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Name: Ankit Yadav

Roll No: 20/53158
Course: B.A. Hons. English
Section: B
Topic : Waiting for Godot- Please Offer a brief analysis of the most important
points of the play.

Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett was Originally written in French and then
it was translated. It’s a tragic comedy in two acts, In the play we find
conversation between Vladimir and Estragon who are waiting for Godot, And
Godot sends them a message stating that he will next day, but till end we find
Godot never appeared. By this Beckett puts a light on how two men pass the
time aimlessly while waiting for someone who never appeared in the play
rather we should say who never comes on the stage.
Godot name appears like God to some of the readers as every human wants
the God to listen to them and for that they do worship but at the end of the
day no God appears in the same way Godot too never appeared in front of
Vladimir and Estragon.
Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett is a prime example of theater of absurd
as it’s character depicts inattentiveness, Carelessness and irrelevant word play
in the play and have no meaning in life.
In the play we find instant change of emotions irrespective of the situation in
the play as in the play Vladimir tries to wake up Estragon and he tries to
narrate him his dream but he stops him in mid way.
Play shares some post modernist features. The play depicts the concept of post
modernism through its main characters that is Estragon and Vladimir. These
main character in the play primarily depicts the concept of having “ hope” in a
situation which doesn’t seems to give hope.
In the play we find use of Black Comedy or dark humor that makes light of
subject matter is not always jacked about because it is seen as taboo or a sore
subject that is joking about death, disease and similar topics.
The play puts light of the meaninglessness of the human existence, a topic that
can be sensitive to joke about. Even the play doesn’t clearly tells the reader
that how long Vladimir and Estragon have been waiting by the same tree for
Godot as it’s pretty clear to the readers that Godot will never come. And this
thing puts light on the line “ Existence can seen boring and pointless”.

Thank you…

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