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GeoSpatial Technologies and

Web Applications

M. Arulraj
Sci/Engr – SF
Manager, Bhuvan Web Services Development
GIS Activities in Problem Solving Environment

Empowering Human Take to

Activities Action

Plan Complex Data Modeling

Analyze Interactive Mapping


Visualization Modeling

. . . Application of this science is multi-disciplinary

Major Components of GIS and Role of open source s/w

Data Creations
Vector, Raster & attribute

Data organizations
& Management

Complete GIS
Data query, processing, Solutions
analysis and modeling

Data presentations
and visualizations OpenLayers

Data sharing and

Tools and technologies
• Quantum GIS
• Open Jump
• SAGA, MapWindow GIS
• OpenLayer API Desktop GIS
• Mapfish,
• Geoeditor, • GRASS
Geoweb Remote • OSIM
• Geexplorer
2.0 Sensing • SAGA

• Geonetwork
Statistical •R


• Gpsbabel RDBMS
• Gpsdrive
• TerrLib

GIS s/w
GIS Servers developme
• Osgeo MapServer
• Geotool
• Geoserver
• OpenLayer API
What is open source?
Open source software is software where the source code is made available under
a license that allows the modification, and re
re--distribution of the software at will
The distribution terms of open
open--source software must comply with the following

 Free redistribution
 Source code
 Derived works
 Integrity of the author's source code
 No discrimination against persons or groups
 No discrimination against fields of endeavor
 Distribution of license
 License must not be specific to a product
 License must not restrict other software
 License must be technology
What is open source?
1. Free Redistribution
The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a
component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several
different sources. The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale.
2. Source Code
The program must include source code, and must allow distribution in source code as well
as compiled form. Where some form of a product is not distributed with source code,
there must be a well-publicized means of obtaining the source code for no more than a
reasonable reproduction cost preferably, downloading via the Internet without charge.
3. Derived Works
The license must allow modifications and derived works, and must allow them to be
distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software.
4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code
The license may restrict source-code from being distributed in modified form only if the
license allows the distribution of "patch files" with the source code for the purpose of
modifying the program at build time. The license must explicitly permit distribution of
software built from modified source code. The license may require derived works to carry
a different name or version number from the original software.
5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons.
What is open source?
6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of
endeavor. For example, it may not restrict the program from being used in a business, or
from being used for genetic research.
7. Distribution of License
The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom the program is redistributed
without the need for execution of an additional license by those parties.
8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product
The rights attached to the program must not depend on the program's being part of a
particular software distribution. If the program is extracted from that distribution and used
or distributed within the terms of the program's license, all parties to whom the program is
redistributed should have the same rights as those that are granted in conjunction with the
original software distribution.
9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software
The license must not place restrictions on other software that is distributed along with the
licensed software. For example, the license must not insist that all other programs distributed on the same medium must be
open-source software.

10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral

No provision of the license may be predicated on any individual technology or style of
OGC – Open Geospatial Consortium

• International Standards organisation working

towards the development of publicly available
interface standards.

• Founded in 1994

• Four Operational Programs

• Standards Programs
• Interoperability Programs
• Communication and Outreach Program
• Compliance Program
OGC – Open Geospatial Consortium

• Standards Programs
• Rules and guidelines, aimed at the optimum degree of
• 46 OGC standards at present including WMS, WFS, WCS, GML,
KML, City GML, Open LS etc.
• Interoperability Programs
• Capability – common set of business procedure, read and write same
file format, using same protocols
• 85 initiatives to speed up the development and usage of interoperability
• Communication and Outreach Program
• Adoption, Implementation of OGC standards, Development and
supporting regional and sectoral programmes.
• Compliance Program
• Free web testing facility to certificate and lively harmonisation of a
lively group of developers.
What is web service?

A 'Web service' (also Web Service) is defined by the W3C as "a software
system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction
over a network".
Web services allows us to build a highly distributed infrastructure.

Each web services can be dedicated to a specific task.

The web service concept defines the relationships between the three
major actions in geo-spatial data access:
 Service providers who publish services;
 Service requestor who search and use services;
 The service registry that matches the request with the existing services.

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a general-purpose specification for creating

custom markup languages. It is classified as an extensible language because it allows
its users to define their own elements. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the sharing
of structured data across different information systems, particularly via the Internet,
and it is used both to encode documents and to serialize data.

