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Placement Diagnostic Interview

Names of Facilitators: _________________________________________________________________________

Student Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Today’s Date: _______________________________________________________________________________
Country of origin: ___________________________________________________________________________
Date of entry: _______________________________________________________________________________


 What is your full name?

 Can you spell your name for me?
 What day is it today?
 How old are you?
 What day and month were you born?
 Where are you from?
 Do you have job?
 When did you come to the U.S.?
 What is your favorite holiday?

1-Low Beginning

 Tell me about your family.

 Can you describe your home for me?
 Can you describe these people’s clothing? (image)
 What is your daily routine like?
 What do you do this past weekend?
 What are these people doing? (image)
 What is something you can do well?
 I want to improve my English. What should I do?
 My friend Johnny doesn’t feel well. He is sick. His symptoms are a low fever, sniffles, coughing, and a
headache. What should he do?
 What did you do last weekend?
 What were you doing at 10:00 am yesterday?

2-High Beginning

 What do you like to do for fun?

 What is something you hate to do?
 What is one goal you want to accomplish this year?
 superlatives
 Compare these two people (image)
 How long have you been in Florida?
 How often do you visit the doctor?
o you clean your house?
o you order food?
o you travel for vacation?
 What will you do after class tonight?
 What will you do if it rains this weekend?

3-Low Intermediate

 What is something you used to do before you came to the U.S.?

 What are you going to do this Saturday and Sunday?
 What do you think are characteristics of a good employee?
 What should an employee do if they see an accident at work?
 How have you been feeling recently? Why?
o What have you been doing recently for fun? Why?
 If you had a million dollars, what would you do?

4-High Intermediate

 Would you rather have infinite money or infinite time? Why?

 What would you have done if class had been cancelled tonight?
 Talk about a time you found difficult and should have asked for help.
 Can you think about a time you said something that you shouldn’t have said? (like an argument?). What
would you have done differently?
 Think of the best advice you’ve ever received. Who gave you this advice and what did they tell you?



 Are teenagers given too much freedom these days?

 What should be done about air and water pollution?
 Have your teeth been checked by a dentist recently?
 What do you believe are some of the most important responsibilities of Americans?
 Do you believe people should have access to universal health care? Why?
 Do you believe people should retire at age 65? Why?
 What is a problem in your home country that you think should be fixed? What solution do you propose
to fix this problem?

General Comments:

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