimens, pushing the beetle In 2017, researchers named a moth with cies names and change offensive ones, such

y g
toward extinction. pale blond head scales and small genitalia as Hibbertia, a large genus of Australian
Some researchers have argued for years Neopalpa donaldtrumpi. guinea flowers that honors English anti-
that A. hitleri and other species names, in- The ICZN commissioners, who are in abolitionist and plantation owner George
cluding the many that honor racists and colo- charge of the International Code of Zoological Hibbert. A few botanists proposed getting
nizers, are offensive and should be changed. Nomenclature, argued in January that re- rid of eponyms honoring humans alto-

A few societies have taken steps toward do- naming animals because of cultural offense gether. Other researchers pushed back, say-
ing so. But not the International Commission ing the nomenclature shouldn’t be biased
on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), and its by social concerns.
stance has ignited fierce debate. The discussion got heated, but “the bo-
In January, the commission, which arbi- tanical community is trying really hard
trates on the correct use of scientific names to be grown up about this,” says botanist
of animals, announced in the Zoological Jour- Sandra Knapp of the Natural History Mu-
nal of the Linnean Society (ZJLS) that it will seum (NHM) in London. She is also presi-
not consider changing animal names many dent of the nomenclature section of the 2024
researchers consider offensive. “If these International Botanical Congress in Madrid,
names are not stable, you can create a mas- and notes that the naming code for plants,
sive confusion,” explains ICZN Commissioner animals, and fungi allows voting by mem-
Luis Ceríaco, a biologist at the University of bers: At the meeting in July, botanists will
Porto. But on 23 August, a series of editori- vote on a proposal to allow existing culturally
als in the same journal pushed back, saying offensive names to be changed and to form a
the decision was made without feedback committee to do so.
from the community and wrongly prioritized As for animals, some scientific societ-
tradition over ethics. It’s a matter of “elimi- Researchers argue that Anophthalmus hitleri needs ies have already moved to change common
nating the commemoration of people who a new scientific name. names that give offense. In 2022, for in-

1040 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE
stance, the Entomological Society of America U.S. SCIENCE POLICY
adopted spongy moth for the invasive moth
Lymantria dispar, getting rid of gypsy moth.
But the ICZN commissioners argue scientific
names are a bigger challenge.
Researchers applaud HHS push
They estimated in the January statement
that about 20% of the more than 1.5 million
animal names are eponyms and about 10%
to ease cannabis restrictions
are toponyms, referring to a place. That sug- Proposed rescheduling would make it easier for scientists
gests that several hundred thousand scien-
tific names could be challenged on ethical
to acquire and study the drug
grounds. Adjudicating the challenges and
deciding on new names would be a nearly By Phie Jacobs McLean Hospital in Massachusetts. A 2022
impossible task, Ceríaco says. law increased access to cannabis for medi-

In a third editorial, Christopher Bae, a ederal health officials are urging the cal research (Science, 9 December 2022,
paleoanthropologist at the University of U.S. Drug Enforcement Administra- p. 1035), but scientists must still apply for
Hawaii at Ma anoa, and colleagues suggested tion (DEA) to loosen its restrictions a DEA license—a process that requires
creating a special ethics committee to re- on cannabis—a move that could make months of paperwork and must be repeated
vise names, thus spreading the workload. it easier for researchers to study the for each new study. Rescheduling would
But that’s beyond the commission’s scope, drug’s potential medical benefits and streamline the process. For example, a re-

Ceríaco says. “None of us were elected to harms. Following a review initiated by the search manual published by DEA indicates
be commissioners [because of our] exper- White House in 2022, the U.S. Department that scientists working with Schedule III
tise on ethics,” he says. “We are experts on of Human Health and Services (HHS) last substances aren’t required to submit their
nomenclature and taxonomy.” week recommended that DEA reclassify study protocols to the agency in advance.
Figueiredo, Raposo, and others argue cannabis from its Schedule I category, which Researchers also expect an easing of se-
that ICZN should invite outside views. includes drugs considered to have a high curity rules for storage and handling, which

“They should ask our opinion,” Raposo says, potential for abuse and no accepted thera- currently require them to use high-tech lock
and give priority to members of histori- peutic value, such as heroin and LSD, to the boxes and expensive security cameras.
cally oppressed groups. He and other crit- lower risk Schedule III. If implemented, the The proposed change could increase the
ics note that most ICZN commissioners are policy change could relax lengthy licensing supply of cannabis for research. Currently,

white and based in the Global North. None and handling procedures that scientists say DEA only permits a few universities and com-
is from Africa, where about 1500 vertebrate have hampered research. panies to produce the plant. Obtaining a per-
species have eponyms, many reflecting the “This is a really unprecedented situation,” mit means investing in a complicated security
continent’s history of imperialism. says biopsychologist Ziva Cooper, director system and hiring trained guards, says George
Keeping names with racist slurs denies of the Center for Cannabis and Cannabi- Hodgin, CEO of the Biopharmaceutical Re-
dignity to marginalized communities, agrees noids at the University of California (UC), search Company, which provides cannabis
paleontologist Anjali Goswami of NHM. She Los Angeles. Nearly half of U.S. states have to researchers. Rescheduling wouldn’t pro-
is also the president of the Linnean Society, legalized recreational cannabis, and medici- duce “an overnight sea change,” he says, but
which publishes ZJLS. “There are ways that nal use is permitted in many more. Now, af- it could loosen the requirements enough to
we can at least start to make some progress ter decades of resisting calls from scientists bring in more suppliers.

y g
on the worst offensive [names] and then and activists to reschedule the drug, DEA The DEA manual also notes that research-
move towards a better practice.” faces new pressure to do so. ers working with substances in Schedules II
For example, for plants, Figueiredo and The HHS recommendation, sent to DEA through V can apply to produce small quan-
Gideon Smith, also at Nelson Mandela Uni- in a letter first reported by Bloomberg tities of product rather than purchasing it
versity, say some offensive names could be News, would place cannabis in the same from an approved facility.

eliminated in a single stroke, by removing the category as ketamine and anabolic steroids, Whether DEA will approve HHS’s recom-
“c” in about 300 botanical names from Africa which are used in health care settings and mendation isn’t clear. But it often defers
with the roots caf[e]r- and caff[e]r-. The one- can be obtained with a prescription. (A DEA to HHS on scientific and medical matters,
letter change would transform an allusion spokesperson told Bloomberg the agency notes attorney Larry Houck, who spent
to a now illegal, Apartheid-era slur used to had received the letter and will now initiate 15 years as a DEA diversion investigator.
discriminate against Black people in South its own review process.) In the meantime, researchers have a
Africa to afer-, implying a species origin in Cannabis has shown promise in reliev- slew of questions about cannabis to ad-
Africa. The change would cause little distur- ing chronic pain and is being explored dress. “We’re still a long way from having
bance to the nomenclature, the researchers as a possible treatment for cancer, post- enough empirically sound data” to sup-
say. “The ICZN needs to be receptive to pro- traumatic stress disorder, and other condi- port its therapeutic benefits, Gruber says.
posals for change,” Figueiredo says. tions. “From a medical perspective, it fits Its growing availability has made research
ICZN acknowledges the troubled past of better” in Schedule III, says psychiatrist more urgent. According to the U.S. Centers
some names, and will take note of the con- Igor Grant, director of the Center for Me- for Disease Control and Prevention, one in
cerns now published, Ceríaco says. “It’s good dicinal Cannabis Research at UC San Diego. five Americans used the drug in 2019, and
for us to now read and absorb what the com- Scientists who study cannabis have long new cannabis products, some with a high
munity is discussing.” As for A. hitleri, given chafed under DEA policies. The Schedule I tetrahydrocannabinol content, are flooding
that the beetle’s current name threatens its classification “makes everything more chal- the market. “We have a responsibility to try
survival, Ceríaco says, ICZN might consider lenging,” says neuroscientist Staci Gruber, to understand the ways in which [people]
giving it a new one. j who runs trials involving cannabis at may use it more responsibly,” Gruber says. j

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1041
stance, the Entomological Society of America U.S. SCIENCE POLICY
adopted spongy moth for the invasive moth
Lymantria dispar, getting rid of gypsy moth.
But the ICZN commissioners argue scientific
names are a bigger challenge.
Researchers applaud HHS push
They estimated in the January statement
that about 20% of the more than 1.5 million
animal names are eponyms and about 10%
to ease cannabis restrictions
are toponyms, referring to a place. That sug- Proposed rescheduling would make it easier for scientists
gests that several hundred thousand scien-
tific names could be challenged on ethical
to acquire and study the drug
grounds. Adjudicating the challenges and
deciding on new names would be a nearly By Phie Jacobs McLean Hospital in Massachusetts. A 2022
impossible task, Ceríaco says. law increased access to cannabis for medi-

In a third editorial, Christopher Bae, a ederal health officials are urging the cal research (Science, 9 December 2022,
paleoanthropologist at the University of U.S. Drug Enforcement Administra- p. 1035), but scientists must still apply for
Hawaii at Ma anoa, and colleagues suggested tion (DEA) to loosen its restrictions a DEA license—a process that requires
creating a special ethics committee to re- on cannabis—a move that could make months of paperwork and must be repeated
vise names, thus spreading the workload. it easier for researchers to study the for each new study. Rescheduling would
But that’s beyond the commission’s scope, drug’s potential medical benefits and streamline the process. For example, a re-

Ceríaco says. “None of us were elected to harms. Following a review initiated by the search manual published by DEA indicates
be commissioners [because of our] exper- White House in 2022, the U.S. Department that scientists working with Schedule III
tise on ethics,” he says. “We are experts on of Human Health and Services (HHS) last substances aren’t required to submit their
nomenclature and taxonomy.” week recommended that DEA reclassify study protocols to the agency in advance.
Figueiredo, Raposo, and others argue cannabis from its Schedule I category, which Researchers also expect an easing of se-
that ICZN should invite outside views. includes drugs considered to have a high curity rules for storage and handling, which

“They should ask our opinion,” Raposo says, potential for abuse and no accepted thera- currently require them to use high-tech lock
and give priority to members of histori- peutic value, such as heroin and LSD, to the boxes and expensive security cameras.
cally oppressed groups. He and other crit- lower risk Schedule III. If implemented, the The proposed change could increase the
ics note that most ICZN commissioners are policy change could relax lengthy licensing supply of cannabis for research. Currently,

white and based in the Global North. None and handling procedures that scientists say DEA only permits a few universities and com-
is from Africa, where about 1500 vertebrate have hampered research. panies to produce the plant. Obtaining a per-
species have eponyms, many reflecting the “This is a really unprecedented situation,” mit means investing in a complicated security
continent’s history of imperialism. says biopsychologist Ziva Cooper, director system and hiring trained guards, says George
Keeping names with racist slurs denies of the Center for Cannabis and Cannabi- Hodgin, CEO of the Biopharmaceutical Re-
dignity to marginalized communities, agrees noids at the University of California (UC), search Company, which provides cannabis
paleontologist Anjali Goswami of NHM. She Los Angeles. Nearly half of U.S. states have to researchers. Rescheduling wouldn’t pro-
is also the president of the Linnean Society, legalized recreational cannabis, and medici- duce “an overnight sea change,” he says, but
which publishes ZJLS. “There are ways that nal use is permitted in many more. Now, af- it could loosen the requirements enough to
we can at least start to make some progress ter decades of resisting calls from scientists bring in more suppliers.

y g
on the worst offensive [names] and then and activists to reschedule the drug, DEA The DEA manual also notes that research-
move towards a better practice.” faces new pressure to do so. ers working with substances in Schedules II
For example, for plants, Figueiredo and The HHS recommendation, sent to DEA through V can apply to produce small quan-
Gideon Smith, also at Nelson Mandela Uni- in a letter first reported by Bloomberg tities of product rather than purchasing it
versity, say some offensive names could be News, would place cannabis in the same from an approved facility.

eliminated in a single stroke, by removing the category as ketamine and anabolic steroids, Whether DEA will approve HHS’s recom-
“c” in about 300 botanical names from Africa which are used in health care settings and mendation isn’t clear. But it often defers
with the roots caf[e]r- and caff[e]r-. The one- can be obtained with a prescription. (A DEA to HHS on scientific and medical matters,
letter change would transform an allusion spokesperson told Bloomberg the agency notes attorney Larry Houck, who spent
to a now illegal, Apartheid-era slur used to had received the letter and will now initiate 15 years as a DEA diversion investigator.
discriminate against Black people in South its own review process.) In the meantime, researchers have a
Africa to afer-, implying a species origin in Cannabis has shown promise in reliev- slew of questions about cannabis to ad-
Africa. The change would cause little distur- ing chronic pain and is being explored dress. “We’re still a long way from having
bance to the nomenclature, the researchers as a possible treatment for cancer, post- enough empirically sound data” to sup-
say. “The ICZN needs to be receptive to pro- traumatic stress disorder, and other condi- port its therapeutic benefits, Gruber says.
posals for change,” Figueiredo says. tions. “From a medical perspective, it fits Its growing availability has made research
ICZN acknowledges the troubled past of better” in Schedule III, says psychiatrist more urgent. According to the U.S. Centers
some names, and will take note of the con- Igor Grant, director of the Center for Me- for Disease Control and Prevention, one in
cerns now published, Ceríaco says. “It’s good dicinal Cannabis Research at UC San Diego. five Americans used the drug in 2019, and
for us to now read and absorb what the com- Scientists who study cannabis have long new cannabis products, some with a high
munity is discussing.” As for A. hitleri, given chafed under DEA policies. The Schedule I tetrahydrocannabinol content, are flooding
that the beetle’s current name threatens its classification “makes everything more chal- the market. “We have a responsibility to try
survival, Ceríaco says, ICZN might consider lenging,” says neuroscientist Staci Gruber, to understand the ways in which [people]
giving it a new one. j who runs trials involving cannabis at may use it more responsibly,” Gruber says. j

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1041


Computer models that forecast overloaded power lines are
holding back U.S. solar and wind energy projects

y g

ne morning earlier this year, all By Dan Charles, a steady stream of electricity on wind and

seemed calm in the dimly lit, in Little Rock, Arkansas solar power sources, which are subject to
bunkerlike control room of the the whims of weather and deliver power in-
Southwest Power Pool (SPP) The projects are essential to meeting the U.S. termittently. That remains a concern, but it
here, which manages an elec- goal of eliminating all planet-warming carbon doesn’t prevent new projects from coming
tricity grid that stretches across emissions from the nation’s electricity supply online. Interconnection studies are focused
the high plains from North Da- by 2035, analysts say. Together, they could gen- on a different question: Will the projects
kota to New Mexico. Wall-size erate almost 2000 gigawatts of electricity— generate too much power, and in the wrong
displays showed electricity flow- exceeding the total capacity of the country’s places, testing the limits of what power lines
ing smoothly through SPP’s 100,000 kilo- existing power plants. can handle before they start to melt? To
meters of transmission lines, with 80% of Most of these projects, however, have been avoid such damaging congestion, grid opera-
the power coming from plants fueled by stuck in limbo for years, waiting in what tors require renewable power producers to
coal and natural gas. energy insiders call the “interconnection pay up front for expensive transmission up-
The control room’s tranquility, however, queue.” One contributor to the bottleneck: grades. But many can’t afford those improve-
belied an emerging, high-stakes battle to re- mathematical simulations that SPP and ments and must abandon their plans.
draw this map. SPP and other U.S. grid opera- other operators use to predict how electric- “Interconnection is becoming one of the
tors are facing an unprecedented tsunami of ity from those new power generators will af- leading barriers to bringing projects online,”
requests from energy firms to connect thou- fect the grid’s stability and reliability. says Joe Rand, a researcher at Lawrence
sands of proposed wind, solar, and power These simulations do not address the Berkeley National Laboratory who tracks
storage projects to their transmission lines. much-debated complications of relying for projects in the interconnection queue.

1042 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE

toll gate on the road toward clean energy. and solar plants generating maximum power,
To fix that toll gate, some want to see the the system couldn’t safely handle it all.
adoption of more realistic model assump- And the model hadn’t even gotten to an-
tions and more flexible rules. And when other essential part of the study, which in-
new power lines really are needed, they volved simulating what would happen if
say, the burden should not fall entirely on a routine problem—such as the failure of a
the new green power projects. single power line—occurred.
To relieve the congestion, SPP’s engineers
THE INTERCONNECTION roadblock is per- had to add hefty new power lines to the sim-
sonal for farm families who live amid the ulation. Their most notable addition: what’s
windswept fields and grasslands of eastern known as a double-circuit 765kV line run-
New Mexico. “We have the best wind in the ning more than 200 kilometers southeast
country, you know,” from Lubbock, Texas.
says Eva Woods, a Only a handful of power
resident of Broadview, lines this big exist in the
New Mexico. United States, none of
A decade ago, Apex them west of the Mis-
Clean Energy, a Virginia- sissippi. “A 765kV line
based firm, drew is like a 10-lane high-
up plans to harvest way through Los Ange-

that power. Local les, right?” says David
farmers were ready Kelley, SPP’s vice presi-
to lease their land dent of engineering.
as sites for up to In the model, add-
135 wind turbines that ing those power pipes
together could generate relieved congestion and

300 megawatts of allowed all 60 wind and
electricity—enough to solar projects to con-
power 100,000 homes. nect to the grid. But
Regular income from there were practical

such leases “helps our hitches: Building that
farmers and ranchers Renewable energy projects often face long new 765kV line, for
so much,” says Woods, waits to connect to transmission lines. instance, would cost
a well-connected figure well over $1 billion,
who’s been publicly supporting the project. SPP estimated. And it assigned that cost to
In early 2017, Apex applied for permission 14 proposed wind and solar farms, including
to connect this potential project, called Grady Apex’s Grady Martin. Proposed projects were
Martin Wind, to a power line just outside also expected to pay for more routine fixes.
Staffers monitor 100,000
the town of Clovis. The request went to SPP, In total, the projects were on the hook for
kilometers of power lines at
which manages the region’s grid. $4.6 billion in transmission upgrades. Grady
a control room operated

y g
Grady Martin was just one of dozens of Martin’s share was $272 million.
by the Southwest Power Pool.
wind and solar projects that asked SPP for Faced with such costs, Apex withdrew
interconnection around the same time. Like its application. So did half of the 60-odd
many grid operators, SPP struggled to keep projects in the study group. The dropouts
Some researchers and renewable power up with the surge of applications, and it included 13 of the 14 projects that were sup-

advocates argue that the interconnection took years to launch the needed study. But posed to pay for the 765kV line. When those

logjam is, in part, a product of flawed in 2021, SPP’s engineers were able to fire projects evaporated, so did the need for the
simulations based on assumptions that are up what’s called a power flow model, which electricity superhighway. “That 765kV line is
too conservative and sometimes unreason- calculates the flow of electricity through ev- not getting built,” Kelley says. Nor is Grady
able. “These assumptions are so important, ery power line and transformer on the grid. Martin, at least for now—and farm families
because they ultimately dictate” what it They ran a simulation in which 60 wind are getting no checks.
costs to build new generation, says Aaron and solar farms—including Grady Martin—
Vander Vorst, head of growth strategy and replaced an equivalent amount of power THE ELECTRIC utilities and independent grid
transmission at Enel North America, a ma- from existing power plants elsewhere. This managers that run interconnection simu-
jor developer of wind and solar projects. amounted to a major rerouting of electric- lations say they are simply following rules
Yet they give rise to show-stopping sce- ity; the proposed projects represented about set by the Federal Energy Regulatory Com-
narios of overloaded lines that don’t reflect 10,000 megawatts of generation, equivalent mission (FERC), and their sole goal is to
reality, he and others say. to about 20% of the peak demand for power ensure a reliable supply of electricity.
Grid managers like SPP insist that in SPP’s region on a hot summer day. FERC is now working on a revision of its
interconnection simulations are essen- The model choked on the glut of new re- rules. Renewable energy advocates, mean-
tial to making sure new renewable power newable energy. Its equations could not find while, argue that some of the assumptions
sources don’t overwhelm the grid. Yet, a solution to meeting the region’s power de- built into the simulations favor the busi-
Vander Vorst and others argue that they mands with this new fleet of generators, us- ness interests of old-style power compa-
have become a kind of malfunctioning ing existing power lines. With all the wind nies, for whom the existing grid is working

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1043

just fine. Those companies favor rules that Queued up

protect their existing power plants from A rapidly increasing number of solar, wind, and energy storage projects are waiting to connect to the U.S.
new competition, or shift the cost of valu- electricity grid (top). The generating capacity of these proposed projects exceeds that of the country’s existing
able new transmission infrastructure to power plants. Many of the projects would be built in rural areas of the West and Midwest (bottom).
the new generators.
“There’s definitely a political aspect, and Electricity storage Solar Wind Existing generating capacity

Generating capacity in queues (gigawatts)

a self-interest aspect, to all of this,” Vander
Vorst asserts.
Companies trying to build renewable
power have won some victories. In 2021, 1500
they convinced SPP to drop an assumption
that all wind and solar farms were simul- 1076
taneously generating maximum power. 1000
Apart from being highly unlikely, this as-
sumption produced simulations with so 500
much transmission congestion that no
new wind or solar proposals could even be
considered in some areas. Now, SPP’s sim- 0
ulations assume that previously approved 2014 2018 2022
wind and solar plants generate anywhere

from zero to 75% of their capacity, depend-
ing on the exact scenario. The change came West
too late for Grady Martin, but the forecasts (Non-ISO) ISO-NE
now have fewer overloaded power lines, NYISO
and wind and solar projects are saddled
with fewer upgrade costs.

Critics of the models, however, want re-
visions to go even further. Vander Vorst,
for example, says interconnection studies SPP
should consider other ways to avoid over- PJM

loaded power lines, apart from building
new ones.
In real life, grid managers do this rou-
tinely, easing congestion on power lines Generating capacity waiting in Southeast (Non-ISO)
by ordering some power plants to throttle queues (megawatts, 2022)
down, while increasing power generation ERCOT
elsewhere on the grid to compensate. If new
wind or solar farms create such problems
frequently, Vander Vorst says, it’s a sign that 32,109 578,937
new transmission lines really are needed. ISO is independent system operators, CAISO is California ISO, ERCOT is Electric Reliability Council of Texas, SPP is Southwest
Power Pool, MISO is Midcontinent ISO, NYISO is New York ISO, ISO-NE is ISO New England, and PJM is Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland.

y g
But if it only happens rarely, the grid’s gate- No federally reported data on existing generating capacity were available for 2022.
keepers could allow new projects to inter-
connect and just manage those problems if
they occur.
Texas already uses a version of this sys-

tem. Solar and wind projects there face
relatively few obstacles to interconnection.
They do, however, face more financial risks
once connected. If many projects connect
to the grid in the same area, they can end
up competing with each other for limited
space on the transmission system, limiting
the amount of power they can sell.
SPP isn’t enamored of the Texas-style ap-
proach, Kelley says. His job, he says, is to
make sure power plants can deliver their
power to the grid with as few constraints as
possible. “The last thing we want to do is to
give the real-time operators a grid that they
can’t manage,” he says.
Some renewable energy companies ar-
gue for another change: letting simula-
tions incorporate new “grid-enhancing” The U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado has been studying ways to safely connect
technologies that allow the existing grid renewable electricity sources to regional transmission grids.

1044 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE
to carry more power than is currently as- a broader vulnerability, rooted in the fact continent Independent System Operator
sumed possible. that wind and solar generators behave dif- are now carrying out such studies, but they
One technology is called dynamic line rat- ferently from traditional coal or gas plants. are running into complications. The mod-
ing. It automatically adjusts the amount of Those old-style plants, with their massive els require a lot of computing power, and
current that power lines are allowed to carry rotating turbines, have an inherent physi- people who know how to run them are in
based on local weather. On a cool, windy cal ability to ride through disturbances. short supply. Perhaps more important, the
day, a transmission line often can handle Wind turbines and solar panels, by con- models only deliver accurate results if they
substantially more power without overheat- trast, rely entirely on automated, software- are using accurate information about the
ing than it can on a hot, calm day. Related driven electronic systems to control their equipment that will be installed, and its
technologies are able to redirect the flow of power output. “They do what they’re told control settings. That information is often
electricity away from congested lines toward to do, and sometimes it’s not the right unavailable, because when interconnection
others that have excess capacity. thing,” says Ian Hiskens, a power systems studies begin, solar or wind developers
FERC has proposed rules that en- researcher at the University of Michigan. don’t know what equipment they’ll install
courage grid operators to consider grid- In particular, these control systems are years down the road.
enhancing technologies when studying programmed to be “grid-following,” meaning “If you’re going to do an EMT study in
interconnection requests. But many in the they track the 60-hertz cycles of voltage on phase one [of interconnection], then you’re
power industry are skeptical. the grid and deliver power that matches it high on crack,” says Rhonda Peters, a con-
“Some of these things are really unproven, precisely. But that can also leave them hyper- sultant who’s worked for many wind and
uncommercial kinds of technologies,” Kelley sensitive to intermittent disruptions in that solar developers. She says such studies
says. “We can’t just put something theoreti- signal, Hiskens says. Such disruptions can be make more sense if conducted closer to ac-

cal in the model and say: ‘Oh, that makes the caused by events as subtle as surges in power tual construction.
issue go away.’” from a nearby wind farm as the wind picks
Dynamic line ratings, for instance, can be up. “You can end up with interaction be- FERC IS CURRENTLY working on new regu-
a kind of Band-Aid that helps control room tween two adjacent wind or solar farms, an lations that could help ease the intercon-
operators resolve temporary congestion action-reaction kind of thing,” Hiskens says. nection logjam. One set of proposed rules,
problems, Kelley says. But it’s no replace- released on 27 July, would impose fines on

ment for new power lines. “You just typically grid managers who take too long to consider
need bigger pipes in order to move more en- “You just typically need interconnection requests. It also attempts
ergy,” he says.
bigger pipes in order to move to discourage renewable energy companies
from clogging the queue with speculative
more energy.”

EVEN AS EXPERTS debate model tweaks that projects that aren’t likely to succeed.
might ease clean energy connections, oth- In the short term, however, the
ers are calling for more attention to the David Kelley, Southwest Power Pool interconnection problem is likely to worsen.
risk that wind and solar generators may re- The Inflation Reduction Act, a 2022 law
act to electrical disturbances in unexpected These problems are more likely to pop that includes hefty financial incentives for
ways. Those anomalies, they say, could pose up in parts of the grid that are far from wind and solar projects, is now fueling a
a greater threat to the grid than congestion. old-style generators, which help maintain new surge in applications. “There’s so much
Researchers point to a near-disaster that steady voltage and frequency—like conduc- activity in this industry, people are going
occurred in Texas on 4 June 2022. It started tors of an orchestra keeping everyone on bezonkers,” Peters says.
with an equipment failure at a gas-burning tempo. At a distance, that tempo signal may Over the long term, studies suggest

y g
power plant in Odessa, which caused the be indistinct and hard to follow—a situation the most cost-efficient way out of the
550-megawatt plant to “trip,” or go offline. that’s sometimes called a “weak grid.” interconnection maze is for electric utilities
The shutdown perturbed the voltage of In Australia, for example, Hiskens says to figure out in advance where new power
electricity flowing across western Texas. authorities have noticed intermittent volt- lines are most needed—and then build them.
That should not have caused serious prob- age oscillations in a part of the grid with Utilities, however, are typically reluctant to

lems. Almost instantly, however, a dozen lots of wind and solar farms. It hasn’t impose the rate increases needed to pay for
big solar farms in west Texas, which were been a major problem, he says, “but if you new infrastructure. “The main barrier is
generating 1700 megawatts at that moment, don’t understand the oscillations, then you still, who pays? And because they cannot
also tripped offline. The interruption briefly should be pretty wary. Because oscillations solve it, that’s where it all stops,” says Julia
threatened to take down parts of the grid. tend to be precursors to instability.” Matevosyan, chief engineer for the non-
An investigation by the North American In the future, as wind and solar genera- profit Energy Systems Integration Group. A
Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), an tors come to dominate the grid, some will rule FERC is now developing could help by
industry group, pointed a finger at the solar likely be outfitted with “grid-forming” in- shifting the burden of paying for new power
plants’ inverters—core equipment that con- verters that enable them to take over the lines, so new renewable energy projects
verts the direct current from these generators tempo-setting role from older turbines. won’t have to shoulder the bulk of the cost.
into alternating current that matches what’s But that transition is still years away. For the moment, the interconnection
already flowing on the grid. The inverters’ In the meantime, NERC would like to simulations, for all their flaws, are actually
programmable controls had been set in such see the grid’s gatekeepers add a new kind revealing a fundamental truth. The U.S.’s
a way that they didn’t “ride through” the dis- of model to their interconnection studies. energy transition will demand a far more
turbance, as they are supposed to do. These “electromechanical transient,” or ambitious expansion of electricity infra-
The fix, which is still being imple- EMT, models can simulate the behavior of structure than anyone, so far, has been will-
mented, involves reprogramming some inverter control systems in exquisite detail, ing to embrace. j
of those software controls. Yet NERC and showing how they react to disturbances.
others say the Texas incident illustrates Grid operators such as SPP and the Mid- Dan Charles is a journalist in Washington, D.C.

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1045

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Anatomy of a volcanic eruption undersea ,

Submarine flows from the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai eruption decimated seafloor cables

By Rebecca Williams1 and Pete Rowley2 of Earth’s volcanoes are underwater, and and destroyed a vast network of seafloor
20% of all fatalities caused by volcanic telecommunication cables. Given that 95%

n December 2021, an undersea vol- eruptions since 1600 CE have been associ- of global communications are carried by
cano in the southern Pacific Ocean, the ated with underwater volcanism (3). Yet, seafloor cables, the findings highlight sys-
Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai (hereaf- explosive underwater eruptions are poorly tem vulnerabilities to underwater volca-
ter called the Hunga volcano) began understood. On page 1085 of this issue, nism (5).
erupting. In January 2022 the eruption Clare et al. (4) report that volcanic debris Clare et al. show that the particulate de-
reached a powerful climax, triggering from the Hunga eruption traveled under bris ejected from the Hunga volcano (the
atmospheric waves that traveled around the sea at an unprecedented distance and eruption column) collapsed vertically and
the globe and a tsunami that swept across at record-breaking speed—more than 100 directly into the ocean. This debris, con-
the Pacific Ocean (1, 2). An estimated 75% km, at velocities reaching 122 km/hour— sisting of rock and ash, then traveled as

1046 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE
surveys, eruption observations, and rock scours on the seafloor surrounding sub-
core sampling to document the column marine volcanoes across the world, for
collapse and resulting volcaniclastic sub- example, at Macauley and Raoul Islands
marine density currents. They calculated in the southwest Pacific (9, 10). Little is
the velocity of the currents, determined known about the eruptions that formed
the likely flow paths, and mapped where these scours, which likely occurred thou-
the currents eroded the seabed and depos- sands of years ago. Conceptual modeling
ited large volumes of volcanic debris on the proposed that the scours formed during
seafloor. highly explosive eruptions, but this has
Pyroclastic density currents typically not been tested. The seafloor erosion and
form from eruption column collapse, which scours reported by Clare et al. are com-
drives rapidly moving mixtures of volcanic parable in size to those observed around
ash and gas down the volcano’s slopes. Clare other submarine volcanoes, which sug-
et al. made the unexpected observation that gests that these morphological features of
Hunga’s volcaniclastic submarine density the seafloor are the result of powerful vol-
currents transitioned between two types canic flows from submarine or near-shore
of flow behaviors, or rheologies. The mor- volcanic eruptions. Thus, events with the
phology of the deposit from the currents magnitude of the Hunga eruption may not
and the occurrence of deposition on high- be uncommon. This highlights that large
angle slopes of the volcano suggest that the submarine volcanic eruptions are an un-

currents must have initially been dense, derappreciated global risk. Effort must be
granular, particle-laden, and carried by invested in quantifying the dangers asso-
gas, similar to pyroclastic density currents ciated with these eruptions and exploring
on land. Characteristics of the deposits the engineering requirements for remedi-
suggest that the currents then transitioned ating them.
to water-carried, particle-laden submarine The findings presented by Clare et.

density currents, so-called turbidity cur- al. contribute an important dataset that
rents. Understanding the internal dynam- should inform new models that can guide
ics of pyroclastic density currents is ham- the engineering and repair of submarine
pered by their destructiveness and opacity, infrastructure. The Hunga eruption also

which means not much can be revealed raises questions about the largely unex-
about them by long-distance observation. plored hazard of submerged calderas and
Much more is known about turbidity cur- the direct collapse of the eruption col-
rents through direct monitoring, owing umn into water. This will spark research
to new sensors and methods that provide for many years to come, using the Hunga
measurements of, for example, flow veloc- volcano as a natural laboratory to gener-
ity profiles (6). ate and test new hypotheses on explosive
Conceptual models of pyroclastic density volcanism. Some of the areas to explore in
currents have assumed that they are analo- the future include the seawater’s role in
gous to turbidity currents with respect to driving or suppressing explosive eruptions
A collapsing column of ejected ash and

y g
fluid mechanics. Moreover, theoretical and the effect of volcaniclastic submarine
gas from the Hunga volcano caused
work has suggested that pyroclastic den- density currents on marine ecology. Some
damaging submarine currents in 2022.
sity currents can propagate for substantial planetary scientists are even drawing anal-
distances underwater without mixing with ogies between the Hunga eruption and vol-
water (7). However, until now, evidence for canoes on Mars (11). Ultimately, the Hunga

volcaniclastic submarine density currents this in the deep sea has been lacking (8). volcano will be a vital case study for better
on the submerged slopes of the volcano. The switch from pyroclastic to turbidity understanding the risk that undersea and
These were the fastest submarine density current rheology, as observed by Clare et shallow-water volcanoes pose to the sub-
currents to have been recorded. The cur- al., indicates nuanced differences between marine environment and critical seafloor
rents then traveled along the seafloor, de- having gas or water as the carrier fluid. infrastructure. j
stroying almost 200 km of cable that lay This transition makes the Hunga eruption
more than 15 km away from the volcano. an ideal case study to further explore how
1. C. J. Wright et al., Nature 609, 741 (2022).
Additionally, one of the cables was moved analogous turbidity currents are to pyro- 2. S. J. Purkis et al., Sci. Adv. 9, eadf5493 (2023).
over 5 km by the currents. Bathymetric clastic density currents. If the differences 3. L. G. Mastin, J. B. Witter, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 97,
surveys, which map the shape and depth prove substantial, then some of the under- 195 (2000).
4. M. A. Clare et al., Science 381, 1085 (2023).
of underwater terrain, revealed 2-km-wide lying assumptions of various frameworks 5. M. A. Clare et al., Earth Sci. Rev. 237, 104296 (2023).
scours of the seabed where the currents used to model and understand pyroclastic 6. P. J. Talling et al., Nat. Rev. Earth Environ. (2023).
eroded close to 100-m thickness of sea density currents are up for challenge. This 7. R. S. J. Sparks, H. Sigurdsson, S. N. Carey, J. Volcanol.
Geotherm. Res. 7, 97 (1980).
floor. The authors used the timing and ex- has implications for how volcanologists in- 8. A. Freundt, J. C. Schindlbeck-Belo, S. Kutterolf, J. L.
tent of cable breaks, repeated bathymetric terpret the volcanic rock record, conduct Hopkins, Spec. Publ. Geol. Soc. Lond. 520, 595 (2023).
hazard assessments at volcanoes, and use 9. E. L. Pope et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 493, 12 (2018).
10. D. Casalbore et al., Sedimentology 68, 1400 (2021).
numerical models to calculate potential 11. E. B. Hite et al., J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 401, 106902
School of Environmental Sciences, University of Hull, Hull,
UK. 2School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, flow paths for future eruptions. (2020).
UK. Email: Recent studies have documented giant 10.1126/science.adk0181

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1047


Tracking kidney transplant fitness

An implantable bioelectronic device detects the early signs of kidney transplant rejection in rats

By Mohamad Zaidan1,2 and Fadi G. Lakkis2 highlighting the lack of reliability of these wall adjacent to the graft and the probe was
markers to guide treatment decisions (5, 6). mounted on the surface of the kidney under

idney transplantation (allograft) is Alternative blood or urine biomarkers, in- the kidney capsule. The device had no obvi-
a life-saving treatment for patients cluding cell-free DNA (7), chemokine levels ous effect on activity, food and water intake,
with end-stage kidney disease. Despite (8), and “omics” technologies, such as tran- or sleep-wake cycles. In the native kidney
considerable progress over the past scriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics and in isografts (transplants from genetically
decades, improving long-term kidney (9, 10), have been developed to address these identical rats), the physiological pattern of
allograft survival remains a major issues (11). However, these biomarkers still Tkidney was characterized by a periodic (1-day)
challenge with 10-year survival rates in the have drawbacks with specificity (positive circadian rhythm after an initial irregular
US of ~55% for deceased donor transplants predictive value), variability among trans- period corresponding to postoperative recov-
(1). Rejection, arising from the recipient’s plant facilities, and the ability to discrimi- ery (0 to 2 days). Notably, whereas increased
immune response to the allograft, accounted nate between rejection types. Moreover, they activity of the animal induced transient (<1

for ~30% of graft loss (2, 3). Therefore, early only provide a snapshot of graft status, and hour) variations in Tkidney, changes in ambi-
detection and management of rejection are using them to repeatedly monitor the graft ent temperature did not. kkidney increased
crucial to prevent irreversible kidney tis- over time may not be cost-effective (12). initially after single kidney transplantation,
sue damage and enhance patient outcomes. Crucially, none were designed to identify reaching twice the value of an animal with
On page 1105 of this issue, both of its native kidneys
Madhvapathy et al. (4) de- intact. This demonstrates

scribe a fully implantable, Kidney transplant monitoring that the biosensor success-
wireless, bioelectronic A wireless, bioelectronic device is implanted on transplanted kidneys in rats to continuously fully detected physiological
system to detect subclini- monitor kidney temperature (Tkidney) in real time. Increased Tkidney could be used as an early doubling of renal perfusion
cal acute rejection. Using biomarker of local kidney inflammation, which is potentially related to subclinical acute in an animal with a single

rat kidney transplantation rejection, before the rise in serum creatinine (sCr) levels. kidney.
models, the authors es- Madhvapathy et al.
tablished that monitoring Normal temperature variation of successful kidney isograft Calculated best Raw identified a distinctive
kidney temperature (Tkidney) fit curve data pattern of Tkidney that pro-
Tkidney (°C)

provides early warning of vided a consistent and

rejection with greater sen- early warning sign of sub-
sitivity than traditional 35 clinical acute rejection.
biomarkers. This approach 2 7 12 17 22 27 days post isograft Unlike isografts, allografts
could uncover medication in nonimmunosuppressed
noncompliance and guide Abnormal temperature variation of rejected kidney allograft recipients showed an ini-

y g
treatment to improve long- tial rise of Tkidney, but not
term graft outcomes. kkidney, followed by a de-
Tkidney (°C)

Kidney biopsy is the sCr crease. This pattern was
“gold standard” for the di- detected consistent across all reject-
agnosis of transplant rejec- Tacrolimus
Taacrolimus Temperature
ature ing kidney allografts and

35 administered
adm increase
increasse Subclinical acute rejection begins
tion. Nevertheless, patients preceded any change in
and clinicians are reluctant 2 7 12 17 22 days post allograft renal function by 3 days.
to repeat such an invasive In rats transiently treated
procedure throughout the transplanted or- nonadherence to immunosuppressive drugs, with tacrolimus, a commonly used immu-
gan’s lifetime, hindering the possibility of which occurs in up to one-third of patients, nosuppressant, the change in Tkidney pattern
regular monitoring of graft status. Routine is associated with increased risk of rejection, that is indicative of rejection occurred 2 to 3
biomarkers from blood and urine samples, and is responsible for 15 to 20% of graft loss weeks before any change in serum biomark-
such as serum creatinine, blood urea nitro- (3, 13, 14). ers (see the figure). Moreover, tacrolimus ad-
gen, and proteinuria, lack the sensitivity and Madhvapathy et al. constructed a bio- ministration was characterized by stabiliza-
specificity required for the diagnosis of re- electronic device that is capable of continu- tion of the Tkidney fluctuations that no longer
jection. Notably, subclinical rejection, which ous, real-time, and long-term monitoring of exhibited circadian rhythm, suggesting that
corresponds to kidney allograft rejection Tkidney and thermal conductivity (kkidney), as the biosensor may have the added benefit
with inflammatory lesions but stable renal surrogate markers for kidney inflammation of detecting whether immunosuppressive
function, occurs in up to 25% of patients, and perfusion, respectively. The device con- drugs are being taken.
sisted of a mechanically compliant biosensor The application of such an implantable
Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris, INSERM, (probe) connected through wires to an elec- device to humans would first require experi-
Université Paris-Saclay, Hôpital de Bicêtre, Le Kremlin- tronic module (receiver). Immediately after ments in larger animals to ensure safety and
Bicêtre, France. 2Starzl Transplantation Institute, University
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Email: mohamad. transplanting the rat kidney, the receiver adequate function. If successfully translated; was secured to the recipient’s abdominal to humans, the device would represent a

1048 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE
considerable improvement over traditional GENOMICS
biomarkers for patient and graft monitoring
by allowing timely therapeutic interventions
and the recognition of medication noncom-
pliance. Beyond rejection, the recording of
Chromosomal contacts
biophysical parameters, such as kkidney, may
also represent an opportunity to assess situ-
ations that affect graft blood flow, including
change with age
hypovolemia (reduced blood volume) and hy- The three-dimensional organization of the genome
potension (reduced systemic blood pressure),
which may also lead to acute kidney injury.
is remodeled throughout life
The findings of Madhvapathy et al. are
promising, but further evaluation is needed. By Schahram Akbarian1 and Hyejung Won2 similar dataset from mice. In terms of chro-
The specificity of the changes observed in mosomal conformation mapping, the size of

Tkidney and kkidney for rejection should also ell-specific transcriptomic and epi- these datasets is impressive. Tan et al. also
be compared with alternative inflamma- genomic programming during hu- performed standard single-nucleus transcrip-
tory conditions affecting the graft, such man brain development and differ- tome and chromatin accessibility profiling in
as pyelonephritis and BK virus–associated entiation are associated with dynamic the same cell type. The results of these analy-
nephropathy. Additionally, it will be im- changes in chromosomal conforma- ses showed that cell differentiation–related
portant to investigate whether continuous tions, which provide a structural foun- changes in transcription (such as up-regula-

monitoring is also suitable for identifying dation for a myriad of nuclear functions. tion of genes that encode synaptic proteins
borderline changes in the graft, which cor- These functions include the compartmental- and ion channels or transcription factors
respond to minimal inflammatory changes ization of the genome into intranuclear en- that are critical for neuronal signaling) are,
that may precede the occurrence of full- vironments that are either facilitative (open at least from a genome-wide perspective,
blown acute rejection or may be detri- compartments) or repressive of transcription, completed at a relatively early stage in the
mental to long-term graft survival (12, 15). as well as the activation or fine-tuning of gene life of these neurons. In humans, the entire

Moreover, the ability of such a device to dis- expression through promoter-enhancer loop- population of cerebellar granule cells showed
criminate acute from chronic components ing (1, 2). However, a fine-grained analysis a mature transcriptome from the second year
of graft injury should also be explored be- of the three-dimensional (3D) organization of postnatal life onward, which remained es-
cause the models used by the authors are of neuronal genomes at the single-cell level sentially unchanged thereafter.

more consistent with acute kidney rejection and across the life span has been missing, By contrast, Tan et al. found evidence for
leading to rapid graft loss. The potential particularly for the human brain. On page an ongoing, perhaps even lifelong, reorga-
combination of continuous monitoring with 1112 of this issue Tan et al. (3) report that the nization of the chromosomal contact map,
additional markers of kidney allograft in- chromosomes of some neuronal populations with successively increasing proportions of
jury would provide a more comprehensive show potentially lifelong progressive changes cerebellar granule cells displaying a fully ma-
assessment of the graft status, facilitating in conformation in mice and in humans. tured 3D genome as the brain continued to
clinical decisions. It will also be important The 3D plasticity of the genome is thought age. This process extended into the seventh
to consider the foreign-body response that to continue after the differentiation of neural decade of life in humans and 12 months in
may accompany the implantation of such a progenitors to postmitotic neurons. For ex- mice. Tan et al. identified three specific ele-
device. Similar to the response to pacemak- ample, mapping of chromosomal conforma- ments of the 3D genome that seemed to

y g
ers, vascular fibrosis and tissue encapsula- tion in neuron-enriched pools of brain nuclei undergo this progressive remodeling. One
tion may limit the long-term application in from postnatal and young-adult mouse brain element was compartmentalization into fa-
humans. Although several hurdles remain has shown a considerable capacity of the cilitative and repressive chromosomal envi-
to be overcome, the prospect of integrating 3D genome to adapt in response to environ- ronments. Specifically, the authors identified
continuous monitoring into clinical prac- mental enrichment (4) and during learning a lifelong, age-progressive increase in open

tice could represent a major step toward and memory (5, 6). In addition, estrus cycle– compartment scores (a metric for the degree
personalized organ transplant care. j driven chromosomal conformation dynamics by which a genomic locus is embedded into
have been observed in female mice (7). a facilitative chromatin environment) that
Tan et al. used a DNA-DNA proximity as- encompass 100 to 200 cerebellar granule cell
1. S. Hariharan, A. K. Israni, G. Danovitch, N. Engl. J. Med.
385, 729 (2021). say called Dip-C and single-nucleus whole- marker genes (see the figure). Paradoxically,
2. Z. M. El-Zoghby et al., Am. J. Transplant. 9, 527 (2009). genome amplification to study the dynamic these genes showed stable RNA expression
3. M. Mayrdorfer et al., J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 32, 1513 (2021). landscape of chromosomal contacts in hu- levels from early childhood onward.
4. S. R. Madhvapathy et al., Science 381, 1105 (2023).
5. A. Loupy et al., J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 26, 1721 (2015). man and mouse brain. Their primary focus 3D genome maturation in cerebellar gran-
6. R. B. Mehta et al., Kidney Int. 102, 1371 (2022). was cerebellar granule cells, which drive ex- ule cells was also defined by a steady rise in
7. L. Bu et al., Kidney Int. 101, 793 (2022). citatory (glutamatergic) signaling in the cere- the proportion of intrachromosomal con-
8. C. Tinel et al., Am. J. Transplant. 20, 3462 (2020).
9. J. J. Friedewald et al., Am. J. Transplant. 19, 98 (2019).
bellum and are the most numerous neuronal tacts that bypassed 10 to 100 Mb of sequence
10. W. Zhang et al., J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 30, 1481 (2019). subtype in the brain. The authors analyzed (ultra-long-range contacts), which increased
11. C. M. Puttarajappa, R. B. Mehta, M. S. Roberts, K. J. 5202 single nuclei from human cerebral and from 19% at the most immature stage to 33%
Smith, S. Hariharan, Am. J. Transplant. 21, 186 (2021).
12. M. Naesens, J. Friedewald, V. Mas, B. Kaplan, M. M.
cerebellar cortex from 24 donors ranging in at the most mature stage in humans. Tan et
Abecassis, Transplantation 104, 700 (2020). age from 5 weeks to 86 years and collected a al. also observed an increase in interchromo-
13. I. Gandolfini, A. Palmisano, E. Fiaccadori, P. Cravedi, U. somal contacts associated with maturation.
Maggiore, Clin. Kidney J. 15, 1253 (2022). 1
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, Therefore, increased compartmentalization
14. A. Cherukuri et al., Kidney Int. 96, 202 (2019). NY, USA. 2Department of Genetics, University of North
15. A. Cherukuri et al., Kidney Int. 103, 749 (2023). Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. Email: schahram.akbarian@ in humans and mice could result from many
10.1126/science.adj9517; long-range intra- and interchromosomal

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1049

contacts. Preliminary evidence from hu- cerebellar granule cells. IMMUNOLOGY

mans has indicated that this compartmen- Ultra-long-range interchromosomal con-
talization change also occurs in glia (8).
The functional implications of this finding
are not yet clear. However, Tan et al. specu-
tacts, such as those reported by Tan et
al. that include those linking portions of
mouse chromosomes 4 and 7, were previ-
late that the changes that they saw in the
3D genome could be somehow related to
the observation that cerebellar granule
ously reported for olfactory neuroepithe-
lium (9) and mature cortical neurons. In
the latter, these contacts were heavily reg-
cells are extremely densely packed in large
numbers in the cerebellar cortex, which re-
quires each cerebellar granule cell to mini-
ulated by repressive chromatin remodel-
ing complexes (which assemble at specific
genomic loci to silence transcription) that
to the rescue
mize energy expenditure and optimize use target active mouse retrotransposons (an- Macrophage aggregates
of space. cient retrovirus–derived DNA sequences) step in to capture
The extent of age-progressive 3D genome (10). It remains to be determined whether
remodeling in cerebellar granule cells re- this mechanism contributes to the 3D ge- blood-borne pathogens
ported by Tan et al. is remarkable: A total
of 539 1-Mb-wide sections of genome in hu-
nome dynamics observed in cerebellar
granule cells. Regardless, Tan et al. have
in the injured liver
man (473 in mouse) were involved, which uncovered a genomic phenotype—the life-
is equivalent to twice the length of the long progressive remodeling of the chro- By Pieter A. Louwe1,2,3 and Martin Guilliams1,2

ositioned at the interface between in-
testinal and systemic circulation, the
Changing chromosomal contacts
Although the transcriptome of human cerebellar granule cells is stable from around 2 years of age in humans, liver protects against blood-borne in-
the three-dimensional organization of the genome in these neurons continues to mature well into adulthood. fections (1, 2). To do this, the liver uses
Mature cerebellar granule cells have more ultra-long-range intra- and interchromosomal contacts, with many a dense network of sinusoids—narrow
gene loci shifting into chromatin compartments that are facilitative of transcription. blood vessels that allow the slow flow

of contaminated blood through the tissue.
Facilitative compartment Repressive compartment Example gene These vessels are populated by Kupffer cells—
Chromatin resident macrophages of the liver specializing
in the capture of pathogens from circula-

tion—that clean the blood before it reenters
systemic circulation (3). However, in chronic
liver disease and the associated fibrosis, this
barrier system is perturbed, posing a serious
Cerebellar risk of systemic dissemination of pathogens
granule cell (4). On page 1066 of this issue, Peiseler et al.
(5) report a striking feature of the fibrotic liver
Least mature Most mature
whereby macrophages outside the liver are
Birth 20 years old 40 years old 60 years old recruited to the organ and form superclusters
to clear blood-borne pathogens. In doing so,

y g
largest human chromosome (chromosome mosomal contact map—in a major neu- these superclusters retain the role of the liver
1). Furthermore, the increase in ultra-long- ronal cell type. Further research into the as a filter, even when diseased.
range chromosomal contacts during cer- underlying mechanisms could deliver new In the healthy liver, Kupffer cells are em-
ebellar granule cell maturation is particu- insights about the genomics of aging, in- bedded among stellate cells, hepatocytes,
larly noteworthy because this effect was cluding, for example, a better understand- and sinusoidal endothelial cells, collectively

highly specific for this neuronal subpopu- ing of retrotransposon silencing (10, 11) referred to as the Kupffer cell niche. Together,
lation. In the human and mouse brains and the recently described link between in- these niche cells imprint liver-specific func-
studied by Tan et al., the fraction of long- creased life span and reduced speed of RNA tionality on Kupffer cells (6), including the
range conformations among all intrachro- polymerase II–mediated transcription (12). j capacity to expand filipodia across sinusoids
mosomal contacts in other neuronal types, and engulf blood-borne pathogens through
including cortical neurons and cerebel- a process that involves a cell surface recep-
1. H. Won et al., Nature 538, 523 (2016).
lar Purkinje cells, was overall much lower 2. P. Rajarajan et al., Science 362, eaat4311 (2018). tor, such as complement immunoglobulin
(~10%) and increased by just 1% during 3. L. Tan et al., Science 381, 1112 (2023). receptor [(CRIg) also known as complement
maturation. The authors note that these 4. S. Espeso-Gil et al., Front. Mol. Neurosci. 14, 664912 receptor V-set and immunoglobulin domain–
differences among neuronal subtypes could containing protein 4 (VSIG4) (3)]. CRIg is ex-
5. J. Fernandez-Albert et al., Nat. Neurosci. 22, 1718 (2019).
be driven simply by differences in cell size, 6. A. Marco et al., Nat. Neurosci. 23, 1606 (2020). pressed on human and mouse Kupffer cells,
and thus nuclear size, with DNA-DNA prox- 7. D. Rocks et al., Nat. Commun. 13, 3438 (2022). suggesting that CRIg-mediated capture of
imity assays capturing longer-range con- 8. M. G. Heffel et al., bioRxiv 10.1101/2022.10.07.511350
(2022). 1
Laboratory of Myeloid Cell Biology in Tissue Homeostasis
tacts more frequently in cerebellar granule 9. L. Tan, D. Xing, N. Daley, X. S. Xie, Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. and Regeneration, VIB Center for Inflammation Research,
cell nuclei, which are among the smallest 26, 297 (2019). Ghent, Belgium. 2Department of Biomedical Molecular
nuclei. However, this would still not ex- 10. S. Chandrasekaran et al., Nat. Commun. 12, 7243 (2021). Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent,
plain the age-progressive increase in ultra- 11. V. Gorbunova et al., Nature 596, 43 (2021). Belgium. 3Laboratory of Myeloid Cell Biology in Tissue
12. C. Debès et al., Nature 616, 814 (2023). Damage and Inflammation, VIB Center for Inflammation
long-range intra- and interchromosomal Research, Ghent, Belgium. Email:;
contacts that was observed specifically in 10.1126/science.adk0961

1050 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE
bacteria is an evolutionarily conserved func- Adaptation of the fibrotic liver gen-capture functionality onto syncytial mac-
tion of these cells (7). In the steady state, the In the healthy liver (top), Kupffer cells are imprinted rophages. However, a reverse mechanism,
Kupffer cell compartment maintains itself, by stellate cells, endothelial cells, and hepatocytes to whereby the migration of stellate cells pre-
independent of circulating monocytes (8), capture blood-borne pathogens using complement cedes syncytia formation, could also explain
but upon loss of Kupffer cells, such as during immunoglobulin receptor (CRIg). In the fibrotic the findings. If so, stellate cell migration dur-
chronic liver injury, recruited monocytes re- liver, imprinting fails, resulting in ex-Kupffer cells ing early disease could drive the loss of func-
populate the Kupffer cell pool (6, 9). Because (ex-KCs) and monocyte-derived Kupffer cells tionality in the sinusoid-adjacent Kupffer
tissue specialization of monocytes into resi- (moKCs) that lack CRIg and consequently fail to cells. Regardless, these findings raise the
dent macrophages takes months and, once engulf pathogens (middle). The liver adapts (bottom) question of whether the liver niche responds
complete, seems resistant to change (10), by forming clusters or synctia of CRIg-expressing in a coordinated fashion to injury or if, upon
imprinting of the tissue macrophage identity macrophages, thereby retaining filtering capacity. injury, various niche cells respond and mi-
was thought to be irreversible. These macrophages attach to each other with grate in a disjointed manner, thus breaking
Peiseler et al. report that in the fibrotic platelet glycoprotein 4 (CD36) and attach to venule the steady-state niche and potentially estab-
mouse liver, resident Kupffer cells dedif- or collateral endothelial cells with CD44. lishing a new inflammatory niche.
ferentiated and lost many of their steady- Healthy liver Peiseler et al. also identified two adhe-
state attributes, including the expression of sion molecules present on syncytial mac-
CRIg. Thus, they effectively lost their liver- rophages—CD44 and platelet glycoprotein
specific identity and specialized pathogen- Kupffer cell Stellate cell 4 (CD36)—as key players in the formation
capture capacity. Given the essential role of superclusters. Hyalyronan, the ligand for
of the niche cells, including stellate cells, in CD44, was highly expressed on the fibrotic

the imprinting of Kupffer cell identity, the liver venule and collateral wall, thus allowing
authors propose that loss of contact area be- CRIg Pathogen adhesion of CD44-expressing monocytes that
tween Kupffer cells and stellate cells in the Contaminated blood Clean blood differentiate into presyncytia macrophages.
fibrotic liver underpins this loss of identity. CD36 was dispensable for this early adhesion
Peiseler et al. show that Kupffer cells lost ex- Fibrotic liver but was required for monocytes and subse-
pression of the Kupffer cell identity master quently macrophages to fuse into syncytia.

transcription factor liver X nuclear receptor Endothelial cell Collagen fibers Notably, recruited macrophages deficient
alpha (Nr1h3) (6, 11) in the fibrotic mouse in CD36 failed to form syncytia or capture
liver. Expression of Nr1h3 in Kupffer cells is blood-borne pathogens despite increased
induced by a combination of Notch signals Ex-KC MoKC expression of CRIg. Hence, the effective up-

from sinusoidal endothelial cells and bone take of pathogens by syncytia seems to be
morphogenic protein 9 (BMP9) [also known an interplay between correctly primed mac-
as growth differentiation factor 2 (GDF2)] Contaminated blood rophages and the formation of macrophage
signaling from stellate cells (6). This suggests superclusters. The long-term fate of the
that Notch-BMP9 signaling in Kupffer cells is Adaptation of fibrotic liver syncytial macrophages is unknown. Indeed,
altered in the fibrotic liver. whether full anatomical and functional liver
It remains unclear whether the down-regu- Syncytial macrophage recovery is possible or if these syncytia pre-
lated expression of Nr1h3 in Kupffer cells and sent a lasting change is unclear.
their subsequent loss of liver-specific iden- CD44
The observations of Peiseler et al. reveal a
tity are effects of fibrosis that directly limit notable adaptation of the injured mouse liver

y g
contact between stellate cells and Kupffer CD36 to maintain its capacity to clear circulating
Red blood cell
cells, thus restricting their access to BMP9, pathogens. The authors also identified mac-
or whether stellate cells and/or sinusoidal rophage syncytia in the diseased human liver,
Contaminated blood Clean blood
endothelial cells change their gene expres- which suggests an evolutionarily conserved
sion profile and stop producing the factors mechanism. Whether tissue-resident macro-

that imprint Kupffer cell identity. Notably, phages in the mouse liver. In the healthy phage identity and functionality in any tissue
Peiseler et al. found that monocyte-derived liver, Kupffer cells were exclusively situated are reversible in the context of tissue inflam-
Kupffer cells developing in the fibrotic liver close to the sinusoids, in line with previous mation—as seems to be the case for the liver’s
were deficient in CRIg, which suggests that observations (6). However, in the fibrotic Kupffer cells—is not yet clear. If so, such de-
the Kupffer cell niche is broken in fibrosis. liver, macrophages also formed large mul- differentiation is likely to affect tissue-resi-
Irrespective of the exact molecular mech- ticell aggregates within bigger venules and dent macrophages in various injury settings
anism at play, Peiseler et al. report that collateral blood vessels. These aggregates, or and could have great clinical relevance. j
the mouse fibrotic liver was populated by syncytia, comprise almost exclusively mono-
Kupffer cells—both resident Kupffer cells and cyte-derived macrophages. Syncytial macro-
1. C. N. Jenne, P. Kubes, Nat. Immunol. 14, 996 (2013).
monocyte-derived Kupffer cells—that lack phages had seemingly adopted liver-specific 2. M. L. Balmer et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 6, 237ra66 (2014).
the expression of CRIg and the associated pathogen-capture machinery, as evidenced 3. Z. Zeng et al., Cell Host Microbe 20, 99 (2016).
specialized pathogen-capture capacity. This by high expression of CRIg, and captured 4. M. Bhattacharya, P. Ramachandran, Nat. Immunol.
10.1038/s41590-023-01551-9 (2023).

highlights a limitation of the liver architec- blood-borne pathogens from circulation. In 5. M. Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023).
ture to maintain pathogen-capture function- addition, stellate cells, which were sinusoid 6. J. Bonnardel et al., Immunity 51, 638 (2019).
ality when injured. However, the overall abil- adjacent in the healthy liver, moved closer to 7. M. Guilliams et al., Cell 185, 379 (2022).
8. M. Guilliams, C. L. Scott, Immunity 55, 1515 (2022).
ity of the liver to trap blood-borne pathogens venules and collateral blood vessels in the fi- 9. C. Zwicker et al., Front. Immunol. 12, 690813 (2021).
was only marginally attenuated. brotic liver (see the figure). 10. Y. Lavin et al., Cell 159, 1312 (2014).
To understand this discrepancy, Peiseler A hypothesis put forward by Peiseler et al. 11. M. Sakai et al., Immunity 51, 655 (2019).
et al. investigated the location of macro- is that stellate cells migrate to imprint patho- 10.1126/science.adj9725

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1051

RETROSPECTIVE a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, proposed

that UV induces a mutagenic mode of DNA

Evelyn M. Witkin (1921–2023) replication. Thus was born the SOS hypoth-
esis, named in reference to the Morse code
distress call. Evelyn subsequently showed
Pioneer of cell mutagenesis and DNA repair research that the lexA and recA genes are required
for the SOS response to DNA damage and
that RecA protein plays an important direct
By Joann B. Sweasy1 and Philip C. Hanawalt2 later proved, that these colonies arose from role in SOS mutagenesis. We now know that
mutants. She named one of the colonies many genes are induced as part of the SOS

velyn M. Witkin, renowned geneticist, “E. coli B/r” (E. coli B resistant to radia- response, including the activity of an error-
died on 8 July. She was 102. Together tion) and demonstrated that the E. coli B/r prone DNA polymerase, Pol V mut, which is
with Miroslav Radman, Evelyn dis- strain was resistant to both UV and x-rays. activated by RecA protein. Evelyn also char-
covered the first coordinated cellular Microscopic observation revealed that, un- acterized the classic phenomenon called
stress response to DNA damage, called like E. coli B, the B/r cells could still divide mutation frequency decline (MFD), which
the SOS response. Her research pio- when treated with a high dose of UV. Evelyn entails the rapid and irreversible decrease
neered the fields of DNA repair and mecha- concluded that the ability to stop cell divi- in UV-induced mutations that arise while
nisms of cellular mutagenesis. Her founda- sion is directly related to the lethal effects protein synthesis is inhibited. Notably, the
tional discoveries have had major impacts of UV. mfd gene product was later shown to be an
in cancer research and advanced the study During her years at Cold Spring Harbor essential factor for transcription-coupled

of drug resistance and the development of Laboratory, Evelyn developed a close excision repair.
the immune repertoire. relationship with geneticist Barbara Evelyn worked in the laboratory through-
Born on 9 March 1921 in New York McClintock. McClintock’s discovery that out her career, preferring research and
City, Evelyn Ruth Maisel received a bach- mentoring to administration. One of the
elor’s in biology from New York University highlights of her day was opening the in-
in 1941 and married Herman A. Witkin cubator door, removing the agar plates, and

in 1943. During her graduate studies at looking at the resulting bacterial colony
Columbia University, under the mentorship counts from the latest experiment. One of
of Theodosius Dobzhansky and Salvador us (J.B.S.) shared a bench with Evelyn and
Luria, she spent summers conducting re- often benefited from her willingness to dis-

search at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on cuss her results and interpretations of them
Long Island. After completing her PhD in in detail. She taught her mentees how to
genetics in 1947, she returned to Cold Spring think clearly about their results and em-
Harbor Laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow phasized that the simplest conclusion was
and staff member. In 1955, Evelyn joined the usually the correct one. She also gave them
faculty of the State University of New York room to mature as scientists. A believer in
Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn. the importance of accurate and articulate
She then moved to Rutgers University, first writing, she presented a copy of Strunk and
Douglass College and subsequently the White’s The Elements of Style to each stu-
Waksman Institute of Microbiology, where dent when they joined her lab.

y g
she was professor of genetics from 1971 un- In recognition of her seminal contribu-
til her retirement in 1991. tions to the fields of mutagenesis and DNA
Evelyn had planned to study genet- genes move from one location to another, repair, Evelyn was elected to the US National
ics in graduate school, using fruit flies through the rapid joining of chromosome Academy of Sciences in 1977. Her many
(Drosophila melanogaster) as a model or- ends, led Evelyn to think about DNA repair awards included the 2000 Thomas Hunt

ganism. However, upon learning of Salvador events within chromosomes. She pioneered Morgan Medal, the 2002 National Medal of
Luria and Max Delbrück’s use of the bacte- the idea that, in addition to photoreactiva- Science, and the 2015 Albert Lasker Basic
rium Escherichia coli in their groundbreak- tion, there must be a DNA repair process Medical Research Award. Beyond her scien-
ing discovery that mutation is random, she that operates in the dark. One of us (P.C.H.), tific pursuits, she served as director-at-large
decided to focus her research on bacteria, intrigued by Evelyn’s insights, engaged her of the New York Browning Society and stud-
with the goal of understanding the nature in productive discussions beginning in the ied how Charles Darwin and poet Robert
of the gene. In her first experiment as a early 1960s. Evelyn was particularly excited Browning, who were contemporaries, may
graduate student, Evelyn set out to gener- when the pathway of transcription-coupled have influenced each other.
ate mutations by treating E. coli strain B DNA repair was revealed some years later. Evelyn was an icon in the field of genet-
with ultraviolet light (UV). There was no In a landmark paper in 1967, Evelyn ics, a person of immense integrity and gen-
previous information on the UV sensitivity hypothesized that bacterial cell division erosity, and a dear friend. Her palpable joy
of E. coli, so she selected a relatively high is controlled by a repressor that, like the and enthusiasm for science along with her
dose, which killed all but four colonies of lambda bacteriophage repressor, is inacti- extraordinary intellectual discussions of
cells. Instead of discarding the results and vated by a complex process initiated by the findings created an encouraging environ-
starting again, Evelyn hypothesized, and presence of replication-blocking lesions in ment that facilitated the development of
DNA. She further suggested that this might her students into outstanding independent
The University of Arizona Comprehensive Cancer Center, not be the only cellular function to exhibit scientists, who now stand ready to carry on
Tucson, AZ, USA. 2Department of Biology, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, USA. Email:; induction by DNA damage. her legacy. j In 1971, Miroslav Radman, at that time 10.1126/science.adk1028

1052 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE

Hold big business to task on ecosystem restoration

Corporate reporting must embrace holistic, scientific principles

By Timothy A. C. Lamont1, Jos Barlow1, Our evaluation of sustainability reports of pacts on biodiversity.” This reflects existing
Jan Bebbington2, Thomas Cuckston3, Rili 100 of the world’s largest businesses reveals country-based requirements for businesses
Djohani4, Rachael Garrett5,6, Holly P. Jones7,8, the extent to which TNCs are claiming to to conduct Environmental Impact Assess-
Tries B. Razak9, Nicholas A. J. Graham1 contribute to—but failing to report on—eco- ments (EIAs) to quantify and reduce their
system restoration. Increased rigor, consis- environmental damage. Ecosystem restora-

arge transnational corporations tency, transparency, and accountability are tion that offsets damage is often reported
(TNCs) could use their considerable needed to ensure that corporate-led resto- under such frameworks.
finances, labor, manufacturing infra- ration delivers quantifiable, beneficial, and Additionally, beyond these efforts and
structure, and logistics expertise to equitable outcomes. reporting required by law, businesses col-

play key roles in upscaling ecosystem lectively have voluntarily pledged to, for
restoration efforts, which are vital for CURRENT STATE OF PLAY example, plant billions of trees (the Trillion
achieving global biodiversity, climate, and In recent decades, large corporations have Trees Corporate Alliance), hundreds of
development targets (1, 2). Many TNCs are increasingly articulated and reported on thousands of corals (the Hope Grows pro-
positioning themselves as environmental their environmental responsibilities (4). gram) and tens of thousands of mangroves
leaders, carrying out restoration that goes Much of this progress stems from legal (the Million Mangroves program). Private-

far beyond legal obligations to offset their mandates for corporations to mitigate or sector reporting initiatives are emerging
own environmental impacts. This promise offset their direct operational impacts. to encourage companies to voluntarily
of corporate-led progress is alluring, and For example, the 2022 Kunming-Montreal measure and disclose their biodiversity
has delivered benefits in some cases, but is Global Biodiversity Framework outlines impacts more broadly, beyond legal req-

also fraught with risks. Well-intentioned ef- that governments must implement re- uisites. These reporting initiatives include
forts can do more harm than good (3), and quirements for large corporations to “reg- the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the
some corporations oversell their efforts for ularly monitor, assess, and transparently Taskforce on Nature-related Financial
reputational enhancement (greenwashing). disclose their risks, dependencies, and im- Disclosures (TNFD), the Science Based

Reporting of ecosystem restoration by 100 of the world’s largest businesses

Each block represents one business, chosen as the ten biggest corporations (by revenue) in each of the ten most represented industrial sectors
100 businesses 66 businesses
report environmental impact ...across 10 sectors. carry out ecosystem restoration ...across various ecological realms.

y g
Consumer discretionary 1 Freshwater
Consumer staple
Health 8 Freshwater and terrestrial

Materials All realms
Technology 9
Utilities 37 9 Marine and terrestrial
Terrestrial 2 Unspecified

44 businesses 12 businesses 34 businesses 4 businesses

report area covered or number report budget invested or mention ecological report ecological
of trees planted restoration costs monitoring activities monitoring outcomes

Businesses whose reports adhere with good restoration practices Businesses that report restoration efforts Businesses that do not claim to carry out restoration

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1053

Targets Network (SBTN), the International if corporate reporting was structured ately on all seven principles. Further, most
Sustainability Standards Board, and the around key principles from restoration examples of compliant reporting were
Align project. These standards—although science. Existing sustainability guidelines given for just one case study within a cor-
voluntary in theory—are often effective may help to drive and improve this pro- poration’s portfolio of restoration projects,
tools for regulating TNCs because they cess, but they must be implemented in rather than comprehensive reporting that
generate normative ideas about “good be- ways that recognize the need for holistic covers all restoration activity.
havior” among large companies (5). Such evaluation of multiple environmental and
guidelines have helped increase the rigor socioeconomic metrics. For example, the IMPLEMENTING TRANSPARENCY
of reporting across a range of sustainabil- GRI Standards are used by more than two- It is clear that existing corporate reporting
ity metrics in an era when many businesses thirds of the world’s large corporations fails to adequately communicate the out-
are attempting to shift their public identi- (6), defining the information that should comes of different restoration activities.
ties toward environmental stewardship. be provided in business-relevant sustain- International guidelines and national laws
Amid this general pattern of heightened ability reporting. Restoration currently falls are currently designed to support biodiver-
reporting, however, specific and impor- within the ambit of GRI Standard 304 for sity impact reporting and generally con-
tant details on emerging attempts by TNCs biodiversity (7), which is under revision af- sider restoration as a tool to compensate for
to enter the wider ecosystem restoration ter a period of public consultation. In the direct operational impacts. However, this
agenda lag worryingly behind. proposed standard, restoration-specific dis- does not account for efforts of corporations
Our analysis of sustainability reports closure requirements are focused on miti- that go beyond this “bare minimum” and
from 100 of the world’s largest corpora- gating business operational impacts and attempt to drive net-positive global change.
tions (see supplementary materials) re- limited to documenting the spatial area of International guidelines (such as GRI,

veals that two-thirds of these companies projects (GRI 304–5, a, iii). This guidance SBTN, and TNFD) must provide a new
state that they carry out various forms of lacks the stringency and detail required to framework for restoration activities that
restoration. These efforts encompass tree appropriately report on the increasingly are additional voluntary contributions. As
planting, repairing recent specific environ- ambitious restoration activities carried out the details of this new reporting framework
mental damage, and assisting long-term by many corporations. Although some exist- emerge, trade-offs are likely to develop be-
recovery of extensively degraded ecosys- ing reporting requirements are relevant to tween the depth of reporting and the cost

tems. Particularly active participation is certain aspects of restoration (for example, involved in providing information. As such,
observed in the energy and materials sec- GRI 304-6, on reversing biodiversity loss; a key challenge will be to define “minimum
tors, in which 9 of the top 10 companies GRI 305-5, on offsetting carbon emissions; standards” associated with each restoration
describe restoration efforts. Concerningly, and GRI 413-1, on engaging local communi- principle, that ensure the provision of neces-

however, across all sectors there is a ties), the current enthusiasm and ambition sary data without excessive cost. For exam-
marked lack of rigor in defining restora- surrounding large-scale corporate restora- ple, minimum standards on proportionality
tion, outlining methods, and quantifying tion demands more explicit, restoration- might require information about the spatial
outcomes (see the figure). Most reports specific guidance. extent and number of organisms planted
do not differentiate between projects Considerable work in the past 5 years in each individual restoration project, and
that simply mitigate operational impacts has identified a set of complementary minimum standards on permanence might
of firms (as legally required) and those principles that lead to positive restoration require a statement of the number of years
going beyond this to contribute toward outcomes (3, 8–10). These principles each committed to maintenance, monitoring,
wider global restoration goals. A third of pertain to different stages of the restora- and reporting. Standards must also be flexi-
reports fail to mention the size of any of tion process (see the table). If companies’ ble enough to accommodate diverse targets;

y g
their restoration projects, nearly 80% pro- reporting gave details about each of these for example, projects aiming to preserve
vide no information about financial costs, principles, it would allow better assess- specific endemic species will report differ-
and more than 90% fail to report a single ment of the scale and impacts of restora- ent outcomes to those focused on restor-
ecological outcome. None of the 100 re- tion. Improved reporting of these princi- ing ecosystem services. As such, guidelines
ports quantify social or economic impacts ples would also likely drive improvements should encourage corporations to engage

on local stakeholders or traditional own- across the different phases of restoration; with local stakeholders, traditional owners,
ers. This near-total lack of transparency in companies with holistic reporting will be and subject-specific experts to apply these
both ecological and socioeconomic report- further incentivized to improve the design, principle-based standards in the individual
ing means that there is no way to quantify implementation, and measurement of their context of each specific project (11).
the amount of restoration being done or to projects. Notably, each of the seven princi- National or jurisdictional permitting
confirm that its outcomes are indeed benefi- ples was reported appropriately by at least authorities can align with these guidelines
cial. Put simply, the evidence base supporting three corporations (see the table), demon- by requiring corporations to report specifi-
large corporations’ claims about ecosystem strating that it is possible to provide com- cally about whether individual restoration
restoration is wholly insufficient. pliant evidence within a standard report- projects are legally required offsets or ad-
ing framework. However, these examples ditional voluntary efforts. Summative re-
KEY PRINCIPLES were rare; most principles were reported porting should be required in both cases,
Substantial improvements in accountability on by only a handful of corporations, and but with different approaches and goals.
and evaluation of progress could be achieved no single corporation reported appropri- Legally required offsets should already be

Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK. 2Pentland Centre, Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster, UK. 3Department of Accounting, Birmingham Business
School, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. 4Coral Triangle Center, Sanur, Bali, Indonesia. 5Environmental Policy Lab, ETH Zürich, Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences,
Zürich, Switzerland. 6Department of Geography and Conservation Research Institute, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK. 7Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University,
DeKalb, IL, USA. 8Institute for the Study of the Environment, Sustainability and Energy, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, USA. 9Research Centre for Oceanography, National Research and
Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jakarta 14430, Indonesia. Email:

1054 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE
Compliance of corporate reporting with seven principles of restoration best practice
Of 100 corporations studied, 66 reported that they carry out restoration. Analysis of adherence to restoration principles is limited to those 66 corporations. Principles are
grouped by the phase of restoration activity to which they are most relevant. See table S1 for further details.

Most relevant to project design

Mitigation hierarchy Restoring degraded habitat is generally less effective than conserving intact ecosystems. Corporations 39% (26)
should work within the “mitigation hierarchy” (13) by reporting their efforts to conserve existing habitat as
a precursor to planning restoration.
Inclusive governance Corporations should work with local stakeholders and decision-makers during planning and implementation 21% (14)
of restoration projects. Reports should describe these partnerships with a focus on empowering local communities
and traditional owners.

Most relevant to project implementation

Permanence Projects should plan for lasting impact. Reports should state the number of years committed to maintenance 11% (7)
and monitoring, and/or survival rates and durations of previous projects.
Proportionality Restoration should be proportional to environmental damage. Reports should disclose the area restored and/or 70% (46)
budget invested in restoration, to demonstrate the extent of corporations’ work.