It started as a simplified subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML),

and is designed to be relatively human-legible. By adding semantic constraints,
application languages can be implemented in XML. These include XHTML, MathML,
GraphML, Scalable Vector Graphics, MusicXML, and thousands of others. Moreover,
XML is sometimes used as the specification language for such application languages.

XML is recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It is a fee-free open
standard. The recommendation specifies both the lexical grammar and the
requirements for parsing.
OGC Web Services (OWS) Initiatives

• OGC has started a series of web-based

interoperability initiatives since 1999.

• The purpose of those initiatives is to develop a set

of draft interoperability specifications for
considering as official OGC specifications.
– Web feature services specification (WFS)
– Web coverage services specification (WCS)
– Web map services specification (WMS)
– Web registries services specification (WRS)
Web Coverage Services (WCS) Specification
• OGC Web Coverage Services Specification defines the interfaces
between web-based clients and servers for accessing on-line multi-
dimensional geospatial data in an interoperable way.
– For raster(grid) data and multi-dimensional remote
sensing imagery (e.g., multiple bands, time-series, etc)
 Get Capabilities
 Describe Coverage
 Get Coverage
Web Feature Services (WFS) Specifications
• OGC Web Feature Services Specification defines the interfaces between web-based clients
and servers for accessing feature-based geosptial data (basic,Xlink,Transaction)
– Vector data, such as road network, political boundary, cadastral data, river,
coastal lines, etc.
 Get Capabilities  Get GML object
 Describe Feature Type  Transaction
 Get Feature  LockFeature
Web Map Services Specification
• WMS, which filters and portrays spatial data to return static maps
(rendered as pictures by the server). (Basic,Queryable)
• It is one of the most widely implemented OGC specifications.

 Get capabilities
 Get map
 Get featureinfo
Web Catalogue Services Specification (CSW)
• Web Registries Services Specification defines the interfaces between web-based clients
and servers for finding the required data or services from the registries.
• Originally, the WRS was called Catalog Interoperability Specification (State-less).
Geo-Information System- Simple
External and
Internal data

Data Management Model Management

Spatial & Spatial model &
Attribute Non-spatial model
Major Components
Non-spatial data
• Database Server-
Database Management
Management • Application server-
Application software
Dialog Management • Hardware
Attribute base query and report
Spatial query and spatial output


Decision maker Information system

Desktop GIS- General Architecture


GIS Applications

GIS Data
What is Web GIS ?
The integration of GIS and Internet technologies is allowing
GIS professionals to solve one of the most important
problems inhibiting information utility: How to provide access
to information and data without burdening end users with
complicated and expensive software. Internet is a perfect
means of GIS data accessing, analyzing and transmission.
The World Wide Web, FTP (file transfer protocol) and HTTP
programs make it convenient to access and transfer data files
across the Internet. The Internet provides GIS users easy
access to acquire GIS data from diverse data source in
distributed environment. GIS users can use and download the
data by sending the request through web browser application.
Internet/ Web Environment
Internet Protocols :

 e-mail (Simple Mail Transport Protocol or SMTP),

 Telnet (Facilitates login to a computer host to execute
 Usenet (Network News Transfer Protocol or NNTP (Distributes
Usenet news articles derived from topical discussions on
newsgroups) News.
 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is another important protocol in
web environment. This network protocol is both a program
and the method used to transfer files between computers.

In addition to these, the World Wide Web has its own

protocol: Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP. The Internet
uses the Hypertext Transfer protocol (HTTP) to communicate
queries and response across the Internet. HTTP is the client-
server protocol; it takes request from client and transmits the
request to web server, which then sends back its response.
Web GIS Can Do…

The World Wide Web is fast becoming a standard

platform for Geographic Information System (GIS). It is a
means for GIS users to exchange GIS data, conduct GIS
analysis and present GIS output in the form of maps.
Internet has facilitated three major changes in GIS:
 Access to data;
 Transmission of data; and
 GIS Data analysis.

