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Horror in the Golden

Chapte 1
Hi, I'm Eva. An 18-year-old teenager is studying at Harvard University until
one day..
- Mom: daughter you are going to be late.
-Eva: yes, I was asleep, I woke up and looked at the time and it's very
- Eva: what time is it!!! ¡¡¡¡8:30!!!!
I'm late!!! I'm late!!! I'm late!!!!
And I'm running to college
-Eva: I'm home!!! ¡¡¡¡!!!!
-Professor Sebastian: Miss Eva, you are late again, sit down and go to
detention after class.
Eva whispers: ush to detention already looks like my house what a pain in
the ass this teacher is!
-mia: there Eva listen up to here next time come with mommy
-sophia: no, you don't even have that
-eva in her mind: and if that's my life and that was mine a daddy's
daughter and mommy rich and stuck up and her best friend Sophia are
perfect for each other at least i have a best friend too Sara
-Sara: stop bothering her, it's none of your business.
-mia: here comes the girlfriend to defend her
-eva: at least mine loves me and doesn't use me.
-in eva's mind: i went to my seat and sat down. But this time the teacher
was talking about a predial city called El Dorado in Colombia, I was very
interested and after stopping with my best friend I went to the library to
find out more about this place because it was said that everything was
made of gold, I am studying to be an archeologist and archeologist that
is why I am interested, I told my best friend that I want to go there and
explore the place, I thought she was going to tell me it was silly and not
to go but instead she supported me and offered to go with me at that
moment she told me.
-Sara: I want to tell you something
-eva: what is it Sara
-Sara: I want to introduce you to my boyfriend.
-eva: what boyfriend, why didn't you tell me, he was going to support you?
-sara: I'm sorry but I missed it.
He is my boyfriend
At that moment a tall boy with brown eyes came in, he had red hair and
he was handsome.

He was very handsome, his name was Aiden, he came in and asked me
what my name was.
I answered that my name was Eva, he was very nice to me, we got to
know each other, hours after we were in the library Sara told him about
that lost city, he said he was also interested in going there, and we
started to plan it for the vacations from August to December . .
Meanwhile in mine and Sophia's life, they are also looking at the lost city.
- Mia: Look Sophi, I want to go to El Dorado because there is a lot of
gold and I can become richer than I am.
-Sophia: yes you are right, what if we go on vacation?
-mia: yes you are right, I am going to call my parents to buy the tickets
and we will stay in the best hotel and the best explorer in the world.
Or so I hope
In the meantime we continued researching about the dorado until we
realized that someone was spying on us and it was a tall brown eyed boy
I asked him why he was spying on us and he replied that his name was
Mike and that he had found out that we were going to the dorado and
that he wanted to go too so we decided to join the group, it was already
9pm and I had to go because my mom was going to scold me and I
wasn't going to like that so I went home.
When I got home everyone was asleep, I took off my shoes, took a
shower and put on my pajamas and went to sleep. Hopefully I'll get
through this week.. . . Today is 3/20/2022

Chapte 2
Hi it's me Eva again today is 01/04/22 it's been half a week since we
started planning the trip now it's time to buy the tickets and here comes
the problem no one had money and our parents won't give it to us so the
only way was to ask mia for money she wouldn't give it to us but Mike
doesn't know him so he could give it to us.
The plan starts now
-Mike: I'm nervous.
-eva: calm down
-sara: yeah calm down.
-aiden: yeah you're right
Mike easily became friends with me very easily he gave us the money
very easily and we bought the tickets and the hotel also a gia to take us
Now we have to wait for the time to travel.

In mia life
Today I met a new science student his name was Mike and he asked me
for $1500 dollars I gave it to him because I have money to spare and
because if his name was Mike he was tall brown eyes kind and a
celebrity. he was cute but not cuter than my boyfriend, Noah 😍 he is tall
green eyes book hair and smart white skinned and rich very very rich but
not more than me obviously and he had a brother named Steve he was
the same as Noah but with blue eyes they were both the cutest guys in
the university. But well let's continue that day I was with Sophi it was my
birthday Mike congratulated me and left, but a stranger congratulated me
and my boyfriend, I was with Noah and Steve all day but Noah was acting
weird after class I went to his house as usual since no one was at my
house because my parents were working 😟 .
I arrived and !!!!wow¡¡¡¡ A surprise party for me ¡!!!!!áaaaaaaaa!¡!¡!!!! That
day we had an amazing time, it was the best day of my life, there was
music, drinks, pool and the best of all my friends, while we were dancing
I told Noah and his brother about el dorado they decided to join us too, I
was super excited finally my dream come true, at 12:00pm I went home
as usual mom and dad hadn't arrived I called my dog max he came
running to me there I loved him so much I would do anything for him, I
went to take a shower and I got wet and went to bed.
Two weeks later.. . .
Hi I'm Eva it's 04/21/22
OMG the time goes by so fast and I love it and I want it to be August,
that one after class Sara invited me to the library to continue
researching and after that to a picnic to chat, the classes went by so
slow, ah, what a laziness. The 4 of us went to the library, everything was
normal until . . . . . We found an article that said "a gentleman claims to have
He said "nothing is what it seems". He said "nothing is what it seems" the
news was about a 50 year old man who claims to have found El Dorado
more than 15 years ago, Mr. Camilo Posada claims to have entered El
Dorado where there are mousters, spirits, curses and traps, he told us that
to get out alive they must eliminate everything and overcome the curse
and spirits. Camilo was on the banks of the Bogota River and claims to
have seen something indescribable.. .
That news gave me goose bumps, we all got scared until Aiden told us:
calm down, it is surely a false news, El Dorado is the best thing in the
world, after that we had a picnic and we talked a little bit, it was late so
I had to go home, when I arrived mom told me to eat and go to bed and
that's what I did.
until I saw her.. . .