Most relevant to measurement and reporting of outcomes
Monitoring and Corporations claiming to restore ecosystems should prove that their initiatives are having desired ecological impact. 6% (4)
transparency Projects should define specific goals of restoration and regularly monitor their progress against these goals using
quantitative ecological data. They should publish results in open access reports.
External benefits Projects should target and report benefits beyond ecosystem recovery. For example, restoration can support local 21% (14)

livelihoods, community engagement, education, research, training, and capacity building.
Reference In many cases, historic baselines are no longer feasible owing to changing environmental conditions. Projects should 5% (3)
ecosystems monitor local “reference ecosystems” to guide their efforts in restoring locally appropriate species compositions
that are resilient to current and emerging threats.

covered by EIA frameworks and submitted original targets but to summarize current form the future of ecosystem restoration;
to appropriate regulatory bodies for audit. progress, promote learning from mistakes, now, policy interventions must determine
However, additional voluntary projects and encourage improvements in practice. whether that change is for better or worse. j
should outline a separate set of publicly
accessible aims, plans, and reports. Plans RESTORATION AT A CROSSROADS 1. B. B. N. Strassburg et al., Nature 586, 724 (2020).
should be evaluated by experts as a prereq- Consistent reporting is required to accu- 2. P. Kareiva, M. Marvier, Bioscience 62, 962 (2012).
uisite to activities commencing, to ensure rately assess the impact of big business’ con- 3. S. Löfqvist et al., Bioscience 73, 134 (2022).
4. C. Antonini, C. Larrinaga, Sustain. Dev. 25, 123 (2017).
that they avoid social harms, are ecologi- tributions to the United Nations Decade on 5. J. Bebbington, E. A. Kirk, C. Larrinaga, Account. Organ.
Soc. 37, 78 (2012).

y g
cally viable, and have clear reporting struc- Ecosystem Restoration, now in its third year.
6. J. McCalla-Leacy, J. Shulman, R. Threlfall, “Big shifts,
tures in place (12). This increased transparency should also be small steps: Survey of sustainability reporting 2022”
Reporting on nonmandatory activities in the interests of large corporations them- (KPMG, 2022);
would be of interest to an array of corporate selves, who stand to gain much from dem- reporting-2022.html.
report users. This includes company owners onstrating to their shareholders, employees,

7. GRI, “GRI 304: Biodiversity” (GRI, 2016); https://www.
(especially those with ethical screening in consumers, and regulators that they make
8. G. D. Gann et al., Restor. Ecol. 27, S1 (2019).
place), funders (usually banks), information meaningful contributions to global sustain- 9. T. Osborne et al., Glob. Environ. Change 70, 102320
providers to capital markets (such as corpo- ability. Businesses already have strong in- (2021).

10. A. Di Sacco et al., Glob. Change Biol. 27, 1328 (2021).
rate rating agencies), peer-group companies centives to demonstrate the value of their 11. K. Schumacher, APO Productivity Insights 10.2139/
(especially those in the same industry or restoration initiatives; strengthened report- ssrn.4303609 (2022).
12. K. Schumacher, Nature 584, 524 (2020).
geographic region), and other stakeholders ing frameworks can help to deliver this ac- 13. J. Ekstrom, L. Bennun, R. Mitchell, A Cross-Sector Guide
who wish to understand the outcomes of countability more effectively. for Implementing the Mitigation Hierarchy (Cross Sector
Biodiversity Initiative, 2015);
corporate restoration (such as nongovern- If managed carefully with transparent our-work/mitigation-hierarchy-guide.
mental organizations and scientists). These reporting, the world’s largest corporations
cases all provide incentives for regulatory could considerably upscale ecosystem res- AC KN OW LED G M E N TS

bodies to ensure that this information is in toration, provide an evidence base from This research was funded by an 1851 Royal Commission
Research Fellowship (to T.A.C.L.), a Royal Society University
the public domain. which others may learn, and garner public Research Fellowship (URF\R\201029 to N.A.J.G.), and UKRI
Importantly, the reporting and evalua- recognition for their efforts. Conversely, in- Natural Environment Research Council grant NE/X015262/1
tion of such projects must acknowledge adequate reporting by these organizations (to J.Ba.). Data supporting this study are available as supple-
mentary materials.
that restoration is difficult and even well- undermines accountability in ways that
planned projects sometimes fail or require could threaten the credibility of the global SU PP L EM E N TARY M AT E RIA LS
changes in strategy. The aim of this exer- restoration movement, exacerbate environ-
cise should therefore not be to penalize or mental damage, and create social injustice.
publicly shame projects that fall short of Corporate involvement will certainly trans- 10.1126/science.adh2610

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1055
The rejection of COVID-19 precautions is illustrative
of broader anti-scientific attitudes, argues the author.

The toll included doxing, death threats, in-

timidation from government officials and
hate groups, and harassment of his family
and some of his colleagues. A common re-
frain from his ideological opponents was that
he was a “pharma shill,” as if anti-vaxxers and
Covid deniers were not making fortunes by
selling phony treatments and preventatives.
In later chapters, Hotez examines the
legacy of Covid denial as it morphed into
an aggressive, well-organized, and well-
funded attack on mainstream science. Such
efforts have been exacerbated by neofascist
B O OKS et al . hate groups proudly flaunting anti-Semitic
tropes, by Russian bots, and by highly visible
longtime anti-vaccine campaigners.
PUBLIC HEALTH Hotez calls for the US federal government

to address anti-science aggression and to

The legacy of Covid denial foster forums that better prepare scientists
to act as science communicators. Sadly, an
initiative planned to address the latter issue
A physician warns of the broader implications has already been paused, perhaps perma-
nently, by the acting director of the National
of pandemic backlash

Institutes of Health, Larry Tabak (2). Its ad-
vocates fear that the agency has, for political
By Arthur Caplan died unnecessarily in the United States, reasons, censored itself because of fears of
many in red states, including Texas, where a right-wing congressional backlash. Thus,

controversy emerged at the conclusion Hotez lives. This number is consistent with the help from the federal government that
of the Vietnam War over who, if any- a recent scholarly analysis conducted by the Hotez hopes for seems unlikely.
one, would write the “definitive” book National Bureau of Economic Research (1). The book concludes with some recom-
on that conflict. Many works, both fic- As anti-vax voices grew louder, and the mendations for how to combat disinforma-
tion and nonfiction, appeared over the Biden administration bailed on its own effort tion and anti-science efforts. These include
years that followed, but none seemed to promote boosters, Hotez joined a cadre of Hotez’s plea for the creation of organized
worthy of the appellation. That will not be other physician-scientists, including Anthony support from scientific professional soci-
true for the COVID-19 pandemic. Virologist Fauci and Paul Offit, to try to combat the eties for scientists under attack and a pro-
and vaccine expert Peter Hotez has provided spread of vaccine disinformation. Public posal for a new entity akin to the Southern
the definitive work on this era health has traditionally relied on Poverty Law Center that would both moni-

y g
with his new tome, The Deadly a moral framework that targets tor hateful threats to scientists and offer le-
Rise of Anti-science, which pre- groups and communities, presum- gal advice and resources.
sents a short, readable overview of ing that individuals will respond The book has its weaknesses. For one, the
the lives lost to the virus and the to advice and requirements out widespread rejection of public health mea-
fierce backlash against sensible of a sense of duty to care for and sures during the COVID-19 pandemic is a

public health measures perpetu- protect others. COVID-19 arrived specific type of anti-scientific behavior that
ated by right-wing politicians and as a very different ethic took hold will not necessarily be dispelled by mitigat-
media outlets, by uninformed in much of the United States, one ing scientific disinformation or pushing back
citizens and bad actors on social The Deadly Rise of that privileged liberty and individ- against right-wing idealogues. A key but over-
media, and by a small gaggle of Anti-science: ualistic self-regard. Public health looked aspect of this fight will be defending
A Scientist’s Warning
contrarian doctors and scientists Peter J. Hotez and its spokespeople thus became the moral, altruistic basis of public health en-
who irresponsibly engaged in vari- Johns Hopkins University demonized, in part because they deavors against a new, virulent form of selfish
ous degrees of Covid denialism. Press, 2023. 240 pp. bore a moral message of commu- individualism. Despite some shortcomings,
Hotez is at his best when he nity danger and the need for sac- Hotez’s warning about the broader implica-
is describing the preventable COVID-19 rifice that an increasingly divided, polarized, tions of Covid denial must be heeded. j
deaths that followed the abandonment of and egotistical society did not want to hear.
vaccine and mask mandates and the ac- Hotez, a man whose compassion and
1. J. Wallace, P. Goldsmith-Pinkham, J. L. Schwartz,
companying decision, made by many, not dedication to healing are on display through- “Excess death rates for Republicans and Democrats
to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in the out the book, describes the personal cost he during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Working Paper 30512
second half of 2021 and early 2022. He es- paid for his efforts to publicly combat anti- (NBER, 2022);
2. D. Tahir, “The NIH halts a research project.
timates that ~200,000 unvaccinated people scientific policies and rhetoric during the Is it self-censorship?,” CBS News, 5 August
pandemic when he devoted huge amounts of 2023;
The reviewer is at the Division of Medical Ethics, NYU
time to communicating his evidence-based nih-halts-research-project-is-it-self-censorship/.
Grossman School of Medicine, New York, NY 10016, USA.
Email: opinion to an increasingly polarized public. 10.1126/science.adi7631

1056 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE
I N S I G HT S | B O O K S

SCIENCE AND SOCIETY Against Technoableism:

Rethinking Who Needs

Ableism and assistive technology Improvement

Ashley Shew
Norton, 2023. 160 pp.

Harmful tropes can lead to misguided assumptions when

designing devices for people with disabilities
By Leslie Berntsen Rapporteur on Torture in 2010. (Congress lead a person with a disability to be cast in
recently granted the US Food and Drug an additional role: “the bitter cripple” who

shley Shew refers to herself as “a hard- Administration the authority to ban this describes their experiences in a way that is
of-hearing, chemobrained amputee practice, but it has yet to do so.) Other seem- perceived as off-putting or combative. This
with Crohn’s disease and tinnitus.” She ingly more innocuous technologies, such as final trope is particularly harmful, Shew
is also, by her own admission, a little cochlear implants, which transmit audio rightfully argues, because it requires dis-
cranky. One does not have to get very data directly to the brains of deaf individu- abled people to advocate for their needs with
far into her new book, Against Techno- als, are not always embraced by the commu- a smile. But, as Australian comedian Stella
ableism, to understand why. “Ableism”—prej- nities for whom they are intended. As Shew Young once pointed out in a TED talk quoted
udicial behavior commonly faced by people describes in a chapter dedicated to getting in a later chapter, “No amount of smiling at
with disabilities—is a deeply entrenched, but her own prosthetic leg, the reality of such in- a flight of stairs has ever made it turn into

often overlooked, form of structural discrimi- terventions is often complicated. a ramp” (1). By explicitly naming and de-
nation. Shew coins the term “technoableism” Perhaps one of the book’s most important scribing these tropes, Shew helps readers
to describe an extension of this recognize how deeply they are
belief: that technological ad- ingrained in public conversa-
vancements can—and should— tions about disability and high-
be used to eliminate disability. lights one of the book’s recurring

As Shew notes, the last of the themes: Disabled people too of-
United States’ “ugly laws,” which ten have our stories told for us,
penalized people with physical rather than by us.
disfigurements for existing in Disabled people are—and will

public view, was not repealed always be—the experts of our
until the 1970s. Meanwhile, the own experiences, but we are not
Supreme Court case that upheld a monolith. In discussing word
the government’s right to forc- choice and disabled identity,
ibly sterilize an intellectually Shew writes: “Disabled people
disabled citizen, Buck v. Bell, has are a huge and varied group,
yet to be formally overturned. and we’re not all going to agree.”
At their core, such injustices are This is an important point, and
informed by a unifying belief: one that readers would do well
Disabled people—rather than to keep in mind while consid-

y g
societal attitudes toward disabil- ering what it means to oppose
ity—are a problem to be solved. technoableism.
The origins of this belief and Shew makes it clear that she
its negative consequences for is not opposed to assistive tech-
disabled people form the basis of nologies, just to the ways they

the book’s six chapters. Drawing can function in the service of the
on Shew’s personal life and her aforementioned tropes. Some of
academic background in disabil- Tech “fixes” fail to acknowledge the importance of creating inclusive communities. the authors whose work she cites
ity studies, they touch on a wide hold different opinions, fram-
array of topics ranging from her day-to-day contributions is its discussion of common ing the mere existence of these technologies
experiences as a disabled college professor; disability archetypes and their harms. There as an affront to the value of disabled lives.
to her visit to an amputee convention; to are the “pitiable freaks” and “inspirational Together, these differing viewpoints reinforce
the intersection of disability justice, climate overcomers,” who are featured on the local the reality that disabled people are not a sin-
change, and space travel. news for being asked to prom by a nondis- gle, united group.
The technologies that can be used to “fix” abled classmate or for running a marathon Against Technoableism contains many
disability can take many forms. At the Judge with their new crowdfunded prosthetic leg. lessons, and this is perhaps its most impor-
Rotenberg Center in Massachusetts, writes There are the “moochers and fakers” seeking tant: Disabled people will not always agree,

Shew, staff members use electroshock de- “special” treatment, such as workplace ac- but we all deserve to be heard. j
vices to eliminate “undesirable” behaviors commodations. There are also the “shameful
in autistic children, a practice that garnered sinners” who have a disability that they “de-
1. S. Young, “I’m not your inspiration, thank you very
the attention of the United Nations Special serve,” such as obesity-related type 2 diabetes. much,” TEDxSydney, April 2014;
As Shew notes, and as I can personally at- talks/stella_young_i_m_not_your_inspiration_thank_
test, being reduced to any of these tropes is you_very_much.
The reviewer is at The Story Collider and based in Los
Angeles, CA, USA. Email: frustrating, to say the least, and can easily 10.1126/science.adj4475

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1057

Extreme heat can cause rubber (a polymer) in tires to fail, leading to blowouts.

Edited by Jennifer Sills interactions, reducing the structural UV exposure, and after only 192 hours at

integrity of plastics, rubbers, fibers, coat- 50°C (10). Black asphalt and other surfaces
Editorial Expression ings, adhesives, foams, and composites.
Increasing temperatures cause these poly-
have reached more than 80°C in extreme
heat (11). In addition to posing safety haz-
of Concern mers to lose stiffness, strength, creep resis- ards, polymer failures require repair and

tance, barrier properties, electric resistivity, replacement, leading to economic losses
On 14 October 2022, Science published the and chemical resistance (2). For example, and more plastic waste.
Research Article “In vivo direct imaging of the stiffness of a polyethylene pipe drops by Given escalating heatwaves driven by
neuronal activity at high temporospatial reso- 40% as the temperature rises from 23° to global warming and El Niño (12), revisit-
lution” by P. T. Toi et al. (1). The editors have 40°C (3). ing the requirements for polymers to
been made aware that the methods described Heat also accelerates polymer degrada- withstand heat is urgent. Governments,
in the paper are inadequate to allow repro- tion processes, such as oxidation, photodeg- polymer producers, scientists, and other
duction of the results and that the results radation, hydrolysis, and additive migration stakeholders will have to work together
may have been biased by subjective data (4, 5). This leads to faster embrittlement to assess risk, optimize materials, conduct
selection. We are alerting readers to these and surface cracking, reducing the lifespan innovative research, ensure regulatory

y g
concerns while the authors provide additional of polymeric products. Polymer degradation compliance, and monitor and maintain
methods and data to address the issues. intensifies during summer as a result of the existing products.
H. Holden Thorp higher temperatures, ultraviolet (UV) inten- Xin-Feng Wei and Mikael S. Hedenqvist*
Editor-in-Chief sity, humidity, and extended daylight hours Division of Polymeric Materials, Department of
(6). Heatwaves exacerbate already rapid Fibre and Polymer Technology, KTH Royal Institute

R E F EREN CES A ND NOTES of Technology, SE–100 44 Stockholm, Sweden.
1. P. T. Toi et al., Science 378, 160 (2022).
degradation: Each 10°C temperature rise, *Corresponding author. Email:
within the range seen in extreme heatwaves
(1), can double the degradation rate (4). RE FE REN C ES AN D N OT ES
Published online 24 August 2023
10.1126/science.adk4448 Despite engineered safety margins for 1. Copernicus Climate Change Service, “Surface air
temperature for July 2023” (2023); https://climate.
polymers, heatwaves elevate the risk of
premature component or product failure, 2. U. W. Gedde, M. S. Hedenqvist, M. Hakkarainen, F.

Heatwaves hasten polymer which could take the form of deforma-

tion or warping, brittle fracture, creep
Nilsson, O. Das, Applied Polymer Science (Springer,
3. N. Merah, F. Saghir, Z. Khan, A. Bazoune, Plast. Rubber
degradation and failure rupture, fatigue fracture, environmental
stress cracking, delamination due to melt-
Compos. 35, 226 (2006).
4. B. Singh, N. Sharma, Polym. Degrad. Stab. 93, 561
Extreme heatwaves are growing more fre- ing, or discoloration (7). Fatigue fracture 5. A. Stubbins, K. L. Law, S. E. Muñoz, T. S. Bianchi, L. Zhu,
quent, and July marked the hottest month is responsible for tire blowouts, which Science 373, 51 (2021).
ever recorded (1). The rising heat increases can cause severe car accidents (8). The 6. G. Grause, M.-F. Chien, C. Inoue, Polym. Degrad. Stab.
181, 109364 (2020).
the risk of premature failure in products melting of polymeric adhesives causes
7. J. Moalli, Plastics Failure Analysis and Prevention
made from polymers. Polymer safety speci- detachment of components such as shoe (William Andrew, 2001).
fications must be revisited to ensure their soles (9). Brittle fracture leads to the fail- 8. A. Hoyt, “Why do tires blow out more in summer?”
resilience against rising temperatures. ure of polyethylene films, which are used HowStuffWorks (2022).
9. Y. Dzhanova, “Arizona crossing guard’s shoes melt in
Heat increases molecular mobility extensively in agriculture, bags, and food extreme heat while guiding kids across street,” The
and weakens intra- and intermolecular packaging, after 400 hours at 40°C under Messenger News (2023).

1058 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE

10. A. Fairbrother et al., Polym. Degrad. Stab. 165, 153 (2019). socioeconomic challenges, and people’s
11. “How concrete, asphalt and urban heat increase misery well-being (12). To cope with scientific
of heat waves,” VoA News (2023).
12. World Meteorological Organization, “World denialism, researchers, institutions, and
Meteorological Organization declares onset of El Niño other stakeholders must stand together
conditions” (2023); and protest extreme anti-science agendas.
As Argentine recipient of the 1944 Nobel
Prize in medicine Bernardo Houssay said,
10.1126/science.adj4036 “Science is not expensive; expensive is
ignorance” (10).
Protest anti-science Sergio A. Lambertucci1*, Pablo Plaza1, Julián
Padro1,2, Fernando Valladares3, Fernando Hiraldo4, Subscribe to News
agenda in Argentina Karina L. Speziale1

The candidate who received the most

Grupo de Investigaciones en Biología de la
Conservación, Instituto de Investigaciones from Science for
en Biodiversidad y Medio ambiente (Consejo
votes in the 13 August Argentinean presi- Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y
Técnicas–Universidad Nacional del Comahue),
unlimited access to
dential primary election, Javier Milei,
represents the extreme right-wing liberal Quintral 1250, Bariloche, Argentina. 2Department
of Wildlife Sciences, University of Göttingen, 37077 authoritative,
party, “La Libertad Avanza” (Liberty Göttingen, Germany. 3Museo Nacional de Ciencias
Advances) (1). After winning the election, Naturales, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Científicas (CSIC), E-28006 Madrid, Spain.
Milei promised to eliminate the Ministry
news on research

Department of Conservation Biology, Estación
of Science and the Argentine Research Biológica de Doñana, CSIC, Sevilla, Spain.
Council (CONICET) and argued that sci- *Corresponding author.
entists should find work in the private Email: and science policy.
sector instead (2). R EFER ENC ES AN D N OT ES
CONICET, Argentina’s main national 1. “Far-right outsider takes shock lead in Argentina pri-
research and technology institution, mary election,” The Guardian (2023).

employs about 12,000 researchers and a 2. “Javier Milei confirms he would close CONICET scientific
research council,” Buenos Aires Times (2023).
similar number of fellows from diverse 3. CONICET (2023);
fields (3). According to the SCImago descripcion/ [in Spanish].
Institution productivity ratings, CONICET 4. SCImago Ranking Institutions (2023); https://www.

is the second-ranked research institution &sector=all.
and the first-ranked governmental institu- 5. A. J. Salter, B. R. Martin, Res. Pol. 30, 509 (2001).
tion in Latin America (4). It is also ranked 6. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development, Research and development (R&D) - Gross
among the best 200 research institutions domestic spending on R&D - OECD Data (2023); http://
in the world and number 22 among gov-
ernmental institutions (4). htm.
7. A. Gazni, Technol. Societ. 62, 101276 (2020).
Although the private sector is important 8. Worldometer, Largest Countries in the World by Area
in science, the state plays an irreplace- (2023);
able role (5). Nationally funded science is largest-countries-in-the-world/.
generally not biased toward the private 9. J. Caldecott, M. Jenkins, T. Johnson, B. Groombridge,
Biodivers. Conserv. 5, 699 (1996).

y g
sector’s economic interests, aiming instead 10. A. Garay, C. Franceschini, S. Valiensi, V. Leske, in The
to improve the well-being of society as a Practice of Sleep Medicine Around the World: Challenges,
whole. Moreover, the public sector is able Knowledge Gaps, and Unique Needs, H. P. Attarian, M.-L.
M. Coussa-Koniski, A. M. Sabri, Eds. (Bentham Science
to support high-risk basic and applied sci- Publishers, 2023), p. 310.
ence over long periods, which also benefits

11. F. R. Molina, “What’s going on inside Javier Milei’s head?”
the private sector and society at large (5). EL PAÍS English (2023).
12. M. Coccia, Technol. Societ. 59, 101124 (2019).
The importance of government support
for science, and the benefits for society, 10.1126/science.adk4615

are evident in developed countries, which
allocate a large proportion of their gross
domestic product to supporting science ERRATA
and technology (6) and as a result regularly Erratum for the Research Article “Light-induced
produce breakthrough science (5, 7). mobile factors from shoots regulate rhizobium-
Argentina is the eighth largest country triggered soybean root nodulation,” by T. Wang et
in the world (8), is highly biodiverse (9), al., Science 381, eadj7468 (2023).
and has produced three recipients of Nobel Published online 28 July 2023
Prizes in science (10). If Milei, who also 10.1126/science.adj7468
denies the existence of climate change and
its environmental consequences (11), wins Erratum for the Research Article “Garnet
the 22 October election, Argentine science, crystallization does not drive oxidation at arcs”
biodiversity, and society may be at risk. by M. Holycross and E. Cottrell, Science 381,
The inability of a country to produce its eadj6418 (2023).
own scientific knowledge limits its capac- Published online 14 July 2023
ity to address environmental problems, 10.1126/science.adj6418

Edited by Michael Funk

Does chitin help

metabolic health?

hitin (b-1,4-poly-N-acetylglu-
cosamine) is a highly abundant
natural polysaccharide found

in arthropods and fungi that can
initiate type 2 (allergic) immune
responses. Kim et al. report in mice that
the consumption of chitin triggers
gastric distension, downstream neuro-
peptide release, and type 2 cytokine

production by tuft cells and type 2
innate lymphoid cells. This in turn drives
gastrointestinal remodeling and the
generation of acidic mammalian chi-
tinase by chief cells, which is needed for

chitin digestion. The addition of dietary chitin
improved metabolic readouts in mice fed a high-fat diet,
possibly because activated chief cells produce other diges-
tive enzymes, including lipase. This mammalian adaptation
to chitin may therefore serve as a potential therapeutic
target for metabolic diseases such as obesity. —STS
Science, add5649, this issue p. 1092

Chitin, a structural polysaccharide found in some foods such as mushrooms, stimulates

the release of digestive enzymes in the stomach through a type 2 immune circuit.

y g
BROWN DWARFS that a radiation belt is present of the difficulty is tracking MEMBRANES

around the brown dwarf and the one-electron increments
A radiation belt around constrains its properties. The through which copper typically
Tunable high-flux

a brown dwarf results indicate similarities reacts, shuffling between the inorganic membranes
In the Solar System, planets between the magnetospheres +1 and +2 oxidation states. Two Polymer membranes are
with strong magnetic fields trap of brown dwarfs and gas giant studies now uncover two-elec- commonly used for a range of
energetic plasma above their planets. —KTS tron processes at play instead. molecular separations, but they
equators, forming a radiation Science, adg6635, this issue p. 1120 Delaney et al. found that ligand do not work well under elevated
belt. Theory has predicted oxidation enables oxidative temperatures or with harsh sol-
that this process should also addition of an aryl halide to vents. Sengupta et al. describe
occur for brown dwarfs, objects Cu(II), avoiding the need for a a method to make inorganic
with masses between those of Copper surprises less stable Cu(I) precursor. Luo membranes that is analogous
planets and stars. Climent et al. Copper-mediated cou- et al. observed halonitrile addi- to interfacial polymerization.
have observed a nearby brown plings are among the oldest tion to Cu(I) complexes Chemical vapor deposition is
dwarf using radio interferom- reactions in organic chem- to produce isolable Cu(III). used to fabricate carbon-doped
etry. They identified spatially istry. Nonetheless, their Both results point to future metal oxide interfacial nanofilms
resolved emission that varied mechanisms still are not as innovative catalyst optimiza- on ceramic substrates with
as the brown dwarf rotated. predictably well understood tion strategies. —JSY pore sizes that can be tuned
Comparing these observations as those of the palladium Science, adg9232, adi9226, by subsequent sintering. The
with models, the authors believe catalysts that came later. Part this issue p. 1072, p. 1079 membranes, although thicker

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1061


GREEN NUDGES pathways, causing severe protein destructive flow occurring and mathematical modeling,
aggregations. However, multiple underwater. Clare et al. found Alanko et al. identified a dual
Reducing waste for resistance mechanisms con- that the volcano produced a role for the G protein–coupled
food orders verge to selectively reactivate an massive, fast-moving under- receptor CCR7 in controlling DC
China’s high demand for online ancient stress sensor, IRE1a, to water debris flow that traveled migration. In addition to sensing
food delivery resulted in an reestablish proteostasis in the more than 100 kilometers (see the chemokine ligand CCL19
increase in the use of disposable, KRASi-resistant cells. Targeting the Perspective by Williams and through CCR7, DCs were able
single-use cutlery. Disposable IRE1a could collapse the rewired Rowley). The flow reshaped the to modulate local chemokine
cutlery increases plastic pol- proteostasis network and seafloor and destroyed both concentration through endocy-
lution, and paper napkins and overcome resistance to KRASi international and domestic tosis of CCR7, “sinking” CCL19
wooden chopsticks contribute to therapy. —SMH and PNK telecommunications cables. from the environment. This self-
environmental degradation that Science, abn4180, this issue p. 1065 The speed and size of the flow shaping of chemokine gradients
endangers wildlife and marine were not expected, and such facilitated the accurate migra-
species and compromises flows present a risk scenario for tion of DCs, and these gradients
human health. Informed by the undersea telecommunications could also be sensed by T cells.
literature on “green nudges,” All together now! cables that has not been previ- These findings demonstrate

which are prompts to promote Kupffer cells (KCs) are special- ously recognized. —BG that CCR7 can function as both
environmentally friendly behav- ized macrophages in the liver Science, adi3038, this issue p. 1085; a sensor and a sink for CCL19,
iors, He et al. collaborated with sinusoids that filter bacteria in see also adk0181, p. 1046 facilitating collective leukocyte
Alibaba to use its mobile food the bloodstream. Liver fibrosis migration. —HMI
delivery platform, Eleme, in a and cirrhosis, a common pathol- Sci. Immunol. (2023)
longitudinal field study across ogy of chronic liver disease, NEUROSCIENCE 10.1126/sciimmunol.adc9584

China. Forgoing cutlery became leads to the redistribution of
the app’s default option, was blood flow from the sinusoids
Lifelong cerebellar
made salient to users in a pop- to collateral vessels. Using a remodeling
up window, and was rewarded mouse model of hepatic fibrosis, Containing nearly half of

with “green points” redeemable Peiseler et al. report that remod- the neurons in the brain, the
for planting trees in China’s eling of the liver causes KCs to cerebellum is one of its most
deserts. The results suggest that lose contact with surrounding neuron-dense areas. Tan et al.
incorporating green nudges is cells and lose their distinct cellu- performed transcriptome and
a feasible and effective policy lar identity (see the Perspective chromatin accessibility analy-
tool because it greatly increased by Louwe and Guilliams). The sis at different developmental
orders forgoing single-use liver still maintains its bacterial stages in human and mouse
cutlery without harming restau- filtration function because the cerebellar granule cells (see the
rants’ business performance. presence of a microbiome helps Perspective by Akbarian and
—EEU to recruit monocytes to large Won). The authors describe

y g
Science, add9884, this issue p. 1064 intrahepatic vessels, where they the main differences between
fuse into large cell aggregates human and mouse granule cells,
that exhibit a KC-like phenotype. but also point out that both
These KC-like syncytia show show continuous modulation of
Stressing out escapees enhanced bacterial capture genome architecture through-

Most cancers depend on a capacity and are present in cir- out life. These results provide
balanced proteostasis network rhotic livers from patients with valuable insights into granule
to maintain oncogenic growth, various chronic liver diseases. cell changes during development
and therapeutic insults often —STS and aging. —MMa
disrupt proteostasis. However, Science, abq5202, this issue p. 1066; Science, adh3253, this issue p. 1112;
how residual drug-tolerant cells see also adj9725, p. 1050 see also adk0961, p. 1049
overcome imbalances in the
proteostasis network to survive
targeted therapy is poorly VOLCANOLOGY
understood. Lv et al. discov-
Destructive density Steering clear
ered a mechanism that rewires Dendritic cells (DCs) migrate
the proteostasis network to current over long distances to shuttle
escape oncogenic KRAS addic- Volcanic eruptions can produce antigen from peripheral tissues
tion and promote resistance dangerous, destructive, fast- to lymph nodes. Immune cell
to KRAS inhibitors (KRASi). moving flows of ash and rock. trafficking is mediated by che-
Inactivation of mutant KRAS, a The 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga motactic gradients, but whether
key oncogenic driver for many Ha’apai eruption in Tonga also DCs can modulate these
human cancers, shuts down produced massive amounts gradients is unknown. Using a
major proteostasis regulatory of ash and rock, but with the combination of live-cell imaging

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1063-B

than others currently in use, still such stem-like CD4+ T cells

show ultrafast permeance of may represent a therapeutic
pure solvents. Furthermore, they opportunity to halt the chronic IN OTHER JOURNALS
can operate in harsh solvents progression of autoimmune
at temperatures of up to 140°C. vasculitis. —CM Edited by
—MSL Sci. Transl. Med. (2023) Caroline Ash and
Science, adh2404, this issue p. 1098 10.1126/scitranslmed.adh0380 Jesse Smith

Selection for small size Early detection of kidney
Large organisms may be par-
ticularly susceptible to impacts transplant failure
from human activities, including Organ transplantation can
hunting and harvesting, as well considerably extend the recipi-
as the stress of climate change. ent’s life, but organ failure can
Martins et al. analyzed body- occur at any time, especially
size trends in plant and animal if the host rejects the organ.
communities since 1960 from Madhvapathy et al. developed a
the BioTIME database and sepa- bioelectronics-based approach

rated the effects of changes to track acute kidney organ
within species from those driven transplant failure by attach-
by species composition. They ing a wireless, soft electronics
found that trends varied across interface to transplanted kid-
communities, with marine neys that allows real-time
fish more consistently shifted continuous monitoring of organ

toward smaller body size. temperature and thermal con-
Mean body size changed within ductivity (see the Perspective
populations, but community- by Zaidan and Lakkis). Using
level trends were more affected rat models, the authors dem-

by changes in the abundance of onstrated early detection of
small- and large-bodied species. transplant rejection by tracking
Biomass generally stayed stable changes in normal cycles or an
over time, suggesting that more elevation in organ temperature.
small individuals were present —MSL
despite the loss of larger ones. Science, adh7726 this issue p. 1105; PSYCHOLOGY REPRODUCTION
—BEL see also adj9517, p. 1048
Science, adg6006, this issue p. 1067
My beautiful (future) Building the ovarian
friend reserve
MICROBIOLOGY People tend to evaluate In mammals, the entire lifetime

y g
AUTOIMMUNITY themselves and others who are supply of ovarian follicles is
Lactylation in bacteria close to them more positively established before birth. In some
The source of on a sugar high than they objectively are. cases, follicles may become
autoimmune vasculitis High sucrose triggers biofilm When people select others to depleted prematurely, leading
Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is an formation and the production of befriend, they tend to anticipate to infertility. By investigating

autoimmune disease of the tooth-damaging lactate by the someone who looks, smells, and the functions of orphan nuclear
medium and large arteries oral bacterium Streptococcus sounds better than they are. receptors, Hughes et al. found
that affects older adults and mutans. Li et al. identified and Kononov et al. were interested that one of them, steroidogenic
is often refractory to standard characterized lysine residues in in understanding how we use factor 1 (SF-1), contributes to
immunosuppression. Although S. mutans that were lactylated these physical parameters to the prenatal development and
clusters of T cells occupy the (posttranslationally modified evaluate strangers. The results, subsequent maintenance of
vessel walls in patients with with lactate). High sucrose gen- obtained from 401 participants the ovarian reserve in multiple
GCA, the source of these cells erally elicited a global increase from the United States, showed species. The full mechanism of
and their importance in driv- in lysine lactylation, particularly that the amount of time partici- action of SF-1 is not yet known,
ing disease is unclear. Using in proteins involved in metabo- pants expected to spend with but it appears to have several
both human aortic tissues and lism and protein synthesis. In the stranger in the future was beneficial effects on oocytes,
serial transplantation experi- vitro and in vivo experiments correlated with the magnitude including the formation of
ments in mice, Sato et al. found identified an acetyltransferase of enhanced evaluation. The appropriate ovarian follicle
that a population of stem-like that limited biofilm formation desire for a pleasant experience structure and connections, as
CD4+ T cells residing in tertiary during high-sucrose conditions, seems to result in overly favor- well as reductions in the rates
lymphoid structures replen- potentially by lactylating an RNA able perceptions of strangers. of lysosomal degradation and
ishes pathogenic effector cells polymerase subunit. —AMV —MMa autophagic death. —YN
independently of secondary Sci. Signal. (2023) Pers. Soc. Psychol. Bull. (2023) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2023)
lymphoid organs. Targeting 10.1126/scisignal.adg1849 10.1177/01461672231180150 10.1073/pnas.2220849120

1062 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE
Cas9. These evolutionary ancient
MATERIALS SCIENCE editors have the potential to
become effective genome-editing
Efficient selective tools. —DJ
neodymium recovery Nat. Biotechnol. (2023)

eodymium is a key rare earth
element and an essential
component for some strong GALAXIES
magnets and lasers. Recovery of
neodymium from recycled elec- Simulated galaxies
tronics or industrial waste is possible in the early Universe
using adsorbents in aqueous media, Previous galaxy simulations
but recovery rates are low. Yeh et al. correctly matched the number
drew inspiration from mussels by of observed galaxies from the
fabricating cellulose-based “hairy cel- local Universe back to redshifts
lulose” nanocrystals that can adhere (z) of about 8 (about 600 million
to silica gel microparticles with the years after the Big Bang). Recent
help of dopamine and selectively observations have detected
remove neodymium ions even with more galaxies at z ≥ 8 than were

other ions present. The decorated expected. Kannan et al. used
microparticles show excellent selec- the MillenniumTNG hydrody-
tive adsorption of neodymium ions, namic simulations to predict the
are easier to recover from solution, number of galaxies expected at z
and can be reused for multiple recov- = 7 to 15. Their simulations agree
ery cycles. —MSL with observations back to z ~ 10,

ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2023) and to z ~ 12 if there is low dust
10.1021/acsami.3c04512 abundance. However, at even
higher redshifts (less than 400
Synthetic “hairy cellulose nanocrystals” inspired million years after the Big Bang),
by adhesive proteins found in mussels can be

the simulations underpredict the
used to recover neodymium from waste streams. observed number of galaxies. The
authors suggest that this could be
due to more efficient star forma-
tion at such early times. —KTS
CELL BIOLOGY higher synaptic vesicle cycling. important for efficient neuro- Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (2023)
What is known as single-molecule transmission. —SMH 10.1093/mnras/stac3743
Presynaptic actin localization microscopy of pre- J. Cell Biol. (2023)
organization synapses revealed three distinct 10.1083/jcb.202208110
Actin, together with myosin, is types of actin nanostructures. At ORGANIC CHEMISTRY

y g
an abundant contractile protein the active zone, actin formed into
in muscle fibers and is required a mesh-like structure. Between
GENOME EDITING Halides reconfigure
for cell movement. Actin is highly the active zone and the synaptic Miniature genome editors a ruthenium catalyst
expressed in the presynaptic vesicle reserve pool, deeper CRISPR-Cas9 systems have Asymmetric catalysis often relies
regions of neurons. Bingham within the presynapse, actin been developed into powerful on the configuration of a chiral

et al. specifically visualized formed into rail-like structures. genome-editing tools that have ligand coordinated to a metal

presynaptic regions of cultured Finally, the whole presynaptic had revolutionary effects in center. Shezaf et al. report an
rat neurons using superresolu- compartment was enclosed in medicine and agriculture. Cas9 unusual instance in which the

tion imaging. A subpopulation a corral-like structure of actin. is a large, 160-kilodalton protein, configuration at the metal itself, in
of presynapses were enriched These elaborate presynaptic and smaller nucleases would addition to the chiral ligand, plays
in actin, which correlated with actin nanostructures may be increase delivery efficiency. a decisive role in the reaction.
Recent successes have come Specifically, chloride coordinates
from tracing the evolutionary opposite a carbon monoxide
ancestors of Cas9 and related ligand on a ruthenium center with
Cas12 proteins. Xiang et al. have a chiral phosphine, whereas iodide
found one endonuclease ances- coordinates perpendicular to it.
tor, TnpB, and identified two small As a result, the catalyst changes
motifs, ISAam1 and ISYmu1, its regioselectivity in coupling
that have robust editing activity an alcohol to isoprene, favoring
across dozens of genomic loci in a bond to a secondary carbon
human cells. These are 369 and center with chlorine and a tertiary
382 amino acids long, respec- carbon center with iodine. —JSY
DNA-PAINT image of actin in the presynapse of a rat neuron showing the active tively, about one-third of the J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2023)
zone mesh (red), actin rails (green), and the enclosing corral-like structure (blue) length of the most widely used 10.1021/jacs.3c06734

SCIENCE 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 1063

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◥ genic signaling–regulated phosphorylation sites

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY in IRE1a (Ser525, Ser529, Ser549, and Thr973) that
are distinct from IRE1a autophosphorylation
CANCER sites but are required for enhanced protein
stability. The phosphorylation of IRE1a at these
Modulation of the proteostasis network promotes sites prevents IRE1a binding with the SEL1L/
HRD1 E3 ligase complex, thus impairing the
tumor resistance to oncogenic KRAS inhibitors ubiquitination-dependent degradation of IRE1a
and stabilizing the protein. These sites are the
Xiangdong Lv†, Xuan Lu†, Jin Cao†, Qin Luo, Yao Ding, Fanglue Peng, Apar Pataer, Dong Lu, convergence points of multiple resistance
Dong Han, Eric Malmberg, Doug W. Chan, Xiaoran Wang, Sara R. Savage, Sufeng Mao, Jingjing Yu, mechanisms in KRASi-resistant tumors. RTK-
Fei Peng, Liang Yan, Huan Meng, Laure Maneix, Yumin Han, Yiwen Chen, Wantong Yao, mediated reactivation of ERK and hyperacti-
Eric C. Chang, Andre Catic, Xia Lin, George Miles, Pengxiang Huang, Zheng Sun, Bryan Burt, vation of AKT sustained the unconventional
Huamin Wang, Jin Wang, Qizhi Cathy Yao, Bing Zhang, Jack A. Roth, Bert W. O’Malley, phosphorylation of IRE1a in the KRASi-resistant
Matthew J. Ellis, Mothaffar F. Rimawi, Haoqiang Ying*, Xi Chen* tumors, which consequently restored its protein
stability and reestablished proteostasis. Gen-
etic or pharmacological suppression of IRE1a
INTRODUCTION: KRAS is one of the most fre- network is orchestrated by driver oncogenes collapsed the rewired proteostasis network and
quently mutated genes in human cancer. De- and the proteostasis reprogramming mech- overcame resistance to KRAS–MAPK (mitogen-
spite advances in the development of inhibitors anisms that bypass oncogene addiction and activated protein kinase) inhibitors.

that directly target mutant KRAS and the ap- allow for acquired resistance to targeted ther-
proval of KRASG12C inhibitors sotorasib and apies remain largely unknown. In this study, CONCLUSION: This study reveals the direct
adagrasib for the treatment of KRASG12C- we investigated the regulation of proteostasis cross-talk between oncogenic signaling and the
mutant non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) by oncogenic KRAS and the rewiring of pro- protein quality control machinery and uncovers
patients, multiple lines of clinical and pre- teostasis network underlying the acquired the mechanisms that account for the proteo-
clinical evidence demonstrate that adaptive resistance to KRAS inhibition. stasis rewiring in response to KRAS inhibition.

resistance to KRAS inhibitors (KRASi) is rapid Multiple resistance mechanisms converge on
and almost inevitable. The heterogeneous RESULTS: We show that oncogenic KRAS is IRE1a through ER stress–independent phos-
resistance mechanisms in patients and dose- critical for protein quality control in cancer phorylation to restore proteostasis and promote
limiting toxicity associated with targeting multi- cells. Genetic or pharmacological inhibition KRASi-resistant tumor growth. Targeting this
ple KRASi resistance pathways—such as receptor of oncogenic KRAS rapidly inactivated both key convergence point represents an effect-

tyrosine kinases (RTKs), extracellular signal– cytosolic and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) pro- ive therapeutic strategy to overcome KRASi
regulated kinase (ERK), and AKT–remain a
major barrier to progress.
tein quality control machinery, two essential
components of the proteostasis network,

through inhibition of the master regulators heat
The list of author affiliations appears in the full article online.
RATIONALE: Most cancers require a balanced shock factor 1 (HSF1) and inositol-requiring *Corresponding author. Email: (X.C.);
protein homeostasis (proteostasis) network to enzyme 1a (IRE1a). However, residue cancer (H.Y.)
maintain oncogenic growth. Therapeutic insults cells that survive KRASi directly reactivated †These authors contributed equally to this work.
Cite this article as X. Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180
often disrupt proteostasis and induce proteo- IRE1a through an ER stress–independent (2023). DOI: 10.1126/science.abn4180
toxic stresses. Residual drug-tolerant cells must phosphorylation mechanism that reestablished
overcome imbalances in the proteostasis net- proteostasis and sustained acquired resistance READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT

y g
work to maintain survival. How a proteostasis to KRAS inhibition. We identified four onco-

Proteostasis reprogramming Phosphorylation Ubiquitination

upon KRAS inhibition. Inhibi- Acute Inhibition of
tion of oncogenic KRAS inacti- Oncogenic KRAS Resistance FGFR VEGFR
Oncogenic Oncogenic
vates both cytosolic and ER KRAS KRAS ErbB2 PDGFR
protein quality control machin-
ery by inhibiting HSF1 and Sotorasib Proteasome
IRE1a. Residual cells that sur-
vive KRASi directly restore MEK MEK
IRE1a phosphorylation through HSF1 AKT ERK
receptor tyrosine kinase– p97/VCP
mediated reactivation of ERK complex
and hyperactivation of AKT, Cytosol
preventing IRE1a from SEL1L/ HRD1
ER Lumen
HRD1–mediated ubiquitination
and degradation. Multiple heter- IRE1 SEL1L
ogeneous resistance pathways
converge on IRE1a to reestab-
Protein aggregation
lish proteostasis and promote
resistance to KRASi. Cell viability

Lv et al., Science 381, 1065 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 1


◥ instrumental to maintain cancer cell survival

RESEARCH ARTICLE and circumvent various insults that impair the
quality of protein synthesis and folding (40, 41).
CANCER Cells use compartment-specific stress sensors
to monitor and maintain a high-fidelity pro-
Modulation of the proteostasis network promotes teome. Cytosolic proteins are monitored by the
heat shock response (HSR) (42), whereas trans-
tumor resistance to oncogenic KRAS inhibitors membrane and secreted proteins are moni-
tored in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by
Xiangdong Lv1,2,3†, Xuan Lu1,2,3†, Jin Cao1,2,3†, Qin Luo1,2,3, Yao Ding1,2,3, Fanglue Peng1,2,3, the unfolded protein response (UPR) (43–45).
Apar Pataer4, Dong Lu1,5,6, Dong Han1,2,3, Eric Malmberg1,2,3, Doug W. Chan1,2,3, Xiaoran Wang1,2,3, When the HSR is triggered by stress stimuli,
Sara R. Savage2,3,7, Sufeng Mao1,2,3, Jingjing Yu1,2,3, Fei Peng1,8, Liang Yan9, Huan Meng1, heat shock factors (HSFs) become activated and
Laure Maneix1,10, Yumin Han1,2,3, Yiwen Chen11, Wantong Yao12, Eric C. Chang1,2,3, Andre Catic1,10, transactivate genes that encode chaperones and
Xia Lin13, George Miles2,3,7, Pengxiang Huang1, Zheng Sun1,8, Bryan Burt14, Huamin Wang15, other factors of the proteostasis network (46).
Jin Wang1,5,6, Qizhi Cathy Yao13, Bing Zhang2,3,7, Jack A. Roth4, Bert W. O’Malley1, HSF1 is a master regulator of the proteotoxic
Matthew J. Ellis2,3,16, Mothaffar F. Rimawi2,3, Haoqiang Ying9*, Xi Chen1,2,3* stress response and has been implicated in
mediating proteome fidelity in cancer cells (47).
Despite substantial advances in targeting mutant KRAS, tumor resistance to KRAS inhibitors (KRASi) The UPR is a three-branched stress response
remains a major barrier to progress. Here, we report proteostasis reprogramming as a key convergence that is activated upon disruption of ER homeo-
point of multiple KRASi-resistance mechanisms. Inactivation of oncogenic KRAS down-regulated both the stasis. The UPR is mediated by the ER trans-

heat shock response and the inositol-requiring enzyme 1a (IRE1a) branch of the unfolded protein membrane sensors inositol-requiring enzyme
response, causing severe proteostasis disturbances. However, IRE1a was selectively reactivated in an 1a (IRE1a), activated transcription factor 6
ER stress–independent manner in acquired KRASi-resistant tumors, restoring proteostasis. Oncogenic (ATF6), and protein kinase RNA-like ER kinase
KRAS promoted IRE1a protein stability through extracellular signal–regulated kinase (ERK)–dependent (PERK) (48). IRE1a is the most ancient and
phosphorylation of IRE1a, leading to IRE1a disassociation from 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl reductase conserved member of the mammalian UPR
degradation (HRD1) E3-ligase. In KRASi-resistant tumors, both reactivated ERK and hyperactivated AKT sensory triad (49, 50). Under ER stress con-

restored IRE1a phosphorylation and stability. Suppression of IRE1a overcame resistance to KRASi. ditions, IRE1a undergoes oligomerization
This study reveals a druggable mechanism that leads to proteostasis reprogramming and facilitates and trans-autophosphorylation to activate its
KRASi resistance. ribonuclease (RNase) domain. This results in
excision of 26 nucleotides from unspliced
XBP1 (XBP1u) mRNA, and a frame shift muta-

RAS is one of the most frequently genic KRAS engages multiple effector path- tion to produce the mature, spliced XBP1
mutated genes in human cancer, ways to drive tumorigenesis, notably the RAF/ (XBP1s), which encodes a potent transcrip-
especially in pancreatic ductal MEK/ERK (MAPK) and phosphatidylinositol tional activator (fig. S1A) (51, 52). Mutant
adenocarcinoma (PDAC), non– 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT pathways (6–10). Small RAS was traditionally viewed as an inducer
small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), molecules that directly target the KRAS G12C of general UPR through stressing ER during
and colorectal carcinoma (CRC) (1–5). Onco- mutation (in which glycine at position 12 is oncogenic transformation of nonmalignant
replaced by cysteine), including sotorasib and cells (53). Genetic screens revealed the syn-
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor adagrasib (11–13), have shown encouraging thetic lethal interaction between mutant RAS
College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030, USA. 2Lester and
Sue Smith Breast Center, Baylor College of Medicine,
therapeutic efficacies in clinical trials (14–16). and IRE1a in yeast (54). Yet it remains unclear
Houston, TX 77030, USA. 3Dan L. Duncan Comprehensive The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) how the proteostasis network is orchestrated

y g
Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX granted accelerated approval for sotorasib and by oncogenic KRAS, or how the proteostasis
77030, USA. 4Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular
Surgery, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center,
adagrasib to treat patients with KRASG12C- reprogramming mechanisms occur that bypass
Houston, TX 77030, USA. 5Department of Pharmacology and mutant NSCLC. However, resistance to these KRAS addiction and allow for acquired resis-
Chemical Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX KRAS inhibitors (KRASi) is almost inevitable, tance to KRASi.

77030, USA. 6Center for Drug Discovery, Baylor College of resulting from the activation of compensatory Here, we report that proteostasis is dynamic-
Medicine, Houston, TX 77030, USA. 7Department of
Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, pathways—such as epidermal growth factor ally altered upon oncogenic KRAS inhibition.
Houston, TX 77030, USA. 8Department of Medicine, Division (EGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), aurora We identified the IRE1a-mediated reprogram-

of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Baylor College kinase A (AURKA), or SOS1—or the acquisi- ming of proteostasis as an essential mechanism
of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030, USA. 9Department of
Molecular and Cellular Oncology, University of Texas MD tion of new mutations, such as KRAS, NRAS, that facilitates resistance to KRAS-MAPK inhib-
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77030, USA. BRAF, EGFR, or FGFR2 (15–35). Although in- ition. We also elucidated the biochemical
Huffington Center on Aging, Baylor College of Medicine, hibitors that target KRAS mutations other basis for the ER stress–independent post-
USA. 11Department of Bioinformatics and Computational
Biology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, than G12C are in clinical trials (36), similar translational modification and regulation
Houston, TX 77030, USA. 12Department of Translational bypass of KRAS dependence has been demon- of IRE1a through both oncogenic KRAS sig-
Molecular Pathology, University of Texas MD Anderson strated in preclinical studies that used geneti- naling and KRASi resistance signaling, which
Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77030, USA. 13Division of
Surgical Oncology, Michael E. DeBakey Department of
cally engineered mouse models (GEMMs) of serves as a therapeutic vulnerability that can
Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030, lung and pancreatic cancer (37–39). Because of be targeted to overcome resistance to KRAS-
USA. 14Division of Thoracic Surgery, Michael E. DeBakey these clinical challenges, understanding the MAPK inhibition.
Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,
TX 77030, USA. 15Department of Pathology, University of
mechanisms that mediate the resistance to
KRASi is imperative to develop more effective Oncogenic KRAS inactivation reprograms
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77030,
USA. 16Early Oncology, Oncology R&D, AstraZeneca, therapies to prevent the recurrence of KRAS- proteostasis
Gaithersburg, MD, USA. driven cancers. To understand the impacts of oncogenic KRAS
*Corresponding author. Email: (X.C.); (H.Y.) The ability to overcome an imbalanced pro- on proteostasis, we used primary mouse PDAC
†These authors contributed equally to this work. tein homeostasis or “proteostasis” network is cells derived from our previously generated,

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 18


A B C n.s.
iKrasP iKrasR n.s.
Properly folded Off Dox
proteins No fluorescence (days) 0 2 7 12 20 30 0.10 ****



Misfolded & Strong fluorescence
aggregated proteins Off Dox 0 2 7 12 20 30

as R
as P

D E iKras GEMM tumor
iKras GEMM tumor F n.s.

0.03 *** **** MIA-PaCa-2 xenograft tumor MIA-PaCa-2

Off Dox **** xenograft tumor

On Dox Off Dox Relapsed 0.05
0.02 Vehicle Sotorasib Relapsed 0.10

0.04 * *

0.01 0.03
0.02 0.06


0.01 0.04

0.00 0.02

Of ox


DMSO + - - 0.00

Sotorasib - + +
, re

So hicle




Fig. 1. Oncogenic KRAS inactivation reprograms proteostasis. (A) Schematic MIA-PaCa-2 (MIAP) cells treated with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or 30 nM

illustration of labeling and detection of misfolded and aggregated proteins sotorasib for 2 days or in sotorasib-resistant MIA-PaCa-2 (MIAR) cells treated
with PROTEOSTAT dye. Upon intercalation into the cross-b spine typically found with 30 nM sotorasib. MIAR cells were generated in vitro by means of continued
in misfolded and aggregated proteins, PROTEOSTAT dye emits strong sotorasib treatment until the cells acquired resistance. (G) Representative
fluorescence. (B) Representative images and (C) quantification of PROTEOSTAT images and (H) quantification of PROTEOSTAT (magenta) and DAPI (blue)
(magenta) and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) (blue) staining in iKrasP staining in MIA-PaCa-2 xenograft tumors treated with vehicle (n = 4 mice), sotorasib
cells at different time points after KrasG12D inactivation through Dox-withdrawal (30mg/kg for 1 day, n = 3 mice), or relapsed after 9 weeks of sotorasib
(Off Dox) until the cells acquired resistance to KrasG12D inactivation (iKrasR cell). treatment (30mg/kg, n = 4 mice). Data represent average fluorescence intensity
(D) Representative images and (E) quantification of PROTEOSTAT (magenta) of PROTEOSTAT per cell from each image [(C) and (F)] or tumor [(E) and (H)] and
staining in spontaneous tumors from the Dox-inducible, KrasG12D-driven PDAC are presented as mean ± SD from n ≥ 10 images. Scale bar, 20 mm. Ordinary
mouse model (iKras GEMM) treated with doxycycline (Dox, 2 g/liter, n = 5 mice), one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test

y g
Dox withdrawal for 3 days (n = 4 mice) or relapsed after 30 weeks of Dox- in (C), (E), (F), and (H) was used to calculate P values. n.s., not significant,
withdrawal (n = 7 mice). (F) Quantification of PROTEOSTAT intensity in parental *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001.

doxycycline (Dox)–inducible, KrasG12D-driven cells displayed restored proteostasis (Fig. 1, B firmed the restoration of proteostasis upon ac-

PDAC mouse model (55), which are hereafter and C) and resumed cell growth (fig. S1, D, E, quired resistance to KrasG12D inactivation (fig.
designated as iKras cells. Dox withdrawal and G), at levels comparable with those observed S1, Q to S).
turned off KrasG12D expression in iKras cells for parental cells (iKrasP). These cells resistant We also used the iKras GEMM to examine
to KrasG12D inactivation are hereafter desig-
(fig. S1B), resulting in the inactivation of down- in vivo proteostasis reprogramming (55).
stream MAPK signaling (fig. S1C), decreased nated as iKrasR cells. Continuous KrasG12D KrasG12D inactivation through Dox withdrawal
5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation inactivation was required to maintain the re- resulted in rapid tumor regression, but 70% of
(fig. S1D), and increased cell apoptosis (fig. S1E). sistance phenotypes because reactivation of tumors relapsed after 9 to 47 weeks (37).
We monitored protein aggregation upon KrasG12D for extended periods (12 days) par- PROTEOSTAT staining of iKras GEMM tumors
KrasG12D inactivation using PROTEOSTAT, a tially reversed the resistance of iKrasR cells to at different stages of KrasG12D inactivation
molecular rotor dye that specifically interca- Dox withdrawal (fig. S1, H to K). Dox adminis- revealed increased protein aggregation in regres-
lates into the cross-b spines of the quaternary tration had no impact on cell growth or sing parental tumors and restored proteostasis
protein structures found in misfolded and ag- proteostasis in LSL-KrasG12D cells that lack Dox- in relapsed tumors (Fig. 1, D and E, and fig.
gregated proteins (Fig. 1A). As a positive con- inducible KrasG12D expression (fig. S1, L to P). S2A), which grow independently of KrasG12D
trol, the treatment of iKras cells with the In the iKras cells, staining with Congo red (CR) expression.
proteasome inhibitor MG132 significantly or thioflavin T (ThT), which recognize misfolded To further investigate the impacts of onco-
induced PROTEOSTAT signal (fig. S1F). The protein aggregates (56), or detection of lysine genic KRAS inhibition on proteostasis, we used
inactivation of KrasG12D from Dox withdrawal 48 (K48)–linked polyubiquitin levels, which tag a KRASG12C inhibitor, sotorasib (12), to treat
induced protein aggregation (Fig. 1, B and C). misfolded or aggregated proteins for proteasome- MIA-PaCa-2 human PDAC cells and H358
However, 30 days after Dox withdrawal, iKras mediated degradation (57), independently con- human NSCLC cells harboring the KRASG12C

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 2 of 18


mutation. Sotorasib effectively suppressed the molecular chaperone function (59, 60), com- demonstrate that oncogenic KRAS inactivation
activation of MEK/ERK (fig. S2, B and C), lead- pletely blunted KrasG12D inactivation-induced initially impairs both the ER and cytosolic
ing to cell growth inhibition in both MIA-PaCa-2 phospho-PERK (fig. S3, H to J), indicating that protein quality control machinery as well as
and H358 cell lines (fig. S2, D and E). Both MIA- PERK was activated as a result of the disrupted the ISR. However, only IRE1a/XBP1, but not
PaCa-2 and H358 cells also displayed increased proteostasis by KRASi. PERK is one of the four HSF1 or ISR, is restored in the KRASi-resistant
PROTEOSTAT staining and K48-linked polyubiq- kinases [general control nonderepressible 2 tumors.
uitination levels in response to sotorasib treat- (GCN2), PERK, heme-regulated inhibitor (HRI),
ment, suggesting enhanced protein aggregation and RNA-activated protein kinase (PKR)] that IRE1a/XBP1 is required for maintaining
(Fig. 1F and fig. S2, F to H). However, after MIA- phosphorylate eIF2a and regulate the integrated proteostasis in KRASi-resistant cancer cells
PaCa-2 and H358 cells gained resistance to stress response (ISR) (61). Unexpectedly, eIF2a Next, we examined the necessity of IRE1a/
sotorasib (fig. S2, D and E), they also exhibited and its downstream ATF4 followed an oppo- XBP1 for proteostasis maintenance. In iKrasP
restored proteostasis (Fig. 1F and fig. S2, F to H). site pattern as that of phospho-PERK upon cells, Ire1a and Xbp1 depletion modestly in-
Similar to iKrasR cells, continuous sotorasib KrasG12D inactivation (Fig. 2A). Perk deletion duced protein aggregation (Fig. 2, G and H,
treatment was required to maintain the resis- had no effects on their levels (fig. S3K). Genetic and fig. S4A), with minimal effects on cell
tance of MIA-PaCa-2R cells to KRASi (fig. S2, I deletion of each ISR kinases demonstrated growth (Fig. 2I). By contrast, Ire1a and Xbp1
and J). MIA-PaCa-2 xenograft tumors were that phospho-eIF2a and ATF4 were dependent depletion in the iKrasR cells led to profound
initially sensitive to sotorasib treatment but on GCN2, which was activated in iKrasP cells protein aggregation and PERK phosphoryl-
relapsed after 6 weeks (fig. S2K). PROTEOSTAT (Fig. 2A and fig. S3K). These data establish ation (Fig. 2, G and H, and fig. S4, A to F) and
staining revealed increased protein aggregation GCN2 as a regulator of ISR in this context. significantly inhibited cell growth (Fig. 2I).
after initial sotorasib treatment and restored IRE1a/XBP1, but not GCN2 or eIF2a, was selec- These effects were rescued by TUDCA (Fig. 2,

proteostasis in relapsed tumors (Fig. 1, G and H). tively restored in iKrasR cells (Fig. 2A and fig. S3, G to I, and fig. S4B), demonstrating the im-
These data demonstrate that oncogenic KRAS D to F). Consistently, sotorasib treatment re- portance of IRE1a/XBP1 in the maintenance
inhibition induces protein aggregation and duced IRE1a protein levels in MIA-PaCa-2 and of proteostasis and cell survival. Depletion of
severely disrupts proteostasis. However, KRASi- H358 cells, but IRE1a was restored after the Perk did not affect proteostasis and cell growth
resistant cancer cells able to grow in the ab- acquisition of sotorasib resistance (Fig. 2, B of iKrasR cells and had no impacts on Ire1a
sence of mutant KRAS gain the capacity to and C, and fig. S2, D and E). IRE1a immunos- depletion–induced phenotypes (fig. S4, G to K),
taining in the parental, KrasG12D-extincted,

overcome associated proteotoxic stress and suggesting that PERK is dispensable for KRASi-
regain proteostasis. relapsed iKras GEMM tumors (Fig. 2D) and resistant cancer cells. The kinase activity of
sotorasib-treated MIA-PaCa-2 human xenograft IRE1a is required for its RNase activation (63).
Oncogenic KRAS inactivation differentially tumors (Fig. 2E) all independently confirmed In contrast to wild-type (WT) IRE1a, neither
affects the key nodes of proteostasis the in vivo pattern of acute IRE1a suppression kinase-dead IRE1aK599A nor RNase-dead IRE1-

regulatory network followed by reactivation in relapsed tumors. aK907A mutant (63) was able to rescue Ire1a
Proteostasis is maintained by an integrated We also confirmed the continuous in vivo depletion–induced phenotypes in iKrasR cells
network that includes translation, protein quali- suppression of phospho-GCN2, phospho-eIF2a, (fig. S5, A to D), suggesting that IRE1a’s func-
ty control mechanisms that regulate the content and ATF4 through sotorasib treatment in MIA- tion depends on its catalytic RNase activity. In
and quality of the proteome, and protein deg- PaCa-2 xenograft tumors (fig. S3L). Collectively, addition to XBP1s, IRE1a RNase also cleaves
radation pathways, such as the ubiquitin- these data show that acute oncogenic KRAS ER-localized RNAs through the regulated IRE1a-
proteasome system and the autophagy-lysosome inactivation inhibits the IRE1a branch of the dependent decay (RIDD) pathway (64, 65).
system, which eliminate misfolded or aggre- UPR and GCN2-regulated ISR. However, only Although some RIDD targets were regulated
gated proteins (42, 43, 58). KrasG12D inactivation IRE1a is reactivated in the KRASi-resistant by IRE1a (fig. S5, E and F), restoration of XBP1s
through Dox withdrawal in iKras cells did not tumors. completely rescued the Ire1a depletion–induced

y g
alter overall proteasomal activity (fig. S3, A In contrast with our findings on IRE1a, soto- protein aggregation and cell growth defects in
and B). We observed increased LC3 cleavage rasib continuously suppressed HSF1 phosphoryl- iKrasR cells (fig. S5, G to I). These data establish
and lysosome-associated membrane protein ation at serine residue 326 (S326), which is that IRE1a RNase activity and RNase-dependent
type 1 (LAMP1) levels upon KrasG12D inactivation required for HSF1 activation (62), in both XBP1 splicing drives proteostasis in KRASi-

(fig. S3C), indicating elevated autophagy and parental and sotorasib-resistant MIA-PaCa-2 resistant cancer cells. Consistently, CRISPR-
lysosomal activities, which unlikely caused in- and H358 cells (Fig. 2, B and C). The inhibitory mediated Ire1a or Xbp1 deletion (fig. S5J)
creased protein aggregation. Next, we examined phosphorylation of HSF1 at S121 (62) was resulted in more severe protein aggregation
in iKrasR cells than in iKrasP cells (fig. S5K).
the protein quality control and stress response increased in both sotorasib-resistant MIA-
pathways that monitor and regulate protein PaCa-2R and H358R cells (Fig. 2, B and C). As Taken together, we demonstrate that IRE1a/
folding, including the UPR and HSR. KrasG12D a result, sotorasib treatment markedly reduced XBP1 is indispensable for the maintenance
inactivation in iKrasP cells markedly reduced the expression of HSF1 target genes, including of balanced proteostasis in KRASi-resistant
IRE1a protein levels, Xbp1 splicing, and the HSPA6 and HSPA1B, in both parental and cancer cells.
expression levels of the XBP1s targets Edem1 sotorasib-resistant MIA-PaCa-2 and H358 cells
and Sec61a1 (Fig. 2A and fig. S3, D to F). As a (fig. S3, M and N). We confirmed the in vivo The MAPK pathway regulates IRE1a/XBP1 in
control, Dox treatment had no impacts on suppression of HSF1-S326 phosphorylation by parental KRAS-driven cancer cells
IRE1a levels in the constitutively activated means of sotorasib treatment in MIA-PaCa-2 We aimed to determine the mechanism through
LSL-KrasG12D cells (fig. S3G). By contrast, ATF6 human xenograft tumors (Fig. 2E) and marked which oncogenic KRAS regulates IRE1a. MAPK
was barely affected, and phospho-PERK was reduction of HSF1 luciferase reporter activities and PI3K are two major effector pathways
negatively correlated with IRE1a/XBP1 in in sotorasib-resistant MIA-PaCa-2R cells (fig. S3, downstream of oncogenic KRAS (6). The MEK
response to KrasG12D inactivation (Fig. 2A). O and P). The genetic inactivation of KrasG12D inhibitor trametinib and the ERK inhibitor
Resolving protein aggregation with taurourso- also resulted in the considerable reduction of SCH772984 both substantially reduced IRE1a
deoxycholic acid (TUDCA), a chemical chaperone HSF1 luciferase reporter activities in both iKrasP protein levels in iKrasP cells (Fig. 3A). By con-
that promotes protein folding and stimulates and iKrasR cells (Fig. 2F). Collectively, these data trast, the PI3K inhibitor pictilisib and the AKT

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 3 of 18


A B C D iKras GEMM tumor

58 R
58 P
as R
as P

On Dox Off Dox Off Dox, relapsed





Off Dox
0 2 7 12 20 30 (days) + - + - DMSO + - + - DMSO
- + - + Sotorasib - + - + Sotorasib p-ERK1/2
t-PERK p-HSF1S326 p-HSF1S326
p-PERK p-HSF1 p-HSF1S121 IRE1
t-HSF1 t-HSF1
p-ERK1/2 p-ERK1/2
ACTIN t-ERK1/2 t-ERK1/2 E MIA-PaCa-2 xenograft tumor
Vehicle Sotorasib Sotorasib, relapsed
p-eIF2 p-AKT p-AKT

t-AKT t-AKT p-ERK1/2



p-ERK1/2 p-HSF1S326
F ****
Relative luciferase activity

25 **** n.s.
(Firefly /Renilla)

p-AKT 20
0.20 0.20 **** 0.20 n.s.
n.s. *** n.s.
t-AKT 15 n.s.



p-YAP1 10 0.15 0.15 0.15
0 0.10 0.10 0.10

KRAS Off Dox 0 2

(days) iKrasP 0.05 0.05 0.05
0.00 0.00 0.00
G iKrasP iKrasR iKrasR, TUDCA
sh p1

sh p1

sh p1
sh cr

sh cr

sh c r








I n.s. ** n.s.
shScr 1.5 n.s. 1.5 ** 1.5 n.s.
Relative Cell Growth

Relative Cell Growth

1.0 1.0 Relative Cell Growth


y g

0.5 0.5 0.5


0.0 0.0 0.0
sh p1

sh p1

sh p1
sh cr

sh cr

sh c r









iKrasP iKrasR iKrasR, TUDCA

Fig. 2. Oncogenic KRAS inactivation differentially affects the key nodes of n = 3 biological replicates. (G) Representative images and (H) quantification
the proteostasis regulatory network. (A) Immunoblot with indicated of PROTEOSTAT (magenta) and DAPI (blue) staining in iKrasP or iKrasR cells
antibodies in whole-cell lysates of iKrasP at different time points after KrasG12D infected with lentiviruses encoding scramble short hairpin RNA (shRNA) (shScr),
inactivation through Dox-withdrawal (Off Dox) until the cells acquired resistance Xbp1 shRNA (shXbp1), or Ire1a shRNA (shIre1a). Cells were treated with 2.5 mM
to KrasG12D inactivation (iKrasR cell). (B and C) Immunoblot with indicated TUDCA dissolved in water for 2 days as indicated. Data represent the average
antibodies in whole-cell lysates of parental or sotorasib-resistant (B) MIA-PaCa-2 fluorescence intensity of PROTEOSTAT per cell from each image acquired and
or (C) H358 cells treated with DMSO or 30 nM sotorasib. (D) Immuno- presented as mean ± SD from n = 10 (On Dox), n = 17 (Off Dox), or n = 17
histochemical (IHC) staining with indicated antibodies in iKras GEMM tumors (Off Dox + TUDCA) images. (I) CCK-8 assay was used to quantify cell viability of
treated with doxycycline (On Dox), Dox withdrawal for 3 days (Off Dox), or iKras cells treated as in (G) and (H). Data are presented as mean ± SD relative
relapsed after 30 weeks of Dox-withdrawal (Off Dox, relapsed). (E) IHC staining to shScr, n = 3 biological replicates. Ordinary one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s
with indicated antibodies in MIA-PaCa-2 xenograft tumors treated with vehicle, multiple comparisons test in (H) and (I) and ordinary one-way ANOVA with
sotorasib (30mg/kg for 1 day), or relapsed after 9 weeks of sotorasib treatment Tukey’s multiple comparisons test in (F) was used to calculate P values. n.s., not
(30 mg/kg). (F) Relative HSE luciferase activity in iKrasP or iKrasR cells cultured significant, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001. Scale bar, (D) and (E),
in the presence or absence of Dox for 2 days. Data are shown as mean ± SD, 40 mm; (G) 20 mm.

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 4 of 18


inhibitor MK2206 had little impact on IRE1a A iKrasP cell B iKrasP cell C
levels in iKrasP cells (Fig. 3B). Examination of Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3
five additional KRAS-mutant cell lines confirmed

SC tinib

MK ib
that MEK/ERK inhibitors, but not PI3K/AKT IRE1




inhibitors, reduced IRE1a protein levels (fig.




S6, A to C). These effects were similar to what
was observed in response to the genetic or p-ERK1/2
pharmacological inhibition of oncogenic KRAS p-ERK1/2 p-AKT
(Fig. 3F and fig. S6D). Recent studies show t-ERK1/2 t-AKT
that SHP2 (SH2 containing protein tyrosine Patient 4 Patient 5 Patient 6
phosphatase-2) is critical for KRASG12C cycling
and ERK activation (30, 33, 66–69). Inhibi-
F H358P cell
tion of SHP2 with SHP099 substantially sup-

pressed ERK activity and reduced IRE1a levels DMSO MG132
in KRASG12C-mutant H358 cells (fig. S6E), whereas p-ERK1/2

SO b

Tra sib

Tra asib
DM etini

modest effect was observed in KRASG12D-mutant



iKras cells because of the limited intrinsic


guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) activity of D 250 ** E PDAC patients
IRE1 Grade 1, 2
KRASG12D (fig. S6F). SHP099 also inhibited

p-ERK1/2 H-score
200 Grade 3
the growth of sotorasib-resistant H358R cells p-ERK1/2 *


and MIA-PaCa-2R cells (fig. S6, G and H).
Long-term treatment of H358 cells with SHP099 ACTIN 100 31
led to drug resistance and recovered proteostasis GAPDH
50 94.1% 68.7%
(fig. S6, I to K), accompanied with IRE1a resto-
0 Low High
ration in the resistant cells (fig. S6L). Depletion

of IRE1a in SHP2i-resistant cells resulted in IRE1 H-score


IRE1 H-score

marked protein aggregation and resensitized
the cells to SHP099 (fig. S6, M to O). Another G H H358P cell I H358P cell
upstream activator of RAS signaling is epider- H358 cellP + - + - DMSO
- + - + Sotorasib shScr shSEL1L
mal growth factor receptor (EGFR); suppression - + Sotorasib
+ + - - shScr

SO b

of EGFR with gefitinib markedly reduced + + Flag-IRE1

Tra sib

Tra asib
DM etini
- - + + shSEL1L

+ + MG132

ERK and IRE1a levels in H358 cells (fig. S6P). + + + + Flag-IRE1


+ + + + MG132


By contrast, inhibition of MEK/ERK in non- SEL1L
malignant BEAS-2B lung epithelial cells with Mr (K)
nononcogenic RAS signaling barely affected IP: Flag
IRE1a levels (fig. S6, Q and R). Using tissue 250 Denature IP: Flag
Flag Ub p-ERK1/2
microarrays, we found that IRE1a levels cor-
related with phospho-ERK levels in treatment- 100
naïve PDAC patient samples (Fig. 3, C and D),
and high expression of IRE1a was associated HRD1 SEL1L
with higher histologic tumor grade (Fig. 3E). 130 IRE1

y g
Collectively, these data demonstrate that onco- p-ERK1/2 ACTIN

genic KRAS-mediated MAPK pathway activa- 35 GAPDH

tion leads to the activation of IRE1a in parental Flag SEL1L
KRAS-mutant cancers.