The Internet GIS applications provide all or almost all functionalities of

traditional GIS software. In addition, it has additional functions that
take advantage of the Internet and its associated protocols.
The user of Internet GIS application can use traditional GIS tools for
analyzing their data without having any specific GIS software
Components of Web GIS
A client/server application has three components:
• Client,
• Server, and
• Network .
The client sends a request to the server, which processes
the request and returns the result to the client, the client
then manipulates the data and/or results and presents to
the user. Internet GIS applies the client/server concept in
performing GIS analysis tasks.
Web GIS- Basic Properties
 Web GIS technology is dynamic, for example, once any client (s) or
database administrator updates the data or information at server end,
it will available for all the clients on web at the same time.
 The Internet GIS can also link with real time information, such as
satellite images, traffic movements and accident information by real
time connection with the relevant information sources.
 The applications developed are cross-platform and accessible through
any web browser.
 The Internet GIS applications can categorize into two major categories
i.e. server-side applications and client-side applications. Server-side
applications rely on GIS server (usually reside on a remote server) to
perform all GIS analysis, while client-side applications perform GIS
analysis and processing in the Web browser on the user’s local
BHUVAN – Indian Geo-Platform of ISRO
Visualization (30 TB)
Maps & OGC
and Free Download Applications (75+)
(110 GB) Services (~7000+)

Crowd Sourcing
State Portals (30)
(23 M)

2009 2012 2015

Visualisation Mashups Platform
Bhuvan : Indian Geo-
Geo-Platform of ISRO
Bhuvan (Sanskrit for Earth) is a Geoportal of ISRO (, allowing host of services
covering visualization, free data download, thematic map display and analysis, timely information on disaster
and project specific GIS applications since August 2009, developed using Open source Geospatial Solutions -
OpenLayers, MapServer, GeoServer, PostgreSQL, POSTGIS, GDAL/OGR.
Name Description Data Availability
Bhuvan 2D / 3D Allows visualization with pan, zoom, place Resourcesat-1– AWiFS, LISS III & LISS IV,
name search, overlays and online editing Cartosat 1 & 2 – PAN (merged with LISS IV),
Oceansat – 1&2 - OCM
NRSC Open EO Data Allows download of free satellite data and Resourcesat-1: AWiFS Ortho and LISS III Ortho,
Archive products of specified period and resolution IMS-1: HySI, CartoDEM, Oceansat-2:OCM2:
NDVI(LAC, GAC), VF and Albedo, Water bodies
Fraction, Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential, Ocean
Heat Content, D 26, Wind Products.
Thematic Services To display or analyze using WMS / WMTS Thematic Maps of 1:10000, 1:50000, 1:250000 –
(OGC web Services) Landuse/Landcover, Wasteland, Geomorphology,
Lineament, Urban Landuse, Urban Sprawl,
Erosion, Salt Affected and Water Logged Area,
Water bodies.
Disaster Services To provide timely information on various Drought, Earthquake, Flood, Forest Fire, Landslide
disasters for better decision making and Cyclone.
Data Support for International Disasters.
Projects To provide platform to create, visualize, share, Municipal GIS, Tourism GIS, Forestry, Irrigation,
analyze Geospatial data products and services Agriculture, Urban, E-governance, Rural etc
towards Spatial Mashups
NRSC Open EO Data Archive
Since Sep 2011
Geophysical Product Resolution Availability Tile Spatial Extent Total No. Size on Disk (in
of tiles GBs-compressed)
Cartosat-1 : 1 arc Sec 2005-14 1oX1o 835 5.70
DEM (All versions) (~ 32 m)
IMS-1 : Spectral Binned 2008-12 Scene Based 306 0.8
Hyper Spectral Imager Data (17 bands)

Resourcesat-1 : 56 m 2008, 2009 (2 seasons), 2010 (2 seasons), 1oX1o 1648 26.5

AWiFS Ortho 2013 (2 seasons)
Resourcesat -1/2 : 24 m 2008-09, 2011, 2012, 2013 15’X15’ 14703 52.2
Oceansat-2 : OCM : 1 Km LAC- 2011(Monthly), India 653 1.83
NDVI (GAC,LAC), VF, From 2012 (Fortnight)
Albedo,Filtered NDVI, Surface -Water NDVI-GAC-2013
Layer (Monthly), GAC- World
From 2013 Nov
(2-Day Repeativity)
NICES’s Products : (TCHP,OHC,D26, 0.25 deg, 0.5 deg TCHP: 1998 to till date OHC, D26: Jul-2013 North Indian Ocean 32022 23
MM5, WRF, Wind (Global Coverage), to till date, Wind Stress, Wind Stress Curl, (30S – 30N; 30-120E)
Soil Moisture, Snow Melt & Freeze, Wind Velocity-Sep2013 to till date
Ozone Products, Ocean Mean Temp MM5,WRF:2004 to2013 India(0- 40N; 60-100E)
and 16 more products ) 54 0.637

