Unit 3-4

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Malik Inna

Speakout Advanced Unit 3-4.

Unit 3
1. 1 picturesque 2. run-down 3. Bustling 4.ancient 5.unspoilt 6.magnificent 7.deserted 8.tranquil
2. 1e 2a 3d 4g 5b 6c 7f 8j 9n 10h 11l 12i 13m 14k
3.A terraced cafes, the small of bread ,busy restaurants, cobbled streets, cliches, designer
handbags,poodles, the Eiffeel Tower, the Pompidou Centre, flea markets ,velib bike (s)
B. 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.T
4A.1.the Stockholm archipelago
2.Midsummer is a good time to visit because it is most beautiful then
3.radiant green like a fairytale
4. strawberries, herring, new potatoes and sour cream
5. by boat
6. The atmosphere is tranquil and relaxed. He says, ‘the pace of life soon slows’. The beautiful
scenery and natural landscape (with deer) contribute to the tranquil atmosphere.
B. free and efficient public ferries
tiny huts share a few metres of exposed
granite with just the wind and seals
radiant green landscape of a fairytale
fat cows
Wild flowers nod
rogue moose
packed with trolleys
flying off the shelves
Heavily laden cars
luminously clear
scoured by sea breezes
Roe deer skip out of the path of bicycles
1A. 1.b 2.d 3.e 4.f 5.b 6.a 7.c 8.e 9.a 10.b 11.e 12.b 13.d 14.e
B. 1b 2b 3b 4a 5a 6b 7b 8a
2. 1. poky 2. gaudy 3. roomy 4. dreary 5. airy 6. shady 7. chilly 8. gloomy
3. 1a 2b 3c 4b 5c 6c 7a 8a 9c 10a 11b 12b
4. 1.unprepared 2.understatement 3.overpowering 4.pro/anti-government 5.anti/pro-government
6.mismanaged 7.post-mortem 8.impossible 9.non-profit 10.malfunctioning 11.depopulated 12.pre-
1. Across: 3.abandonment 4.amenities 7.infastrure 8.toos
Down:1.regeneration 2.congestion 5.traffic 6.urban
2A. To start with, I'm going to talk brief
briefly about ...
Just to give a bit of backing background
information, ...
The ambition aim of the project ...
So the main desire goal of our proposal
The long-term blessings benefits include
What we arrange plan to do is ...
While cost is a major issue, our resolution solution is ...
In the first instant instance, .
To close sum up, . ... things that need clearing clarifying?
3. 1.How about if we combine our ideas?
2.Let’s look at it another way.
3.Id like to propose a compromise.
4.Is there any way we can reduce the costs?
5.Is there any leeway regarding the schedule?
6.Let's try to come up with a solution.

