A Uniao 08 02 1895

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(BRAZIL) 8 A UNIAO ORGAM DO PARTIDO REPUBLICANO DO ESTADO DA PARAHYBA oxtateita, 8 de Fevereiro do 1895, (PARAHY BA) io) ES LO HE (arta ye evident da Heed ile Pree 13 rt cm pel da ue gin ge “Tally nf Reel uier Ug brie, Re eS I (hanover Renta nti "eae dou tn Vise ante, toe Toqo stieae qui Teta Dine aves Ti de le de A ts te ale cess oper tas Mra 2 "Gul te ie da onli ieky rl halal a eee Baca a era = Tlie ha My ai <, Dhelaura Policia IR) eee Ovi sear tlie Pee rhe a ne ieee Taal Tete oh (Oe iattton on ‘a po [Ws le to i cc ae ae eos his Dr, slaw Be ssn rrcr ieee arises cana Cea do Misercoria = Sindy ALD rece ecient ene cae ibe ahi ea ieee es tie est ho en, dn aera ae wt dee Ses coe ai ia ie facteurs Toi onan aa eel fi honda ak eee f ape! en isesie tear oe te eae io) Se ds ee "A ealoeheae din ho stfreee Ve dein cars aes distri Ae 1889, contr do dia de Pe Bee ere rt fe eres ame er oe fetish nk te St em pe See PG ester tetera ciara at Sousa rng Tn 1s ng oe oe cee cot td ec a mime pace reins tae Sula san i Sete Nis Wid dl eM Ns) dn ape te “Sh sang 19 tn fa an ie = (Coa) — ye iy as a sma ea ei Ta aie, qe f ora on eg cee ‘Associagae. Commercial opie | wen Gorge Gate Vw ade comma ot | et ims siete Cour Sectvtnin da Sata Caen do potty ace Pia ena on 3 iad hi at ned ok saint Weochn Gece B® Bi Roatan eee iat MURISPRUDENCIAY [ier uaa ta ca ve nds Sh Nous forties {eid scat mine, ni tii Ho at Pen ets eee Covsae para ir tenn 8 ce foe hin ice ae see A ak ‘ td in| DIRECTO gee DA ciapntane Sheps re Sin | Frediais Aasce Rear Ale | ua eur ream saverens O) acon ier tw Fer 2 aon oe eee ‘me yescripases dh let e @ preecito 1° Rcrotarin, Peanelsen da site " eee) oe “a Sam inertia Mont 8 Lames OFCAMEntO Municipal seca reanles waits chur Tasers Pence Coed, Ga Capita para © ern sk cn af allo © ato quad neo quan "Nicer Since oe ag ; ‘fori ue sll nado nd do 1895 aan Peary Tiara, ‘mate foray a a foe Nevdere ser roel Sone 1° Tot Tend de C, Vera SUMPLENTES | presto Ne i : senna ww ena 1688 Assomblea Lagislativa do "india. «wow dows Ait ju Tires Opin Estado da Parahyba salsa cna i de cod Sir ate synteny Sets exiorners ch 6 de | anerpoace ope ater | it Ses qetuee Remo de Soe fat ai end jet eal nr fran Troainia do Ban? Sv. Vie {etacfaemete pitas jel) CONBUSSIO DECOSTAS | ES Oy Detling ny snd, |gio Wale vee eae era rae el oar Somes | f 1 dera at T Geea yesh Slam, | 120 dannd prado | atom Ve fhe dit, can oven dee) COMMISSION atoumtAL, |S. tle, omic gente wi) 1* Anonio Conse Pasa |i inva, Pag «Din Hid "ne pris Voss ties a rea ic! # tert real Se ay Cota a ‘a oes 100 O50 dnt je slo m|t dine linen fae d tnomae aya etaieg ao pen errse sual Ce sin fees Gieterllante cmt wait] Tih elas sony ele on dara few cae ai muna el i [Airaza’ o/s! compa na pa Coe eee soc Sah tne ron tk cul ni pn on ae ie anes era eee ral ate Sait a Tmo dinstcepa ie ||US aaa aan fe ceca pete st ic oy | ei retest, Saud cota Quest “Pine Pree Ceo, Iev ter on allie amp + Re nine don Quote; flr minora ita Aseabie, orequnaente Tie Gar Mangus Titi lge lane sardines coeel aacepet” © § | <0 tec uns td ihe de Saat, A UNIAO—Sexticfeira, $ de Fevereiro de 1895, 8 ; ‘Juizo Municipal, [ma Wwaiey Mia, tsi dnc i Ee "is. Sana Caado Miconcoria. « q ire ist phate é aa 2 . Maria Tanta do ston | ale eee pcan amar rear rer Tavares en a ree on Maan lth? 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Soxtateiza, 8 de Foyoreiro de 1895 Lloyd Brazile : acre Banh » ST Pontos dd horte j A ry ae OD. Ty, ! Rerenoenes 3% D'CLERTAN 'ANEWIA, FRAQUEZA, OCBILIDADE, CONVALESCENCIA ean bog rizes UATE, Blan cANONICA reg (0, TISICA PRINCIPIANTE ELIXIR TY IT ae ee Tet Qt Rroumarcr Coereiee A Attencaio Rossbach : Brothers AC Bithotes a venda em mao des. cauielisas Rae era NETS Gates Aveuonano © melhor ° Crise finaneeira

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