Water Bodies Fraction 3’X3’ 2004- 2013(39Months) From Jan-2014 India 113 0.0703
Snow Cover Fraction 3’X3’ From March-2014 (Fortnight) India 33 0.00251
Snow Albedo 250m From Jan 2015 to Feb 2015 Quadrant scene 136 0.0339

16000 14869
Time period No. of downloads 12000
Sep 2011 to Mar 2012 32273 8000
6000 3471
Apr 2012 to Mar 2013 84909 4000 2347
1046 452
Apr 2013 to Mar 2014 96350 2000
Apr-2014 to Mar 2015 119366 0
Apr-2015 to Mar 2016 168748
Apr-2016 to Dec 2016 123576
Total 625222
Thematic Services
“OGC Web Services (WMS, WMTS) towards interoperability”
Bhuvan-Thematic Services facilitate the users to select, browse and query the Thematic
Datasets from this portal. Users can also consume these Thematic Datasets and integrate
into their systems as ‘OGC Web Services’.
 Land Use Land Cover -50 K (2005-06, 2011-12)
 Land Use Land Cover -250 K (10 Cycles : 2004-05 to 2013-14)
 Land Use Land Cover – 10 K (SIS-DP)
 Urban Land Use: 10K (NUIS)
 Wasteland: 50K (2008-09)
 Geomorphology:50K (2005-06) & Lineament: 50K
 Erosion :50K (2005-06)
 Salt Affected and Water Logged Area :50K (2005-06)
 Urban Sprawl
 Water bodies
 Flood Annual Layers (1998 to 2010) – Assam & Bihar
 Flood Hazard Layer (1998-2007) – Assam ,Bihar & Orissa
 Metadata NSDI 2.0
 Analysis, Statistics, Web services, View based Print,
Add WMS Layer, Clip & Ship
Disaster Services
“Disaster Management Information Support”
Theme Availability Remarks/Source
Drought 2008 to 2012 Derived under National Agricultural Drought Assessment
 Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Monitoring System (NADAMS)
 Normalized Differential Water Index (NDWI)
 Soil Moisture Index (SMI)
 Short Wave Angle Slope Index (SASI)
Flood Events
 2014 (AP, AS BR, JK, MG, OR, UP, WB) 50+ events Derived from RADARSAT and RISAT-2/1
 2013 (AP, AS BR, DL, GJ, MH, OR, UK, UP, WB) 24 events
 2012 (AP, AS, BR, TN) 26 events
 2011 (AS, BR, OR UP, WB) 46 events
 2010 (PB) 1 event
 2009 (Andhra Pradesh) 3 events
 2008 (Bihar) 1 event
Flood Annual Layer
 Assam, Bihar 1999 to 2010 (12 Years)
Flood Hazard Layer Maximum Flood Inundation extent observed in that year
 Assam, Bihar, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh 1998-2007
Assessment of frequency of inundation.

Forest Fire Alert 2008 to 2015 Indian Forest Fire Response and Assessment System
Updated on daily basis (Day and Night) during Feb to June.

Based on three inputs – Average fire density, Fire period

Forest Fire Regime 2003 to 2012 duration and Annual fire deviation.
• Inventory 4 (3 Events + 1 Route) Kedarnath, Okhimath, Sikkim & Amarnath
• Hazard Zone 2 (Uttarakhand & HP) Sector wise (8 sectors)
• Landslide Early Warning System
• Recent Seismicity 2013 3 events - USGS
• Historic Seismicity 1819 to 2011 Magnitude greater than 6 - IMD
Cyclone 2013-2014 Phailin, Hudhud, Nilofer
– 2D, 3D view, Time series, Add Content, Geo-location, Navigation,
Reverse geocoding, Mobile compatibility etc.
– Online Mapping
– Dynamic Maps : Choropleth Maps
– Decision Support Dashboard
– Evaluation water supply
pipeline grid using GIS

