Color Idioms

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1. Out of the blue: something happens unexpectedly or without warning.

“Our cousins arrived out of the blue for a visit.”

2. Once in a blue moon: an event is very rare.

“We only see a meteor shower once in a blue moon.”

3. Feeling blue: To feel sad or depressed.

“I’ve been feeling blue since I heard the news.”

4. Blue in the face: To try very hard to convince someone of something without any success.

“You can argue till you’re blue in the face, but I won’t change my mind”.

5. True blue: To be loyal or faithful.

“She’s true blue, always standing by her friends no matter what”.

6. Blue ribbon: To be superior quality or distinction; the best of a group.

“The blue ribbon went to the most outstanding pie in the contest.”

7. Blue-collar: Relating to manual or industrial work and workers.

“My family has been blue-collar for generations, working in the steel industry.”

8. Into the blue: heading into the unknown or an uncertain situation.

“They sailed off into the blue, searching for new lands.”

9. Blue-sky thinking: creative thinking that is not constrained by current thinking or beliefs.

“The team engaged in some blue-sky thinking to find a solution to the problem.”

10. Bolt from the blue: a sudden and unexpected event or piece of news.

“The resignation of the director was a bolt from the blue for the company.”

11. To be in a blue funk: to be in a panic or to be in an extremely anxious state.

“Don’t get in a blue funk, I am sure she will be here on time.”


1. All cats are gray in the dark: In the dark of night, appearances do not matter (because it is too
difficult to see anything clearly).

“You really need to give the house a fresh paint job. I know that all cats are gray in the dark, but
prospective buyers will be looking at this house during the day!”.

2. Gray divorce: divorce between older couples.

“The rates of gray divorce continue to increase throughout the country, with retirement acting as a
catalyst for many couples to reevaluate the integrity of their marriages.”

3. Gray power: the influence exerted by the elderly people in an organization, community, etc.

“When I decided to run for office, I knew that gray power would be an important factor in the election
and that I needed to rally support from the elderly.”

4. The men in gray suits: collectively, the businesspersons, politicians, or government officials who
make important decisions behind the scenes but who are unseen and unknown by the public.

“It's easy to get disillusioned as a voter when you know most decisions get made by the men in gray

5. Gray eminence: Someone who wields substantial power, authority, or influence from a secret,
anonymous, or unofficial position, as within a monarchy or political hierarchy.

“The wealthy oil baron became known as something of a gray eminence behind the governorship of the
state throughout the late 1960s.”

6. Shades of gray: Areas or qualities that exist between two extreme positions and are not as easily
categorized or defined.

“It would be a lot easier if things were black and white, but there is no clear-cut villain in this situation
for us to blame—just a lot of shades of gray.”

7. Gray matter: brains.

“The book was entertaining but it didn’t stimulate the gray matter.”

8. Get gray hair / turn gray: to have one’s hair turn gray from stress

“My father’s turning gray with all the stress we give him.”

9. Dorian Gray: A nickname applied to someone who doesn't seem to age.

“Your grandfather must be like Dorian Gray because he doesn't look 70, let alone 90!”

10. Little gray cells: Knowledge or the power to think critically. A reference to brain cells.

“This medication has very serious side effects, and I would rather hang on to all of my little gray cells
than extend what remains of my life by a couple of years.”

“The detective credited his little gray cells as the reason he was able to solve such a complex and
mysterious case.”


1. Green around the gills: the person who looks green around the gills looks ill or pale.

“After two sleepless nights, Lucy looked green around the gills and had shadows under her eyes.”

2. Green with envy: people who are green with envy are very angry because they can not have
something you have.
“Key was green with envy when she saw the new Mercedes her friend was driving.”

3. Have green fingers/have a green thumb: be good at gardening.

“Rob’s grandma had green fingers. She could grow anything.”

“A beautiful garden requires a lot of patience and a green thumb, of course.”

4. Green-collar worker: someone who works in the environmental sector.

“Have you ever considered having a career as a green-collar worker?”

5. The rub of the green: you will hear this expression when you listen to sports commentators. In
fact, it refers to good luck.

“If our team keeps the same result and gets the rub of the green, we will be champions.”

6. The green-eyed monster: the expression green-eyed monster refers to jealousy.

“Helen was very jealous of her husband but she managed to keep the green-eyed monster under control
most of the time.”

7. Give/get the green light: to give the green light to someone means to give them permission to
do something.

“If Mum gives the green light, we will go to Disneyland. Isn’t that great?!”

8. Where on god’s green earth: you can use the expression “where on god’s green earth” as an
emphatic way to make a question.

“Where on god’s green earth did you buy those funny shoes?”

9. Village green: the village green is a piece of grassy land surrounded by a plot usually in the
centre of the village.

“The children were playing in the village green while the adults were sitting around and chatting.”

10. The grass is always greener on the other side: other people’s circumstances seem more
desirable than your own but in reality are often not.

OPP: The grass is not always green on the other side; you need to be happy with what you have.

11. Green: someone that is new at something or someplace

“That new guy is really green, he has no idea what to do.”

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