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û1*û/û=&(6¿Q¿I MATERYAL


1 have/get something
We use have something
done (have+object+past
participle) when a
professional person,
e.g. a mechanic, a
plumber etc. does some
work for us.
I’ve just had my car
serviced. I have it done
every winter.
We’re going to have our
kitchen painted. (Painters
are going to do it.)
In informal English, we
can use get something
done with the same
Your hair looks lovely.
Where do you get it cut? SORULAR:
2 have somebody do  5HDGWKHGLDORJXH
something/get somebody DQGILOOLQWKHEODQNVZLWK
to do something VXLWDEOHZRUGV
In formal English, we 6DOO\ We cannot lock the
use have+object+infinitive door. The lockset needs (I)
 New-generation robots
to talk about making ………....................................
are designed to carry out your
someone do something. -RKQ OK, honey. I’ll get it
household chores; you can ......
The customs officer had (II) …….................................
me open my suitcase. .....…..
...... the lawn.
I’m sorry about the 6DOO\And this table,
$ have / mow
mess in your room. I’ll dear... We cannot use it
% make / mown
have someone clean it because it is not steady.
& get / mow
immediately. -RKQ Hmm! We
' have / to mow yourself into trouble, you had
In informal should get them (III)
( get / mown better listen to his advice.
English, we use ….................……. by a
&HYDS$ B) Could you please help me
get+object+to+infinitive craftsman.
with the same meaning. find the books that I need to $ change - changing -
 Your housemate has been study for my exams?
Robert is going to get repair
taking important exams for a C) Sorry, but I couldn’t have
the craftsman to repair the % changed - changing -
week and studying until late time to clear up this mess. Can
chairs. repaired
hours. Yesterday evening, he you do the dishes, please?
3 need+ing & changing - changed -
drank and ate many things but D) Don’t feel offended, but
We can use an -ing form repaired
couldn’t put the things away as I don’t want to share a house
or infinitive after need to ' changes - changes -
he rushed off from the house. with you anymore.
give a passive meaning. repaired
He wrote you a brief note to get E) Why haven’t you called
These dirty shirts need ( changing - changes -
you to do something for him. He and let me know that you won’t
to be washed. ( Somebody repairs
said: ...... be able to cook dinner?
must wash them.) &HYDS&
These dirty shirts need A) If you don’t want to get &HYDS&

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