Fig. 3. KRAS-MAPK signaling stabilizes IRE1a through inhibiting SEL1L-HRD1 mediated IRE1a ubiqui-
MAPK promotes IRE1a protein stability tination. (A and B) Immunoblot with indicated antibodies in whole-cell lysates of iKrasP cells treated with
by inhibiting SEL1L/HRD1-mediated DMSO, trametinib (MEK inhibitor; 20 nM), SCH772984 (ERK inhibitor; 1 mM), pictilisib (PI3K inhibitor; 1 mM),
IRE1a ubiquitination
or MK2206 (AKT inhibitor; 2 mM) as indicated for 2 days. (C) Representative images of IHC staining of
Sotorasib treatment did not down-regulate IRE1a and p-ERK1/2 in tissue microarray of treatment naïve tumors from PDAC patients. Scale bar, 200 mm.
IRE1a mRNA levels (fig. S7A), but it consid- (D) H-score of p-ERK1/2 in tissue microarray samples with distinct IRE1a intensities. Data are presented
erably reduced IRE1a protein abundance in as mean ± SEM. (E) Proportion of patients with different tumor grades in PDAC patients with low or high
H358 cells (Fig. 3F). Treatment with the pro- IRE1a H-score. (F) Immunoblot with indicated antibodies in whole-cell lysates of H358P cells treated with
teasome inhibitor MG132 rescued both sotorasib- DMSO, 30 nM sotorasib, or 20 nM trametinib for 2 days. Cells were treated with DMSO or 1 mM MG132 for
and trametinib-induced reductions in IRE1a 12 hours before harvest. (G) Sotorasib promotes the interaction between IRE1a and SEL1L/HRD1. H358P
protein levels in H358 cells (Fig. 3F). Simi- cells expressing Flag-IRE1a were treated with DMSO or 30 nM sotorasib for 2 days and subjected to
larly, the observed reduction in IRE1a protein immunoprecipitation (IP) with anti-Flag M2 agarose beads. (H) Sotorasib promotes SEL1L-dependent IRE1a
levels in response to KrasG12D inactivation, ubiquitination. H358P cells expressing Flag-IRE1a and shScr or shSEL1L were treated with DMSO or 30 nM
trametinib, or SCH772984 treatment could sotorasib for 2 days and subjected to denature IP with anti-Flag M2 agarose beads. The immunoblot was
be rescued by MG132 in iKrasP cells (fig. S7, probed with antibody to ubiquitin (Ub) to detect IRE1a ubiquitination. In (G) and (H), MG132 (1 mM) was
B and C). These data demonstrate that the added into the culture medium 12 hours before harvest. (I) Immunoblot with indicated antibodies in
inhibition of oncogenic KRAS or MAPK pro- whole-cell lysates of H358P cells infected with lentiviruses encoding shScr or shSEL1L and treated with
motes proteasome-mediated IRE1a degrada- DMSO, 30 nM sotorasib, or 20 nM trametinib for 2 days. Two-tailed, unpaired Student’s t test with Welch’s
tion in parental KRAS-mutant cancers. correction in (D) and Fisher’s exact test in (E) was used to calculate P values. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 5 of 18


IRE1a is a bona fide substrate of the SEL1L/ (Fig. 4E) (76). Deletion of the D-motif at amino individual site (S525D, S529D, S549D, or T973E,
HRD1 ER-associated degradation (ERAD) acids 687 to 701 largely disrupted the binding where D is aspartate and E is glutamate) dis-
complex (70), which is composed of the E3 between ERK and IRE1a (fig. S8J). Collectively, rupted IRE1a interaction with HRD1 (Fig. 4K),
ubiquitin ligase HRD1 and its adapter protein these data demonstrate that ERK directly inter- leading to the stabilization of IRE1a protein in
SEL1L (suppressor/enhancer of lin-12-like) (71). acts with and phosphorylates IRE1a. the absence of ERK (Fig. 4L). Similar effects
The SEL1L/HRD1 complex ubiquitinates and Sequence analysis showed that human IRE1a were observed for IRE1aSDTE mutant with gain-
targets IRE1a for proteasomal degradation contains four putative ERK phosphorylation of-function mutation for all four sites (Fig. 4, K
in multiple cell types (70, 72, 73). Sotorasib sites at Ser525 (S525), Ser529 (S529), Ser549 (S549), and L, and fig. S10F). IRE1aSDTE was resistant
treatment substantially enhanced the associa- and Thr973 (T973), which is consistent with the to sotorasib- or SCH772984-promoted protein
tion between IRE1a and the SEL1L/HRD1 com- minimal ERK substrate motif pS/T*P (Fig. 4E). degradation in MIA-PaCa-2 cells (fig. S10,
plex (Fig. 3G), resulting in increased IRE1a Mass spectrometry analysis of IRE1a protein G and H). As a result, sotorasib failed to induce
ubiquitination in H358 cells (Fig. 3H). Sotorasib purified from control or MEKDD-expressing protein aggregation in IRE1aSDTE-expressing
also promoted the interaction of IRE1a with p97 293T cells confirmed the ERK-dependent phos- MIA-PaCa-2 tumors (Fig. 5, A to C). These tu-
and NPL4 (nuclear protein localization protein phorylation of IRE1a at S525, S529, S549, and mors became partially resistant to sotorasib-
4) (fig. S7, D and E), which deliver the ubiqui- T973 (fig. S9, A to C). We mutated the iden- induced antitumor effects (Fig. 5D). In line with
tinated ERAD substrates to the proteasome tified phospho-serine or -threonine amino acids these data, the IRE1aSDTE mutant rescued IRE1a
for degradation (74). SEL1L depletion reduced to alanine (A) and performed an in vitro kinase depletion–induced protein aggregation, phospho-
sotorasib- or trametinib-induced IRE1a ubiquiti- assay using [g-32P] adenosine 5′-triphosphate PERK, and cell growth defects in iKrasR cells
nation and restored IRE1a protein levels (Fig. 3, (ATP). The kinase-dead form of IRE1aK599A was (fig. S10, I to L). Single-site phospho-deficient
H and I, and fig. S7F), leading to the prevention used as a backbone to exclude the effects of IRE1a IRE1a mutant also rescued these phenotypes

of KRAS-MAPK inhibition–induced protein autophosphorylation. ERK was able to directly owing to the presence of the other three phos-
aggregation (fig. S7G). Inhibition of p97 with phosphorylate kinase-dead autophosphorylation- phorylated sites (fig. S10, L to O). The phospho-
CB5083 (75) also rescued sotorasib-induced deficient IRE1aK599A (Fig. 4F). The T973A deficient IRE1a4A mutant failed to restore IRE1a
IRE1a degradation (fig. S7I). Consistently, Sel1l mutation (in which threonine was replaced with protein levels and was unable to rescue these
or Hrd1 depletion in iKrasP cells blocked the alanine at position 973) markedly reduced but phenotypes (fig. S10, L to O). Collectively, these
induction of IRE1a degradation and prevented did not eliminate ERK-dependent IRE1aK599A data demonstrate that IRE1a phosphorylation
protein aggregation in response to KrasG12D

phosphorylation (Fig. 4F). Additional muta- at S525, S529, S549, and T973 inhibits IRE1a
extinction and trametinib or SCH772984 treat- tion of S525, S529, or S549 to A together with association with the ERAD complex, leading
ment (fig. S7, J to P). These data demonstrate T973A further decreased the IRE1a phosphor- to enhanced stability, maintaining proteostasis.
that oncogenic KRAS-mediated MAPK activa- ylation (Fig. 4F). The simultaneous mutation A screen of 32 serine and threonine phos-
tion stabilizes IRE1a protein by preventing of all four sites largely abolished the ERK- phatases in 293T cells revealed that expression

SEL1/HRD1-mediated ubiquitination and sub- dependent IRE1aK599A phosphorylation (Fig. of SCP3 substantially reduced MEKDD-induced
sequent proteasomal degradation. 4F). In agreement, mutation of these four S or IRE1a phosphorylation (fig. S11, A to C). In vitro
T to A (designated as 4A mutant) diminished phosphatase assays and co-IP experiments con-
ERK directly interacts with and ERK-dependent phosphorylation on WT IRE1a firmed that SCP3 interacted with and directly
phosphorylates IRE1a (Fig. 4G and fig. S9D). The IRE1a mutations dephosphorylated IRE1a (Fig. 5E, and fig. S11D).
Oncogenic KRAS-MAPK did not directly regu- did not affect IRE1a binding with ERK (fig. Scp3 silencing increased IRE1a phosphoryla-
late ERAD complex expression in iKrasP or S9, D and E). Collectively, these data identify tion, and overexpression of SCP3 reduced IRE1a
H358 cells (Fig. 3I and fig. S7, J, M, and Q). It is S525, S529, S549, and T973 as ERK phosphor- phosphorylation, in iKras cells (Fig. 5, F and G).
well established that phosphorylation often ylation sites on IRE1a. Analysis of Clinical Similarly, SCP3 deletion slowed down sotorasib-
interferes with protein-protein interactions and Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) induced IRE1a dephosphorylation in H358

y g
thus regulates protein ubiquitination and stabili- datasets in patients with NSCLC (77) showed cells (fig. S11E). These data identified SCP3 as
ty. We tested whether MAPK might promote a statistically significant correlation between the phosphatase regulating IRE1a phosphoryl-
IRE1a phosphorylation, resulting in IRE1a dis- IRE1a-S549 phosphorylation and ERK phos- ation, although KRAS did not directly alter
association from the SEL1L/HRD1 complex. phorylation in treatment-naïve NSCLC patients SCP3 levels or activities (fig. S11, F to I). Col-

The expression of a constitutively activated MEK (Fig. 4H and fig. S9F). The peptides containing lectively, these analyses establish a mechanism of
construct (MEKDD) dramatically enhanced S525, S529, and T973 were not covered in the IRE1a regulation by oncogenic KRAS.
IRE1a phosphorylation in 293T cells detected CPTAC datasets and could not be evaluated in
Multiple pathways converge to reactivate
with an antibody to phospho-MAPK substrate patients.
motif (fig. S8A). By contrast, sotorasib treat- To determine the functional relevance of IRE1a in KRASi-resistant cancer cells
ment substantially reduced IRE1a phosphoryla- IRE1a phosphorylation sites, we generated a Next, we sought to determine how IRE1a
tion levels compared with control H358 cells loss-of-function mutation for each site. Single- evades oncogenic KRAS inhibition and deter-
(Fig. 4A). Co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) assay site mutation was insufficient to promote IRE1a mine the reactivation mechanism in KRASi-
demonstrated that ERK interacted with IRE1a interaction with HRD1 and did not alter IRE1a resistant cells. Oncogenic KRAS was efficiently
in 293T cells and H358 cells (Fig. 4B and fig. levels in iKras cells (Fig. 4, I and J). Simulta- suppressed by Dox withdrawal in iKrasR cells
S8B). Furthermore, glutathione S-transferase neous mutation of all four sites promoted (Fig. 2A and fig. S1B), and most KRAS proteins
(GST) pull-down and in vitro kinase assays IRE1a interaction with HRD1 and its degrada- were bound by sotorasib in sotorasib-resistant
confirmed that both ERK1 and ERK2 directly tion (Fig. 4, I and J). In vitro pull-down assays H358 (H358R) and MIA-PaCa-2 (MIA-PaCa-2R)
interacted with and phosphorylated IRE1a confirmed that ERK-mediated IRE1a phosphor- cells, similar to observations of parental cells
in vitro (Fig. 4, C and D, and fig. S8, C to H). ylation reduced IRE1a interaction with HRD1/ (Fig. 2, B and C). Furthermore, silencing of
Depletion of ERK1 or ERK2 in H358 cells SEL1L and that phospho-deficient IRE1a4A KRAS in H358R cells did not hinder IRE1a
revealed that both ERK1 and ERK2 regulated mutant bound to HRD1 regardless of ERK reactivation (fig. S12A). These data exclude the
IRE1a phosphorylation (fig. S8I). IRE1a pos- presence (fig. S10, A to E). By contrast, gain-of- possibility that the inefficient inhibition of on-
sesses three putative ERK binding D-motifs function phosphomimetic mutation for each cogenic KRAS drives IRE1a reactivation in these

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 6 of 18


A H358P cell
H358P cell GST pull-down In vitro
kinase assay

+ - GST


- + GST-ERK2


So Mr (K) + + His-IRE1
+ + His-IRE1

+ + Flag-IRE1 70 His-IRE1
+ + MG132 p-S/T*P
p-S/T*P Denature 70 Ni2+-NTA
Flag IP: Flag p-ERK1/2 IP His-IRE1 purification
pull down
p-ERK1/2 IRE1
Input GST
t-ERK1/2 p-ERK1/2 Input 25 Input
70 His-IRE1 Input GST-ERK2

D- otif 1



D-motif 2: 687RDLKPHNILISMPNA701




A A A A 4A
525 529 549 973

F In vitro kinase assay G H Non-small cell lung cancer

Spearman’s rho = 0.44
In vitro kinase assay p = 0.00093
525 S S S A S S A

4 n = 55

529 S S S S A S A WT 4A Flag-IRE1

549 S S S S S A A GST-ERK2 2
- + - +
973 T T A A A A A

p-S/T*P 0
GST-ERK2 - + + + + + + IP:Flag
Flag-IRE1 -2

GST-ERK2 Input -4
-2 0 2 4
I K iKrasP cell
iKras cell J iKras cell
p-IRE1 (S549)

S5 D
T9 D

S5 A
T9 A
4A A

S5 A
S5 A
T9 A
4A A


Flag-IRE1 L



Flag-IRE1 + + + + + + HA-HRD1 iKrasP cell

+ + + + + + HA-HRD1 - - - - - - Dox

S5 D
T9 D

+ + + + + + MG132 25

VCL + + + + + + MG132
S5 Flag-IRE1

y g

Flag-IRE1 + - - - - - - Dox
IP: HA Input



Flag-IRE1 p-ERK1/2


Fig. 4. ERK directly phosphorylates and stabilizes IRE1a. (A) H358P cells phospho-mimetic (SDTE) mutations of IRE1a are shown. LD, luminal domain;
expressing Flag-IRE1a were treated with DMSO or 30 nM sotorasib for 2 days and TM, transmembrane domain. (F) In vitro [g-32P] ATP kinase assay by using
subjected to denature IP with anti-Flag M2 agarose beads. The immunoblot was different Flag-tagged IRE1a mutants and GST-ERK2. The IRE1a phosphorylation
probed with anti-phospho-MAPK substrates motif (S/T*P) antibody (p-S/T*P) to was detected with autoradiography. One-Step Blue Protein Stain (Biotium) was
detect IRE1a phosphorylation. (B) Whole-cell lysate of H358P cells were used to detect IRE1a protein loading. (G) In vitro kinase assay by using equal
subjected to co-IP with rabbit anti-p-ERK1/2 antibody or normal rabbit amount of Flag-tagged WT or phospho-deficient IRE1a mutant proteins (4A)
immunoglobulin G (IgG). (C) GST pull-down assay was performed by using and GST-ERK2. (H) Spearman correlation between p-IRE1a (at S549) and p-ERK1
recombinant His-tagged IRE1a and GST-ERK2 protein. (D) In vitro kinase assay (at Y204) in 55 patients with NSCLC. (I and K) Whole-cell lysates of iKras
was performed by using recombinant GST-ERK2 and His-IRE1a. After phospho- cells expressing HA-HRD1 together with WT or mutant IRE1a cultured in the
rylation reaction, the proteins were denatured with 8M urea buffer and subjected absence of Dox were subjected to IP with anti-HA agarose beads to detect IRE1a
to purification of His-IRE1a with Ni2+-NTA agarose to detect IRE1a phosphoryl- interaction with HRD1. In (A), (I), and (K), MG132 (1 mM) was added into the
ation by use of anti-p-S/T*P antibody. (E) Schematic illustration of human IRE1a culture medium 12 hours before harvest. (J and L) Immunoblot of WT or mutant
protein domains, three putative ERK binding D-motifs, and ERK phosphorylation IRE1a in whole-cell lysates of iKras cells cultured in the presence or absence
sites at Ser525, Ser529, Ser549, and Thr973 (red). Phospho-deficient (4A) and of Dox for 2 days.

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 7 of 18


A MIA-PaCa-2 xenograft tumor B MIA-PaCa-2 xenograft tumor C MIA-PaCa-2 xenograft tumor

IRE1 IRE1 n.s.
Vehicle Sotorasib
Vehicle Sotorasib Vehicle Sotorasib n.s.




to icle
Ve asib
to icle
So Veh

So h
MIA-PaCa-2 xenograft tumor IRE1 WT

IRE1 WT + Vehicle


IRE1 WT+ Sotorasib


in vitro phosphatase asay iKras cell

IRE1 SDTE + Vehicle iKrasR cell

IRE1 SDTE + Sotorasib


+ + Flag-IRE1 + + GST-IRE1

sh r

Tumor Volume (mm3 )

1500 - + His-SCP3 - + His-SCP3

p-S/T*P p-S/T*P + + MG132



IP: Flag Input

IP: Flag Input

1000 Flag-IRE1 GST-IRE1 p-S/T*P
IgG light chain Flag-IRE1 Flag-IRE1
500 His-SCP3
0 20 40 60

Days post treatment
A H10

iKrasP cell

Parental Resistant

293T cell


- + - + - + - + SCH772984 WT 4A Flag-IRE1

- - + + - - + + MK2206 + - + - + - Dox - + - + Myr-AKT
IRE1 p-S/T*P

IRE1 IP:Flag
p-ERK1/2 p-AKT

IRE1 t-ERK1/2 Flag-IRE1


y g


Fig. 5. Multiple pathways converge to restore IRE1a in KRASi-resistant SCP3- expressing lentivirus. The whole-cell lysates were subjected to denature
cancer cells. (A) IHC staining of p-ERK1/2 and IRE1a in shRNA-resistant IRE1aWT- or IP with anti-Flag M2 agarose beads, followed by immunoblot with antibody to
IRE1aSDTE-transduced, endogenous IRE1a-depleted MIA-PaCa-2 tumors treated with pS/T*P to detect IRE1a phosphorylation. (H) Immunoblot of IRE1a in whole-cell
vehicle or sotorasib (100 mg/kg) for 4 days. Scale bar, 40 mm. (B) Representative lysates of parental and KRAS inhibition-resistant cells treated with DMSO, 2 mM
images and (C) quantification of PROTEOSTAT (magenta) and DAPI (blue) staining in MK2206, and/or 1 mM SCH772984 for 2 days (MIA-PaCa-2 and H358 cells) or 14 days ,
MIA-PaCa-2 tumors as in (A). Data represent average fluorescence intensity of (iKras cells). (I) Immunoblot of IRE1a in whole-cell lysates of iKrasP cells expressing
PROTEOSTAT per cell from each image acquired and are presented as mean ± SD GFP, MEKDD, or PIK3CAH1047R in the presence or absence of Dox for 2 days.
from n = 8 independent images. Scale bar, 20 mm. (D) Tumor volume quantification of (J) 293T cells expressing IRE1aWT or IRE1a4A in the presence or absence of myr-
MIA-PaCa-2 tumors as in (A). (E) In vitro phosphatase assay. (Left) Phosphorylated AKT were subjected to IP with anti-Flag M2 agarose beads followed by immunoblot
Flag-IRE1a protein purified from MEKDD-expressing 293T cells or (right) recombinant to detect IRE1a phosphorylation. Ordinary one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple
IRE1a protein phosphorylated by recombinant ERK2 in vitro were subjected to comparisons test in (C) and two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s multiple comparisons
in vitro phosphatase assay with recombinant SCP3. (F and G) iKras cells expressing test in (D) were used to calculate P values. n.s., not significant; **P < 0.01,
Flag-IRE1a were infected with shRNA targeting (F) Scr or Scp3 and (G) GFP- or ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001.

resistant cells. eIF2a phosphorylation inhibits enhanced puromycin incorporation compared sensing–deficient IRE1aD2M mutant (79) was
global protein synthesis (61, 78). Consistent with with that in iKrasP cells (fig. S12B). However, similarly restored in KRASi-resistant cells
the inactivated phospho-eIF2a in KRASi-resistant inhibition of protein synthesis with cyclohex- as that of WT IRE1a (fig. S12, E and F) and
cells (Fig. 2A), we observed increased global imide did not affect IRE1a/XBP1 in iKrasR successfully rescued IRE1a depletion–induced
protein synthesis in iKrasR cells evidenced by cells (fig. S12, C and D). Furthermore, ER stress phenotypes (fig. S12, G to J). These data

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 8 of 18


demonstrate that IRE1a is reactivated in KRASi- Next, we sought to understand the mecha- the loss of Xbp1 significantly enhanced the
resistant cells in an ER stress–independent nism that activates ERK and AKT in the KRASi- response of iKras xenograft tumors to tra-
manner. resistant cells. Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) metinib and induced marked protein aggrega-
Recent studies report reactivated ERK and activation is one of the most common mecha- tion (fig. S16, A to D). Treatment of iKras
AKT as sotorasib-resistant mechanisms in nisms driving sotorasib resistance in patients tumors with a highly selective IRE1a RNase
patients (18, 19, 21–23). We observed the (20–22), and RTKs are known to activate ERK inhibitor, ORIN1001 (83–86), recapitulated
reactivation of phospho-ERK and the hyper- and AKT (17, 19, 30, 80). Array analysis of 49 the effects of the Xbp1 deletion and markedly
activation of phospho-AKT in sotorasib-resistant RTKs in parental and sotorasib-resistant H358 enhanced the sensitivity of the iKras tumors
MIA-PaCa-2R and H358R cells compared with and MIA-PaCa-2 models revealed the induc- to trametinib treatment with significant induc-
their respective parental cells (Fig. 2, B and C). tion of multiple and distinct sets of RTKs in tion of protein aggregation (fig. S16, A and E to
Unexpectedly, the inhibition of reactivated ERK each model (fig. S15, A, B, and E). In the H358 G). In a cohort of PDAC patient-derived xeno-
through SCH772984 treatment was insufficient model, EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3, fibroblast growth graft (PDX) models (fig. S16N), ORIN1001 also
to suppress IRE1a levels in MIA-PaCa-2R, H358R, factor receptor 3 (FGFR3), and vascular endo- significantly enhanced the sensitivity of the
and iKrasR cells (Fig. 5H) as well as in MIA- thelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) KRASG12D-mutant PATC53 (Fig. 6, A to D),
PaCa-2R and iKrasR tumors in vivo (fig. S13, A were substantially induced in the resistant cells PATC148 (Fig. 6E and fig. S16, H and I), PDAC35
and B). Similarly, the suppression of AKT (fig. S15, A and B). Inhibiting these RTKs with (Fig. 6F and fig. S16, J and K), SW1990 (Fig. 6, G
through MK2206 treatment had no effect on combined sapitinib, AZD4547, and axitinib, and H, and fig. S16, L and M), and KRASG12V-
IRE1a levels in KRASi-resistant cells (Fig. 5H). but not individual inhibitor alone, completely mutant PDAC19 PDX (Fig. 6I) tumors to
However, the simultaneous suppression of suppressed ERK reactivation in H358R cells trametinib treatment and potently induced pro-
both ERK and AKT successfully blunted IRE1a (fig. S15, C and D). Blocking FGFR3 with tein aggregation in the combination therapy–
reactivation in MIA-PaCa-2R, H358R, and iKrasR

AZD4547 largely abolished AKT hyperactivation treated tumors. Collectively, these in vivo data
cells (Fig. 5H) and in MIA-PaCa-2R and iKrasR (fig. S15, C and D). These up-regulated RTKs had demonstrate that IRE1a/XBP1 inhibition drama-
tumors in vivo (fig. S13, A and B). Consistently, to be simultaneously suppressed to completely tically enhanced the response of KRAS-mutant
the hyperactivation of either the MEK/ERK blunt both ERK and AKT, resulting in the PDAC tumors to trametinib treatment.
pathway, through expression of MEKDD, or the abrogation of IRE1a restoration in H358R cells
PI3K/AKT pathway, through the expression of (fig. S15D). Similar to the H358 model, block- IRE1a inhibition enhances the responses of
constitutively active PIK3CAH1047R or myr-AKT, KRASG12C-driven tumors to sotorasib

ing multiple, but not individual, up-regulated
resulted in IRE1a restoration in the absence RTKs [including EGFR, ErbB2, VEGFR, platelet- Next, we examined the effects of IRE1a inhib-
of oncogenic KRAS in iKras cells (Fig. 5I and derived growth factor receptor b (PDGFRb), and ition on the response to sotorasib treatment in
fig. S13C). myr-AKT also promoted WT, but not discoidin domain receptor 2 (DDR2)] com- KRASG12C-driven tumors. IRE1a silencing mo-
phospho-deficient 4A mutant, IRE1a phosphor- pletely suppressed both ERK and AKT, leading destly reduced MIA-PaCa-2 xenograft tumor

ylation at serine and threonine residues (Fig. to the abrogation of IRE1a restoration in a growth but not to the extent observed with
5J), suggesting that these phosphorylation sites MIA-PaCa-2R cell (fig. S15, F and G). Treatment sotorasib treatment (Fig. 7A and fig. S17A).
are regulated by both ERK and hyperactivated of MIA-PaCa-2R tumors with combined RTK However, IRE1a deficiency significantly enhanced
AKT in KRASi-resistant cells. In agreement, inhibitors—including sapitinib, axitinib, and the response of these tumors to sotorasib treat-
either the activation of MEK/ERK, through VU6015929—confirmed the inactivation of ment and considerably suppressed tumor relapse
MEKDD expression, or the hyperactivation of ERK and AKT in vivo, leading to the sup- (Fig. 7A and fig. S17A). By contrast, PERK
AKT, through myr-AKT expression, was suffi- pression of IRE1a, marked induction of protein depletion had little impact on MIA-PaCa-2
cient to disrupt the interaction of the SEL1L/ aggregation, and reduced tumor growth (fig. tumor growth and response to sotorasib, as
HRD1 E3 ligase complex with IRE1a (fig. S13D). S15, H to K). However, they were not well well as IRE1a depletion–induced tumor sen-
By contrast, the simultaneous suppression of tolerated in the tumor-bearing mice, causing sitivity to sotorasib (fig. S17, B to E), excluding

y g
both ERK and AKT, but not ERK or AKT rapid drop of body weight and early lethality the involvement of PERK in KRASi resistance.
alone, promoted IRE1a interaction with the (fig. S15L). Collectively, these data demon- IRE1a inhibition with ORIN1001 treatment
SEL1L/HRD1 E3 ligase complex in sotorasib- strate that multiple and diverse sets of RTKs combined with sotorasib treatment also resulted
resistant MIA-PaCa-2R cells (fig. S13E). Yes- drive ERK and AKT activation in different in complete MIA-PaCa-2 tumor regression and

associated protein 1 (YAP1) also drives resistance KRASi-resistant tumors, which subsequently long-term remission (Fig. 7B and fig. S17, F and
of certain tumors to KRASi (37, 38). However, converge on IRE1a to reestablish proteostasis. G). We did not observe significant bodyweight
deletion of Yap1 in iKrasR_YAP1 cells derived changes or signs of toxicity in the combination
IRE1a inhibition sensitizes oncogenic
from YAP1-amplified GEMM tumors escaping treatment group (fig. S17, H and I). Treatment
KRASG12D addiction did not affect IRE1a and KRAS-driven tumors to a MEK inhibitor of non–KRAS-addicted MIA-PaCa-2R tumors
proteostasis (fig. S14, A to F). Instead, IRE1a Although the simultaneous suppression of the with ORIN1001 alone also substantially impeded
and proteostasis were dependent on ERK and MAPK and PI3K pathways, or diverse upstream the tumor growth (Fig. 7C) but did not result
AKT in these cells despite reduced ERK activity RTKs, effectively inhibits IRE1a, the hetero- in complete response. The reduced efficacy with
compared with that in parental iKras cells (fig. geneous resistance mechanisms in different ORIN1001 alone was likely due to the absence of
S14, G to J). Collectively, these data demonstrate patients (18–23) and dose-limiting, on-target sotorasib, which was required for long-term
that both reactivated ERK and hyperactivated toxicity of these inhibitors (81, 82) limit their inhibition of KRASG12C (87), and rewiring of the
AKT converge through IRE1a phosphoryla- clinical applications for intervening in IRE1a- proteostasis network to be IRE1a-centered.
tion at S525, S529, S549, and T973 to prevent mediated proteostasis reprogramming in ORIN1001 has more than 100-fold mamma-
ubiquitination-mediated proteasomal degra- treatment-resistant tumors. Therefore, we lian enzyme selectivity over its yeast ortholog
dation of IRE1a in KRASi-resistant cancer directly targeted the IRE1a/XBP1 pathway in (83). Structure analysis of the mammalian and
cells. Blocking either individual pathway is KRAS-driven cancers in combination with yeast enzymes revealed a critical residue, Val918
not sufficient to inhibit IRE1a because of func- KRASG12C or MEK inhibitor. Although MEK (V918), in mammalian IRE1a that differs from
tional redundancy and compensation by the inhibitor trametinib or Xbp1 deletion alone both the yeast enzyme and could be critical for
other pathway. modestly impeded iKras tumor growth in vivo, ORIN1001 binding (Fig. 7D). Binding of ORIN1001

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 9 of 18



Vehicle Vehicle Trametinib Trametinib

Vehicle ORIN1001

ORIN1001 ORIN1001 relapsed ORIN1001






ORIN1001+Trametinib ORIN1001+Trametinib

Ethical endpoint survival

Tumor Volume (mm3)

PATC53 PDX tumor


50 n.s.

0.10 ORIN1001

n.s. Trametinib

500 0.08
0 0.06

Tumor Volume (mm3)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 110
0 Days post treatment 0.04
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100110 1500
Days post treatment 1000

Tr N1 le
e 1
C tinib
am 00
R hic


O Ve
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Days post treatment

PATC148 PDX PDAC35 PDX SW1990 xenograft SW1990 xenograft
Vehicle Vehicle








ORIN1001 ORIN1001





Trametinib Trametinib


ORIN1001 + Trametinib ORIN1001 + Trametinib

ORIN1001+Trametinib ORIN1001+Trametinib
Tumor Volume (mm 3)

Tumor Volume (mm 3)

Tumor Volume (mm3 )

Ethical endpoint survival

1500 1000 1500 100

1000 1000
500 400 500

0 0 0 0
0 20 40 60 80 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Days post treatment Days post treatment Days post treatment Days post treatment

Fig. 6. IRE1a inhibition sensitizes oncogenic KRAS-driven tumors to MEK (n = 5 mice), ORIN1001 (n = 4 mice), MEK inhibitor trametinib (n = 4 mice),
inhibition. (A) Tumor volume quantification of established PATC53 PDX tumors or ORIN1001 plus trametinib (n = 4 mice). (G) Tumor volume quantification of
in severe combined immunodeficient (SCID)/beige mice treated with vehicle established SW1990 PDAC xenograft tumors in SCID/beige mice treated with
(n = 5 mice), IRE1a RNase inhibitor ORIN1001 (n = 4 mice), MEK inhibitor vehicle (n = 6 mice), ORIN1001 (n = 6 mice), trametinib (n = 5 mice), or
trametinib (n = 6 mice), or ORIN1001 plus trametinib (n = 4 mice). (B) Kaplan- ORIN1001 plus trametinib (n = 4 mice). (H) Kaplan-Meier survival curve of
Meier survival curve of PATC53 PDX tumor-bearing mice under treatment as SW1990 PDAC xenograft tumor-bearing mice under treatment as indicated in
indicated in (A). (C) Representative images and (D) quantification of (G). (I) Tumor volume quantification of established PDAC19 PDX tumors in

y g
PROTEOSTAT (magenta) and DAPI (blue) staining in endpoint PATC53 xenograft SCID/beige mice treated with vehicle, ORIN1001, trametinib, or ORIN1001 plus
tumors treated as in (A). Data represent average fluorescence intensity of trametinib (n = 4 mice). ORIN1001, 150 mg/kg; trametinib, 1 mg/kg. Data are
PROTEOSTAT per cell from each image acquired and are presented as mean ± presented as mean ± SEM in (A), (E) to (G), and (I) and mean ± SD in (D).
SD from n = 10 independent images. Scale bar, 20 mm. (E) Tumor volume Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s multiple comparisons test in (A), (E) to (G),

quantification of established PATC148 PDX tumors in SCID/beige mice treated and (I); log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test in (B) and (H); and ordinary one-way
with vehicle (n = 6 mice), ORIN1001 (n = 6 mice), trametinib (n = 4 mice), or ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test in (D) was used to calculate
ORIN1001 plus trametinib (n = 4 mice). (F) Tumor volume quantification of P values. n.s., not significant; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001,

established PDAC35 PDX tumors in SCID/beige mice treated with vehicle ****P < 0.0001.

to IRE1a results in the formation of an imine that as a drug-resistant mutant that retains intact 70 days (Fig. 8A). However, the termination of
could be reduced and detected with ultraviolet RNase activity but is immune to ORIN1001. sotorasib treatment resulted in rapid tumor re-
(UV)–excited fluorescence (Fig. 7E). Whereas The IRE1aV918-expressing, but not WT IRE1a– lapse (Fig. 8A). Tumors treated with combined
purified WT IRE1a protein directly bound to expressing, MIA-PaCa-2R tumors were com- sotorasib and ORIN1001 did not relapse after
ORIN1001, mutation of valine to phenylala- pletely immune to ORIN1001-induced sensitivity treatment termination (Fig. 8, A and B). KRASi-
nine at V918 (V918F) abolished the binding to sotorasib (Fig. 7I) and protein aggregation resistance mechanisms are heterogeneous in
(Fig. 7F). The V918F mutation did not affect (Fig. 7, J and K). Collectively, these data confirm human patients (18–23). To assess the human
the ability of ER stressor tunicamycin to the on-target effects of ORIN1001 in vivo. relevance, we treated five KRASG12C-mutant
induce XBP1 splicing but completely abolished We also tested the therapeutic efficacy of NSCLC PDX models with sotorasib and ORIN1001.
the response of IRE1a to ORIN1001 (Fig. 7G). combined ORIN1001 and sotorasib treatment As shown in Fig. 8, C to G, and fig. S18, A to
Treatment of IRE1aV918F-expressing MIA-PaCa-2R in the H358 NSCLC model. The H358 tumors E, ORIN1001 significantly sensitized all five
tumors with ORIN1001 failed to inhibit XBP1s were highly sensitive to sotorasib treatment, PDX models to sotorasib. In three PDX models
in vivo (Fig. 7H). These data identify IRE1aV918F and complete regression was observed within (J000096652, TM00186, and TC303AR), the

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 10 of 18


A B C Sotorasib-resistent D
MIA-PaCa-2 xenograft MIA-PaCa-2 xenograft MIA-PaCa-2R xenograft

Mammalian IRE1
shScr + Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle V918


shIRE1α + Vehicle ORIN1001 ORIN1001


shScr + Sotorasib Sotorasib 1200


Tumor Volume (mm3)

shIRE1α + Sotorasib ORIN1001 + Sotorasib
Tumor Volume (mm3)

Tumor Volume (mm3)

1500 1500 ORIN1001

1000 1000 600

500 500 300

Yeast IRE1
0 0 0
0 20 40 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 5 10 15 20 25
Days post treatment Days post treatment Days post treatment

Flag-IRE1 Flag-IRE1 Flag-IRE1







NH2 +
Bead Lys O
Lys Bead Lys Fluorescence







Sotorasib-resistent MIA-PaCa-2R xenograft


IRE1 MEF cell
Fla RE1


ORIN1001 ORIN1001

- + + - + + Tunicamycin

- - + - - + ORIN1001 Sotorasib Sotorasib Sotorasib Sotorasib

+ + ORIN1001 Xbp1u XBP1s
IP: Flag β-Actin VCL

I J K Sotorasib-resistent

Sotorasib-resistent MIA-PaCa-2R xenograft Sotorasib-resistent MIA-PaCa-2R xenograft
MIA-PaCa-2R xenograft WT V918F
1500 IRE1 IRE1
Tumor Volume (mm 3)


+ Sotorasib Sotorasib n.s.
**** n.s.

Sotorasib + ORIN1001 0.04 0.04


IRE1 + Sotorasib + ORIN1001

IRE1 + Sotorasib 0.03 0.03
IRE1 + Sotorasib + ORIN1001
500 0.02 0.02

0.01 0.01
0 5 10 15 20 25 0.00 0.00

y g
Days post treatment Sotorasib + + Sotorasib + +
ORIN1001 - + ORIN1001 - +

Fig. 7. IRE1a inhibition enhances tumor responses to sotorasib. (A) Tumor IRE1aWT or IRE1aV918F and treated with tunicamycin (5 mg/ml) and/or ORIN1001

volume of MIA-PaCa-2 tumors transduced with dox-inducible shScr or shIRE1a (5 mM) for 6 hours as indicated. (H) Immunoblot of XBP1s in shRNA-resistant
and treated with doxycycline water, vehicle (n = 5 mice) or sotorasib IRE1aWT or IRE1aV918F-transduced, endogenous IRE1a-depleted MIA-PaCa-2R
(n = 6 mice). (B) Tumor volume of MIA-PaCa-2 tumors treated with vehicle tumors treated as indicated. (I) Tumor volume of established shRNA-resistant
(n = 5 mice), ORIN1001 (n = 4 mice), sotorasib (n = 4 mice), or both IRE1aWT- or IRE1aV918F-expressing, endogenous IRE1a-depleted, sotorasib-
(n = 5 mice). (C) Tumor volume of sotorasib-resistant MIA-PaCa-2R tumors resistant MIA-PaCa-2R tumors treated as indicated (n = 10 mice). (J) ,
treated with vehicle (n = 4 mice) or ORIN1001 (n = 7 mice). (D) Docking Representative images and (K) quantification of PROTEOSTAT and DAPI staining
modeling of ORIN1001 with IRE1a. V918 is critical for the formation of the in MIA-PaCa-2R tumors treated as in (I). Data represent average fluorescence
shallow pocket at mammalian IRE1a RNase-active site for ORIN1001 binding. intensity of PROTEOSTAT per cell from each image and are presented as
(E) Biochemical fluorescence assay detecting the binding between ORIN1001 and mean ± SD from n > 10 independent images. Scale bar, 20 mm. Sotorasib,
IRE1a in vitro. (F) Equal amount of Flag-IRE1aWT or Flag-IRE1aV918F protein 100 mg/kg; ORIN1001, 300 mg/kg. Data are presented as mean ± SEM in (A) to
purified from 293T cells was used to pull down ORIN1001 in vitro. UV (C), and (I). Two-way ANOVA test with Bonferroni’s multiple comparisons test
transmission was used to detect ORIN1001 that is covalently bound to IRE1a in (A) to (C), and (I) and two-tailed, unpaired Student’s t test in (K) was used to
protein in the SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). (G) Xbp1 calculate P values. n.s., not significant; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001,
splicing in Ire1a-deleted mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells expressing ****P < 0.0001.

tumors were initially sensitive to sotorasib lapse (Fig. 8, C to E). In the other two PDX striking as the other models (Fig. 8, F and G).
treatment, but eventually all of the tumors re- models (J000093018 and TM00192), ORIN1001 Analysis of these five PDX models showed that
lapsed. Addition of ORIN1001 to sotorasib led to also significantly enhanced the tumor responses sotorasib did not effectively inhibit MAPK in
complete responses and prevented tumor re- to sotorasib, but the responses were not as the J000093018 and TM00192 PDX models

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 11 of 18


A H358 xenograft B C
H358 xenograft J000096652 PDX
Vehicle Vehicle








Sotorasib Sotorasib




ORIN1001 + Sotorasib ORIN1001 + Sotorasib ORIN1001 + Sotorasib
Tumor Volume (mm3)


Ethical endpoint survival


Tumor Volume (mm3)


50 500
stop treatment

0 0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150
Days post treatment Days post treatment Days post treatment

TM00186 PDX TC303AR PDX J000093018 PDX TM00192 PDX

Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle



ORIN1001 ORIN1001





Sotorasib Sotorasib




ORIN1001 + Sotorasib ORIN1001 + Sotorasib ORIN1001 + Sotorasib ORIN1001 + Sotorasib
Tumor Volume (mm 3 )

Tumor Volume (mm 3 )

Tumor Volume (mm 3 )

Tumor Volume (mm 3 )

600 1200 2000 1500

900 1500
400 1000
600 1000

200 500
300 500
0 0 0 0
0 50 100 150 0 30 60 90 120 0 20 40 60 0 5 10 15 20

Days post treatment Days post treatment Days post treatment Days post treatment

Fig. 8. IRE1a inhibition enhances the response of KRASG12C-driven tumors mice treated with vehicle (n = 5 mice), ORIN1001 (300 mg/kg; n = 5 mice),
to sotorasib. (A) Tumor volume quantification of established H358 tumors in sotorasib (100 mg/kg; n = 9 mice), or ORIN1001 plus sotorasib (n = 9 mice).
SCID/beige mice treated with vehicle, ORIN1001, sotorasib, or ORIN1001 plus Treatment was stopped at day 53. (F) Tumor volume quantification of
sotorasib (n = 4 mice). Treatment was stopped at day 71. (B) Kaplan-Meier established J000093018 PDX tumors in NSG mice treated with vehicle (n = 6 mice),
survival curve of H358 tumor-bearing mice under different treatments as ORIN1001 (300 mg/kg; n = 6 mice), sotorasib (100 mg/kg, n = 9 mice), or
indicated in (A) from treatment start time. (C) Tumor volume quantification of ORIN1001 plus sotorasib (n = 9 mice). (G) Tumor volume quantification of
established J000096652 PDX tumors in NSG mice treated with vehicle (n = 6 mice), established TM00192 PDX tumors in NSG mice treated with vehicle (n = 6 mice),
ORIN1001 (300 mg/kg; n = 4 mice), sotorasib (100 mg/kg; n = 7 mice), ORIN1001 (300 mg/kg, n = 5 mice), sotorasib (100 mg/kg, n = 9 mice), or
or ORIN1001 plus sotorasib (n = 8 mice). Treatment was stopped at day 65. ORIN1001 plus sotorasib (n = 9 mice). Data are presented as mean ± SEM in

y g
(D) Tumor volume quantification of established TM00186 PDX tumors in NSG (A) and (C) to (G). Two-way ANOVA test with Bonferroni’s multiple comparisons
mice treated with vehicle (n = 6 mice), ORIN1001 (300 mg/kg; n = 6 mice), test in (A) and (C) to (G) and log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test in (B) was used to
sotorasib (100 mg/kg, n = 7 mice), or ORIN1001 plus sotorasib (n = 9 mice). calculate P values. n.s., not significant; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001,
(E) Tumor volume quantification of established TC303AR PDX tumors in NSG ****P < 0.0001.

(fig. S18, F to J), leading to incomplete reprog- mechanisms that bypass oncogene addiction cancer cells through oncogenic kinase-dependent

ramming of the proteostasis network and re- and allow for acquired resistance to targeted phosphorylation of IRE1a. We identified four
duced efficacy (fig. S18, K and L). Collectively, therapies remain largely unknown. We have phosphorylation sites in IRE1a that are dis-
these in vivo data demonstrate that IRE1a in- shown that oncogenic KRAS is critical for tinct from IRE1a autophosphorylation sites.
hibition is effective in enhancing the response protein quality control in tumor cells. Inhibi- The phosphorylation of IRE1a at these sites
of KRASG12C-driven tumors to sotorasib. Combina- tion of oncogenic KRAS inactivates both cyto- prevents IRE1a binding with the SEL1L/
tion therapy with ORIN1001 and sotorasib achieves solic and ER protein quality control machinery HRD1 E3 ligase complex, thus impairing the
complete responses and prevents tumor relapse in by inhibiting the master regulators HSF1 and ubiquitination-dependent degradation of IRE1a
a significant portion of KRASG12C-driven tumors. IRE1a. However, residual cancer cells that survive and stabilizing the protein. These sites are con-
KRAS inhibition directly restore IRE1a through vergence points for multiple resistance path-
Concluding remarks an ER stress–independent unconventional phos- ways and function as a central gatekeeper of
Most cancers require a balanced proteostasis phorylation mechanism that reestablishes proteo- the rewired proteostasis network in the KRASi-
network to maintain oncogenic growth. Thera- stasis and sustains acquired resistance to KRAS resistant tumors. Inactivation of these sites is
peutic insults often disrupt proteostasis and inhibition. sufficient to abolish the direct regulation of
induce proteotoxic stresses (88). How proteo- In contrast to what occurs in nonmalignant IRE1a by oncogenic signaling and collapse the
stasis network is orchestrated by driver onco- cells (53), oncogenic KRAS activation resolves, reestablished proteostasis to overcome resis-
genes and the proteostasis reprogramming rather than induces, ER stress in transformed tance to KRASi.

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 12 of 18


Despite the approval of sotorasib and ad- H358R cells were generated by in vitro culture (0.5% HPMC and 0.2% Tween 80, pH 8.0) and
agrasib for the treatment of KRASG12C-mutant of H358 cells with increasing dose of sotorasib administered via daily oral gavage as described
NSCLC patients, resistance to these inhibitors for 6 months until the cells acquired resis- previously (12). SCH772984 (50mg/kg) was for-
is rapid and almost inevitable (15, 18–29). The tance to 30 nM sotorasib. Doxycycline (VWR, mulated in 45% saline, 50% PEG 400 and 5%
heterogeneous resistance mechanisms in pa- AAJ60579-22, 1mg/ml) was added to the iKras DMSO, and administered via daily intra-
tients and dose-limiting toxicity associated cell culture medium to maintain KRASG12D peritoneal injection. MK2206 (120 mg/kg) was
with targeting multiple resistance pathways expression. 10% charcoal stripped FBS (VWR, formulated in 30% Captisol (Cydex) and ad-
—such as RTKs, MAPK, and PI3K—remain a 97065-304) was used to culture iKras cells for ministered by oral gavage every other day. All
major barrier to progress. Our mechanistic doxycycline-withdrawal experiments as previ- mice were maintained in accordance with Baylor
study directly addressed these clinical chal- ously described (55). iKrasR cells were gener- College of Medicine Animal Care and Use
lenges by revealing IRE1a-mediated proteo- ated by in vitro culture of parental iKras cells Committee procedures and guidelines.
stasis reprogramming as a convergence point in the absence of Dox until the cells acquired
for multiple heterogeneous resistance mecha- resistance to KRASG12D inactivation. MIA-PaCa- Protein aggregation detection assay
nisms in response to KRAS-MAPK inhibition. 2, SW1990, PaTu 8988T, 293T and PATC53 cells The PROTEOSTAT Aggresome detection kit
ORIN1001 is a highly specific IRE1a RNase were maintained in DMEM supplemented with (Enzo Life Sciences, ENZ-51035-K100), Congo
inhibitor (83) that demonstrates safety and tol- 10% FBS (Gibco, 10437028) and 100mg/ml pen- red dye (CR, Sigma, 234610) or thioflavin T dye
erability in phase I clinical trial (NCT03950570) icillin and streptomycin (Invitrogen, 15140163). (ThT, Sigma, T3516) was used to detect mis-
despite the occurrence of some adverse effects MIA-PaCa-2R cells were generated by in vitro folded or aggregated proteins in cells or tumor
(86, 89). ORIN1001 substantially enhanced the culture of parental MIA-PaCa-2 cells with 30 nM tissues (56, 72). The PROTEOSTAT aggresome
responses of KRAS-mutant lung or pancreatic sotorasib until the cells acquired resistance detection assay was performed according to

cancer PDX models to sotorasib or trametinib. to KRAS inhibition. The chemicals used in the manufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, the
These data demonstrate that directly targeting this study are listed in table S2. iKras cells seeded on glass slides were washed
IRE1a is a more effective and well-tolerated with PBS, fixed with 4% formaldehyde for
therapeutic strategy for reversing KRASi or Tumor inoculation and treatment 30 min at room temperature (RT), permea-
MEKi resistance. The inoculation and establishment of PDX or bilized with Permeabilizing Solution (0.5% Triton
Our study reveals the direct cross-talk be- xenograft tumors was described previously X-100, 3mM EDTA) for 30 min on ice with gentle

tween oncogenic signaling and the protein (90). PDAC19 and PDAC35 PDX models were shake, and stained with the PROTEOSTAT
quality control machinery. This study eluci- generated by Baylor College of Medicine PDAC dye (1:20,000 dilution) for 30 min at RT. MIA-
dated a molecular mechanism that accounts PDX Core. TC303AR PDX was generated PaCa-2 or H358 cells were trypsinized from
for the proteostasis modulation observed in by MD Anderson Cancer Center PDX Core. culture dishes followed by washing, fixation,
response to KRAS inhibition. The mechanisms J000096652, TM00186, J00093018, and permeabilization and staining as described

of KRASi resistance are heterogeneous in pa- TM00192 PDX models were purchased from above. Tumor sections were deparaffinized and
tients. Additional studies will be required to Jackson Laboratory. For tumor fragments rehydrated before staining. Samples were
examine what proportion of KRAS-driven can- transplantation of PDX, 1mm3 fresh tumor incubated with PROTEOSTAT dye (1:20,000
cers that develop resistance to KRASi use fragments were transplanted into the lower dilution) for 30 min at RT. Nuclei were count-
IRE1a-mediated mechanisms of resistance. flanks of 6-week-old immune-compromised erstained with DAPI. Cells treated with 10 mM
SCID/Beige mice (Charles river, strain code 250, MG132 (provided in the PROTEOSTAT Aggre-
Materials and methods CB17.Cg-PrkdcscidLystbg-J/Crl, both female and some detection kit) for 16 hours was used as
Cell culture and treatment male) or NSG mice (Jackson Laboratory, stain positive control. Samples stained with DAPI
MIA-PaCa-2, SW1990, PaTu 8988T, 293T, H358, code 005557, NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ, only were used as negative control. Congo red
and BEAS-2B cells were obtained from the both female and male). For subcutaneous (CR) and thioflavin T (ThT) staining were per-

y g
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). xenograft experiments, 1 × 106 PATC53, SW1990, formed as described previously (56). Briefly,
Patient-derived PATC53 and PATC148 cells MIA-PaCa-2, H358 or iKras cells suspended in the iKras cells seeded on glass slides were
were a gift from Dr. Michael Kim at The Uni- 100 ml 50% Matrigel (Corning, #354230, in PBS) washed with PBS, fixed with 4% formaldehyde
versity of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center were injected subcutaneously into the lower for 30 min at RT, permeabilized with Permea-

(90). iKras cells were derived from our pre- flanks of 6-week-old SCID/Beige mice or bilizing Solution (0.5% Triton X-100, 3mM
viously generated, doxycycline (Dox)-inducible, Athymic Nude mice (Envigo, strain code 69, EDTA) for 30 min on ice with gentle shake, and
KrasG12D-driven PDAC mouse model (tetO_LSL- Hsd:Athymic Nude-Foxn1nu, female). Tumor stained with 20 mM ThT or 50 nM CR dissolved
growth was monitored using calipers and in PBS for 30min at RT, followed by rinsing in
IRES-GFP) (55). LSL-KrasG12D cells were derived tumor volumes were calculated by the equa- PBS for 3 times. Nuclei were stained with DAPI.
from KrasG12D knock-in PDAC mouse model tion V (mm3) = L x W2/2, where L is the largest Images (16-bit greyscale TIFFs) were analyzed
(LSL-KrasG12D/p53flox/+) as described previously diameter and W is the perpendicular diameter. using CellProfiler v2.2 (Broad Institute) as de-
(55). The cell lines used in this study are listed in When tumors reached a volume of approxi- scribed previously (72). Briefly, the DAPI channel
table S1. BEAS-2B cells were maintained in mately 50–500 mm3, mice were randomized images were first smoothened with a median
BEBM Bronchial Epithelial Cell Growth Basal and treated with drugs as indicated. ORIN1001 filter and nuclei were identified with automatic
Medium (Lonza, CC-3171) with growth fac- was provided by Orinove and suspended in 1% thresholding and a fixed diameter. The cell
tors and supplements from BEGM Bronchial microcrystalline cellulose in 50% sucrose and nuclei that touch the border of the image were
Epithelial SingleQuots Kit (Lonza, CC-4175). sonicated for 90 min in water bath sonicator eliminated for quantification. The cell nuclei
Insulin and hEGF were withdrawn from the (VWR Ultrasonic Cleaner, Model 97043-964) that touch each other were separated with a
medium 48 hours before sample collection. before dosing at 150 mg/kg or 300 mg/kg body watershed algorithm. Then, cell boundaries
H358, iKras, LSL-KrasG12D, and PATC148 cells weight via daily oral gavage (83). Trametinib were identified by watershed gradient based
were maintained in RPMI supplemented with (1mg/kg) or sotorasib (30, 50, or 100 mg/kg) on the dye signal of PROTEOSTAT, ThT or CR,
10% FBS serum (Gibco, 10437028) and 100mg/ml was formulated in the hydroxypropylmethyl- using nuclei as a seed. Metrics for PROTEOSTAT,
penicillin/streptomycin (Invitrogen, 15140163). cellulose (HPMC)-Tween 80 buffer solution ThT, or CR were extracted from the cells.

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 13 of 18


Cell viability assay 2P cells cultured in the presence or absence of targeting Ire1a or Xbp1 were cloned into
Two hundred cells were seeded in 96-well sotorasib for 48 hours were heat shocked at lentiGuide-Puro vector (Addgene, #52963). All
plate and treated with different inhibitors as 43°C for 1 hour and recovered overnight be- gRNA sequences are listed in table S3. Plasmids
indicated in the figures. Cell viability was fore measuring the luciferase activities using containing coding sequence of different phos-
measured daily with CCK-8 kit (APExBIO, # the Dual-luciferase Reporter Assay System phatases are listed in table S4. To generate
K1018). Briefly, 10 ml CCK-8 solution was added (Promega, #E1910) according to the manufac- lentiviruses, 293T cells were co-transfected with
to each well and incubated for 1 hour at 37°C. turer’s instructions. psPAX2 and pMD2.G using Lipofectamine 3000
The absorbance at 450 nm was measured using (Thermo Fisher Scientific, # L3000008). Lentivi-
BioTek Synergy HTX Multi-Mode microplate Proteasome activity assay ruses were collected 48 and 72 hours after
reader. The Proteasome Activity Fluorometric Assay transfection and used for infecting cells in
Kit (BioVision, K245) was used to detect pro- the presence of 8 mg/ml polybrene (Millipore
Colony formation assay teasome activity according to the manufac- Sigma, TR-1003-G) prior to puromycin selection
Two hundred cells were seeded in 12-well plate turer’s instructions. Briefly, 1x106iKras cells (2 mg/ml, Millipore Sigma, P8833).
and cultured for 5 days. Cells were washed with from different treatments were homogenized
PBS, fixed with methanol and stained with in a tight-fitting bounce homogenizer (Thomas Generation of knock-out (KO) cells
0.5% crystal violet. The colony number was Scientific, 1176F27) with 500ml 0.5% NP-40 in To generate Ire1a or Xbp1 KO cells, iKras cells
counted and quantified. PBS. 10 ml Proteasome Substrate (AMC-peptide, were first infected with lentiviruses encoding
provided in the kit) was added to 10 ml cell Cas9 (lentiCas9-Blast, Addgene 52962) (93)
BrdU incorporation assay lysate from each treatment group or 10 ml and selected with 10 mg/ml blasticidin (Santa
For BrdU staining, cells in the logarithmic positive control lysate (provided in the kit) Cruz, 3513-03-09). The Cas9-expressing cells

phase of proliferation were first labeled with and mixed. The reaction was performed at 37°C were then infected with lentiviruses express-
BrdU at a final concentration of 10 mM for and protected from light. The kinetics of fluo- ing two gRNAs targeting the same exon and
30 min at 37°C, followed by intracellular stain- rescence at excitation/emission = 350/440 nm selected with puromycin (2mg/ml, Millipore-
ing using the BrdU staining kit according to were measured every 30 min using BioTek Sigma, P8833) to generate pooled KO cells.
the manufacturer’s instructions (BD Biosciences, Synergy HTX Multi-Mode Plate Reader. Cells The gRNA sequences are listed in table S3.
559619). Flow cytometry data were collected treated with 10mM MG132 (provided in the
Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining

using BD FACS Diva 8 on a BD LSR II or BD detection kit) for 16 hours were used as nega-
Fortessa analyzer. The acquired data were tive control. The fluorescence signals were Tumor specimens were fixed with freshly made
analyzed using the FlowJo 10 software. normalized against total protein abundance 4% paraformaldehyde for 24 hours, washed
detected with BCA Protein Assay Kit (Thermo with PBS and stored in 70% ethanol until
Luciferase assay Fisher Scientific, 23225). paraffin embedding. IHC staining was per-

For iKras cells, the HSF1 firefly luciferase re- formed on 5 mm-thick paraffin sections. For
porter was constructed by cloning 4 copies of Plasmids, virus production, and infection p-ERK, p-HSF1, p-GCN2, p-eIF2a and YAP1
the heat shock element (HSE) followed by a The plasmids used are listed in table S4. The staining, 10mM sodium citrate buffer (pH 6.0)
minimal promoter sequence (5′-AGAGGGTA- pRK5-Flag-IRE1a or pCDH-Flag-IRE1a was was used for antigen retrieval. For IRE1a, p-
TATAATGGAAGCTCGACTTCCAG-3′) (Promega, generated by cloning the full-length human PERK, ATF4 and p-AKT IHC, 1mM EDTA buffer
E375A) (all primer sequences are listed in table IRE1a into pRK5 (Genentech) or pCDH (System (pH 9.0) was used for antigen retrieval. Endoge-
S3) into the SacI and HindIII sites of the Biosciences, CD511B-1) vector. The point muta- nous peroxidase was quenched with 3% H2O2
pGL3-basic luciferase reporter (Promega, E1751). tions of IRE1a were introduced with Q5 Site- for 20 min followed by blocking with 3% normal
The construct was verified by DNA sequencing. Directed Mutagenesis Kit (New England Biolabs, goat serum. The following primary antibodies
The iKrasP or iKrasR cells were seeded in 96- E0554). All the IRE1a plasmids are shRNA- were used: IRE1a (1:20, Cell Signaling Tech-

y g
well plate at 800 cells/well and co-transfected resistant and listed in table S4. Primers used nology, 3294); p-ERK (1:200, Cell Signaling
with 100ng firefly luciferase reporter and 5ng for cloning are listed in table S3. pHAGE- Technology, 4376); and p-HSF1 (1:200, Life
Renilla luciferase plasmid (pRL-TK, Promega, BRAFV600E, pHAGE-MEKDD, and pHAGE- Technologies, BSM-52166R); p-PERK (1:25, Cell
E2241, used as internal control) using Lipo- PIK3CAH1047R plasmids were generated as Signaling Technology, 3179); ATF4 (1:50, Santa

fectamine 3000 (Thermo Fisher, L300008). described previously (91). The pCDH-HA-Myr- Cruz, 390063); p-GCN2 (1:200, Thermo Fisher,
The transfected iKrasPcells cultured in the pre- AKT plasmid was purchased from Addgene PA5-105886); p-AKT (1:50, Cell Signaling Tech-
sence or absence of Dox for 48 hours or the (# 46969) (92). pLVX-Flag-HA-HRD1 was gen- nology, 4060); p-eIF2a(1:50, Cell Signaling
transfected iKrasR cells cultured in the absence
erated as described previously (73). The shRNAs Technology, 9721); YAP1 (1:400, Cell Signaling
of Dox were heat shocked at 43°C for 1 hour and targeting mouse Xbp1, Ire1a, Perk, Gcn2, Hri, Technology, 14074). Slides were incubated with
recovered overnight before measuring the lucife- Pkr, and Scp3 were cloned into pLKO.1-TRC ImmPRESS Excel HRP Goat Anti-Rabbit Poly-
rase activities using the Dual-luciferase Reporter (Addgene, 10878). The shRNAs targeting human mer Reagent (Vector labs, MP-7451-15) for
Assay System (Promega, #E1910) according to XBP1, IRE1a, NcK, and PERK were cloned in 30 min. Sections were developed with DAB+
the manufacturer’s instructions. For MIA-PaCa- pLKO.1-TRC (Addgene 10878) or pLKO-Tet-On solution (Dako, K3468) and counterstained
2 cells, the same sequence (Promega, E375A) (Addgene 21915) vector to generate constitutive with Harris Hematoxylin. The antibody used
was cloned into the XhoI and BamHI sites of or inducible constructs. The shRNA sequences are listed in table S5.
the pRRL-Luciferase plasmid (Addgene, 120798). are listed in table S3. The pLKO.1 shScramble
The construct was verified by DNA sequencing. (Addgene 1864) or pLKO.1 Tet-On shScramble Tissue microarray (TMA) analysis
The firefly or pLenti.PGK.blast-Renilla_Luciferase (same shRNA sequence as in pLKO.1 shScramble) For quantifications of TMA staining, TMAs
(Addgene, 74444) plasmid was packaged into was used as control. The p-GIPZ non-silencing stained with anti-IRE1a or anti-p-ERK antibody
lenti-viruses and infected MIA-PaCa-2P or MIA- shRNA control, p-GIPZ-MAPK1, p-GIPZ-MAPK3 were scanned using the Aperio scanner and an-
PaCa-2R cells. After selection with blasticidine were from Dharmacon Reagents. The Cas9- alyzed with QuPath software (94). Detailed
(20 mg/ml), the cells were seeded in 96-well expressing plasmid lentiCas9-Blast was pur- tutorials of the software can be found at https://
plate at 800 cells/well. The infected MIA-PaCa- chased from Addgene (#52962) (93). The gRNAs

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 14 of 18


Briefly, images were preprocessed by automated The beads were then washed once with lysis beads were washed with RIPA buffer for three
“TMA dearraying” and “stain” vector estimation. buffer, followed by additional three washes times. The proteins were eluted by boiling in 2 ×
Tissue sections were identified by running with wash buffer (50mM Tris-HCl pH7.5, 150 mM Laemmli sample buffer and analyzed by SDS-
“simple tissue detection.” The “positive cell NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1% Triton X-100, 10% gly- PAGE and Western blot.
detection” command was used to detect DAB cerol). The proteins were eluted by boiling in
staining intensity. The score compartment 2 × Laemmli sample buffer [65.8 mM Tris- Flag pull-down assay
was set as “DAB OD mean.” Tumor cells and HCl, pH 6.8, 2.1% SDS, 26.3% (w/v) glycerol, 293T cells transfected with plasmid expressing
stromal cells were classified by “training object 355 mM b-mercaptoethanol, 0.01% bromophe- Flag-GFP or Flag-IRE1a were lysed in RIPA
classifier” based on annotations. The fraction nol blue] and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and buffer (25 mM Tris-HCl pH7.6, 150 mM NaCl,
score was calculated as the proportion of Western blot. 1% Triton X-100, 1% sodium deoxycholate,
positively stained tumor cells (0%-100%). The 0.1% SDS, 1.5 mM EDTA, supplemented with
intensity and fraction scores were then multi- Ubiquitination and phosphorylation assay protease inhibitor cocktail and phosphatase
plied to obtain the H-score. The ubiquitination and phosphorylation assays inhibitor cocktail) 48 hours after transfection.
were performed to detect IRE1a ubiquitination Protein lysates were cleared by centrifugation
RNA extraction and real-time quantitative and phosphorylation. MIA-PaCa-2 or H358 at 12,000 g for 20 min at 4°C. Supernatant was
reverse-transcriptase PCR cells infected with lentiviruses encoding con- incubated with anti-Flag M2 beads (Sigma,
Total RNA was extracted using TRIzol (Thermo trol or Flag-IRE1a were treated with DMSO, F-2426) overnight at 4°C with gentle rotating.
Fisher Scientific, 15596026). Total RNA (1 mg) sotorasib or trametinib as described in figure The beads were then washed with RIPA buffer
was converted to cDNA using the High-Capacity legend and lysed with RIPA buffer (25 mM for three times. These preloaded Flag M2 beads
cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit (Applied Bio- Tris-HCl pH7.6, 150 mM NaCl, 1% Triton X-100, with Flag-GFP or Flag-IRE1a were then incu-

systems, 4368813), followed by qPCR on a 1% sodium deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS, 1.5 mM bated with purified GST-ERK2 (SignalChem,
QuantStudio 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System (Ap- EDTA) supplemented with protease inhibitor M28-10G-20) for 30 min before washing with
plied Biosystems). The sequences of all primers cocktail (Roche, 14826500), phosphatase inhibi- wash buffer (50mM Tris-HCl pH7.5, 150 mM
are listed in table S3. tor cocktail (Sigma, 4906845001) and 10 mM N- NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1% Triton X-100) for three
Ethylmaleimide (Sigma, E3876). Protein lysates times and elution by boiling in 2 × Laemmli
Detergent-insoluble aggregates detection were sonicated for 30s and cleared by centrifu- sample buffer for 10 min. The eluents were

Detergent-insoluble aggregates detection was gation at 12,000 g for 20 min at 4°C. Super- analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot.
performed as described previously (47). Briefly, natant was incubated with anti-Flag M2 beads
cells with different treatments were harvested (Sigma, F-2426) for 4h at 4°C with gentle rotat- In vitro kinase assay
by trypsinization. After washing with cold PBS, ing. The beads were then washed with RIPA Flag-GFP or Flag-IRE1a proteins were purified
1 × 106 cells were lysed with RIPA buffer (25 mM buffer for three times. The immunoprecipitates from 293T cells as described above. The Flag

Tris-HCl pH7.6, 150 mM NaCl, 1% Triton X-100, were eluted and denatured by boiling for 10 min M2 beads pre-loaded with Flag-GFP or Flag-
1% sodium deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS, 1.5 mM in denature buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl pH7.6, 1% IRE1a proteins were rinsed with kinase assay
EDTA) supplemented with protease inhibitor SDS, 0.5 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT) to disrupt the buffer I (SignalChem, K01-09, 25 mM MOPS
cocktail (Roche, 14826500), phosphatase inhib- interactions between immunoprecipitated IRE1a pH7.2, 12.5 mM b-glycerol-phosphate, 25 mM
itor cocktail (Sigma, 4906845001) and 10 mM and its interacting proteins. The denatured elutes MgCl2, 5 mM EGTA, 2 mM EDTA, 0.25 mM
N-Ethylmaleimide (Sigma, E3876). Protein ly- were diluted 1:10 with lysis buffer (50mM Tris- DTT) and subjected to in vitro kinase assay in
sates were cleared by centrifugation at 16,000 g HCl pH7.6, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1% the kinase assay buffer I plus 0.4 mM cold ATP
for 20 min at 4°C. The remaining insoluble Triton X-100) and subjected to a second-round and 1.0 mg GST-ERK2 activated by MEK1 in vitro
pellets were then washed with RIPA buffer for immunoprecipitation with anti-Flag M2 beads (SignalChem, M28-10G-20). The reaction was
three times to remove any remaining detergent- (Sigma, F-2426) (4h at 4°C) to remove all the carried out at 30°C for 30 min. The beads were

y g
soluble proteins. The pellet containing detergent- interacting proteins and selectively pull down then washed for three times with RIPA buffer
insoluble aggregates was solubilized with urea only IRE1a protein which allows for the spe- (25 mM Tris-HCl pH7.6, 150 mM NaCl, 1%
buffer (8 M urea, 2% SDS, 50 mM DTT, 50 mM cific analysis IRE1a ubiquitination and phos- Triton X-100, 1% sodium deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS,
Tris-HCl pH7.4) for Western blot analysis. 3 × phorylation. The beads were then washed with 1.5 mM EDTA). The proteins were eluted by

105 cells were directly lysed in urea buffer (8 M RIPA buffer for three times. The proteins were boiling in 2 × Laemmli sample buffer and
urea, 2% SDS, 50 mM DTT, 50 mM Tris-HCl eluted by boiling in 2 × Laemmli sample buffer analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot.
pH7.4) serving as loading control. [65.8 mM Tris-HCl pH 6.8, 2.1% SDS, 26.3% For in vitro kinase assay labeled with [g-32P]
(w/v) glycerol, 355 mM b-mercaptoethanol, ATP, Flag-IRE1aK599A (kinase-dead form) or
Coimmunoprecipitation 0.01% bromophenol blue] and analyzed by SDS- different mutated Flag-IRE1aK599A proteins ,
The co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) assay was PAGE and Western blot. expressed in 293T cells were bound to anti-Flag
performed as previously described (73). Briefly, M2 beads as described above and incubated
293T cells transfected with different plasmids GST pull-down assay with 0.5 mg GST-ERK2 activated by MEK1 in
or H358 cells infected with indicated viruses The GST pull-down assay was performed to vitro (SignalChem, M28-10G-20) in the pres-
were lysed with lysis buffer (50mM Tris-HCl detect interaction between ERK and IRE1a. ence of 1 mCi of [g-32P] ATP (PerkinElmer,
pH7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1% Triton Briefly, recombinant GST or GST-ERK2 pro- NEG002A100UC) and 0.4 mM cold ATP in
X-100) supplemented with protease inhibitor tein purified from E.coli (SignalChem, M28-10G- the kinase buffer I (SignalChem, K01-09) for
cocktail (Roche, 14826500) and phosphatase 20) was incubated with recombinant His-IRE1a 30 min at 30°C. The reaction was stopped by
inhibitor cocktail (Sigma, 4906845001). Pro- protein purified from Sf9 cells (83) in RIPA boiling in 2 × Laemmli sample buffer for 10 min.
tein lysates were cleared by centrifugation at buffer (25 mM Tris-HCl pH7.6, 150 mM NaCl, The eluted proteins were resolved by SDS-PAGE
12,000 g for 20 min at 4°C. Supernatant was 1% Triton X-100, 1% sodium deoxycholate, and detected by autoradiography.
incubated with anti-Flag M2 beads (Sigma, 0.1% SDS, 1.5 mM EDTA) for 30 min before the For in vitro kinase assay with recombinant
F-2426) or anti-Myc beads (Sigma, E-6654) for GSH-Sepharose beads (GE Healthcare, 17075601) His-IRE1a, 1.0 mg protein purified from Sf9
4h to overnight at 4°C with gentle rotating. were added and rotation for 1 hour at 4°C . The cells (83) and recombinant GST-ERK2 protein,

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 15 of 18


the reaction was carried out in the kinase as- Biochemical fluorescence assay to detect IRE1a performed in a non-blinded manner by a re-
say buffer I (SignalChem, K01-09) plus 0.4 mM interaction with ORIN1001 search technician who was not aware of the
cold ATP for 30 min at 30°C. The reaction was The in vitro binding assay to detect IRE1a objectives of the study because the colors of the
stopped by adding 8 M urea buffer followed by with ORIN1001 was performed as described drugs used are different from that of vehicle
purification of His-IRE1a with Ni-NTA agarose previously (96). Briefly, WT or V918F mutant control. The results were quantified using
(QIAGEN, 30210). The proteins were eluted Flag-IRE1a proteins were purified from 293T GraphPad Prism 8. Two-tailed, unpaired Stu-
with 2 × Laemmli sample buffer by boiling cells as described above. The Flag M2 beads dent’s t test with or without Welch’s correction
for 10 min and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and pre-loaded with equal amount of Flag-IRE1aWT was utilized to compare the differences between
Western blot. or Flag-IRE1aV918F proteins were incubated with 2 groups as indicated in figure legends. One-way
200 mM ORIN1001 in binding buffer (50 mM ANOVA with Dunnett’s or Tukey’s multiple
In vitro phosphatase assay Tris-HCl pH7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 10% Glycerol, comparison test was used to compare the
The in vitro phosphatase assay was performed 1% Triton X-100, 50 mM EDTA) for 3 hours at differences among 3 or more groups as indi-
as described previously (95). Phosphorylated 4°C. After that, 6 mM NaBH4 was added to cated in figure legends. Two-way ANOVA with
Flag-IRE1a proteins were purified from 293T reduce the imine (Schiff base) between IRE1a Bonferroni’s multiple comparison test was used
cells expressing MEKDD as described above. and ORIN1001 to stable amine. The beads to calculate the significance difference for cell
The Flag M2 beads pre-loaded with phosphor- were then extensively washed for three times growth, tumor volume and body weight mea-
ylated Flag-IRE1a proteins were rinsed with with binding buffer and three times with RIPA surement over time. The log-rank (Mantel-Cox)
phosphatase assay buffer (40 mM Tris-HCl buffer (25 mM Tris-HCl pH7.6, 150 mM NaCl, test was used to test for the significant differ-
pH7.5, 20 mM KCl, 10 mM MnCl2, and 2 mM 1% Triton X-100, 1% sodium deoxycholate, 0.1% ences of survival between the groups. P < 0.05
DTT) and subjected to in vitro phosphatase SDS, 1.5 mM EDTA). The proteins were eluted was considered statistically significant. No sam-

assay in the phosphatase assay buffer and 1.0 mg by boiling in 2 × Laemmli sample buffer and ples or animals were excluded from the analysis.
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99109). The reaction was carried out at 30°C for Healthcare Lifer Sciences) was used to detect Study approval
30 min. The beads were then washed for three ORIN1001 that is covalently bound to IRE1a All protocols described in this study were
times with RIPA buffer (25 mM Tris-HCl pH7.6, protein in the SDS-PAGE. approved by the Baylor College of Medicine
150 mM NaCl, 1% Triton X-100, 1% sodium Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
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81. A. W. Tolcher et al., Antitumor activity in RAS-driven tumors by 93. N. E. Sanjana, O. Shalem, F. Zhang, Improved vectors RP180672), the NIH (CA125123, S10OD025251, and RR024574), and
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oxaliplatin and fluorouracil in patients with metastatic 94. P. Bankhead et al., QuPath: Open source software for digital CPRIT (RP150578). This work was supported by the DNA
pancreatic cancer after prior therapy: SWOG S1115 study pathology image analysis. Sci. Rep. 7, 16878 (2017). Sequencing Core at the Baylor College of Medicine with funding
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IRE1/XBP1 pathway suppresses MYC-driven breast cancer. Smad3 to enhance transforming growth factor-b signaling. X. Lv, X. Lu, J.C., Y.D., Q.L., Fa.P., D.L., D.H., E.M., D.W.C., X.W.,
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MKC8866 sensitizes glioblastoma to irradiation/chemotherapy unconventional mRNA splicing by an IRE1-binding small and M.F.R. contributed to discussions, experimental design, and
in vivo. Cancer Lett. 494, 73–83 (2020). doi: 10.1016/ molecule. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109, E869–E878 (2012). critical reagents. S.R.S. and B.Z. analyzed the CPTAC data.
j.canlet.2020.08.028; pmid: 32882336 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1115623109; pmid: 22315414 X.C. supervised the project. X.C., X. Lv, and X. Lu wrote the paper.
85. S. E. Logue et al., Inhibition of IRE1 RNase activity modulates Competing interests: M.F.R. receives research funding from
97. S. V. Vasaikar, P. Straub, J. Wang, B. Zhang, LinkedOmics:
the tumor cell secretome and enhances response to Pfizer and Genentech. M.F.R. is a consultant and receives
Analyzing multi-omics data within and across 32 cancer types.
chemotherapy. Nat. Commun. 9, 3267 (2018). doi: 10.1038/ consulting fees from: Novartis, Seagen, Macrogenics, and
Nucleic Acids Res. 46 (D1), D956–D963 (2018). doi: 10.1093/
s41467-018-05763-8; pmid: 30111846 AstraZeneca. M.F.R. is the principal investigator of the clinical trial
nar/gkx1090; pmid: 29136207
86. N. Y. Gabrail et al., A phase 1/2 trial of ORIN1001, a first-in- NCT03950570. X.C. reports previous research funding from
class IRE1 inhibitor, in patients with advanced solid tumors. Fosun Pharma. J.A.R. reports receiving a commercial research
J. Clin. Oncol. 39 (15_suppl), 3080–3080 (2021). doi: 10.1200/ grant from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center,
JCO.2021.39.15_suppl.3080 We thank J. Rosen, Q. Zhang, and J. Xu for advice, discussion, and
has a sponsored research agreement from Genprex, has ownership
87. M. Salmón et al., Kras oncogene ablation prevents resistance in critical review of the manuscript. Funding: This work was supported
interest (including stock, patents, etc.) in Genprex, and is a
advanced lung adenocarcinomas. J. Clin. Invest. 133, e164413 by US Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical
consultant and advisory board member for Genprex. M.J.E. reports
Research Programs (W81XWH1910524 to X.C., W81XWH1910035

(2023). doi: 10.1172/JCI164413; pmid: 36928090 full-time employment with AstraZeneca from 7 March 2022.
88. H. C. Mahler, W. Friess, U. Grauschopf, S. Kiese, Protein to X. Lv), the National Institutes of Health (R01CA270240,
M.J.E. holds patents and receives income from Veracyte on the
aggregation: Pathways, induction factors and analysis. R37CA228304, P50CA186784, and R01HL146642 to X.C.;
PAM50-based products, Prosigna. Data and materials availability:
J. Pharm. Sci. 98, 2909–2934 (2009). doi: 10.1002/jps.21566; R01CA214793 and 5P01CA117969 to H.Y.; 1R01CA272744 to
All data are available in the manuscript or the supplementary
pmid: 18823031 W.Y.; R01DK115454 and R01GM142143 to A.C.; T32DK60445-17
materials. Requests for materials should be addressed to X.C.
89. M. F. Rimawi et al., Early efficacy evaluation of ORIN1001, a to L.M.; CA215591 and SPORE DRP CA126752 to Z.S.; U24CA210954
License information: Copyright © 2023 the authors, some rights
first in class IRE1 alpha inhibitor, in advanced solid tumors. to B.Z.; U54CA224065 and U54CA224081 to J.A.R.; R01GM130838
reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the
J. Clin. Oncol. 41 (16_suppl), 1092–1092 (2023). doi: 10.1200/ and R01NS117668 to Y.C.; and R01HD007857 and R01HD008188
Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government works.
JCO.2023.41.16_suppl.1092 to B.W.O.), Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas

90. M. P. Kim et al., Generation of orthotopic and heterotopic (RP230285 to X.C., RR140038 CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research
human pancreatic cancer xenografts in immunodeficient mice. award to A.C., RP160283 Baylor College of Medicine Comprehensive SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
Nat. Protoc. 4, 1670–1680 (2009). doi: 10.1038/ Cancer Training Program award to F.P., and RR160027 CPRIT
nprot.2009.171; pmid: 19876027 Scholar in Cancer Research award to B.Z.), and American Cancer
Figs. S1 to S18
91. L. Yan et al., Targeting glucose metabolism sensitizes pancreatic Society (RSG-22-017-01-CCB to W.Y.). This work used the Aperio
Tables S1 to S5

cancer to MEK inhibition. Cancer Res. 81, 4054–4065 (2021). GT-450 digital pathology scanner in the Baylor College of Medicine
MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-20-3792; pmid: 34117030 Breast Center Pathology Core that was purchased with funding from
92. Z. Cheng et al., Inhibition of BET bromodomain targets genetically the NIH S10 grant S10OD028671. This work was supported by Submitted 24 November 2021; resubmitted 6 March 2023
diverse glioblastoma. Clin. Cancer Res. 19, 1748–1759 (2013). the Cytometry and Cell Sorting Core at the Baylor College of Medicine Accepted 28 July 2023
doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-12-3066; pmid: 23403638 with funding from the CPRIT Core Facility Support Award (CPRIT- 10.1126/science.abn4180

y g

Lv et al., Science 381, eabn4180 (2023) 8 September 2023 18 of 18


◥ by intestinal microbiota. Monocytes formed

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY large clusters within the collateral vessels and
began to express KC markers. These mono-
IMMUNOLOGY cytes made up a spectrum of structures rang-
ing from clusters of individual cells to fused
Kupffer cell–like syncytia replenish resident multinucleated giant cells that collectively
appeared as KC-like syncytia. Although indi-
macrophage function in the fibrotic liver vidual KCs could not catch bacteria flowing
within larger vessels, KC-like syncytia were able
Moritz Peiseler†, Bruna Araujo David†, Joel Zindel, Bas G. J. Surewaard, Woo-Yong Lee, Felix Heymann, to capture high numbers of circulating bacteria.
Ysbrand Nusse, Fernanda V. S. Castanheira, Raymond Shim, Adrien Guillot, Alix Bruneau, Jawairia Atif, Using transcriptomic analysis, we identified
Catia Perciani, Christina Ohland, Priyanka Ganguli Mukherjee, Annika Niehrs, Roland Thuenauer, CD36 as the key molecule underlying syncytial
Marcus Altfeld, Mathias Amrein, Zhaoyuan Liu, Paul M. K. Gordon, Kathy McCoy, Justin Deniset, fusion and reduced susceptibility to infection.
Sonya MacParland, Florent Ginhoux, Frank Tacke, Paul Kubes* CRIg-expresssing intravascular macrophage
syncytia were also found in human cirrhosis
of different etiology.
INTRODUCTION: The local environment is critical the KC compartment. In this study, we used
for establishing the phenotype of macrophages various lineage-tracing models and intravital CONCLUSION: Loss of contact with parenchy-
within a given organ. In the liver, resident mac- microscopy to visualize, track, and function- mal cells in the fibrotic niche leads sinusoid-
rophages reach out of the sinusoids to receive ally assess monocytes and KCs in the fibrotic resident KCs to lose identity and function.

instructive cues in a niche composed of he- liver environment. Because KC replenishment in rarefied sinusoids
patocytes, endothelial cells, and stellate cells. would serve little purpose, monocytes follow
These cues activate specific transcription factors, RESULTS: Using the most common mouse model the formation of collateral vessels that bypass
which endow these macrophages with Kupffer of liver fibrosis—carbon tetrachloride toxicity— sinusoids, where they form KC-like syncytia
cell (KC) “identity.” In the sinusoids, KCs per- we observed profound architectural changes in that have the capacity to capture bacteria from
form the critical function of capturing patho- the liver. This remodeling included a massive the bloodstream. Thus, KC maladaptation with-

gens from the blood by means of specialized increase in collateral vessels and collagen depo- in an altered fibrotic niche environment is res-
receptors, including the complement recep- sition around the sinusoids, which caused KCs cued by monocytes forming KC-like syncytia
tor CRIg. Liver fibrosis and cirrhosis is the to lose contact with their surrounding environ- to capture bacteria. These cell structures may
common end-stage of various chronic liver dis- ment. This, in turn, led to the down-regulation of play a critical evolutionary role that allows
eases, leading to substantial morbidity and key transcription factors and membrane proteins mammals to withstand severe chronic insults

mortality in affected individuals. Despite dif-
ferent etiologies, progression is similar, with he-
such as CLEC4F, CRIg, and TIM-4, which collec-
tively determine KC identity. Although these
in the liver.

patocyte death and collagen deposition around changes resulted in impaired KC function, the The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
sinusoids, resulting in the redistribution of liver continued to act as a major filter of blood- *Corresponding author. Email:
†These authors contributed equally to this work.
blood flow to new and expanded intrahepatic borne bacteria despite the loss of KC identity.
Cite this article as M. Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202
and extrahepatic collateral vessels. An abundance of monocytes were recruited, (2023). DOI: 10.1126/science.abq5202
and these cells primarily adhered to large in-
RATIONALE: It remains unclear how fibrotic trahepatic vessels through CD44 owing to READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT
remodeling of the niche environment affects increased endothelial cell adhesivity driven

y g
Homeostasis Healthy sinusoids Kupffer cell identity Filter function Homeostasis

Kupffer cells Microbial

KC filter


Liver fibrosis Loss of sinusoids Loss of KC identity Compensatory syncytia Rescue of filter function
Fibrosis of sinusoids

Bone Syncytia filter


Kupffer cell adaptation in fibrotic liver disease. In healthy livers, KCs reside in sinusoids and rapidly capture blood-borne pathogens. In liver fibrosis, sinusoids
are rarefied, leading to redistributed circulation through high-flow collateral vessels. KCs consequently lose their identity and function. Monocytes then seed larger
vessels and form KC-like syncytia with the heightened capacity to capture bacteria, providing a rescue adaptation to the fibrosis-induced loss of KCs.