chapte 3
Again me Eva today is 06/19/22 it's been 2 months already! WOW! we are
almost getting closer to the trip in the meantime we will ask our parents
for permission!
Sara's parents
Sara: Dad, mom, I wanted to ask you if I could go on a 5 month trip to
Colombia during the vacations.
Dad: no, of course not
Mom: maybe what if we make a deal?
Kate: what
Mom: read and summarize a book
Dad: if you do that, yes, if not, no
Kate: Ash ok

Mike's parents
Mike Mom: I can go on a 5 month trip to Colombia.
Mom: ok but you have to get a good grade on the English and science
Mike: ok
Eva's parents
Eva : mommy daddy can I go to Colombia 5 months vacation. Plisss
Dad: ok. But you come back in time
Eva: ok

Aiden's parents
Aiden: dad mom will you let me go to Colombia for 5 months on vacation
Dad: no son it's too dangerous
Mom: I think the same as your dad no.
Aiden : ush what a laziness

After that we met and shared the answers of the parents all said yes but
Aiden said that his parents did not let him go and proposed that he was
going to escape but obviously we did not agree until he convinced us we
finally had everything planned and we only had to wait for August.

Mia life
I am going to tell you my story since I was very little my parents left
me alone with a babysitter they gave me everything I wanted but . . . I
loved them they never ever accompanied me they always didn't care if I
was the best I got good grades they didn't pay attention to me they
didn't pay attention to me they started to make me bad I wasn't as nice
as I was when I was a little girl.
I was not as nice as I used to be, until I met Sophi she was like me I
identified with her so we became friends she is the best. What happened
to me there I love her good morning I will continue to tell you more

Chapte 4
Hi I am mine today is already 01/08/22 yes in a few hours we have the
flight what a fun day finally I am with my boyfriend and his sister Sophia
and I our was in first class of course otherwise I don't travel everything
is normal until . .
Eva and her group arrived, that is Mike, Aiden, Eva and Sara when they
arrived they were surprised to see us and Sophia approached them and
-Sophia: What are you guys doing here?
- I said. cousin what cousin?
- Sophia: yes Sara is my cousin
- Sara: shut up you said to keep it a secret.
- Eva: It's true Sara
- Sara: Yes it's true unfortunately
- Eve: so if you were rich why didn't you lend us the money?
- Kate: I'm not rich like my cousin
- Sophia: but I am rich
-me: answer the question that Sophia has asked you
-eva: we are going to travel to Colombia to visit el dorado
- me: ¡!!!!!! us too, why are you copying my ideas, don't you have a
- Eva: yes I have a personality, but you copied my idea.
- me: !!!!yo¡¡¡¡ don't be ridiculous 😐
We were angry until they started calling the first class passengers when
I heard them I said.

I'm sorry we have to go now poor people

And Eva answered me we have to go too

I got even more angry and asked them

How did you pay for this?
Eva answered me with magic
And there is faith when I realized that Mike used me just to tell them
money to pay for this ahh I'm so stupid
You used the money I gave you didn't you I asked Mike (in an angry
He said yes.
I got on the plane angry and the worst thing is I was next to eva
I am lost 😞.

As you know, I was next to Eva and I spent the trip uncomfortable when
we arrived. We went to the same hotel they left us in the same room we
had to stay 2 days and then we started the trip the two days went by
fast, we were already getting ready to go we took a lot of food in case
we got lost the gia arrived and we walked for 12 hours straight and we
slept. 12 hours straight and we slept and the next day me and Eva got up
first we did not see the gia we got scared and walked a few meters until
. . we found the dead gia next to a tree that formed how a portal. When
we saw this we ran to the camp we woke up the others and we took our
things and we passed a portal when we passed it something terrifying
had a.. .
Lots of corpses and moustros, carnivorous bats, creepers, giants, witches,
spirits, pyramids, mummies.

Ahh it was like a nightmare we started to walk but we had no weapons

we could not believe it my Noah protected me from. Those bats kept
walking until Sara stepped on something and zombies suddenly appeared,
we ran until we found a cave it was dark and the men went out to collect
weapons and firewood to make fire while we went out and found another
portal when the boys arrived we got up and agreed to go tomorrow
morning. The next morning we had breakfast and passed the portal
because it was not the exit, it was a portal to go to the other side of the
island, we found another cave but in a few weeks we were about to pass
a day suit . . . ,. .
Two months later Sophia and Sara were fighting and on the edge of a
cliff and "without guilt Sara pushed Sophia off that cliff". And then Mike.
He pushed Sara because he was in love with Sophia and Aiden saw this
and pushed him and it ended up falling apart we were devastated.
Eva and I in that month we became closer friends and after that we
became closer. We became closer.

After 6 months we became best friends and Eva became Steve's

girlfriend, according to our calculations it was already March 2023, I
couldn't believe it, we had been there for 8 months and we didn't go out,
the next day we went to a pyramid and we discovered that to get out we
had to overcome a curse. And go through different challenges.
Challenges .

Chapte 6
Since we found the curse it has been 4 months. We have been trying to
overcome the curse. We had gone through several challenges like killing
zombies, cannibals, bats, giants and more monsters until we already had
59% of the motion completed and we were exhausted.
In the following months we were adding more and more percentage.
Until we were missing 15% that 15% consisted in getting the precious
stone of the Pharaoh Queen Atoqui.
We almost died getting that but on November 14, 2023 we could finally
get out of there to be free at last when we returned we continued
studying and we had a happy ending... .
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