Unit 4
1. 1. suspend 2.report 3.innocence 4.raid 5.wrongful 6.crime 7.drug-related 8.convictions
2. 1.No, it's nothing really. It’s just that I'm worried about my interview tomorrow.
2.Yes, it’s about nine forty.
3.Yes, I find it really hard to close the safe once I've opened it.
4.It’s pointless calling him now. It’s too late.
5.Yes, I'd really appreciate it if you could lock up when you go.
6.It’s no wonder you're tired. You hardly slept last night.
7.No, but I've heard that it’s a wonderful place for walking holidays.
8.No, I'll leave it to you to decide which one is most suitable.
3. 1.hard 2. fault 3.help 4.appear 5.amazes 6.wonder 7.pointless 8.appreciate
4. 1.It's a long way to the station from here.
2.It's amazing how often we bump into each other.
3.It seems as if we're too late.
4.It was suggested that the inquiry be reopened.
5.I couldn't believe it when he gave me his autograph.
6.I hate it when people let me down.
7.We owe it to him to tell him the truth.
8.It’s hard to know if we've done the right thing.
9. I find it easy to get on with people.
10.I'll leave it to you to decide the best way to deal with this.
5. 1.unjustly accused
2.a surprising number
3.of people the true story of
4.protested his innocence
5.miscarriage of justice
6.rough justice
7.demanded justice
8.at that time
6A. 1.had not committed
2.four years/ the rest of his life
B. 1b 2c 3c 4a 5a 6c 7a 8b
1. 1.d iv 2.g viii 3. ai 4.b viii 5.e ii 6.h v 7.f iii 8.c vi
2. 1.had been living
2.won't have finished
3.Have you been waiting
4.had buried
5.not to have noticed
6.have you spoken to
7.will have been working
8.hadn't changed
3A/B 1.freedom of speech 2.civil liberties 3.capital punishment 4.economic development
5.intellectual property 6.child labour 7.gun control 8.illegal immigration 9.environmental awareness
10.free trade.
4A 2. entertainment is provided on the internet it provides entertainment and the internet it allows.
3.find that we are producing produce too much waste from packaging and too much of our food is
thrown away throw away too much food.
5A He helped to found the Red Cross, whose flag is shown.
B. 1... ‘chaotic disorder, despair unspeakable and misery of every kind’. There was little organised
medical care. The French army had fewer doctors than vets ...
2... an even worse businessman. Time and again he found himself fleeing his debts. Even during
the early days
3. ...a small town called Heiden. He withdrew from the world, but all this changed in 1895 when
an article
was written about The International Committee of the Red Cross. Six years later, ...
4 From Dunant's early solo efforts, the organisation has grown steadily over the last 150 years.
Today the
International Committee of the Red Cross …
5…. buried in Zurich without a ceremony. His wish was granted. But fate had the last laugh…..
C. 1F 2F 3T 4F 5F 6F 7T 8T
D. 1.aftermath 2.bloodbath 3.wounded 4.strewn 5.recipient 6.creditors 7.emblem 8.inverse
2. 1.Without a shadow but of a doubt,...
2. ---
3.If it was for up to me, ...
4.No right way would I do that.
6.Far the better to be ...
7.Given to the choice, ...
8.I'd sooner to live here than there.
9.This would be by very far the best option.
3B 1W 2not used 3W 4M 5not used 6M 7M 8not used 9M 10W
4A 1b 2c 3a 4b 5c 6a 7c

Review 2
1. 2 .It was a 15-carat diamond necklace with a gold chain that hed given her.
3.We moved to the small border town where weld met for the first time.
4.They bought her a brand new red sports car worth £50,000.
5.He got a large multicoloured tattoo of his daughter on his arm.
6.Jodie bought a tiny grey Siamese cat with a white mark on its face.
7.She married a charming Science teacher from Jordan but based in France.
8.Let's meet in the same Italian restaurant on the corner where we ate mussels.
2. 1.infrastructure 2.congestion 3.dreary 4.picturesque 5.unspoilt 6.deserted 7.run-down 8.gloomy
9.airy 10.bustling 11.chilly 12.ancient.
3. 1.neither of which I've read
2.which case you can come to lunch with me
3.none of whom had heard of Justin Bieber
4.for which we should be grateful
5.at which point I realised he was famous
6.most of whom had been fans in the 60s
7.whose books inspired me to become an anthropologist
8.in which that actor died
9.which time our plane had already left
10.both of whom love dancing, are going to doa tango course.
4. 2.irreplaceable 3.misbehaves 4.antisocial 5.immoral 6.overpopulated 7.malnourished
9.decriminalised 10.prehistoric
5. 3.the 4. to (to talk to) 5.strong 6.—7.and 8.--- 9.are 10.---- 11.very 12.of 13.of 14.--- 15.for 16.the
6. 1.intellectual property 2.freedom of speech 3.previous convictions 4.appeal against 5.capital
punishment 6.gut control 7.drugs raid 8.driving offence 9.environmental awareness 10.child labour
11.illegal immigration 12.economic development
7. 1.It appears that 2.It`s believed that the 3.it will be easier 4. It makes 5.it`s pointless 6.it always
amazes 7.it`s no 8.love it 9.find it impossible 10. make it clear
8A. 1a 2e 3c 4b 5d
B. b)to the police to get the job done.
c)justice on each other every day of the week
d) justice ,but he was past retirement age.
e) his own hands when he realised he had no choice
9. 1. has been discovered 2.had bought 3.had been planning 4.had belonged 5. to have been
6.had been bringing 7. have been 8. has been working 9. to have come across 10.I`d never imagined
11.I`ll have been living 12.I`ll have `earned`
10. 1.no 2.doubt 3.given 4.to 5.would 6.myself 7.up (down is also possible) 8.by

1c 2b 3c 4c 5a 6c 7b 8c 9c 10a 11b 12a 13b 14c 15c 16a 17c 18c 19a 20b 21b 22c 23c 24b 25c 26a
27c 28b 29a 30c.

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