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PL Alizah - for always trying her best and working hard. It's fantastic to see you
helping your classmates. You're a lovely friend! Keep up the good work!
PM Danish - for a fantastic improvement with his counting and number
recognition. Keep up the great work Danish!
PN Firdawsa - for fantastic work this week on writing sentences all by herself.
You are doing such a great job sounding out words. Well done Firdawsa !
PS Xander for always trying his best and being a wonderful friend to his class
Anxhelos for working so hard with his work and asking for help from those
around him when he doesn't understand the English instructions.
PO Naomi for completing an excellent large poster of a farm. Her work was of
high quality, with lots of thought put into where all her animals should live.
She worked hard to finish this project that was started with her Buddy.
1K Timothy - for a big effort with all of his work this week. Well done,
1S Zulfiqar - For trying your hardest in the Reading and ESL Room. Keep up the
good work Zulfiqar.
1W Julian - for always being a helpful student and has beautiful manners. It's
great having you in 1W!
Ivana - for reading really well this week. Ivana sounds out all new words
and is reading more fluently. Keep up the great work!
1/2HS Zeynab - For always trying her best , having a fun personality and being a
much loved member of the grade.
2FM Alistair for being an outstanding student who strives to do his best at all
times. You always make a huge effort with your work and show a great
interest in all topics.
2G Danijela for working really hard to remember Buddies to 10.
Masi for great work with his take home spelling words.
2C Myee For her fantastic response as to why a dinosaur would not make a
great pet. Great thinking Myee!

3C Richard -Congratulations Richard, you have developed a terrific work ethic.

The improvement in you work is clearly evident. Keep up the good work.
3D Alley- For being a great team project manager! You are so amazing at
organising people!
Natasya- For impressing people with your amazing art skills!
3W Kishore: For being a maths wizz! You are always listening and contributing
during lessons, and you love working on all your maths tasks. Well done,
4R Inaya -Inaya has been a fantastic contributor to our class and Dandenong
North Primary School. Inaya has made excellent progress in all areas and
she is now part of the writing extension program. Congratulations!
Nebojsa: Nebojsa is an enthusiastic learner who always has a smile on his
face. Nebojsa is a well-mannered student who always uses the 4cs. Keep up
the great work!
4W Alimatu- Congratulations on getting your Australian Citizenship!
5S Patricia for showing great sportsmanship during 5S's extra PE class with Mr
PK by volunteering to sit out at the start of the game to even up numbers.
Exodus G for writing an exceptional invitation to his mum for the open
Harsha - Thank you for helping Mrs Colaci and 5C in the Lab. Your patience
with us has ensured that the class finished their formulas on the Excel
5C Josie: Congratulations on an outstanding speech you gave at the Pancake
Parlour. You were animated and displayed enthusiasm when presenting in
front of an audience.
Norbert: For always reading his reader every night and ensuring his diary is
signed. A fantastic effort Norbert.
5\6H Zohre - for always trying hard and wearing a smile everyday to school!
Danny - A hardworking student who tries his hardest in all curriculum
areas. A fantastic effort Danny!!
5\6M Malesh - for being a positive, hardworking member of the class. You're
always trying your best and asking for feedback to find out how you can
improve. Well done and keep it up!
6M All of 6M- Your behaviour while we were at Lyndale Secondary was
exemplary. You were all enthusiastic and represented DNPS beautifully. I
would also like to congratulate each and everyone of you for improving on
your Schonell Spelling Test. I am so proud to be your teacher. Well done
6V Mineth Congratulations and well done on your PAT Maths test score. You
have shown the most improvement over the semester. I'm so proud of your
efforts and I hope you are feeling proud of yourself. Keep trying hard!

Udara for showing a more mature attitude toward her company's progress.
You were an active participant in your meetings and contributed some
good ideas. Well done Udara. Keep it up!

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