Peiseler et al., Science 381, 1066 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 1


◥ nusoids and dilation of larger venules (Fig. 2A

RESEARCH ARTICLE and fig. S1, B and C). Imaging of blood flow
revealed the homogeneous perfusion of sinu-
IMMUNOLOGY soids in control livers (fig. S1D and movie S3),
whereas livers of CCl4-treated mice at 8 weeks
Kupffer cell–like syncytia replenish resident showed large collateral vessels and dilated
venules with poor or absent perfusion of si-
macrophage function in the fibrotic liver nusoids (fig. S1D and movie S3), which are
characteristic of human cirrhosis (8–10).
Moritz Peiseler1,2,3,4†, Bruna Araujo David1,2†, Joel Zindel1,2,5, Bas G. J. Surewaard1,2, Woo-Yong Lee1,2, Tracking labeled red blood cells (RBCs) al-
Felix Heymann3, Ysbrand Nusse1,2, Fernanda V. S. Castanheira1,2, Raymond Shim1,2, Adrien Guillot3, lowed us to quantify hepatic blood flow (Fig. 2,
Alix Bruneau3, Jawairia Atif6, Catia Perciani6, Christina Ohland1,2, Priyanka Ganguli Mukherjee7, B to D). In control mice, homogeneous sinus-
Annika Niehrs8, Roland Thuenauer8, Marcus Altfeld8, Mathias Amrein7, Zhaoyuan Liu9, oidal blood had a mean flow rate of 52 mm/s,
Paul M. K. Gordon10, Kathy McCoy1,2,11, Justin Deniset1,2,12,13, Sonya MacParland6, whereas flow in the constricted sinusoids of
Florent Ginhoux14,15, Frank Tacke3, Paul Kubes1,2* fibrotic mice was lower (mean flow: 17 mm/s)
and often completely occluded (Fig. 2, B and
Kupffer cells (KCs) are localized in liver sinusoids but extend pseudopods to parenchymal cells to C). In venules, mean flow in control mice was
maintain their identity and serve as the body’s central bacterial filter. Liver cirrhosis drastically alters ~200 mm/s, whereas mean flow through the
vascular architecture, but how KCs adapt is unclear. We used a mouse model of liver fibrosis and collateral vessels of fibrotic mice was 350 mm/s
human tissue to examine immune adaptation. Fibrosis forced KCs to lose contact with parenchymal (Fig. 2, B and D). The flow was often turbulent

cells, down-regulating “KC identity,” which rendered them incapable of clearing bacteria. Commensals and not laminar (i.e., RBCs no longer traveled
stimulated the recruitment of monocytes through CD44 to a spatially distinct vascular compartment. in straight lines) (Fig. 2D). The drastic increase
There, recruited monocytes formed large aggregates of multinucleated cells (syncytia) that expressed of collateral vessels due to loss of patent cap-
phenotypical KC markers and displayed enhanced bacterial capture ability. Syncytia formed via CD36 illaries is consistent with a threefold increase
and were observed in human cirrhosis as a possible antimicrobial defense that evolved with fibrosis. in venular cells (11). Furthermore, single-cell
sequencing previously revealed that ACKR1, a

venular endothelium signature gene, is highly
ositioned at the confluence of the intes- intravascular location (Fig. 1A, fig. S1A, and enriched in human cirrhosis (12).
tinal vasculature and systemic circula- movie S1). At the same time, their long pro-
tion, the liver acts as a major filter of trusions interact with liver parenchymal cells Fibrotic remodeling of the Kupffer cell niche
disseminated blood-borne pathogens (Fig. 1, A and B) including hepatic stellate cells Second-harmonic generation revealed robust

(1). Liver sinusoids are microanatomical (HSCs), liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs), collagen deposition around the sinusoids of
filtration units designed for the optimal sur- and hepatocytes, together forming the KC CCl4-treated mice but not sham-treated mice
veillance of passing blood (2). Strategically lo- niche. The interaction between parenchymal (Fig. 2A), which was not easily seen by con-
cated within these sinusoids is a population cells and KCs is critical for KC function, as ventional histology (fig. S1, E and F). KCs in
of resident macrophages called Kupffer cells parenchymal cells supply important signals healthy mice were found exclusively in hepatic
(KCs), which represent the most abundant that maintain KC identity (4). This niche is sinusoids and projected numerous pseudo-
population of tissue macrophages in the hu- optimized for immune surveillance, as blood- pods into the space of Disse (Fig. 2, E and F).
man body (3). KCs are characterized by their borne pathogens are instantaneously captured By contrast, after 8 weeks, CCl4-treated mice
ramified structures, sessile nature relative to by KCs (Fig. 1C and movie S2). showed increased fibrosis and sinusoids of re-
other patrolling immune cells, and primarily duced diameter harboring macrophages with

y g
Intravital imaging reveals progressive vascular elongated shapes and significantly fewer pseu-
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of remodeling in liver fibrosis dopods (Fig. 2, E and F). Patients with liver
Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 2Snyder Institute for Chronic
Diseases, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, In order for KCs to capture blood-borne bac- cirrhosis (stage F4 fibrosis) similarly presented
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 3Department of Hepatology and teria, sinusoids must be sufficiently narrow so with KCs that had lower average cell size and

Gastroenterology, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus that KCs occupy large amounts of the sinu- elongated shape compared with healthy indi-
Virchow Klinikum and Campus Charité Mitte, Berlin, Germany.
Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), Berlin, Germany. 5Department soidal lumen without restricting blood flow viduals (Fig. 2, G and H, and fig. S1G). Fur-
of Visceral Surgery and Medicine, Department for BioMedical through these channels (Fig. 1C). In chronic liver thermore, IVM of Lratcre×Rosa26tdTomato HSC

Research (DBMR), University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland. diseases with fibrosis, architectural changes— reporter mice (13) uncovered close contacts
Ajmera Transplant Centre, Toronto General Research
Institute, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. regardless of underlying etiology—occur, in- between KCs and HSCs in control mice (Fig. 1B
Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of cluding the deposition of a basement membrane and fig. S1H). Colocalization analysis confirmed
Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 8Leibniz Institute of around sinusoids (capillarization), defenes- the intricate anatomical interconnections be-
Virology (LIV), Hamburg, Germany. 9Shanghai Institute
of Immunology, Department of Immunology and Microbiology,
tration of sinusoids, and the development of tween KCs and HSCs under homeostatic con-
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, intrahepatic and extrahepatic shunts and col- ditions (Fig. 2I and fig. S1I). By contrast, most
China. 10Centre for Health Genomics and Informatics, laterals to accommodate blood flow (5–7). Using KCs in the sinusoids of CCl4-treated mice were
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 11Department
of Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases,
intravital microscopy (IVM), we imaged nu- detached from HSCs (Fig. 2I and fig. S1H), as
Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, merous mouse models of liver disease. We HSCs relocated away from sinusoids and sur-
Alberta, Canada. 12Department of Cardiac Sciences, University found that the carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) tox- rounded the large collaterals (fig. S1H), fur-
of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 13Libin Cardiovascular
icity model produced the most pronounced ther altering the KC niche.
Institute, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 14Singapore Immunology Network fibrosis and vascular changes like those seen
(SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research in human disease, allowing us to study KC Macrophages in fibrotic sinusoids are
(A*STAR), Singapore, Singapore. 15Gustave Roussy Cancer immunodynamics in a bona fide fibrotic niche functionally impaired
Campus, INSERM U1015, Villejuif, France.
*Corresponding author. Email: (Fig. 2A). IVM revealed profound parenchymal To investigate the bacterial capture of KCs in si-
†These authors contributed equally to this work. changes that included narrowing of liver si- nusoids, we induced bacteremia by intravenous

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 16


CXCR6 F4/80 CD31 Hepatocytes LSEC HSC KC


T=0 min T=3 min S. aureus MW2 F4/80 Hepatocytes
Inset Inset

Fig. 1. Immune surveillance by Kupffer cells. (A) Representative IVM image of KCs showing KCs (green), hepatic stellate cells (blue), and endothelial cells (white). Scale
(magenta) scanning the blood stream with their protrusions. Hepatocytes (dull green), bar: 100 mm. (C) Representative IVM image of staphylococcal capture (MW2-GFP
LSECs (blue), and patrolling CXCR6-expressing cells (bright green) are depicted. in bright green) by KCs labeled with F4/80 (magenta) and hepatocytes (dull green) in
(Inset) Time-lapse image of a KC sending a protrusion laterally touching another KC baseline mice before (left) and 3 min after injection of bacteria showing instant capture
(arrow). Scale bars: 50 mm. (B) Representative 3D surface rendering of the KC niche of bacteria. Scale bars: 150 mm and 50 mm (insets).

y g
injection of a clinically important methicillin- movie S5), suggesting the loss of KC antimi- express either marker were smaller (fig. S2A). All
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strain crobial capacity. macrophage subsets in fibrotic sinusoids showed
expressing a fluorescent reporter (S. aureus similar reductions in contact with HSCs com-
MW2). In control mice, the vast majority of Macrophages in fibrotic sinusoids lose Kupffer pared with KCs from control sinusoids (fig. S2B).

injected S. aureus MW2 were rapidly captured cell identity Using multiparametric flow cytometry and
by KCs in the liver sinusoids (Fig. 2J, fig. S1J, The morphological and functional changes in the dimensionality reduction with t-distributed
and movie S4). By contrast, bacterial capture KC compartment in fibrotic sinusoids prompted stochastic neighbor embedding (tSNE) to cluster

in the sinusoids of fibrotic mice was reduced us to investigate phenotypical adaptation. We hepatic macrophages (fig. S2C), we found that
(Fig. 2J, fig. S1J, and movie S4). The bacterial focused on two key molecules—complement re- most KCs in control mice expressed high levels
burden in the blood and spleens of CCl4-treated ceptor of the immunoglobulin superfamily [CRIg, of the known KC identity markers C-type lectin
mice was also higher than in controls (Fig. 2K). also referred to as V-set immunoglobulin-domain- like receptor 2 (CLEC2), C-type lectin domain
Moreover, the frequency of F4/80+ macrophages containing 4 (VSIG4)] and T cell membrane family 4 member F (CLEC4F), CRIg, and TIM-4
in sinusoids that had captured bacteria de- protein 4 (TIM-4)—that give KCs their functional (Fig. 3C). By contrast, KCs in mice treated with
creased in fibrosis (Fig. 2L). phenotype (16). More than 90% of the F4/80+ CCl4 for 8 weeks consistently had lower levels
Given that KCs also kill the captured staph- macrophages in the liver sinusoids of control of all four molecules (Fig. 3C).
ylococci (14), we next performed intravital mice coexpressed TIM-4 and CRIg (Fig. 3, A and
imaging of the phagocytic processing capacity B). By contrast, fewer F4/80+ macrophages from CRIg identifies a macrophage subset in
of sinusoidal KCs in control and CCl4-treated CCl4-treated mice expressed TIM-4 and/or CRIg fibrotic liver sinusoids with preserved
mice (15). In control mice, the vast majority of (Fig. 3, A and B). These cells were all located with- bacterial capture phenotype
captured bioparticles were rapidly acidified in the sinusoids and, by definition, were KCs. CRIg (VSIG4) is a complement receptor that
(>95%) (Fig. 2M and movie S5), whereas in F4/80+ cells expressing TIM-4 and/or CRIg showed is critical for KC-mediated bacterial capture
CCl4-treated mice, bioparticle acidification similar cell volumes compared with KCs in control (17, 18). Indeed, in both control and CCl4-treated
was delayed over the first hour (Fig. 2M and mice, whereas F4/80+ macrophages that did not mice, F4/80+CRIg+ and F4/80+CRIg+TIM-4+

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 2 of 16


Fig. 2. Liver fibrosis alters the A CD31 Collagen Merge B Control CCl4 RBC tracks
Kupffer cell niche resulting
in a loss of function. (A) Repre-
sentative multiphoton IVM stitched

images of control and fibrotic liver,
depicting CD31 (blue) and second-
harmonic generation (SHG, white).
Scale bars: 200 mm. (B) Represen-
tative IVM images of sinusoids
and venules in control and CCl4-
treated mice. RBC tracks visualized

(magenta) next to hepatocytes
(dull green). Scale bars: 75 mm.
(C and D) Mean velocity of RBC in
sinusoids and venules (n = 4 per
group, N = 3). (E) Representative
C Sinusoids D Venules E Control CCl4 F4/80 Hepatocytes
IVM image of KC morphology. 80 500 Inset Inset
KCs (magenta), hepatocytes (dull
Velocity (µm/s)
Velocity (µm/s)

green), and liver autofluorescence
(bright green) Scale bars: 100 mm 40

and 25 mm (insets). (F) Quantification 200
of KCs with pseudopods in sinus- 100

oids (n = 5 per group, N = 3). 0 0

Control CCl4 Control CCl4
(G) Representative morphology of
IBA1+ cells (magenta) in human F G Healthy Cirrhosis IBA1 Hepatocytes DAPI H Cell size in sinusoids
liver cirrhosis. Nuclei (blue) and 100
KC with pseudopods (%)

hepatocytes (green) are depicted. 80 Healthy
Scale bars: 50 mm. (H) Individual 60

cell area of IBA1+ cells located in the
sinusoids of a healthy (blue) and
cirrhotic liver (red). (I) Percentage of

contact between Lrat-expressing Control CCl4
HSCs and F4/80+ macrophages in Size
sinusoids (n = 3 per group, N = 3).
(J) Quantification of bacterial capture I J Control K Blood Liver Spleen
Staphylococcal catching (FOV)

% macrophage contact with HSC

in control and fibrotic mice infected 60
107 109 109

with 5 × 107 CFU S. aureus MW2 from 40

106 108 108

a 20-min video (n = 3 or 4 per group, 40

CFU / ml

CFU / g
CFU / g

105 107 107

N = 3 or 4). (K) Control and CCl4- 104 106 106
20 20
treated mice were infected with 103 105 105
5 × 107 CFU S. aureus MW2, and

y g
0 102 104 104
bacterial loads were determined 30 min Control CCl4 0 5 10 15 20
Control CCl4 Control CCl4 Control CCl4

after infection (n = 8 to 10 per Minutes

group, N = 3 or 4). (L) Frequency of
L M Control
F4/80+ cells in sinusoids with bacteria. 100

% F4/80+ cells with S. aureus

(M) Quantification of acidification of
% acidified particles

pHrodo S. aureus bioparticles over 80
60-min video (n = 6 per group, N = 2). 60

Data represented as individual values 40
with mean ± SD and as mean ± SEM 20 20
in (J) and (M). Mann-Whitney test
0 0
used for (C), (D), (F), (I), (K), and (L). Control CCl4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, Minutes

****P < 0.0001.

macrophages captured bacteria, whereas only a Ontogeny of hepatic macrophages ident fetal liver–derived macrophages, fluo-
small fraction of F4/80+CRIg− cells did so (Fig. in liver sinusoids resce. Under homeostatic conditions, 2 to 10%
3D and movie S6). Furthermore, F4/80+CRIg+ Recent single-cell studies in models of fatty liver of BM-derived monocytes contributed to the
TIM-4+ and F4/80+CRIg+ TIM-4− cells ex- disease suggest that KCs are replaced by recruited pool of liver macrophages (Fig. 3, E and F, and
hibited a capture efficiency of around 70% monocyte-derived cells on the basis of transcrip- fig. S2E). After 8 weeks of CCl4 treatment,
(fig. S2D), which was similar to KCs from con- tomic changes (19–21). To study the ontogeny of ~30% of macrophages in sinusoids were de-
trol mice (Fig. 2L). By contrast, F4/80+CRIg− sinusoidal KCs, we used Ms4a3cre×Rosatdtomato rived from BM-derived monocytes and 70%
cells demonstrated very low capture effici- monocyte fate-mapping mice (22), whose bone were fetal liver–derived KCs (Fig. 3, E and F,
ency (fig. S2D). marrow (BM)–derived precursors, but not res- and fig. S2E). The labeling efficiency of Ms4a3

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 3 of 16


Fig. 3. Liver fibrosis A Control CCl4 F4/80 TIM-4 CRIg B

Sinusoidal macrophage identity

leads to loss of Kupffer 100
cell identity. (A) Repre- CRIg- TIM-4
80 -
sentative IVM images of KC CRIg- TIM-4
markers F4/80 (magenta),
CRIg (green), and TIM-4 40
Merge Merge
(blue) in control and CCl4- 20
treated mice. Scale bars: 0
75 mm. (B) Quantification Control CCl4

of (A) as a percentage
of all F4/80+ cells in C D E Ms4a3+
sinusoids (n = 4 per Ms4a3 -

Ms4a3 expresssion F4/80+ cells

100 + + 100
group, N = 3). (C) tSNE CRIg TIM-4


S. aureus catching by
macrophage subsets
representation showing 80
- 80

expression of the key 60

KC markers of CLEC2,
40 40
TIM-4, CRIg, and CLEC4F

20 20
in hepatic macrophages.

Cells were pre-gated 0 0

Control CCl4 Control CCl4
as live singlet

+ − − −
CD45 CD19 SiglecF Ly6G F4/
80+CD11blo. (D) Distribution F Control CCl4 F4/80 Ms4a3 TIM-4 CRIg
of S. aureus uptake by Inset Inset
different liver macrophages
by IVM in sinusoids (n = 4
per group, N = 3 or 4).

(E) Proportion of Ms4a3
F4/80+ cells in sinusoids
in healthy and fibrotic
mice (n = 3 or 4 per group,
N = 2). (F) Representative

IVM images of Ms4a3+
cells (magenta) in control G CRIg+ TIM-4+ H I J K ZsGreen+tdTomato+
- ZsGreen+tdTomato-
CRIg+ TIM-4 Ms4a3 +
and fibrotic mice in com- CRIg- TIM-4
Macrophage identity by ontogeny

Ms4a3 expresssion F4/80+ cells

100 100
bination with CRIg (green), 100 100

S. aureus catching by
macrophage subsets
% F4/80+ cells (FOV)

TIM-4 (gray), and F4/80 80 80 80 80 80

Host KC (%)

(blue). Scale bars: 250 mm 60 60 60 60 60

and 100 mm (insets). 40 40
40 40 40
(G and H) BM-derived
+ 20 20 20 20 20
(Ms4a3 ) and embryonic
− 0 0
(Ms4a3 ) hepatic macro- 0 0 0

y g
Ms4a3- Ms4a3+
-4 -
Ig + 4 +

Ig - 4 -

Control CCl4 Control CCl4 Control CCl4


phage expression of



Ig +


different KC markers and




subsets stratified by Ms4a3 Healthy Human cirrhosis CRIg IBA1 DAPI

% CRIg+ of IBA1+ cells / FOV

Inset Inset 100

expression assessed by

IVM in fibrotic mice (n = 4 80
per group, N = 2 or 3). 60
(I) Quantification of CD45.1

and CD45.2 expression
by sinusoidal macrophages
in control and CCl4-treated 0
parabiotic mice (n = 4




or 5 per group, N = 4).


(J) Quantification of
tdTomato, ZsGreen, and F4/80 expression by sinusoidal macrophages assessed by IVM (n = 3 to 5 per group, N = 3). (K) Distribution of caught S. aureus in the different macrophage
subsets in control and CCl4-treated mice (n = 3 per group, N = 2). (L) Representative immunofluorescence images showing KCs in healthy (left) and cirrhotic (right) human livers.
Depicted are IBA1+ cells (green) with CRIg (magenta) and nuclei (blue). Scale bars: 120 mm and 50 mm (insets). (M) Frequency of CRIg expression by IBA1+ macrophages in healthy and
cirrhotic livers (3 or 4 samples per group). Data represented as individual values with mean ± SD. Mann-Whitney test was used for (I), (J), and (M). ****P < 0.0001.

(membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily Stratifying BM-derived Ms4a3+F4/80+ and em- differentiating during fibrosis (Fig. 3G). In ad-
A member 3) in peripheral blood was con- bryonic Ms4a3−F4/80+ cells into those expressing dition, F4/80+CRIg+TIM-4+ cells had the lowest
sistently around 95% in both control and fi- CRIg and TIM-4 revealed similar proportions proportion of Ms4a3, but F4/80+CRIg+TIM-4−
brotic mice (fig. S2, F and G), as previously of these markers in both embryonic and BM- and F4/80+CRIg−TIM-4− cells had a <50% rate of
reported (22). derived cells, suggesting that the KCs were de- replacement by monocytes (Fig. 3H). Harvesting

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 4 of 16


all macrophages from liver, not just KCs, re- Ms4a3−) caught the most bacteria, irrespective of stances exceeding 20 to 30 staphylococci per
vealed that 40 to 50% of F4/80+ hepatic mac- ontogeny (fig. S3, F and G). In Clec4f cre-nTdTomato× cluster. Moreover, most large clusters expressed
rophages were Ms4a3− (fig. S2H), including Rosa26 ZsGreen mice treated with CCl4, bacterial high levels of CRIg (Fig. 4D and movie S7).
monocyte recruitment to other liver compart- uptake was superior in ZsGreen+tdTomato+F4/ CRIg−/− mice also formed macrophage aggre-
ments (subcapsular, etc.). KCs from CCl4-treated 80+ KCs (Fig. 3K and fig. S3H), demonstrating gates after 8 weeks of CCl4 treatment but could
mice had similar levels of CRIg and TIM-4 ex- that a KC phenotype was required for proficient not capture bacteria (Fig. 4G and fig. S4E) and
pression in BM and embryonic macrophages bacterial capture even in fibrosis. Loss of KC had increased bacteremia and reduced CFU
(fig. S2, I and J). We concluded that the lack of identity could also be seen in liver biopsies of in the liver after intravenous administration of
niche signals drove tissue-resident and monocyte- patients with liver cirrhosis. There was a loss S. aureus MW2 compared with wild-type (WT)
derived macrophages asymptotically toward a of CRIg in IBA1+ human liver macrophages in CCl4-treated mice (Fig. 4H). These clusters also
similar fibrosis-associated phenotype. Parabiosis sinusoids compared with healthy control sam- rapidly acidified pHrodo S. aureus bioparticles
of CCl4-treated mice (fig. S2K) and imaging re- ples (Fig. 3, L and M). (Fig. 4I and fig. S4F) at kinetics similar to KCs
vealed that most F4/80+ cells in liver sinusoids Physical factors such as reduced blood flow in control mice. This very efficient clearance of
(KCs) were host-derived macrophages, and also affected the capture ability of the KCs. bacteria from high-flow vessels by macrophage
partner-derived macrophages accounted for Reducing portal flow by 70% in healthy mice aggregates was drastically reduced by mechan-
<10% at 8 weeks of disease (Fig. 3I and fig. (fig. S3I) reduced bacterial capture (fig. S3J). ical reduction of hepatic flow and quickly re-
S2L). Moreover, chimerism of host- and partner- Bacteria still circulated through the sinusoids stored after blood flow was normalized (Fig.
derived KCs (F4/80hiCD11blo cells) was between 5 but were not caught, as evidenced by a sharp 4J). Thus, the emergence of CRIg-expressing
and 10% (fig. S2, M and N). Similarly, the rise in free-flowing bacteria during reduced macrophage clusters shifted the capture ca-
proportion of KCs expressing CRIg was similar flow (fig. S3J). Thus, a certain level of shear was pacity of the liver from sinusoids to collateral

in host- and partner-derived KCs (fig. S2O). required for adequate bacterial capture, which venules in fibrotic livers.
We next used the Clec4f cre-nTdTomato×Rosa26 ZsGreen was lost in fibrotic sinusoids.
mouse, a dual reporter for both active expression Multinucleated macrophage syncytia
(tdTomato) and previous expression (ZsGreen) Kupffer cell–like macrophage clusters form are found in human liver diseases
of CLEC4F. More than 95% of F4/80+ cells in with enhanced bacterial capture proficiency High-resolution microscopy (Fig. 4K) and trans-
sinusoids coexpressed tdTomato and ZsGreen, Despite significantly impaired KC capture and mission electron microscopy (TEM) (Fig. 4L)

indicating an active KC phenotype (Fig. 3J and killing ability in the sinusoids of fibrotic livers, identified multinucleated giant macrophages
fig. S3A). In CCl4-treated mice, we found three the majority of bacteria were trapped by this in mouse fibrotic livers, indicating that in some
populations of F4/80+ cells in the sinusoids: organ (Fig. 2K). Furthermore, there were only instances these cells fused into giant cells.
tdTomato+ZsGreen+ KCs, tdTomato−ZsGreen+ small differences in overall survival after infec- However, our imaging unveiled a spectrum of
former KCs (exKCs), and F4/80+ cells with no tion with 5 × 107 colony-forming units (CFU) of macrophage phenotypes ranging from clusters

history of CLEC4F expression (Fig. 3J and fig. S. aureus MW2. Over 7 days, 100% of control of individual cells up to and including multi-
S3A). This suggested that some KCs had down- mice survived, whereas 75 to 80% survived in nucleated giant cells. Therefore, we called these
regulated CLEC4F in addition to the KC mark- the CCl4-treated group (Fig. 4A). By contrast, structures “Kupffer cell–like syncytia.”
ers CRIg and/or TIM-4 (fig. S3B). depletion of macrophages in control mice using In a multicenter approach with three liver
Principal components analysis (PCA) of sorted clodronate liposomes (fig. S4A) or genetically transplant centers, we systematically assessed
F4/80hiCD11bloMs4a3− embryonic KCs from depleting KCs (Clec4f cre-nTdTomato×Rosa26 iDTR human cirrhotic liver tissue. We found numer-
both control and CCl4-treated mice revealed mouse) (Fig. 4B and fig. S4B) induced 100 and ous clusters of CD68+ multinucleated giant
distinct gene expression profiles (fig. S3C). Out 80% mortality, respectively, within 48 hours cells in patients with liver cirrhosis from differ-
of 22,109 genes, embryonic liver macrophages after S. aureus MW2 infection. In healthy mice, ent etiologies, including chronic viral hepati-
from fibrotic livers differentially expressed KCs were localized exclusively in liver sinusoids tis, alcoholic liver disease, nonalcoholic fatty

y g
4298 genes compared with healthy controls, and not larger venules (fig. S4C). By contrast, liver disease, and cholestatic liver diseases (Fig.
including down-regulation of Clec4f, Vsig4 fibrotic mice showed progressive accumula- 4, M to O, and fig. S4, G and H). IBA1 staining,
(CRIg), and Timd4 (fig. S3D). Recent studies tion of F4/80+ cells in larger venules (fig. S4C). which identifies all macrophages (26), revealed
have identified that key transcription factors By 8 weeks, CCl4-treated mice formed large ag- the presence of intravascularly located large

control KC identity, (23–25) and are expressed gregates of F4/80+ macrophages that occupied macrophages with multiple nuclei (Fig. 4, M to
as a result of direct contact with parenchymal most of the width of large collateral vessel lu- O, and fig. S4H). These KC-like syncytia were
cells (4). LXRa (Nr1h3) is dependent on con- mina (Fig. 4C). Collateral vessels appeared to also positive for CRIg (Fig. 4N).

tact with HSCs and LSECs, whereas ID3 re- have an abundance of these clusters in larger
quires hepatocytes (4). In agreement with this stitched images, especially at bifurcations, with Kupffer cell–like syncytia are of bone
model, KCs down-regulated Nr1h3 as they lost the occasional individual F4/80+ macrophage marrow origin
contact with HSCs (fig. S3D). By contrast, Id3 observed within these larger vessels (Fig. 4C). With their intravascular location, high surface
levels did not change, possibly because hepa- Upon challenge with intravenous S. aureus expression of CRIg, and superior bacterial cap-
tocyte-derived ID3-activating and/or soluble MW2, these macrophage aggregates were ex- ture capacity, syncytia resembled bona fide
molecules could still reach the KCs in the con- traordinarily efficient at capturing bacteria KCs. Indeed, IVM revealed the KC-like syncytia
text of fibrosis. out of the bloodstream of the collaterals under expressed TIM-4 and CLEC4F (Fig. 5, A to D,
We challenged Ms4a3cre×Rosatdtomato mice high shear conditions (Movie 1 and movie S7). and fig. S5, A and B). Furthermore, the KC-like
with S. aureus MW2 and performed flow cy- In control mice, infection with 5 × 107 S. aureus syncytia were in close proximity to the HSCs
tometric analyses 20 min later (fig. S3, F to H). MW2 resulted in an evenly distributed uptake that had relocated around the large collaterals,
Although the frequency of F4/80+ cells contain- of bacteria by KCs in the liver sinusoids, with potentially inducing the KC molecules (fig.
ing S. aureus MW2 was reduced in CCl4-treated 1 to 2 staphylococci captured per KC (movies S2 S1H). Despite their KC-like phenotype, ~90%
mice, there were no detectable differences be- and S7). By contrast, in fibrotic livers, individual of the syncytia expressed Ms4a3 (Fig. 5, C and
tween Ms4a3+ and Ms4a3− cells (fig. S3E). clusters captured large numbers of bacteria D, and fig. S5B), consistent with their primar-
Furthermore, CRIg+TIM-4+ cells (Ms4a3+ and (Movie 1, fig. S4D, and movie S7), in some in- ily monocyte-derived origin. Liver injury leads

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 5 of 16


Fig. 4. Multinucleated A B Clec4fcre-nTdTomato Rosa26iDTR C F4/80 Hepatocytes

syncytia emerge in fibrosis 100 100

with enhanced Kupffer cell

Probability of Survival

Probability of Survival
80 80 saline
features. (A and B) Survival 60 60
P <0.002
of mice infected with 5 × 40 Control 40
107 CFU S. aureus MW2. (A) 20 20
Control and CCl4-treated 0 0
mice (n = 8 per group, N = 2) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
and (B) Clec4f ×
D CRIg F4/80 S. aureus
Rosa26 mice 24 hours
after application of diphtheria Merge 0 min
toxin or saline (n = 7 to 9 per
group, N = 2). (C) Represen-
tative stitched IVM showing
clusters of F4/80+ macro-
phages (magenta) in large 1 min

Staphylococcal catching (FOV)

Staphylococcal catching (FOV)
vessels (inset), hepatocytes 60
60 FOV with cluster 60 CCl4 WT
FOV without cluster CCl4 CRIg–/–
(dull green), and tissue auto- 50 50

fluorescence (bright green). 40 40

Scale bars: 250 mm and 30 30

5 min
20 mm (insets). (D) Macro- 20 20 20

phage cluster (blue) at 10 10

vascular bifurcation expressing 0 0 0

KCs Cluster 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
high levels of CRIg (red). Scale control fibrosis Minutes Minutes
bars: 50 mm. (E) CRIg mean
fluorescent intensity of KCs in H Blood Liver I FOV with cluster J Captured S. aureus
Free S. aureus
K F4/80 (membrane) Hoechst (nuclei)
FOV without cluster 20

S. aureus large venule (FOV)

control mice and macrophage 109 100
107 clamp off 65X 65X
clusters in fibrotic mice (n = 4 108
% acidified particles

80 15
per group, N = 2). (F) Staph-
CFU / g

107 60
CFU / ml

105 10
ylococcal capture in CCl4- 104
treated mice comparing FOV

10 5 5
103 20
with and without clusters in 102 104
0 0
WT CRIg–/– Control CCl4
large vessels (n = 3 or 4 per WT CRIg–/– 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 5 10 15 20
CCl4 CCl4 Minutes Minutes
group, N = 4). (G) Quantifi-
cation of staphylococcal L M IBA1 HepPar1 DAPI IBA1 HepPar1 DAPI
capture in WT or CRIg−/−
fibrotic mice (n = 4 per
group, N = 2). (H) Bacterial Cirrhosis

burden in WT and CRIg−/−

fibrotic mice infected with 5 ×
107 CFU S. aureus (n = 4 per

y g
group, N = 2). (I) Kinetics of
particle acidification by macro-
phage clusters (n = 3 per N CD68 O

CRIg Hoechst Inset

group, N = 2). (J) Quantifica-

tion of staphylococcal capture
in fibrotic venules with the

portal vein clamped and re-

moved after 15 min. (K) Ex vivo
isolated macrophages from
control and fibrotic livers. F4/80

(blue) and Hoechst dye (white)

indicate plasma membrane
and nuclei, respectively. Scale
bars: 10 mm. (L) Electron microscopy image of multinucleated giant cell in a CCl4-treated mouse. Arrows indicate the cell wall. Scale bar: 10 mm. (M) Representative immunofluorescent
staining with IBA1 (macrophages, magenta), HepPar1 (hepatocytes, green), and DAPI (nuclei, blue) showing multinucleated intravascular macrophages in cirrhosis. Scale bars: 50 mm.
(N) Representative immunofluorescence image of multinucleated macrophages in cirrhosis expressing CD68 (green), CRIg (magenta), and nuclei (blue) shown. Scale bars: 50 mm and 25 mm
(insets). (O) Multinucleated syncytia in liver cirrhosis showing IBA1 (blue), DAPI (white), and sodium potassium ATPase (green) to label cell membrane. Scale bar: 30 mm. Data represented
as individual values with mean ± SD and as mean ± SEM in (F), (G), (I), and (J). Mann-Whitney test was used in (E) and (H). Log-rank test was used for (A) and (B). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.

to prominent recruitment of monocytes (27). with peak levels at 4 weeks (Fig. 5E and fig. (28), were positioned in the surrounding si-
IVM revealed extensive recruitment of CX3CR1- S5C). CX3CR1-expressing monocytes were lo- nusoids (Fig. 5E). Imaging of parabiotic mice
expressing monocytes within the larger vessels cated in large vessels and started to express whose circulatory systems were conjoined re-
but not sinusoids at 2 weeks of CCl4 treatment, F4/80 (fig. S5C), whereas KCs, which lack Cx3cr1 vealed that the KC-like syncytia comprised both

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 6 of 16


amount of CFU in fibrotic livers (Fig. 6N). The

importance of KC-like syncytia for antimicro-
bial defense was confirmed in BM chimeras,
as mice with KC-like syncytia formation (WT
BM → Cd44−/− mice) showed superior bacte-
rial capture and reduced bacteremia (Fig. 6, O
and P). Only 25% of CCl4-treated WT mice
succumbed to infection, whereas all Cd44−/−
CCl4-treated mice died by day 4 after infection
(Fig. 6Q). By contrast, all vehicle-treated WT
and Cd44−/− mice survived infection because,
in the absence of liver disease, there was pre-
sumably no need for syncytia (Fig. 6Q).

The scavenger receptor CD36 functions as a

critical fusion molecule for syncytial generation
The fusion and adhesion molecules Cd9 and
Cd36 were highly expressed on the monocytes
infiltrating fibrotic liver (fig. S6, D to F). Anti-
Movie 1. The KC capture function in health and disease. Part 1: Bacterial capture of injected S. aureus
CD9 blocking antibody had no effect on syncy-

(white) in control mice is performed rapidly by KCs in the sinusoids (blue). Part 2: Bacterial capture in fibrotic
tia in mice treated with CCl4 (fig. S6H). By
sinusoids is suboptimal, with fewer bacteria caught (white) by morphologically altered KCs (blue). Part 3:
contrast, Cd36−/− mice failed to form syncytia
Rescue KC-like syncytia occupy larger venules in fibrotic livers and catch many bacteria. Movie runtime:
after CCl4 administration but still had an abun-
15 min. Scale bar: 100 mm.
dance of CRIg+F4/80+ cells in the collateral
vessels (Fig. 7A), suggesting that Cd36−/−mono-
cytes were recruited but failed to form syncytia

host (CD45.2) and partner-derived (CD45.1) biome appears to play a crucial part in the for- and instead presented as dispersed individual
cells. Thus, we conclude that circulating mono- mation of KC-like syncytia. macrophages (Fig. 7A). Individual monocytes
cytes contribute to the formation of KC-like took up much less volume within the collat-
syncytia (fig. S5D). CD44 is critical in the selective recruitment of erals compared with KC-like syncytia (Fig. 7,
Monocytes recruited at 4 weeks of CCl4 treat- monocytes to form Kupffer cell–like syncytia B and C). Because CD36 is expressed by other

ment but not earlier were the source of KC- To better understand KC-like syncytial forma- cells, including hepatocytes, we also generated
like syncytia (Fig. 5, F and G, and fig. S5E), as tion, we interrogated a recently published tran- BM chimeras between WT and Cd36−/− mice.
revealed by tamoxifen-inducible fate mapping scriptomic dataset of mononuclear phagocytes Only BM-derived CD36 was required for the
using Cx3cr1YFP-creER×Rosa26TdTomato mice (29). in the CCl4 fibrosis model and human liver formation of KC-like syncytia, however (fig. S7,
PKH dye was next administered to mice be- cirrhosis (12). Using the same clustering strat- A and B and Fig. 7D).
fore induction of CCl4 for long-term labeling egy (fig. S6D) and focusing on KC and monocyte Next, we tested bacterial capture in Cd36−/−
of resident macrophages (30). Sinusoidal KCs gene expression for cell fusion and adhesion fibrotic mice. CCl4-treated Cd36−/− macro-
but not the syncytia were labeled with PKH molecules listed in the Gene Expression Omni- phages lacked the ability to capture bacteria in
after 8 weeks of CCl4 treatment, suggesting that bus (GEO) term “cell–cell fusion” (GO:0140253), larger vessels (Fig. 7, E and F, and movie S8) de-
KCs did not contribute to syncytia (Fig. 5, H and Cd9, Cd36, and Cd44 were some of the most spite expressing ample amounts of cell-surface

y g
I). Notably, these KC-like syncytia only formed highly up-regulated genes associated with adhe- CRIg. BM chimeras with KC-like syncytia (WT →
within the fibrotic liver and not in other organs, sion and fusion. By contrast, known molecules Cd36−/−) were more efficient at bacterial cap-
such as the lungs or spleen (fig. S5, F and G). involved in macrophage fusion (32), including ture compared with chimeras without syncytia
Dcstamp, Il4, and Tnfrsf11a (RANK) were not (Cd36−/− → WT) and had enhanced bacterial

The microbiome drives monocyte highly expressed in recruited monocytes or mac- clearance of the blood stream (Fig. 7, G and H).
recruitment and syncytial formation through rophages in the fibrotic liver (fig. S6, E and F). In addition, Cd36−/− mice showed a nearly four-
MyD88 signaling CD44 is the dominant adhesive mechanism fold increase in bacteremia and concomitantly

Bacterial translocation from the gut is a fea- for numerous cell types in the liver (33–36). reduced bacterial counts in the liver (Fig. 7F).
ture of human cirrhosis (31). Mice treated with The large increase in monocytes in the collat- This was consistent with the hypothesis that the
a cocktail of broad-spectrum antibiotics from eral vessels at 4 weeks of CCl4 treatment was formation of syncytia is necessary to capture
birth (Fig. 6A) or germ-free (GF) mice exhib- reduced by >80% in Cd44−/− mice (Fig. 6, I and bacteria in large collateral vessels. In Cd36−/−mice
ited greatly reduced syncytial formation after J) leading to no KC-like syncytial formation at that received no CCl4, there was no observed
CCl4 treatment (Fig. 6B). Moreover, intrave- 8 weeks after CCl4 treatment (Fig. 6K and fig. impairment in S. aureus MW2 capture (fig. S7C),
nous administration of S. aureus MW2 resulted S6G). Because CD44 is expressed by endothelial and both WT and Cd36−/− control mice survived
in reduced bacterial capture by the liver and in- cells as well as monocytes, we next generated the 7-day observation period after S. aureus MW2
creased bacterial numbers in blood of antibiotics- BM chimeras and found that only BM-derived infection. By contrast, CCl4-treated Cd36−/− mice
treated or GF mice (Fig. 6, C to F). The lack of a CD44 but not parenchymal cell CD44 was exhibited 80% mortality after S. aureus MW2
microbiome had no significant effect on the required for KC-like syncytial formation after administration compared with 25% mortality
development of CCl4-driven fibrosis, however 8 weeks of CCl4 treatment (Fig. 6L). Bacterial in CCl4-treated WT mice (Fig. 7I).
(fig. S6A). Myd88−/− mice treated with CCl4 also capture was markedly reduced in Cd44−/− mice
exhibited reduced syncytial formation (Fig. 6G compared with WT mice treated with CCl4 (Fig. Discussion
and fig. S6B), impaired bacterial capture, and 6M). Cd44−/− mice showed increased bacter- Two hallmark features of chronic liver diseases
increased bacteremia (fig. S6C). Thus, the micro- emia 30 min after infection and one-third the are profound architectural changes and the

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 7 of 16


A CLEC4F (nuclei) CLEC4F (cytosol) F4/80

B Background CRIg TIM-4 F4/80
Merge Merge

C F4/80 CRIg TIM-4 Ms4a3 D

% expression of KC-like syncitia











3D reconstruction
E F4/80 CX3CR1 F CX3CR1 (YFP) F4/80 CX3CR1 (tdtomato)

100 100 PHK F4/80
Percentage of PKH labeling
% tdTomato expression

y g
80 80
in KC-like syncitia

60 60

40 40

20 20 Control KC sinusoids CCl4 KC sinusoids CCl4 KC-like syncitia
0 0

























Fig. 5. Syncytia have a Kupffer cell phenotype and are of bone marrow origin. with CCl4 (2 weeks) showing accumulation of CX3CR1+ cells (bright green) in
(A) 3D-reconstruction of KC-like syncytia in Clec4fcre-nTdTomato×Rosa26ZsGreen mice pericentral and periportal regions and sinusoidal F4/80+ KCs (magenta). Scale bar:
treated with CCl4. Cytosolic CLEC4F (green) and nuclear CLEC4F (blue) indicate KC 500 mm. (F) Representative IVM with 3D reconstruction of KC-like syncytia labeled
phenotype with multiple nuclei together with F4/80 expression (magenta). Scale with F4/80 (magenta) and fate mapping positive (blue, tdTomato). Hepatocytes in dull
bars: 100 mm and 20 mm (insets). (B) Representative IVM image of KC-like syncytia green and CX3CR1-expressing cells in bright green (left panel). Scale bars: 50 mm
labeled with TIM-4 (blue), CRIg (green), and F4/80 (purple). Scale bars: 100 mm and 30 mm (insets). (G) Quantification of tamoxifen-inducible fate mapping at weeks
and 50 mm (insets). (C) Representative IVM image of Ms4a3cre×Rosatdtomato mice 0 and 4 after tamoxifen injection. (H and I) Long-term PHK labeling of KCs before
treated with CCl4 showing bone marrow origin of KC-like syncytia with Ms4a3 CCl4 treatment. In control mice and in fibrotic sinusoidal KCs, PHK is detected
(magenta), CRIg (green), F4/80 (blue), and TIM-4 (gray). Scale bars: 100 mm (red). In KC-like syncytia, PKH is absent (n = 3 per group, N = 2). Grids: 25 mm. Data
and 50 mm (insets). (D) Quantification of KC marker expression and fate mapping of represented as individual values with mean ± SD. One-way ANOVA with Tukey’s
syncytia. (E) Representative stitched IVM image of Cx3cr1gfp/wt mouse treated multiple comparisons test was used for (H). ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001.

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 8 of 16


Fig. 6. Kupffer cell–like syncytia A B C Blood Liver D Blood Liver

are recruited through CD44 4 4 107 109 109

KC-like syncytia / mm2


KC-like syncytia / mm2

and commensal microbes. (A and
3 3 108 108
B) Quantification of KC-like syncytia in 106

CFU / ml

CFU / g

CFU / g

CFU / ml
antibiotics-treated and control fibrotic 2 2 10 7 107
mice (n = 4 or 5 per group, N = 2) and 105
1 1 106 106
in specific pathogen–free (SPF) and
germ-free (GF) fibrotic mice (n = 3 or 0 0 104 105 104 105
Control Abx SPF GF Control Abx Control Abx SPF GF SPF GF
4 per group, N = 2). (C and D) Bacterial
dissemination in control and CCl 4 CCl 4 CCl 4 CCl 4 CCl 4 CCl 4

antibiotics-treated (Abx) and SPF E 60 F 60 G H 60

Staphylococcal catching (FOV)

Staphylococcal catching (FOV)

Staphylococcal catching (FOV)

Control CCl4 SPF CCl4 WT CCl4
and GF fibrotic mice infected with Abx CCl4 GF CCl4 Myd88–/– CCl4

KC-like syncytia / mm2

5 × 10 CFU S. aureus MW2 (n = 4 40 40 3 40
per group, N = 2). (E and F) Quan-
tification of staphylococcal capture
20 20 20
in control and antibiotics-treated and 1

SPF and GF fibrotic mice infected with

0 0 0 0
5 × 107 CFU S. aureus MW2 (n = 4 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 WT Myd88–/– 0 5 10 15 20
per group, N = 2). (G) Quantification of Minutes Minutes

KC-like syncytia in WT and Myd88−/−


mice (n = 4 or 5 per group, N = 2) Hepatocytes CX3CR1 F4/80
4 4

% vessel diameter covered


by CX3CR1+F4/80+ cells
treated with CCl4. (H) Quantification of

KC-like syncytia / mm2

KC-like syncytia / mm2

staphylococcal capture in WT and 30 3 3

Myd88−/− fibrotic mice (n = 4 per 2 2

group, N = 2). (I) Surface area covered
by CX3CR1+ (blue) and F4/80+ 10 1 1

(magenta) cells in venules (n = 4 or 0 0
5 per group) of WT and Cd44−/− WT Cd44 –/– WT Cd44 –/–






mice treated with CCl4 for 4 weeks. Cd44 CCl4

WT CCl4 CCl4 –/–




Hepatocytes are depicted in dull green.


Scale bars: 100 mm. (J) Quantification

M N Blood Liver
of (I). (K and L) Quantification of
Staphylococcal catching (FOV)

60 WT CCl4
−/− 7 9
KC-like syncytia in WT and Cd44 Cd44 –/– CCl4 10 10

mice (n = 7 or 8 per group, N = 3) and 108

WT and Cd44−/− bone marrow chimeric 106
CFU / ml

CFU / g

mice (n = 3 to 5 per group, N = 2). 107

20 105
(M) Quantification of staphylococcal 106
capture in WT and Cd44−/− CCl4-
0 104 105
treated mice (n = 4 per group, N = 2). 0 5 10 15 20 WT Cd44 –/– WT Cd44 –/–
(N) Bacterial burden assessed in WT Minutes
CCl4 CCl4
and Cd44−/− CCl4-treated mice (n = 10

y g
per group, N = 3). (O) Quantification O P Blood Liver Q
Staphylococcal catching (FOV)

60 Cd44 –/– WT CCl4 100 WT Control

of staphylococcal capture in bone WT Cd44 –/– CCl4 107 10 9
Probability of Survival

−/− 80
marrow chimeras with WT and Cd44 Cd44 –/– Control
40 108
bone marrow transplantation (n = 4 106 60 Cd44 –/– CCl4

CFU / ml

CFU / g

per group, N = 2). (P) Bacterial burden 107 40 P<0.01

assessed in WT and Cd44−/− CCl4- 20 vs. WT

105 CCl 4
106 20
treated bone marrow chimeras (n = 5

or 6 per group, N = 2) (Q) Survival 0 104 105 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
analysis of WT and Cd44−/− mice
0 5 10 15 20








treated with corn oil or CCl4 for




8 weeks and then infected with 5 × 107


CCl4 CCl4
CFU S. aureus MW2 (n = 8 per
group). Data represented as individual
values with mean ± SD, data in (E), (F), (H), (M), and (O) are displayed as mean ± SEM. Mann-Whitney test was used for (A) to (D), (G), (J), (K), (N), and (P). One-way
ANOVA with Tukey post hoc test was used in (L). Log-rank test used in (Q). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001.

recruitment of monocytes that are thought to They essentially lose both their liver macro- as fibrotic sinusoids are poorly perfused, al-
augment and replace the pool of KCs found in phage identity and their primary function, to lowing for poor bacterial capture. Our model
healthy livers (2, 6, 37). On the basis of imaging capture bacteria within sinusoids. These changes suggests that these monocytes form KC-like
and numerous lineage-tracing approaches, we are associated with a substantially altered niche. syncytia, shifting antimicrobial defense in
propose that the disappearance of sinusoidal We also find that monocytes enter the liver the liver from the sinusoids to the large col-
F4/80-expressing macrophages (KCs) is in part and acquire the function of KCs. They do not lateral vessels that accommodate most of the
due to substantial alteration of their phenotype. assume the spatial location of KCs, however, blood flow traversing the liver. The increased

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 9 of 16


A F4/80 Autofluorescence CRIg B

Large-vessel macrophages


volume ( m3)


WT Cd36 –/–

WT CCl4 Cd36–/– CCl4

WT large-vessel macrophages Cd36–/– large-vessel macrophages
60 60

Large-vessel macrophages
50 50

volume (µm3)
40 40 20000
% of cells

% of cells

30 30

20 20

10 10
0 0






10 0
12 2
14 4
16 6
18 8
20 0


10 0
12 2
14 4
16 6
18 8
20 0







Cell volume (×1000 µm3) Cell volume (×1000 µm3)



Blood Liver
Staphylococcal catching (FOV)

WT Cd36 –/– CCl4

Staphylococcal catching (FOV)

60 WT CCl4 60
Cd36 –/– CCl4 107 109 Cd36 –/– WT CCl4

40 108 40
CFU / ml

CFU / g


20 105 20

104 105
0 WT Cd36 –/– WT Cd36 –/– 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
CCl4 CCl4
Minutes Minutes


y g
Blood Liver 100 WT control
Probability of Survival

107 80
Cd36 –/– control
108 60 Cd36 –/– CCl4

CFU / ml

CFU / g

107 40
106 20 vs. WT

104 105 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7











CCl4 CCl4

Fig. 7. Kupffer cell–like syncytia depend on the scavenger receptor CD36 for loads in WT and Cd36−/− fibrotic mice infected with 5 × 107 CFU S. aureus MW2
cell adhesion and fusion. (A) Representative IVM images of WT and Cd36−/− (n = 6 or 7 per group, N = 2). (G) Quantification of staphylococcal capture in WT and
mice treated with CCl4 for 8 weeks. F4/80 (blue), CRIg (magenta), hepatocytes Cd36−/− bone marrow transplant experiments (n = 3 or 4 per group, N = 2).
(dull green), and tissue autofluorescence (bright green) are depicted. Scale (H) Bacterial loads in WT and Cd36−/− bone marrow transplant recipients (n = 7 per
bars: 75 mm. (B and C) Volumetric analysis of CRIg-expressing macrophages in group, N = 3). (I) Survival analysis of WT and Cd36−/− mice treated with CCl4
large vessels in WT and Cd36−/− fibrotic mice (n = 4 per group, N = 2). for 8 weeks or controls and then infected with 5 × 107 CFU S. aureus MW2 (n = 6 to
(D) Volumetric analysis of CRIg-expressing macrophages in large vessels in WT 8 per group, N = 2). Individual dots each represent one mouse in (F) and (H)
and Cd36−/− bone marrow chimeric fibrotic mice (n = 3 to 5 per group, N = 3). and mean ± SEM in (E) and (G). Mann-Whitney test used for (B), (F), and (H).
(E) Enumeration of staphylococcal capture in WT and Cd36−/− fibrotic mice One-way ANOVA with Tukey post hoc test used in (D). Log-rank test used for
infected with 5 × 107 CFU S. aureus MW2 (n = 5 per group, N = 3). (F) Bacterial survival study in (I). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001.

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 10 of 16


presence of microbes or microbial products in large intravenous bolus of pathogen survive Additional reagents used for IVM included la-
the liver as well as high shear in these vessels infection, suggesting that a conserved pres- beling macrophages with the PKH26 Phagocytic
cause monocytes to be recruited by CD44. They ence of CRIg-expressing KC-like syncytia in Cell Labeling kit (Sigma-Aldrich) for long-term
then fuse into syncytia mediated by CD36 and fibrosis in both humans (43, 44) and rodents labeling of KCs, which was prepared according
occupy a substantial part of the vessel lumen, a may be an adaptive mechanism to protect to the manufacturer’s instructions. A dose of
feature paramount for the capture of bacteria the host from infections. Although it is dif- 100 mM was injected intravenously to label
under flow conditions that have been altered by ficult to make the argument that alcoholic KCs. Tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate
fibrosis. Moreover, a very profound relocation of liver disease and nonalcoholic fatty liver dis- (TRITC)–labeled Dextran (Invitrogen, Thermo
stellate cells around the enlarged vessels perhaps ease have evolutionarily driven these adap- Fisher Scientific) was used to visualize he-
helps impart KC characteristics to the KC-like tations for survival, liver trophic viruses that patic blood flow. Vybrant DiD Cell-Labeling
syncytia, often capturing 10 times the number of infect mammals may have spurred very sim- Solution, pHrodo Red Staphylococcus aureus
bacteria that a single KC captures in its normal ilar evolutionary adaptations. Thus, the archi- BioParticles, and Alexa Fluor 647 NHS Ester
sinusoidal environment while maintaining tre- tectural reorganization of the liver disrupts were obtained from Thermo Fisher Scientific.
mendous microbicidal capacity. the core constituents of the KC niche. This, Tamoxifen and carbon tetrachloride were ob-
Multinucleated giant cells were first described in turn, drives an immune reorganization that tained from Sigma-Aldrich. Anti-CD9 antibody
by Langerhans in tuberculoid granulomas in may be a critical part of mammalian evolution (clone ALB 6) was purchased from Santa Cruz
1868 (38) and have subsequently been identi- by which the liver responds to severe chronic Bioscience, isotype mouse IgG1 from BD Bio-
fied in a number of pathologic settings, includ- insults (viral, toxic, etc.) and prolongs organis- science. Clodronate and phosphate-buffered
ing foreign body responses, atherosclerosis, and mal survival. saline (PBS) liposomes were obtained from
autoimmunity (39). Giant cells in the bone

form membrane fusions thought to increase Materials and methods
their phagocytic capacity (32). In the liver, KCs Mice Bacterial strains and culture
have the critical task of capturing particulate All experiments were carried out using 8- to S. aureus strain MW2 was obtained from the Net-
matter under flow conditions, which notably 12-week-old male and female mice. The ex- work on Antimicrobial Resistance in S. aureus
precedes the process of phagocytosis. In larger perimental procedures were approved by the (NARSA) and transformed with pCM29 (45) to
vessels with much greater diameters, this task University of Calgary Animal Care Committee constitutively express green or yellow fluores-

becomes insurmountable for a single macro- and were in accordance with Canadian Council cent protein (46). The MW2 strain was used for
phage, as was seen in Cd36−/− mice. However, for Animal Care Guidelines (Protocol No. AC- all experiments. Bacteria were cultured over-
by increasing their size through bridging of 19-0138). All mice were cohoused and bred in a night in brain heart infusion medium (Difco)
multiple cells and filling a greater proportion specific pathogen-free facility at the University at 37°C on a shaker. Chloramphenicol (10 mg/ml)
of the lumen, these KC-like syncytia form a of Calgary with a 12-hour light–dark cycle and was added to the medium to maintain the

critical intravascular shield to help capture access to food and water ad libitum. C56BL/6 plasmids. Bacteria were subcultured without
and eradicate bacteria in high-flow vessels. mice (WT) were obtained from the Jackson Lab- antibiotics in brain heart infusion media un-
These cells presented as a continuum, ranging oratory and subsequently bred in house. Pep til exponential phase growth was achieved
from clear clusters of abutting cells to true BoyJ (B6.SJL-PtprcaPepcb/BoyJ, Jax: 002014), (OD660nm = 1.0), washed with saline, and re-
giant cells with a single membrane. Notably, Cx3cr1creER [B6.129P2(Cg)-Cx3cr1tm2.1(cre/ERT2)Litt/ suspended in saline.
KC-like syncytia did not block blood flow in a WganJ, Jax: 021160], Ai9 [B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)
manner analogous to how KCs allow adequate 26Sortm9(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/J, Jax: 007909], Cd44−/− Mouse treatments
flow in healthy sinusoids despite occupying a [B6.129(Cg)-Cd44tm1Hbg/J, Jax: 005085], Cd36−/− To induce liver fibrosis, mice were treated with
considerable proportion of the lumen. (B6.129S1-Cd36tm1Mfe/J, Jax: 019006), Cx3cr1 gfp/+ 0.75 ml per gram of body weight of carbon
Previous work on the KC niche determined [B6.129P2(Cg)-Cx3cr1tm1Litt/J, Jax: 005582], tetrachloride (Sigma-Aldrich) dissolved in corn

y g
that infiltrating monocytes have to contact Ai6 [B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm6(CAG-ZsGreen1)Hze/J, oil (Sigma-Aldrich) or corn oil alone by means
LSECs, hepatocytes, and stellate cells, which Jax: 007906], Rosa26iDTR [C57BL/6-Gt(ROSA) of oral gavage three times a week for 8 weeks,
then activate specific transcription factors to 26Sortm1(HBEGF)Awai/J, Jax: 007900], and Myd88−/− unless otherwise specified. Mice were sacri-
imprint KC identity (4, 24, 40). Within this [B6.129P2(SJL)-Myd88tm1.1Defr/J, Jax: 009088] ficed 48 hours after the last dose. For infection

framework, parenchymal cells provide instruc- mice were purchased from the Jackson Lab- experiments, mice were infected by tail vein
tive signals for KC development to fulfill their oratory and bred in house. Clec4f cre-nTdTomato injection of 5 × 107 CFU S. aureus MW2 in 200 ml
tissue-specific functions. We extend this work mice (MGI Ref. ID: J:279524) were a kind gift of saline. For survival studies, mice were in-
fected with an intravenous injection of 5 × 107
into disease states by showing that KCs in the from C. Glass (University of California, San
context of fibrosis retract their many pseudo- Diego) and were crossed with Ai6 [B6.Cg-Gt CFU S. aureus MW2 in 200 ml of saline. Infected
pods and lose their instructive niche as sinusoids (ROSA)26Sortm6(CAG-ZsGreen1)Hze/J] mice to receive mice were monitored closely, and their health
undergo fibrotic remodeling. These KCs down- the dual reporter and with Rosa26 iDTR mice for status was assessed using an established scor-
regulate important transcription factors includ- specific ablation. CRIg−/− mice (MGI Ref. ID: ing system (47). On the basis of this scoring sys-
ing LXRa (Nr1h3) and downstream molecules J:138691) were a kind gift from M. van Lookeren tem, mice were euthanized in cases where they
such as CRIg and TIM-4. Previous single-cell RNA Campagne (Genentech). Lrat cre mice (MGI Ref. reached their humane endpoint. KC depletion
sequencing (RNA-seq) studies are consistent ID: J:205330) were a kind gift from R. Schwabe was performed as previously described (14).
with these discoveries showing the increased (Columbia University, New York), and Ms4a3cre We injected 200 ml of clodronate liposomes
heterogeneity of liver macrophages (12, 19). mice (MGI Ref. ID: 284702) were provided by (690 mM) via the tail vein 48 hours before the
Currently, 1.5 billion people worldwide live F.G. Both were crossed with Ai14 [B6.Cg-Gt experiment or 200 ml of PBS liposomes for con-
with chronic liver disease, and the burden is (ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/J] mice. trol groups. KCs in Clec4f cre-nTdTomato×Rosa26 iDTR
rising rapidly (41). Despite the importance of mice were depleted by a single application of
the liver as a microbial filter, most of these in- Antibodies and reagents 10 ng per gram of body weight of diphtheria toxin
dividuals do not suffer from bacteremia (42). All antibodies used in this study for IVM and (Sigma-Aldrich), as previously described (24).
Similarly, most fibrotic mice challenged with a flow cytometry are summarized in table S1. Anti-CD9 antibody (clone ALB 6) and IgG1

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 11 of 16


isotype were injected at a dose of 10 mg per two doses of radiation of 5.25 grays (Gy) with a nologies) that was based on a modified CSU-10
mouse intraperitoneally three times per week 3-hour interval between irradiations. Next, 8 × head (Yokogawa Electric Corporation). Laser ex-
for 8 weeks. Tamoxifen (Sigma-Aldrich) was dis- 106 bone marrow cells were transferred via citation wavelengths were 491, 561, and 642 nm
solved in corn oil (Sigma-Aldrich) at 20 mg/ml tail-vein injections. Mice were kept for 8 weeks (Cobolt, Stockholm, Sweden), and a 512 pixel by
and administered via intraperitoneal injection to allow full bone marrow reconstitution. 512 pixel back-thinned EMCCD camera (C9100-
(100 mg per gram of body weight) for five con- 13, Hamamatsu, Bridgewater, NJ) was used for
secutive days during indicated timepoints of Labeling of red blood cells detection. Laser wavelengths were merged into
CCl4 administration. A donor mouse was sacrificed by cardiac punc- an optic cable using an LMM5 laser merge
ture, and 500 ml of heparinized whole blood module (Spectral Applied Research, Richmond
Bacteriological analysis was obtained. Cells were then centrifuged at Hill, Canada). Fluorescence visualization was
Bacteriological analyses were performed after 400g for 10 min at room temperature, and through the bad-pass emission filters (Semrock,
imaging experiments, 30 min after intravenous plasma and leukocytes were discarded. RBCs Rochester, NY) ET 525/50M, FF 593/40, and ET
injection of bacteria, unless otherwise indi- were resuspended in 1 ml of RPMI medium 700/75M and driven by a MAC 6000 Modular
cated. Anesthetized mice were washed and (Thermo Fisher Scientific) supplemented with Automation Controller (Ludl Electronic Products,
disinfected with 70% ethanol. Blood was col- 2% fetal bovine serum. Cells were stained with Hawthorne, NY). Volocity software (Quorum)
lected by cardiac puncture into a heparinized 10 ml of DiD (Thermo Fisher Scientific) at room was used to drive the confocal microscope and
syringe (100 U/ml). A liver lobe, spleen, lung lobe, temperature for 10 min and then washed twice. for acquisition and analysis of images. A com-
and kidney were carefully removed, weighed, bination of fluorescently conjugated antibodies,
and homogenized using a tissue homogenizer. Mouse surgery for intravital microscopy reporter mice, or fluorescent bacteria were used
To assess colony-forming units, we serially di- of the liver to visualize cells of interest and as functional

luted blood or tissue homogenate and then IVM was performed as previously published readouts. For bacterial capture and imaging
plated 30 ml onto brain heart infusion agar (50, 51). Mice were anesthetized using ketamine of particles, three to five fields of view (FOV)
plates followed by incubation at 37°C. After (200 mg per gram of body weight; Bayer Animal were randomly selected in the sinusoid area
18 hours, bacterial colonies were counted. Health) and xylazine (10 mg per gram of body and three to five FOV in the venular region
weight; Bimeda-MTC) delivered by intraperi- with the 10× objective and imaged for 20 min.
Parabiosis toneal injection. To gain intravenous access, a For erythrocyte tracking, 1-min videos were ob-

Parabiotic pairs were generated as previously small catheter was inserted into the tail vein of tained from a single point with low exposure
described (48). Briefly, age-matched female mice mice. This allowed us to deliver fluorescently time to allow for continuous imaging of flow.
were cohoused for 3 weeks before parabiosis conjugated antibodies, bacteria for capture Collagen was imaged using a Leica SP8 DIVE
surgery. For surgery, mice were anesthetized experiments, and additional anesthetics and inverted system with a multiphoton laser (52).
with an intraperitoneal injection of ketamine fluids to maintain adequate hydration status An HC FLUOTAR L 25X/0.95 water immer-

(200 mg per gram of body weight; Bayer Ani- of the mice. A surgical incision was made in sion objective was used at 2× digital zoom.
mal Health) and xylazine (10 mg per gram of the abdomen, and skin and abdominal muscle The microscope was equipped with a tunable
body weight; Bimeda-MTC) and placed under were partly removed. The liver was mobilized InSight X3 ultrafast laser (Spectra-Physics),
a sterile hood on a heating pad. A skin incision by cutting the attaching ligaments, while care excited at 800 to 1000 nm and detected with
was made from shoulder levels to hips along was taken not to touch the liver to avoid tissue external, extremely sensitive non-descanned
lateral flanks on opposite sides. First, sutures damage. Next, the mouse was placed in a lat- hybrid detectors. Second-harmonic generation
were placed on shoulder and thigh skin and eral position on a heated microscopy stage with was imaged by tuning the detector to the ex-
muscle layers and subsequently, sutures were an inserted cover glass. The heated plate al- citation wavelength divided by two. LAS X soft-
completed along the incision of skin flaps lowed us to maintain body temperature at 37°C. ware was used to drive the microscope.
using a stapler. Blood chimerism was assessed The liver was subsequently flipped onto the

y g
after 21 days of parabiosis by tail-vein canula- glass coverslip using a fine cotton tip to remove Mechanical alteration of liver hemodynamics
tion and again after 8 weeks of CCl4 treatment. the intestines in a no-touch technique and then To manipulate hepatic blood flow, we induced a
covered with wet laboratory tissues for stabili- mechanical stenosis of the portal vein. A small
Depletion of commensal bacteria zation. The mouse was wrapped in saline-soaked vascular clamp (Fine Surgical Tools, Vancouver,

Mouse intestinal commensal bacteria were de- gauze and continuously hydrated by applying BC, Canada) was used, and a 4-0 Prolene suture
pleted at birth with a cocktail of broad-spectrum saline. During imaging, mice were regularly ad- (Ethicon) was tied around one end to prevent
antibiotics, as previously published (49). Mice ministered intravenous fluids and additional full occlusion. Mice were prepared for IVM as

were administered ampicillin (1 mg/ml), vanco- anesthetics. described. Before the liver was mounted onto
mycin (0.5 mg/ml), neomycin (1 mg/ml), metro- the cover glass, the portal vein was identified,
nidazole (1 mg/mg), and ciprofloxacin (0.2 mg/ml) Intravital microscopy of the liver and the clamp was carefully applied. In some
via the drinking water. Antibiotics were pur- Images were acquired using an inverted spinning- experiments, as indicated, the clamp was re-
chased from Sigma-Aldrich. disk confocal microscope (IX81; Olympus) that moved during live imaging to restore blood flow.
was equipped with a focus drive by Olympus
Bone marrow transplantation and a motorized stage (Applied Scientific In- Intravital microscopy of the lung
We performed two sets of experiments using strumentation) to allow live movement in x Lung IVM was performed as described previ-
bone marrow chimeras. In a first set of exper- and y axes. The microscope was stocked with a ously (30). Briefly, anesthetized mice were placed
iments, WT and Cd44−/− mice were used, and motorized objective turret fitted with 4X/0.16 on a heating pad. A tracheotomy was performed,
in the second set, WT and Cd36−/− mice were UPLANSAPO, 10X/0.40 UPLANSAPO, and and mice were ventilated using a small rodent
used. Each experiment included BM transfer 20X/0.70 UPLANSAPO objective lenses. The ventilator (Harvard Apparatus). After the mouse
controls (WT → WT, Cd44−/− → Cd44−/−, and microscope was placed onto an antivibration was placed in a lateral position, a small intercostal
Cd36−/− → Cd36−/−). Bone marrow was iso- customized table (Newport, Irvine, CA). The incision was applied, and a custom-made inter-
lated from tibias and femurs of donor mice un- spinning-disk confocal microscope was linked costal lung window was inserted. Lung tis-
der sterile conditions. Recipient mice received to a confocal light path (WaveFx; Quorum Tech- sue was stabilized using suction of 20 mmHg.

