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No :08

Problem :
Create a table for employee details with employee number as primary key
and following fields:Name,Designation,Gender,Age,Date of joining and
Salary.Insert atleast ten rows and perform various queries using any one
Comparision,Logical,Set,Sorting and Grouping operators.
To create a table for employee details with employee number as primary key
and following fields:Name,Designation,Gender,Age,Date of joining and
Salary.Insert atleast ten rows and perform various queries using any one
Comparision,Logical,Set,Sorting and Grouping operators.

Step1: create a table for employee with primary key and field name in SQL.
Step2 :Insert the ten values for the field in the table.
Step3 : show the inserted rows using select statement.
Step4 : write a query for comparsion statement such as greater then,or
lessthen,greaterthen or equal to, lessthen or equal to,not equal,equal to.
Step5 : write the query for logical operator such as AND,OR and NOT.
Step6 : write the query for set operator.
Step7 : write the query for sorting the rows in ascending and descending order.
Step8 : write the query for grouping operator such as union,intersection and
Step9 : Exit from the SQL prompt.

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