Site Suitability Analysis
Location Based Services
– Citizen centric Application : Locate post offices, services, pin code
– Election GIS : Polling booth location, Basic Minimum Facilities,
Vehicle Trackin
– Geotagging of Assets – MGNREGA, IWMP,
Vellammal Engg College,
Housing for All Madurai

– Geoprocessing for monument Authority of India

Post office search Rural Connectivity
• Central
– Delta Information System
 DECCMA India – Indian Deltas
– Department of Posts
 Postal Delivery Zone Map creation, 2 tier moderation, statistics, Responsive
Web Design.
 ‘crop, price and mandi location’ details with admin – state, dist and taluk
• 3 crore assets, web services, lakhs of users, NIC, Geotagging, reports
– Flood Early Warning System – Mahanadi, GodavariCitizen Centric - Post
• Run off, Inundation, Hydrograph
• Central
– Hydrology Analysis Module : IWMP
• 6 state, visualization of catchment hydrology layer.
– Light House Geotagging : Min of Shipping
• 2 Level moderation
– Forest Fire Alert System
• SMS and Email on SNPP (375 and 750)
– Island Information System

Island Information System ENVIS

• Central
• WAMSI– WAQF property details along with photos
• Housing For All – Web Services, Geotagging, Analysis, 2 level
• National Monument Authority
– Online Geoprocessing
• Bhuvan – NABARD
• Provision to edit, Cadastral, Microwatershed, Field Photo
• PRAGATI – PMO Project Monitoring

G-Governance Central Pollution Control Board
• Central
– Health GIS
• Vector Borne Diseases, Public Health facilities
• Air Quality Station
– Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
– Soil Health Card
– Group of Ministry – IPU
– Clean Ganga
• Ghat progress, CPCB & CWS data visualization
– Ministry of Social Justice
• SC/ST Census Viewer for 110 Villages
• option to view plantation layer boundary,
filed data and moderation
• State
– Telangana Water Resources Information System (TWRIS)
 Visualisation - 39000+ Tanks, Major & Medium Command Projects , Canal Networks,
Lift Irrigation Schemes, Dams, Barrage/Weir/Anicut,
 Mapper Tools for Tanks and Ayacut Boundary delineation, Moderation, Statistics
 Cropping Pattern & statistics and Hydromet Info – AWS & Ground Water Level trends
– Telangana Revenue Department : Land Administration
 Land Info linked with LeaseDeedId, stats T-WRIS
– HP Forest Department (v2)
 Forest Fire alert
 Management layers
– Punjab – Health GIS
– Telangana - Haritha Haram
– Anganwadi Mapaping – AP
– Kerala PWD
 Citizen reporting (2 Way)
• State
– Election GIS – Tamil Nadu Election 2016
 Vehicle Tracking

– Citizen Centric application –

 NTR Vaidya Seva and Drugs

– APSHCL – Phase II on repair works

– Mahabubnagar GIS, Krishnagiri GIS
– Punjab Election – 2017
• Public Utilities and Emergency (108 Ambulance)

– MH Water Resources Management Support

Citizen Centric – Health GIS
Hot Weather Outlook
• The hot weather outlook product gives the likelihood of
occurrence of hot weather conditions which are estimated
from daily maximum heat index obtained from ISRO and IMD
Automated Weather Station (AWS) data
• Slider selection for Day wise Hot Weather Outlook
• State, District, Taluk selection for finer Grid view
• Data Available for Visualization
– Administrative layers
– Heat Index
– Adjusted Heat Index
– Maximum Temperature Anomaly data(Current)
– Maximum Temperature Anomaly data(Forecast+24hrs)
– Hot Weather Outlook
– Maximum Temperature data(Current)
– Maximum Temperature data(Forecast+24hrs)
• Hot Weather Statistics
Table view representing Grid points classification
– State wise
– District wise
– Taluk
– Day selection
Geo-tagging of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) Assets
• Geotagging of RKVY Assets for 18 Sectors
• Sector, State, District wise Visualization
• Project Year selection and filtering
• Role based access for the Modules (3 Levels of Users)
1. Administrator
2. Data Provider
• Citizen View
• 2 Level Moderation
– District Sector Officer
– State Sector Officer
• Sector wise Statistics
• Geotagged more than 2000 Assets
Department of Post
“Administrator view having 36 State level logins and Citizen having option to view, search and Pincode
information system”
Salient Features
 Spatial Visualization of Geo-tagged post offices based in the
filters provided
 Moderation by Department of Post officials
 Search Post offices / Proximity by Location name, Filter by
Services provided
 Pincode – Pincode information system with Details of services