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 12 of 16


Images were acquired using an upright micro- (Roche) at a flow rate of 4 ml/min using a bodies and Hoechst nuclear dye (Invitrogen,
scope (BX51, Olympus) equipped with a confocal peristaltic pump. The liver was subsequently Thermo Fisher Scientific) in a buffer contain-
light path (WaveFx, Quorum, ON, Canada) and removed and digested in HBSS containing ing 0.5% BSA and 2 mM EDTA. Cells were fixed
a back-thinned electron multiplying charge- 0.009% collagenase type IV and 0.02% DNase for 10 min in 4% paraformaldehyde. Single-cell
coupled device camera (Hamamatsu Photonics) I at 37°C for 30 min on a shaker. The suspen- suspensions were mounted on a coverslip and
for fluorescence detection. Lung macrophages sion was then passed through a 100-mm cell imaged immediately on a Leica SP8 DIVE in-
were visualized by intratracheal injection of strainer (BD Bioscience) and centrifuged at verted system using the 65× water immersion
0.5 mM PKH26 (Sigma Aldrich, Darmstadt, 25g for 5 min at room temperature to remove objective in high magnification.
Germany) and intravenous injection of fluores- debris and hepatocytes. The supernatant was
cently labeled anti-CX3CR1 monoclonal antibody collected and centrifuged at 400g for 10 min Transmission electron microscopy
(1 mg per mouse; clone SA011F11; Biolegend). at 4°C. The cells were then resuspended in Mice were sacrificed and the liver was excised.
15% iodixanol solution (Sigma-Aldrich) and Punch biopsies were obtained (1 mm by 3 mm)
Intravital microscopy of the spleen centrifuged at 400g for 15 min at room tem- and fixed in a solution of 1.6% paraformalde-
Spleen IVM was performed as previously de- perature without a break. The band of non- hyde and 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M cacodyl-
scribed (48). In brief, a skin incision was made, parenchymal cell fraction was aspirated using ate buffer. Sections were dehydrated through
the mouse was placed in a left lateral position, a transfer pipet and washed twice with HBSS. an ethanol series and embedded in epon mix-
and the spleen was exteriorized onto a cover After a step of red blood cell lysis using ACK ture. The epon layer with tissue was removed
glass and fixed with wet laboratory tissue paper. (ammonium-chloride-potassium) lysis buffer after polymerizing. A representative area was
A suture was placed in the attached fat tissue (Thermo Fisher Scientific), the cells of interest identified using a light microscope and glued
to stabilize the spleen on the cover glass. Red- were resuspended in 100 ml of flow buffer [PBS to resinstub for sectioning. Fine sections were

pulp macrophages and vasculature were visu- with 0.5% bovine serum albumin (BSA) and cut using an ultramicrotome with a diamond
alized using fluorescently labeled antibodies 2 mM EDTA]. knife and collected on single-hole grids with
against CD31 and F4/80 (table S1). Images were Formvar support. Sections were subsequent-
acquired using an inverted spinning disk con- Flow cytometry ly stained with aqueous uranyl acetate and
focal microscope (IX81; Olympus), which was Resuspended cells were first blocked using anti- Reynold’s lead citrate. Images were acquired
coupled with a confocal light path (WaveFx, mouse CD16/32 antibody (2.4G2, BioXcell) with a Hitachi H7650 TEM at 80 kV equipped

Quorum, ON, Canada), a focus drive, and a mo- for 10 min. Cells were then stained with spe- with a AMT16000 digital camera.
torized stage (Applied Scientific Instrumen- cific markers for 30 min at 4°C, and appropri-
tation). A back-thinned electron multiplying ate isotype antibodies and FMO controls were Human samples
charge-coupled device camera (Hamamatsu used. Nonviable cells were labeled using viabil- Human liver tissue was obtained from three
Photonics) was used for fluorescence detection, ity dye Ghost Dye red 710 (TONBO Bioscience). major transplant hepatology centers: the Depart-

and Volocity Software (Quorum, ON, Canada) After staining, cells were washed and fixed in ment of Hepatobiliary and Transplant Surgery,
was used to drive the microscope. 1% paraformaldehyde (PFA). Spectral multi- University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf,
color flow cytometry was performed immedi- Hamburg, Germany; Charité University Med-
In vivo phagocytosis assay ately after staining without fixing cells. The icine, Berlin, Germany; and the Multi-Organ
Phagocytosis and lysosome acidification of liver samples were acquired using a BD FACS Canto Transplant Program, Toronto General Hospi-
macrophages were assessed as previously de- II flow cytometer or a spectral flow cytometer tal Research Institute, University of Toronto,
scribed (15). Following the manufacturer’s in- (Aurora, Cytek) and analyzed using FlowJo soft- Toronto, Canada. Healthy tissue was obtained
structions, pHrodo Red S. aureus BioParticles ware (Tree Star). Cells were gated on forward from neurologically deceased donors whose
(2 mg/ml) were stained with 50 mg/ml of Alexa scatter/side scatter, singlets, live, and CD45+ to livers were determined to be acceptable for
Fluor 647 NHS ester in 100 mM bicarbonate- identify leukocytes. Subsequently, neutrophils transplantation. Cirrhotic tissue was obtained

y g
buffered saline (pH 8.3) for 30 min at room were identified as CD45+Ly6G+ cells and non- from explant livers or patients undergoing liver
temperature. For IVM, fields of view were granulocytes were analyzed further after ex- biopsy. The etiology of cirrhosis of the patients
chosen, and a baseline was recorded for 1 min clusion of SiglecF+ cells and CD19+ cells. Cell included was alcoholic liver disease (n = 4),
before injection of bioparticles (40 mg per populations from multiple mice per group (con- nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (n = 5), hepatitis

mouse). The pHrodo and AF647 signals were trol and CCl4) were concatenated, and simul- B virus infection (n = 1), primary sclerosing
visualized for 60 min. Volocity software was taneous tSNE analyses were performed. cholangitis (n = 5), and primary biliary chol-
used to quantify uptake and percentage of acid- angitis (n = 1). All patients provided written
Isolation and ex vivo imaging of liver macrophages
ified particles. The bioparticles were labeled informed consent. Study was approved by the
with AF647 as a reference color, and acidifica- Single-cell liver suspensions were generated as Institutional Review Board of the medical fac-
tion of the bioparticles in low pH environment described above, except cells were not passed ulty at the University of Hamburg (PV4898),
in phagolysosomes was indicated by an in- through a filter. Instead, single-cell suspen- the Ethics Committee at Charité University
crease in pHrodo in the caught and internal- sions were placed in a 15-ml canonical tube and Medicine Berlin (Project EA2/091/19), and
ized bioparticles. allowed to rest for 5 min at room temperature the institutional Research Ethics Board in
to sediment debris and hepatocytes. Superna- Toronto (REB #14-7425 and REB # 20-5142)
Isolation of hepatic leukocytes tant was aspirated, and debris and hepatocytes and conducted according to the ethical prin-
Liver leukocytes were isolated as previously discarded. The supernatant was centrifuged ciples of the Declaration of Helsinki and its
described (50). In brief, the inferior vena cava for 10 min at 400g. Cells were then resuspended revised versions.
was cannulated, and the liver was perfused in 15% iodixanol solution and centrifuged at
in situ, first with Ca2+-, Mg2+-free Hank’s Bal- 400g for 15 min at room temperature without Immunohistochemistry of human liver tissue
anced Salt Solution (HBSS, Thermo Fischer a break. Cells were resuspended in Ca2+-, Mg2+- Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) liver
Scientific) and then with HBSS containing free Hank’s balanced salt solution (HBSS, Thermo tissues were sectioned (4-mm sections) and then
0.05% collagenase type IV (Worthington Bio- Fischer Scientific). Nonparenchymal liver cells stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E),
medical, Lakewood, NJ) and 0.02% DNase I were collected and stained with F4/80 anti- trichrome, or anti-human CD68 according to

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 13 of 16


the standard histological procedures. Addi- and syncytia were counted manually on the randomly selected FOV were chosen, and coex-
tional antibodies used for immunohistochem- basis of intravascular location and CRIg and pression of CRIg and IBA1 was then enumerated.
istry were anti-IBA1 (clone 20A12.1, Merck, F4/80 coexpression. Blood velocity was quan- Cell size in human liver tissues was analyzed
Germany), anti-sodium potassium adenosine tified using the automated tracking function as previously described (54). In brief, single-
triphosphatase (ATPase) antibody (clone 464.6, in Volocity. A protocol was generated using field images were acquired using a Zeiss Axio
Abcam, USA), anti-Heppar1 (clone OCH1E5, Dako, the “find objects” and “track” tasks from the Observer 7. Large-field scanned images were
Denmark), and anti-VSIG4 (clone EPR22576- measurement modality, and labeled RBCs were stitched and further processed in ImageJ. Hy-
125, Abcam, USA). tracked over a 1-min video. RBCs were assigned perstacks were concatenated and aligned. Cell
to their respective locations in sinusoids or ven- identification, counting, distribution, and size
Immunofluorescence staining of liver cryosections ules and static events were excluded. Only RBCs measurement were performed using CellProfiler.
Liver tissues were embedded in cryo molds using that were trackable over 100 timepoints were
Shandon Cryochrome (ThermoFisher Scientific), included at an imaging speed of 10 frames per RNA sequencing
and 5-mm tissue sections were prepared. Tissue second. Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruc- Eight samples in total (five controls and three
slides were fixed and permeabilized in acetone tions were generated using the “3D opacity” CCl4-treated) were analyzed for bulk RNA-seq.
for 10 min at room temperature. Tissue sections function in Volocity. Quantification of intravas- After isolation of hepatic leukocytes, 2 × 105 of
were washed three times with PBS and blocked cular macrophages was performed in ImageJ embryonic KCs (F4/80hiCD11bloMs4a3−) were pu-
by incubating with 10% BSA/PBS for 30 min at using the image calculator function to count rified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and
RT. Subsequently, tissue sections were incubated cells coexpressing F4/80 and CX3CR1 in the placed into 500 ml of QIAzol lysis buffer (QIAGEN,
with the primary antibodies CD68-PE (clone: selected region of interest (ROI; venule) and Venlo, Netherlands). Total RNA was isolated
JO127; Santa Cruz; dilution: 1:100) and VSIG4- expressed as percentage of surface area cov- using a RNeasy Plus micro kit (QIAGEN, Venlo,

APC (CRIg) (clone: JAV4, eBioscience; dilution: ered. Analysis of KC morphology, expression Netherlands) and sent to the Centre for Health
1:100) overnight at 4°C. Tissue sections were of KC markers, distribution of S. aureus, fre- Genomics facility at the University of Calgary,
washed three times with 0.1% BSA/PBS and quency of Ms4a3-labeling, frequency of CLEC4F where the RNA-seq was performed using a
stained with Hoechst 34580 (Sigma-Aldrich; nuclear signal and cytosolic signal, and fre- NextSeq sequencer (Illumina, San Diego, CA,
dilution: 1:2000) for 15 min at RT. Tissue sec- quency of PKH labeling and KC chimerism USA). Total RNA was preprocessed to remove
tions were mounted using fluorescein mounting in parabiosis experiments was performed in ribosomal RNA using NEBNext Ultra II Di-

media (Dako, Glostrup, Denmark) and imaged Volocity software using the object counting tool. rectional RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina
using an Nikon A1 confocal microscope equipped Three to five randomly selected FOV were as- with rRNA depletion (New England Biolabs,
with a 40× NA 1.15 water immersion long- sessed, the total number of KCs, and number of Ipswich, MA, USA). The libraries were quanti-
working-distance objective. KCs expressing respective markers were quan- fied by quantitative polymerase chain reaction
tified and expressed as percentage of total per using the KAPA Library Quantification Kit

Fibrosis assessment FOV. The analysis was restricted to KC located for Illumina with equimolar pooling and se-
Livers were fixed in 10% formalin and sent to in liver sinusoids. Volumetric analysis was done quenced on a NextSeq 500 High output 75-cycle
Calgary Laboratory Services for paraffin em- using Volocity software. Liver macrophage vol- run. All samples passed the quality control for
bedding, sectioning, and staining of Sirius Red. ume was assessed using computer-generated the library prep and sequence run metrics.
Slides were imaged using a Thorlabs Whole- 3D renderings of 1-mm z-stack images. KC-like
Slide-Scanning microscope. Sirius Red staining syncytia were identified on the basis of intra- Analysis of RNA-seq data
was quantified using ImageJ (53). vascular location in large vessels and coexpres- Five control samples and three CCl4-treated
sion of F4/80 and CRIg. Sinusoidal macrophage samples (including one pool of two unique
Image analysis and processing subsets were identified on the basis of their in- treated samples owing to minimum sequenc-
Image analysis was done using Volocity Soft- travascular location in sinusoids and their re- ing library input requirements) were quantified

y g
ware (Quorum), ImageJ (NIH), or Imaris Soft- spective expression of F4/80, CRIg, and TIM-4. using Kallisto v0.42.4 (55) against the NCBI
ware (Bitplane). Immunofluorescence data was We assessed five FOVs per mouse for KC-like RefSeq murine transcriptome (GRCm38). A
analyzed using ImageJ, images were exported syncytia and five randomly selected FOVs per linear regression model was used to deter-
as .tif and further analyzed using ImageJ (NIH). mouse for macrophage subtypes in sinusoids. mine differentially expressed transcripts using

Bacterial capture experiments were assessed HSC and sinusoidal macrophage interaction treatment (0 or 1) as the experimental variable.
using Volocity software as previously described was quantified using the “extended focus” func- Differentially expressed genes were considered
(15) in automated fashion using the “find ob- tion with z-stack images in Volocity software. those with a false discovery rate (Benjamini-
A protocol was generated, using the “find ob- Hochberg–corrected P < 0.05) under the Wald
jects” function with the same threshold settings
throughout. Background autofluorescence was jects” task from the measurement modality to test in Sleuth v0.30.0 (56) and a minimum of
assessed before injection of bacteria and sub- identify all HSCs in the FOV. Second, an ROI 40 raw reads mapped. Differentially expressed
tracted from the results. Percentage of acidified was manually generated for each macrophage. transcripts were subsequently annotated and
particles was calculated from the total number Third, using the “intersect” task, objects and analyzed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis
of captured bioparticles with the reference ROIs were combined to assess the surface area (Qiagen, Redwood City, CA) Core Analysis.
color and the particles that over time turned of individual macrophages covered by HSCs. DESeq2 was used to apply a negative binomial
red. For the measurement of sinusoid and The surface area of macrophages interacting generalized linear model to determine differ-
venule diameters, images were exported from with HSCs were then normalized to percent- entially expressed genes between control and
Volocity software as .tif files. ImageJ software age of cell surface in contact with HSCs. Three treatment groups (57). DESeq2 was used to
(NIH) was used to measure diameters. We mea- to five FOVs were assessed per mouse. For all generate PCA plots, and heatmaps were gener-
sured 10 randomly selected sinusoids and imaging quantifications, multiple FOV were ated using the ComplexHeatmap package (58).
venules in five fields of view (FOV) per mouse. assessed and averaged to count each mouse as
Syncytia quantity was performed using com- n = 1. CRIg expression in human cirrhosis was Analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data
puter-generated stitch images exported from quantified using ImageJ in automated fashion The dataset used to interrogate gene expression
Volocity. Liver surface area was determined, using the “analyze particles” task. Three to five of macrophages and monocytes in the CCl4 model

Peiseler et al., Science 381, eabq5202 (2023) 8 September 2023 14 of 16


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57. M. I. Love, W. Huber, S. Anders, Moderated estimation of Cancer Research Institute Irvington Fellow supported by the figures. P.M.K.G. performed RNA-seq, bioinformatics analysis, and
fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2. Cancer Research Institute (CRI4653); Y.N. is a Robert Black data curation. Competing interests: The authors declare that they
Genome Biol. 15, 550 (2014). doi: 10.1186/s13059-014-0550-8; Fellow of the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation, have no competing interests. Data and materials availability:
pmid: 25516281 DRG-2401-20; K.M. is funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Raw sequencing data have been deposited in the GEO database
58. Z. Gu, R. Eils, M. Schlesner, Complex heatmaps reveal Research (CIHR); and P.K. is supported by the NSERC Discover under GSE226946. Additional sequencing data used are available
patterns and correlations in multidimensional genomic data. grant (RGPIN/07191-2019), the Heart and Stroke Foundation in the GEO database under GSE136103. The Lratcre mice were
Bioinformatics 32, 2847–2849 (2016). doi: 10.1093/ of Canada, CIHR, and Canada Research Chairs Program. Author kindly provided by R. Schwabe (Columbia University, New York)
bioinformatics/btw313; pmid: 27207943 contributions: M.P. designed and performed the experiments, under a material transfer agreement with the University of Calgary.
59. M. Peiseler et al., Kupffer cell-like syncytia replenish resident analyzed data, wrote the manuscript, and designed figures. B.A.D. All data underlying the results are deposited in Dryad (59).
macrophage function in fibrotic liver, Dryad (2023); https:// performed flow cytometry and imaging experiments, analyzed All other data are available in the main text or the supplementary data, and designed figures. P.K. supervised the study, designed materials. License information: Copyright © 2023 the authors,
experiments, obtained funding, and wrote the manuscript. J.Z. some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS analyzed RNA-seq data and helped with image data analysis. B.G.J.S. the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US government
We thank L. Zbytnuik, M. Newton, and T. Nussbaumer for excellent performed imaging experiments and helped design experiments. works.
technical support. We thank K. Poon for assistance with flow W.-Y.L. performed imaging experiments. Y.N. conducted flow article-reuse
cytometry. We thank all current and past Kubes lab members for cytometry experiments. F.V.S.C. performed lung imaging. R.S.
constant support and feedback. The authors thank L. Babes for help performed imaging experiments. J.D. helped design experiments. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
with IVM. We thank the Centre for Health Genomics and Informatics C.O. and K.M. provided GF mice and assisted with experiments.
for help with RNA-seq. Funding: M.P. is supported by the German P.G.M. performed electron microscopy experiments, and P.G.M.
Figs. S1 to S7
Research Foundation (DFG, PE2737/1-1) and is a member of the and M.Am. helped analyze electron microscopy data. F.H. analyzed
Table S1
Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) Clinician Scientist Program; B.A.D. is flow experiments and acquired human images and helped with
Movies S1 to S8
supported by the Beverly Phillip’s fellowship; J.Z. is supported by the image analysis. C.P., S.M., A.G., A.B., A.N., R.T., and M.Al. provided
MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF P1BEP3_181164); J.D. and human samples, performed immunofluorescence staining, and
B.G.J.S. are supported by fellowships from the Canadian Institute acquired microscopy images. F.T. provided human samples Submitted 13 April 2022; resubmitted 8 March 2023
of Health Research (CIHR); F.V.S.C. is supported by a fellowship from and gave critical input. Z.L. and F.G. provided critical materials and Accepted 13 July 2023
Canadian Institute of Health Research (MFE-176551); R.S. is a valuable input. J.A. performed bioinformatics and helped design 10.1126/science.abq5202

y g

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◥ user interface embody the concept of “nudging”

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY from behavioral economics and social psychol-
ogy, which describes approaches that change the
GREEN NUDGES choice environment (or choice architecture) or
provide indirective information to influence
Reducing single-use cutlery with green nudges: the behaviors and decision-making processes
of individuals. Using customer-level data from
Evidence from China’s food-delivery industry Alibaba in 10 cities from 2019 to 2020, we
compared behavioral differences between the
Guojun He*, Yuhang Pan, Albert Park, Yasuyuki Sawada, Elaine S. Tan customers in the “nudged” cities and those in
the control cities before and after the introduc-
tion of green nudges.
INTRODUCTION: Plastic waste is a global envi- regulations that prohibited online food-delivery
ronmental threat that endangers marine and companies from including SUC unless it was RESULTS: The green nudges, on average, in-
freshwater ecosystems worldwide. More recent- explicitly requested. To comply with the regula- creased an individual’s share of no-cutlery or-
ly, as food-delivery services became increasing- tions, Alibaba’s food-delivery company, Eleme, ders by 20.1 percentage points, which was a
ly popular during the COVID-19 pandemic, the changed its app in the following ways: (i) by add- 648% increase relative to the baseline group.
surge in plastic waste generated by single-use ing a pop-up window that required customers to Meanwhile, the green nudges incentivized a
cutlery (SUC) has become a key environmental explicitly choose the number of SUC sets to be large portion of individuals to somewhat
concern. Yet effective policies that control SUC included with their orders, (ii) by setting the change their behaviors rather than encourag-

waste are largely nonexistent, and it is important default for this pop-up window to be “no cut- ing only a small portion to change their be-
to find ways to encourage individuals to reduce lery,” and (iii) by providing a small nonpecuniary haviors substantially. Women, older individuals,
their SUC consumption. Using data from China, incentive––several Ant Forest green points––to frequent food-delivery-service users, and
the world’s largest producer and consumer of those who chose the “no cutlery” option. The wealthy individuals were more responsive to
SUC, we investigated how green nudges can af- green points do not have a monetary value, the green nudges. Importantly, Alibaba’s busi-
fect individuals’ cutlery decisions when placing but if one accumulates enough points (roughly ness performance was not affected by the

food-delivery orders. by placing more than 1000 online food orders), green nudges, suggesting that this could be a
they can be redeemed in exchange for planting highly cost-effective way to reduce SUC waste.
RATIONALE: From 2019 to 2020, three Chinese a real tree (under the customer’s name) in a Additional mechanism analyses revealed that
cities (Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin) introduced desert area in China. The changes in the app’s the default change and increased salience
of the no-cutlery option were the main drivers

of the observed behavioral changes, whereas
25 SNCO under new the incentive to accumulate green points to
checkout interface (with green nudges) plant trees played a relatively muted role. We
estimate that if green nudges were applied to
all of China, more than 21.75 billion sets of
20 SUC could be saved annually, which is equiv-
alent to preventing the generation of 3.26 mil-
lion metric tons of plastic waste and saving
5.44 million trees.
Cutlery choice

y g
15 Cutlery
(based on food amount) CONCLUSION: Our study provides compelling
evidence that nudges can be a powerful tool

One set of cutlery

Two sets of cutlery for changing behaviors. It also suggests that
Cutlery choice

private sector and platform companies can

10 Confirm No cutlery
16 green points reward to plant trees provide highly cost-effective solutions to pro-
mote prosocial behaviors among their custom-

Cutlery (based on food amount)

One set of cutlery ers. In this study, the costs of implementing

SNCO under old the green nudges were almost negligible (i.e.,
No cutlery as default choice
5 checkout interface several hours of work to redesign the user
interface), yet the aggregated environmental
benefits were tremendous. We thus recom-
mend that other online food-delivery plat-
0 forms, such as DoorDash and Uber Eats, try
–12 –8 –4 0 4 8 12 similar green nudges to reduce global plas-
Months before and after changing Eleme’s checkout interface tic waste.

Green nudges reduce SUC. The graph illustrates the trends in the share of no-cutlery orders (SNCO) among
Alibaba’s Eleme customers in three cities (Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin) before and after changing the The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
*Corresponding author. Email:
app’s checkout interface, with dashed orange and teal lines indicating the average SNCO. Compared with
Cite this article as G. He et al., Science 381, eadd9884 (2023).
the old interface, the new interface has three nudging components: (i) a pop-up window that requires DOI: 10.1126/science.add9884
customers to explicitly choose the number of SUC sets to be included with their orders, (ii) the default for
this pop-up window set to “no cutlery,” and (iii) a small nonpecuniary incentive—some Ant Forest green READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT
points—that is given to those who choose the no-cutlery option.

He et al., Science 381, 1064 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 1


◥ behavioral economics and social psychology,

RESEARCH ARTICLE which describes approaches that change the
choice environment (or choice architecture)
GREEN NUDGES or provide indirective information to influ-
ence the behaviors and decision-making of
Reducing single-use cutlery with green nudges: individuals (8, 9). The key feature of nudges
is that they do not limit the choices available
Evidence from China’s food-delivery industry to individuals, nor do they change the mone-
tary incentives (8, 9). In the past two decades,
Guojun He1,2*, Yuhang Pan3, Albert Park4,5,6,7, Yasuyuki Sawada8,9, Elaine S. Tan4 nudges have been used in many social do-
mains (10), including green nudges that pro-
Rising consumer demand for online food delivery has increased the consumption of disposable cutlery, mote pro-environmental behaviors (11, 12).
leading to plastic pollution worldwide. In this work, we investigate the impact of green nudges on However, to what extent green nudges can
single-use cutlery consumption in China. In collaboration with Alibaba’s food-delivery platform, Eleme be effective remains controversial (11, 13–16),
(which is similar to Uber Eats and DoorDash), we analyzed detailed customer-level data and found that and there are few opportunities for research-
the green nudges—changing the default to “no cutlery” and rewarding consumers with “green points”— ers to examine the impacts of green nudges at
increased the share of no-cutlery orders by 648%. The environmental benefits are sizable: If green scale and for an extended period of time.
nudges were applied to all of China, more than 21.75 billion sets of single-use cutlery could be saved Using detailed customer-level data from
annually, equivalent to preventing the generation of 3.26 million metric tons of plastic waste and saving Alibaba (17), we investigated how Alibaba’s
5.44 million trees. green nudges affected individuals’ cutlery de-

cisions. Specifically, we applied a difference-in-

differences model to the data and compared
lastic waste is a global threat that en- which reduces forest area, threatens ecosys- the food-ordering behaviors of individuals in
dangers marine and freshwater ecosys- tems, and ultimately poses substantial health the pilot (hereafter, “treated”) cities with green
tems worldwide (1–3). In 2021, more than risks to humans (6). nudges with those of individuals in the “con-
400 million metric tons of plastic waste To reduce SUC consumption, policy-makers trol” cities without green nudges before and

were produced worldwide, and it is pre- in China set a target of reducing SUC usage in after Alibaba changed the app interface (Mate-
dicted that the world’s plastic waste growth will food deliveries by 30% by 2025. Online plat- rials and methods). Our research findings not
continue to outpace the efforts to reduce plas- forms were required to establish plans to achieve only provide compelling evidence for how green
tic pollution in the coming decades (3). More that target (7). From 2019 to 2020, Shanghai, nudges can affect pro-environmental behaviors
recently, as food-delivery services became in- Beijing, and Tianjin further introduced pilot but also generate important implications for the

creasingly popular during the COVID-19 pan- city-wide regulations that prohibited online understanding of nudges in general.
demic, the surge in plastic waste generated food-delivery companies from including SUC Specifically, this study has several distinc-
by single-use cutlery (SUC) has become a key in their orders unless it was explicitly requested tive features that distinguish it from the vast
environmental challenge faced by many coun- by customers. To comply with the new rules, literature on nudges. First, there is an ongoing
tries (4). online food-delivery platforms redesigned their debate about why nudges work and under what
Reducing SUC waste in the food-delivery in- app user interfaces and required that cus- conditions they work (18–21), and the rich data
dustry is particularly important in China, the tomers explicitly request SUC when placing in this study allowed us to explore the under-
world’s largest producer and consumer of SUC. an order. lying mechanisms through which the green
As of 2019, more than 540 million Chinese were In this study, we collaborated with Alibaba’s nudges affect individuals’ behaviors. Second,
active users of food-delivery services and each online food-ordering platform Eleme to eval- with a few exceptions (22, 23), most studies in

y g
day consumed more than 50 million sets of uate the effectiveness of their efforts to reduce the nudge literature focus on the short-term
SUC that were not adequately recycled or dis- SUC consumption. Eleme, which is similar to impacts; by contrast, our study can follow indi-
posed of (5). SUC in China typically includes Uber Eats and DoorDash, is China’s second- viduals’ repeated decisions, explore the per-
a plastic fork, a plastic spoon, a pair of wood- largest food-delivery company, with more than sistence of the nudging effect, and examine

en chopsticks, and a napkin. Consequently, 753 million users in 2022. Hereafter, we refer whether nudges work in situations where in-
SUC usage in China not only generates large to the platform simply as “Alibaba.” To comply dividuals can easily switch to other options and
amounts of plastic waste (i.e., used forks and with city regulations, Alibaba changed its app set other options as the default. Examining the

spoons) but also consumes a large number in the following ways: (i) by adding a pop-up medium- and long-term effects is particularly
of trees (discarded chopsticks and napkins), window that required customers to explicitly important in our setting because short-term
choose the number of SUC sets with their or- analysis might exaggerate the treatment effects.
ders, (ii) by setting the default for this pop-up Third, nudges have been criticized for being
Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong, window to be “no cutlery,” and (iii) by provid- manipulative because they are not always trans-
Hong Kong SAR, China. 2Institute for Climate and Carbon ing a small nonpecuniary incentive––some “Ant parent and can take advantage of individuals’
Neutrality, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.
Forest green points” (hereafter “green points”)— ignorance or lack of awareness (24–29). How-
Institute for Global Health and Development, Peking University,
Beijing, China. 4Asian Development Bank, Metro Manila,
to those choosing the no-cutlery option (see ever, the green nudges we studied here are easy
Philippines. 5Department of Economics, Hong Kong University supplementary note 1). The green points do not to understand and completely transparent to
of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong have a monetary value, but if one accumulates users (i.e., the pop-up window that requires in-
Kong SAR, China. 6Division of Social Science, Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay,
enough points (roughly, by placing more than dividuals to make explicit choices). Fourth, the
Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China. 7Division of Public Policy, 1000 online food orders), they can be redeemed panel data of individuals allow us to estimate
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water in exchange for planting a real tree (under the individual-specific effects, which can inform us
Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China. 8Faculty of Economics, customer’s name) in a desert area in China. of how many people are “nudgeable” and the
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 9Asian Development Bank
Institute, Tokyo, Japan. The changes in the Alibaba app’s user inter- entire distribution of the nudge effects. Finally,
*Corresponding author. Email: face embody the concept of “nudging” from few policies target plastic-waste production at

He et al., Science 381, eadd9884 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 8


the consumer level, except charges on plastic The no-cutlery option came with a small non- into three types: those that provide decision
bags (30–33). Thus, our results can help policy- pecuniary incentive, that is, the green points. information (like reframing, increasing vis-
makers better understand whether it is feasi- When a customer placed an order without SUC, ibility, and providing social reference points),
ble to reduce consumer plastic consumption 16 green points would be awarded to the per- those that provide decision assistance (like re-
by regulating platform companies. son, which could be stored and accumulated minders and commitment devices), and those
in Alibaba’s payment app, Alipay. When con- that change the decision structure (like chang-
Methods sumers accumulated 16,000 green points, they ing the defaults, the option-related efforts, the
Changes in Alibaba’s app user interface could spend them to request that Alibaba plant range of composition of options, and the op-
Alibaba redesigned its app’s user interface to a real tree named after the consumer in a des- tion consequences). In our setting, the salience
comply with the new environmental regula- ert region of China. There are also other ways to intervention provided decision information,
tions in Shanghai (from 1 July 2019), Beijing obtain green points under Alibaba’s platform, that is, it made the cutlery options more ex-
(from 1 May 2020), and Tianjin (from 1 Decem- such as walking more, taking more public plicit, transparent, and visible. The other two
ber 2020). Figure 1 depicts the changes. Fig. 1A transportation, selling used items, and so on. nudging elements altered the decision struc-
shows the old user interface: The options for The green points have helped plant more than ture, including a standard change in the de-
SUC were placed at the end of the food-ordering 223 million trees in China from 2016 to 2020 fault (i.e., “no cutlery”) and a change in the option
page, with the default being “with cutlery (num- (35). Getting a tree planted only by placing no- consequences (i.e., green points for planting
ber of sets based on the amount of food).” Res- cutlery orders is challenging. According to trees). The green-points incentive could also
taurants typically provided SUCs freely and our data, the average number of monthly no- be viewed as a symbolic award, which pro-
sometimes even gave more SUCs than needed cutlery orders for a consumer was only 0.77 vided individuals with an intrinsic value that
to avoid negative reviews (34). from 2019 to 2020. went beyond and exceeds that of an expend-

In the new user interface, as shown in Fig. We could identify three nudging compo- able or disposable item (37).
1B, when a customer in a treated city placed an nents of the changes to the user interface: (i) Our data included each user’s monthly
order and clicked the check-out button, a win- a pop-up window that increased the salience food-ordering history from 1 January 2019 to
dow emerged that required the customer to of available cutlery options to the customers, 31 December 2020 in 10 major Chinese cities
explicitly choose the number of sets of SUC. Im- (ii) the change of the default selection to “no (17). These include the three treated cities
portantly, on this pop-up window, the default cutlery,” and (iii) the inclusion of a small non- with green nudges (i.e., Beijing, Shanghai, and
became “no cutlery,” and customers had to scroll

pecuniary incentive (green points) as part of Tianjin) and the seven control cities without
down the screen to choose a different option. the new default option. The effect we estimated the nudges (Qingdao, Xi’an, Guangzhou, Nanjing,
Furthermore, to prevent the window from ap- in this study thus came from a mixture of dif- Hangzhou, Wuhan, and Chengdu). Among these
pearing in their future orders, a customer could ferent nudging incentives rather than just one. cities, we randomly sampled about 200,000
set any of the options as their new device-level According to the nudge taxonomy suggested by “active” users (i.e., those who placed at least

default by clicking the “set as default” button. Münscher et al. (36), nudges can be classified one order between 2019 and 2020). We then

A Old Check-Out Interface B New Check-Out Interface with Green Nudges in Treated Cities

y g

Fig. 1. Green-nudge interventions at the Eleme application interface. and required the consumer to choose the number of sets of SUC. The default
(A) The old interface, in which the default cutlery option at the check-out page cutlery option was “no cutlery.” Users could make any option their default by clicking
was preset as “with cutlery.” Users had to click on the pop-up window and scroll the “set as default” button (so that this window would not pop up in their future
to the bottom to choose the no-cutlery option. (B) The new interface in the orders). The no-cutlery option came with a small nonpecuniary incentive, that is,
treated cities. A window about cutlery automatically popped up during checkout 16 Ant Forest green points. Contents are translated by the authors.

He et al., Science 381, eadd9884 (2023) 8 September 2023 2 of 8


compared the behavioral differences between of choosing the no-cutlery option for different no-cutlery orders by 19.3 percentage points
the users in the treated cities and the users in individuals, as well as their general “nudgeabil- in Shanghai, 21.2 percentage points in Beijing,
the control cities before and after the intro- ity.” For example, those who were more envi- and 20.4 percentage points in Tianjin (regres-
duction of green nudges using a difference- ronmentally conscious and ate at home could sion results in table S1). On average, the green
in-differences model (Eq. 1 in Materials and be more nudgeable than others. nudges increased an individual’s share of no-
methods). We asked the following four re- RQ 4. Were the aggregate environmental cutlery orders by 20.1 percentage points. Be-
search questions (RQs): benefits large? The answer to this question de- cause the share of no-cutlery orders before the
RQ 1. Did the green nudges affect individuals’ pended on the extent to which the green nudges treatment was around 3.1 percentage points,
no-cutlery orders and did the effects persist? affected SUC consumption and how much waste the frequency of no-cutlery orders increased by
We hypothesized that the green nudges should reduction this implies. 648% (20.1 divided by 3.1 and multiplied by 100).
increase the no-cutlery orders because both The impacts of green nudges observed in this
the default change and the green points incen- Results study are significantly larger than those found
tivized them to do so. Green nudges substantially increased the in the literature, as summarized in table S2.
RQ 2. Did the green nudges negatively affect no-cutlery orders We conducted an event-study analysis to
the platform’s business performance? Because Figure 2A depicts the changes in the raw data. examine the plausibility of the parallel trend
the new interface did not reduce the options We observed that the share of no-cutlery orders assumption in the difference-in-differences
available to customers and offered additional significantly increased in the treated cities after model (Eq. 2 in Materials and methods). We
green-point incentives, we hypothesized that the intervention, whereas the share remained observed that before the introduction of the
the user experience of the platform would not relatively unchanged throughout the study pe- green nudges, the control and treated cities
deteriorate, and, therefore, its business per- riod in the control cities. followed essentially the same trends (Fig. 2C

formance would not be negatively affected. We then estimated the difference-in-differences and table S3). Immediately after the intro-
RQ 3. Which types of customers, if any, were model (Eq. 1 in Materials and methods) and duction of green nudges, however, the share of
more likely to respond to the green nudges? summarized the results in Fig. 2B. We observed no-cutlery orders in the treated cities signif-
The answer depended on the costs and benefits that the green nudges increased the share of icantly increased. These results suggest that


y g


Fig. 2. Investigation of the impacts of green nudges. (A) Trends in the share estimated effects of green nudges in each treated city separately. The fourth bar
of no-cutlery orders (SNCO). The vertical green and blue dashed lines indicate reports the average treatment effect across all cities. (C) The event-study results,
introductions of the green nudges in Shanghai and Beijing, respectively. The green where the reference group in the regression is 1 month before the introduction
nudges were implemented in December 2020 in Tianjin. White circles refer to of the green nudges. CI, confidence interval. (D) The distribution of individual
SNCO in the other seven cities in the control group. (B) The estimated impacts of treatment-effect estimates for all the consumers in the treated cities. The x and
green nudges on SNCO using individual-level data. The first three bars present the y axes indicate the effect size and density of the estimates, respectively.

He et al., Science 381, eadd9884 (2023) 8 September 2023 3 of 8


in the absence of green nudges, customers in Green nudges did not harm business performance differed across age groups. For customers be-
the two groups of cities would follow similar One concern regarding the green nudges was tween the ages of 18 and 24, green nudges only
SUC consumption patterns. In supplementary that some customers might dislike the new increased the share of no-cutlery orders by 11.9
note 2, we further show that the media and choice architecture and became less likely to percentage points, whereas for the middle-aged
public attention to plastic waste and pollution use the Alibaba platform for food deliveries. If and elderly, the increase was as much as 30
did not change significantly when the city-wide this were to happen, such nudges could become to 34 percentage points. Each difference was
regulations were introduced, which ensures unsustainable because the platform would lose statistically significant. Third, frequent users
that our findings are driven by the app changes, revenue in the long run, with less environ- (i.e., those that rarely cooked) responded less
rather than by the regulations directly. mentally friendly rivals gaining a competitive to the green nudges than infrequent users.
We further estimated the individual treat- advantage. Fourth, there were significant differences across
ment effects and summarized the estimates in Figure 3 depicts the changes in customers’ wealth groups, as defined by the value of in-
Fig. 2D (Eq. 1 in Materials and methods). We total spending on the platform each month dividuals’ cell phones. For those using high-
made several observations. First, nearly 83% of and the total number of orders they placed. value cell phones (>CNY 8000 or USD 1151 as
the individuals in the treated cities responded Both the total order amount and the total num- of January 2020), green nudges increased the
positively to the green nudges (positive and ber of orders followed the same trend in the share of no-cutlery orders by 22.2 percentage
statistically significant at the 10% level). Sec- treated and control cities (results in table S4). points, which was 3.92 percentage points higher
ond, cutlery choices did not change much for The total spending and total number of or- than for those using low-value cell phones
about 6% of the individuals in the treated cities ders substantially dropped in early 2020 in all (≤CNY 1900 or USD 273). Fifth, and relatedly,
(close to zero and statistically nonsignificant the cities, which was caused by the Chinese those who ordered more-expensive meals (based
at the 10% level). Third, the remaining 11% of government’s stringent anticontagion policies on per-order expenditure) responded more to

the customers were nudge defiers and behaved during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we the green nudges. Thus, whether measured by
in the opposite direction to what was encour- conclude that the impact of green nudges on cell phone value or meal price, more-affluent
aged. Figure S1 further reveals that most nudge the platform’s business performance is negli- individuals were more responsive to the green
defiers were customers who had previously gible and statistically nonsignificant. nudges. Finally, the green nudges increased
placed no-cutlery orders, suggesting that a the share of no-cutlery orders by 24 percent-
small share of environmentally conscious peo- Certain subpopulations responded more age points for individuals who had previously
to the green nudges

ple actually disliked being nudged. Fourth, al- placed no-cutlery orders before the interven-
though most of the population responded We examined the heterogeneous impacts of tion, which was 4 to 5 percentage points higher
positively to the green nudges, the density of nudges for different subpopulations. The re- than for those who had never placed a no-
the positive estimates was negatively corre- sults are summarized in Fig. 4 (regression re- cutlery order before. It is possible that this dif-
lated with the effect magnitude. Finally, most sults in tables S5 to S11). ference stems from a difference in inherent

of the consumers did not set “no cutlery” as Several patterns emerged. First, the effects environmental consciousness.
their default option (otherwise, most estimates were larger for women. Specifically, the no-
would be close to or equal to one) nor did most cutlery orders of women increased by 21.4 Aggregate environmental benefits were nontrivial
of them set “with cutlery” as their default op- percentage points after the nudges were in- Based on the findings reported in the previous
tion (otherwise most estimates would be close troduced compared with an 18.4 percentage sections, we estimated that the green nudges,
to or equal to zero). point increase for men. Second, the effects also in total, reduced the number of SUCs in the

A Customers’ Total Spending B Customers’ Total Number of Orders

200 200

y g
COVID−19 & Lockdown COVID−19 & Lockdown

150 150

01/2019=100 01/2019=100

50 50
Control Group Cities

0 0
01/2019 07/2019 01/2020 07/2020 01/2021 01/2019 07/2019 01/2020 07/2020 01/2021

Fig. 3. Changes in food-delivery business. Changes in (A) customers’ total spending and (B) customers’ total number of orders. The vertical green and blue dashed
lines indicate the introductions of the green nudges in Shanghai and Beijing, respectively. The green nudges were implemented in December 2020 in Tianjin.

He et al., Science 381, eadd9884 (2023) 8 September 2023 4 of 8




Fig. 4. Heterogeneous impacts of green nudges on different subpopulations. Subsample analysis based on consumer characteristics (A) gender, (B) age,
(C) order frequency, (D) average expenditure per order, (E) cellphone value, and (F) previous no-cutlery orders before the introduction of green nudges. Each bar

represents a separate regression. Values on the y axes are percentage points (pp). Corresponding results are reported in tables S5 to S10.

treated cities by more than 225.33 million sets wasted their green points or did not accumu- explain the default effect, including switching
during the 27 months of our study (18 months late enough points to plant trees (supplemen- cost, present-biased preferences and procras-
in Shanghai, 8 months in Beijing, and 1 month in tary note 1). tination (38–40), reference dependence (41–44),
Tianjin) (Fig. 5). Based on the weight and com- inattention to default change (29, 45–49), and
position of a typical set of SUC, this reduction Mechanisms behind the behavioral changes endorsement effect (42, 50, 51). We carefully
in SUC consumption may have prevented the Alibaba’s app changes included three nudging examined these theories in supplementary
generation of 4506.52 metric tons of waste and components: default change, green-points in- note 5 and reached the following conclusions.
saved 56,333 trees (supplementary note 3). Fur- centive, and increased salience of the SUC First, because the switching cost was negli-

y g
ther, if all the green points rewarded through options. We conducted additional analyses to gible in our setting, it was unlikely to be the
the green nudges were used to plant trees, understand the contributions of different nudg- driving force of the default effect. Second, the
112,665 additional trees could have been ing components to the observed nudge effects. consumers’ decisions did not involve compli-
planted by Alibaba. If Alibaba introduced the First, our analyses described in supplemen- cated monetary or discounting calculations

green nudges to the entire country, more than tary note 4 show that the incentive to accumu- and they needed to make decisions repeatedly,
8.7 billion sets of SUC would be saved annually late green points was unlikely to be the main so present-biased preferences and procrasti-
in China (based on 2020 data; supplementary driving force for individuals’ behavioral changes. nation also fell short in explaining the ob-

note 3). Additionally, if all food-delivery ser- This is because (i) the effect of the green nudges served behavioral changes. Third, reference
vices in the country adopted green nudges, the did not depend on an individual’s pretreat- dependence and loss aversion could not ex-
total SUC consumption would decrease by ment green points (table S12), (ii) the effect plain the default effect in our setting either.
21.75 billion sets (Fig. 5), which is equivalent was similar for those who had previously planted Under the no-cutlery default, consumers were
to eliminating 3.26 million metric tons of plas- a tree and for those who had never done so not choosing to forgo something of value; there-
tic waste and saving 5.44 million trees. (table S13), (iii) the effect was similar for users fore, loss aversion vis-à-vis the default choice
These numbers should be interpreted as whose green points were closer to the thresh- did not apply. Fourth, given the repeated na-
the upper-bound environmental benefits for old of being able to plant a tree (table S14), and ture of online food orders and the new default
two reasons. First, in reality, despite custo- (iv) the green nudges did not significantly in- popping up for each order, inattention to the
mers choosing the no-cutlery option when crease individuals’ total green points and most default change also failed to explain the ob-
placing orders, some restaurants neverthe- customers were not actively accumulating green served effects.
less provided SUC. This would occur, for ex- points by forgoing SUC (table S15). Therefore, we conclude that much of the ob-
ample, when the restaurant was too busy to We then examined the underlying channels served effects should be driven by the endorse-
customize its orders or was concerned that through which the default change could change ment effect brought by the default change and
the consumers might have mistakenly cho- individuals’ SUC choices. The previous litera- increased salience. Seeing the new user in-
sen the no-cutlery option. Second, people often ture suggested several theories that might terface, individuals inferred that the default

He et al., Science 381, eadd9884 (2023) 8 September 2023 5 of 8


Fig. 5. Estimated reduc- A Estimated SUC Reductions in Three Pilot Cities individuals to somewhat change their behav-
tion in SUC consumption iors rather than encouraging only a small por-
from green nudges. 300 Nudge Started in Beijing tion to change their behaviors substantially

Reduced Single−Use Cutlery, thounsand sets

(A) Estimated SUC reduc- Observed SUC and that people seemed to get prompted every
tions in pilot cities. The SUCs Without Green Nudges time and occasionally opted not to have SUCs,
green bars illustrate the Reductions in SUC rather than setting their own defaults. We also
counterfactual reductions in 200 Nudge Started in Shanghai documented a somewhat puzzling phenome-
SUC in Beijing and Shanghai non: A small portion of individuals were nudge
after the introduction of defiers and responded in the opposite di-
green nudges. (B) Estimated rection to what was encouraged. The reasons
potential reduction in SUC 100 for such antinudging behaviors remain largely
for all of China if the green unknown.
nudges had been introduced Another important finding is that green
nationally in July 2019. nudges did not negatively affect Alibaba’s
0 business, suggesting that they can be a highly
01/2019 07/2019 01/2020 07/2020 01/2021
cost-effective tool to promote individuals’ pro-
environmental behaviors. For Alibaba, the cost
B Simulated Reductions in the Entire Country of implementing the green nudges was trivial

Cumulative Reductions in Single−Use Cutlery, billion sets

because it only required several software en-
4 40
gineers to redesign the user interface. Yet the
Reductions in Single−Use Cutlery, billion sets

Monthly Reductions

environmental benefits were tremendous. We
Cumulative Reductions
thus recommend that other online food-delivery
3 Nudge Started in the Entire Country 30
platforms, such as DoorDash and Uber Eats,
try similar green nudges to reduce global plas-
tic waste. More generally, we think that the
2 20
private sector and platform companies can

play a powerful role in promoting prosocial
behaviors among their customers. Better align-
1 10
ment between their corporate social responsi-
bilities and ecofriendly initiatives could bring
about far-reaching impacts to our planet.

0 0
01/2019 07/2019 01/2020 07/2020 01/2021 We conclude by noting the caveats of this
study and future directions. First, because of
the lack of data from other food-delivery plat-
option was encouraged and endorsed by the large differences between our estimates and forms, we cannot examine whether Alibaba’s
platform and thus became more likely to choose those in the literature. First, Alibaba’s green green nudges had positive spillovers for tran-
it. Meanwhile, the pop-up window made the nudges were introduced into a new domain sactions on their platforms. If positive spill-
decision about SUC more salient and reminded where most individuals had not been affected overs exist, the benefits of green nudges would
consumers that the no-cutlery option was avail- by other policies or other types of encourage- be even greater. Second, through field research,
able, so the increased salience of the new de- ment, so the baseline take-up rate was low. we learned that some restaurants provided
fault could also have played a role. Second, the endorsement effect might be par- cutlery to customers even when the no-cutlery

y g
ticularly strong in our setting because adher- option was chosen. This could undermine the
Discussion ing to the default does not incur a notable cost power of the green nudges and reduce the
Using data from China, we show in this work for most individuals. We thus conclude that environmental benefits associated with cus-
that green nudges can substantially reduce the effectiveness of nudges is highly context- tomers’ pro-environmental behaviors. Future

plastic waste generated by the food-delivery specific, and more nudges should be explored research is warranted to find ways to encour-
industry. Changing the default to “no cutlery” in new domains. age restaurants to better comply with custom-
and rewarding consumers with green points The results also help us better understand ers’ requests. Finally, although the aggregated

on Alibaba’s food-delivery platform increased how individuals adjusted their behaviors. For environmental benefits of the green nudges
the share of no-cutlery orders by 648%, and example, the impacts of nudging were greatest were nontrivial, a substantial portion of the
the effect persisted. If green nudges were ap- in the first few months after the introduction solid and plastic waste in the food-delivery in-
plied to all of China, more than 21.75 billion sets and decreased slightly over time, indicating dustry comes from packaging (i.e., using dis-
of SUC would be saved annually—equivalent to that some customers later decided to override posable food containers and plastic bags for
20.4% of plastic waste reduction in the food the default no-cutlery option. This is consistent delivery services). In typical Chinese food-delivery
delivery industry—which would eliminate 3.26 with previous literature on the decaying effect orders, packaging waste accounts for more
million metric tons of plastic waste and save of default (23). We also found that women, than 80% of the food-delivery waste (54). Ad-
5.44 million trees. middle-aged or older individuals, frequent ditional policies should be introduced to better
There are several implications of this study. users, affluent consumers, and environmen- control the waste generated in the packaging
First, it offers compelling evidence that nudges tally conscious customers were more respon- process.
can be a powerful tool to change behaviors. sive to the green nudges. This information can
This finding contrasts with some recent reviews be used to improve the targeting of future pro- Materials and methods
that show that nudges are largely ineffective, environmental interventions. Further, the in- Data
especially after accounting for publication dividual treatment effects revealed that the We obtained data from Eleme, Alibaba’s food-
bias (52, 53). Two factors may help explain the green nudges incentivized a large portion of ordering and -delivery platform, which is similar

He et al., Science 381, eadd9884 (2023) 8 September 2023 6 of 8


to DoorDash and Uber Eats. From June 2019 intercept, b is the coefficient of interest, and eict we followed Grembi et al. (57) and Giambona
to June 2022, the total number of monthly active is the error term. Standard errors were two-way and Ribas (58) and applied a difference-in-
users on Eleme increased from 709 million to clustered at the individual level and at the city- discontinuities specification using the follow-
753 million, making it the second-largest plat- year-month level (56). ing model:
form in China (next to Meituan) (55). The difference-in-differences model estimates
The data included 197,062 randomly selected the treatment effects of nudges, b, by compar- SNCOict = b1Belowi + b2Diffi + b3Belowi · Diffi
users’ monthly food-ordering history, their ing the changes in the share of no-cutlery or- + g0Nudgeict + g1Belowi · Nudgeict + g2Diffi ·
green-points history, their tree-planting records, ders in the treated cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Nudgeict + g3Belowi · Diffi · Nudgeict + eict
and their personal characteristics from 1 January and Tianjin) with changes in the control cities
2019 to 31 December 2021 in 10 major Chinese (seven cities in the control group) before and
cities. All of the consumers in the sample set after the nudges were implemented. The iden- subject to –h ≤ Diffi ≤ h (3)
placed at least one food delivery order during tifying assumption was that, in the absence of
the research period. the green nudges, customers in the treated where SNCOict is the share of no-cutlery orders
Among the 10 cities, there were three treated cities would display similar SUC usage trends for individual i in city c in year-month t. Dum-
cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin. as customers in the control cities. We tested my variable Belowi was equal to one when indi-
Seven cities were the control cities, including this assumption by examining the trends in vidual i’s points were below 16,000 points—
Qingdao, Xi’an, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou, SNCO for both treated and control cities be- because the minimum requirement for planting
Wuhan, and Chengdu. According to China’s fore and after the introduction of the green a tree was 16,000 points—before the treatment
provincial statistical yearbook, these cities had nudges. Specifically, we estimated an event and equal to zero if individual i’s points were
a combined total population of 157.36 million study specification as follows: above or equal to the threshold. Diffi is the

as of 2020. running variable calculated by the difference
Eleme provided monthly data on each cus- SNCOict ¼ a þ bk D Nudgeict;k þ between individual i’s points and the thresh-
tomer’s food-ordering history, including the old of 16,000 points before the treatment. A
number of orders, the number of no-cutlery pi þ rt þ eict ð2Þ negative value for Diffi suggests that individ-
orders, and total expenditures. Based on this ual i’s points are below 16,000. Nudgeict is the
information, we calculated the share of no- where D_Nudgeict,k is a set of dummy variables treatment variable that equals one if individual

cutlery orders (SNCO) in percentage terms, indicating the treatment status in different i in city c received the green nudges in a specific
that is, we divided the number of no-cutlery periods: For individual i in city c who was never year and month and that equals zero otherwise.
orders by the total number of orders and mul- nudged, D_Nudgeict,k was always set equal to h is the bandwidth chosen by researchers to esti-
tiplied by 100. Data on green points included zero; but for individual i in city c who received mate the discontinuity. Individual fixed effects
total rewarded green points, total rewarded the green nudges, we first defined Sct as the and year-month fixed effects were included in

green points from no-cutlery orders, and total period during which the nudges were intro- the regression. Standard errors were two-way
harvested and/or accumulated green points. duced and then we defined D_Nudgeict,k = 1 if t – clustered both at the individual level and at
More details about the green points are dis- Sct = k and equal to zero otherwise, where the city-year-month level. The difference-in-
cussed in supplementary note 1. Data on tree- k ∈ ½9; 9. The dummy for k = –1 was omitted discontinuity estimator is g1, which measures
planting records included each customer’s in the regression as the reference group. There- the treatment effect on individuals who were
cumulative and current-month tree-planting fore, bk dynamically captured the impacts of below the threshold.
activities. Customers’ personal characteristics green nudges from when they were first in-
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He et al., Science 381, eadd9884 (2023) 8 September 2023 8 of 8


◥ drives the changes in body size that we ob-

RESEARCH ARTICLE served across taxa and regions and how often
change in the two components occurs in the
COMMUNITY ECOLOGY opposite directions.
To examine these scenarios, we used time
Widespread shifts in body size within populations series that recorded organism abundance and
body size (biomass) data in the field and quan-
and assemblages tified the contribution of both components,
compositional and within-species body size
Inês S. Martins1,2*, Franziska Schrodt3, Shane A. Blowes4,5, Amanda E. Bates6, Anne D. Bjorkman7,8, changes, to change in body size distributions
Viviana Brambilla1,9, Juan Carvajal-Quintero4,10, Cher F. Y. Chow1, Gergana N. Daskalova11, across taxa. Specifically, we collated 5025
Kyle Edwards12, Nico Eisenhauer4,10, Richard Field3, Ada Fontrodona-Eslava1, Jonathan J. Henn13,14, assemblages over 60 years (17), a time period
Roel van Klink4,5, Joshua S. Madin15, Anne E. Magurran1, Michael McWilliam1, Faye Moyes1, of intensification of anthropogenic selection
Brittany Pugh3,16, Alban Sagouis4,5, Isaac Trindade-Santos1,17, Brian J. McGill18, forces on the biosphere (18). These time series
Jonathan M. Chase4,5, Maria Dornelas1,2,9 ranged from 5 to 56 years of surveys and
covered 4292 species within six taxonomic
Biotic responses to global change include directional shifts in organismal traits. Body size, an integrative groups (1971 fish species, 1201 plants species,
trait that determines demographic rates and ecosystem functions, is thought to be shrinking in the 628 invertebrate species, 66 mammals spe-
Anthropocene. Here, we assessed the prevalence of body size change in six taxon groups across 5025 cies, 33 herpetofauna species, and 393 marine
assemblage time series spanning 1960 to 2020. Using the Price equation to partition this change into benthic organisms) from communities distrib-

within-species body size versus compositional changes, we detected prevailing decreases in body size uted across multiple regions of the world (fig.
through time driven primarily by fish, with more variable patterns in other taxa. We found that change in S1). The time series cover a variety of body sizes
assemblage composition contributes more to body size changes than within-species trends, but both and body size change trends. We found body
components show substantial variation in magnitude and direction. The biomass of assemblages remains size shrinking in more assemblages than in-
quite stable as decreases in body size trade off with increases in abundance. creasing across all datasets, as well as among
time series that had stronger evidence for trends
of change [lower P values; see Fig. 2, fig. S3, and

he loss or gain of large organisms can as in arctic and high-elevation plant assemb- (19) for details].
have severe consequences for ecosystem lages (6). Therefore, the prevalence of popula- We quantified the prevalence of different com-
functions in terms of total system bio- tion and compositional body size changes and ponents of change (Fig. 1) by decomposing body
mass and metabolism, and thus food their implications for assemblage abundance size change of all assemblages into compositional

web energy fluxes (1). Anthropogenic and biomass are unknown. and within-species changes using an extension
changes to the biosphere are miniaturizing Previous assessments have investigated either of the Price equation (19–21). The Price equa-
many communities (1–3) because of the se- compositional components of body size change tion is a mathematical description of the rela-
lective removal of the largest individuals [pop- (14) or within-species population changes (3) tionship between statistical descriptors (mean
ulation change, e.g., (4)] and the extinction of or, when both components are examined, have and covariance) of selection and trait change
larger species [compositional change, e.g., (5)]. focused on a single taxon (15). However, in- (22). Although developed in an evolutionary
Population shifts in body size have been at- teractions of change in the two components context, this equation has direct application
tributed to anthropogenic selection forces, can lead to nonintuitive outcomes in body to the question of body size change through
including preferential exploitation of larger size distributions through time. For example, time if we equate competition and environ-
individuals (6, 7) and climate change and hab- the loss of competitors arising from composi- mental filtering as selection [(23) but see also

y g
itat conversion (8–10). At the assemblage level, tional change can allow the remaining popu- (24)]. By examining the type of covariance in
species compositional change is a major com- lations to increase in body size (16). Several these two components of change, we can de-
ponent of biodiversity change (11, 12). Large- scenarios of body size change can arise by termine the relative contributions of composi-
bodied species have been particularly susceptible simultaneously considering within-species popu- tional and within-species change to the observed

to extinction after temperature shifts (in either lation and compositional body size changes overall change (Fig. 1B).
direction) and human exploitation, largely (Fig. 1). The two components can operate in the
because of their life history traits and lower same direction (both increasing or decreasing Results and Discussion
Partitioning patterns of body size change
abundances (13). However, shrinking trends of body size) or change can involve only one com-
community body sizes are by no means universal, ponent (change only in population or in com- Our analysis shows that over all assemblages,
and when examined across many communities, position but not both). Finally, change in one body size is predominantly shrinking, with
some results suggest no net change in body size component can cancel out change in the other. substantial variation in the balance of within-
(14). Indeed, as species shift their ranges, some Here, we explicitly set out to test to what extent species change and compositional change (Fig. 3).
communities are gaining larger species, such each of the two components most commonly Two-thirds of the 5025 assemblages decreased

Centre for Biological Diversity, School of Biology, University of St Andrews, St Andrews KY16 9TH, Scotland. 2Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity, University of York, York YO10
5DD, UK. 3School of Geography, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD. 4German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Leipzig 04103,
Germany. 5Department of Computer Science, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale) 06099, Germany. 6Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia,
Canada. 7Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg 40530, Sweden. 8Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre, Gothenburg 41319, Sweden.
MARE, Guia Marine Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Cascais 2750-374, Portugal. 10Institute of Biology, Leipzig University, Leipzig 04103, Germany. 11International Institute
for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg 2361, Austria. 12Department of Oceanography, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA. 13Department of Evolution, Ecology, and
Organismal Biology, University of California Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521, USA. 14Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO 80303, USA. 15Hawai‘i
Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, Kāne’ohe, Hawai‘i 96744, USA. 16University College London, School of Geography, Gower Street, London WC1E 6AE, UK.
Macroevolution Unit, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, 1919-1, Tancha, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun 904-0495, Okinawa, Japan. 18School of Biology and Ecology
and Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469, USA.
*Corresponding author. Email:

Martins et al., Science 381, 1067–1071 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 5


Fig. 1. Components of temporal changes in mean

body size. (A) Shifts in mean assemblage-level body
size can occur due to within-species changes
(vertical axis), compositional changes (horizontal
axis), or a combination of both components,
displayed as change between two time points, from
time 1 to time 2. Boxes represent assemblages made
up of individual organisms (icons), with different
colors and shapes representing different species.
Icon size represents the body size of an individual
within each species. The body size distribution at
time 1 is shown in the middle (i.e., the example of no
change from time 1 to time 2), with different change
outcomes for time 2 shown in the other cartoons.
Note that the vertical placement (axis) represents
the within-species (population or intraspecific)
changes through time in mean body size. This could
be a mixture of increases due to smaller individuals
growing larger or being replaced by larger individuals
(shown in the right boxes) and decreases in the

average size of individuals (shown in the left boxes).
The horizontal placement (axis) indicates change in
mean body size resulting from the gain or loss of species (compositional turnover) or a change in the relative abundance of the species present in an assemblage
(even without local extinction or immigration of species). (B) The two components of body size change can reinforce or counteract each other. Assemblage body
size change is most pronounced when both components operate in the same direction (toward either shrinking or increasing body size), such that the covariance
between compositional and within-species changes is positive. When only one component is involved (i.e., change in one axis but not the other), body size

change tends to be lower, and with negative covariance, it is possible to have change in one component cancel out change in the other (middle). If the components
counteract each other, then the overall direction of change will depend on which component shows the higher absolute effect (contribution).

y g
Fig. 2. Changes in mean body size across the 5025 assemblages. (A) Average represent, respectively, the subset of assemblages for which strong evidence
individual size across the full set of assemblage time series. Each point is colored (P < 0.01), moderate evidence (P < 0.05), and weak evidence (P < 0.1) of change
by density break, with colder colors indicating lower densities. (B) Density plots was detected when testing slopes against 0. Dotted lines show slope of 0, and
of the distribution of slopes of change in average individual body size. The full set of blue dashed lines show the mean slope across the blue data (traditional significance
5025 assemblage time series is shown in light gray. Yellow, blue, and orange value) and the respective 90% credible interval.

in average body size and one-third increased. change often occurred in the same direction and compositional change >0; Fig. 3). This sub-
In fact, both components of body size change (58.8% of assemblages), we found counter- stantial variation in magnitude and direction of
were present in the overwhelming majority of acting effects in 41.2% of all assemblages. For the two components of body size change and
assemblages (96.4%), with the magnitude of example, of the 3415 assemblages showing their interactions suggests that both compo-
compositional change being greater than that within-species decreases in body size, ~35% nents need to be considered when assessing
of within-species change in 72% of assemblages. had increases in body size associated with com- change in body size. Although duration and
Although compositional and within-species positional change (within-species change <0 time period of the time series vary, our results

Martins et al., Science 381, 1067–1071 (2023) 8 September 2023 2 of 5


Despite caveats, we consistently detected the

signal of shrinking body size in marine fish for
both types of body size data regardless of wheth-
er we used ordinary least-squares slope esti-
mates or the Price equation approach. Our
observation of shrinking among marine fish
assemblages aligns with previous evidence
(25–27). For marine fishes, these changes are
often linked to the selective exploitation of
large-bodied individuals by humans (25), to
warming (26), and/or to decreased resource
availability (27). Furthermore, disturbances
and selective removal of larger individuals af-
fect the age and size structure of populations,
fish or otherwise, as well as the genetic struc-
ture within populations [e.g., plants (28)]. Such
responses may be particularly prevalent among
fish because of the widespread effects of over-
exploitation. Across assemblages, it is likely
that combinations of these drivers result in

the high variability in trends and prevalence of
counteracting effects that we observed in these
time series.
Collectively, our analyses reveal that both
Fig. 3. Compositional versus within-species body size change through time in 5025 assemblages within-species and compositional changes com-
representing 4292 species of fish, plants, invertebrates, mammals, herpetofauna, and marine ben- bine to create high variability in the observed
thic organisms. (A) Relationship between population-level (i.e., within-species) changes and assemblage-

outcomes of assemblage-level body size changes
level (i.e., compositional) changes. Both axes show percent changes standardized by the number of years through time. These findings highlight the
between the first and last year sample of the assemblage (duration); assemblages (points) are colored by importance of considering the separate and
density break (with colder colors indicating lower densities). Dashed lines show x = 0, y = 0, x = y, and y = –x. interactive effects of compositional and within-
(B) Frequency distributions (in percentage) of the number of assemblages (n = 5025) in the different species body size change. Specifically, the com-

scenarios depicted in Fig. 1B. Assemblages with a percentage change per year higher than 10% (n = 517; see munity context is necessary to understand
figs. S2 and S7) are not shown in (A) but are included in (B). within-species change. For example, removing
top predators (often the larger–body size indi-
viduals in an assemblage) can trigger meso-
are robust to the length of the time series, the and nonfish assemblages (fig. S3, E to H). Never- predator release, which alters assemblage size
start and end dates, as well as intermediate theless, we maintain that considering both axes structure and composition (29). Although it
states (pairwise comparisons among years; see of variation (compositional and within-species) is possible that some of these dynamics are
sensitivity analysis in figs. S5 and S6). is crucial to avoiding potentially misleading missed if predators and prey belong to different
We found that trends in body size change conclusions that arise when the two compo- sampled assemblages, the assemblage level is
over time vary among taxa, realm, and latitude nents change in opposite directions. For in- where regulation will play out, for example, in

y g
(Fig. 4). Our confidence in estimates of body size stance, when we estimated global trends in the context of ecological carrying capacity (30).
change is highest for the most well-represented body size change across all available datasets The selection forces acting on body size are
taxon in our dataset, marine fish, which show a by fitting a Bayesian mixed-effects model, we varied and have heterogeneous distributions
particularly evident decrease in body size (Fig. did not detect any clear pattern of change in space and time. By partitioning body size

4A). Among other taxa, the number of available (with or without fish; figs. S9 to S11) (19). This change into within-species and compositional
time series is lower and body size change trends was true regardless of whether we used the change, as we have done here, we can begin to
are more variable. In fact, when fish are removed same data as in our main analysis that directly explain the wide variation in body size change

from our analysis, neither increases nor de- measured body size trends or the full extended patterns through time found in the literature.
creases dominate the overall body size change dataset, which includes 20,173 assemblage time For example, global warming is simultaneous-
trends across the remaining dataset (fig. S3C). series with body size inferred from trait data- ly selecting for smaller body size (for metabolic
Among nonfish assemblages (e.g., benthos, bases [figs. S2 and S3; see also (14)]. This ex- reasons), affecting species’ phenology and
mainly marine invertebrates and plants) the tended dataset also highlights that neither causing range shifts (2). Global warming and
role of within-species and compositional changes increases nor decreases dominate mean body species phenology effects can best be seen in
is also more variable, but where the patterns of size change except in marine fish, even when within-species changes, whereas range shifts
within-species are stronger (492 of 1116 nonfish there are few more (substantially more for induce compositional change. The net result of
time series), there is a tendency toward increas- birds) available time series for other taxa (fig. these processes will depend on the environmental
ing body size (57% of assemblages), counteract- S12). This result emphasizes that we should context. For example, in the Arctic tundra,
ing the tendency observed in fish assemblages take caution against extrapolating or overinter- warming promotes larger shrubs (6) because
(Fig. 4A). When we compared overlapping data preting trait changes across taxa, particular- species from warmer areas are expanding their
(assemblages and species) with an extended ly when data on within-species change are not ranges and there are longer growing seasons. By
dataset that uses species’ average body size available. More data are needed to determine contrast, warming is associated with smaller fish
estimates taken from trait databases (fig. S2), the prevalence of body size change through time in the North Sea (9), although selective harvest-
we found marked consistency for both fish in nonfish taxa. ing and exploitation are likely also contributing

Martins et al., Science 381, 1067–1071 (2023) 8 September 2023 3 of 5


Fig. 4. Patterns of temporal body size change

vary across taxa (A), realms (B), climates (C),
and the globe (D). Plots show the frequency
distributions (as percentages) of the number of
assemblages across different groups for each
scenario depicted in Fig. 1B. Dashed lines mark the
50% threshold.

Fig. 5. Changes in assemblage abundance,
biomass, and body size. (A and B) Density plots
of the distribution of slopes of change in total
abundance of individuals (of all species) (A) and
change in total biomass in an assemblage as a

y g
function of time for the same assemblages as shown
in Fig. 3 (B). The full set of 5025 assemblage time
series is shown in light gray. Yellow, blue, and orange
represent, respectively, the subset of assemblages

for which strong evidence (P < 0.01), moderate
evidence (P < 0.05), and weak evidence (P < 0.1) of
change was detected when testing slopes against 0.

Dotted lines show slope of 0, and blue dashed lines
show the mean slope across the blue data (tradi-
tional significance value) and the respective 90%
credible interval. (C and D) Bottom panels show the
different relationships between variables. Only
assemblages for which strong or moderate evidence
(P < 0.05) were detected for both variables plotted
are shown in blue, and purple highlights the
assemblages for which significant changes through
time were detected in all three variables (n = 50); all
remaining assemblages are shown in light gray.
(C) Change in average body size as a function of
abundance changes (note that 79% of the blue dots
are in the quadrant where abundance increases and
body size decreases). (D) Change in biomass as a
function of abundance changes.

Martins et al., Science 381, 1067–1071 (2023) 8 September 2023 4 of 5


to this change (31). By considering both within- spite substantial variation and overall stable 28. D. B. Lindenmayer, W. F. Laurance, J. F. Franklin, Science 338,
species and compositional changes in individual- assemblage-level biomass. Not all taxa con- 1305–1306 (2012).
29. T. M. Newsome et al., Nat. Commun. 8, 15469 (2017).
level body size alongside changes in relative tributed equally to the observed changes that 30. J. H. Brown, S. K. M. Ernest, J. M. Parody, J. P. Haskell,
abundance, future research should be able to we report. We found the most widespread Oecologia 126, 321–332 (2001).
better elucidate the mechanisms involved in declines among fish assemblages but a greater 31. S. Jennings et al., Mar. Biol. 141, 1085–1097 (2002).
32. E. P. White, S. K. M. Ernest, A. J. Kerkhoff, B. J. Enquist, Trends
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Body size is an easily measured, integrative, 33. J. Damuth, Nature 290, 699–700 (1981).
Relationships among changes in body size, and important morphological trait that scales 34. J. E. Cohen, T. Jonsson, S. R. Carpenter, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
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35. J. L. Blanchard et al., J. Anim. Ecol. 78, 270–280 (2009).
Body size is usually tightly linked to abundance nisms and ecosystems, such as demographic 36. E. P. White, S. K. M. Ernest, K. M. Thibault, Am. Nat. 164,
(32) through both metabolic (33) and trophic rates, metabolism, and resource requirements 670–676 (2004).
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implications for assemblage biomass mediated monitoring of body size (43), especially for Evol. 7, 1091–1100 (2017).
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in body size are associated with changes in research could focus on the implications of 41. M. Flannery, Am. Biol. Teach. 51, 122–125 (1989).
assemblage abundance, biomass, or both (Fig. body size changes for ecosystem functions. 42. M. Tseng et al., J. Anim. Ecol. 87, 647–659 (2018).
5 and fig. S13). We found that abundance has, For instance, cascading food web effects of 43. G. Woodward et al., Trends Ecol. Evol. 20, 402–409
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in assemblage biomass is indistinguishable from by affecting crop plants and protein sources 45. I. S. Martins et al., Code and data for: Widespread shifts in
body size within populations and assemblages, Zenodo (2023);
zero (Fig. 5). Previously, no relationship (14) or such as fish (44)]. Moreover, shrinking body
complex relationships (37) have been found size through compositional change is likely
between body size and abundance changes, to bring changes in other traits and there- AC KNOWLED GME NTS

although for invertebrates, such a relationship fore trigger additional impacts on ecosystem Funding: This work was supported by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie
Actions Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF); European Union Horizon
is often negative (38). Although our results con- functioning (8). Our study suggests that the 2020 (grant 894644 to I.S.M.); a German Research Foundation

firm that the relationship between abundance ubiquitous turnover in biodiversity composi- grant to the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research
change and body size change is complex and tion currently unfolding (11, 12) is a profound (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig (DFG FZT-118 grant 202548816) sTeTra
working group through sDiv, the Synthesis Centre of iDiv (F.S.
variable, there are signs that the overall reduc- reshuffling of not only species but also key and M.D.); a German Research Foundation grant to the German
tion in body size is being counteracted by in- characteristics of living organisms. Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
creasing overall abundance (Fig. 5, A and C). (DFG FZT-118 grant 20254881 to S.A.B., J.M.C., N.E., R.v.K., and A.S.);

a German Research Foundation grant to the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Such trade-offs between abundance and body RE FERENCES AND NOTES Prize (grant Ei 862/29-1 to N.E.); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento
size are often expected (32) and affect eco- 1. B. J. Enquist, A. J. Abraham, M. B. J. Harfoot, Y. Malhi, de Pessoal de Nível Superior-Coordination for the Improvement of
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We detected a strong positive covariance be- 2. J. L. Gardner, A. Peters, M. R. Kearney, L. Joseph, R. Heinsohn, 2016–01, finance code 001, to I.T.S.); the Leverhulme Trust (RPG-
Trends Ecol. Evol. 26, 285–291 (2011). 2019-402 to A.E.M. and M.D. and ECF-2021-512 to M.M.); Leverhulme
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5D) but much weaker covariance between Adv. 7, eabh3732 (2021). (RC-2018-021 to I.S.M. and M.D.); the European Union (ERC coralINT
abundance and body size, with the strongest 4. M. Heino, B. Díaz Pauli, U. Dieckmann, Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. 101044975 to M.D.); a Schmidt Science Fellowship (G.N.D.); a
Syst. 46, 461–480 (2015). Fisheries Society of the British Isles PhD Studentship (A.F-.E); the
trends among these two variables tending to 5. F. A. Smith, R. E. Elliott Smith, S. K. Lyons, J. L. Payne, Science Knut och Alice Wallenberg Foundation (A.D.B.); the US Department of
negative covariance (Fig. 5C). These patterns 360, 310–313 (2018). Agriculture (Hatch Grant MAFES 1011538 to B.M.); and the National
in covariance are robust to removing fish time 6. A. D. Bjorkman et al., Nature 562, 57–62 (2018). Science Foundation (EPSCOR Track II Grant 2019470 to B.M.).

y g
7. W. J. Ripple et al., Conserv. Lett. 12, e12627 (2019). Author contributions: Conceptualization: all authors; Data curation:
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8. I. Bartomeus et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110,
overall change in body size is not detected in 4656–4660 (2013). I.S.M.; Funding acquisition: I.S.M., F.S., and M.D.; Methodology: all
that case (fig. S14). In fact, 79% of the assem- 9. M. Daufresne, K. Lengfellner, U. Sommer, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. authors; Project administration: I.S.M., M.D., F.S., and J.M.C.;
U.S.A. 106, 12788–12793 (2009). Supervision: I.S.M., M.D., F.S., and J.M.C.; Visualization: I.S.M.,
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10. F. He et al., Glob. Chang. Biol. 25, 3883–3892 (2019). M.D., F.S., C.F.Y.C., B.P., A.F-E., A.E.B., M.M., and S.A.B.; Writing –
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creases. These patterns suggest that assem- 12. M. Dornelas et al., Science 344, 296–299 (2014). and editing: all authors. Competing interests: The authors declare
13. J. Dembitzer, R. Barkai, M. Ben-Dor, S. Meiri, Quat. Sci. Rev. no competing interests. Data and materials availability: The
blage body size, abundance, and biomass are
276, 107316 (2022). published BioTIME data can be accessed on Zenodo (17) or

linked, and that change in one has implications 14. J. C. D. Terry, J. D. O’Sullivan, A. G. Rossberg, Nat. Ecol. Evol. through the BioTIME website (
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iables (species richness and abundance) in 17. M. Dornelas et al., Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 27, 760–786 Zenodo (45). License information: Copyright © 2023 the authors,
which assemblages tend to return to previ- (2018). some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association
ous levels after disturbances (40). The lack of 18. T. Carroll, F. Cardou, M. Dornelas, C. D. Thomas, M. Vellend, for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original US
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a clear directional trend in biomass in our 19. Materials and methods are available as supplementary licenses-journal-article-reuse
study suggests that it may be more tightly reg- materials.
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We found evidence of widespread body size MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
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Martins et al., Science 381, 1067–1071 (2023) 8 September 2023 5 of 5


ORGANOMETALLICS or the five-coordinate neutral Cu(III) complex

[(bpy)Cu(CF3)2(Me)] is high (32–34). In addi-
Oxidative addition of an alkyl halide to form a stable tion, stable, well-characterized trifluoromethyl
Cu(I) species—including [CuCF3] (35), which
Cu(III) product contains no additional ligands; [(Phen)CuCF3]
(36), which contains a dinitrogen-donor ligand;
Yongrui Luo1†, Yuli Li1†, Jian Wu1, Xiao-Song Xue1*, John F. Hartwig2*, Qilong Shen1* [(NHC)CuCF3] (37), which contains an N-
heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligand; and [Cu(CF3)2]−
The step that cleaves the carbon-halogen bond in copper-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions remains (38, 39), which is an ionic Cu(I) cuprate—were
ill defined because of the multiple redox manifolds available to copper and the instability of the high- reported to react with aryl halides to give tri-
valent copper product formed. We report the oxidative addition of a-haloacetonitrile to ionic and neutral fluoromethylarene products in good yields. In
copper(I) complexes to form previously elusive but here fully characterized copper(III) complexes. light of this prior work, we proposed that an
The stability of these complexes stems from the strong Cu−CF3 bond and the high barrier for appropriate trade-off between reactivity and
C(CF3)−C(CH2CN) bond-forming reductive elimination. The mechanistic studies we performed suggest stability of trifluoromethyl Cu(I) and Cu(III)
that oxidative addition to ionic and neutral copper(I) complexes proceeds by means of two different complexes could meet the aforementioned re-
pathways: an SN2-type substitution to the ionic complex and a halogen-atom transfer to the neutral quirements and provide an opportunity to in-
complex. We observed a pronounced ligand acceleration of the oxidative addition, which correlates with vestigate the mechanism of the reaction of alkyl
that observed in the copper-catalyzed couplings of azoles, amines, or alkynes with alkyl electrophiles. halides with Cu(I) species to form stable Cu(III)

On the basis of the above rationale, we

opper-mediated cross-coupling reactions Consequently, isolable, well-defined alkyl Cu studied the reactions of alkyl halides with
have become some of the most powerful (III) complexes are rare. In the early 2000s, trifluoromethyl-Cu(I) complexes (Fig. 1). Stable
methods for the construction of carbon- seminal work from the groups of Bertz, Ogle [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− and [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (bpy,
carbon (C−C) and C−heteroatom bonds (27–29), and Gschwind (30) demonstrated that bipyridine) were chosen initially as the Cu(I)
(1–4). Early efforts in this field focused reactions of alkyl iodides with ionic Gilman complexes that represent the ligandless “ate”-
mainly on the coupling of sp2-hybridized car- reagents generated Cu(III) species, which were type Cu(I) complex and the neutral bipyridine-
characterized at a temperature below −93°C

bon electrophiles, and in recent years, research ligated Cu(I) complex, respectively. These
has expanded to encompass the mild coupling with rapid-injection nuclear magnetic reso- complexes would allow us to probe the dif-
of sp3-hybridized carbon electrophiles (5, 6). nance (RI-NMR) spectroscopy techniques ferences between the reactivity of two differ-
Much progress has been made recently on (Fig. 1C). Yet, formation of the Cu(III) inter- ent types of Cu(I) complexes and the effect of
copper-mediated or copper-catalyzed alkynyla- mediates, even at this temperature, is fast, the nitrogen ligand on the oxidative addition

tion (7–9), alkylation (10–12), arylation (13–15), rendering studies on the mechanism of the process. We chose a-haloacetonitrile XCH2CN
and amination (16, 17) of alkyl halides, pro- reaction of alkyl halides with the Cu(I) species [in which X (halogen) is Cl, Br, or I] as the alkyl
viding an alternative and practical method for challenging. electrophile because XCH2CN is more electro-
the installation of functional groups on alkyl To probe whether a Cu(III) intermediate philic than other alkyl halides, reducing the
chains and rings. Despite this expansion of the could be generated from the reaction of an barrier for oxidative addition to Cu(I). In ad-
scope of the cross-coupling reactions of alkyl alkyl halide with a Cu(I) species and to deter- dition, because of the electron-withdrawing
electrophiles that use copper, the mechanism mine how such an intermediate would form property of the cyano group, the barrier for
of these reactions is poorly understood. from an alkyl electrophile in a copper-mediated C−C bond-forming reductive elimination from
Previously, two distinct cycles were proposed or copper-catalyzed cross-coupling, we rea- a [(ligand)CuIII(CF3)2(CH2CN)] complex could
for copper-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions soned that two requirements must be met: be sufficiently high for the product to be ob-

y g
of alkyl electrophiles. One cycle comprises a (i) An alkyl electrophile with a high reduc- served directly and possibly isolated. We re-
two-electron Cu(I)/Cu(III) manifold, and one tion potential must be used so that forma- port the isolation of Cu(III) complexes from
comprises a stepwise Cu(I)/Cu(II) manifold tion of the Cu(III) species from the starting Cu oxidative addition of haloacetonitrile to ionic
involving initial single-electron transfer (SET) (I) species is thermodynamically favorable, and neutral trifluoromethyl Cu(I) complexes.

between the Cu(I) center and the alkyl electro- and (ii) the barrier for reductive elimination Mechanistic investigation of these reactions,
phile to generate a Cu(II) intermediate and an from the Cu(III) intermediate must be higher conducted with a combination of computa-
alkyl radical, followed by transfer of the func- than that for the oxidative addition that forms tional and experimental studies, shows that

tional group from the resulting Cu(II) species the Cu(III) species (Fig. 1B). anionic and neutral complexes react with
to the alkyl radical (18–22) (Fig. 1A). Differen- The electron-withdrawing, strong-field tri- the same alkyl halide by means of distinct
tiation of these two pathways is challenging fluoromethyl ligand is known to stabilize both mechanisms.
because the higher-valent copper intermedi- Cu(I) and high-valent Cu(III) metal centers as
ates in the reactions, particularly the putative a result of p-back donation of electron density Isolation and characterization of
Cu(III) intermediates, are highly reactive and from the d orbitals on copper to the antibond- Cu(III) products
typically elude detection (23–26). ing (s*) orbitals of the C–F group or the con- We initially studied the reactions of [Ph4P]+
tracted bonding (s) orbitals on copper because [Cu(CF3)2]− (1a) or a neutral Cu(I) complex
of the high electronegativity of the fluorine [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) with haloacetonitriles
Key Laboratory of Organofluorine Chemistry, Center for (31). In the past three decades, a variety of ClCH2CN (2-Cl), BrCH2CN (2-Br), and ICH2CN
Excellence in Molecular Synthesis, Shanghai Institute of
well-defined trifluoromethyl Cu(III) complexes (2-I) or alkyl tosylate TsOCH2CN (2-OTs)
Organic Chemistry, University of Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, have been reported (26). Recent studies on (Fig. 2A). The reaction of 2.0 equivalents of
PR China. 2Department of Chemistry, University of California, the reactivities of these Cu(III) complexes anion 1a and bromide 2-Br in dimethyl
Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. showed that the barrier for reductive elimi- sulfoxide (DMSO) occurred smoothly at room
*Corresponding author. Email: (X-S.X.); (J.F.H.); (Q.S.) nation to form a C(sp3)−CF3 bond from either temperature after 3.0 hours to give two pre-
†These authors contributed equally to this work. the ionic Cu(III) complex [Cu(CF3)3(alkyl)]− viously unknown species in an approximate

Luo et al., Science 381, 1072–1079 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 8


Fig. 1. Mechanism of Cu-mediated cross-coupling. (A) General mechanism for Cu-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction. (B) Strategy that inverted the barrier for
oxidative addition (OA) and reductive elimination (RE) in the catalytic cycle for Cu-catalyzed cross-coupling. (C) State-of-the-art observations of oxidative addition of
alkyl halide to Cu(I) species. M, metal or quasi-metal; X, halogen; Y, dummy ligand; TM, transmetalation.

