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Agricultural Science


Problems facing local and reignal agriculture.

Praedial larceny - This is the stealing of agricultural produce.

Poor Infrastructure Development such as roads,water supply systems, ect.

Poor Infrastructure of Securities to be qualified for a loan.

NB. Collateral is something that is put in place of a loan for example, land
title etc.
A loan is borrowed money.

Lack of Markets - a market is anywhere produce or products are sold.

eg. Online (Amazon, Alibaba), to individuals, supermarkets, other countries

Lack of Factories (Agro processing plants) - Factories are where raw materials are
converrted into products.
eg. Tomatoes are processed into ketchups.

Topography - This refers to the Landforms (Flatland, if the land slopes, if its
holly, or mountainous.)
Flat and slightly sloping lands are more suitable for agricultural production,
these forms of lands are more fertile and can easily accommodate machinery.
It is expensive to farm on hilly and mountanious lands).

Limited Participation of Youth in Agriculture

The youth is a stakeholder in the development process of agriculture especially
in view of the grat assets of youth.

YOuths will be lured to urban centers by the promise of economic opportunity.

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