Slide 37

a1 this stat pls remove... we dontkow th origianl count

arul, 18-Jan-17

Ground Water Prospects Information System

“Geological parameters: Lithology (rock type), Geomorphology (landform), Geological

structures (fractures/faults) and Ground water prospects (Authorized users): Probable
Depth and yield range of wells”
Slide 38

a2 logos are repeating

arul, 18-Jan-17
Integrated Watershed Management
Programme (IWMP)
Application facilitating the consolidated view of the Watersheds along with all
supported datasets aimed at planners and general public.

• Hierarchical Watershed Select Mechanism

• Visualization of Watershed datasets Action Plan,
Cadastral Boundary, Administrative Layers etc.
• Time series satellite data for monitoring the progress.
• Year-wise IWMP Watersheds, Net Plan Visualization.
• Customized Bhuvan Mapper for IWMP Users
• Admin, Data Provider, Guest views.
• Reports of Watersheds State/District/Year-wise.

“Monitoring and Evaluation”
WebGIS Services : Applications on Bhuvan
Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Program (AIBP)

 Bhuvan – AIBP Portal: Facilitates Visualization

of Irrigation projects carried under 2 Phases
 Phase-III: Ongoing
 Datasets Available for Visualization:
 Canal Networks,
 Canal Boundaries,
 Hydraulic Structures

Monitoring the Canal progress on Bhuvan

Phase-III: This module is for the Ongoing
projects facilitating CWC officials for the Online
monitoring through Satellite data and
Digitization Tools available.
Forestry : Karnataka Forest
“Joint effort of KFD and ISRO towards developing a geospatial query system resulting a enterprise
image server(EIS) working as a virtual GIS laboratory providing organization wide access to spatial
data including high resolution imagery and GIS tools with an emphasis on analysis, processing of
spatial data”

Status of Forest

Karnataka Landuse

Forest fire locations

Forest Fire regimes

Karnataka forest Change Monitoring

regularly Shares
Geospatial data on
Management and Bhuvan regularly update the
the field info
portal for providing online
info and decision making

“Know Your Forest, Active Fire Mapper, Asset Management, Change Monitoring,
Greening India, Wild Life, My layers”
Tourism GIS and Heritage site

 Top Destinations
 Hotels and Stay
 Food Hubs
 Tourist spots
 Heritage walk
 Services
 Travel- Find Route
 Commercial
Urban Information System
NUIS : 139 towns
School Bhuvan
An e-learning portal for the students

A portal providing map based learning to bring awareness among the students about country's
natural resources, environment and their role in sustainable development.

Salient Features
• Visualization of 9Th ,10th
class maps of various
categories ( Agriculture,
Water, Soil, Mineral etc)
based on NCERT syllabus
• Provision to swipe the
layers to know the ground
• Provision to take print the
maps in PDF format

Future Plans
• Online Interactive quiz for
both practice and exam
• On click Feature
Urban Growth
Characterization and Monitoring of the urban growth patterns using Multi
temporal and multi spectral satellite data
Environmental Information Network

150 Location ; 9 Categories - “Autonomous Body, Centre of Excellence, ENVIS Centre, Focal
Point, Institute/Stat. Body/Regd. Society, Ministry, Public Sector Undertaking, Regional Office,
Subordinate Office”
Bhuvan – Ganga Portal

“Platform for crowd sourcing to monitor pollution in river Ganga and enable decision
makers to prioritize interventions by enabling public to collect and report information
on various pollution sources that affects the water quality of river Ganga”
State Portals – 30 States
 A customized state viewer for the state of Andhra
Pradesh having various Natural Resources, Disaster
information besides Admin layers and Socio-
economic details
 Dynamic custom print with active layers and legend
 Add Layer: KML, Raster, Shapefile, WMS
 Tools: Draw, Measure, AOI, WMS-Manager,
Analysis, Search, Custom Print.
Looking for the volunteers in the areas of
• Language
• Data providers
• Validation
• Developers etc

If you wish to collaborate with Bhuvan,

please feel free to write to us

or visit:
Thank You


Governance Platform

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