1:1 ratio in quantitative yield, as determined oxidative addition of 2-Br to [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− X-ray diffraction of the single crystal of
by 19F NMR spectroscopy. One species, cor- (1a). As did the reaction of bromide 2-Br, the trans-4 shows that it adopts a distorted square-
responding to chemical shifts of −33.4 and reaction of iodide 2-I with cuprate 1a occur- pyramidal geometry. The H2C−Cu−N angle to
−34.4 parts per million (ppm) in a 1:2 integral red smoothly to give Cu(III) complex 3a in the apical nitrogen is 121.9°, and that to the

y g
ratio in the 19F NMR spectrum, was assigned more than 90% yield and [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)(I)]− equatorial nitrogen is 160.2°; the length of the
as the tetracoordinate ionic Cu(III) complex (1d) in 62% yield, respectively. By contrast, the N−Cu bond at the apical position (2.236 Å) is
[Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)3(CH2CN)]− (3a) (fig. S1). Cu(III) reaction of chloride 2-Cl with cuprate 1a was considerably longer than that of the N−Cu
complex 3a was stable enough to be isolated much slower, and the starting materials re- bond in the equatorial position (1.987 Å), indi-

and characterized by 1H, 19F, and 31P NMR mained intact even after 5 hours at room tem- cating that the geometry is closer to a square-
spectroscopies and elemental analysis. The perature (Fig. 2A). We also studied the reaction based pyramid than a trigonal bipyramid
structure of complex 3a was further con- of tosylate 2-OTs with 1a and found that com- (Fig. 2C, bottom).

firmed by single-crystal x-ray diffraction, which plex 1a was fully converted within 3 hours at Reaction of complex 1b with iodide 2-I also
revealed a typical square-planar geometry (Fig. 25°C, but the yield for the formation of Cu(III) occurred quickly to give trans-4 and cis-4 in
2C, top). The second complex, corresponding to complex 3a was much lower (15%) than those 67 and 11% yields, respectively, under similar
a chemical shift at −27.0 ppm in the 19F NMR from the reactions of 2-Br or 2-I (Fig. 2A). conditions (Fig. 2B). In contrast to cuprate 1a,
spectrum, was assigned as a cuprate(I) spe- The reaction of neutral Cu(I) complex [(bpy) the neutral complex 1b reacted with chloride
cies, [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)(Br)]− (1c). We presume Cu(CF3)] (1b) with BrCH2CN (2-Br) occurred 2-Cl to give trans-4 in 49% yield at room
that complexes 3a and 1c were generated much faster than that of ionic Cu(I) complex temperature after just 1 hour (Fig. 2B). These
from transmetalation of the oxidative addi- [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− (1a). The reaction of 1b with rapid rates indicate that the neutral Cu(I) com-
tion product [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2(CH2CN)(Br)]− bromide 2-Br in N,N-dimethylformamide plex 1b is much more reactive toward the alkyl
with Cu(I) complex [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− (1a). (DMF) generated trans-[(bpy)Cu(CF3)2(CH2CN)] halide than is ionic Cu(I) complex 1a, reflect-
It was found that complex 1c was much less (trans-4) and cis-[(bpy)Cu(CF3)2(CH2CN)] (cis- ing a sizable ligand acceleration (Fig. 2D).
reactive than complex 1a. It reacted with 1.0 4) in 56 and 4% yields, as well as [(bpy)CuBr], Such a phenomenon has previously been ob-
equivalent of bromide 2-Br in DMSO, result- respectively, after just 1 min at room temper- served in various copper-mediated or -catalyzed
ing in 30% conversion and 9% yield of 3a after ature (Fig. 2B). Complex trans-4 was fully cross-coupling reactions (40, 41).
3 hours at room temperature. Thus, the for- characterized by 1H and 19F NMR spectros- The large difference in reactivity of ionic
mation of bromocuprate 1c does not affect the copies, as well as elemental analysis. and neutral Cu(I) complexes led us to conduct

Luo et al., Science 381, 1072–1079 (2023) 8 September 2023 2 of 8


reactions that would reveal the mechanisms 60% yields, respectively (table S1), whereas the plex 1b with chloride 2-Cl in the more-polar
by which the two complexes react with alkyl same reactions in less-polar solvents, such as solvent DMF or the less-polar solvent THF oc-
halides. The reaction of bromide 2-Br with tetrahydrofuran (THF) or CH2Cl2, occurred curred to full conversion after 1 hour at room
ionic Cu(I) complex [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− (1a) more slowly (24 and 12% conversions after temperature to afford Cu(III) complex trans-4
was sensitive to the polarity of the solvent. 5 hours at room temperature) to give com- in 59 and 82% yields, respectively (Fig. 2E).
The reactions conducted in polar solvents, such plex 3a in just 13 and 11% yields, respectively Quantitative assessment of the reaction of chlo-
as DMSO, N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMAc), (Fig. 2E). By contrast, the reaction of chloride ride 2-Cl with complex 1b in THF and DMF at
and DMF, proceeded to 96, 87, and 76% con- 2-Cl or bromide 2-Br with the neutral Cu(I) −5°C showed that the rates of the two reac-
version at room temperature over 5 hours complex [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) was not sensitive tions are similar [(3.02 ± 0.10) × 10−3 M−1·s−1 in
and afforded Cu(III) complex 3a in 93, 70, and to the polarity of the solvent. Reactions of com- THF and (3.43 ± 0.32) × 10−3 M−1·s−1 in DMF,

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Fig. 2. Oxidative addition of alkyl halides to Cu(I) complexes. (A) Oxidative addition of XCH(R)CN with ionic Cu(I) complex [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− (1a). (B) Oxidative
addition of XCH(R)CN with [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b). (C) ORTEP (Oak Ridge Thermal Ellipsoid Plot) diagrams of [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)3(CH2CN)]− (3a) (countercation
Ph4P+ is omitted for clarity) and trans-[(bpy)Cu(CF3)2(CH2CN)] (trans-4). Ellipsoids are shown at the 50% level. (D) Reaction progress for ionic Cu(I) complex
[Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− (1a) with BrCH2CN (2-Br) at 298 K (blue) or neutral Cu(I) complex [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) with BrCH2CN (2-Br) at 298 K (red). (E) Solvent effect on
the reactions of BrCH2CN with [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− (1a) (blue) or [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) (red). DCM, dichloromethane; MeCN, acetonitrile (methyl cyanide).

Luo et al., Science 381, 1072–1079 (2023) 8 September 2023 3 of 8


respectively (fig. S25)]. The different sensitivities At 60°C, the reaction occurred with a rate reaction of complex 1b with chloride 2-Cl. The
of the ionic and neutral Cu(I) species to sol- constant of (1.99 ± 0.14) × 10−4 M−1·s−1. The rate dependence of these reactions of the ionic
vent polarity indicate that these Cu(I) com- rate constant for the reaction of complex 1a and neutral Cu(I) species on the strength of the
plexes might react with the alkyl halide through with bromide 2-Br at 60°C was estimated to C−X bond and on the leaving group ability of
different mechanisms. be 4.05 × 10−2 M−1·s−1 on the basis of the Eyring the alkyl halides is consistent with typical Cu(I)-
analysis in Fig. 3C, which is roughly 200 times catalyzed cross-coupling reactions.
Kinetic studies as fast as that with chloride 2-Cl. To evaluate the effect of the steric proper-
To investigate the effect of the properties of The rates of the reactions of the halides with ties of the alkyl bromide on the reaction of the
the C−X bond of the haloacetonitriles on the neutral complex 1b were measured with 19F Cu(I) complex, we studied the reaction of Cu(I)
reactions with cuprate [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− (1a) NMR spectroscopy below room temperature complex [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− (1a) with the sec-
or neutral [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b), we compared because of their high rate. The reaction of bro- ondary alkyl halide, 2-bromopropionitrile
the rates of reactions of 1a or 1b with XCH2CN mide 2-Br with [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) at −30°C 2-Br-Me, and the tertiary alkyl halide, 2-methyl-
quantitatively by monitoring the 19F NMR sig- proceeded to full conversion after 20 min. 2-bromopropionitrile 2-Br-Me2 (Fig. 2A). Re-
nals corresponding to 1a for reaction of com- Kinetic studies showed that this reaction is action of cuprate 1a with 2-bromopropionitrile
plex 1a and the signals corresponding to trans-4 first order in both reactants and that the rate 2-Br-Me occurred smoothly at room temper-
and cis-4 for the reaction of complex 1b. constant at −30°C is (2.63 ± 0.05) × 10−2 M−1·s−1. ature over 5 hours to give Cu(III) complex 3b in
These studies showed that reactions of the ate At this temperature after 5 min, the reaction of 81% yield. Yet, this reaction of the more steri-
complex are first order in complex 1a and first chloride 2-Cl with [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) pro- cally hindered 2-bromopropionitrile 2-Br-Me
order in bromide 2-Br (Fig. 3A and figs. S3 to ceeded to <1% conversion (Fig. 3B). However, was slower than that of the less-hindered bromo-
S6). The reaction of complex 1a with iodide the reaction of chloride 2-Cl with complex 1b acetonitrile 2-Br [(1.15 ± 0.01) × 10−3 M−1·s−1
2-I [(8.54 ± 0.04) × 10−3 M−1·s−1] was about versus (1.78 ± 0.03) × 10−3 M−1· s−1]. To de-

at −5°C occurred with a rate constant of (3.43 ±
five times as fast as that with bromide 2-Br 0.32) × 10−3 M−1·s−1. According to the Eyring termine whether the reactions of complex 1a
[(1.78 ± 0.03) × 10−3 M−1·s−1 at 25°C]. Because analysis shown in Fig. 3C, the rate constant for occurred with inversion of configuration, we
complex 1a reacted with chloride 2-Cl slowly reaction of complex 1b with bromide 2-Br at conducted the reaction of 1a with optically
at room temperature (Figs. 2A and 3A), we −5°C was estimated to be 0.37 M−1·s−1, which active (R)-2-bromopropionitrile (R)-2-Br-Me,
studied the reaction at elevated temperature. is roughly 100 times greater than that of the but the enantiomers of the resulting product

y g

Fig. 3. Kinetic analysis. Kinetic data were fit to the expression of [1a]t = [1a]0e−kobs + c addition of XCH2CN (where X is Cl or Br) with [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) at 243 K. (C) Eyring
for (A) and [4]t = A − Be−kobs for (B), in which t is time and kobs are the apparent analysis of the temperature dependence of the rate constants of oxidative addition
(observed) rate constants (pages S12 and S35 to S38 provide details about derivation of BrCH2CN with [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− (1a) (blue), oxidative addition of BrCH2CN
of expression of corrected rate constant kcorr from kobs). (A) Kinetic profiles of with [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) (green), and oxidative addition of ClCH2CN with
oxidative addition of XCH(R)CN (where X is Cl, Br, or I; and R is H or Me) with ionic [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) (red). (D) Effect of added free bipyridine on oxidative addition
Cu(I) complex [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− (1a) at 298 K. (B) Kinetic profiles of oxidative of ClCH2CN with [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) at 268 K.

Luo et al., Science 381, 1072–1079 (2023) 8 September 2023 4 of 8


Fig. 4. Five proposed pathways for the oxidative addition of haloacetoni- addition of ClCH2CN (2-Cl) to the neutral [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) in DMF are
triles to ionic or neutral Cu(I) complexes and free energies of each given in red. The energies are in kilocalories per mole and indicate the
species computed with DFT. The calculated activation free energies for relative free energies calculated at the PBE0-D3(BJ)/Def2-TZVP(SMD,
the oxidative addition of BrCH2CN(2-Br) to the ionic Cu(I) complex solvent)//PBE0-D3(BJ)/Def2-SVP(SMD,solvent) level. SMD, solvation
[Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− (1a) in DMSO are given in blue, and those for oxidative model density.

y g
3b did not separate through chiral high- a hydrogen atom from the solvent. The reac- (64%) was only 29% less than that in the ab-
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) tion of 2-chloropropionitrile 2-Cl-Me with the sence of TEMPO, and only 19% of the radical
column and only weakly absorbed in the ultra- neutral complex [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) occurred adduct TEMPO−CH2CN 5 was isolated (Fig. 2A).

violet, preventing assessment of the configu- over 1 hour at 25°C to generate the correspond- By contrast, TEMPO had a strong effect on the
ration of the product with chromatography or ing Cu(III) complex trans-4b in 12% yield. reaction of 1b with ClCH2CN 2-Cl, resulting in
spectroscopy. The reaction of 1a with the ter- This complex was characterized with 19F NMR the formation of trans-4 in 10% yield and

tiary alkyl halide, 2-methyl-2-bromopropionitrile spectroscopy because it was too unstable to be TEMPO-CH2CN 5 in 75% yield (Fig. 2B). SET
2-Br-Me2, did not afford the corresponding isolated. inhibitor 1,4-dinitrobenzene did not noticeably
Cu(III) complex from oxidative addition. In- affect the reaction of haloacetonitrile with either
stead, Cu(III) complex [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)4]− and Inhibition studies the ionic Cu(I) complex 1a or the neutral Cu(I)
Cu(I) complex [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)(Br)]− formed in To probe whether the oxidative additions of complex 1b. These results suggest that alkyl radi-
31 and 7% yields, respectively, as determined XCH2CN to Cu(I) complexes [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− cals are generated in the oxidative addition of 1a
by 19F NMR spectroscopy of the reaction mix- (1a) and [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) occur by means or 1b with bromoacetonitrile but that a SET pro-
ture, as well as a few unidentified Cu(II) spe- of a radical intermediate and whether a po- cess is unlikely to lead to the radical in either case.
cies, which were indicated by the color of the tential radical would form through initial SET,
reaction mixture turning green. Analysis of the we first studied the reaction in the presence of Effect of ligand
reaction mixture showed that isobutyronitrile radical inhibitor 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine- The bipyridine ligand in complex 1b could in
6 also formed through hydrodehalogenation. 1-oxyl (TEMPO) and in the presence of SET principle dissociate from the metal center to
This observation suggests that the reaction inhibitor 1,4-dinitrobenzene. The reaction of 1a create a less sterically hindered intermediate
forms the isobutyronitrile radical, which is too with BrCH2CN 2-Br in the presence of 2.0 equiv- that reacts with the alkyl halide. If reaction of
sterically hindered to combine with the trifluo- alents of TEMPO was complete after 3 hours ClCH2CN with neutral Cu(I) complex [(bpy)Cu(CF3)]
romethyl Cu(II) species and, instead, abstracts at room temperature. The yield of this reaction (1b) occurred through reversible dissociation

Luo et al., Science 381, 1072–1079 (2023) 8 September 2023 5 of 8


of the bipyridine, addition of free bipyridine posed by Whitesides (45) and Pearson (46) for (1a) with BrCH2CN (2-Br) likely proceeds by
to the reaction should substantially reduce the the reaction of lithium dialkylcuprates with means of two different pathways, specifically
rate. The reactions in the presence of varying alkyl halides (the Corey-Posner reaction) to the major fraction through an SN2-type pro-
amounts of bipyridine (3.0, 6.0, and 10.0 equiv- generate a Cu(III) intermediate, which would cess (pathway A) and the minor fraction through
alents versus 1b) occurred with nearly equal then undergo fast reductive elimination to a XAT process (pathway D). We also con-
rate constants [(2.81 ± 0.01) × 10−3 M−1·s−1, form the C−C bond in the product. In our case, clude that the reaction of the neutral Cu(I)
(3.33 ± 0.21) × 10−3 M−1·s−1, and (2.91 ± 0.12) × reaction of 1a through this mechanism would complex [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) with ClCH2CN
10−3 M−1·s−1, respectively] and were only slight- form Cu(III) species [CuIII(CF3)2(CH2CN)] or (2-Cl) likely proceeds exclusively through a
ly slower than the reaction in the absence of [Ph4P]+[CuIII(CF3)2(X)(CH2CN)]–, which would XAT process (pathway D). The following analy-
added 2,2′-bipyridine [(3.61 ± 0.08) × 10−3 then undergo transmetalation with 1a to gen- sis of our experimental and computational
M−1·s−1] (Fig. 3D). These data imply that re- erate [Ph4P]+[CuIII(CF3)3(CH2CN)]– (3a) and data lead to these conclusions.
versible dissociation of the ligand does not [Cu(CF3)X]–. Likewise, reaction with 1b would The experimental observation that both re-
precede rate-limiting oxidative addition to 1b. give [(bpy)CuIII(CF3)(CH2CN)]+ or [(bpy)CuIII actions were partially or fully inhibited by the
(CF3)(X)(CH2CN)], which would undergo trans- presence of the radical inhibitor TEMPO argues
Activation parameters metalation with 1b to give [(bpy)CuIII(CF3)2 against a concerted pathway for oxidative ad-
To determine the enthalpy and entropy of ac- (CH2CN)] (trans-4 or cis-4) and [(bpy)CuX], dition of BrCH2CN (2-Br) to ionic Cu(I) com-
tivation of both reactions, we studied the ef- respectively (details about transmetalation are plex [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− (1a) or for oxidative
fect of the temperature on the rates. An Eyring provided in fig. S31). A second two-electron addition of ClCH2CN (2-Cl) to neutral Cu(I)
plot of ln(k/T) versus 1/T (where k is the rate mechanism for oxidative addition would be complex [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) (Fig. 4, pathway
constant and T is temperature) for the reac- a concerted addition of the C−X bond to the A). In addition, DFT calculations showed that
tion of ionic Cu(I) complex [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]−

metal center (pathway B), and this step would the computed barrier (42.5 kcal/mol) for oxi-
(1a) with bromide 2-Br between 25° and 37°C be the reverse reaction of concerted reductive dative addition of BrCH2CN (2-Br) to complex
revealed an activation enthalpy, DH‡, of 17.7 ± elimination from a high-valent Cu center. A 1a through a concerted pathway (pathway A)
0.4 kcal/mol and an activation entropy, DS‡, of third pathway for oxidative addition of alkyl is much greater than that of the SN2-type path-
−12 ± 1 entropy units (e.u.) (Fig. 3C, blue). halides to a Cu(I) center could occur through way (pathway B; 22.5 kcal/mol) (Fig. 4) or XAT
Likewise, an Eyring analysis of the reaction consecutive single-electron steps. One commonly process (pathway D; 23.8 kcal/mol) (Fig. 4).

of neutral Cu(I) complex [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) proposed mechanism for oxidative addition Likewise, the computed barrier (36.3 kcal/mol)
with 2-Br over a temperature range of −30° to through single-electron steps is outer-sphere for oxidative addition of ClCH2CN (2-Cl) to
−20°C revealed an activation enthalpy, DH‡, of SET (OSET; pathway C), which dominates the complex 1b by pathway A is about 16.0 kcal/
13.0 ± 0.6 kcal/mol and a similar activation redox manifolds of first-row transition metals, mol greater than the lowest-energy alternative
entropy, DS‡, of −12 ± 2 e.u. (Fig. 3C, green). including Fe (47) and Ni (48). A fourth path- pathway, in this case the XAT process (path-

The activation entropies of the reactions of 1a way and an alternative mechanism for oxida- way D; 20.3 kcal/mol).
and of 1b with 2-Br were similar, but the ac- tive addition through single-electron steps is The experimental observation that the addi-
tivation enthalpy for the reaction of 2-Br with halogen-atom transfer (XAT; pathway D) (49, 50). tion of SET inhibitor 1,4-dinitrobenzene did
1b was much less than that with 1a. An Eyring Ligated Cu(I) complexes are widely used in not greatly affect either oxidative addition
analysis of the reaction of [(bpy)Cu(CF3)] (1b) atom-transfer radical addition or polymeriza- process argues against an OSET pathway (Fig.
with ClCH2CN (2-Cl) between −8° and 4°C tion (ATRA or ATRP) processes in which a 4, pathway C). Moreover, the computed bar-
revealed a DH‡ of 15.2 ± 0.8 kcal/mol and a XAT to Cu is involved (51). A fifth pathway, riers for both reactions through an OSET
DS‡ of −13 ± 3 e.u. (Fig. 3C, red), and this value oxidative addition of the alkyl halide to Cu(I), pathway (39.3 kcal/mol and 24.3 kcal/mol, re-
for DH‡ is similar to, or even slightly less than, could occur by initial ligand dissociation to spectively) are 16.8 kcal/mol and 4.0 kcal/mol
that for oxidative addition of BrCH2CN (2-Br) generate a neutral, ligandless [CuCF3], which greater than the SN2-type pathway A for reac-

y g
to cuprate(I) complex Ph4P+[Cu(CF3)2]− (1a) would undergo oxidative addition of the alkyl tion with complex 1a or XAT pathway D for
(17.7 ± 0.4 kcal/mol), even though the C−Cl halide to generate a Cu(III) intermediate that reaction with complex 1b. Thus, both the ex-
bond in ClCH2CN (2-Cl) (70.5 kcal/mol) is much would recoordinate the dative ligand and perimental and computational data are incon-
stronger than the C−Br bond in BrCH2CN undergo transmetalation to give the final Cu(III) sistent with reaction through an OSET pathway

(2-Br) (56.8 kcal/mol) and the chloride is less complex (pathway E) (52). The energy param- (Fig. 4, pathway C).
polarizable and is a poorer leaving group than eters for these pathways were computed and By contrast, the relative reactivity of the
bromide (42). are shown in Fig. 4. In all five proposed mech- alkyl electrophiles toward the ionic Cu(I) complex

To define the mechanism of the reaction of anistic pathways, the formation of final product 1a of ICH2CN > BrCH2CN >> TsOCH2CN >>
haloacetonitrile with the ionic or neutral Cu(I) 3a from the reaction of 1a and the formation ClCH2CN is consistent with an SN2-type path-
species further, we performed density func- of trans-4/cis-4 from reaction of 1b involve a way B. In addition, the reaction of the second-
tional theory (DFT) calculations with the PBE0- transmetalation step after initial formation of ary alkyl bromide 2-bromopropionitrile 2-Br-Me
D3(BJ) functional. On the basis of previous a Cu(III) complex. The absence of observed in- with ionic Cu(I) complex 1a, which is 1.5 times
proposals for the mechanism of copper-mediated termediates before transmetalation and first- as slow as that of the less-hindered bromoace-
cross-coupling reactions (18–22) and the ex- order rate behavior in the Cu(I) species (1a or tonitrile 2-Br [(1.15 ± 0.01) × 10−3 M−1·s−1 versus
perimental results reported in this work, we 1b) rule out both rate-limiting transmetala- (1.78 ± 0.03) × 10−3 M−1· s−1], is inconsistent with
proposed five different pathways that could tion for these reactions and the initial gen- OSET or XAT pathways (Fig. 4, pathways C and
account for the oxidative addition of haloace- eration of the Cu(III) intermediate through D). The reaction of a secondary alkyl halide
tonitrile to ionic and neutral Cu(I) complexes reaction of two copper complexes. through an OSET or XAT pathway would be
(Fig. 4). The first pathway (pathway A) in- faster than that of the primary alkyl halide
volves an SN2 step and is a common type of Evidence for XAT and SN2 pathways because of the greater stability of the second-
two-electron oxidative addition of alkyl halides On the basis of the experimental results and ary alkyl radical.
to late transition metals, such as Pt (43) and DFT calculations, we concluded that reaction Also consistent with reaction through an
Pd (44). In addition, such a pathway was pro- of the ionic Cu(I) complex [Ph4P]+[Cu(CF3)2]− SN2 pathway B, the reactions of complex 1a

Luo et al., Science 381, 1072–1079 (2023) 8 September 2023 6 of 8


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12. G.-Z. Wang et al., Org. Lett. 17, 3682–3685 (2015). J.F.H. acknowledges funding from the NIH (R35GM130387). Y. Luo
2-Cl; transition states TS-a-SN2, TS-a-XAT thanks Syngenta for a PhD scholarship. Author contributions:
13. C.-T. Yang, Z.-Q. Zhang, Y.-C. Liu, L. Liu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
and TS-b-XAT; and products [LnCuIII(CF3) 50, 3904–3907 (2011). Y. Luo performed the experiments and analyzed experimental data.
(X)(CH2CN)] (where Ln is CF3− or bpy) (figs. 14. X.-L. Su et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60, 380–384 Y. Li performed the DFT calculations. J.W. assisted in the kinetic
(2021). studies. X.-S.X., J.F.H., and Q.S. directed the research. Y. Luo,
S33 and S35). These studies showed that a
15. C. Li, B. Chen, X. Ma, X. Mo, G. Zhang, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. J.F.H., and Q.S. wrote the manuscript. Competing interests: The
small amount of positive charge accumulates 60, 2130–2134 (2021). authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data
on the copper in the transition states (+0.26 16. Q. M. Kainz et al., Science 351, 681–684 (2016). materials and availability: Crystallographic data are available free

Luo et al., Science 381, 1072–1079 (2023) 8 September 2023 7 of 8


of charge from the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre claim to original US government works. Figs. S1 to S36
(CCDC) under CCDC 2236874 (3a), 2236875 (3b), and 2236887 about/science-licenses-journal-article-reuse Tables S1 to S15
(trans-4). All other data reported in this paper are available in the References (55–76)
manuscript or the supplementary materials. License information: SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
Copyright © 2023 the authors, some rights reserved; exclusive Submitted 26 May 2023; accepted 10 August 2023
licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No Materials and Methods 10.1126/science.adg9232

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Luo et al., Science 381, 1072–1079 (2023) 8 September 2023 8 of 8


ORGANOMETALLICS dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (Fig. 2A). Because

studies with monoanionic ligands showed
Cross-coupling by a noncanonical mechanism that couplings of phenols occur by turnover-
limiting oxidative addition of aryl halides to a
involving the addition of aryl halide to Cu(II) Cu(I) phenoxide complex (13), we first sought
to generate a Cu(I) phenoxide complex bound
Connor P. Delaney1, Eva Lin1, Qinan Huang1, Isaac F. Yu1, Guodong Rao2, Lizhi Tao2, Ana Jed1, by a mono- or dianionic form of the oxal-
Serena M. Fantasia3, Kurt A. Püntener3, R. David Britt2,4, John F. Hartwig1* amide ligand and to test the reactivity of such
complexes with aryl halides.
Copper complexes are widely used in the synthesis of fine chemicals and materials to catalyze couplings Cu(I) complex 5 containing a dianionic oxal-
of heteroatom nucleophiles with aryl halides. We show that cross-couplings catalyzed by some of amide ligand was prepared from a 1:1 ratio of
the most active catalysts occur by a mechanism not previously considered. Copper(II) [Cu(II)] complexes K,H-BPPO (6) and mesitylcopper(I). Single-
of oxalamide ligands catalyze Ullmann coupling to form the C–O bond in aryl ethers by concerted crystal x-ray diffraction showed that com-
oxidative addition of an aryl halide to Cu(II) to form a high-valent species that is stabilized by radical plex 5 adopts a dimeric structure with two
character on the oxalamide ligand. This mechanism diverges from those involving Cu(I) and Cu(III) dianionic oxalamides bridging two copper
intermediates that have been posited for other Ullmann-type couplings. The stability of the Cu(II) state atoms (supplementary materials section S2.4).
leads to high turnover numbers, >1000 for the coupling of phenoxide with aryl chloride electrophiles, The propensity of complex 5 to form a phenoxy-
as well as an ability to run the reactions in air. copper complex (8) was assessed by progressive
addition of potassium 3-tert-butylphenoxide
to 5 in DMSO. Diagnostic 1H nuclear magnetic

etal-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions tion of an aryl halide (Fig. 1B). However, a resonance (NMR) signals of 5 shifted mono-
between aryl halide electrophiles and variety of ligands proposed to bind as dianions tonically downfield, implying that phenoxide
heteroatom nucleophiles are among also have been reported recently to generate binds rapidly and reversibly to this complex.
the most widely used reactions for the catalysts for cross-coupling reactions that are The reaction of 1-bromo-4-fluorobenzene (1)
discovery and production of fine chem- challenging to achieve (Fig. 1C) (14–16). In par- with the mixture of 5 and potassium phen-
icals and materials (1, 2). Although copper cat- ticular, catalysts containing diamides derived oxide at room temperature formed little aryl
ether (Fig. 2B). Instead, the 1H NMR reso-

alysts were first used for such couplings more from oxalic acid (oxalamide ligands), reported
than a century ago (3, 4), palladium catalysts by Dawei Ma (17-23), are more active than any nances corresponding to the Cu complex 5
led to the first mild couplings over 80 years previous copper catalysts and enable reactions disappeared, along with 25% of 1. No new 19F
later (5). Only recently, with the advent of new of unactivated, electron-rich aryl bromides and NMR signals were observed, implying that the
ligands, have couplings with catalysts based of aryl chlorides (6), but no mechanistic ex- arene was transformed into a paramagnetic or

on the less expensive, earth-abundant metal planation of the high activity of the catalyst insoluble species. The absence of ligand reso-
copper become competitive with the counter- has been reported. nances suggests that the Cu(I) complex was
parts catalyzed by palladium (6). However, much We show that complexes of oxalamide lig- oxidized to a new, paramagnetic, Cu(II) com-
less is known about the mechanism of copper- ands catalyze the cross-coupling of aryl halides plex, and this hypothesis was confirmed by
catalyzed couplings than of palladium-catalyzed with phenols, and likely other nucleophiles, by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spec-
couplings, in part because copper complexes a mechanism that is distinct from prior mech- troscopy (supplementary materials section
are often paramagnetic and, therefore, more anisms considered for copper-catalyzed cou- S4.7). Heating the sample at 100°C for 20 min
difficult to identify spectroscopically; in addi- pling. Our data imply that the mechanism formed biaryl ether 3 in 75% yield, along with
tion, ligand-exchange processes are typically involves a catalytically active, Cu(II) resting fluorobenzene (11) in 18% yield, even though
faster than the elementary steps of the catalytic state and that a Cu(II) complex undergoes a a Cu(II) species, rather than a Cu(I) phenoxide

y g
cycle (7). Thus, most copper catalysts have been concerted, rate-determining insertion of cop- complex, was present in solution.
identified by trial and error. per into the carbon-halogen bond of the aryl To determine whether an alternative cup-
Both the oxidation state of the active cat- halide (Fig. 1D). Computations imply that rad- rate 12 that bears one monoanionic oxalamide
alyst and the identity of the elementary steps ical character on the oxalamide ligand accom- ligand, rather than a dianionic oxalamide, and

on the catalytic cycle have been the source of modates what would be an abnormally high one phenoxide ligand, was a catalytic inter-
much speculation (8). After initial mechanistic valence at copper from a typical oxidative ad- mediate, we prepared 12 by combining 5 with
proposals that included s-bond metathesis, dition. The recognition of Cu(II) as the resting one equiv of 4-fluorophenol (13) (Fig. 2C). NMR

activation of the carbon-halogen bond by state led us to synthesize a preformed Cu(II) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry suggest
p-coordination of the arene, or electron trans- oxalamide complex, and this complex cata- that heteroleptic cuprate 12 forms but equili-
fer to form aryl radicals (Fig. 1A) (8), careful lyzes couplings under air and coupling of an brates with the two homoleptic cuprates 14
studies have supported mechanisms in which unactivated aryl chloride with turnover num- and 15. Addition of bromoarene 1 to this equili-
a Cu(I) complex bound by commonly used bers exceeding 1000. brating mixture, again, caused the loss of 1H
neutral (9–12) or anionic (12, 13) bidentate NMR resonances of the ligand, presumably
ligands undergoes concerted oxidative addi- Synthesis of Cu(I) phenoxide complexes and due to oxidation of Cu(I) to Cu(II). In this
reactions with aryl halides case, 19F NMR spectroscopy showed that 0.20
Our mechanistic studies focused on reactions equiv of 1 were consumed, and 0.10 equiv of
College of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, between aryl bromides and phenols to form fluorobenzene (11) formed. After heating at
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 2Department of Chemistry,
biaryl ethers (24). The model coupling reaction 100°C for 23 hours, 0.30 equiv of fluoroben-
University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
Pharmaceutical Division, Synthetic Molecules Technical of 1-bromo-4-fluorobenzene (1) with potassium zene (11) had formed, along with 0.20 equiv of
Development, Process Chemistry and Catalysis, F. phenoxide (2) formed 4-fluorobiphenyl ether biphenyl ether 16; 0.33 equiv of 1 remained.
Hoffmann–La Roche, Ltd., Basel, CH-4070, Switzerland. (3) catalyzed by copper(I) iodide and bis-(2- Thus, the product distributions from the reac-
Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science, University of
California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. phenylphenyl)oxalamide (H2-BPPO, 4) in 98% tion of phenoxycuprates in the +1 oxidation
*Corresponding author. Email: yield after heating at 100°C for 16 hours in state are far from the >95% yield from the

Delaney et al., Science 381, 1079–1085 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 7


y g

Fig. 1. Current understanding of reaction mechan-

isms for Cu-catalyzed C–O coupling reactions.
(A) Proposed mechanisms for the reaction between
copper complexes and aryl halides that have been ruled
out by prior studies. (B) General reaction mechanism
determined for C–O cross-coupling catalyzed by copper
complexes of neutral or anionic bidentate ligands.
(C) Recently discovered ligands that are highly active Fig. 2. Synthesis and reactivity of Cu(I) complexes of oxalamide ligands. (A) General conditions for
and can bind as dianionic ligands. (D) This work: the reaction under study, adapted from (21). (B) Synthesis of dianion-bound cuprate 5 and reactivity with
Discovery of a mechanism with a copper(II) resting aryl halides and potassium phenoxide derivatives. (C) Synthesis of monoanion-bound cuprate 12 and
state and oxidative addition to a copper(II) complex. reactivity with aryl halide electrophiles.

Delaney et al., Science 381, 1079–1085 (2023) 8 September 2023 2 of 7


CuI (1.0 mol %)
Fig. 3. Synthesis and key characterization of Cu(II)
H2-BPPO 4 (1.0 mol %) complex 17. (A) X-band EPR spectrum of a reaction
1-fluoronaphthalene (10) (0.5 equiv)
mixture set up with CuI, H2-BPPO, 4-fluorobromobenzene,
1 2 DMSO (1.0 M), 100 °C, 20 min 3 potassium phenoxide, and 1-fluoronapthalene in DMSO,
1.0 equiv 1.2 equiv heated at 100°C for 30 min then flash frozen in liquid
B nitrogen. Black trace: Experimentally obtained spectrum.
Red trace: Simulated spectrum. (Inset) The hyperfine
splitting pattern within the g∥ signal, along with the second-
derivative spectrum in that region. (B) Structure of 17
determined by single-crystal x-ray diffraction; five DMSO
molecules that cocrystallized and crystallographic disorder
were removed for clarity. (C) Synthetic route to 17.

1. 2M aq. KOH (2 equiv) R R
2. CuBr2 (1 equiv)
3. 2M aq. KOH (6 equiv) O N N O
DMSO, 23 °C, 6 h O N N O
Ph Ph R R

2.0 equiv 17

catalytic coupling of the phenoxide with the tivation step, leading to a low yield of biaryl bination of reaction pathways involving dis-
same aryl halide, indicating that these Cu(I) ether. If complex 17 transforms to the active sociative and associative displacement of a

species are not intermediates in the catalytic catalyst more slowly than the coupling reac- ligand by the aryl halide. Finally, the reac-
process. tion, then an induction period would be ob- tion occurred with a linear dependence on
served. However, if the observed Cu(II) species the concentration of catalyst, albeit with an
Identification and reactions of Cu(II) were a true intermediate, then the reaction apparent nonzero intercept. These kinetic
complexes to assess their intermediacy in would form a nearly quantitative yield of biaryl data are discussed in further detail in the

the catalytic reactions ether without an induction period and with a supplementary materials.
To probe for Cu(II) complexes in the catalytic reaction progress curve that would reflect the Our experiments rule out reduction of 17 by
reaction, we obtained EPR spectra (Fig. 3 A). order of the limiting reagent. phenoxide to form Cu(I), but we also conducted
The EPR signals of a frozen reaction mixture In the event, the reaction of Cu(II) 17 with cyclic voltammetry (CV) experiments to address
generated from heating the aryl halide 1, phen- one equiv of phenoxide 18 and excess of aryl whether two equivalents of Cu(II) could dis-
oxide 2, copper iodide, and oxalamide 4 in halide 1 gave a 97% yield of biaryl ether 16 proportionate to form a catalytically active Cu(I)
DMSO at 100°C for 20 min corresponded to with a pseudo–zero order reaction profile species and a corresponding Cu(III) species.
one Cu(II) species. The hyperfine pattern with- through 70% conversion. The reaction of Cu(II) CV was conducted in DMSO containing 0.20 M
in the g∥ signal at g = 2.210 (Fig. 3A, inset) 17 with one equiv of aryl halide 1 and excess tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate
indicates that the electron is coupled to four of phenoxide 18 gave a 99% yield of biaryl as electrolyte (Fig. 4C). The oxidation of 17

y g
magnetically equivalent I = 1 nuclei. Copper(II) ether 16 with a pseudo–first order reaction to a Cu(III) species and the corresponding
dioxalamide complex 17 bound by four nitro- profile. These results are inconsistent with the reduction of 17 to a Cu(I) species are both
gen atoms is the most reasonable structure conversion of the Cu(II) complex to an active reversible and separated by 1.81 V. This sep-
that matches the EPR data (25–28). Complex Cu(I) species and are consistent with the in- aration shows that disproportionation of two

17 was independently synthesized from CuBr2, termediacy of 17 or a species formed rever- equiv of 17 into a Cu(I) and Cu(III) species is
ligand, and base (Fig. 3C) and was fully char- sibly from 17. uphill by more than 41 kcal/mol, providing
acterized, including single-crystal x-ray dif- Kinetic studies were performed to estab- strong evidence against the generation of

fraction (Fig. 3B). The EPR spectrum of this lish the relative stoichiometry of the resting the active catalyst by disproportionation of the
material matched that of the catalytic reac- state and the turnover-limiting transition state Cu(II) species.
tion (supplementary materials section S4.1 (Fig. 4B). The reaction was zero order in po-
to S4.5). tassium 4-chlorophenoxide (19), indicating Distinguishing between four
Because a Cu(II) complex can initiate reac- that the phenoxide is either present in the potential mechanisms
tions catalyzed by a Cu(I)/Cu(III) couple (29), resting state or that it enters the catalytic cy- Four mechanisms that have been proposed
we assessed whether the Cu(II) complex 17 is a cle after the turnover-limiting step. The re- previously for Ullmann couplings and that are
true catalyst or a precatalyst that is reduced to action was nearly first order in aryl halide 1, consistent with the kinetic data are shown in
Cu(I) (Fig. 4A). To do so, complex 17 and one indicating that it associates prior to the tran- Fig. 5A. These experiments include a sigma-bond
of the two organic reactants were combined in sition state of the catalytic process. Added metathesis process by which a nucleophile-
an equimolar ratio, along with a 10-fold excess dianionic ligand K2-BPPO (20) inhibited the bound copper complex reacts directly with the
of the coupling partner. If complex 17 were a reaction but had no measurable effect on the aryl halide in a redox-neutral step; a nucleo-
precatalyst and transforms to the active cat- rate at concentrations higher than 0.50 mM. philic aromatic substitution reaction that is
alyst more rapidly than the coupling reaction, Because added 20 does not coordinate to 17 also redox neutral and is facilitated by forma-
then the reagent in equimolar amounts with in solution (supplementary materials section tion of an arene complex to Cu; electron trans-
copper would be consumed in the catalyst ac- S4.6), these data are consistent with a com- fer from Cu to the aryl halide to form a Cu(III)

Delaney et al., Science 381, 1079–1085 (2023) 8 September 2023 3 of 7


y g

Fig. 4. Mechanistic experiments to establish the resting state, turnover-limiting step, and pre-equilibria. (A) Single-turnover experiment that determines
whether 17 must be activated by either coupling partner before entering the catalytic cycle. (B) Reaction orders in phenoxide (zero order), aryl halide (first order),
catalyst (first order), and ligand dipotassium salt (inverse order). (C) Cyclic voltammogram of K2Cu(BPPO)2 in a 0.20 M DMSO solution of tetrabutylammonium

Delaney et al., Science 381, 1079–1085 (2023) 8 September 2023 4 of 7


Fig. 5. Mechanistic studies to probe the nature of the resting state and turnover-limiting step. (A) Four mechanistic hypotheses for the turnover-limiting

reaction between Cu and the aryl halide. (B) Hammett plot demonstrating that phenoxide is not bound to copper in the turnover-limiting step. (C) Natural abundance
C kinetic isotope experiments conducted by the methods of Singleton and Vetticatt. (D) Reactions conducted with an aryl bromide containing a pendant alkene that
probes the intermediacy of aryl radical species.

intermediate and an aryl radical, which com- inconsistent with the zeroth reaction order oxide with aryl halide 22 catalyzed by Cu(II)
bines with bound phenoxide; and oxidative in phenoxide, but a version of this mechanism complex 17 (Fig. 5D). An aryl radical formed
addition by a concerted pathway resulting in a involving rate-limiting coordination of arene from 22 is known to cyclize rapidly (k > 107 s−1)
high-valent copper intermediate. A series of before nucleophilic attack is consistent with (32) with the ortho-butenyl substituent. How-
further experiments were conducted to distin- the data presented so far. To determine if co- ever, the reaction of phenoxide 2 with aryl
guish these mechanisms. ordination of the arene or cleavage of the C-X halide 22 formed no cyclized products, as de-

y g
The sigma-bond metathesis mechanism bond occurs during the rate-limiting reaction termined by gas chromatography–mass spec-
would be consistent with our kinetic data between Cu(II) and the aryl halide, we mea- trometry and NMR spectroscopy. This result,
only if the phenoxide were bound to copper in sured the 13C kinetic isotope effect (KIE) (Fig. in concert with the low reducing power of com-
the resting state and remained bound through 5C). No 13C KIE at the ipso carbon would be plex 17 (Fig. 4C), rules out reduction of the aryl

the turnover-limiting step. To assess whether expected for reaction by the mechanism in- halide to generate an aryl radical interme-
a copper phenoxide complex reacts with the volving irreversible coordination of the aryl diate and subsequent outer-sphere reductive
aryl halide, we measured the rate as a func- halide, whereas a primary 13C KIE at this car- elimination with a copper(III) phenoxide com-

tion of the identity of the phenoxide. If phen- bon would be expected for a mechanism in- plex, and it is consistent with the previously
oxide were bound when the copper species volving irreversible cleavage of the aryl halide reported lack of cyclization during the re-
reacts with the aryl halide, then the electronic by copper. 13C KIE values were measured by action between 2-butenyl-chlorobenzene and
properties of the phenoxide would change both intermolecular competition (30) and in- p-cresol catalyzed by copper and a different
the identity of the complex and influence the tramolecular competition (31) (1.011 ± 0.0003 oxalamide ligand (18). Instead, all our data
rate of the reaction. However, no influence and 1.014 ± 0.004, respectively). These normal, are consistent with the fourth mechanism
of the identity of the phenoxide on the rate primary 13C KIE values are comparable to those involving concerted, rate-determining reac-
of the reaction was detected (Fig. 5B). Fur- observed previously for oxidative additions tion of the aryl halide with a Cu(II) complex
ther studies that show an effect of phenoxide of aryl iodides to Cu(I) complexes (13) and of the oxalamide ligand to cleave the carbon-
electronic properties on the steps after the rule out irreversible binding of the aryl halide halogen bond.
rate-determining step, thereby corroborating prior to nucleophilic aromatic substitution by
a lack of binding of phenoxide derivatives to the phenoxide. DFT study of the oxidative addition of aryl
Cu(II) complex 17, are described in the sup- The third pathway involving electron halides to Cu(II).
plementary materials. transfer to form an aryl halide radical anion We assessed by density functional theory (DFT)
The SNAr pathway involving rate-determining that generates halide and an aryl radical was calculations the mechanism by which a Cu(II)
attack of phenoxide on a bound aryl halide is assessed by conducting the coupling of phen- species could react with an aryl halide to

Delaney et al., Science 381, 1079–1085 (2023) 8 September 2023 5 of 7


cleave the carbon-halogen bond. Because large

differences in energy result from modeling of
charged species with different degrees of ex-
plicit solvation, we did not compute the ener-
getics for dissociation of the anionic ligand
from the cuprate to form a neutral Cu(II) spe-
cies. Instead, we studied the energetics for
binding of the aryl bromide to (BPPO)Cu
(29) and the feasibility of an insertion of the
Cu intermediate into the carbon-halogen bond
of the bound aryl halide by a step akin to a
concerted oxidative addition. Analysis by the
fractional orbital density (FOD) method pub-
lished by Grimme (33) demonstrated that most
structures on the reaction coordinate possess
appreciable multireference character (N_FOD =
1.4 to 2.0). Because the inclusion of HF-exchange
energy causes high errors in the relative cal-
culated energies for structures with multiref-
erence character (33), we used the meta-GGA

functional TPSS-D3(BJ) for all calculations.
Geometry optimization and frequency calcu-
lations were conducted with the def2-TZVP
basis set on copper and the def2-SVP basis
set on all other atoms, and single-point ener-
gies were calculated with the def2-TZVP basis

set on all atoms. The computed profile begins
with a copper(II) complex ligated by an N,N-
bound oxalamide ligand (29) (Fig. 6A). Asso-
ciation of the aryl halide to yield 30 was cal-
culated to be endergonic by 12.4 kcal/mol, and

the product from oxidative addition of the
bound arene (31) was found to be 21.0kcal/mol
higher in free energy than the starting complex.
The transition state to form this complex (32)
was computed to lie 23.1 kcal/mol above the start-
ing complex. These energies are consistent with Fig. 6. Mechanism of the cross-coupling reaction and synthetic applications. (A) Catalytic cycle
our conclusion from experimental studies that representing our mechanistic conclusions. (B and C) Applications of the Cu(II) complex in preparative,
the Cu(II) species cleaves the carbon-halogen cross-coupling reactions.
bond in the rate-determining step and suggest
that this bond cleavage can occur by oxidative

y g
addition. A full account of our DFT studies is (35, 36), and with radical character on the lig- catalysts at the temperatures required for the
included in the supplementary materials. and to accommodate the large number of activation of carbon-chlorine bonds makes
To reveal the electronic structure of the X-type ligands. them more long-lived for this transformation
complexes involved in this oxidative addition, than electron-rich, Cu(I) complexes that are

we conducted natural population analysis on Reaction improvements with a preformed more prone to degradation.
each species. Arylcopper halide complex 31 Cu(II) catalyst These results highlight the potential of well-
lacked spin density on copper. Instead, >98% A Cu(II) resting state is stable to air and dis- defined copper(II) catalysts to increase catalyst

of the spin density was located on the ligands proportionation. Thus, a purposeful synthesis activity, turnover numbers, and reproducibil-
bound to copper, with 86% located on the oxal- of a Cu(II) catalyst should create a system that ity of copper-catalyzed coupling reactions with
amide. This ligand redox non-innocence (34) is stable to air and that reacts with high turn- this and related classes of ligands. In addition,
enables the Cu(II) resting state to undergo over numbers. Indeed, the cross-coupling re- the discovery of this reaction mechanism could
oxidative addition of the aryl halide to form action between 4-fluorobromobenzene (1) facilitate the development of next-generation
complex 31 containing both an aryl ligand and 3-tert-butyl phenol (33) catalyzed by just ligands for catalysts containing copper or other
and a halide ligand without a nearly unprec- 1.0 mol % of 17 in DMSO on a 1-mmol scale first-row metals to minimize single-electron re-
edented oxidation state at Cu. Indeed, natural without any effort to exclude air or water gave activity and allow such metals to fill roles that
population analysis of this complex suggests the coupled product 34 in 97% yield after are currently realized by noble metal catalysts
that the copper in it possesses 10 d-electrons, 36 hours at 100°C. Moreover, the coupling of in a variety of reactions important for organic
and this electron count implies that interme- 2-chloronaphthalene (35) with potassium synthesis.
diate 31, although formally Cu(III) by the 3-tert-butylphenoxide (7) with just 500 parts
presence of three formally anionic ligands and per million of pure 17 as the catalyst for
an overall neutral charge, is best described as a 72 hours at 130°C gave 59% yield of biaryl
1. R. Frian, D. Kikelj, ChemInform 37, 200641247 (2006).
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discussed for many formally Cu(III) complexes We propose that the high stability of these (2016).

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(1906). (1986). under DGE 1752814 and DGE 2146752. Author contributions:
5. J. F. Hartwig, K. H. Shaughnessy, S. Shekhar, R. Green, 28. B. Cervera et al., J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans.781–790 C.P.D., Conceptualization (supporting), investigation (lead),
Org. React. 100, 14 (2019). (1998). methodology (lead), original draft preparation (lead), review and
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8. C. Sambiagio, S. P. Marsden, A. J. Blacker, P. C. McGowan, 31. V. Wambua, J. S. Hirschi, M. J. Vetticatt, ACS Catal. 11, 60–67 Investigation (supporting, EPR spectroscopy); G.R., Investigation
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9. J. W. Tye, Z. Weng, R. Giri, J. F. Hartwig, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 32. M. D. Koppang, G. A. Ross, N. F. Woolsey, D. E. Bartak, J. Am. chemical synthesis and mechanistic experiments); S.M.F.,
49, 2185–2189 (2010). Chem. Soc. 108, 1441–1447 (1986). Supervision (supporting), review and editing (equal); K.A.P.,
10. J. W. Tye, Z. Weng, A. M. Johns, C. D. Incarvito, J. F. Hartwig, 33. S. Grimme, A. Hansen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 12308–12313 Supervision (supporting); R.D.B., Supervision (supporting); J.F.H.,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 9971–9983 (2008). (2015). Conceptualization (lead), supervision (lead), funding acquisition
11. R. Giri, J. F. Hartwig, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 15860–15863 (2010). 34. V. Lyaskovskyy, B. de Bruin, ACS Catal. 2, 270–279 (lead), review and editing (equal). Competing interests: The
12. Q. A. Lo, D. Sale, D. C. Braddock, R. P. Davies, ACS Catal. 8, (2012). authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data and
101–109 (2018). 35. I. M. DiMucci et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141, 18508–18520 materials availability: All other data are available in the main text
13. R. Giri et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 793–806 (2018). (2019). or the supplementary materials. X-ray data are available in the
14. S. Sung et al., ACS Catal. 6, 3965–3974 (2016). 36. R. Hoffmann et al., Chem. Rev. 116, 8173–8192 (2016). Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center under CCDC numbers
15. A. de Gombert et al., ACS Catal. 13, 2904–2915 (2023). 2265761 and 2265762. License information: Copyright © 2023
16. S.-T. Kim, M. J. Strauss, A. Cabré, S. L. Buchwald, J. Am. ACKN OWLED GMEN TS the authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American
Chem. Soc. 145, 6966–6975 (2023). We thank E. Kalkman, A. Zahrt, D. Hait, and J. Brunn for helpful Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original
17. W. Zhou, M. Fan, J. Yin, Y. Jiang, D. Ma, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137, discussions regarding density functional theory; R. Chatterjee and US government works.
11942–11945 (2015). C. Asokan for assistance with EPR spectroscopy experiments; and science-licenses-journal-article-reuse
18. M. Fan, W. Zhou, Y. Jiang, D. Ma, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, Z. Zhao and A. Wheeler for assistance collecting high-resolution

6211–6215 (2016). mass spectrometry data of Cu(I) complexes. We thank H. Celik and SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
19. S. De, J. Yin, D. Ma, Org. Lett. 19, 4864–4867 (2017). UC Berkeley’s NMR facility in the College of Chemistry (CoC-NMR)
20. Z. Chen, D. Ma, Org. Lett. 21, 6874–6878 (2019).
for spectroscopic assistance. Instruments in the CoC-NMR are
21. J. Gao et al., Org. Lett. 19, 2809–2812 (2017). Materials and Methods
supported in part by NIH S10OD024998. We thank K. Durkin and
22. Y. Chen, L. Xu, Y. Jiang, D. Ma, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60, Supplementary Text
D. Small at UC Berkeley’s Molecular Computation and Graphics
7082–7086 (2021). Figs. S1 to S36
Facility (MGCF). Computing resources at the MGCF are supported
Tables S1 to S36
23. R. Ray, J. F. Hartwig, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60, 8203–8211 in part by NIH S10OD034382. We thank N. Settineri and Berkeley’s
NMR Spectra
(2021). College of Chemistry X-ray Crystallography Facility (CheXray) for
References (37–57)

24. Y. Zhai et al., J. Org. Chem. 82, 4964–4969 (2017). assistance with crystallography. CheXray is supported in part by
25. For prior literature on Cu(II) complexes of oxalamide ligands, NIH S10RR027172. Funding: Funding for this work was provided in Submitted 27 May 2023; accepted 8 August 2023
see (26–28). part by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, in part through NIH 10.1126/science.adi9226

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Delaney et al., Science 381, 1079–1085 (2023) 8 September 2023 7 of 7


VOLCANOLOGY of ancient ocean-entering eruptions (23, 24),

scaled-down laboratory modeling (25), and anal-
Fast and destructive density currents created by ysis of geomorphic features around submerged
volcanoes to infer the behavior of past erup-
ocean-entering volcanic eruptions tions (26, 27). Fields of large sediment waves
and scours, commonly observed radiating around
Michael A. Clare1*†, Isobel A. Yeo1*†, Sally Watson2, Richard Wysoczanski2, Sarah Seabrook2, submerged flanks of volcanoes, are thought to
Kevin Mackay2, James E. Hunt1, Emily Lane2, Peter J. Talling3, Edward Pope3, Shane Cronin4, be diagnostic of catastrophic eruptions (26–28).
Marta Ribó5, Taaniela Kula6, David Tappin7, Stuart Henrys8, Cornel de Ronde8, Morelia Urlaub9, However, this hypothesis remains untested be-
Stefan Kutterolf9, Samuiela Fonua10, Semisi Panuve10, Dean Veverka11, Ronald Rapp12, cause of a lack of repeat seafloor surveys before
Valey Kamalov13, Michael Williams2 and after a large eruption. These uncertain-
ties severely limit the understanding of the
Volcanic eruptions on land create hot and fast pyroclastic density currents, triggering tsunamis or behavior and associated risks at submerged
surges that travel over water where they reach the ocean. However, no field study has documented volcanoes.
what happens when large volumes of erupted volcanic material are instead delivered directly into the We present observations of voluminous vol-
ocean. We show how the rapid emplacement of large volumes of erupted material onto steep submerged caniclastic density currents that were triggered
slopes triggered extremely fast (122 kilometers per hour) and long-runout (>100 kilometers) seafloor by the 15 January 2022 eruption of Hunga vol-
currents. These density currents were faster than those triggered by earthquakes, floods, or storms, and cano in the Kingdom of Tonga. This eruption
they broke seafloor cables, cutting off a nation from the rest of the world. The deep scours excavated by was the most explosive in more than a century
these currents are similar to those around many submerged volcanoes, providing evidence of large and had worldwide impacts (29–35). The erup-

eruptions at other sites worldwide. tion plume entered the mesosphere (57 km
high), tsunamis traveled across the Pacific

Ocean and caused 19- to 20-m runups in Tonga,
xplosive volcanism poses a wide range of and devastating marine biological communi- and a pressure wave encircled the globe mul-
hazards, with more than a third of vol- ties (10–15). tiple times (29–31, 33, 34). More than 1 hour
canic fatalities attributed to fast (up to Repeat terrestrial surveys and sampling after the main eruption, Tonga’s only interna-

hundreds of kilometers per hour) and after the occurence of pyroclastic density cur- tional subsea telecommunications cable was
high-temperature pyroclastic density cur- rents have enabled reconstruction of flow prop- severed (Fig. 1), disconnecting the entire nation
rents triggered by phreatic explosions, pyro- erties from the resultant deposits, characterizing from global digital communications at a critical
clastic fountaining, lateral blasts, caldera and the associated hazards (16–18). However, field- time for disaster response (36). Such an inci-
dome collapses, and the vertical collapse of scale observations of density currents linked dent has wider implications because subsea

eruption columns where they contact the to volcanic eruptions in marine settings are cables carry >99% of all international data
ground (1–6). Study of the behavior of pyro- rare, owing to often-remote locations and in- traffic, including the internet and trillions of
clastic density currents on land has revealed accessibility of in situ deposits. The behavior dollars per day in financial transactions (37).
a spectrum from dense to dilute and turbulent of terrestrially initiated pyroclastic density The >6 km3 eruption expelled a volume of
modes of flow, across which a range of hazards currents that cross land to enter the ocean material equivalent to the annual sediment
exists (1–3). This spectrum also relates to other has only been documented at a single field site flux from all the world’s rivers combined, much
types of particulate density currents, including after a small (0.19 km3) eruption (12–14), where- of which directly entered the ocean through
snow avalanches and underwater sediment– as no equivalent study has shown what happens eruption column collapses (15, 38). The rapid
laden flows called turbidity currents (7–9). when an eruption directly delivers volcanic escalation in explosivity and the resultant
Where terrestrially initiated pyroclastic density material into the ocean. We address this knowl- hazards were unexpected, exposing a gap in

y g
currents reach the ocean, they create different edge gap with observations of underwater vol- understanding of many similar, yet unmoni-
hazards. Such currents can generate tsunamis, caniclastic density currents triggered during tored, volcanoes along the Tonga-Tofua arc and
create phreatic explosions as hot currents in- the eruption of the partially submerged Hunga volcanic settings worldwide (6, 29, 30, 39).
teract with water, travel over the sea, and/or Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai volcano (hereafter re- By integrating datasets that document their

rapidly cool and transition into a turbidity ferred to as Hunga volcano) in the Kingdom timing and extent, we determined the behavior
current, damaging seafloor infrastructure of Tonga. We use the term “volcaniclastic den- of underwater volcaniclastic density currents
sity current,” which encompasses a spectrum triggered by the 2022 eruption of Hunga vol-

of density currents linked to a volcanic erup- cano. These currents traveled >100 km and
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK. 2National tion, from hot gas–supported pyroclastic den- caused extensive damage to seafloor cables,
Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), sity currents to cold fluid–supported turbidity from which we could estimate their velocity,
Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. 3Department of Geography currents. which reached up to 122 km/hour. These cur-
and Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University,
Durham, UK. 4School of Environment, University of
A key control on the hazard posed by any rents differ markedly from those triggered by
Auckland, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. 5Department of type of density current is its velocity (9, 19–22). terrestrially initiated pyroclastic density currents
Environmental Science, Auckland University of Technology, Although recent advances in technology have that enter the ocean, and their velocity is higher
Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. 6Ministry of Lands and
Natural Resources, Nuku‘alofa, Kingdom of Tonga. 7British
enabled the direct measurement of turbidity than that recorded for other underwater den-
Geological Survey, Keyworth, UK. 8GNS Science, Lower Hutt, currents and snow avalanches, no velocity sity currents, including those triggered by ter-
Aotearoa New Zealand. 9GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for measurements exist for underwater volcani- restrial floods, large earthquakes, or ocean
Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany. 10Tonga Cable Ltd,
clastic density currents (9, 19–21). These lim- waves (Table 1). The currents created distinc-
Nuku‘alofa, Kingdom of Tonga. 11Southern Cross Cable
Network, North Ryde, New South Wales, Australia. itations are notable, considering the distinct tive scours around Hunga volcano, excavating
SubCom, Newington, NH, USA. 13Valey Kamalov LLC, hazards posed by partially or fully submerged >100-m-deep regions into the volcanic edifice
Gainesville, FL, USA. volcanoes, which account for more than three- (Fig. 2), which were evident by comparing sur-
*Corresponding author. Email: (M.A.C.); (I.A.Y.) quarters of active volcanoes worldwide (6). veys 3 months after the eruption to pre-eruption
†These authors contributed equally to this work. Consequently, our knowledge relies on studies surveys performed in 2016. Bedforms like these

Clare et al., Science 381, 1085–1092 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 7


are generated by, and thus probably record,

large explosive eruptions.

Extensive damage to seafloor cables

At 03:47 (all times UTC) on 15 January 2022, a
low eruptive plume was observed at Hunga
volcano, marking the onset of the main erup-
tive phase, with a steady narrow plume rising
to a height of >10 km (34) (Fig. 1). At 04:15
(T0a), a large explosion occurred [volcanic ex-
plosivity index of between 5 and 6 (35)], which
transformed the plume. High eruption rates
rapidly increased the height and width of an
expanding umbrella-shaped eruption plume
(34) (fig. S6). The plume reached a height of
between 16 and 18 km at 04:17. A second major
explosion (T0b) occurred at 04:21, with addi-
tional explosions generating sonic booms until
04:25 (inception of the atmospheric pressure
wave). By this time, the umbrella cloud had

expanded to a width of at least 120 km, and
the central plume was >15 km wide. Plume
collapses into the ocean below the umbrella
cloud occurred soon after 04:17, especially
from 04:20 onward (34) (fig. S6). By 04:50 to
04:55, the central high plume ceased rising

and was dispersed by the wind. However, the
eruption continued vigorously with a lower
plume (~17 to 21 km high) formed beneath
the larger 57-km-high plume.
Both subsea cables laid near Hunga volcano

were broken on 15 January, but the timing of
this damage lagged after the two most in-
tense explosions (T0a and T0b) by 9 to 15 min
for the domestic cable (at 04:30) and by 83
to 89 min for the international cable (05:44)
(table S1). The timing of these breaks is
known to the nearest minute, on the basis of
loss of data transmission, ultimately with
complete loss of internet capacity when the
international cable was severed. The dis-

y g
tance of the first point of cable damage from
shore was determined immediately using
optical time-domain reflectometry, but the
full extent could not be assessed until a cable

repair ship retrieved the intact ends of the
cable on either side of the damaged zone.
The international cable repair took 5 weeks,

as the closest repair ship was 2500 km away, in
Papua New Guinea, and >100 km of replace-
ment cable was required. Communications were
limited across the kingdom until the domestic
cable was finally repaired, 18 months after the Fig. 1. Extensive damage caused to seafloor cables by volcaniclastic density currents generated by
eruption. column collapse at Hunga volcano. (A) Locations and extent of cable damage on the domestic and
Prior to repair, cable damage was thought to international seafloor cables resulting from the volcaniclastic density currents (pathways shown as arrowed
be caused by local seabed landslides; however, lines) plotted on bathymetric data acquired 3 months after the eruption. The thickness of volcaniclastic
the extent of damage was far greater than antic- density current deposits as sampled by multicoring is depicted as size-scaled solid circles, showing that
ipated. More than 89 km of the international these currents deposited material at least 108 km away from the caldera. Actual sampled thickness of
cable was broken and/or buried to a depth volcaniclastic density current deposit is annotated. Where the base of the density current deposit was not
beyond recovery, while 105 km of the domestic sampled, the thickness is given as >X cm. (B) Internet capacity shown for typical periods (in gray) compared
cable was affected. Moreover, the international with the sudden loss of internet traffic, which flatlined at 05:44 on 15 January 2022, when the international
cable was recovered at a distance of 5 km to the cable was broken. (C) Enhanced timeline of the main eruptive phase of Hunga volcano on 15 January 2022,
north of its originally laid position, closer toward including the two major eruptions that caused ocean-entering column collapses. The timings of the two cable
the volcano. This incident was the largest length breaks are marked with stars, showing that they occurred after the main explosive eruptions.

Clare et al., Science 381, 1085–1092 (2023) 8 September 2023 2 of 7


of cable damage since telegraph cables were erupted pyroclastic material directly into the sional features include scours of up to 2 km in
buried by the >200-km3 Grand Banks landslide ocean. width and upslope-asymmetric bedforms (30 to
offshore Newfoundland in 1929 (40) and the 60 m wave height, 500 to 2000 m wavelength)
longest single cable repair in the modern fiber- Insights into underwater density currents seen in pre-eruption surveys, which migrated up
optic era (Fig. 1). We did not find evidence triggered by eruption column collapse to 1.5 km upslope. Pronounced erosion observed
within the resolution of imaging of slope fail- Dense and highly erosive proximal regime from the post-eruption survey occurs within a
ures on the deep-water volcano flanks around Linear gullies and trains of crescentic scours, radius of <9.2 km from the caldera rim and
the cables and surrounding slopes. We therefore incised up to 100 m, radiate from the caldera only on the steepest slopes (>10°, locally >40°;
relate the cable damage to powerful and long (Fig. 2), accounting for 3.5 km3 of erosion (15) Fig. 2). Recovery of material by seafloor coring
runout volcaniclastic density currents triggered and representing an additional removed mass was not successful on such proximal slopes,
by the effective delivery of large volumes of of >50% of the original erupted volume. Ero- presumably owing to the presence of competent

Table 1. Reported velocities of fast-moving (>4 m/s) submerged particulate density currents worldwide. Values based on sequential seafloor cable
breaks or acoustic monitoring. Also compared are subaerial density currents, including pyroclastic density currents and snow avalanches.

Minimum runout Maximum recorded Velocity calculation

Location Volume Interpreted trigger
distance (km) transit velocity (m/s) based on
Submarine particulate density currents, including turbidity currents and volcaniclastic density currents

Construction activity; slope
1979 Nice Airport, Seafloor cable
0.008 km3 failure during 120 7
Mediterranean (58) breaks
airport extension
Gioia Canyon, Construction activity; slope Seafloor cable
Not known 15 4.5
Mediterranean (59) failure near port breaks
Magnitude 7.2
1929 Grand Banks Seafloor cable

>200 km3 earthquake triggered 800 19.1
landslide, Newfoundland (40) breaks
continental slope failure
2006 Gaoping Magnitude 7.0 Seafloor cable
Not known 380 20
Canyon, Taiwan (37) Pingtung earthquake breaks

1954 Orleansville Magnitude 6.7 Seafloor cable
Not known Not known 20.5
earthquake, Algeria (60) Orleansville earthquake breaks
2009 Gaoping Large river Seafloor cable
Not known 380 10.3
Canyon, Taiwan (37) flood after typhoon breaks
Large river
2009 Gaoping Seafloor cable
Not known flood during 650 16.6
Canyon, Taiwan (37) breaks
Cable breaks
2020 Deep-sea Low spring
3 and moored
Congo Canyon, 2.675 km tide after large 1130 8
acoustic Doppler
West Africa (19) river flood
current profiler array

y g
Moored acoustic
2015–17 Monterey trigger related
Not known 50 7.2 Doppler current
Canyon, California (55) to along-shelf
profiler array

2019–20 Whittard Oceanographic trigger Moored acoustic
Canyon, northeast Not known related to across-shelf 50 8 Doppler current
Atlantic (61) transport profiler array

>6.3 km3 [based on
2022 Hunga
deposited volume
volcano, Tonga Eruption column collapse >100 33.8 Cable breaks
on slopes outside
(this study)
of the caldera (15)]
Subaerial particulate density currents
Radar and
Largest snow
0.01 km3 Various 3 to 5 70 pressure plate
avalanches (22, 62)
Up to 5.5 km3 for
those with
Terrestrial Dome or flank
reported speeds,
pyroclastic density collapse or Up to tens of kilometers 7 to 210 See table S4 (52)
but can exceed
currents phreatomagmatic eruption
hundreds of cubic

Clare et al., Science 381, 1085–1092 (2023) 8 September 2023 3 of 7


B +100
Erosional Depositional

Elevation change [m]

regime regime 20

Gradient [degrees]
lobe 0

B B'
C 0 6 12
Distance [km]
C 40
change [m]


E' Depositional
20 C C' incised
0 E

change [m]
0 4 8 12

Distance [km] B D' E E'
E 0
0 4
D Distance [km]
D Distance [km]
0 0.5 1.0 Collapsed

0 caldera
change [m]


-60 D D' F'


F +100
Up to 22 m
Erosional Depositional Domestic deposition
Elevation change [m]

regime regime cable 20 on domestic

Elevation change [m]

Gradient [degrees]


>+50 m


4 km <-50 m
F F'
0 6 12 175°20'0"W
Distance [km]
H NE channel
G 30 E channel Hunga volcano
Erosion Deposition (This Study)

y g
NW channel
International cable
Local seabed slope [degrees]

Other volcanoes (Pope et al., 2017)

Wave height [m]



1 Small-scale bedforms
Large-scale scours
Large-scale bedforms
-200 -100 0 100 10 100 1000 10000
Change in seabed elevation [m] Wavelength [m]

Fig. 2. Sculpting of the seafloor by powerful volcaniclastic density cur- shallow. (G) Cross plot of change in seabed elevation and local seafloor gradient
rents on the slopes proximal to Hunga volcano. (A) Elevation-difference map (based on pre-eruption bathymetry) illustrating how erosion dominates on the
generated between pre- (2017) and post-eruption (April to June 2022) steepest slopes, whereas deposition is largely restricted to slopes <10°.
bathymetric surveys shows localized but major seafloor changes. The domestic (H) Comparison of bedform morphometrics observed on the proximal flanks of
cable is shown as a red line. (B to F) Elevation changes shown for selected Hunga volcano and around the area of the damage to the international cable
locations in cross section, including the incision of deep (locally >120 m) gullies with those from a database based on 17 volcanic islands worldwide (8) to
and upslope-migrating crescentic scours on steep (>10°) slopes [(B), (E), and show that the large-scale scours and bedforms plot within the range of those
(F)] and the deposition of thick (up to 40 m) lobes [(C) and (D)] where slopes previously interpreted to relate to large explosive eruptions.

Clare et al., Science 381, 1085–1092 (2023) 8 September 2023 4 of 7


A 40 Initiation Mechanism
C River flood
e.g. Congo Canyon, W Africa
Earthquake Gaoping Canyon, SW Taiwan
River flood A) Plunging of dense sediment-laden flood
Oceanographic 120 water or B) Flushing event during low
Max. recorded velocity [m/s]

Construction Spring tide after flood

Max. recorded velocity [km/hr]

30 <18 km from <5 degree
Eruption column slope
Hunga volcano collapse Up to ~3 km3
up to ~70 km/hr
Runout not
reported 80
D Continental slope failure
e.g. Grand Banks, Newfoundland
<70 km from Externally-triggered (e.g. earthquake
Hunga volcano or construction) landslide
up to ~70 km/hr
Up to 100s km3
<5 degree
0 0
1 10 100 1000 10000
Minimum runout distance [km] E Subaerial dome collapse
e.g. Montserrat, Caribbean

B Eruption column collapse at submerged edifice Subaerial pyroclastic density currents

travel over land and then enter the sea
e.g. Hunga volcano

<1 km3
Velocity not known
<8 degree

Rapid collapse of large >6 km3

volume and tall eruption
column F Volcanic flank collapse
e.g. Hawai’i, Canary Islands
Failure of volcanic flank,
Direct, vertical entry generates a density flow
Up to
of pyroclastic material into as collapsed material

45 degree
the sea up to 122 km/hr 10s of disintegrates
degree No reported velocities
Up to 100s km3

Fig. 3. Density currents triggered by the Hunga volcano eruption are the seen at Hunga volcano; (C) river flood–triggered turbidity currents that enter
fastest reported for any submerged particulate density current to date. the ocean either laterally (where sediment is flushed offshore) or obliquely
(A) Measured velocities and minimum runout distances for different underwater (where dense sediment–laden flood water plunges), as observed in the
particulate density currents, categorized according to their triggers (as detailed Gaoping and Congo canyons; (D) continental slope collapses that are
in Table 1). Precise runout distances cannot be presented, as the current initiated by external ground disturbances, such as large earthquakes or
often ran out beyond the monitoring array or the location of seafloor cables. construction activity, which can initiate on very low angle slopes; (E) initiated

y g
(B to F) Schematics illustrating the inception mechanisms for different by subaerial volcanic dome collapse entering the ocean obliquely, as
submerged density currents: (B) rapid-eruption column collapse, causing vertical in the case of Montserrat; (F) initiated by the collapse of volcanic island
plunging of dense pyroclastic material onto an exceptionally steep slope, as flanks.

volcanic rock and/or coarse granular material. is 0.5 km3 greater than the largest known his- this previously hypothesized link, showing
Deposition occurs as slope angles reduce (<10°), torical volcanic landslide [3 km3, Mount St. that multiple radial chutes and bedforms can
Helens (47)] and ~1 km3 greater than the sedi-
where well-defined lobes (up to 40 m thick be formed during an individual explosive erup-
and 7 km wide) accumulated downstream of ment volume eroded by the longest monitored tion, which has important implications for as-
two of the erosional chutes. As this lobate turbidity current that traveled >1000 km along sessing hazards from seabed geomorphology
deposition occurs on relatively steep slopes, the deep-sea Congo Canyon (19). Stepped trains at other submerged volcanoes worldwide.
a dense granular current with high basal fric- of upslope-migrating crescentic scours and large-
tion was likely responsible for the proximal scale bedforms on steep slopes evidence Froude- Depositional distal regime
depositional lobes (41–43). This is in stark supercritical currents undergoing a series of The remaining surveyed area is characterized
contrast to turbidity currents, which typically hydraulic jumps (48–50). Similar scours and by widespread, relatively featureless blanketed
do not deposit on steep slopes or, where they bedforms are a common feature proximal to deposition, with an average of +2.8 m eleva-
do, leave only very thin deposits (44). Indeed, the initiation of other large-volume particulate tion change (i.e., net depositional). In the
some turbidity currents only deposit on slopes density currents, including those in nonvolcanic valley southeast of Hunga volcano (location
of less than 0.05° (45). settings [e.g., the 1 km3 earthquake-triggered of the domestic cable), slopes rapidly reduce
The intense erosion on steep slopes (Fig. 2) turbidity current in Kaikōura Canyon (51)] and to <1.5°, and ponded deposition occurred (up
caused currents to increase their sediment mass are of similar scale to those thought to diagnose to 27 m thick). Even where elevation change
substantially, thereby enhancing their power past large explosive eruptions on submerged was not resolvable from repeat seafloor surveys
and mobility (46). For context, the eroded volume volcanic flanks (25–28) (Fig. 2H). We confirm in deep water, sampling (up to 108 km from

Clare et al., Science 381, 1085–1092 (2023) 8 September 2023 5 of 7


the caldera) recovered volcaniclastic deposits part by other eruption processes, including ally, and landslide-triggered turbidity currents
emplaced by density currents (Fig. 1). Density jetting or fountaining. Initially, these volca- that initiate on far lower angle slopes and
current deposits are generally of decimeter niclastic density currents would have been a where material in the parent flow must first
thickness; comprise sand to granule–sized vol- dominantly gas-particle mixture, transitioning disintegrate and mix (Fig. 3). The dominantly
canic material that fines upward, with internal into a water-particle mixture as they cooled downward rather than lateral trajectory toward
lamination, ripples, and sharp bases; and are and mixed with seawater (23). We cannot dis- and through the air-ocean boundary also makes
geochemically linked to the 2022 Hunga vol- cern the precise extent of that transition, the ocean-entry mechanism of dense pyroclas-
canic eruption (16). Those deposits are over- underlining our broader use of “volcaniclastic” tic material at Hunga volcano distinct from
lain by thinner deposits interpreted as ash rather than “pyroclastic” density current. Vol- terrestrially initiated, ocean-entering pyro-
fallout (52) (fig. S2 and table S2). The area caniclastic density currents were initially steered clastic density currents such as those observed
around the international cable was not cov- along preexisting relief into a valley 15 km at Montserrat. The pyroclastic density currents
ered by preexisting bathymetric data; how- southeast of the caldera. In this location, cur- that entered the ocean at Montserrat first trav-
ever, detailed seafloor backscatter data reveal rents intersected with the domestic cable eled 4 km laterally over land, along the Tar
trains of bedforms (1 to 2 m wave height, 100 side-on and were deflected to the north and River valley, after a dome collapse (12–14). In
to 200 m wavelength) within a valley be- south (i.e., parallel to the cable) by the topog- contrast, the formative mechanism at Hunga
tween seamounts (fig. S1). These bedforms raphy. On the basis of the time between the first volcano is better described as a vertical jet or
evidence a complex flow pathway, as corrob- collapses of the eruptive column into the ocean fountain collapse of a gas-particle mixture (53),
orated by modeling (15). So intense was the (T0a and T0b) and severing of the domestic wherein a huge sediment load of dense volcanic
topographic steering, that the cable was moved cable, we calculate a distance-averaged tran- pyroclasts [up to 2.8 g/cm3 (52)] fell vertically
5 km toward the volcano by the density current sit (front) flow velocity of 63 to 122 km/hour from considerable height (several kilometers)

(fig. S1). (17.6 to 33.8 m/s; table S1). This observation is as the eruption column collapsed into the ocean
notable, given the inherent challenges in un- (Fig. 3).
Contrasting behavior of underwater derwater monitoring, particularly during an According to the modified Chézy equation
volcaniclastic density currents ongoing large eruption. [a simplified approach often used to model
These depositional and erosional patterns con- Despite the higher resistance provided by behavior of turbidity currents (52)], to main-
trast with observations from repeat seafloor the surrounding seawater compared with air, tain the high current velocities observed at

surveys and sampling of terrestrially initiated the velocities of volcaniclastic density currents Hunga volcano would require a combination
pyroclastic density currents that entered the offshore Hunga volcano fall within the range of a steep slope, thick current, and/or high
ocean offshore Montserrat in the Caribbean measured for pyroclastic density currents on sediment concentrations (expressed as the
(12–14). Deposits offshore Montserrat formed land (20) (table S4). The velocities at Hunga “depth averaged” value for a vertical profile
in two parts: (i) coarse-grained ridges up to volcano are higher than previously documented through the current) (52, 54). Assuming pre-

60 m thick within 3 to 4 km of the ocean- for underwater density currents elsewhere in viously accepted basal and upper friction values
entry point formed by a dense granular current; the ocean, including turbidity currents triggered for underwater density currents (54), to attain
and (ii) a broader deep-water lobe, comprising by large-magnitude earthquakes, river floods, the high transit velocities on the edifice flanks
centimeters-thick fine-grained deposits related and oceanographic processes (Table 1 and Fig. requires current thicknesses on the order of
to a dilute turbidity current (12–14). The prox- 3). The fastest transit velocities for turbidity tens of meters, with depth-averaged sediment
imal deposition of ridges offshore Montserrat currents are up to 72 km/hour [20 m/s; based concentrations of up to 5%, or else even-thicker
contrasts with the erosional chutes, scours, on cable breaks during the 1929 Grand Banks currents (hundreds of meters thick) with lower
and asymmetric bedforms we observe on Hunga landslide (40) and the 2006 Pingtung earth- depth-averaged sediment concentrations (1
volcano. Further, the lobes at Hunga volcano are quake offshore Taiwan (37)]. The volcaniclastic to 2% concentration by volume). Near-bed
much higher relief, thicker (tens of meters thick density currents at Hunga volcano were steered sediment concentrations are likely substan-

y g
rather than centimeters thick), on steeper slopes into deeper water along tortuous paths created tially higher than these depth-averaged values
(up to between 8° and 10° compared with <2°), by irregular volcanic topography, where they (8, 55). These concentrations are particularly
and likely composed of coarser material, with severed the international cable 70 km from the high for underwater particulate density cur-
deposits sampled at least 108 km from the edi- volcano (Fig. 1). Assuming this current was the rents (55), as evidenced by the deposition of

fice, compared with 40 km offshore Montserrat same one that also broke the domestic cable in- lobes on steep (up to ~10°) slopes of the edifice,
(Fig. 1). Seafloor cores show that coarse granular dicates a transit velocity of 32 to 51 km/hour (8.9 implying a dense granular basal layer (41–43).
deposits were deposited at least 80 km from to 14.2 m/s). This is extraordinarily fast given the Currents at Hunga volcano had sufficient inertia

the Hunga edifice, indicating that currents distance traveled. However, our data do not en- to flow upslope in some areas (and overtop relief
maintained high densities over this distance, able us to determine how many currents were of up to 860 m), such as south of the domestic
also in contrast with the dilute flow origin triggered at Hunga volcano. It is plausible that cable break and to reach the international cable
for distal finer-grained deposits offshore damage to the international cable resulted from (figs. S4 and S5). This inertia was provided by
Montserrat (12–14). currents triggered by eruption collapses con- their initial velocity and concentration and by
siderably later in the eruption cycle (after T0a additional entrained mass due to the substan-
Fast and long-runout underwater and conceivably after T0b), in which case these tial seafloor erosion. We conclude that fast ve-
volcaniclastic density currents distal velocities are underestimates. locities proximal to Hunga volcano result from
Large volumes of pyroclastic material were (i) the potential energy generated from the di-
delivered into the ocean during the eruption What explains the fast current speeds? rect, vertical entry of dense and large-volume
at Hunga volcano, creating dense underflows The sheer mass and manner of delivery of pyroclastic fluxes into the ocean; (ii) the ex-
that were steered down its steep flanks. It is material to the ocean (i.e., direct and rapid tremely steep (up to 45°) submerged edifice
most likely that the pyroclastic material was vertical entry of a fast-collapsing plume) at flanks, which were the location of the impact
predominantly derived from partial collapses Hunga volcano is distinct from other mecha- zone for the collapsed material (53); and (iii)
of the eruption column, but we cannot fully nisms of particulate density current generation, the additional mass gained by the currents as
preclude that currents may have been fed in such as river plumes that enter the ocean later- they eroded into the edifice flanks.

Clare et al., Science 381, 1085–1092 (2023) 8 September 2023 6 of 7


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IMMUNOMETABOLISM manner because widely conserved chitinases

are encoded by both commensal microbes and
A type 2 immune circuit in the stomach controls mammals, particularly those that consume
chitin (8–13).
mammalian adaptation to dietary chitin Dietary chitin induces gastric distension
1 1 1 1 1 1 and type 2 immune triggering
Do-Hyun Kim , Yilin Wang , Haerin Jung , Rachael L. Field , Xinya Zhang , Ta-Chiang Liu ,
Changqing Ma1, James S. Fraser2, Jonathan R. Brestoff1, Steven J. Van Dyken1* Chitin activates lung group 2 innate lymphoid
cells (ILC2s) by means of interleukin-25 (IL-25),
Dietary fiber improves metabolic health, but host-encoded mechanisms for digesting fibrous IL-33, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP)
polysaccharides are unclear. In this work, we describe a mammalian adaptation to dietary chitin that is (14). To test GI responses to dietary chitin, “YRS”
coordinated by gastric innate immune activation and acidic mammalian chitinase (AMCase). Chitin mice that express reporter alleles for ILC2 sig-
consumption causes gastric distension and cytokine production by stomach tuft cells and group 2 innate nature genes arginase-1 (Yarg; Arg1YFP, where
lymphoid cells (ILC2s) in mice, which drives the expansion of AMCase-expressing zymogenic chief cells YFP is yellow fluorescent protein), IL-5 (Red5;
that facilitate chitin digestion. Although chitin influences gut microbial composition, ILC2-mediated Il5tdTomato), and IL-13 (Smart13; Il13hCD4) on
tissue adaptation and gastrointestinal responses are preserved in germ-free mice. In the absence of wild-type (WT) and IL-25, IL-33 receptor (IL-
AMCase, sustained chitin intake leads to heightened basal type 2 immunity, reduced adiposity, and 33R), and thymic stromal lymphopoietin re-
resistance to obesity. These data define an endogenous metabolic circuit that enables nutrient ceptor (TSLPR) triple-knockout (TKO) (15)
extraction from an insoluble dietary constituent by enhancing digestive function. backgrounds were fed with standard chow
containing either cellulose (control) or chitin as

fiber (Fig. 1A and table S1). We tested 5 to 20%
ietary fiber intake is associated with a traction, which is evident in bariatric surgical chitin, which approximates the dietary com-
lower risk of metabolic disorders such as approaches that counteract overnutrition by position of insectivorous mammals (11, 12).
obesity (1, 2) and type 2 immune activa- reducing or bypassing gastric digestion (6). Food intake was similar, and GI transit time
tion has been implicated in metabolic Nutrient availability is also limited by dietary was unaffected by diet. However, we observed
homeostasis (3–5), but little is known fiber enrichment because most bulky insolu- marked gastric distention and greater stom-

about how degradation of specific fibers in- ble polysaccharides are resistant to digestion ach contents in chitin-fed versus control-fed
fluences host immunity and metabolism. In by mammalian enzymes and undergo only mice (Fig. 1B and fig. S1, A and B), indicating
mammals, digestion is initiated in the upper limited degradation by distal gut microbes that dietary fiber influences stomach reten-
gastrointestinal (GI) tract and is facilitated by (7). A notable exception is chitin (b-1,4-poly-N- tion and stretch. Gastric epithelium rapidly
mechanical forces, neural feedback, and enzy- acetylglucosamine). One of the most abundant

matic activities that coordinate chemical and natural polysaccharides on Earth, chitin is a Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington
physical disruption of the food bolus before component of arthropods and fungi and is an University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA. 2Department
of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, University of
passage into the highly absorptive small intes- initiator of type 2 immune responses. We hy- California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.
tine. Digestion is essential for nutrient ex- pothesized that chitin is digested in a distinctive *Corresponding author. Email:

Fig. 1. Innate type 2 immune responses are

triggered by gastric distension and dietary chitin.
(A) Dietary responses in WT or TKO mice on triple-
reporter (YRS) backgrounds. Representative stomach
image (scale bar, 1 cm), stomach size, and luminal

y g
content (B); relative Il25 and Il33 expression in
stomach tuft (CD45−EpCAM+SiglecF+) and epithelial
cells (CD45−EpCAM+) (C); and expression of R5 (Il5)
and S13 (Il13) reporter alleles among stomach ILC2s

(Yarg+, pregated on CD45+Lin−Thy1.2+) (D) in WT
and TKO mice fed the indicated diet for 24 hours. RFP,
red fluorescent protein. (E) Relative stomach gene

expression in WT or TKO mice after Yoda1 adminis-
tration or gastric distension. (F) R5 and S13 expression in
stomach ILC2 after administration of the mechano-
sensitive ion-channel inhibitor GsMTx4 to mice fed
the indicated diet for 12 hours. R5 (G) or S13
(H) expression in stomach and SI ILC2s after vehicle,
Yoda1, and/or NmU administration. Data represent
individual biological replicates except for the data in
(C), which are pooled from two or three mice and
are presented as means ± SD from two or more
independent experiments (n ≥ 3 mice per group).
P values were calculated by unpaired t test [(B), (F),
and (G)], one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) [(E)
and (H)], or two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple
comparisons test [(C) and (D)]. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01;
***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001; ns, not significant.

Kim et al., Science 381, 1092–1098 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 6


Fig. 2. Sustained chitin

intake promotes GI
remodeling and adipose
ILC2 responses. Repre-
sentative stomach histology
images [hematoxylin and
eosin (H&E) stained]
(scale bars, 100 mm)
(A), Ki67-expressing
stomach epithelial cells
(B), stomach tuft cells
(C), and representative
images of SI and small
intestinal length (scale
bar, 1 cm) (D) of the
indicated mice fed the
specified diet for 2 weeks.
(E) Eosinophils, total
ILC2s, and R5-expressing ILC2s per gram of epididymal white adipose tissue (eWAT) in WT and TKO mice fed the specified diet for 2 weeks. Data represent individual biological
replicates and are presented as means ± SD from two or more independent experiments (n ≥ 3 mice per group). P values were calculated by unpaired t test [(A), (C),

and (D)], one-way ANOVA (B), or two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test (E). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001; ns, not significant.

responded to chitin, inducing expression of chitin-induced stomach distension was main- IL-33, and TSLP signaling in remodeling. Chitin
the ILC2-activating cytokines Il25 and Il33 in tained. Thus, tuft cell–derived IL-25 appears to lengthened the small intestine (SI), which was
stomach tuft cells and nontuft epithelial cells, be the primary signal in gastric ILC2 responses enriched with tuft cells, activated ILC2s, and
respectively (Fig. 1C). to dietary chitin–induced stretch. eosinophils in WT but not TKO mice (Fig. 2D

Dietary chitin increased stomach IL-5– and We inflated the stomach with air to recapit- and fig. S3, A and B). These SI effects closely
IL-13–producing ILC2s (Fig. 1D) and alterna- ulate chitin-induced distension (fig. S2E). Within resembled those induced by helminths, protozoa
tively activated Arg1+ macrophages, serum IL-5, 2 hours, we observed increased expression of (Tritrichomonas spp.), and increased luminal
and blood eosinophils, whose numbers ex- Il25, Nmu, and Edn1, which is induced by trig- succinate (26–29). However, control and chitin-
panded over time and in proportion with chitin gering the mechanosensitive ion channel Piezo1 fed mice were Tritrichomonas-free, and cecal

content (fig. S1, C to E). Few IL-5– or IL-13– (24, 25). Conversely, in vivo administration of succinate levels were unaffected by chitin (fig.
expressing stomach CD4+ T cells were detected, GsMTx-4, a stretch-activated channel inhibitor, S3C). Thus, dietary chitin appears to initiate a
however, and chitin responses were intact in blocked this response (Fig. 1E and fig. S2F) and distinctive type 2 immune circuit within the
Rag1 knockout (Rag1-KO) mice, which lack B abrogated ILC2 cytokine induction after chitin GI tract.
and T cells (fig. S1, F to I), consistent with pre- ingestion (Fig. 1F). Administration of the Piezo1 Chitin intake also stimulated type 2 immune
dominantly innate immune activation. Chitin agonist Yoda1 induced ILC2 IL-5 production in responses in metabolically active tissues. Al-
ingestion increased stomach expression of the WT but not TKO mice (Fig. 1G), suggesting that though lung ILC2s and eosinophils were un-
gene encoding ILC2-activating neuropeptide Piezo1 signaling activates gastric ILC2s through affected by diet (fig. S3, D and E), visceral adipose
neuromedin U (Nmu) (16, 17) along with the tissue cytokines, including IL-25. Accordingly, from chitin-fed mice contained elevated num-
gene encoding its receptor, Nmur1, among Yoda1 did not enhance gastric ILC2 responses bers of eosinophils and IL-5–producing ILC2s

y g
stomach-resident ILC2s (fig. S1, J and K). The before tuft cell development (fig. S2, G and H). (Fig. 2E). Inhibiting tissue lymphocyte egress
expression of calcitonin gene–related peptide Nmur1 expression was reduced in TKO ILC2s by using the immunomodulator FTY720 re-
(CGRP), another ILC2-activating neuropeptide compared with WT ILC2s (fig. S2I), which is duced circulating ILCs (fig. S3F) but did not
(18), was unaltered by dietary chitin (fig. S1L). consistent with prior reports (16) and sug- alter dietary chitin–induced eosinophil and

Thus, gastric ILC2s may be synergistically ac- gests that gastric ILC2s acquire basal IL-5 ILC2 responses (fig. S3, G and H), suggesting
tivated by IL-25 and NMU, similar to intesti- expression and receptivity to multiple stretch that interorgan ILC2 migration did not medi-
nal ILC2s (16, 17). signals during development. Combined Yoda1 ate adipose effects (30). By contrast, adipose

Dietary chitin also increased gastrin and and NMU administration also increased ILC2 ILC2 activation and eosinophilia were abro-
glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), GI hormones IL-13 and KLRG1 expression compared with gated in TKO mice (Fig. 2E), indicating that
that are induced by mechanical stretch after Yoda1 alone (Fig. 1H and fig. S2J). Thus, di- tissue-derived cytokines coordinate local ILC2
food ingestion (19). By contrast, serotonin, which etary chitin and mechanical stretch initiates responses to chitin. Moreover, mice that lacked
responds to IL-33 (20), was unaffected by chitin type 2 immune responses that sensitize ILC2s the shared signaling receptor for IL-4 and IL-13,
(fig. S1, M and N). In addition, although IL-33 to additional synergistic neuroimmune acti- IL4Ra, failed to induce stomach ILC2s, tuft cells,
can be released by mechanical perturbation vating signals. SI lengthening, adipose ILC2s, and eosinophils
(21) and drives ILC2 responses to Helicobacter in response to chitin (fig. S3, I to M). ILC deple-
pylori infection and chemical injury (22, 23), Sustained chitin intake promotes GI tion in Rag1-KO mice impaired chitin-induced
chitin-induced ILC2 accumulation and eosin- remodeling and adipose ILC2 responses gastric ILC2 and tuft cell expansion (fig. S3,
ophilia were unaffected in Il1rl1-KO mice (fig. Dietary chitin remodeled GI tissues, inducing N and O), whereas tuft cells expanded normal-
S2, A and B). By contrast, ILC2 activation and gastric epithelial proliferation, epithelial and ly in both Il4-KO and Il5-KO mice (fig. S3P),
cytokine production was abolished in TKO submucosal thickening, and increased tuft cell which supports a role for IL-13–producing ILC2s
mice (Fig. 1, C and D), and eosinophilia was abundance (Fig. 2, A to C). Proliferation was in chitin responses. Finally, GI tissue resilience,
abrogated in both tuft cell–deficient Pou2f3- reduced in TKO mice compared with WT mice which relies on ILC2s and IL-13 in the absence
KO and TKO mice (fig. S2, C and D), whereas (Fig. 2B), indicating a requirement for IL-25, of adaptive immunity (31), was enhanced in

Kim et al., Science 381, 1092–1098 (2023) 8 September 2023 2 of 6


Fig. 3. AMCase is required

for dietary chitin digestion.
(A) Immunostaining of
AMCase-expressing chief cells
in glandular stomach. Magenta,
AMCase; blue, 4′,6-diamidino-2-
phenylindole (DAPI); green,
autofluorescence (scale bars,
50 mm). Stomach ChiaRed+
(CR: AMCase reporter;
CD45−EpCAM+CR+) or total
(CD45−EpCAM+CR−) epithelial
cells were (B) isolated by
fluorescence-activated cell
sorting and (C) analyzed for
relative expression of Gif, Clps,
and Pgc by quantitative
polymerase chain reaction
(qPCR. (D) Analysis of chitin
binding, digestion of soluble

chitooligomer and insoluble
crystalline chitin substrates,
and production of GlcNAc
reaction products by chito-
oligomer oxidase (ChitO) assay
in stomach lavage. (E) Immuno-

blot of chitin-bound AMCase
proteins. The “(+)” indicates
recombinant AMCase control.
(F) Chitinase activity with
soluble substrate in stomach

lavage samples, with and
without predepletion of
AMCase by using insoluble chitin. (G) Gastric fluid pH in mice fasted overnight after 2 weeks on the indicated diet. (H) Digestion of insoluble colloidal chitin after
96-hour incubation with inactivated (heat-treated) or fresh stomach lavage from WT or CC mice (scale bars, 500 mm). (I) ChitO assay for soluble GlcNAc reaction
products in supernatants from insoluble particle digestion in (H). Data points represent individual biological replicates except for the data in (C), which represent
samples pooled from three or four mice. Data represent two or more independent experiments (n ≥ 3 mice per group) and are presented as means ± SD. P values
were calculated by unpaired t test. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001.

chitin-fed Rag1-KO mice infected with the hel- expansion, and tuft cell hyperplasia in both the responses (fig. S6, A to D), suggesting that un-
minth Nippostrongylus brasiliensis compared GF and SPF conditions (fig. S5, C to G). These digested, insoluble chitin causes mechanical

y g
with control mice, as marked by increased ILC2s, results indicated that dietary chitin induces in- stretch and type 2 immune triggering. Chiti-
serum IL-5, and eosinophils and improved worm nate type 2 immune responses independent of nases can be expressed by microbes, including
expulsion (fig. S4, A to D). commensal microbes. To address possible devel- gut-resident bacteria (8). However, the lack of
Because dietary polysaccharides can be de- opmental alterations in GF mice, we also de- microbial involvement in chitin responses led

graded by intestinal bacteria (7, 8, 32), we pleted bacteria by administering antibiotics to us to consider acidic mammalian chitinase
profiled the fecal microbiota from chitin- and adult SPF mice before dietary chitin intake. (AMCase), a mammalian chitinase secreted by
control diet–fed mice. Mice maintained sim- Consistent with GF results, stomach, SI, and adi- respiratory epithelium, salivary glands, and

ilar body weights regardless of diet (fig. S5A), pose tissue chitin responses were unaffected by stomach that has been evolutionarily linked
which indicates equivalent nutrient extraction. antibiotics (fig. S5, H to K). Thus, although chitin to chitin consumption (10–12, 33).
However, chitin intake significantly enriched alters GI microbial composition and commensal AMCase was expressed at the base of gastric
Bacteroidetes phyla, whereas Firmicutes were microorganisms influence tuft cell succinate glands in tissues from human sleeve-gastrectomy
proportionally decreased in chitin-fed mice responses (27, 28), dietary chitin initiates type patients and 8-week-old mice (Fig. 3A), which
compared with control mice (fig. S5B and table 2 immune responses in the absence of com- is consistent with RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)
S2). Thus, chitin alters GI bacterial composition, mensal microbiota. data (fig. S7A) and prior reports (10, 33–35),
a finding that is consistent with prior work on which supported chief cells as the main source of
dietary fiber enrichment (8). Acidic mammalian chitinase is required for AMCase in the mammalian stomach. We fur-
We then tested whether type 2 immune re- dietary chitin digestion in mammals ther investigated AMCase-expressing cells using
sponses to dietary chitin were dependent on Chitinases (EC are widely conserved ChiaRed reporter mice, in which tdTomato and
commensal microbiota using germ-free (GF) enzymes that cleave soluble chitooligomers Cre recombinase are knocked into Chia1 (which
and specific-pathogen–free (SPF) mice. GF and and crystalline chitin substrates, liberating N- encodes AMCase). Homozygous ChiaRed (CC)
SPF mice maintained similar body weights re- acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). In contrast to in- mice lack AMCase (36). We lineage-traced
gardless of diet, and dietary chitin induced gas- soluble dietary chitin fibers, GlcNAc did not AMCase-expressing cells by crossing ChiaRed
tric distension, SI lengthening, eosinophilia, ILC2 induce gastric distension or GI type 2 immune with Rosa26-flox-stop-zsGreen [R26(LSL)-

Kim et al., Science 381, 1092–1098 (2023) 8 September 2023 3 of 6


Fig. 4. Stomach adaptation to dietary chitin is controlled by a type 2 immune expressing ILC2s and tuft cells in stomach (H); SI tuft cells, SI and adipose
circuit. Relative Chia1 stomach expression in WT (A) and indicated mouse strains eosinophils, ILC2s, and S13+ ILC2s (I); eWAT-to–body weight ratio (J), and body
(B) after 2 weeks on the indicated diet. (C) Chia1 expression in stomach tissue weights (K) of WT and CC mice fed control or chitin diets as indicated. Data
from WT and ILC2-deficient deleter mice after IL-25 administration. (D) Breeding represent individual biological replicates except for the data in (A), (E), (H), and (I),
scheme to obtain CR-Stat6-KO, and CR-Il4rafl/fl mice. (E) Relative Il4ra expression in

y g
which are pooled from three to eight mice and are presented as means ± SD from
ChiaRed+ or total stomach epithelial cells (EpCAM+) from ChiaRed and CR-Il4rafl/fl two or more independent experiments (n ≥ 3 mice per group). P values were
mice. (F) Percentage of ChiaRed+ (CR) chief cells out of total stomach epithelial cells calculated by unpaired t test [(A) to (C) and (E) to (G)] or two-way ANOVA with
in ChiaRed, CR-Il4rafl/fl, and CR-Stat6-KO mice fed the indicated diet for 2 weeks. Tukey’s multiple comparisons test [(H) to (K)]. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001;
(G) Stomach size of WT and CC mice fed the indicated diet for 2 weeks. S13 (IL-13)– ****P < 0.0001; ns, not significant.

zsGreen] mice. Consistent with antibody stain- magnetized chitin (Fig. 3D). WT stomach la- crystalline chitin particles and failed to pro-
ing, AMCase-expressing ChiaRed+zsGreen+ cells
vage contained AMCase that bound insoluble duce soluble GlcNAc reaction products (Fig. 3,
were localized in gastric glands and concor- chitin (Fig. 3E) and exhibited robust chitinase H and I). Neither control nor chitin chow elic-
dantly coexpressed ChiaRed and zsGreen with activity that was absent in CC lavage and could ited detectable epithelial ChiaRed or Chia1 ex-
age (fig. S7B), indicating that AMCase expres- be depleted by preincubation with chitin (Fig. pression in lower GI tissues, including SI and
sion is sustained in terminally differentiated 3F), which indicates that AMCase binds chitin cecum (fig. S8, A to C). However, WT SI lavage
chief cells. ChiaRed+ cells were also enriched and nonredundantly mediates stomach chiti- still contained chitinase activity that was ab-
for mature chief cell markers gastric intrinsic nase activity. Dietary chitin intake also reduced sent in CC SI lavage, suggesting that AMCase
factor (Gif), colipase (Clps), and pepsinogen C stomach pH (Fig. 3G), which enhances AMCase produced in the stomach transits into the lower
(Pgc) (Fig. 3, B and C), which supports AMCase enzymatic activity (10, 33) and suggests a co- GI tract, where it also makes up the major
as a marker of zymogenic digestive cells. ordinated physiological digestion response that source of chitinase activity (fig. S8D). Thus,
We tested the contribution of AMCase to involves acid-secreting parietal cells. Crystalline although most insoluble dietary polysaccha-
chitin digestion using GI luminal secretions dietary chitin fibers were visibly digested and rides consumed by mammals resist digestion
from WT and CC (AMCase-deficient) mice. converted to soluble GlcNAc by WT stomach or undergo only limited degradation in the
Chitinase activity was assessed on soluble chito- lavage, which reflects highly efficient chitinase lower GI tract by commensal microbiota–
oligomers and crystalline chitin substrates (37), digestive activity. However, this activity was ab- derived glycosyl hydrolases (7, 8), dietary chitin
and chitin-binding proteins were isolated with sent in CC lavage, which retained undigested is primarily digested by host-encoded AMCase.

Kim et al., Science 381, 1092–1098 (2023) 8 September 2023 4 of 6


Fig. 5. Dietary chitin improves

metabolic health in high-fat diet–
induced obesity. (A) Experimental
design. HFD- or CHFD-fed WT or CC
mice were subjected to metabolic cage
analyses (CLAMS), glucose tolerance
tests (GTTs), and insulin tolerance
tests (ITTs). [Part of the illustration was
created with] Body
weights (B), adiposity (C), and food
intake (24-hour average) (D) of
WT and CC mice after 8 weeks on
the indicated diet. Eosinophils and
ILC2s in adipose tissue (E) and tuft
cells and ILC2s in SI and stomach
tissues (F) in WT and CC mice after
13 weeks on the indicated diet.
iWAT, inguinal white adipose tissue.
(G) GTT curves at 10 weeks. (H) ITT
curves at 12 weeks. (I) Heat curve

and averages over 24 hours in
CLAMS cages at 8 weeks. Data repre-
sent individual biological replicates
except for data in (B), (E), and
(F); in these panels, each data
point represents eight pooled mice

and are presented as means ± SD
[(E) and (F)] or means ± SEM [(B) to
(D) and (G) to (I)], from two or more independent experiments (n = 8 mice per group). P values were calculated by one-way ANOVA (C), two-way ANOVA [(E) and (F)],
or two-way ANOVA with repeated measures [(B), (D), and (G) to (I)] with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001.

Stomach adaptation to dietary chitin high-dose tamoxifen treatment (HDT), which Dietary chitin improves metabolic health
is controlled by a type 2 immune circuit models aspects of human atrophic corpus gas- in obesity
Because lung AMCase expression is promoted tritis and AMCase loss due to H. pylori infec- We next tested the impact of dietary chitin on
by type 2 cytokines (36, 38), we tested whether tion (40, 41). After HDT, WT mice activated obesity, which is influenced by neuronal-ILC2
stomach AMCase is similarly regulated. Indeed, gastric ILC2s coincident with chief cell recovery, interactions and type 2 cytokines (3–5, 42). We
sustained dietary chitin intake increased Chia1 whereas TKO mice failed to recover Chia1 (fig. S9, fed WT and CC mice isocaloric high-fat diets
expression in WT but not Il4ra-KO, Pou2f3- A and B). Thus, restoration of gastric homeosta- containing either cellulose (control; HFD) or
KO, ILC2-deleter mice that lack ILC2s (15), or sis and chitin digestive capacity after epithe- chitin (CHFD) fiber (Fig. 5A). Food intake was
TKO mice (Fig. 4, A and B). Tuft cell–derived lial injury depends on type 2 circuit activation. similar among all groups, and HFD-fed mice
IL-25, ILC2s, and IL-4Ra signaling were there- These data suggest that mammals adapt to showed comparable body weight gain. How-

y g
fore implicated as major drivers of gastric AMCase dietary chitin by inducing endogenous stomach ever, CHFD-fed CC mice gained significantly
expression. Type 2 triggering was recapitu- type 2 immune responses to boost AMCase pro- less weight, with reduced adiposity and fat
lated by IL-25 administration, which stimu- duction. Accordingly, CC mice failed to reduce mass compared with WT mice (Fig. 5, B to D,
lated IL-13 production by ILC2s and stomach gastric distension compared with WT mice after and fig. S10A). Resistance to obesity in CHFD-

Chia1 expression in WT but not ILC2-deficient 2 weeks of chitin intake (Fig. 4G). Stomach ILC2 fed CC mice was accompanied by adipose ILC2
mice (Fig. 4C and fig. S8E). Thus, ILC2-derived activation and tuft cell hyperplasia were also and eosinophil accumulation (Fig. 5E), which
IL-13 is implicated in the expansion of AMCase- sustained in CC versus WT mice over several have been previously linked with metabolic

expressing chief cells. weeks (Fig. 4H), which reflects unresolved cir- homeostasis (3–5), suggesting that altered di-
To test this further, we crossed ChiaRed with cuit activation without AMCase-catalyzed chitin etary chitin digestion could modulate metab-
Stat6-KO (CR-Stat6-KO) and Il4rafl/fl mice (39) digestion. Consistent with improved digestion, olism. Indeed, numbers of ILC2s and tuft cells
(CR-Il4rafl/fl), which enabled specific deletion WT mice attenuated distal type 2 immune were elevated in the stomach and SI tissues
of IL4Ra from AMCase-expressing cells (Fig. triggering in the SI and adipose tissues. CC of CHFD-fed CC compared with those of WT
4D). Il4ra was reduced in ChiaRed+ stomach mice, by contrast, exhibited enhanced and pro- mice (Fig. 5F), which reflects sustained type 2
epithelial cells from CR-Il4rafl/fl mice compared longed type 2 triggering, characterized by greater triggering and suggests that AMCase-mediated
with ChiaRed controls, indicating successful SI tuft cell abundance, increased eosinophils, dietary chitin digestion contributes to meta-
Cre-mediated excision (Fig. 4E). Dietary chitin and increased IL-13–producing ILC2s in SI and bolic homeostasis.
increased AMCase-expressing chief cells in adipose tissues after 4 weeks of chitin intake Both dietary chitin and AMCase influenced
WT ChiaRed mice but failed to occur in both (Fig. 4I). Adipose tissue weight was also reduced metabolism in the context of high-fat diets
CR-Stat6-KO and CR-Il4rafl/fl mice (Fig. 4F), in proportion to body weight in CC mice com- because CHFD-fed WT and CC mice exhib-
indicating that dietary chitin promotes chief pared with WT mice, whereas body weights were ited significantly improved insulin sensitivity
cell AMCase expression through cell-intrinsic similar (Fig. 4, J and K). Thus, both GI and adi- compared with HFD-fed WT mice (Fig. 5, G
IL4Ra signaling. We also examined acute gas- pose tissue homeostasis are regulated by the and H). CHFD-fed CC mice exhibited lower
tric injury and transient chief cell depletion by AMCase-mediated adaptation to dietary chitin. fasting glucose compared with WT mice (fig.

Kim et al., Science 381, 1092–1098 (2023) 8 September 2023 5 of 6


S10B), which is consistent with differences in and other polysaccharides, we show that the 30. Y. Huang et al., Science 359, 114–119 (2018).
body weight and suggests that AMCase activ- mammalian adaptation does not rely on com- 31. A. E. Price et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 11489–11494
ity influences glucose homeostasis after chitin mensal microbiota and that AMCase is the 32. P. J. Turnbaugh et al., Nature 444, 1027–1031 (2006).
ingestion. Additionally, light-phase energy ex- primary source of chitinase activity in the GI 33. R. G. Boot et al., J. Biol. Chem. 276, 6770–6778 (2001).
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respiratory exchange ratio was increased after from other abundant insoluble polysaccharides 36. S. J. Van Dyken et al., Cell 169, 497–509.e13 (2017).
CHFD feeding compared with HFD feeding in such as cellulose. Our results further elucidate 37. B. A. Barad et al., Protein Sci. 29, 952–977 (2020).
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in core body temperature or activity (Fig. 5I immune initiation by means of mechanical 40. W. J. Huh et al., Gastroenterology 142, 21–24.e7 (2012).
and fig. S10, C to E), which is consistent with stretch, thus connecting physical tissue per- 41. I. Nookaew et al., BMC Med. Genomics 6, 41 (2013).
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43. G. H. Perry et al., Nat. Genet. 39, 1256–1260 (2007).
tuft cell–deficient Pou2f3-KO mice failed to ex- ingly recognized to maintain homeostasis in
44. E. Axelsson et al., Nature 495, 360–364 (2013).
hibit CHFD-induced effects on insulin sensitivity response to a wide variety of environmental dis- 45. M. A. Seibold et al., J. Biol. Chem. 284, 19650–19658
(fig. S11, A to G), suggesting that type 2 circuit ruptions as well as neural and dietary fluctua- (2009).
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47. D. H. Kim et al., A type 2 immune circuit in the stomach
of chitin in a high-fat diet. Thus, disruption of to chitin influences innate resistance to helminth controls mammalian adaptation to dietary chitin, version 1.
the mammalian stomach’s adaptation to dietary infection and metabolic homeostasis, suggest- Dryad (2023);
chitin alters nutrient uptake and metabolic ing that chitin digestive pathways coevolved
homeostasis, which manifests in obesity. with intestinal helminths and may represent a
We thank K. Ravichandran for comments on the manuscript;
therapeutic target in metabolic diseases such J. Mills, R. Locksley, H.-E. Liang, J. Kipnis, M. Baldridge, C. Wilen,

Discussion as obesity. and C. Hsieh for advice and reagents; L. Mosby for expert technical
Chitin consumption has been linked to CHIA assistance; and J. M. White at the Department of Pathology and
Immunology Gnotobiotic Facility at Washington University in
gene selection throughout primate evolution RE FERENCES AND NOTES
St. Louis for assistance with GF experiments. Funding: This work
(11, 12), and chitin-rich fungi and arthropods 1. J. L. Slavin, Nutrition 21, 411–418 (2005). was supported in part by the Bursky Center for Human
2. S. K. Gill, M. Rossi, B. Bajka, K. Whelan, Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Immunology and Immunotherapy Programs, Center for Cellular
are constituents of the diets of both modern Hepatol. 18, 101–116 (2021). Imaging, and Rheumatic Diseases Research Resource-based
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malian glycosyl hydrolase gene selection has 4. A. B. Molofsky et al., J. Exp. Med. 210, 535–549 (2013). NIH DP5 OD028125 (J.R.B.); Burroughs Wellcome Fund CAMS
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also been linked with starch consumption 6. N. T. Nguyen, J. E. Varela, Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 14, R21AI163640 (S.J.V.D.); and the National Research Foundation of
(43, 44), but adaptations to specific dietary 160–169 (2017). Korea Award NRF-2020R1A6A3A03037855 (D.-H.K.). Author
fibers after ingestion are mainly ascribed to 7. H. J. Flint, K. P. Scott, S. H. Duncan, P. Louis, E. Forano, contributions: D.-H.K. and S.J.V.D. designed the study and
Gut Microbes 3, 289–306 (2012).
shifts in gut microbial composition. As shown performed experiments. Y.W. and H.J. performed experiments and

8. J. L. Sonnenburg et al., Science 307, 1955–1959 (2005). provided advice. R.L.F., X.Z., and J.R.B. performed metabolic
here, mammals encode an endogenous circuit 9. M. G. Paoletti, L. Norberto, R. Damini, S. Musumeci, Ann. Nutr. cage experiments, analyzed data, and provided expertise with
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extraction through AMCase production. This 10. M. Ohno et al., Sci. Rep. 6, 37756 (2016). specimens and expertise, and J.S.F. provided biochemical reagents
11. C. A. Emerling, F. Delsuc, M. W. Nachman, Sci. Adv. 4, and expertise. All authors edited the final manuscript. S.J.V.D.
pathway is triggered by gastric distension, neuro- eaar6478 (2018). directed the studies and wrote the manuscript with D.-H.K.
peptide release, and type 2 cytokine produc- 12. M. C. Janiak, M. E. Chaney, A. J. Tosi, Mol. Biol. Evol. 35, Competing interests: J.R.B. is on the scientific advisory board of
tion caused by insoluble chitin fibers, which 607–622 (2018). LUCA Science, Inc. The other authors declare that they have no
13. M. C. Wibowo et al., Nature 594, 234–239 (2021). competing interests. Data and materials availability: All data are
result in GI remodeling and chief cell AMCase 14. S. J. Van Dyken et al., Immunity 40, 414–424 (2014). available in the main text or supplementary materials. 16S
induction over time. This in turn enables en- 15. S. J. Van Dyken et al., Nat. Immunol. 17, 1381–1387 (2016). sequencing data are available in Dryad (47). License information:
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17. A. Wallrapp et al., Nature 549, 351–356 (2017). licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No
iants resulting in lower chitinase activity are

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Kim et al., Science 381, 1092–1098 (2023) 8 September 2023 6 of 6


MEMBRANES the layer-by-layer growth feature and nonse-

lective deposition on all exposed surfaces, MLD
Carbon-doped metal oxide interfacial nanofilms is not appropriate for the ultrafast deposition
of an ultrathin skin layer/separation mem-
for ultrafast and precise separation of molecules brane on the porous supports (26). Inspired by
the self-limiting reactions of MLD, we used
Bratin Sengupta1†, Qiaobei Dong1†, Rajan Khadka2, Dinesh Kumar Behera1, Ruizhe Yang3, Jun Liu3, titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) and ethylene
Ji Jiang4, Pawel Keblinski2, Georges Belfort4, Miao Yu1* glycol (EG), as metallic and organic reactants,
respectively, and developed an interfacial re-
Membranes with molecular-sized, high-density nanopores, which are stable under industrially relevant action process (Fig. 1A, I and II) to prepare a
conditions, are needed to decrease energy consumption for separations. Interfacial polymerization has dense skin layer (Fig. 1A, III). Independent of
demonstrated its potential for large-scale production of organic membranes, such as polyamide support morphology—flat anodic aluminum
desalination membranes. We report an analogous ultrafast interfacial process to generate inorganic, oxide (AAO) or cylindrical a-alumina hollow
nanoporous carbon-doped metal oxide (CDTO) nanofilms for precise molecular separation. For a given fiber (HF)—we fill the support pores with liquid
pore size, these nanofilms have 2 to 10 times higher pore density (assuming the same tortuosity) than EG, followed by reaction with TiCl4 at the pore
reported and commercial organic solvent nanofiltration membranes, yielding ultra-high solvent mouth to form a nonporous organometallic
permeance, even if they are thicker. Owing to exceptional mechanical, chemical, and thermal stabilities, hybrid film (OHF) (figs. S1 and S2). This gen-
CDTO nanofilms with designable, rigid nanopores exhibited long-term stable and efficient organic erates an OHF skin layer at a rate 2 to 3 orders
separation under harsh conditions. of magnitude faster (only 1 min) than the layer-
by-layer MLD process. Upon carbon removal

by thermal treatment/calcination, nanopo-
ndustrially relevant molecular separations, missing. Interfacial reactions, analogous to rous carbon-doped metal oxide (CDTO) is
for example, in pharmaceutical (1), petro- that used for commercial polyamide desalina- generated (Fig. 1A, IV). We optimized fabri-
leum (2), and chemical industries (3), in- tion membrane fabrication (20), to generate cation conditions for rapid and defect-free
volve harsh solvents at high temperatures. amorphous defect-free inorganic nanofilms synthesis of OHF (Supplementary Note 1, figs.
Ease of fabrication into thin films, espe- are highly desirable and might fill this mate- S3 to S6, and tables S1 and S2). OHF can be

cially through interfacial polymerization, makes rial gap, extending membrane separation to formed on supports having different pore sizes
polymers promising for scalable membrane harsher conditions. by optimizing the TiCl4 phase (vapor or liquid),
fabrication (4). However, few polymeric mem- Besides stability and selectivity, high perme- concentration, and reaction time, as indicated
branes target these applications involving chal- ance is critical, considering the volume of sol- by gas permeance and scanning electron mi-
lenging industrially relevant conditions (5–7). vents processed in industry (5, 11). Thickness croscopy (SEM) images. Reaction between liq-

Some recent breakthroughs have shown poly- reduction is an effective way of increasing per- uid EG and TiCl4 vapor at higher temperatures
mer stability at higher temperatures (8) but most meance. Most recent studies seek selective layer (150°C) forms the thinnest, defect-free OHF in
suffer from instability under such severe con- thickness reduction, sometimes down to atomic the shortest time. Results for this OHF are
ditions, undergoing aging and/or pore collapse thinness, such as ultrathin polymeric coatings reported henceforth. Undetectable permeance
due to polymer chain relaxation (9). Nonpolymeric (5, 21, 22) and monolayer graphene (12, 23), to of N2 (<10−12 mol m−2 s−1 Pa−1) and methanol
counterparts such as carbon and graphene/ achieve high permeance. Although effective, (<0.05 L m−2 h−1 bar−1) measured using a com-
graphene oxide (3, 10–14), metal/covalent or- this increases the probability of introducing mercial or a home-built permeation cell (figs.
ganic frameworks (MOF/COF) (15, 16), and ce- defects and pinholes and thus likely results in S7 and S8) indicate defect-free OHF formation
ramics (17, 18) having stable rigid pores are ideal scale-up challenges (24). We envision high- within 1 min on AAO and 5 min on a-alumina
for extending membrane separation to these density nanopores with low tortuosity as another HF. SEM images show evolution of OHF into

y g
harsh industrial conditions. While disorders/ effective way of increasing permeance sub- a continuous, amorphous (confirmed by x-ray
defects and intercrystalline grain boundaries stantially. Although it is challenging to in- diffraction) nanofilm on a 50-nm porous HF
are commonplace in graphene and MOF/COF crease pore density without merging small (figs. S9 and S10, respectively).
membranes, causing reproducibility issues nanopores into larger ones, this strategy can We modeled this hybrid material using the

and challenging scale-up (19), ceramic mem- enhance membrane permeance, avoiding pit- large-scale atomic/molecular massively paral-
branes prepared by the traditional sol-gel meth- falls of pushing membrane thickness to their lel simulator (LAMMPS) to understand pore
od lack precise nanopore size control and have thinnest limit. generation during calcination (27) where the

a thickness in the micrometer range. Materials Using a self-terminating interfacial reaction energy minimized structure was subjected to
that have precisely tunable rigid pores, while between metallic and organic reactants and heat under an N2 or O2 atmosphere (fig. S11).
owning processibility of polymers, easily form subsequent calcination, we fabricated defect- Figure 1B shows the material formed after heat
defect-free continuous membranes and have free, continuous nanoporous films on differ- treatment in N2 and O2, respectively. Densely
excellent chemical, mechanical, and thermal ent porous supports. Simple adjustment to packed pores are generated throughout the
stabilities of inorganic materials, are therefore synthesis and calcination conditions allowed material, and the resulting porous structure
precise tuning of these nanopores, at a mo- (fig. S2) is highly dependent on its final car-
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and
lecular weight cut-off (MWCO) step change bon content (Fig. 1B, I and II). Pore formation
RENEW Institute, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260, USA. as small as ~100 g mol−1, to prepare a series of is comparatively faster in O2 and accelerated
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rensselaer organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN) or solvent- by temperature (figs. S12 to S14). The surface
Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA. 3Department of
resistant nanofiltration membranes. area, pore volume, and porosity of CDTO are
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University at Buffalo,
Buffalo, NY 14260, USA. 4Howard P. Isermann Department of highly correlated with carbon retained after
Chemical and Biological Engineering and the Center of Porous nanofilms through interfacial reaction calcination, namely “carbon doping”, in the
Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies, Rensselaer Molecular layer deposition (MLD) is a vapor titanium oxide network (Fig. 1B, III). Carbon
Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA.
*Corresponding author. Email: phase deposition technique for polymeric or partially leaves the hybrid material, and carbon
†These authors contributed equally to this work. organo-metallic hybrid films (25). Because of removal is responsible for the pore formation

Sengupta et al., Science 381, 1098–1104 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 7


Fig. 1. CDTO nanofilm formation

and characterization. (A) Schematic
showing the formation of the OHF and
subsequent generation of the porous
CDTO through calcination. The reaction
scheme (I) shows the formation of OHF
through a facile substitution reaction
between EG and TiCl4 at the interface of
two phases (II), leading to the formation
of a dense OHF (III) that becomes
porous CDTO (IV) after careful removal
of carbon. (B) Evolution of nanopores in
CDTO when OHF undergoes thermal
treatment in O2 (I) or N2 (II), as realized
by molecular dynamics simulation; blue
and purple spheres represent titanium
and carbon atoms, respectively, and solid
parts are saffron or green and represent
voids formed. (Left to right) Decrease
in carbon doping (values indicated on top

of each frame) and increase in pores/
voids in the structure. CDTO’s porosity
and surface area (and hence pore size)
can be precisely tuned over a large range
by controlling the carbon doping (III and
IV), as evidenced from the simulation.

(C) Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of
OHF showing its mass loss at 250°C to
generate porous CDTO nanofilms. (Inset)
mass loss of CDTO-Air and CDTO-N2 in
air and N2, respectively, up to 300°C.

(D) Pictures of OHF and CDTO nanofilms
on anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) and
a-alumina hollow fiber supports (1, 4: OHF;
2, 5: CDTO-Air; 3, 6: CDTO-N2). (E) SEM
images of the CDTO-Air nanofilm on
AAO: surface (left, inset shows surface
topography at higher magnification) and
cross-section (right). C D

y g

and precise size alteration (Fig. 1B, IV, and as indicated in the simulation, with ~10% more carbon removal upon heating, consistent with
figs. S15 and S16). We speculate that carbon mass loss in air than in N2 at 400°C (fig. S17). our simulation results (figs. S18 and S19).
follows the fastest path to move from the bulk However, porous CDTO is stable up to 300°C OHF was thus controllably calcined, either in
to gas phase, leaving behind voids that form in both air and N2 (Fig. 1C, inset), showing air or N2, at temperature ≥ 250°C for 2 hours, to
highly dense, nanometer-sized pores, as ob- only 3 to 4% mass loss. Change in composition, precisely regulate the “carbon doping” to form
served in our simulation (fig. S12 and movies as shown in x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy porous CDTO nanofilms. We denominated
S1 and S2). OHF is stable (≤ 5% mass loss) in (XPS), and formation of oxygen-containing CDTO-Air and CDTO-N2 for OHF calcined at
both air and N2 until 250°C (Fig. 1C), beyond carbonaceous groups, as seen in Fourier trans- 250°C in air and N2, respectively (unless stated).
which it decomposes, possibly losing carbon form infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, also indicate Table 1 summarizes elemental composition,

Sengupta et al., Science 381, 1098–1104 (2023) 8 September 2023 2 of 7


mechanical strength, and surface characteris- Industrially, HF membranes are more appli- ble separation of Rose Bengal from DMF by
tics of the CDTO nanofilms. Although calcina- cable than flat sheets because of the higher CDTO-Air nanofilm up to 140°C (Fig. 2D). This
tion makes CDTO porous, it maintains excellent module packing density and ability to withstand was also observed for other CDTO nanofilms
mechanical stability with Young’s modulus high pressure (28). Hence, we also prepared and with different solvents (fig. S26). These
between 50 and 90 GPa (Table 1), comparable CDTO nanofilms on HFs and tested them for nanofilms exhibited long term stability (over
to the strongest reported OSN membrane (10). transport and separation efficiency (Fig. 2, B 3 months) in organic solvents with constant
Calcination environment affects residual car- and C). Similar viscosity-dependent permeance solute rejection, independent of solvents or op-
bon; protective N2 environment impedes car- was observed through CDTO nanofilms pre- erating conditions, predominantly through
bon removal, evidenced by simulation and pared on HFs (Fig. 2B). For dimethylformamide a “size-sieving” mechanism through its rigid
measured carbon content (Table 1, Fig. 1B, III). (DMF), a harsh solvent, when temperature was molecular-sized pores (Supplementary Notes
Controlling carbon content also allows surface increased up to 140°C (causing viscosity de- 2 and 3 and figs. S27 to S34). Other glycols can
property adjustment; greater hydrophobicity crease), the permeance followed the same vis- also form CDTO nanofilms (fig. S35).
was realized with higher carbon doping (fig. cosity correlation as other solvents at room
S20). Hydrophobicity of OSN membranes is temperature. This indicates exceptional rigid- Precise pore size control through carbon doping
crucial as even a miniscule amount of water ity of CDTO pores in harsh solvent, even at For OSN, membranes with tunable nanopores
in a solvent can substantially foul hydrophilic elevated temperatures. CDTO nanofilms on with MWCO between 200 and 1400 g mol−1
membranes, limiting their industrial use (4). HFs, however, exhibited lower permeance than are desirable, catering to diverse industrial pro-
Figure 1D shows centimeter-scale OHF and those on AAO. This difference in permeance is cesses. The residual carbon in the CDTO nano-
CDTO nanofilms on AAO and HF with varying because of the formation of a thicker skin layer structures dictates MWCO of these nanofilms,
composition and properties; higher carbon (~150 nm) on HFs, in contrast to ~30 nm on as suggested by simulation (Fig. 1B, III and

doping (Table 1) leads to darker membrane AAO, resulting from larger pore size of HFs and IV, and fig. S16). We employed two strategies
color: yellow for CDTO-Air and black for CDTO- thus requiring longer time to form a dense OHF to vary carbon doping: (i) changing initial car-
N2. SEM images (Fig. 1E) show a selective layer (Fig. 1E and figs. S7 and S22). Although the bon content of the dense OHF and (ii) control-
of CDTO-Air, ~30-nm thick on AAO. Compared solvent permeance differs (fig. S24), the per- ling carbon removal by altering calcination
with the porous supports, the CDTO surface is meability (= permeance × thickness) is very sim- conditions (gas environment/temperature).
smooth (Fig. 1E and figs. S21 and S22). ilar (methanol: 6.6 and 6.3 L m−2 h−1 bar−1 mm This generated CDTO nanofilms with precisely

for CDTO-N2 on AAO and on HF, respectively), controlled MWCO (Fig. 2E) covering the entire
Nanopores are rigid, stable, and selective indicating that solvent transport depends only OSN range (4). Initial carbon content in OHF
We investigated transport of various organic on CDTO material. Using a dead-end setup, a was controlled by addition of H2O in EG (fig.
solvents (table S3) through CDTO nanofilms widely adopted technique for evaluating OSN S18). OHF formed by adding H2O generated
and observed 2 to 3 orders of magnitude higher membranes (1–3, 5, 10, 11), we measured solute smaller pores in CDTO after calcination. This

permeance compared with commercial OSN rejection (table S4) by CDTO-N2 and CDTO-Air. is evident from the decrease of MWCO from
membranes, with hexane permeance of 550 L Prior to conducting systematic solute rejection 620 to 240 g mol−1 for CDTO-N2-H2O (CDTO
m−2 h−1 bar−1. Interaction between solvents measurements using the dead-end system, we obtained by calcining OHF prepared by mix-
and CDTO was minimal, as suggested by weak measured the rejection of a dye (Rose Bengal) ing H2O in EG at 250°C) and from 920 to 320 g
dependence of viscosity-normalized perme- using both the dead-end and crossflow systems. mol−1 for CDTO-Air-H2O, as we increased water
ance on Hansen solubility parameters (fig. S23), Our results showed similar rejection from both concentration (10 to 30 wt %) in EG (Fig. 2E and
in agreement with other OSN membranes systems (fig. S25). This may suggest that un- figs. S36 and S37). We speculate that water
with rigid pores (10, 11, 15). Permeance is cor- der our testing conditions, the dead-end setup introduces Ti–O–Ti bonds, leading to less
related to viscosity, as predicted by the Hagen- could provide reliable measurements for mem- carbon (fig. S18) and thus generating smaller
Poiseuille equation; a solvent—e.g., hexane— brane performance evaluation. We found that the pores after calcination (fig. S38). Moreover,

y g
having the lowest viscosity, permeated fastest separation effectiveness of CDTO-Air and CDTO- as calcination in N2 generates smaller pores;
and vice versa, for both CDTO-Air and CDTO-N2 N2 prepared on both AAO and HF supports to CDTO-N2-H2O showed lower MWCO than did
nanofilms on AAO (Fig. 2A). Solvents permeated be similar (Fig. 2C), confirming CDTO pores to CDTO-Air-H2O. We achieved the lowest MWCO
slower in CDTO-N2 than CDTO-Air as a result be independent of the underlying supports. of 240 g mol−1 by calcining OHF in N2 prepared

of smaller pores generated during calcination For effective separation, pores in OSN mem- from EG with 30 wt % water. Hence, changing
in N2 (higher carbon doping), consistent with branes should be rigid in harsh solvents and the initial carbon content of OHF allows MWCO
our simulation (figs. S13 and S14). at elevated temperatures. We observed sta- tuning between 240 to 920 g mol−1 (Fig. 2E).

The other approach of tuning pore size is
through controlling carbon removal (Fig. 2E
Table 1. Chemical composition, water contact angle, and Young’s modulus of CDTO nanofilms and figs. S39 and S40). Calcining at higher
and OHF. Temperature in membrane name represents the calcination temperature. Chemical temperatures or in air removes more carbon
composition is based on atomic percentage. from OHF, hence reducing carbon doping
(Table 1) and generating larger pores, as pre-
dicted by our simulation (Fig. 1B, III, and IV, figs.
Chemical composition (%) Young's modulus S13 to S16, and fig. S41). By increasing the cal-
Membrane Contact angle
Carbon Titanium Oxygen GPa cination temperature from 250 to 500°C in air,
we found that the MWCO of CDTO nanofilms
OHF 58.1 11.5 30.4 93.4 ± 1.8° 61.5 ± 2.3
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... increased from 920 g mol−1 to >1000 g mol−1
CDTO-Air (250°C) 36.3 19.3 44.4 42.0 ± 2.2° 55.1 ± 3.4
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (Fig. 2E and fig. S39). Calcination at temper-
CDTO-N 2 (250°C) 39.7 17.4 42.9 78.0 ± 3.2° 76.4 ± 1.4
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... atures ≥ 300°C in air causes rapid carbon re-
CDTO-Air (400°C) 23.5 21.9 54.6 30.9 ± 0.3° 50.6 ± 3.7
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... moval, with possible crystalline TiO2 clusters
CDTO-N2 (400°C) 38.6 20.3 41.1 75.3 ± 0.2° 88.8 ± 5.9 (fig. S42), generating looser structures with
larger pores and yielding membranes with

Sengupta et al., Science 381, 1098–1104 (2023) 8 September 2023 3 of 7


Fig. 2. Solvent permeation

through and dye rejection by
CDTO nanofilms. (A) Permeation of
various solvents through CDTO
nanofilms on AAO at 20°C. Orange
represents CDTO prepared by calci-
nation in air at 250°C, denoted as
CDTO-Air, and violet represents
CDTO prepared by calcination in N2
at 250°C, denoted as CDTO-N2.
(B) Permeation of various solvents
through CDTO nanofilms on
a-alumina hollow fiber support
(50-nm pores). Solid symbols for
solvents 1 to 6 represent permeation
at 20°C, and open symbols for
solvent 7 represent permeation at
20 to 140°C. Orange represents
CDTO-Air, and violet represents
CDTO-N2. (C) Dead-end dye rejection

by CDTO nanofilms on AAO and
a-alumina hollow fiber supports at
20°C: CDTO-Air (left); CDTO-N2
(right). The stars represent rejection
in a crossflow setup for HF mem-
branes. (D) Separation performance of

CDTO-Air on a-alumina hollow fiber for
Rose Bengal solution in DMF at
different temperatures. (E) Methanol
permeance versus molecular weight
cut-off (MWCO) at 20°C for CDTO

nanofilms prepared on a-alumina hol-
low fiber support under different
conditions. Violet represents CDTO
calcined in N2 and orange represents
calcination in air. Diamond represents
CDTO nanofilms prepared at
different calcination temperatures
(temperature values next to the
symbols) and using pure ethylene
glycol (EG). Circle represents CDTO

y g
nanofilms prepared by adding differ-
ent weight percentages of water to
EG (values next to the symbols)
while maintaining the calcination

temperature at 250°C. Error bars
represent standard deviation from
3 samples. Error bars are omitted if

they are smaller than symbols.

MWCO >1000 g mol−1. Increasing calcination est range for a single OSN membrane material highly dependent on viscosity, with minimal
temperature from 250 to 500°C in N2, MWCO (table S5) and allowing fabrication of OSN interaction between solvent and the mem-
for CDTO increased from 620 to 935 g mol−1 membranes with tailored pore sizes for spe- brane material (fig. S23). In such a case, solvent
(Fig. 2E and fig. S40). Typically, membranes cific applications within the entire OSN range. transport can be described by the “pore-flow”
with lower MWCO have lower permeance and model, following the Hagen-Poiseuille equa-
vice versa (Fig. 2E). CDTO thus demonstrates High-density nanopores yields ultrafast transport tion (3, 10, 11, 13, 16, 21, 29, 30):
effective pore size tunability between 240 and We believe densely packed nanopores with low
1400 g mol−1 (Fig. 2E and fig. S43, with MWCO tortuosity in CDTO are responsible for the J perp2
step changes as small as 100 g mol−1. This rep- ultrafast solvent transport. As observed, sol- Permeance ¼ ¼
DP 8mdt
resents precise tunability, covering the broad- vent transport through CDTO nanofilms is

Sengupta et al., Science 381, 1098–1104 (2023) 8 September 2023 4 of 7


where J is solvent flux, DP is transmembrane properties is made from measurements of per- in nature may possess large amounts of small
pressure drop, e is surface porosity, rp is pore meation and separation performance of the nanopores, such as MOFs, ZIFs, and zeolites.
radius, m is solvent viscosity, d is membrane nanoporous films (32). Thus, we calculated e/t However, they usually lack the processibility of
thickness, and t is tortuosity. Although Hansen of CDTO nanofilms and that of the reported amorphous polymers and thus it is challenging
solubility correction may be required for some OSN membranes, using pure methanol flux to assemble them into thin, defect-free films.
materials exhibiting considerable interaction and the calculated effective pore size (calcula- Compared with commercial OSN membranes
with solvents, the nature of transport remains tion in Supplementary Note 4 and fig. S45), with the same MWCO, e/t of CDTO nanofilms
the same (5, 12). This aligns with our observation and compared them as a function of MWCO is approximately 1 to 2 orders of magnitude
of viscosity-dependent permeance (Fig. 2, A and (range: 200 to 1400 g mol−1). As shown in Fig. higher. Compared with the OSN membranes
B) and proportional increase of flux with trans- 3B, e/t of CDTO nanofilms increases with the reported in the literature, e/t of CDTO is 1.6
membrane pressure drop (up to 35 bar, fig. S44). increase of MWCO generally, with the highest to 3 times higher in the MWCO range of 400
Although reducing “d” proportionally increases value being 0.175. This general trend suggests to 1000 g mol−1. In the MWCO range of 200 to
permeance, high e/t—indicating high density of that desired nanoporous structure (high e/t) 300 g mol−1, CDTO shows comparable e/t to
nanopores with low tortuosity—can also boost for high permeation rate could be generated the two best reported OSN membranes—
transport (Fig. 3A), eliminating challenging fabri- more easily for larger nanopores but could be diamond-like carbon (DLC) and 3D-COF. We
cation of membranes with “near atomic” thinness. more challenging for smaller nanopores. It is speculate that during calcination, a large num-
Properties of nanoporous membranes, includ- thermodynamically unfavorable to generate ber of homogeneously distributed carbon
ing pore density, pore size and its distribution, highly porous materials with smaller nanopores, atoms in OHF (Fig. 1B, I and II, and figs. S16
and pore connectivity, are crucial for under- as smaller pores tend to merge into larger ones, and S17) are removed from the structure, leav-
standing and improving transport through minimizing surface area and hence free energy. ing behind evenly distributed, high-density

membranes (31). The best estimation for these Materials that are relatively rigid and crystalline small nanopores with low tortuosity and thus

y g

Fig. 3. Comparison of CDTO nanofilms with OSN membranes. (A) Schematic reported in the literature. Pure methanol permeance at 20°C versus MWCO of these
showing the influence of e and t on permeation through an OSN membrane when pore membranes is presented. CDTO nanofilms on AAO (high-permeance support) show
size and membrane thickness is fixed. For constant pore size and thickness, high the ultra-high permeance at a specific MWCO and are 2 to 3 orders of magnitude
density of pores having low tortuosity yields high permeance. (B) Comparison of e⁄t higher than commercial OSN membranes. CDTO nanofilms on a-alumina hollow fiber
of CDTO membranes with commercial OSN membranes and state-of-the-art support (low-permeance support) have higher permeance than most OSN
membranes reported in the literature. Only DLC (10) and 3D COF membrane (74) fall membranes, except for DLC (10), 8 nm polyamide (5) and 1 atom thin graphene
in the region of our CDTO membranes. (C) Separation performance comparison of our (14). This is apparently because of the support resistance. The dashed black lines
CDTO membranes with state-of-the-art commercial membranes and membranes are only a guide for the eye.

Sengupta et al., Science 381, 1098–1104 (2023) 8 September 2023 5 of 7


conferring a high e/t (observed in our simu- (10). The high e/t of CDTO nanofilms favors fast mentary Note 5, and table S5). With the same
lation, Fig. 1B). We believe that the high me- transport of solvent molecules and thus ensures MWCO, CDTO nanofilms on AAO (high perme-
chanical strength of the Ti-O network after their ultrahigh permeance, even if they are thicker ance support) exhibit approximately 2 times
carbon removal (Table 1) is essential to main- or have comparable thickness to other OSN mem- higher pure methanol permeance than the
tain a large number of small nanopores without branes (fig. S46). We compared our CDTO nano- highest reported values, apparently resulting
them collapsing into larger ones. Coincidentally, films’ OSN performance with commercial and from the high e/t. Even CDTO nanofilms on HF
the DLC membrane, which has e/t close to that reported OSN membranes, in terms of MWCO (low permeance support) are on par with the
of CDTO, also has a very high Young’s modulus and pure methanol permeance (Fig. 3C, Supple- best reported membranes.


y g


Fig. 4. Demonstration of CDTO membranes in the manufacturing of Boscalid (containing unreacted reactants) are to be recycled back into the reactor. (B) In
under industrially relevant conditions. (A) A two-stage membrane cascade system 100-hours operation, membrane 1 shows >99% catalyst rejection and <10% permeance
designed using two CDTO membranes: membrane 1 with larger pores (MWCO: 940 g drop. (C) In a 100-hour operation, membrane 2 shows >95% retention of product while
mol−1) to retain the homogeneous catalyst (1150 g mol−1); membrane 2 with smaller allowing reactants to pass through. (D) Concentrations of catalyst, product, and
pores (MWCO: 300 g mol−1) to separate product (340 g mol−1) from reactants (~160 g reactants over time for permeates 1 and 2 [as defined in (A)]. The concentrations of the
mol−1). Retentate from membrane 1 (containing catalyst) and permeate from membrane 2 components in each stream have been normalized by their concentration in the feed.

Sengupta et al., Science 381, 1098–1104 (2023) 8 September 2023 6 of 7


Industrial separation under harsh conditions Conclusion 19. H. Li et al., Science 367, 667–671 (2020).
Specialty chemicals such as small drugs, agri- In summary, our work addresses the need for 20. T. E. Culp et al., Science 371, 72–75 (2021).
21. T. Huang et al., Nat. Commun. 11, 5882 (2020).
chemicals, and others can require challenging inorganic counterparts to interfacial polymer 22. T. Huang, T. Puspasari, S. P. Nunes, K. Peinemann, Adv. Funct.
synthesis conditions that involve harsh sol- membranes, which can be fabricated into defect- Mater. 30, 1906797 (2020).
vents at high temperatures and pressures. Mem- free nanofilms through fast interfacial reaction. 23. L. Wang et al., Nat. Nanotechnol. 12, 509–522 (2017).
24. B. Mi, Science 364, 1033–1034 (2019).
branes that are stable under such conditions can CDTO nanofilms are stable in harsh solvents at 25. X. Meng, J. Mater. Chem. A. 5, 18326–18378 (2017).
significantly reduce energy consumption by temperatures up to 140°C and have rigid nano- 26. Z. Song et al., J. Membr. Sci. 510, 72–78 (2016).
separating products and catalysts from reac- pores that can be precisely controlled within 27. A. P. Thompson et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 271, 108171 (2022).
28. P. Yazgan-Birgi, M. I. H. Ali, H. A. Arafat, Separ. Purif. Tech. 212,
tors at the synthesis conditions. Whereas most the entire OSN range, exhibiting a broad and 709–722 (2019).
polymeric membranes may fail, including com- precise pore tunability for a single OSN mem- 29. L. Zhang, M. Zhang, G. Liu, W. Jin, X. Li, Adv. Funct. Mater. 31,
mercial OSN membranes (fig. S47), CDTO brane material. CDTO nanofilms exhibit a high 2100110 (2021).
30. X. He et al., Adv. Funct. Mater. 29, 1900134 (2019).
membranes are stable and expected to be ef- e/t, probably resulting from their high mechan-
31. H. W. H. Lai et al., Science 375, 1390–1392 (2022).
fective for such applications. To demonstrate ical strength that enables high-density, evenly 32. B. Sutariya, S. Karan, Sep. Purif. Technol. 293, 121096 (2022).
this, we selected CDTO membranes with ap- distributed nanopores. This allows CDTO nano- 33. R. Raghavan, J. B. Joshi, Chem. Eng. Prog. 114, 49–56 (2018).
propriate MWCOs and used them to separate films to exhibit high permeance, even if they
reactants, product, and homogeneous catalyst are not atomically thin. Owing to their stability,
Funding: B.S. and M.Y. acknowledge National Science Foundation
in the production of the pesticide Boscalid (33) these membranes may have applications in (Fund No: 1451887); Q.B. and D.B. acknowledge the University at
under industrially relevant conditions. We de- industrial processes involving harsh condi- Buffalo Start-up Fund; M.Y. acknowledges Department of Energy
signed a two-stage membrane cascade system tions. Additionally, other suitable metallic and (Fund No: DE-FE-0031730) and G.B. acknowledges the Department
of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences Division (DE-FG02-09ER16005).
using two appropriate CDTO membranes with organic reactants may also be explored in the Author contributions: M.Y., B.S., and Q.D. conceived the project.
MWCOs of 940 and 300 g mol−1 respectively, to

future to fabricate such interfacially generated Q.D. and B.S. carried out experiments for membrane fabrication
separate (i) catalyst from reactants and product nanofilms for separation applications. and testing. B.S. performed contact angle, FTIR, XRD, XPS, EDS,
and TGA tests. Q.D. performed some XPS and XRD tests. Q.D. and
and (ii) product from reactants at 90°C in DMF J.J. collected SEM images. R.K. and P.K. performed the MD
(Fig. 4A and figs. S48 to S51). Preliminary dead- RE FERENCES AND NOTES simulations. R.Y. and J.L. tested mechanical properties. B.S., M.Y.,
end screening indicated the membranes to be 1. Z. Jiang et al., Nature 609, 58–64 (2022). D.B., and G.B. evaluated and discussed data. M.Y. directed all
2. S. Li et al., Science 377, 1555–1561 (2022). aspects of the project. B.S. and M.Y. wrote the manuscript. All
effective for the separation (table S6). Continuous authors reviewed and discussed the manuscript. Competing
3. L. Huang et al., Adv. Mater. 28, 8669–8674 (2016).

crossflow operation for 100 hours demonstrated 4. P. Marchetti, M. F. Jimenez Solomon, G. Szekely, interests: A US provisional patent (application number: PCT/
CDTO’s capability for sustained rejection of A. G. Livingston, Chem. Rev. 114, 10735–10806 (2014). US2023/022354), with M.Y., B.S., and QD as co-inventors, has
5. S. Karan, Z. Jiang, A. G. Livingston, Science 348, 1347–1351 (2015). been filed by U.B. Data and materials availability: All data are
catalyst and product (consistent with the dead- available in the main text or the supplementary materials. License
6. M. F. Jimenez-Solomon, Q. Song, K. E. Jelfs, M. Munoz-Ibanez,
end screening) with a separation factor of 65.9 A. G. Livingston, Nat. Mater. 15, 760–767 (2016). information: Copyright © 2023 the authors, some rights reserved;
(product/catalyst) and 17.4 (reactants/product) exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of

7. B. Liang et al., Nat. Chem. 10, 961–967 (2018).
8. K. A. Thompson et al., Science 369, 310–315 (2020). Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www.
for the looser membrane 1 (higher MWCO) and
9. E. J. Kappert et al., J. Membr. Sci. 569, 177–199 (2019).
tighter membrane 2 (lower MWCO), respec- 10. S. Karan, S. Samitsu, X. Peng, K. Kurashima, I. Ichinose, SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
tively, while being stable in DMF at 90°C, close Science 335, 444–447 (2012).
to actual synthesis conditions (Fig. 4, B and 11. Q. Yang et al., Nat. Mater. 16, 1198–1202 (2017).
Materials and Methods
12. C. Cheng, S. A. Iyengar, R. Karnik, Nat. Nanotechnol. 16,
C). These high separation factors (comparison Supplementary Text
989–995 (2021).
with literature in fig. S52) led to highly effec- 13. L. Nie et al., Sci. Adv. 6, eaaz9184 (2020). Figs. S1 to S52
Tables S1 to S6
tive catalyst recovery (<1% loss) and extraction 14. L. Shen et al., Sci. Adv. 7, eabg6263 (2021).
15. D. B. Shinde et al., Chem. Sci. 11, 5434–5440 (2020). References (34–76)
of 80 to 90% of the reactants/product by mem- Movies S1 and S2
16. D. B. Shinde et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 14342–14349 (2018).
brane 1 and highly efficient reactant recovery 17. M. Amirilargani et al., J. Membr. Sci. 564, 259–266 (2018). Submitted 18 February 2023; accepted 11 August 2023
(with <5% product) for recycling. 18. T. Liu et al., Mater. Chem. Front. 5, 3184–3191 (2021). 10.1126/science.adh2404

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Sengupta et al., Science 381, 1098–1104 (2023) 8 September 2023 7 of 7


BIOMEDICINE the body (Fig. 1A). The bioelectronic system,

which is implanted after reperfusion of the
Implantable bioelectronic systems for early detection grafted kidney, lies completely within the ab-
dominal cavity and consists of a microfabricated,
of kidney transplant rejection mechanically compliant biosensor that directly
mounts on the surface of the kidney and con-
Surabhi R. Madhvapathy1,2, Jiao-Jing Wang3, Heling Wang4,5,6, Manish Patel2,7, Anthony Chang8, nects by fine wires to a wireless electronics mod-
Xin Zheng3, Yonggang Huang4,5, Zheng J. Zhang3,9,10*, Lorenzo Gallon3,11*†, John A. Rogers1,2,12,13*† ule secured to the adjacent abdominal wall.
Additional images of the device and implan-
Early-stage organ transplant rejection can be difficult to detect. Percutaneous biopsies occur tation appear in figs. S1 and S2.
infrequently and are risky, and measuring biomarker levels in blood can lead to false-negative and The rat kidney is small (~1 × 1 × 2 cm3),
-positive outcomes. We developed an implantable bioelectronic system capable of continuous, real-time, soft [Young’s modulus (Y) ~4.5 kPa] (19), and
long-term monitoring of the local temperature and thermal conductivity of a kidney for detecting highly perfused [~300 ± 51.3 ml × min−1 ×
inflammatory processes associated with graft rejection, as demonstrated in rat models. The system (100 g tissue)−1] (20). The miniature (~0.3 ×
detects ultradian rhythms, disruption of the circadian cycle, and/or a rise in kidney temperature. These 0.7 cm2), stretchable (20% stretchability, fig.
provide warning signs of acute kidney transplant rejection that precede changes in blood serum S3A), flexible (bending radius ≥ ~2.8 mm, fig.
creatinine/urea nitrogen by 2 to 3 weeks and approximately 3 days for cases of discontinued and absent S3B), ultrathin (~220 mm), and smooth (0.13 mm ±
administration of immunosuppressive therapy, respectively. 0.02 areal surface roughness) design of the
sensor allows for a gentle and seamless in-

terface to the delicate surface of the kidney

pproximately 60% of the 40,000 solid (4, 5, 9). Factors unrelated to rejection, such as without risk of organ damage. The biosensor
organ transplants performed in the US diet, muscle mass, infection, and medications relies on lithographically patterned features
in 2022 were kidneys (1). However, hu- also alter these biomarkers, leading to false- of gold (100-nm thick, ~20-mm wide) to form
man leukocyte antigen genotype mis- negative or -positive predictions of rejection a 3-mm diameter thermal sensing “disk” and
match between the donor and recipient (10). Moreover, changes in serum creatinine a pair of serpentine interconnects (each ~80-mm
can result in transplant rejection (2). Graft fail- lag from days to weeks behind changes in wide), all encapsulated by layers of polyimide
(10 mm) and silicone (100 mm) (figs. S4 and

ure can occur at any time: 1-year, 5-year, and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (10). Other
10-year graft survival rates are 92.7, 77.6, and minimally invasive techniques offer signif- S5). The sensor contacts the dorsal kidney
49.5%, respectively, with rejection as the main icant advantages in sensitivity but are lim- cortex beneath a tight “pocket” formed un-
cause of failure (3). Subclinical rejections can ited by drawbacks similar to those in blood der the ~25 mm thick renal capsule (21) and
occur in 10 to 15% of renal transplant re- collection such as restricted monitoring fre- is sutured to it [Fig. 1, A (inset) and B]. The

cipients within the first few months to a year quencies and the requirement for off-site electronics module contains sensor readout
post transplant (4–7). analysis (11–18). There remains a clinical need circuitry and a bluetooth low energy system-
Therapeutic intervention upon detection of for techniques that can continuously monitor on-chip for control and data transmission, with
early-stage rejection could preserve graft func- graft health from the moment of transplanta- a coin-cell battery for power supply (fig. S6).
tion. The current “gold standard” for detecting tion and detect the onset or early stages of re- The small lateral dimensions (~1.1 × 1.6 cm2),
transplant rejection is a biopsy of the kidney jection, when serum creatinine/BUN are still thickness (~0.5 cm), and smooth surface of the
cortex tissue, which has potential for compli- within the normal physiological range (sub- electronics module facilitate insertion within
cations such as bleeding, pain, infection, and clinical rejection). the abdominal cavity (Fig. 1C). Details on the
accidental damage to adjacent organs (8). Biop- During acute rejection, inflammatory events measurement appear in the methods sec-
sies are thus infrequent, typically performed mediated by T-cell–generated cytokines and/or tion and figs. S7 to S9. Real-time, continuous

y g
1 to 2 times in the first 24 months after trans- by allo-antibodies binding to tissue antigens data collection in untethered, freely moving
plantation or upon detection of elevated levels take place within the transplanted organ. We animals, with stable operation is possible
of serum creatinine/blood urea nitrogen (BUN) report fully implantable, wireless bioelectronic for 2 months or more (fig. S10) without ad-
systems capable of precise measurements of lo- verse effects.

cal organ temperature (Tkidney) and thermal Measurements of Tkidney and kkidney per-
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, conductivity (kkidney) as biophysical surro- formed using this system for t = 27 days in
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA 60208. 2Querrey gates for inflammation/perfusion in rat re- the native (right) solitary kidney of a con-

Simpson Institute for Bioelectronics, Northwestern University, nal transplant models. The sensor interfaces trol animal highlight effects of surgical recov-
Evanston, IL, USA 60208. 3Comprehensive Transplant Center,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA 60611. 4Department directly with the curved, soft surface of the ery and natural biological variations (Fig. 1D).
of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, organ for continuous in vivo monitoring in Tkidney increases rapidly after the anesthesia
IL, USA 60208. 5Department of Civil Engineering, Northwestern freely moving animals from the moment of wears off (t = 0 days) to a peak value ~3 to 4 hours
University, Evanston, IL, USA 60208. 6Laboratory of Flexible
Electronics Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100085 transplantation. post surgery (~39°C) and then subsequently
China. 7Department of Intervention Radiology, University of decreases, concurrent with the release of post-
Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA 60612. 8Department of Monitoring rat kidney transplant rejection operative analgesia to an average value of
Pathology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL USA 60637.
Department of Surgery, Northwestern University Feinberg
Kidney transplant models based on rats are ~37.5°C. The irregular pattern in Tkidney between
School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA 60611. 10Simpson Querrey suited for research because they are well- t = 0 to 2 days arises from post-operative re-
Institute for BioNanotechnology, Northwestern University, characterized, highly repeatable, and cost ef- covery and from the influence of a heating pad
Chicago, IL, USA 60611. 11Department of Nephrology,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA 60611. 12Department
fective. The surgical procedures used in the under one side of the animal cage to assist
of Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, following studies involve removing both na- with body temperature regulation. Details of
IL, USA 60208. 13Department of Neurological Surgery, tive kidneys and grafting the transplanted the effects of this pad and of the ambient
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA 60611. kidney through the vascular anastomoses be- temperature are in fig. S11; variations in the
*Corresponding author. Email: (Z.J.Z.); (L.G.); (J.A.R.) tween the donor vessels and the abdominal ambient temperature do not influence Tkidney.
†These authors contributed equally to this work. aorta/inferior vena cava on the right side of A periodic ~1-day circadian rhythm emerges

Madhvapathy et al., Science 381, 1105–1112 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 8


A Native Kidneys B


Thermal Sensor

0.5 cm

Suture Tab
Capsule C
Sutures Thermal Sensor


Sensor 0.5 cm
Abdominal Cavity Skin

Tkidney (0C)

k (W/m-K)



y g
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Fig. 1. Monitoring kidney transplant rejection using an implantable bioelectronic module lie against the abdominal fat. Photograph of (B) the sensor implanted

system. (A) Illustration of kidney transplant and device implantation in a rat model. on the dorsal side of the kidney and (C) the device next to a US Quarter
The dashed white lines highlight removal of both native kidneys. The sensor (scale bar = 5 mm). (D) Time variation of the organ temperature (Tkidney) and
directly interfaces with the cortex, sutured to the overlying renal capsule through two thermal conductivity (kkidney) collected for a Lewis rat with a single native kidney
suture holes (inset). The electronics reside adjacent to the kidney, secured to the (second kidney nephrectomized) and for t = 0 to 28 days. The gray points
abdominal wall through a suture tab. The wires connecting the sensor and electronics represent the raw data. The red line is a smoothing spline fit (l = 0.01).

after t = 2 days, consistent with the return to a approximately half (~0.33 W/m-K) that of an ibility complexes (MHC) provides control over
healthy behavioral pattern. The bioelectronic animal with a single native kidney, consistent transplant acceptance or rejection. Lewis
system has no measurable effect on grooming, with the understanding that the vascular load Rats (MHC haplotype RT11) are both the do-
activity, food and water consumption, or sleep/ of the body splits equally between the two kid- nors and recipients in isogeneic transplants
wake cycles. Short-term (~40 min to 1 hour) var- neys. These observations in control animals (Fig. 2A). Isogeneic transplants are analo-
iations in Tkidney are correlated with motion/ provide a point of reference for the studies gous to those between identical twins in hu-
activity (fig. S12). on transplant rejection. mans and result in graft acceptance without
kkidney is a function of perfusion and the tis- the need for immunosuppression. August-
sue thermal properties, increasing from ~0.48 W/ Characterization of acute kidney Copenhagen-Irish (ACI) rats (MHC haplo-
m-K to a final value of ~0.64 W/m-K over t = 0 transplant rejection type RT1av1) are the donors and Lewis rats
to 6 days. kkidney at t = 6 days for an animal Renal transplantation between inbred rat are the recipients in allogeneic transplants
with both native kidneys intact (fig. S13) is strains with different major histocompat- (Fig. 2B). Allotransplants, which represent the

Madhvapathy et al., Science 381, 1105–1112 (2023) 8 September 2023 2 of 8


Isogeneic Transplant Allogeneic Transplant

A Graft Acceptance B Graft Rejection




I1 A1

I2 A2

I3 A3

TKidney (

TKidney (

I4 A4

y g
I5 A5

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
time (days) time (days)

Fig. 2. Characterization of acute rejection. Illustrations of a rat kidney identify each individual dataset (table S1). The gray points represent the raw data. The
transplantation model using inbred rat strains for (A) isogeneic transplant, where both red line is a smoothing spline fit (l = 0.01). The shaded region (t = 0 to 2 days)
the donor and recipient strains are Lewis rats, leading to graft acceptance and indicates the post-surgery recovery period during which a heating pad placed
(B) allogeneic transplant, where the donor strain is the August Copenhagen Irish underneath half of the animal cage assists with thermoregulation. The black arrows in
(ACI) rat and the recipient is a Lewis rat, resulting in graft rejection. “X” denotes Fig. 2D correspond to a feature in Tkidney (bump and inflection point) unique to the
the removal of both recipient native kidneys. Tkidney measured for ~7 days for (C) n = 5 allografts at t ~ 3 days. The red arrows in Fig. 2D correspond to a sharp decrease
isografts and (D) n = 5 allografts. In this and subsequent figures, labels (e.g., A1-5, I1-5) in Tkidney at t ~ 5 days.

most clinically relevant cases for humans, Tkidney for isografts varies until t ~ 3 days as t ~ 7 days (data >7 days is in fig. S14). Trends in
result in graft rejection. The survival time for a result of induced inflammation, effects of Tkidney and overall behaviors are consistent
ACI-to-Lewis transplants is ~8 days without analgesia, and post-operative care (Fig. 2C). A for all n = 5 animals, similar to those of control
immunosuppressive medication (22). Details of circadian rhythm emerges after t ~ 3 days. The animals with native kidney(s) (Fig. 1E and fig.
the procedures are in the methods section. average daily Tkidney remains constant after S13). Minimal adhesions/foreign body response

Madhvapathy et al., Science 381, 1105–1112 (2023) 8 September 2023 3 of 8


(FBR) appear on the surface of the kidney or sitory rise and fall (i.e., “bump”). Isograft data Tkidney show potential for detection of acute
around the sensor, interconnecting wires, or serve as the control reference. Macroscopic rejection before signs of loss of graft func-
electronics module at the experimental end and microscopic histological examination at tion appear in blood markers or behavioral
point (21 to 28 days) (fig. S15). The response the end point reveals that the kidney is nor- patterns. These features in Tkidney are unlike
time (t90) of the biosensor for measurements mal for isografts and acutely rejected for those observed in body T of rodent models of
of temperature is 0.13 s (fig. S16). Growth of FBR allografts (Fig. 3, A and B, and extended data induced septic shock (24–27) or in Tkidney
on chronic timescales (23) increases this response in figs. S21 and S22). Diffuse cortical necrosis and during renal ischemia reperfusion injury (fig.
time (t90 = 1.49 s for a fibrotic capsule thick- thrombotic microangiopathy—characteristic S25 and table S2).
ness of 250 mm) but does not affect measurement of severe acute rejection—appear in 4 of the
sensitivity to Tkidney (fig. S17). These obser- 5 allografts. The fifth allograft exhibits type I Delayed graft rejection with
vations suggest that the graft is healthy, without tubulointerstitial rejection. BUN and creati- immunosuppressants
adverse effects induced by the bioelectronic nine levels are within the normal range for Real-world kidney allotransplants require im-
system. Lewis rats in the case of isografts (Fig. 3, C munosuppressants to inhibit graft rejection.
Tkidney for allografts bears little resemblance and D) but are highly elevated for allografts The following experiments (Fig. 4) mimic cli-
to the data for isografts (Fig. 2D). For all allo- (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.0003, respectively). The nical cases of patient noncompliance, where
grafts (n = 5), Tkidney rises at t ~ 3 days for a high value of BUN (>140 mg/dl) for allografts patients prematurely stop or reduce their pre-
period of ~18 hours and then decreases over indicates uremia, consistent with behavioral scribed immunosuppressant dose. Allografts
the subsequent ~18 hours. Tkidney decreases characteristics including signs of pain, slowed receive 1 mg/kg per day FK506 for t = 0 to
sharply (approximately −0.5°C per hour) around or absent motion, and reduced food and water 7 days through a subcutaneously implanted
t ~ 5 to 6 days and 30 to 32°C, which establishes intake. Tn denotes the average Tkidney between osmotic pump (2ML1, Alzet, Inc.) (Fig. 4A).

the experimental end point (full temperature day n and n − 1. The temperature decline for The recordings include both Tkidney and kkidney
range appears in fig. S18). Lack of food/water the allografts, denoted by the difference in av- for one case, and measurements of only Tkidney
intake and locomotion characterize behaviors erage Tkidney on the final and penultimate days for the other cases, using a simplified version
during the Tkidney decline on day 5/6 (fig. S12). of survival (T6 – T5 ), is also significant (P = of the device placed in contact with the kidney
At the end point, adhesions and FBR surround 0.0122) (Fig. 3E). Thus, behavioral, blood marker, (fig. S26 showcases correlation for the gold
the graft, which is enlarged (~1.5 to 2 times the and Tkidney analysis accurately detect late-stage versus contact sensor). This simplified device

original size) and has a marbled appearance graft rejection at the end point, as verified by has extended battery lifetime (details in Meth-
with necrotic patches distinctive of acute rejec- histology. ods). The time evolution of renal function (col-
tion (fig. S15). The impact of patchy or focal re- Evaluations of the data at the midpoint offer lected at fixed times t ~ 4, 7, 10, 14, 21, and
jection on Tkidney appears in fig. S19. physiological insight into the origin of the 27 days) illustrates that creatinine and BUN
The results for kkidney for all isografts and Tkidney inflection point and bump seen in Fig. rise above normal levels only at t ≥ 27 days

allografts (fig. S20) are similar to those for a 2D. A separate set of experiments involves (Fig. 4B), coincident with a ~9% decline in
single healthy kidney (~0.64 W/m-K), as ob- harvesting allograft and isograft kidneys close body weight (fig. S27).
served in fig. S13. In addition, kkidney decreases to the midpoint for this purpose (Tkidney and Tkidney from isografts serves as a point of
with time for 3/5 allotransplants, consistent kkidney data in fig. S23). For n = 3 cases each, reference for medicated allograft data (Fig
with the severe FBR observed at the end point histological examination reveals that the iso- 4C). Data from allografts treated with 1 mg/kg
for these cases. Unlike Tkidney, kkidney does not grafts have normal morphology whereas all FK506 exhibit several notable features that
display systematic trends that distinguish al- allografts exhibit type I tubulointerstitial re- are unlike those observed in isografts (Fig 4,
lografts from isografts. A drop in GFR may be jection (representative cases in Fig. 3, F and G; D to H). After the initial t = 0 to 2 day sur-
obscured by any comparatively small change in remaining data shown in fig. S24). The allo- gical recovery phase, Tkidney remains flat until
perfusion/associated kidney tissue damage due graft case presented in Fig. 3G, harvested t ~ 7 days, with minimal variations and no

y g
to the rejection response. Second, the speckled/ exactly at the inflection point (t ~ 3 days), circadian cycle, concurrent with the adminis-
irregular color of rejected kidneys suggests that displays mild type I tubulointerstitial rejec- tration period of FK506. An inflection point at
changes in perfusion, tissue necrosis, or other tion, demonstrating that the allograft Tkidney t ~ 8 to 9 days appears in 4 of the 5 animals
effects that can alter kkidney may be localized bump coincides with the histological onset (Fig 4, D to G). Tkidney slowly rises and reaches

and nonuniform over the kidney surface. In of rejection. a peak at t = 14 days, followed by a slow de-
such cases, the measurements would depend By comparison, BUN and serum creatinine cline (a “bump”). At t ~ 22 days, Tkidney falls
on the relative size and exact position of the levels at the midpoint (t = 4 days) do not offer steeply (approximately −0.83°C per day on

biosensor, in ways that are difficult to con- clear diagnostic value, as the difference in average). Data from medicated allograft cases
trol systematically. values for isografts (n = 4) and allografts (n = also present additional higher frequency com-
6) is not statistically significant (Fig. 3, H and ponents relative to isografts. Data collected
Organ temperature provides an early warning I). By contrast, (T4 – T3 ), which is an indi- beyond t = 28 days, up to 2.5 months, appears
sign of transplant rejection cator of the height of the bump, is larger for in fig. S28.
Correlating Tkidney with histological and blood allografts (~0.6°C) compared to isografts (ap- Histopathology offers insight into kidney
biomarker analysis is essential for evaluat- proximately −0.3°C) (P = 0.0016, n = 5) (Fig. health at the time points corresponding to the
ing its significance and utility for detecting 3J). The bump therefore identifies acute re- occurrence of key features in Tkidney in Fig. 4,
graft rejection. The following discussion (Fig. jection at an earlier time point than does BUN D to H (“bump”, high-frequency components).
3) focuses on two separate time points co- or serum creatinine. The absolute height and Extended histology data and Tkidney for exper-
inciding with the allograft Tkidney features width of the allograft bump (n = 5) are ~1.0 ± iments that involve harvesting the kidney at
identified in Fig. 2D: (i) t = 5 to 6 days (re- 0.2°C and ~1.8 ± 0.4 days, respectively. The earlier time points are in figs. S29 and S30.
ferred to as the end point) corresponding to onset of the bump occurs at 2.8 ± 0.1 days. The kidney at t ~ 10 days is not rejected (Fig.
the steep temperature decline and (ii) t = 3 Animal behavior for allografts at t ~ 4 days 4I). At the peak in temperature (t ~ 14 days),
to 4 days (referred to as the midpoint) cor- appears normal and is indistinguishable from and at t = 21 and 27 days, type I acute tubulo-
responding to the inflection point and tran- isografts. Thus, continuous measurements of interstitial rejection occurs, characterized by

Madhvapathy et al., Science 381, 1105–1112 (2023) 8 September 2023 4 of 8


Late – Stage Graft Rejection (Day 5/6)

Fig. 3. Kidney temperature as an early
indicator of acute rejection. Representative A B
Isograft I6 Allograft A6
periodic acid-schiff (PAS)–stained
histological section for an (A) isograft at
t = 6 days, displaying normal parenchyma
with back-to-back arrangement of tubules,
normal glomeruli, and an absence of interstitial
inflammation and (B) allograft at t = 6 days,
with severe type I rejection characterized
by prominent interstitial inflammation with 50 µm 50 µm
tubulitis. Allografts show elevated (C) BUN
and (D) serum creatinine levels at t ~ 6 days
relative to isografts. UL and LL denote the
upper and lower detection limits of the analyzer. 7 0
T n represents Tkidney averaged over t = n − 1 120

Creatinine (mg/dL)
to t = n days. (E) Allografts show lower 6

T4/5 (0C)
BUN (mg/dL)

(T 5=6  T 4=5) than isografts (n = 5). PAS-stained 5

histological sections show that at t ~ 4 days, P < 0.0001 P < 0.0003 -2 P = 0.0122
(F) the isograft kidney is normal whereas


(G) the allograft kidney shows signs of type I 3 -3
acute rejection. (H) BUN and (I) serum
creatinine at t ~ 4 days are not significantly 30 -4
different (ns) between allografts and isografts 1
(J) (T 4  T 3 ) is a statistically significant 0 LL -5
metric for the Tkidney bump in Fig. 2D (n = 5). Isogeneic Allogeneic Isogeneic Allogeneic Isogeneic Allogeneic
The green shaded region in Fig. 3, E, F, H,

and I represent normal levels for Lewis rats Early – Stage Graft Rejection (Day 3/4)
without transplant.
F Isograft G Allograft
I7 A7

50 µm 50 µm

H I J 1.2

y g
Creatinine (mg/dL)

T3 (0C)
BUN (mg/dL)

90 5

P = 0.5334 (ns) 4 P = 0.2867 (ns) 0.4 P = 0.0016


0 LL
Isogeneic Allogeneic Isogeneic Allogeneic Isogeneic Allogeneic

diffuse interstitial inflammation and tubulitis. cally significant temperature rise (T14 – T10) which occurs between t = 10 and 14 days as
All five medicated allografts (FK 1 mg/kg) dis- and decline ( T20 – T14) (median rise ~0.15°C, evidenced by histology (Fig. 4B and 4I).
play histological evidence of rejection at the P = 0.0353, median decline approximately – Fourier transform analysis of Tkidney for t = 7
end points (Fig. 4, D to H). 0.3°C, P = 0.0184) compared to isografts (Fig. to 21 days (corresponding to the post-medication
5A,B), and are “muted” relative to the unmed- period, inflection point, and coinciding with
Early indication of acute rejection icated allografts (~0.6°C). Blood markers fail the muted bump) reveals the presence of strong
The bump observed for data from medicated to detect rejection until t ≥ 27 days. This time ultradian ( f > 1 day−1) rhythms (specifically,
allografts can be characterized by a statisti- point is much later than the onset of rejection, f = 2 day−1) for all medicated allografts relative

Madhvapathy et al., Science 381, 1105–1112 (2023) 8 September 2023 5 of 8


A FK506 Subcutaneously B
Immunosuppressant Implanted Osmotic UL 1.6
Pump 120 n = 5 n=5
Drug Outlet

Crea (mg/dl)
BUN (mg/dl)

60 0.8

30 0.4
Allograft 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
time (days) time (days)

D FK506 1mg/kg/day F1

Allograft + FK


F Allograft + FK
TKidney (




y g
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

time (days)
Day 10 F6 Day 14 F7 Day 20 F8 Day 27 F2

50 µm 50 µm 50 µm 50 µm

Fig. 4. Delayed rejection after discontinuation of immunosuppressants. to 2 days) indicates the post-surgery recovery period. The gray points represent the
(A) Illustration of the delivery of FK506 to an allograft at a continuous dose of raw data. The red curve is a smoothing spline fit (l = 0.01). The black arrows
1 mg/kg per day for t = 0 to 7 days. (B) Serum creatinine and BUN collected at correspond to the onset of a muted temperature bump. (I) Representative histological
discrete time points (t ~ 4, 7, 10, 14, 20, and 27 days) for animals treated with sections stained with PAS for a harvested kidney at t = 10 days shows normal
FK506. (C) Tkidney versus t for a representative isograft for 28 days. (D to H) Tkidney kidney parenchyma without any features of acute rejection whereas those at t = 14, 20,
versus t for n = 5 allografts treated with 1 mg/kg per day FK506 for t = 0 to 7 days and 27 days all demonstrate acute type I tubulointerstitial rejection, characterized
(treatment period denoted by blue shaded region). The gray shaded region (t = 0 by diffuse interstitial inflammation and frequent tubulitis.

Madhvapathy et al., Science 381, 1105–1112 (2023) 8 September 2023 6 of 8


A T10 T14 T20 B to isografts (Fig. 5C). The ratio of amplitudes of

0.4 the half-day and circadian cycles (jjXX21 jj ) is sta-
Isograft I5
tistically significant between t = 7 to 14 days

T10 C)
(P = 0.0004) and remains so between t = 14 to

P = 0.0353
21 days (P = 0.0479) (Fig. 5D). Similarly, (jjXX31 jj) is
TKidney (

0.1 also statistically significant (fig. S31). The pres-

ence of stronger ultradian features in medi-

cated allografts may be a result of the cyclic
Allograft + FK F2 ( ) nature of T cell activity and/or cellular repair/

T14 C)
damage processes, synced with the circadian

P = 0.0184
-0.1 clock (28–30).
TKidney (

-0.2 The subclinical relevance of Tkidney and

-0.3 creatinine/BUN can be established by com-

-0.4 parison with histology. Accuracy and true pos-
-0.5 itive rate (TPR) calculated from confusion
Iso Allo matrices of BUN (accuracy = 46%, TPR = 0%)
time (days)
+ FK
and creatinine levels (accuracy = 54%, TPR =
C D 1.2
17%) illustrate that blood markers cannot de-
|X1| I2 D7 – 14 tect early-stage or onset of rejection (t = 14 days);
0.4 Isograft
D7 - 21 0.9
nearly all medicated allografts result in false

P = 0.0004

0.3 negatives (Fig. 5E). On the other hand, fea-
|Xn| ( C)

0.2 0.6 tures in Tkidney such as the bump (accuracy =

75%, TPR = 62%) and the half-day ultradian
0.1 |X2| 0.3
rhythm (accuracy = 100%, TPR = 100%) cor-
0 0 rectly identify early-stage or onset of rejec-
0.4 Allograft + FK F3 D14 – 21 tion (Fig. 5F).

D7 - 21 0.5 P = 0.0479
0.3 Conclusions
|Xn| ( C)


0.2 |X2| |X3| 0.3 This study in rat transplantation models es-
0.1 tablishes biophysical measurements of Tkidney
0.1 and kkidney as a technique to detect subclinical

0 0 acute rejection. Compared to invasive biopsies,
0 Iso Allo
these biosensors offer dense, real-time, long-
Frequency (day-1) +FK
term information about surgical recovery, im-
pact of medications, circadian/ultradian rhythms,
E Biopsy vs. F Biopsy vs.
motion/activity, and graft rejection. Tkidney pro-
Day 14 Blood Work Day 7 – 14 Tkidney Data
vides early warning of rejection and greater
sensitivity relative to serum creatinine and BUN,
T10 C)
BUN (mg/dl)

~2 to 3 weeks and ~3 days in advance in cases

of discontinued and absent administration
of immunosuppressive therapy, respectively.

y g
Such measurements may help guide person-

alized dosing strategies and in understanding

the efficacy of immunosuppressants.

Crea (mg/dl)



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14. J. J. Friedewald et al., Am. J. Transplant. 19, 98–109 (2019). Northwestern’s MRSEC program (NSF DMR-1720139). This work review by J.A.R., Z.J.Z., and L.G. Surgeries: J.-J.W. and X.Z. with
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29. X. Yu et al., Science 342, 727–730 (2013).
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from the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF DGE-1842165).
Medicine, Y. Touitou, E. Haus, Eds. (Springer, 1992), pp. 493-503. Figs. S1 to S32
M.P. acknowledges support in part by an Alpha Omega Alpha
Tables S1 and S2
Carolyn L. Kuckein Student Research Fellowship. Author contributions:
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS References (31–34)
Project conceptualization: S.R.M., J.A.R., and L.G. Design of hardware/
MDAR Reproducibility Checklist
This work made use of the NUFAB facility of Northwestern software: S.R.M. Thermal sensor fabrication/calibration: S.R.M.

University’s NUANCE Center, which has received support from the Theoretical simulations: H.W. with guidance from Y.H. Design of Submitted 13 March 2023; accepted 19 July 2023
SHyNE Resource (NSF ECCS-2025633), the IIN, and Experiments: S.R.M., J.A.R., Z.J.Z., and L.G. Data analysis: S.R.M. with 10.1126/science.adh7726

y g

Madhvapathy et al., Science 381, 1105–1112 (2023) 8 September 2023 8 of 8


NEUROSCIENCE span, alongside a multi-ome atlas focused on

human development (Fig. 1A).
Lifelong restructuring of 3D genome architecture We first simultaneously profiled transcrip-
tome and chromatin accessibility during post-
in cerebellar granule cells natal development of the human cerebellum,
sequencing 63,768 cells from seven donors (17)
Longzhi Tan1,2*†, Jenny Shi1,2,3†, Siavash Moghadami1,4, Bibudha Parasar1, Cydney P. Wright1,5, (one adult and six between the ages of 0.1 and
Yunji Seo1, Kristen Vallejo6, Inma Cobos6, Laramie Duncan7, Ritchie Chen2, Karl Deisseroth2,7,8* 2.3 years) and detecting a median of 645 to
1617 genes [944 to 3845 unique molecular iden-
The cerebellum contains most of the neurons in the human brain and exhibits distinctive modes of tifiers (UMIs)] and 12,000 to 34,000 ATAC
development and aging. In this work, by developing our single-cell three-dimensional (3D) genome (assay for transposase-accessible chromatin)
assay—diploid chromosome conformation capture, or Dip-C—into population-scale (Pop-C) and virus- fragments per cell from each donor (tables S1
enriched (vDip-C) modes, we resolved the first 3D genome structures of single cerebellar cells, and S2). We additionally profiled a critical age
created life-spanning 3D genome atlases for both humans and mice, and jointly measured transcriptome in mouse—P14, when cells are present in both
and chromatin accessibility during development. We found that although the transcriptome and the EGL and the IGL—sequencing 7182 cells and
chromatin accessibility of cerebellar granule neurons mature in early postnatal life, 3D genome architecture detecting a median of 618 genes (944 UMIs) and
gradually remodels throughout life, establishing ultra–long-range intrachromosomal contacts and specific 22,000 ATAC fragments per cell.
interchromosomal contacts that are rarely seen in neurons. These results reveal unexpected evolutionarily We then comprehensively profiled 3D ge-
conserved molecular processes that underlie distinctive features of neural development and aging across nome architecture across the human and mouse
the mammalian life span. life span, sequencing 11,207 cells (Fig. 1A). For

humans, we sequenced 5202 cells from 24 do-

nors (0.1 to 86 years) and obtained a median
ifferent cell types within the same orga- malformation in autism (7), and degeneration of 608,000 chromatin contacts per cell. Among
nism can mature along highly distinctive during aging (8). Understanding genome dy- these cells, 3580 came from the cerebellum (chief-
developmental and aging trajectories. namics of the cerebellum may provide insights ly lateral; vermis if lateral was not available), and
At the molecular level, cell type–specific into these features, as well as into motor con- 1622 from the cerebral cortex [Brodmann area

gene transcription can be orchestrated trol and cognition (9). (BA) 46 of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
by diversity in genome architecture (folding Prior work has revealed nuclear morpho- (DLPFC)] of the same donors (tables S2 to S4).
of chromosomes in three dimensions) (1). Yet logical features of cerebellar cells in vitro (10), For mice, we sequenced 6005 cells from the cer-
the genome architecture over the life span has but the 3D genome structures remain to be ebellum (birth to 21 months), obtaining a median
not been elucidated, limiting our understand- fully solved. Recently, chromosome conforma- of 496,000 contacts per cell, and incorporated

ing of the life-spanning cellular dynamics of tion capture (3C or Hi-C) was performed on our prior dataset of 1075 and 879 cells from
brain function and dysfunction. the adult cerebellum (11–13); however, a com- the cerebral cortex and hippocampus, respec-
Previously, by using our single-cell three- prehensive, cross-species, single-cell 3D genome tively (5).
dimensional (3D) genome assay (diploid chro- atlas of the developing and aging cerebellum is
mosome conformation capture, or Dip-C) (2–4), lacking. In addition, simultaneous analysis of Transcriptionally immature granule cells
we found that cells in the mouse forebrain transcriptome (14) and chromatin accessibility in the newborn human cerebellum
(cerebral cortex and hippocampus) undergo cell (15) in the cerebellum would provide addi- We integrated the transcriptome dataset from
type–specific transformation in transcriptome tional valuable information. In this work we all seven human donors using the LIGER
and genome architecture during the first month show that the cerebellum undergoes an extra- (linked inference of genomic experimental
of life (5). However, technological limitation ordinary, lifelong 3D genome transformation relationships) software (Fig. 1B) (14, 18, 19);

y g
hindered generalization of this finding across that is conserved between human and mouse modifying LIGER parameters did not affect
brain regions, species, and life span. In this and is far greater in magnitude than that of conclusions (fig. S1). Granule cells were the pre-
work, we broadened our perspective along the forebrain (5), revealing genome rewiring dominant cell type at all ages examined (median,
all three of these dimensions by turning our as a potential molecular hallmark of aging. 83%; range, 76 to 92%). Astrocytes (median,

focus across the neuraxis—from forebrain to 7%; range, 3 to 11%) were composed of the
hindbrain—specifically to the cerebellum, which A 3D genome atlas of the developing cerebellum-specific Bergmann glia (4%) (18) and
contains ~80% of all neurons in the human and aging cerebellum the typical parenchymal astrocytes (2%) (14, 15)

brain. The cerebellum, a powerful yet com- Granule cells (the vast majority of cerebellar (Fig. 1C). We further identified gene GABRG3
pact processing unit that has expanded over neurons) are generated between postnatal as a specific marker for Bergmann glia (Fig.
evolution (6), exhibits distinct characteristics, days 0 and 21 (P0 and P21) in mice and be- 1C). Other cell types included molecular layer
including prolonged development after birth, tween the third trimester of pregnancy and interneurons (MLIs) (4%), oligodendrocytes
~1 year after birth in humans, which is much (3%), microglia (1%), and unipolar brush cells
Department of Neurobiology, Stanford University, Stanford, later than the same process in the cerebral (UBCs) (0.3%). Purkinje cells were too rare
CA 94305, USA. 2Department of Bioengineering, Stanford cortex (5). During this period, granule cell pro- to be reliably identified.
University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 3Department of
Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.
genitors divide and migrate from the external Unlike the case of mouse brain—in which
Department of Chemical and Systems Biology, Stanford granular layer (EGL) to the internal granular granule cells are almost entirely in the EGL at
University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 5Department of Biology, layer (IGL), expanding more than 100-fold in birth—the human cerebellum is already domi-
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 6Department of
number. Toward the other end of the life span, nated at birth by IGL neurons. However, it re-
Pathology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford the cerebellum is also known to exhibit a slow mains unknown when and how human granule
University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 8Howard Hughes Medical epigenetic aging clock of DNA methylation (16). cells mature at the genomic level. We found
Institute, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. To explore the genomic underpinnings of this that at birth, granule cells were subdivided into
*Corresponding author. Email: (K.D.); (L.T.) entire timeline, we created a 3D genome atlas maturation stages by transcriptomic measures
†These authors contributed equally to this work. that extends across the human and mouse life (Fig. 1B). In our integrated transcriptome data,

Tan et al., Science 381, 1112–1119 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 8


y g

Fig. 1. 3D genome atlas across life span for human and mouse cerebellum with multi-ome atlas of postnatal development. (A) Study design. (B) Integrative
transcriptome analysis of human multi-ome samples. t-SNE, t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding. (C) Representative expression profiles of marker genes.

Tan et al., Science 381, 1112–1119 (2023) 8 September 2023 2 of 8


y g
Fig. 2. Simultaneous transcriptome and chromatin accessibility profiling revealed continuous maturation of cerebellar granule cells over the first
postnatal year. (A) Stages of granule cell maturation, their marker genes (ranked by specificity), and enriched pathways (summarized for the top 100 genes).

(B) Maturation pseudotime analysis of each sample. n = number of dynamic genes, peaks, and motifs. Reference genome, hg38.

granule cells existed in one mature form (termed FOXP2. T2 was enriched for neurodevelopmen- analysis confirmed these genes and pathways
tal genes (FDR = 3 × 10−6; including NFIB
transcriptional stage T5) and several imma- (fig. S3 and table S5).
ture forms (T1 to T4). T5 was the predominant and UNC5C) including additional genes re-
form (99 to 100%) in the 2.3- and 37.6-year-old lated to morphogenesis of projections (FDR = A continuum of granule cells and
donors. In younger donors, however, T1 to T4 6 × 10−10; including ROBO2 and MYO16). T3 interneurons with maturing transcriptome
made up a substantial fraction: 32 to 34% in was also enriched for neurodevelopment (FDR < and chromatin accessibility
the 0.1 and 0.2 year olds, 23% in the 0.4 year 10−10; including ERBB4) and projection morpho- For each donor, we jointly analyzed transcrip-
old, and 14% in the 0.7 year old (Fig. 1B), re- genesis (FDR = 1 × 10−9; including SEMA6D) tome and chromatin accessibility using ArchR
vealing an abundance of transcriptionally im- and expressed GRIA2. T4 was enriched for cell (20) (Fig. 2B). Despite discrete appearances in
mature granule cells. adhesion (FDR < 10−10; including CNTNAP2/5 LIGER (Fig. 1A), granule cells formed a con-
T1 to T5 granule cells expressed partially and CNTN5) and genes related to neurodevelop- tinuous developmental pseudotime for each
overlapping sets of genes (Fig. 2A and table ment (FDR = 2 × 10−9; including CHRM3 and donor below the age of 1 year (figs. S4 and
S5). T1 was enriched for ribosomal subunits GPC6). T5 was enriched for synaptic signal- S6A). Dynamically expressed genes included
[false discovery rate (FDR) < 10−10; including ing genes (FDR < 10−10; including CADPS2 and many genes from LIGER analysis. Dynami-
RPS24/11/27 and RPL31/39/32] as well as axon SNAP25) and regulation of membrane poten- cally accessible transcription factor–binding
guidance–related genes (FDR = 1 × 10−4; in- tial (FDR < 10−10; including RIMS1 and SCN2A) motifs included ASCL1/2 and NHLH1/2 (early);
cluding BOC and LAMA2) and expressed and expressed RBFOX1. Correlated gene module KLF11/14 and RFX2/3/4/8 (intermediate); and

Tan et al., Science 381, 1112–1119 (2023) 8 September 2023 3 of 8


y g

Fig. 3. High-throughput, high-precision 3D genome profiling uncovered lifelong genome remodeling in the human and mouse cerebellum. (A) Pop-C
method. (B) vDip-C method. (C and D) Cross-species 3D genome atlas for the developing and aging cerebellum (with cerebral cortex as counterpoint). Pearson’s r
(and P value) was calculated from logarithm of age.

NEUROG1/2/3, NEUROD4/6, ZEB1, MEF2A/B/ by reanalyzing published transcriptome-only to 71% in the 0.1 and 0.2 year olds, 44% in the
C/D, and NFIA/B/X (late). We thus found the data (fig. S6B) (14). A continuum was also ob- 0.4 year old, 25% in the 0.7 year old, 5% in the
newborn human cerebellum to include a com- served in mouse cells (fig. S7) (14). 2.3 year old, and <1% in the adult) (Fig. 1B). In
plex mixture of granule cells with continu- We observed a similar continuum of matu- addition, immature MLIs and immature gran-
ously evolving transcriptomic and epigenomic ration in MLIs (fig. S8). Immature MLIs were ule cells shared expression of many genes, such
states. We validated aspects of this continuum abundant at birth and vanished over age (64 as FOXP2 (Fig. 2B).

Tan et al., Science 381, 1112–1119 (2023) 8 September 2023 4 of 8


y g

Fig. 4. Cerebellar granule cells formed ultra–long-range intrachromosomal contacts and specific interchromosomal contacts during development and
aging. (A) Distribution of genomic distances of chromatin contacts. (B) Aggregated contact maps for an example chromosome and a zoomed-in region (upper-right
triangles). Zoomed-in regions are homologous. Dashed boxes highlight prominent changes. Bin size, 250 kb. Reference genomes, hg19 and mm10. (C) Aggregated
interchromosomal contact maps. Bin sizes are 6 Mb (human), 5 Mb (mouse), and 500 kb (zoomed-in regions).

Tan et al., Science 381, 1112–1119 (2023) 8 September 2023 5 of 8


Fig. 5. Lifelong maturation of chromatin A/B compartments was associated interactions. n = number of 1-Mb regions. (B) (Left) Mean scA/B of each 1-Mb
with cerebellar granule cell–specific genes. (A) Mean scA/B of each dynamic region harboring granule cell–specific marker genes (14) at each stage, (right)
1-Mb region at each stage (left). Rows are ordered by hierarchical clustering; the with aggregated scA/B shown on t-SNE plots. (C) Aggregated contact maps

y g
two clusters were visualized on t-SNE plots (right). As in (5), scA/B calculation for an example gene. Bin size is 100 kb. Reference genomes, hg19 and mm10.
excludes contacts within each region and thus primarily reports on long-range (D) Schematic of transcriptional etching.

3D genome profiling of diverse populations demultiplexes (22) cells based on natural ge- thereby shown to provide a robust method for
and rare cells with Pop-C and vDip-C netic variations, with high genomic coverage profiling single-cell 3D genome structures at
We next focused on genome architecture. Cer- of 10 to 20% (Figs. 1A and 3A). We validated scale (fig. S11).

ebellar cells exhibit distinct genome morphology, Pop-C by computationally pooling known sam- The second method we developed, vDip-C,
beginning with nuclear dimensions: Granule ples (accuracy, 672/672 = 100%) (fig. S10). enables genomic profiling of rare cell popula-
cell nuclei are among the smallest in the brain In the simplest case, many of our mouse tions without the use of transgenic mouse
(5 to 6 mm in diameter), whereas Purkinje cells samples were a pool of males and females, lines (Figs. 1A and 3B). We used a single viral
have large nuclei (~12 mm in diameter) (21). which we demultiplexed based on the ratio of vector containing a cell type–specific promoter;
During differentiation, cultured mouse gran- reads between the X chromosome and auto- an ultrabright, fixation-resistant, monomeric
ule cell progenitors reduce nuclear volume somes (fig. S9). In a more complex case, we fluorescent protein (24); and a nuclear mem-
and spatially redistribute histone H3.3 (10). pooled one mouse each from the eight founder brane localization sequence (25) (fig. S12) and
However, 3D genome structures of cerebel- strains of the JAX Diversity Outbred (DO) col- administered it to wild-type mice (26) through
lar cells remain unclear, and little is known lection (23) and demultiplexed based on known retro-orbital injection of adeno-associated virus
about lifetime-spanning dynamics in vivo. single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (table (27, 28).
To meet this challenge, we developed two 3D S4). In the most challenging case, we pooled 3 We used vDip-C to solve the 3D genome
genome technologies. First, population-scale to 13 unrelated human individuals and demul- structures of mouse Purkinje cells (Fig. 3B).
Dip-C (Pop-C) leverages the whole-genome tiplexed them (22) based on common SNPs Although Purkinje cells are abundant at birth
sequencing capability of Dip-C (2) to pool a among populations without prior knowledge (P0), they quickly become outnumbered by
large number of samples and computationally about donor genotypes (Fig. 3A). Pop-C was granule cells (Fig. 3D). To isolate this rare (<0.5%)

Tan et al., Science 381, 1112–1119 (2023) 8 September 2023 6 of 8


cell type from adults, we constructed a vDip-C 10−10), which were far greater in magnitude two nearby heterochromatic regions (which
vector with a Purkinje cell–specific promoter than for forebrain neurons [from 15 ± 4 to 16 ± steadily gained contacts with each other) over
(Pcp2) (29), administered the viral vector to wild- 5% during human development (P = 0.038), the life span (Fig. 5C) and consequently in-
type mice, and isolated nuclei by fluorescence- from 11 ± 4 to 13 ± 3% in mouse cells (P < 10−10), creased scA/B until S3 (~10 years) in human
activated cell sorting (FACS) (fig. S12). and from 9 ± 1 to 10 ± 2% in Purkinje cells (P = cells (two-sided U test, P < 10−10 from S1 to S2
2 × 10−5)] (fig. S18). and 1 × 10−5 from S2 to S3) and until S4 (~P56)
Lifelong 3D genome transformation of granule cells This progression in granule cells might be in mouse cells (P < 10−10 from S1 to S2, 6 × 10−10
We created a high-resolution cross-species single- partly driven by their small nuclear size. The from S2 to S3, and 9 × 10−6 from S3 to S4), per-
cell 3D genome atlas and resolved 3D genome abundance of ultra–long-range contacts resem- sisting well after transcriptional up-regulation at
structures for a subset of cells (from F1 hybrid bled that seen in non-neuronal cells such as ~0.5 years and ~P10, respectively (14). Down-
mice) (Figs. 1A, 3C, and 3D). Similar to our microglia (34 ± 3% in both species) and ma- regulated genes on average exhibited relatively
previous studies (2, 3, 5), single-cell chromatin ture oligodendrocytes (29 ± 4% in human, 27 ± unchanged scA/B, which was consistent with
A/B compartment (scA/B) analysis revealed 5% in mouse), both of which have similarly previous observations (3). Increased transcrip-
3D genome structure types that corresponded small nuclei. However, these cell types differed tion may continue to etch 3D genome structure
to diverse cerebellar cell types, including gran- substantially in the genomic loci that formed long after initial gene activation (Fig. 5D) (5).
ule cells, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and mi- such contacts (fig. S19) and in scA/B profiles
croglia in both species, as well as MLIs and (fig. S14), which suggests that nuclear size was Robust 3D genome maturation despite
Purkinje cells in mice. Replicates yielded re- not the only driving force. functional perturbations
producible scA/B and contact patterns (Fig. 3A Granule cells’ redistribution of intrachromo- To test the robustness of this genome restruc-
and figs. S11 and S21). Of our 24 donors, three somal contacts was accompanied by highly turing, we explored functional perturbation

were diagnosed with autism, Alzheimer’s dis- specific interchromosomal contacts. We found of chromatin remodeling (fig. S26). Using bulk
ease, and/or Lewy body disease; excluding them increasing interactions among certain human Dip-C, we observed little effect on 3D genome
did not affect our conclusions (fig. S28). chromosomes, most prominently within a hub maturation in mice with clinically relevant
Granule cells exhibited by far the most dra- of chromosomes (chr) 1, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, heterozygous deletion of Arid1b (35) or Chd8,
matic structural transformation. Granule cells and 22, and between chromosome pairs such although we cannot rule out more-subtle dif-
of both species were born with an immature as chr 2 and 9, 4 and 14, 8 and 11, and 13 and 20; ferences. Granule cell–specific, homozygous

structure type, termed structural stage S1, that meanwhile, chr 12 weakened its interactions deletion of Chd4 caused moderate 3D changes
resembled forebrain neurons (Fig. 3, C and D, with the hub (Fig. 4C and fig. S20). Both ultra– (12); however, these changes had little overlap
and figs. S14 and S19). As the cerebellum de- long-range intrachromosomal contacts (Fig. 4B) with (and were much smaller than) our ob-
veloped and aged, granule cells continuously and interchromosomal contacts often involved served architectural maturation.
and progressively evolved into new structure large stretches of the heterochromatic compart-

types S2 to S5, which increasingly differed from ment B interleaved with small stretches of the Discussion
forebrain neurons (figs. S14 and S19). This euchromatic compartment A [also known as Once born, most neurons must last for a lifetime;
transformation was the primary source of scA/B “megaloops” or “megaenhancers” (31)]. We also however, we know little about how underlying
variations (the first principal component) and observed interchromosomal contacts in mouse genomic information may be structurally or-
could be visualized regardless of the analysis cells (Fig. 4C); for example, mouse chr 7 gained ganized. In this work, we discovered distinc-
method (figs. S15 and S16). interactions with chr 4, 5, 11, 17, and 19. These tive genome architecture in cerebellar granule
In human cells, abundances of S1 to S5 struc- results highlight another example of conserved, cells: ultra–long-range contacts that are un-
tures peaked around the ages of 0.2, 1, 10, 30, specific interchromosomal interactions beyond common in neurons, specific interchromosomal
and 80 years, respectively, although consider- prior discoveries in nasal tissue (3, 32–34). contacts reminiscent of those in nasal tissue (3),
able between-donor variability was observed and restructuring over decades that may be

y g
(Fig. 3C). This age distribution suggested that Life-spanning scA/B changes associated with stabilized by cell type–specific gene transcrip-
S2 to S5 likely all corresponded to T5. In mouse granule cell–specific marker genes tion. We showed that the mouse is an excellent
cells, S1 to S5 peaked around P3, P14, P21, P56, Through previous work, we have shown that animal model of this process, despite substan-
and P365, respectively (Fig. 3D); within S5, scA/B generally correlates with cell type–specific tial differences from humans in life span.

the 3D genome continued to mature between gene expression, although discordance can be We provided mechanistic insights into the
P365 or P385 (~12 months) and P637 (~21 months) observed at the single-gene level and regarding principles of this reorganization. For example,
(fig. S17). These data reveal a 3D genome aging temporal dynamics (3, 5). Additionally, it has re- both granule cells and Purkinje cells lack

clock of large architectural transformation in a mained unclear how scA/B interacts with gene neuron-specific non-CpG DNA methylation (13),
mostly postmitotic cell type. expression during aging. In granule cells, we revealing that non-CpG methylation was neither
found the predominant mode of scA/B changes required for our previously discovered neuron-
Ultra–long-range intrachromosomal contacts to be progressive up- or down-regulation. We cal- specific radial genome movement (5)—which
and specific interchromosomal contacts culated the mean scA/B of each 1-Mb genomic we observed in both cell types (fig. S27) (36)—
in granule cells region at S1 to S5 and identified the top 20% nor required for suppressing ultra–long-range
The most prominent architectural changes in dynamic regions. In both species, these ~500 dy- contacts.
granule cells were the emergence of ultra–long- namic regions either gradually increased or de- A potential function of this architecture might
range (10 to 100 Mb) contacts, which had creased in scA/B across S1 to S5 (Fig. 5A). be to manage space and energy expenditure.
been thought largely restricted to non-neuronal We examined genomic regions that harbored Human brains are 80% cerebellar granule
cells (13, 30), except for mouse rod photore- conserved marker genes of mature granule cells cells by neuron number. If each granule cell
ceptors (Fig. 4A) (3). From stage S1 to S5, the (14). Expression of these ~200 genes began consumed the same volume and energy as a
fraction of contacts that were ≥10 Mb steadily around birth, when T5 emerged. By contrast, typical neuron in the cerebral cortex, meta-
increased from 19 ± 4 to 33 ± 3% in human on average, these loci gradually increased scA/B bolic costs could become prohibitive. Con-
cells (mean ± SD; two-sided U test, P < 10−10), throughout life (Fig. 5B and fig. S22). For ex- sistent with this idea, granule cells are quiet
and from 19 ± 6 to 34 ± 2% in mouse cells (P < ample, GABRA6 gradually lost contacts with by firing rate (~0.1 Hz) (37) compared with

Tan et al., Science 381, 1112–1119 (2023) 8 September 2023 7 of 8


Purkinje cells (~50 Hz) (38). Granule cells might 3. L. Tan, D. Xing, N. Daley, X. S. Xie, Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 26, 38. M. Arancillo, J. J. White, T. Lin, T. L. Stay, R. V. Sillitoe,
therefore have adopted an energy-saving state 297–307 (2019). J. Neurophysiol. 113, 578–591 (2015).
4. L. Tan, STAR Protoc. 2, 100622 (2021). 39. E. Gagyi et al., Brain Pathol. 22, 803–810 (2012).
physiologically, transcriptionally, and archi- 5. L. Tan et al., Cell 184, 741–758.e17 (2021). 40. K. S. Bedi, J. Comp. Neurol. 311, 425–433 (1991).
tecturally. Cerebellar and hippocampal gran- 6. R. A. Barton, C. Venditti, Curr. Biol. 24, 2440–2444 (2014). 41. Y. Senzai, G. Buzsáki, Neuron 93, 691–704.e5
ule cells adopt different structural strategies 7. F. Cauda et al., J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 82, 1304–1313 (2011). (2017).
8. C.-Y. Lin, C.-H. Chen, S. E. Tom, S.-H. Kuo; Alzheimer’s Disease
despite having similar nomenclature. Hippo- Neuroimaging Initiative, Cerebellum 19, 217–225 (2020). AC KNOWLED GME NTS
campal granule cells were more similar to other 9. M. J. Wagner, T. H. Kim, J. Savall, M. J. Schnitzer, L. Luo, We thank Arima for early kit access; NIMH HBCC, Stanford ADRC, and
forebrain neurons than to cerebellar granule Nature 544, 96–100 (2017). NIH NeuroBioBank for human samples; F. Zhang (MIT) and X. Jin
10. D. P. Hoffman et al., Science 367, eaaz5357 (2020).
cells (fig. S14) and have larger nuclei (9 to 10 mm 11. T. Yamada et al., Nature 569, 708–713 (2019).
(Scripps) for advice on Chd8 and KASH; C. Celen (UT Southwestern)
for help on Arid1b; H. Heaton (Auburn) for advice on souporcell; R. Corces
in diameter) (39, 40), although both are sim- 12. J. V. Goodman et al., Nat. Commun. 11, 3419 (2020). (UCSF) for help with ArchR; D. Xing (Peking), J. Raymond (Stanford),
ilarly inactive (firing rates of 0.1 to 0.2 Hz) (41). 13. W. Tian et al., Epigenomic complexity of the human brain T. Clandinin (Stanford), A. Brunet (Stanford), L. Fan (Stanford), and
revealed by single-cell DNA methylomes and 3D genome P. Wang (Stanford) for helpful discussion; students of SIN bootcamp
It remains to be determined how granule cells
structures. bioRxiv 2022.11.30.518285 [Preprint] (2022); (J. Bendrick, J. Cheng, C. Lewis, K. Malacon, N. Manfred, and B. Zhou) for
in the olfactory bulb organize their genome. help on experiments; Stanford PAN; and Stanford Shared FACS. We
More broadly, this approach showcases how 14. M. Sepp et al., Cellular development and evolution of the thank donors and their families, medical examiners offices, UMBTB,
life-spanning 3D genome profiling of a com- mammalian cerebellum. bioRxiv 2021.12.20.473443 [Preprint] and SMRI brain bank for contribution to HBCC. Funding: BWF CASI,
(2021); Baxter Foundation, Stanford MCHRI Uytengsu-Hamilton Award,
plex, living tissue can provide unprecedented 15. I. Sarropoulos et al., Science 373, eabg4696 (2021). Stanford Medicine Dean’s Fellowship, and Stanford Berry Fellowship
dimensions of information. This lifelong struc- 16. S. Horvath et al., Aging 7, 294–306 (2015). (L.T.); Stanford Chemistry, Stanford Bio-X, Goldwater Foundation, and
tural transformation may point the way to 17. L. Duncan et al., Neuropsychopharmacology 48, 764–772 Stanford Major Grant (J.S.); Stanford Barres Fellowship (B.P.); Stanford
(2023). NeURO Fellowship (C.P.W.); NIH/NIA P30 AG066515 and CZI 2019-
previously unidentified therapeutic targets 18. V. Kozareva et al., Nature 598, 214–219 (2021). 199150 (I.C.); NIMH R01 MH123486, NIMH R21 MH125358, and
for developmental and aging-related disorders. 19. J. D. Welch et al., Cell 177, 1873–1887.e17 (2019). Stanford Jaswa Award (L.D.); NINDS K99 NS119784 (R.C.); and Gatsby

20. J. M. Granja et al., Nat. Genet. 53, 403–411 (2021).
Wide application of the 3D genome technolo- 21. K. S. Bedi, R. Hall, C. A. Davies, J. Dobbing, J. Comp. Neurol.
Foundation and NIH (K.D.). Author contributions: Experiment
gies developed here to many brain regions and design: L.T., J.S., I.C., L.D., R.C., and K.D.; Experiment performance:
193, 863–870 (1980).
L.T., J.S., B.P., K.V., and R.C.; Data analysis: L.T., J.S., S.M., C.P.W.,
bodily tissues may contribute to solving long- 22. H. Heaton et al., Nat. Methods 17, 615–620 (2020).
23. K. L. Svenson et al., Genetics 190, 437–447 (2012). B.P., Y.S., K.V., I.C., L.D., R.C., and K.D.; Writing: L.T. and K.D.
standing challenges such as dissecting the 24. B. C. Campbell et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 117, Competing interests: L.T. is an inventor on the Dip-C patent
genetic basis of interindividual variability, char- 30710–30721 (2020). US 11,530,436 (“Multiplex end-tagging amplification of nucleic
25. R. J. Platt et al., Cell 159, 440–455 (2014). acids”). K.D. is a cofounder and a scientific advisory board member
acterizing ultrarare cell types, and revealing of Stellaromics and Maplight Therapeutics and a scientific advisory
26. Q. Huang et al., PLOS ONE 14, e0225206 (2019).

the full diversity and dynamics of 3D genome 27. K. Y. Chan et al., Nat. Neurosci. 20, 1172–1179 (2017). board member of BrightMinds Biosciences. Data and materials
organization across the life of mammals. 28. R. Chen et al., Nat. Biotechnol. 39, 161–164 (2021). availability: Raw and processed data are available under the
29. K. Nitta, Y. Matsuzaki, A. Konno, H. Hirai, Mol. Ther. Methods BioProject PRJNA933352 (
This study has certain important limitations. Clin. Dev. 6, 159–170 (2017). bioproject/?term=PRJNA933352). Code is available from GitHub
For example, we used frozen human samples, 30. M. G. Heffel et al., Epigenomic and chromosomal architectural ( The vDip-C vector is
which might differ from fresh samples. We also reconfiguration in developing human frontal cortex and available from Addgene (

hippocampus. bioRxiv 2022.10.07.511350 [Preprint] (2022); License information: Copyright © 2023 the authors, some rights
note that vDip-C does not apply to human sam- reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement
ples; however, human Purkinje cells could alter- 31. Z. Zhao et al., Mega-Enhancer Bodies Organize Neuronal Long of Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www.
natively be isolated by flow cytometry based on Genes in the Cerebellum. bioRxiv 2023.07.19.549737 [Preprint]
size. Future work will be required to test func- 32. E. V. Bashkirova et al., eLife 12, RP87445 (2023). SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
tional relationships between structural and 33. K. Monahan, A. Horta, S. Lomvardas, Nature 565, 448–453
transcriptional changes. (2019).
Materials and Methods
34. M. Zazhytska et al., Cell 185, 1052–1064.e12 (2022).
35. C. Celen et al., eLife 6, e25730 (2017). Figs. S1 to S28
RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES 36. Y. Takei et al., High-resolution spatial multi-omics reveals cell-type Tables S1 to S6
specific nuclear compartments. bioRxiv 2023.05.07.539762 References (42–54)
1. Y. Chi, J. Shi, D. Xing, L. Tan, Front. Mol. Biosci. 9, 959688 (2022).
2. L. Tan, D. Xing, C.-H. Chang, H. Li, X. S. Xie, Science 361, [Preprint] (2023); Submitted 25 February 2023; accepted 3 August 2023

y g
924–928 (2018). 37. K. Powell, A. Mathy, I. Duguid, M. Häusser, eLife 4, e07290 (2015). 10.1126/science.adh3253


Tan et al., Science 381, 1112–1119 (2023) 8 September 2023 8 of 8


BROWN DWARFS 0.38 ± 0.02 and f2 = 1.33 ± 0.02, with LCP

flux densities of 3.7 ± 0.2 and 1.5 ± 0.2
Evidence for a radiation belt around a brown dwarf millijansky (mJy), respectively. We interpret
these as ECMI emission and refer to these two
J. B. Climent1,2*, J. C. Guirado1,3, M. Pérez-Torres4,5, J. M. Marcaide6,7, L. Peña-Moñino4 bursts as B1 and B2 hereafter. The time in-
terval between the bursts’ maxima is 2.70 ±
Ultracool dwarfs (UCDs) are a category of astronomical objects that includes brown dwarfs and very-low- 0.02 hours, which is close to (but different from)
mass stars. Radio observations of UCDs have measured their brightness as a function of time (light the rotation period [2.84140 ± 0.00039 hours
curves) and spectral energy distributions, providing insight into their magnetic fields. We present (15)]. The right circularly polarized (RCP) emis-
spatially resolved radio observations of the brown dwarf LSR J1835+3259 using very-long-baseline sion varies slowly during the observation,
interferometry showing extended radio emission. The detected morphology is consistent with the reaching a maximum before the bursts occur.
presence of a radiation belt. Comparison with models indicates that the radiation belt contains energetic The LCP and RCP quiescent flux densities are
particles confined by magnetic mirroring. We contend that radio-emitting UCDs have dipole-ordered very similar, as we would expect for a weakly
magnetic fields with radiation belt–like morphologies and aurorae that are similar to those of Jupiter. polarized, nonbursting component of the LSR
J1835+3259 radio emission.

We reconstructed images of the radio emis-
ltracool dwarfs (UCDs) are low-mass the European VLBI Network (EVN). LSR sion (21) of LSR J1835+3259 during burst B1
stars and substellar objects classified as J1835+3259 exhibits a rapid rotation [rota- (rotation phase interval: 0.29 < f <0.47; Fig.
having spectral types later than M6. Only tional period 2.84140 ± 0.00039 hours (15)] 3A). These images show that the nonbursting
a small fraction of UCDs have detectable and is at a distance of 5.6885 ± 0.0015 parsecs component (unpolarized, traced by the total

radio emission at gigahertz frequencies (16) from Earth. Previous studies have shown intensity of radiation emitted, the Stokes I
(1). In those that do, the radio emission can be that it has strong radio emission in both the parameter) is spatially resolved into two radio
separated into a circularly polarized compo- bursting and quiescent components (3, 9, 17–19). sources separated by 2.3 ± 0.2 mas in the east-
nent that appears as bursts, which is modu- Our observations resolve a complex radio mor- west direction, which are largely unpolarized
lated by the object’s rotational period, and a phology for this UCD (Fig. 1). The radio emis- (circular polarization <10%). By contrast, the
quiescent, slowly varying emission component sion extends up to 3 milliarcseconds (mas), bursting ECMI emission component (traced

with a low degree of circular polarization. The which corresponds to 0.017 astronomical units by circularly polarized emission, the Stokes
bursting component has been linked to the at our adopted distance or 33 stellar radii (R★) V parameter) appears approximately halfway
electron cyclotron maser instability [ECMI [for LSR J1835+3259, the R★ is 1.07 ± 0.05 between the quiescent components. A sim-
(2)] mechanism, a coherent radio emission Jupiter radii (RJup) (20)]. ilar morphology occurs during burst B2 (1.35 <
process that is responsible for auroral radio The light curve of our observation (Fig. 2) f < 1.52; Fig. 3B), although the separation of the

emission on the planets of the Solar System contains two bursts of left circularly polarized double structure is 1.2 ± 0.2 mas, approximately
(3, 4). However, the details of the emission (LCP) radio emission at rotation phases f1 = half that measured during the first burst.
mechanism may vary between UCDs and plan-
ets (5, 6). The quiescent component is usually
interpreted as being caused by radio emission
from mildly or ultrarelativistic electrons spi-
raling in magnetic fields [gyrosynchrotron and A B
synchrotron mechanisms, respectively (7, 8)],
which could originate in the UCD’s corona
and/or radiation belts (9–11). Studies of the

y g
radio emission from UCDs have analyzed their
light curves (brightness as a function of time),
spectral energy distributions, and dynamic
spectra. Attempts to spatially resolve the radio

emission using very-long-baseline interferom-
etry (VLBI) have only detected a few objects
(12–14) and found that their radio images were


Radio observations of LSR J1835+3259

On 15 June 2021, we observed the brown dwarf
(spectral type M8.5) LSR J1835+3259 (also
cataloged as 2MASS J18353790+3259545) using
Fig. 1. Reconstructed radio images of LSR J1835+3259 using the entire observation time.
Departament d’Astronomia i Astrofísica, Universitat de
València, E-46100 Burjassot Spain. 2Universidad
(A and B) Stokes I reconstructed images of LSR J1835+3259 from the EVN observations on 15 Jun 2021
Internacional de Valencia, E-46002 Valencia Spain. during the first rotation (A) and the second rotation (B) of the object during the observations. Contours
indicate signal-to-noise ratios (S/N) of 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.; we required S/N ≥ 5 for a detection. The gray ellipses
Observatori Astronòmic, Universitat de València, Parc
Científic, E-46980 Paterna Spain. 4Instituto de Astrofísica de
in the lower left corners indicate the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) beam sizes, which have minor and
Andalucía, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas,
E-18008 Granada Spain. 5Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad major axes 1.14 × 1.70 mas at position angle 0.0° and 1.49 × 1.81 mas at position angle –53.9°, respectively. During
de Zaragoza, E-50009 Zaragoza Spain. 6Real Academia de each rotation, the photosphere moved –0.36 mas in right ascension and –0.19 mas in declination, which was
Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España, E-28004 corrected during data reduction (21). Both images are centered at the expected position of the optical photosphere
Madrid Spain. 7Donostia International Physics Center,
E-20018 San Sebastián Spain. (right ascension 18h35m37s.75964 and declination 32°59′37″.2595; indicated by the intersection of the gray lines),
*Corresponding author. Email: which was determined from the optical astrometry propagated to the observation epoch (21).

Climent et al., Science 381, 1120–1124 (2023) 8 September 2023 1 of 5


Interpretation of the radio images

Optical astrometry of LSR J1835+3259 (21)
gives a location coinciding with the ECMI
emission (within uncertainties; Fig. 3). ECMI
emission is thought to be produced near the
poles of a UCD in the walls of an emission
cone oriented almost perpendicular to the
magnetic field lines (22, 23). This implies that
the magnetic axis of LSR J1835+3259 is nearly
perpendicular to the line of sight, at least at
the times shown in Fig. 3, A and B. We con-
sider two possible interpretations for the qui-
escent double structure: (i) bipolar nonthermal
emission (a magnetic axis with a position angle
of ~90°) similar to that observed in other low-
mass stars [such as UV Ceti (24)] or (ii) non-
thermal emission from electrons trapped in a
magnetosphere (the region around a celestial
object where its magnetic field determines the
motion of charged particles), forming a radiation

belt (a magnetic axis with a position angle of ~0°).
In the first scenario, bipolar emission would
produce different polarizations in each of the
two components because they would originate
in different magnetic hemispheres (25). Alter-
natively, nondipolar components could dom-

inate the magnetic configuration of LSR J1835+
3259, but we regard this as unlikely because
Fig. 2. Light curves of the radio emission from LSR J1835+3259 during the observations. Data points the observed topologies of fully convective ob-
are RCP (yellow) and LCP (blue) flux densities of LSR J1835+3259, determined by integrating the selected jects (26) indicate dipole-like arrangements
polarization flux density over the source region (21) and plotted as a function of the rotation phase. The for strong magnetic fields, which should in-

two vertical dashed lines are separated by the rotation period of the object and use the first burst as the clude LSR J1835+3259 (27). There is no detec-
reference phase. Error bars indicate 1s uncertainties in the flux densities. table circular polarization in the double-lobed
structure in Fig. 3, A and B, so we regard the
bipolar emission hypothesis as improbable.
Nonthermal radio emission from emitting
structures within the magnetosphere of LSR
J1835+3259 is expected to produce a double
morphology if a radiation belt is seen when
the magnetic equator is aligned close to the
line of sight, as it does for Jupiter (28). For

y g
A B LSR J1835+3259, this would need to occur at
the rotation phase of the maps shown in Fig. 3,
(magnetic axis on the plane of the sky). The
location of the optical emission and the ab-

sence of net circular polarization during these
rotation phases provide support for the pres-
ence of a radiation belt. In this scenario, we

expect synchrotron radiation to dominate the
detected radio emission, as it does for Jupiter
(28). Such a configuration would produce radio
emission with linear polarization (28); however,
our observations were only sensitive to circular

A radiation belt around LSR J1835+3259

A dipolar field constitutes a natural magnetic
trap: The density of the magnetic field lines is
Fig. 3. Reconstructed images of LSR J1835+3259 during the radio bursts. (A and B) Same as Fig. 1, but lowest at the magnetic equator and highest at
for 30-min windows around burst B1 (A) and burst B2 (B). Ten minutes of LCP data around each burst the magnetic poles. In such a configuration,
maximum were subtracted to produce the Stokes I images (color). The black contours show the Stokes V charged particles are forced to spiral along
data for each of the 10-min intervals around each burst, at S/N of 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The black dot indicates the magnetic field lines, bouncing back and
the expected size of the optical photosphere and its location derived from the optical astrometry, with error forth between mirror points located in each
bars indicating the SD of our astrometric analysis (21). magnetic hemisphere (29). A radiation belt

Climent et al., Science 381, 1120–1124 (2023) 8 September 2023 2 of 5


Fig. 4. Diagram of the proposed magnetosphere

configuration. Shown are our proposed magnetic
configurations of the magnetosphere of LSR J1835
+3259 at the time of the observations (image is not
to scale). (A) Thin black lines around the central
sphere (representing the photosphere of LSR J1835
+3259) indicate the UCD’s magnetic field lines.
Arrowed lines indicate the rotation (black) and
magnetic (red) axes. Hollow cones attached to the
magnetic poles (red and blue caps) represent the
ECMI auroral emission. Bold curved arrows corre-
spond to the trajectory of an accelerated electron
toward the magnetic poles after magnetic recon-
nections, which generates gyrosynchrotron emission
near the poles (wave arrows). Helical lines at each
side of the magnetosphere represent the trajectory
of the trapped electrons near the equator, which
produce collimated synchrotron emission (narrow
cones) originating at the radiation belts. (B) Same
as (A) but with the detected radio emission during

burst B1 (Fig. 3A) superimposed. The separation
between the different components of the radio
emission has been artificially enlarged with respect
to those in Fig. 3A to more clearly indicate their
locations in the model. (C) Compass indicating the
two-dimensional orientation of the magnetic (red)

and rotation (blue) axes during B1.

y g

around LSR J1835+3259 would therefore con- to form and maintain a large and energetic B1; Fig. 3A). For our observing frequency of
sist of high-energy charged particles trapped radiation belt. Taking Jupiter as a reference, 5 GHz, this implies an average electron energy
in a dipolar magnetic field, similar to those electrons in the magnetosphere of LSR J1835+ of 21 MeV (21). For B2, if the same radiation
present around the strongly magnetized plan- 3259 would need to be accelerated up to tens belt were also responsible for the extended
ets of the Solar System (Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, of mega–electron volts (28). Assuming a mag- structure visible in Fig. 3B, then the average
Uranus, and Neptune). It is not known how netic field in a dipole-like configuration with a electron energy would need to have dropped
the particles are energized even in Jupiter’s strength of 5 kG in the polar regions (27), the to 8 MeV and the background magnetic field
radiation belts (30). Whatever mechanism is magnetic field strength in such a radiation increased to 17 G. These estimates for the elec-
acting, both a fast-rotating central object and a belt would be ~2 G at a distance of 13 R★ from tron energy are similar to in situ measurements
strong magnetic field appear to be necessary the optical photosphere (determined from burst of Jupiter’s radiation belts (31).

Climent et al., Science 381, 1120–1124 (2023) 8 September 2023 3 of 5


A radiation belt around LSR J1835+3259 duration of the bursts and the cadence of ob- emission. In this interpretation, the ECMI
with the typical energies estimated above would servations of LSR J1835+3259 (21), the obser- emission is visible in the Stokes V map during
not be detectable during most of the object vations could have missed the exact rotation flares B1 and B2, whereas the corresponding
rotation if the magnetic and rotation axes were phase when the maximum of the LCP burst Stokes I maps (nonbursting emission coinci-
misaligned. It is therefore necessary for Fig. 3, occurred. dent in time with B1 and B2) show the mor-
A and B, to be produced by a specific geom- The Stokes V maps in Fig. 3 show compact phology of the radiation belt. The belt is
etric configuration, in which the magnetic (milliarcsecond-scale) emission located near located close to the magnetic equator, at dis-
equatorial plane is seen edge-on and a beam the optical position of LSR J1835+3259. We tances up to ~13 R★ from the optical photo-
of synchrotron emission is pointing toward interpret this as auroral ECMI emission. Its sphere (Fig. 4B).
Earth. We estimate that a misalignment angle detection at 5 GHz implies electron densities In the Jupiter system, the volcanic moon Io
(b) of a few degrees would make the radiation below 3 × 1011 cm−3 for the low-density regions provides a source of plasma that supplies the
belt undetectable (<5 s at the observational near the poles (21). We regard this density as radiation belt. It is possible that a satellite
sensitivity) in the maps before or after the plausible for LSR J1835+3259 (2, 36). planet orbiting LSR J1835+3259 could play a
bursts (21). Consistent with this prediction, The radio powers of bursts B1 and B2 are similar role, as numerous rocky exoplanets
we detect extended emission associated with two orders of magnitude higher than the total have been detected around M dwarf stars [e.g.,
the radiation belt only at rotation phases cor- auroral power emitted by Jupiter (21), similar (39, 40)]. No companion to LSR J1835+3259
responding to the bursts (fig. S1), which is the to previously reported bursts for this UCD (3). has been detected, but nor can one be ruled
most favorable orientation. However, the profiles of B1 and B2 are sub- out (21). A planetary companion has previ-
The double-lobed structure is seen only stantially different (Fig. 2), which could be due ously been proposed to power the aurorae in
once per rotation (Fig. 3 and fig. S1). In our to small changes in the physical parameters this system (3). Its previously proposed pa-

proposed radiation belt scenario, this con- that determine the ECMI beam pattern (37). rameters (3) would locate its orbit within the
strains the inclination angle (i) and its mis- Burst B2 is 65% LCP polarized (B1 is 85%), is extended structure seen in our radio maps.
alignment with the magnetic axis to be i = less intense, and has a slower decay. The en- We investigated this possibility, but can neither
130 ± 10° and b = 40 ± 10°, where the uncer- ergy and time decay are expected to be related: confirm nor refute it (see the supplementary
tainties encompass the allowed range (21) (Fig. A slower decay indicates a longer trapping text). If such an exoplanet exists, then it would
4C). There are no previous determinations of time of charged particles in the magnetosphere be a potential source of plasma for the radia-
i for this UCD that can be used for comparison.

(38), which in turn depends on the energy tion belt.
However, we can estimate i using a probabilis- of the electrons. According to this scenario,
tic inference method (32) with the rotation particles associated with the more energetic,
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period (2.84140 ± 0.00039 hours), estimated fast-decaying B1 pulse quickly leave the mag- 2. G. Hallinan et al., Astrophys. J. 653, 690–699 (2006).
radius (1.07 ± 0.05 RJup, 20), and v sin(i) [43.9 ± netosphere, whereas those causing the less-

3. G. Hallinan et al., Nature 523, 568–571 (2015).
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5. J. Saur et al., Astrophys. J. 859, 74 (2018).
10°, consistent with the value that we esti- The different light curves of B1 and B2 (Fig. 2)
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radio emission mechanism during the non- Comparison with models 14. Q. Zhang, G. Hallinan, W. Brisken, S. Bourke, A. Golden,

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bursting phases. The maximum RCP emission We can use previous radiation belt models (10) Astrophys. J. 897, 11 (2020).
15. P. A. Miles-Páez, S. A. Metchev, B. George, Mon. Not. R. Astron.
does not coincide with the times when the to interpret the morphology and light curve Soc. 521, 952–968 (2023).
radiation belt is detected (Fig. 2). Alterna- of both the bursting and nonbursting emission 16. Gaia Collaboration, Astron. Astrophys. 674, A1 (2023).
tively, gyrosynchrotron emission and/or ECMI from LSR J1835+3259. Although the models 17. E. Berger, Astrophys. J. 648, 629–636 (2006).

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emission that is depolarized as it propagates were developed for radio emission from much
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through the magnetosphere (19) could be re- more massive stars (spectral types A or B), it 20. J. C. Filippazzo et al., Astrophys. J. 810, 158 (2015).
sponsible for the nonbursting emission, in has been proposed that they also apply to low- 21. Materials and methods are available as supplementary materials.

which case they would dominate emission at mass stars and gas giant planets (10). A diag- 22. G. A. Dulk, Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 23, 169–224 (1985).
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rotation phases other than those of B1 and ram of our interpretation is shown in Fig. 4A. 24. A. O. Benz et al., Astron. Astrophys. 331, 596–600 (1998).
B2 (fig. S1). The model assumes a dipole-dominated mag- 25. R. L. Mutel, L. A. Molnar, E. B. Waltman, F. D. Ghigo, Astrophys.
The morphological differences between Fig. netic field, with plasma permanently trapped J. 507, 371–383 (1998).
3, A and B, could be due to physical and/or by closed magnetic field lines, forming a ra- 26. J. Morin et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 407, 2269–2286 (2010).
27. S. V. Berdyugina et al., Astrophys. J. 847, 61 (2017).
instrumental effects. Physical possibilities in- diation belt. The belt then produces, at least 28. S. J. Bolton, R. M. Thorne, S. Bourdarie, I. DePater, B. Mauk,
clude time variability and/or stretching of the partially, the nonthermal radio emission (through in Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere, F. Bagenal,
magnetospheric field lines, as has been ob- the synchrotron mechanism, assuming sim- T. E. Dowling, W. B. McKinnon, Eds. (Cambridge Univ. Press,
2004), pp. 671–688.
served for Jupiter (27, 34, 35). Alternatively, ilarity with Jupiter). Near the magnetic equator, 29. B. J. Kellett, R. Bingham, R. A. Cairns, V. Tsikoudi, Mon. Not. R.
the differing energetics of LSR J1835+3259 electrons are accelerated by magnetic recon- Astron. Soc. 329, 102–108 (2002).
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ence of other radiation mechanisms in addition that releases stored energy) and propagate along 32. K. Masuda, J. N. Winn, Astron. J. 159, 81 (2020).
to synchrotron (such as gyrosynchrotron and/ the magnetic field lines, radiating nonthermal 33. I. J. M. Crossfield, Astron. Astrophys. 566, A130 (2014).
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35. M. F. Vogt et al., J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 119, 1925–1950
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Climent et al., Science 381, 1120–1124 (2023) 8 September 2023 4 of 5


37. P. Leto et al.. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 459, 1159–1169 Gaia, processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis availability: The raw observations are available from the EVN data
(2016). Consortium (DPAC). Funding for the DPAC has been provided archive at under observation
38. C. O. G. Waterfall et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 496, by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating period 2021 and experiment EC077. Our output calibrated data
2715–2725 (2020). in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement. Funding: J.B.C., J.C.G., and files and reduced images are archived at Zenodo (41). License
39. G. Anglada-Escudé et al., Nature 536, 437–440 (2016). J.M.M. were supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/ information: Copyright © 2023 the authors, some rights reserved;
40. M. Gillon et al., Nature 542, 456–460 (2017). Agencia Estatal de Investigación (grants PGC2018-098915-B-C22 exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of
41. J. B. Climent, J. C. Guirado, M. Pérez-Torres, J. M. Marcaide, and PID2020-117404GB-C22). M.P.T. and L.P.M. were supported Science. No claim to original US government works. https://www.
L. Peña-Moñino, Data and images for: Evidence for a radiation by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (grants PID2020-117404GB-
belt around a brown dwarf, Zenodo (2023); C21 and CEX2021-001131-S) and by the European Union
10.5281/zenodo.8184164. (NextGenerationEU grant PRTR-C17.I1). J.B.C. and J.C.G. were SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
supported by Generalitat Valenciana (grants PROMETEO/2020-080,
ASFAE/2022/018, and CIPROM/2022/64). Author contributions:
Materials and Methods
J.B.C. thanks A. Vidotto and J. Morin for useful conversations. We Conceptualization: J.B.C., J.C.G.; Formal analysis: J.B.C., J.C.G.;
Supplementary Text
thank the anonymous referees for their constructive criticisms, Funding acquisition: J.C.G., J.M.M., M.P.T.; Methodology: J.B.C., J.C.G.,
Figs. S1 and S2
which greatly improved the manuscript. The European VLBI J.M.M., M.P.T.; Visualization: J.B.C., J.C.G., J.M.M., M.P.T., L.P.M.;
References (42–50)
Network is a joint facility of independent European, African, Asian, Writing – original draft: J.B.C., J.C.G.; Writing – review and editing:
and North American radio astronomy institutes. This work has J.C.G., J.B.C., J.M.M., M.P.T., L.P.M. Competing interests: The Submitted 12 January 2023; accepted 26 July 2023
made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission authors declare no competing interests. Data and materials 10.1126/science.adg6635

y g

Climent et al., Science 381, 1120–1124 (2023) 8 September 2023 5 of 5

By Megan Keller

Finding my joy

e have officially been scooped.” I woke up to this dreadful news in an email from my adviser
midway through the third year of my Ph.D. I was devastated. Just 6 months earlier, after
2 years of failures and dead ends, I had finally found a promising research direction to fol-
low. Now, after dedicating all my efforts to characterizing an unknown gene with an intrigu-
ing phenotype, a preprint showed someone had beaten me to it. I began to panic. Was my
Ph.D. not meant to be? Should I cut my losses and leave my program?

Desperate for perspective, I sought Ph.D. could give me an advantage
advice from far and wide—family, with potential employers; others
friends, classmates, students who said all that mattered was whether I
had left my program, trusted fac- could effectively communicate com-
ulty members, and former advisers. plex scientific topics. Again, only I
In the end I realized that no one could decide.

could make the decision for me; I It was a risk, but after much de-
was the only one who could choose bate, I decided I would rather spend
my future. a few more years trying to get the
So, in the words of Marie Kondo, Ph.D., in case it turned out to be an

I began to look for things that asset in the future. In the meantime,
sparked joy. I thought about how, I sought every opportunity I could to
ever since learning why clouds explore science communication and
form different shapes in the fourth develop my skills. I joined my uni-
grade, I can’t help but share fun versity’s newspaper, took classes and
science facts with friends and online certification programs, and
family. I remembered how watch-
ing the movie Twilight as a young
“Ever since learning why clouds completed a communications intern-
ship at a journal. It wasn’t easy to
teen had introduced me to mitosis
and cellular division and spurred
form different shapes … I can’t convince my adviser that these were
worthwhile endeavors. But eventu-
help but share fun science facts.”

y g
me to pursue molecular biology. I ally he came around and became my
thought fondly back to the state- biggest supporter—and even started
wide conferences I loved attending as an under- to work on becoming a better science communicator himself.
graduate, where students presented all sorts of research and Two years have passed since I got scooped. I’ve spent long
every interaction left me refueled and eager to learn more hours brainstorming for project leads and testing simple hy-

about different fields of science. potheses in the lab. I’ve reduced the scope of the research to
I had embarked on a Ph.D. because I was excited to solve be publishable in smaller journals. And thanks to a project
mysteries of the natural world, and I had dreams of becoming that yielded quick and promising results, I will soon finish
a university professor, igniting curiosity in young minds. But my Ph.D., with plans to find a role in science communication
after reflecting on what gave me joy, I saw a new career path: after I graduate.
informing and inspiring the public about scientific knowl- In conversations with my classmates, I’m finding that
edge as a communicator. many have postponed addressing the question of what they
I still had to decide whether to finish my Ph.D. I had will do after grad school, which often leaves them scrambling
no clear research project and would probably have to start toward the end. I probably would have been in the same boat
from scratch. If I continued, would I be able to finish “on if I hadn’t been scooped. So, with the benefit of hindsight, I’m
time”? And if I did, would that set me up for a better science grateful it happened. Losing my project forced me to reflect
communication career? on my desires—and find an unexpected direction toward a
Knowing my future did not include research, my adviser brighter future. j
and I discussed how we might scale back our ambitions
for my Ph.D. project. I also sought advice from profession- Megan Keller is a Ph.D. student at Cornell University. Send your career
als working in science communication. Some said having a story to

1126 8 SEP TEMBER 2023 • VOL 381 ISSUE 6662 SCIENCE

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